2023高考英语一轮复习 高中英语常用短语及句型归纳


2023高考英语一轮复习 高中英语常用短语及句型归纳(共4篇)

1.2023高考英语一轮复习 高中英语常用短语及句型归纳 篇一

模快 八

Unit Three


1. talented adj. 有才能的,有才华的

2. architecture n. 建筑;建筑学

3. photographer n. 摄影师,摄影家

4. geometric adj. 几何的,几何学的

5. masterpiece n. 杰作

6. calculate vt.&vi. 计算

7. astronomy n. 天文学

8. range vi.(在一定范围幅度内)变动

9. float vi.&vt. (使)漂浮

10. disgusting adj. 令人厌恶的

11. stick vt. 粘住,粘贴

12. weep vi. 哭泣,流泪

13. height n. 高处,高地;高度;身高

14. experiment vi. 实验,试验

15. scholarship n. 奖学金

16. abstract adj. 抽象的

17. artwork n. 艺术作品,美术作品

18. rainbow n. 彩虹

19. starry adj. 布满星星的

20. studio n. 画室;录音棚;

21. distribute vt. 传播,散布,发行

22. fee n. 费,费用,酬金

23. negotiate vi. 谈判,洽谈,协商

vt. 通过谈判达成(或解决),谈成

24. adore vt. 喜爱;崇拜;爱慕

25. subjective adj. 主观的

26. apptite n. 爱好,欲望;食欲,胃口

27. fisherman n. 渔民,渔夫

28. artistic adj. 艺术的

29. assistance n. 协助,援助

30. framework n. 框架,构架,结构

31. abandon vt. 放弃,丢弃;遗弃

32. scratch n., vt.&vi. 抓,挠,刮,擦

33. ankle n. 踝;踝关节

34. watercolor n. 水彩画

35. reservation n. 预定,预约;保留

36. dormitory n. 宿舍

37. canal n. 沟渠;运河

38. bargain n. 便宜货;划算的买卖

vi. 讨价还价,讲价;讲条件,谈判

39. gallery n. 美术馆,画廊

40. slice n. 薄片,切片

41. chef n. 厨师

42. cube n. 小方块;立方体


1. be amazed at sth. 对……感到惊讶

be amazed to do sth. 惊讶地做某事

be amazed that-clause 惊讶地……

2. more than 不仅仅是;非常

3. calculate the cost of 计算……的费用

4. share sth. with / between / among


share one’s opinion


5. range from …to…从……到……

range between…from…


range over 超过

out of range 超出……的范围

6. weep about 为……而哭泣

weep over / for 因……而哭

weep for 哭着想要……

weep oneself to sleep哭着哭着睡着了

7. on the / one’s way to (doing) sth. 在去


8. distribute sth. to / among 把某物分发


9. negotiate with sb. about sth. 和某人就


the negotiating table 谈判桌

10. have an appetite for 喜爱,渴望

lose appetite for 失去……的兴趣 /爱好

11. with the assistance of 在……的帮助

12. abandon sth. 放弃某物

an abandoned baby一个被遗弃的婴儿

abandon oneself to sth. 听任 (感情泛



不得已而放弃, 舍弃……(给某人)

13. start from scratch


14. be mixed with 用……混合

15. the secret to sth. 某物的秘诀

16. in addition 另外,加之

17. make a reservation 预定,预约

18. be admitted to 获准进入……,


19. folk customs 民间风俗

20. after graduation 在毕业之后

graduate from… 从……毕业

21. be made out of 由……制成,


22. serve as 担任 (某职),

起……的作用, 权当

23. cut up 切割开来,切碎

24. stick a stamp on the envelope 把一枚


stick to 坚持

25. dip into 把……伸进;浏览, 翻阅

26. cut out 裁剪了;切掉

27. have a go (at) 试一试做某事


1. I was amazed to learn that Picasso produced more than 20,000 pieces of art and that he wasn’t just a painter.

2. This painting is so valuable that it is difficult to calaulate what its price would be if the museum wanted to sell it.

