1.常见的英语俚语 篇一
含义: Full of men. (全是男人)
造句: “The club was fucking terrible last night, it was a proper sausage fest in there.” (昨晚这个俱乐部太糟糕了,全是男人!)
含义: The best.(最棒的)
造句: “That bacon sandwich I had this morning was the absolute dog’s bollocks.” (我今天早上吃的配干三明治绝对是最棒的!)
含义: A really long time.(特别长的时间)
造句: “How’s your friend Lisa from school?” “Oh, god knows. I haven’t seen her for donkey’s years.”(-你的校友Lisa最近怎么样了?-上帝才知道呢,我已经很久没见过她了)
含义: Are you joking?(你是在逗我吗?)
造句: “You’d rather go shopping with your mum than come down the pub with me? Are you having a laugh?” (你宁愿和你妈妈去购物也不愿意和我去酒吧?你是在逗我吗?)
含义: Really cheap.(真心便宜)
造句: “Where did you get that TV?” “Oh, I just found it on eBay, it was cheap as chips.” (-你从哪儿买的那台电视?-我在eBay上买的,真心便宜!)
含义: There you are.(就在那里)
造句: “Take a left at the end of the road, and Bob’s your uncle, there’s the strip club.” (在道路尽头左转,然后你要找的那个脱衣舞俱乐部了就在那里啦)。
含义: Being a third wheel (做一个电灯泡)
造句: “Oh, you’re going to the cinema with Jamie and Robin, do you not find it weird playing gooseberry like that?”(你要与Jamie和Robin一起去看电影?你难道不觉得做一个电灯泡很怪吗?)
含义: Go to the toilet.(去厕所)
造句: “Excuse me for one moment, I just need to spend a penny.” (不好意思,我要去一下厕所)。
含义: Going out and getting drunk.(出去玩,喝到醉)
造句: “Friday niiiight, let’s get on the piss lads!” (周五的夜,让我们一起出去玩,喝到醉!)
含义: Go too far.(太过分了)
造句: “Harry getting with my sister was one thing but him getting with my mum too just takes the biscuit.”(Harry勾搭我姐姐也就算了,但是他还要勾搭我妈妈可真的太过分了)。
含义: sauage fest(人山人海,人满为患)
造句: “The club was fucking terrible last night, it was a proper sausage fest in there.”昨晚这间酒吧好吵,真的是人满为患。
含义:the dog’s bollocks最好的 (bollocks 胡说)
造句: “That bacon sandwich I had this morning was the absolute dog’s bollocks.”
含义:fell arse over tit跌得不轻
造句: “You were so pissed (恼火)last night mate, you walked out of the pub and fell arse over tit in the street.”哥们,你昨晚太恼火了,走出酒吧,就在大街上跌倒了。
含义:as the actress said to the bishop引出一个暗讽
造句: “Oh my, look at the size of that sausage…as the actress said to the bishop.”
含义:donkey’s years很长一段时间
造句: “How’s your friend Lisa from school?” “Oh, god knows. I haven’t seen her for donkey’s years.”你的朋友lisa怎么样了? 天知道,我好久没见她了。
含义:Are you having a laugh?你在开玩笑嘛?
造句: “You’d rather go shopping with your mum than come down the pub with me? Are you having a laugh?”你宁愿和你麻麻一起逛街也不愿陪我去泡吧?你在逗我嘛?
含义:cheap as chips便宜到没朋友。
造句: “Where did you get that TV?” “Oh, I just found it on eBay, it was cheap as chips.”你在哪儿买的电视机? 我在ebay上买的,真的是很便宜。
含义:liquid lunch午餐喝酒不吃饭
造句: “Mate, I’m absolutely battered, I had a liquid lunch and now I have to go back to work. I’ve fucked it.”老兄,我现在真的很崩溃。中午喝了酒没吃饭,现在却要工作了。
含义:not cricket不对的,不公平的。
造句: “I can’t believe Barry left just before it was his turn to buy a round, that’s just not cricket.”
