1.绿野仙踪英语概括 篇一
“The wizard of Oz” is a book I bought.
The book is about a girl of Rosie and her dog, Toro, who met a tornado. The tornado blew them to a place called Munch king. Where the witch told Rosie to return to her hometown, must go back to oz. Rosie on the road to find oz also delivered a few friends, they are the scarecrow, tin man and the lion. Rosie and his friends went to ozhi to help the scarecrow, the iron man and the lion to realize their wishes, but the desire to go home did not come true. So many Rosie continued to look for the people who could help her return home. Later, they came to the Quaid forest country, where the witch Glinda can make many Rosie returned home. Gan Linda said, many shoes on Rosies feet can help her return to her hometown. In the end, Rosie returned to his hometown.
This book makes me realize that the power of friendship is huge. Only by helping each other can we achieve mutual wishes.
2.绿野仙踪英语概括 篇二
高中英语教学不仅要教会学生基本的语言知识, 形成基本的语言技能, 而且要对学生进行品德、性格、文化、思维、创新意识及学习能力等方面的教育, 其中就包括生命教育。
一、直接利用教材相关内容, 开展生命教育
(一) 通过教学引导学生了解自身的生长特点, 树立正确的生命观, 养成良好的生活习惯和学习习惯
在Book1B Unit13 Healthy Eating中, 教材设置了健康食品与垃圾食品的讨论环节;阅读文让学生了解身体所需的各种营养来自于哪些食物, 并从饮食习惯的角度提出了vegetarians (素食主义者们) 倡导的理念:我们不该猎杀动物以供我们享用。文章提倡食用eco-food, green food.只有合理饮食, 才能拥有健康的身体。写作部分要求学生会读、会写英文食谱。这就要求学生不但要从生活中学、从书本中学, 更要在动手实践中学。讨论以“健康的生活方式”话题展开, 并结合课后的阅读训练Don’t be a couch potato一文, 提出人们要合理利用网络, 养成良好的生活习惯。
(二) 通过教学掌握交通安全、防溺水的基本技能;
在Book2A Unit8 First Aid中, Warning up部分通过对drowning (溺水) 、traffic accident (车祸) 、burns (烧伤) 、bleeding (流血) 、cuts (割伤) 、choking (窒息) 等情景的引入, 要求学生讨论如下问题:
(1) What would you do in the situations?
(2) What do you already know about first aid?
(3) What could we do to prevent these accidents?
口语练习部分围绕safety around the house (房屋内外的安全常识) 这一话题要求学生小组讨论说出如:电线应放在孩子够不着的地方;油锅着火时, 要迅速关掉煤气, 迅速将锅盖上;确保家里的每个成员都知道如何拨打110和120电话;不要在湿地上放梯子等常识语句。这不仅锻炼了学生的口语表达, 更直接地对学生进行了生命安全教育。
阅读部分DRABC (学做大夫) 、Dealing with common injuries (处理常见的创伤) 这两篇文章不仅在于提高学生的阅读能力, 更着眼在教学生通过阅读掌握基本的急救技能, 助人为乐时应具备的急救常识。课后要求学生讨论如下问题:
(1) What should you do if you find a person with a knife in his or her leg?
(2) What should you do if you find a person who has stopped breathing?
(3) You find a girl unconscious on a sofa.You think that she may be poisoned.What do you do first?
(4) What should you do if someone has been bitten by a dog?
(5) Your friend burnt herself while she was cooking.What could you do to help her?