3. Besides the works of da Vinci, the Louvre Museum has more than 6,000 other European paintings, ranging from the 13th to the 19th century.

4. Hardly had we left the dormitory the next morning when we realized we forgot our map in the room.

5. It was while at the New York School of Art that he exprimented with different materials such as cloth and plastic in his paintings.

6. There are many other things that you can use to make unusual pictures, so why not have a go at some of the ideas above and then try out some ideas of your own?





1) 在here, there引导的句子中,谓语是be, exist等表示状态的不及物动词。

2) 在语气词here, there开头的句子里,谓语动词是come, go等。如果主语是人称代词,则不用倒装。

3)副词now, then, thus引导的句子里,谓语是come, follow, begin, end, be等

4)在in, out, down, up, over, away, off, back等表示方向的副词做状语置于句首,谓语动词是come, go, rush, run等不及物动词的句子里。如果主语是人称代词,则不用倒装。

5)在地点状语提前,谓语是be, stand, sit, lie等动词的句子里。

6)在分词 / 形容词 + be + 主语……的句子里。



部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态倒装至主语之前。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。

1)so / neither / nor防于句首,表示前面所说的肯定 / 否定的一种情况也适合另外一个人或物,其结构是:so / neither / nor + be(助动词或情态动词)+ 主语。

注意:如果前面所提及到的两种或两种以上情况也适合于另外一个人或物,则要用句型It is the same with…或So it is with…。

2)当not, never, hardly, scarcely, little, seldom, in no time, not only…but also…, not …until…, hardly…when…, no sooner…than…, in no way等具有否定意义或半否定的副词或短语放在句首时,主句要用部分倒装。



4)在so / such…that…结构中,或so / such与所修饰的词一起位于句首加强语气时,用部分倒装

5)在以often, always, once, many a time, now and then, every other day, 以及then等做状语的词位于句首时,也要用部分倒装。

6)在虚拟语气条件句中,从句谓语动词有were, had, should等词,可将if 省略,把 were, had, should 移到主语之前,采取部分倒装。

7)当as / though引导让步状语从句时,可以把从句中的表语、状语甚至动词原形提到as / though之前进行倒装。



Poor as he was, he was honest.


Child as he is, he knows a lot.

Oldest as he is, he doesn’t do well in studies.

3)将这一类的倒装句改成陈述句,不能用as引导,而只能用though / although引导。


May you all be happy.

2.2023高考英语一轮复习 高中英语常用短语及句型归纳 篇二

1.to attract much attention

2.do harm to somebody

3.to guard against its bad side-effects/be aware of its bad side-effects

4.be determined to do sth.5.to help alleviate(减轻)job-hunting pressures on those new college graduates

6.upgrade, improve 提高,改善

7.do good to sb.(对某人有好处)

8.in the long run(从长远来看)

9.to behave oneself(举止得当)

10.to get rid of bad habits

11.to stand on other’s shoes 站在他人立场

12.to apply theoretic knowledge into practice

13.co-ordination and co-operation

14.a glorious future

15.sb.is expected to do sth(某人应该做。。)

16.on the part of sb.从某人角度

17.to find better ways to cope with and solve problems

18.to set realistic goals for their life 确立实际目标

19.to conclude(用于最后一段的开头,对文章进行总结)

20.to pay more attention to

21.to put more efforts into sth.更加努力做某事

22.to stay positive and optimistic 积极乐观

23.to bring negative influences in spite of its advantages(尽管有其优点,但也有负面影响)

24.at the expense of 以。。为代价

25.cannot …too much 再怎么样也。。cannot emphasize too much再怎么强调也不过分

26.accumulated wisdom智慧结晶

27.cultural awareness 文化意识

28.to broaden sb’s knowledge and widen their horizon 增长知识,开阔视野

29.to expose knowledge and new ideas to 向。。传授新知识、新理念

30.behind the times 过时的,落伍的31.to bear sth.firmly in mind 牢牢记住

32.cater for one’s taste迎合某人的口味

33.to spoil the interest of扰乱了。。兴趣

34.There is no denying the fact that。。不可否认

35.to launch a new reform推行一项新的改革


1.This program is of far-reaching social significance in that it helps …此项工程具有深远的社会意义在于。。