含义:see a man about a dog 去了一个神秘的地方,通常指洗手间。
造句: “Sorry, give me a minute, I’ve got to go see a man about a dog.”抱歉,等我下,我得去下洗手间。
含义:playing gooseberry充当电灯泡 (gooseberry 鹅莓)
造句: “Oh, you’re going to the cinema with Jamie and Robin. Do you not find it weird playing gooseberry like that?”啊,你要跟着Jamie 和Robin去看电影,你不觉得这样去当电灯泡很奇怪嘛?
含义:Bob’s your uncle 就到(那里)了。
造句: “Take a left at the end of the road, then the second right, and Bob’s your uncle, there’s the strip club.”这条路走到尽头左转,然后再右转,就到了,那个就是脱衣舞俱乐部。
如果大家平时看英剧很多的话,可能早就发现英国人真的很爱用俚语。很多人说,英式英语中这么多俚语主要是因为英国人很喜欢讽刺,而且直接说脏话有辱绅士作风,所以创造了这么多俚语。毕竟这些俚语听起来就觉得:So British!最后给大家推荐一个学习现代俚语的好网站,相信很多小伙伴都知道,就是Urban Dictionary。Urban Dictionary中文译名为“城市词典”,是一个美国在线俚语词典,该词典收录了很多常规词典里面查不到的流行英文俚语俗语。
2.常见闽南俚语 篇二
17. 牛瘦無力,人散白賊。 —— 說我沒志氣,當沒錢時候,就會想偷東西。 18. 食乎肥肥,激乎槌槌。 —— 吃好,遇事裝傻;形容不負責任的人,過生活的方式。
19. 食菜頭好彩頭,食菜豆食卡老老老。 —— 吃蘿蔔有好預兆;吃豆子可以長命百歲;此句是祝福的話。
20. 食無三把蔗尾,就會搭胸。 —— 諷刺人小有成就,就自大、得意忘形。
21. 食無一百歲,計較一千年。 —— 人生苦短,凡事不需要斤斤計較。 22. 食無三把蕹菜,著想要上西天 —— 吃齋念佛沒多久,就急的想登天;比喻人不要妄想一步登天。
23. 食人一口,還人一半。 —— 受人點滴恩惠,應當泉湧以報
24. 食瓠仔無留種。 —— 罵人做事只看得到眼前,沒有想到以後的發展。
25. 飼子無論飯,飼父母算頓。 —— 從小孩一出生,父母沒計較他們從小到大的栽培所付出的心血,但是小孩侍奉父 母時卻斤斤計較。
26. 飼雞無論糠,飼子無論飯。 —— 期待雞養的白白胖胖,小孩成長茁壯,所以因為愛所以並不計算對他們的付出。
27. 飼某飼到肥律律,飼父母飼到剩一枝骨。 —— 忽略了應當細心照料的父母。
28. 飽穗的稻子頭攏犁犁。 —— 越是有學問的人越懂得謙卑,不賣弄學問。
3.有趣的英语俚语 篇三
down in the mouth神情沮丧的,垂头丧气
live hand –to-mouth勉强糊口,勉强维持生活
mouth off傲慢无礼,顶嘴
run off at the mouth滔滔不绝地淡论,没完没了
shoot off one’s mouth随便乱说,信口开河at hand紧迫的,重要的
give someone a hand 帮助某人
hand it to someone佩服某人
hands down无疑,当然
know something like the back of one’s对某事物了如指掌
live hand-to-mouth毫无积蓄,勉强糊口
an old hand at something做某事的老手,熟手
on hand在手头,现有
out of hand失去控制,无法控制
the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand
4.关于blue的英语俚语 篇四
One day, out of the blue, she announced that she was leaving.有一天,她出人意料地宣布她要离开了。
Black and blue:被暴打了一顿,脸上青一块紫一块。形容打架斗殴或是练拳擦掌的时候都能用得到。
After Sam lost the wrestling match he was black and blue.山姆摔跤比赛结束后(脸上)青一块紫一块的。
A bolt from the blue:意外事件,晴天霹雳
The news of his death came as a bolt from the blue.