最后, 本单元要求学生做一个急救箱, 要求包括bandage (绷带) , a pair of scissors (剪刀) , a thermometer (温度计) , a flashlight (手电筒) , a list of emergency phone numbers (急救电话单) 等。
这样, 教师完全可以通过一周左右的课时时间, 利用教材的设计把普及急救知识、语言技能、思想教育, 实践动手能力结合起来对学生进行更进一步的生命安全教育。
(三) 通过教材教学生掌握自我保护、应对灾难的基本技能
在Book1A Unit 4 Unforgettable experiences, Book 2B Unit10 Frightening nature中, 通过对洪灾、地震、火山、飓风、台风话题的引入, 让学生通过讨论了解不同自然灾害的特征。通过阅读文中主人公在洪水中、在火山喷发时、在台风袭来时成功脱险的经历教育学生临危不乱, 互相帮助, 运用急救、自救常识进行必要的自我保护, 顽强拼搏, 只要有希望活下去, 就绝不能放弃。教师要利用单元中一系列的活动从不同的角度对学生进行生命教育活动, 让学生在整个的学习活动中无意识地产生珍惜生命的意识。
(四) 培养积极的生命态度, 树立正确的人生观
Book1B Unit17 Great Women中提到的宋庆龄女士、居里夫人的成功经历及阅读文Alone in Antarctica中的女主人公在60岁生日之际决定独自滑雪橇去Antarctica劫后生还的经历;Book3 Unit11 Key to success中的阅读文Ticket to Success中的女主人公高中毕业后从理发这个行业入手, 不断进取、最后取得成功的经历都可以教育学生培养积极向上、不断开拓进取的生活态度。
二、从教学过程入手, 开展生命教育
现行的人教版英语教材十分强调对学生实践能力的培养, 更强调让学生通过完成任务习得语言知识和技能, 培养自主学习的能力。在整个教学活动中, 教师少不了会使用小组活动、讨论、探究等方式, 此外, Do a survey, Have a project的要求随处可见。如做一个关于Body Language的调查, 做一个有关新西兰现状的海报等, 这样让学生动手做的题材比比皆是。学生通过活动, 可以完成一系列有明确目的的、趣味性、真实性的任务。在完成任务时, 学生有较多的人际交往, 有较多的机会思考、决策、应变、合作, 有利于培养学生的性格和情感, 感受丰富多彩的生活, 从而使他们热爱大自然、热爱生活、珍惜生命。
三、通过英语课外活动, 开展生命教育
充分利用现有的各种节日和纪念日, 以与生命教育有关的节日如:世界环境日、国际反毒日、预防艾滋病日、全国爱耳日、结核防治日、安全教育日、世界地球日, 世界无烟日、全国爱眼日, 国际爱牙日、消防宣传日和清明节、重阳节等为契机, 开展相关常识比赛、宣传设计、演讲比赛等活动, 进行有针对性的生命教育, 拓宽学生视野、丰富语言素材、提高学生的综合能力。
教师要善于通过活动引导学生认识自我, 挖掘潜能, 激发学生的自信和对生命的珍爱情感, 通过活动让学生体验到生命存在的价值和意义。
作为一名新时代的高中英语教师, 在新课程下必须要加强个人修养, 从不断成长的角度完善自我, 以自己对生命的感悟去激扬学生的生命意识, 让生命教育之花盛开在高中英语教学的绿野上。
[1]人民教育出版社英语室.全日制普通高级中学教科书 (必修) 英语[M].2003, (12) .
3.绿野仙踪英语概括 篇三
摘 要:在英语阅读教学中,教师要经常设置质疑情境,激发学生去发现问题,在发现和挖掘问题的过程中,促使学生产生和形成怀疑、困惑和研究的心态,激活并拓展学生的思维参与度,帮助他们发展有效的学习策略,在语言学习中学会概括,在问题解决中提高思维能力。
下面,笔者以译林版《牛津高中英语》(必修)模块二第二单元的教学为例,剖析如何在高中英语阅读教学中培养学生的概括能力。该节课的教学内容是以“Wish you were here”为主题,以“An adventure in Africa”为话题的书信体裁阅读文本。笔者将“Welcome to the unit”并入到Reading的第一课时,借助图片赏析、浅层阅读、文法对照和深层阅读,通过四个互动环节,在培养学生概括能力及语言应用与输出方面做了以下尝试。
师生共同赏析“Welcome to the unit”中的四幅图,同时融入与Reading文本所谈及的Morocco, the Sahara Desert, the River Nile, Mount Kilimanjaro等途经地点或相关景观图。然后师生开展一些对话。
T: While watching these pictures, what word comes to your mind?
S: They are beautiful!
S: They are wonderful!
S: They are attractive!
T: Okay! A mini task: Please use one word or two to generalize these pictures.
S: Theyre wonders of Africa.
S: Theyre attractive places in Africa.
T: Yeah! Attractions, much better! (教师板书“attractions”)
S: Theyre scenic spots in Africa, and Im dreaming of a trip there.
S: Theyre nature beauty of Africa, a wonderful place, just like Heaven!