2.Just as the saying goes: “No garden is without weeds”, computer

games have also some disadvantages.正像常言所说:“没有无杂草的花园”,计算机也有一些不足之处。用以引出事物的另一面。

3.Every coin has two sides.(用法同2)

4.First and more important… What’s more…..Last but not least过渡词使文章连贯性加强

5.For one thing…For another…Furthermore

6.It is high time that our government should take all measures to make sure(虚拟语气)

7.Obviously, the Internet has become an indispensable part of college life.8.Opinions vary concerning the effect of the Internet on college students’ life.(用来引导不同的观点)

9.Working in the countryside may provide them with decent salary and valuable life experience.10.Statistics show shat there has been a great increase in the number of college students participating in voluntary services in the past several years.(用于图表作文)

11.A recent survey reveals that…

12.Several factors have contributed to this phenomenon.(用来阐述原因的重点句型)

13.They not only develop their work skills and make new friends, but also take much pleasure in helping others.14.All the uncivilized behavior has caused bad effect.It has brought inconveniences to local people.15.to leave a bad impression on sb

16.I think the key to being a popular tourist is to “Do in Rome as the Romans do.”

17.Only in this way can our experience abroad be pleasant and fruitful.(倒装句)

18.Some students think that the best way to keep a harmonious relationship is to be considerate.19.I’m in favor of the above opinion.赞成20.I learned from Guang Zhou Daily on July 26 that your company is offering a position for a secretary and it’s a great pleasure for me to writeto explore the possibility of seeking the job.(用于求职申请信的开头)

21.People’s opinions differ greatly over this issue.22.Enclosed please find my resume and some relevant documents.随言附上

23.One compelling argument involves something 一个很有说服力的论据是

24.The sad fact is that mental health is becoming an increasingly troublesome issue for undergraduates.25.B

sb.26.Digital products/Internet have/has fundamentally transformed our way of work, education and life.27.To start with, the last decades have witnessed immense changes in the workplace owing to the advent of computers.28.One of the most fundamental changes that have taken place is how…

3.高考英语作文常用句型及句子变换 篇三


1.As far as...is concerned

2.It goes without saying that...3.It can be said with certainty that...4.As the proverb says,5.It has to be noticed that...6.It`s generally recognized that...7.It`s likely that...8.It`s hardly that...9.It’s hardly too much to say that...10.What calls for special attention is that...需要特别注意的是

11.There’s no denying the fact that...毫无疑问,无可否认

12.Nothing is more important than the fact that...13.what’s far more important is that...二.衔接句型

A case in point is...As is often the case...As stated in the previous paragraph如前段所述

But the problem is not so simple.Therefore然而问题并非如此简单,所以……

But it’s a pity that...For all that...In spite of the fact that...Further, we hold opinion that...? However , the difficulty lies in...Similarly, we should pay attention to...? not(that)...but(that)...不是,而是

In view of the present station.鉴于目前形势

? As has been mentioned above...? In this respect, we may as well(say)从这个角度上我们可以说

? However, we have to look at the other side of the coin, that is...然而我们还得看到事物的另一方面,即


I will conclude by saying...Therefore, we have the reason to believe that...All things considered,总而言之

It may be safely said that...Therefore, in my opinion, it’s more advisable...? From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that….? The data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that….? It can be concluded from the discussion that...从中我们可以得出这样的结论

4.2023高考英语一轮复习 高中英语常用短语及句型归纳 篇四


1.chopstick 筷子 2.difficult 困难的 3.city 城市 4.answer 回答

5.finish 完成 6.start 开始 7.answer 回答 8.better 较好的 9.end 结束 10.alone 单独的 11.CD-ROM 电脑光盘 12.bamboo 竹子