Once in a blue moon.:难得,偶尔
Barry only visits his parents once in a blue moon.
Until you are blue in the face:徒劳无功
You can ask me until you are blue in the face, but I will not give it to you.
Once in a blue moon:可以用来回答平时喜欢做什么,做某事的频率之类的问题。
What do you usually do on the weekends?
5.常用英语俚语 篇五
let’s talk turkey, see if you agree. i’ll get 55%of the share, and you’ll get the rest.
· not say uncle拒不认错,不服输
i don’t know when he has ever said uncle to anyone.
· take a dim view of…对……抱悲观态度;不赞同
teachers in middle schools usually take a dim view of students’ talking up too many after-class activities.
· walk all over someone任意欺负某人
my neighbor walked all over me. he left rubbish in my door, stamped on my grass and wax my windows. i decided to fight back.
· drive someone to the wall把某人逼得走投无路
he hates learning foreign languages. but the challenging situation drives him to the wall. he decides to go to an evening class.
· drive someone up the wall把某人搞得心烦意乱
would you please turn down that rap music? it has driven me up the wall.
· be in hot water陷入困境
i’m sorry i can’t lend you money. i myself am in hot water.
· like water off a duck’s back满不在乎,不起作用
i can do nothing about him. criticism rolls off like water off a duck’s back. it goes into his one ear and comes out of the other.
· meet one’s waterloo惨败
the famous lawyer met his waterloo at the hands of a fledgling lawyer.
· fish in troubled waters浑水摸鱼
don’t tell him that we need that material badly, he is good at fishing in troubled waters and will take advantage of it.
· make waves兴风作浪
everything went smoothly in her wedding ceremony, when her formal boyfriend came to make waves by drinking the bridegroom under the table.
· have a way with something/someone有应付……的办法
she will make a good teacher. she seems to have a way with even the most disobedient boy.
· pave the way for…为……铺平道路
6.世界各地口语英语俚语精选 篇六
Barbie 野外烧烤(也写作 BBQ)-用木炭或煤气在户外烹调
Beaut, beauty 形容好或出色。通常用于讽刺语气形容相反意思
Bro 称呼男性朋友或亲戚
Bright as a button 看上去很新、有活力
Bright spark 聪明,伶俐,专心,悟性
Bring a plate 每人自带食物大家分享。不能带空盘子。
Bush 新西兰本地森林
Bushed, had it 疲惫
BYO 自带酒水的英文字头缩写。BYO 餐馆允许顾客自带酒水用餐。
Chocker 饱了
Choice 好的,太好了
Chunder 呕吐
Clean as a whistle 擦得净亮