T: We should say natural beauty. (教师板书“natural beauty”)
T: Now, lets turn to the reading. Scan the passage and make a summary of it with one sentence or two in 10 minutes. Not exceeding 30 words.
(10 minutes later)
S: The letter is about Toby and Colins travel plan to have an adventure in Africa.
T: Good! Its generalized, but a little short. A bit longer one?
S: The passage is Tobys letter to Aihua talking about their travel plan to take an exciting and dangerous adventure in many places in Africa.
T: A good job! When summarizing Toby and Colins travel route, you can refer to the map on the screen.
T: OK! Lets polish what we have summarized together.
(教师板书: The letter/passage is a holiday/travel plan/schedule for Toby and Colin to go on an adventure close to the wild from the northwest to the east and southeast of Africa)
T: Next, well come to the layout of the letter. Before doing that, lets refer to the Reading Strategy of an informal letter, and then have a knowledge of the structure of a letter.
(Students are aware of some expressing ways of an informal letter)
T: Now, lets analyze the consistence (parts) of the letter together.
T: Whats “30th June” for?
S: Date.
T: Whats “Dear Aihua” for?
S: Greeting.
T: Whats called between the beginning and the ending?
S: Contents of the letter.
T: Whats “Love” and “Toby” for?
S: Abbreviation and name.
T: Great! Now, lets read through a sample formal letter, skim the structure and compare it with an informal one. (文本略)
T: This is a letter of application. By comparison, lets learn and abstract the 5 parts making up a letter. They are:
1. Heading(信头):
John Stamos
545, Half Day Road
Bannockburn, IL 6024
1300 456 789
Johns email address
Date- 20th November, 2012
Mr Danny Jones
J. Ripper Productions Ltd.
2 Corporate Way
Sometown, CA 45620 (对照30th June)
2. Salutation(称呼): Dear Mr Danny Jones, (对照Dear Aihua,并注意标点)
4.Complimentary close(结束语): Yours sincerely, (对照Love,并注意标点)
5. Signature(签名): John Stamos
T: As we can see, writing a formal letter varies from writing an informal one in part 1, 2 and 4, so we should pay attention when it comes to official or formal occasions.
T: What about our Chinese letter writing?
S: Writing an English letter is different from that of a Chinese one, especially in expressing time and place, that is, in heading and closing.
T: Yes, that is, there are a lot of Chinese and western cultural differences, and we are supposed to keep in mind as many as possible.
T: Now, lets turn to the detailed reading of the passage. As to making a plan, setting aside the preparations, we should take many things into consideration. My question is: Who are the characters of the plan?
S: Toby and Colin.
T: Okay! Lets do some group work in 15 minutes, each group with one task by questioning and answering on the topic with your deskmates. After that, well exchange and present what we have done.
While doing with your topic, you can consult the reading or refer to the travel route.
Group 1: When-topic (schedules)
Group 2: What-topic (main events)
Group 3: Where-topic (travel route)
Group 4: How-topic (means and feeling)
Group 1: Toby will spend 4 weeks traveling with Colin before he goes to university. Theyre leaving London on 15th July, and theyll be flying to Morocco, in northern Africa, and the trip will take six days ...
Group 2: Toby and Colin are ready to visit so many exciting places and do lots of astonishing things during their trip in Africa. Theyre going to travel on camels through the Sahara Desert and will be traveling by camel, with local guides, camping in tents and sleeping on the ground or in their big, thick sleeping bags ... While walking for almost two weeks, theyll need to buy a large, strong, light backpack to carry their supplies of food and water. During the day, theyll walk across the land, following the footprints of big animals such as elephants, lions, and giraffes, to take some photos. After that, theyll be moving on to Tanzania to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Then theyre going to the Himalayas.
Group 3: Toby and Colins travel route: London—Morocco—the Sahara Desert—the River Nile(Lake Victoria)—Kenya—Tanzania—Mount Kilimanjaro—the Himalayas.
Group 4: Toby and Colins travel means: by air, by camel, by white-water rafting, with the local people leading the way, walking across the land(on foot), Mountain climbing ... Toby and Colins feeling during the trip: uncomfortable, quite dangerous, but exciting, very tiring.
T: Great! You have all done a good job. Now, what are we to come up with when we make a holiday or travel plan?
S: We should cover at least 5 parts: characters, time, place, main events and ways of doing it.