13.copy 模仿 14.child 孩子 15.awake 醒的 16.animal 动物

17.sleep 睡觉 18.snake 蛇 19.fantastic 美好的 20.tidy 整理

21.often 经常 22.messy 杂乱的 23.bookshelf 书架 24.choose 选择

25.together 一起 26.week 星期 27.suck 吮吸 28.thumb 大拇指

29.UN 联合国 30.important 重要的 31.peace 和平32.world 世界

33.country 国家 34.inside 里面 35.kangaroo 袋鼠 36.parrot 鹦鹉

37.aunt 姨、姑 38.picnic 野餐 39.hungry 饿的 40.thirsty 渴的 41.bring 拿来 42.way 方式 43.line 排、列 44.drink 喝、饮料

45.forget 忘记 46.clean 干净的 47.thousand 千

48.kilometre 千米/公里 49 place 地方 50.visit 拜访 51.building 楼房 52.museum 博物馆

53.surprise 惊喜 54.everywhere 到处 55.restaurant 饭馆 56.dancing 舞蹈

57.album 集邮册 58.collect 收集 59.mountain 山 60.special 特别的 61.hear 听见 62.nearly 几乎 63.poem 诗 64.festival 节日

65.important 重要的 66.Christmas 圣诞节 67.pretty 美丽的 68.cousin 堂兄

69.write 写 70.photo 照片 71.listen 听 72.ask 问

73.question 问题 74.letter 信 75.China 中国 76.start 开始

77.finish 结束 78.half 一半儿 79.past 经过 80.about 关于

81.favourite 最喜欢的 82.love 喜爱 83.elephant 大象 84.say 说 85.twelve 十二 86.another 另一个 87.night 夜晚 88.sleep 睡觉

89.where 在那里

90.when 什么时候 91.what 什么 92.who 谁

93.whose 谁的 94.see 看见

95.today 今天 96.owl 猫头鹰 97.often 98.story 故事 99.shoe 鞋

100.house 房子 短语Phrases:

1.play with 和…玩;2.thank sb for sth 为某事感谢某人;

3.from start to end 从开始到结束;4.look at 看一看;5.come out 出来; 6.in the day在白天;7.at night 在夜晚;8.an hour a day 一天一小时; 9.like to do sth / like doing sth 喜欢做某事;10.live in 住在;

经常 11.learn a lesson 得到教训;12.gool idea 好主意;13.how often 多长时间一次;

14.put into 把放进;15.be from / come from 来自;16.Chinese stamps 中国邮票;

17.lots of / a lot of 许多;18.need to do sth 需要做某事; 19.a picture of 一张… 的照片;20.have got 有;

21.tell sb about sth 告诉某人某件事;22.millions of 无记其数的; 23.how long 多长;24.how old 多大;25.in the street 在街上; 26.be different from 与…不同;27.be difficult for sb 对于某人来说很难; 28.the Great Wall 长城;29.the Summer Palace 颐和园;30.pen pal 笔友; 31.New York 纽约;32.hurry up 快点;33.go swimming 去游泳; 34.go to school 上学;35.play basketball 打篮球; 36.draw a picture 画一幅画;37.stay at home 呆在家里;

38.watch TV 看电视;39.in the world 在世界上;40.drink water 喝水。



family 家庭

grandpa 爷爷(口语)

grandma 奶奶(口语)

dad 爸爸(口语)mom 妈妈(口语)

sister 姐姐

brother 兄弟

me 我(宾格)

policemam 警察 doctor 医生

teacher 老师

engineer 工程师


classmate 同学

friend 朋友

big 大的 thin 瘦的 pretty 漂亮的 ugly 丑的 tall 高的 short 矮的 from 从……来

china 中国

America 美国

Canada 加拿大 Britain 英国


park 公园

hill 小山

lake 湖

bridge 桥

tree 树

grass 草

flower 花 bee 蜜蜂

butterfly 蝴蝶

bench 长凳

picture 图片;照片

beautiful 美丽的 第四单元

aunt 姑姑

uncle 叔叔 第五单元

street 街道

van 客货车

taxi 出租车

bicycle 自行车

subway 地铁

subway station 地铁站

traffic light 交通灯

bus stop 公共汽车站

supermarket 超级市场

book store 书店

hospital 医院

zoo 动物园

stop 停止

wait 等候

go 走


1.数字 Number

基数词:one1 two2 three3 four4 five5 six6 seven7 eight8 nine9 ten10 eleven11 twelve12 thirteen13 fourteen14 fifteen15 sixteen16 seventeen17 eighteen18 nineteen19 twenty20 thirty30 forty40 fifty50 sixty 60 seventy 70 eighty 80 ninety90 hundred 百 thousand 千 million百万

序数词:first第一 second第二 third第三 fourth第四 fifth第五 sixth第六 seventh第七 eighth第八




twelfth第十二 2.食物 food

meat肉 noodles面条 bread面包 rice米饭 sweets 糖果 peanut 花生 biscuit饼干 soup汤

cake蛋糕 milk牛奶 fish鱼肉 ice-cream冰激凌 fast food快餐 chocolate巧克力 cheese奶酪

egg 鸡蛋 hot dog 热狗 sausages香肠

tea茶chips薯条 moon cake月饼 hamburger 汉堡

cola可乐 beef 牛肉 water 水 tofu 豆腐chicken 鸡肉pork 猪肉 vegetable蔬菜 tea 茶

coffee 咖啡

juice果汁(breakfast 早餐

lunch 午餐

dinner 晚餐)3.水果

fruit apple苹果




orange橙子 watermelon西瓜 4.时间 Time morning早上 afternoon下午evening晚上tonight今晚 year年tomorrow明天 minute分钟 today今天yesterday昨天 weekend周末 o’clock时钟 night 晚上 break课间休息 sometimes 有时 holiday 假日

someday有一天 week星期

Monday星期一 Tuesday星期二 Wednesday星期三 Thursday星期四 Friday星期五 Saturday星期六 Sunday星期日 month月份January一月February二月

March 三月

April四月 May五月 June六月 July七月 August八月

September九月 October十月



hour小时 5.节日 Festival New Year新年


Spring Festival春节 Children’s Day儿童节


Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 Flag Day国旗日 Lantern festival元宵节 Mid-Autumn festival 中秋节 6.学校 school bag书包 book书 paper纸 pen钢笔 pencil铅笔 ruler尺子 chair椅子 desk书桌





library card图书卡 Classroom教室 card 卡片,贺卡 letter字母

middle school中学 Chinese语文 Math三数学 Science科技课 Music音乐课

English英语 physics 物理 chemistry化学 geography 地理

7.运动类 sport ball球 basketball篮球 skipping-rope跳绳 football足球 table-tennis乒乓球high jump跳高

swimming游泳 cycling骑自行车 long jump跳远

morning exercises早操

race比赛 baseball棒球 Olympic Games 奥林匹克 8.动物 animal bird鸟 fish鱼 panda大熊猫 snake蛇 cat猫 lion狮子 dog狗parrot鹦鹉 dragon龙 tiger老虎


chicken 鸡 chick小鸡

owl猫头鹰 duck鸭子pet 宠物


cow 牛sheep羊horse马 frog青蛙rabbit兔子 mouse老鼠 kangaroo袋鼠monkey 猴子panda熊猫snake蛇 9.颜色 colour blue蓝色





brown褐色 orange橙色

green 绿色


car汽车 plane飞机 bus公共汽车boat小船 ship轮船 train火车 bike自行车 bicycle自行车

van 邮车 lorry卡车 spaceship 宇宙飞船 11.肢体部位 Body ear耳朵 hand手 arm手臂 eye眼睛 head头 foot足mouth嘴巴 leg腿 nose鼻子 hair头发

shoulder肩膀 12.服饰

clothes shirt,衬衣 shorts短裤skirt短裙 jacket夹克 trousers裤子sock袜子 cap鸭舌帽 hat有沿帽 swimsuit泳衣 coat外套 dress连衣裙T-shirt T恤衫



shoe鞋 13.国家 country China中国 Chinese中国的 England英国 English英国的India印度 Indian印度的American美国的 America美国