T: That is: who, when, where, what and how, 4Ws and 1H.
【简析】归纳能力是逻辑思维能力的重要组成部分,它有助于提高学生的思辨、整合和转述信息的能力,进而提高学生的思维品质和综合语言的应用能力。教材在本单元设置的英语综合语言输出的后续活动安排分别是“Task: Planning a holiday for your family”和“Project: Making a travel leaflet”。为了做好必要的英语语言知识的输入储备与输出铺垫,教师必须灵活地整合文本内容,适当地铺之以对文本细节的理解,关注信息之间的内在联系,结合学生已有的认知和真实感受进行启智、内化和迁移,借助拓展文本内涵,使得对于文本的解读多元化,让师生在思维碰撞中平等对话,将阅读能力的训练、口头概述的实践、书面写作的铺垫与思维能力的提升融为一体,真正实现“用教材教”的课程理念。
[1]杜威. 我们怎样思维·经验与教育[M]. 姜文闵,编译. 北京:人民教育出版社,2005:64.
[2]甘露. 建构主义心理学及其对大学外语教学改革的启示[J]. 四川外语学院学报,2002(4):152-153.
[3]姜云臣,张苏. 文化差异对阅读理解的影响[J].山东外语教学,1998(1):86-88.
4.绿野仙踪英语读后感 篇四
Today I read The Wizard of Oz -- The Magic of Oz. King Ozs real face is a little old man. He is a liar. He had been an actor in a circus, and had been blown to Oates by a gust of wind while riding in a hydrogen balloon. The people of Oates thought he was a very good magician, so he pretended to be one, and used the magic he had learned in the circus to deceive the people, and they all thought he was a real magician.
We cant be like King Oates. Cheating gets caught in the end.
5.绿野仙踪读后感英语100字 篇五
The wizard of oz,a beautiful and kind girl told dasey rose more adventures.
The characters in this book are more iron man,dasey rose,the lion,the witch and the scarecrow,Oriental witch,north west witch,witch...Among them,Oriental witch and western witch is evil,and the north and south of the witch is good witch.
6.职称英语卫生类概括大意试题 篇六
1 The weather forecast, a story about the candidates in an election, and movie reviews are examples of messages from the media. A communication medium, of which the plural (复数的) form is media, is a means of communicating a message. Examples of media are television, radio, newspapers and books and the telephone. The media that can reach many people at once are called mass media.
2 It is not difficult to think of other messages we receive through the mass media. Every day we get hundreds of them. Think about advertisements, for example. We see and hear these messages almost everywhere we go. Advertisements are important messages, even though they are sometimes annoying. They help us compare and evaluate products.
3 Most of us get more information from the media than from the classroom. Think, for a moment, about how you learn about local news and events. Do you depend on other people or the media? What about international news? What is the most important source of information for you? People who are asked this question usually answer, “Television.”
4 Think of all the messages you received today. Perhaps you read a newspaper during breakfast, or maybe you read advertisements on billboards (露天广告牌 on your way to school. Did you listen to a weather forecast or the sports news on the radio this morning? Right now you are getting information through a very important medium of mass communication-a book.
5 We use the information we get from radio, television, newspapers, and other media to make decisions and form opinions. That is why the mass media are so important. Editorials and articles in newspapers help us decide how to vote, consumer reports on television help us decide how to spend our money, and international news on the radio makes us think and form opinions about questions of war and peace.
1 Paragraph 2__________.
2 Paragraph 3__________.
3 Paragraph 4__________.
4 Paragraph 5__________.
A Importance of Classroom Learning
B Television —— A Rich Source of Information
C Advertisements as Important Messages from the Mass Media
D Various Messages One May Receive Each Day
7.高二英语上学期期末知识点概括 篇七
going round the sun 为现在分词短语定语,表示一般的动作。 Eg: Men breaking the law will be punished. 现在分词短语,也可表示进行的动作
2. Weather life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can be solved.
for millions of years to come 中不定式to come 作定语,与前面的名词有逻辑上的主谓关系。
Eg: She is the last person to tell lies.
3.The problem was that the earth became violent because it was not clear whether the solid shape was to last or not.
The problem was that …, that 引导表语从句,that 只起连接作用,无意义,但不能省略。 Eg: The trouble is that we are short of money.
4.As the earth cooled down, water began to appear on its surface.
as conj. 随着,在…期间;由于,因为;尽管,即使;当…的时候;像…一样 5. That made it possible for life to begin to develop.
it 是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式to begin to develop. Eg: He thinks it’s his duty to help others.
1. defend against保卫…以免受
2.intruduce sb tosb 向某人介绍某人
3.kiss sb on somepart亲吻某人的某个部位
4.in defence 防御,保障
5.together with 与某人一起
6.be likely to 很可能…;有希望…
7.reach one’s hand out to sth 把手伸出来取某物
8.on the contrary 相反
9.nod at sb 向某人点头
10.greet sbwith/by 通过…向某人问候
11.express one’s feelings表达某人的感情
12. in general 总的来说;通常
13.at a job fair 在求职会上
14.be nervousabout 对…感到紧张
15. at ease 舒适;快活;自由自在
16. lose face丢脸
17.turn one’s back to 背对;背弃
18.turn one’s head away 把头转过去
19.be willing to 渴望…. , 愿意….
20. look upsetabout sth 对.. 感到沮丧
1. I saw several young people enter thewaiting area looking around curiously.
2. The firstperson to arrive was Tony Garcia from Colombia, closely followed by Julia Smithfrom Britain.第一个到达的是从哥伦比亚来的托尼?加西亚,随后紧跟着的是英国的茱莉亚?史密斯。
3. She steppedback appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in defense.
4. Not allcultures greet each other the same way, Nor are they comfortable in the sameway with
touching ordistance between people.
8.绿野仙踪英语概括 篇八
Exemplifying in Skills
谓语--“干什么” “怎么样”
形容词--观点和态度:褒:赞成 or 肯定/贬:反对 or 否定
现象分析型说明文: “现象”
“五何”: 何时(when), 何地(where), 何人
(who), 何事(what),结果如何(how)
夹叙夹议型: 加上作者的看法或感想等以第三人称或无人称来概括
1.According to the passage, we know that.../ From the passage, we can know that...2.In this passage, the writer / author states / thinks / argues that...3.In this passage, the writer/author tells us about...4.The story / passage is about...5.The story / passage mainly tells us that...6.It’s reported that.../ As is reported in the passage,...the points you should pay attention to
9.绿野仙踪英语概括 篇九
?Lightning has caused awe and wonder since old times. Although Benjamin Franklin demonstrated lightning as enormous electrical discharge more than 200 years ago, many puzzles still surround this powerful phenomenon.
Lightning is generated when electrical charges separate in rain clouds, though processes are still not fully understood. Typically, positive charges build at the cloud top, while the bottom becomes negatively charged. In most instances of cloud-to-ground lightning, the negatively charged lower portion of the cloud repels negatively charged particles on the ground#39;s surfaces, making it become positively charged. The positive charge on the ground gathers at elevated points.
A flow of electrons begins between the cloud and earth. When the voltage charge becomes large enough, it breaks through the insulating barrier of air, and electrons zigzag earthward. We see the discharge as lightning.
Lightning can occur within a cloud, between clouds, or between clouds and the ground. The first variety, intra-cloud lightning, is the most frequent but is often hidden from our view. Cloud-to-ground lightning, making up about 20 percent of lightning discharges, is what we usually see. Lightning comes in several forms, including sheet, ribbon, and ball. Intra-cloud lightning can illuminate a cloud so it looks like a white sheet, hence its name. When cloud-to-ground lightning occurs during strong winds, they can shift the lightning channel sideways, so it looks like a ribbon. The average lightning strike is more than 3 miles long and can travel at a tenth of the speed of light. Ball lightning, the rarest and most mysterious form, derives its name from the small luminous ball that appears near the impact point, moves horizontally, and lasts for several seconds.
Thunder is generated by the tremendous heat released in a lightning discharge. Temperatures near the discharge can reach as high as 50,000°F within thousandths of a second. This sudden heating acts as an explosion, generating shock waves we hear as thunder.
About 2,000 thunderstorms are occurring in the world at any time, generating about 100 lighting strikes every second, or 8 million daily. Within the United States, lightning strikes are estimated at 20 million a year, or about 22,000 per day. You have a 1-in-600,000 chance of bring struck by lightning during your lifetime. Lightning can strike twice or more in the same spot. The Empire State Building in New York is struck by lightning about two dozen times annually.