Australia 澳大利亚

UN联合国 14.家庭 Family Dad爸爸










son 儿子 15.称呼:


children孩子们 child 孩子(单数)


girl女孩 queen女王 kin亲戚

men 男人(复数)

women 女人(复数)

pen friend 笔友 16.职业 teacher老师doctor医生driver司机nurse护士farmer农民pupil小学生worker工人clown小丑goalkeeper守门员 fireman消防员 acrobat杂技演员

painter 画家 postman邮递员policeman警察 model模范 17.音乐类

music音乐 erhu二胡 guitar吉他 drum 鼓 zither古筝

pop music流行音乐 song歌曲

Classical music古典音乐


trumpet喇叭 violin 小提琴

dancing 舞蹈 trumpet 小号


room房间 bedroom卧室 bathroom 浴室living room 客厅kitchen 厨房dining room 餐厅 window窗户

hammer锤子 floor 地板 light灯 chopsticks筷子house房屋 shelf架子oil lamp油灯newspaper 报纸 sofa 沙发vase 花瓶 bed床 ticket票 toothbrush牙刷

fork 叉子 knife餐刀 stamp邮票 cup茶杯 door门 photo相片 picture图片cooker炊具box盒子 doorbell 门铃 19.电器:


radio收音机 telephone电话 TV电视 camera相机 screen屏幕 CD激光唱盘CD-Rom 只读光盘




电脑Computer: keyboard 键盘

monitor显示器 laser printer激光打印机

mouse鼠标 video 录像带 icon图标


message 信息

E-card电子贺卡 E-mail 电子邮件 20.大自然类



island 岛 stone 石头 mountain 大山

hill小山 water水lake湖tree 树


sky 天空


sun 太阳

bamboo竹子 fire火 world 世界 21.娱乐 Barbie doll芭比娃娃

teddy bear玩具熊


kite风筝 slide滑梯


chess 国际象棋




balloon 气球


station 车站 school 学校 park 公园 department store百货商店 pond 池塘 playground 游乐场



factory 工厂library图书馆

prairie草原 theatre戏院 airport飞机场 building大楼 Chinatown唐人街 restaurant饭馆 square广场farm农场

space 太空 25.景点:

Buckingham Place白金汉宫 Hyde Park海德公园 the London Eye伦敦眼River Thames泰晤士河 Tower Bridge塔桥 Big Ben大本钟Mount the Yellow River黄河

the Changjiang River长江 the Great Wall长城Mount Tai泰山 West lake 西湖the Summer Palace颐和园 Science Museum 科学博物馆 Ming Tombs明陵 26.城市 City

Washington D.C.华盛顿

New York纽约

San Francisco旧金山 Canada加拿大 Sydney悉尼

Hong Kong香港 Shanghai上海 Beijing北京


Xiamen厦门 Tibet西藏

Harbin哈尔滨 27.天气 Weather warm温暖 hot热的 cool凉爽的cold寒冷的 rainy下雨的sunny阳光充足的 windy刮风的snowy下雪

wet湿的 season,季节spring春summer 夏autumn(fall)秋winter 冬 28.疼痛:




fever发烧 29.感觉 Feeling: sad悲伤的 hungry恶的 thirsty渴的 tired累的 shy害羞的 exciting兴奋的 happy高兴的 angry 生气的bored无聊的excited兴奋的nervous紧张的normal 正常的pleased高兴的 30.形态

fat胖的 thin瘦的 tall高的 short矮的 long长的 small小的 big大的 old老的 young年轻的 little年幼的 strong强壮的large 大的light轻的 31.方位词

at在…方面 in在…里面 on在…上面 next to相邻 under在…下面 down向下over在…上 up向上 near附近left左边




around在…周围 east东 south南 inside在…内 32.人称

he他 I我 it它 my我的 she她 they他们 we我们 you你(你们)your你(你们)的 them他们(宾格)me我 us我们 myself我自己

their他们的mine我的 yours 你(你们)的 hers她的 his他的 herself她自己 33.指示代词:

this这个 that那个 these这些 those那些 here这里 there那里

all over 到处 34.疑问词

how怎么 what什么 where哪里 why为什么

how much 多少

whose谁的 which 哪个 35.副词:

now现在 about关于 any一些

bit一点 every每一个 for为了by乘 all所有的 from来自 just仅仅 so所以 some一些 then然后 very非常 with和---一起 everything任何事 than比… one某物



but但是 very很


well很好地 badly很糟的 together一起 slowly 慢地 still仍然 abroad国外 another另一个 quickly 迅速地 already已经never从不soon不久 more更多 maybe可能 again再一次 always总是 hurry 赶紧 often常常 such这样的(地)because因为 loudly 大声地 everyone每个人 36.词组:

come on 快点 lots of 许多 over there 在那边 Sports day运动日turn on 开灯

stand up 起立 point to指向 sit down 坐下 one day一天

have breakfast 吃早饭 have lunch吃午饭

have dinner吃晚饭

watch TV看电视

go to work上班

go home回家 half past ……点半

the others其它

Spring Festival春节

Christmas 圣诞节 New Yea新年 take pictures照

play with 和……玩

go straight on直着走

Excuse me对不起

next to与……邻接

go to school上学

of course当然

a lot 很多

good at 擅长

at all根本

by himself 靠他自己

be made of 是……制成的 go out 出去

tide up 整理 in a hurry 匆忙

used to过去常常

a litter日少量

look for 寻找

for now 暂时

have to必须

switch on 打开

think of思考

the same as和……一样

letter box 邮箱

all around 到处 in line成一条直线

out of 往外。。fly away 漂走

all over 到处 middle school中学 37名词

present 礼物 film电影

meter米 monster怪物 party聚会 picnic野餐

winner冠军 project综合实践活动 Asia亚洲 wedding婚礼 wheel轮子letter信 road路 list清单



card 信用卡


team队伍 TV show(电视)节目

row 行排 group小组

news 新闻







rule 规则






mess 脏乱life生活




line排行 38.形容词 favorite最喜欢 dear亲爱的 new新的 old旧的 lost迷失的 quiet安静的right正确的 dark黑暗的 nice美味的well好的young年青的 cute可爱的clever聪明的 naughty淘气的powerful功能强大的 expensive昂贵的 unnecessary不必要的beautiful美丽的 difficult困难的 better比较好的 worse更坏的 boiling沸腾的 famous著名的 fun有趣的 scary吓人的 fast快的 great伟大的 heavy重的 high高的 wide宽的 lovely 美好的welcome 受欢迎的different困难的busy繁忙的 really真的 lucky 幸运的enough足够的fantastic了不起的 tidy整齐的useful 有用的blind 盲的 surprise令人惊奇的 dangerous危险的 interesting有趣的talented有天赋的traditional传统的 deaf聋的special 特殊的 proud 骄傲的 wrong 错误的 noisy 吵闹的 39.动词

play玩sing唱歌read看write写listen听talk说 draw画drink喝jump跳ride骑 row划 run跑 swim游泳 train训练 wash洗 hold拿 wear穿 dance跳舞 walk跑



type 打字

clean 打扫

catch 接住




point指look看like喜欢 watch看see看 count数 want想 love喜爱think想agree同意




feel 感觉





clap 拍掌

miss 思念


stamp 跺(脚)enjoy 享用


ring 响

stand站 know知道 help帮助 pass通过 take拿 let让turn转 live住 past通过please请buy买 come来 find找到 make做 put放 repair修理 try尝试 visit拜访

wait等待 send送 learn学习call称作 speak说 go走 finish完成 begin开始

change改变 fall落下 happen发生 carry搬运 bump砸 invent发明



pay 付款 fly飞




smell 闻到

cross 穿过



return 归还

prefer 更喜欢


suggest 建议

disagree 不同意

sound 听起来 become 成为 spend 度过 draw 画 laugh笑 understand 理解,明白