You can measure how far you are from a lightning strike by counting the seconds between viewing the flash and hearing the bang, and then dividing by five. This approximates the mileage.
1. Paragraphs 2 and 3
2. Paragraph 4
3. Paragraph 5
4. Paragraph 6
A Cloud-to-ground lightning occurring in the U.S.
B Types of lightning
C Cause of lightning
D Differences between thunder and thunderstorm
E Frequencies of thunderstorms occurring in the world and the U.S.
F Shock waves as thunder
5. In most cases of cloud-to-ground lightning, the ground#39;s surface …
6. One form of lightning that … is ball lightning …
7. Cloud lightning looks like a ribbon when its lighting channel …
8. Although not fully understanding processes of lightning, man …
A occurs most infrequently.
B is shifted sideways by strong winds.
C is often hidden from our view.
D is equipped with a good knowledge of various forms of lightning .
E is estimated at 20 millions a year.
F is positively charged.
Geology and Health
The importance of particular metals in the human diet has been realized within the past few decades, and the idea that geology might be related to health has been recognized for a number of elements such as iodine, zinc and selenium. For example, soils with low iodine contents produce crops, and animals deficient in iodine. A lack of iodine in the human diet leads to some serious diseases.
The ultimate source of metals within the human body is rocks, which weather into soil, gaining or losing some of their chemical constituents. The crops we eat selectively remove from the soil the elements that they require for growth. The water we drink contains trace elements leached from rock and soil. Thus the geology and geochemistry of the environments have effects on the chemistry and health of plants, animals and people.
So far there is no data to suggest that people living on metal-rich soils experience a potential health hazard. The levels of metals within naturally contaminated soils are generally not high enough to cause serious health problems. Living on metal-rich soils does not represent a health risk unless large quantities of soil are digested or metal-rich dust is inhaled. However, small children are particularly exposed to metal-rich topsoil in playgrounds and gardens. They are also the most likely ones to eat potentially dangerous metal-rich soil.
Heavy metals are persistent; they do not break down to other chemicals in the environment. Industrially polluted sites usually undergo intensive clean-up and rehabilitation because heavy metals are a health concern once they enter the food chain. Some trace metals are alleged to cause cancer and are also known to cause poisoning.
In contrast, naturally contaminated soils have not been subject to risk assessment studies and rehabilitation measures, despite the fact that they frequently possess metal concentrations well above those of such polluted by humans and above environmental quality criteria.
There is a vital need to understand the potential risks and long-term health effects of living on naturally contaminated soils. Future environmental investigations of naturally polluted soils should concentrate on the potential pathways of metals into the food chain and human body. Geologists should be part of such studies as they can provide the essential background information on rock and soil chemistry as well as the chemical forms of heavy metal pollution.
A. No evidence to indicate bad effects of naturally contaminated soil
B. Potential hazards of human contaminated soils
C. Research on channels of heavy metals getting into human food chain
D. Geology and health problems
E. Rocks-the ultimate source of soil pollution
F. Long- term health effects on children
1. Paragraph 1
2. Paragraph 3
3. Paragraph 4
4. Paragraph 6
A. industrially polluted soils
B. rock and soil chemistry
C. naturally polluted soils
D. the pathways of metals into the food chain
E. the element of iodine
F. the persistence of heavy metals
5. Some serious diseases is connected with deficiency of ……
6. It is extremely necessary to study the long-term effects caused by living on ……
7. Geologists are indispensable in the research project on geology and health due to their knowledge on……
8. Industrially contaminated sites usually require a thorough clean-up due to ……
10.合同概括承受内容概括 篇十
关键词:合同的主要内容 合同的条款 合同权利与合同义务 买卖合同的内容
11.绿野仙踪影评 篇十一
专业:2012级 英语专业
很小的时候看过一部动画片叫绿野仙踪,今天在选修课上看了THE WIZARD OF OZ的音乐剧,勾起了许久不见的纯真的同心。
所以,重温电影,对于桃乐丝那句反复念叨的:“THERE’S NO PLACE LIKE HOME.”有了一些不一样的体会。回归不只是桃乐丝的故事前提,回归是让每一个人回到最开始的地方,家的独一无二是因为有发自内心的牵挂。