Clown 辱骂用语,白痴
Crook 患病或不舒服。也指小偷
Cuz 称呼朋友或亲戚
Dag 有趣的人,指性格
Dork 白痴或身体动作不协调的人
Dough 金钱
Drive around the bend 苦恼得控制不住情绪
Drongo 辱骂用语,白痴
Dude 外表英俊的男子
Fade 一种发型,后部头发和两鬓处很短,越接近头顶处头发越长
Feed 一顿饭
Flat tack 高速
Foxy, fox 用于形容外表冷俊的男女
Fully 我同意
G’dday 问候语,相当于‘哈罗’
Got the blues 用于形容悲伤的心情
Greenie 环境保护主义者
Gumboots 防水胶靴(英国称作高筒靴)
Grog 烈性酒
Grouse 好的,太好了,常用于表达喜悦
Hard case 脾气倔犟,但不招人讨厌的人,行为古怪的人
Hard graft 努力工作
Head over heels 通常用来形容一个人极度高兴的样子
Heart of gold 形容一个人非常和善
Hook up 会面或加入
Hoon 爱吵闹的人,粗野的人
In a spin 一般指同时发生许多情况,或不知如何是好
Jandals 橡胶鞋或皮带 (英国也称作 flip flops)
Joker 男子
Kiwi 新西兰本地鸟的符号,新西兰人
Lolly 通常指蜜饯或糖果
Mate 朋友,也是称呼用语
Mission 冒险
Mongrel 对人辱骂或表示轻蔑
Mullet 一种发型,顶部头发短而直立,后部长发而披散
Munted 断裂或扭曲
Narley 酷,棒
Nerd 乏味的人
Nifty 好(适用于描述事物)
No worries 同意的习惯用语
On to it 能干的 聪明的
On a high 成功的欢乐感
Once in a blue moon 罕见的,极少,几乎不
Paddock 场地,运动场
Paint the town red 外出散心
Piker 不愿参加集体活动的人
Pootang 粗俗或令人讨厌
Pop on over/ pop in 到我家来玩
Potluck dinner 每人带来预制的食品与全体客人分享
Pressie 礼物(礼品)
Pub 酒吧
Rapt 非常高兴的
Rellie 亲戚
Rough ride 困难的经历
She’ll be right 万事如意
Shocking 非常糟糕的
Shout 请朋友,例如吃饭或喝酒
Skite 自夸,自夸者或卖弄
Smoko 休息(喝咖啡或茶歇)
Snowed under 一般指负责的工作太多太杂
Spuds 土豆
Sticks 远近郊区,乡下
Stinge/Stingy 花钱不要大手大脚
Stoked 非常激动
Sweet as 太棒了
Swot 努力学习,特别是在考试之前
Ta 谢谢
Tinnie 一听啤酒
Tinny 幸运
To take for a ride 欺骗或捉弄人
Togs 泳装
Tucker 食物
Turn to custard 想法、计划、方案失败了
Unc/Unco 干活不利索的人,经常用来侮辱或嘲弄人
Under the weather 气色不好,不舒服,疲劳
Uni 大学
Varsity 大学
Veggies 蔬菜
7.流行的粤语俚语 篇七
【一支公】 “一支”,特指人的数量词,表“只一个”,隐含孤单意;“公”指“人”的特有土话讲法,指男人,女性自谓时也可用。
【一旧水】 “水”此处亦可称为“嘢”,钱。一百元。市井语,严肃场合或高雅人士不用。
【一撇水】 “撇”音pit3,“水”亦可称为“嘢”。一千元,用法同上。
【一盘水】 一万元。
【一个崩】 相当于一分钱或一个铜钱。
【一啖】 “啖”音“淡”(dem6)作量词即口,动词作吃讲。如:“日啖荔枝三百颗”(动词:食),“咬两三啖”(量词:口)。
【一碌木(或竹,或蔗)】 “碌”音luk7,段、截。字面意为一段木头,常以喻人反应迟顿。
【一粒嘢】 一角钱(旧称一毫子)。二三十年代至50年代初,市面通行,带轻视其值少的隐意,其后渐不用。
【一粒仔(女)】 一个仔(女),隐含“孤单”、“矜贵”之意。
【一身蚁】 “一身”,浑身,周身。喻“不胜其痒”、“麻烦多多”、“虽不致命,苦恼难堪”等意。
【一阵】 义如“一会儿”、“片刻”“俄倾”。如“等一阵,一齐去”。又可连“一”也省略掉:“等阵一齐去”。
【一味】 非指菜肴,意为坚持某种意见的态度,略如普通话“老是……”、“总是……”。如:“我讲到口水都干晒, 重系一味摇头”(我口都说干了,他仍是摇头坚持不答应)。
【一脚踢】 劳务市场惯用语,义为“包括全部在内”,约相当于普通话的“一揽子”,但用法不全同;后者是形容词性定语,如“一揽子计划”;前者通常作独立成分出现,不直接与句中任何成分结成词组,如“请盞个保姆,带细路(小孩)、煮饭、买菜、洗衫等,一脚踢,月薪三百元”(一脚踢指从带小孩到其他家中杂务全部包括在内)。
【豆厘】 旧时重量单位为斤、两、钱、分、厘……,封建时代货币银也以此为重量计值,“厘”为值甚微。豆,形容一颗豆子那么小。俗语引申其义,作“低级”、“贱价”、“劣品”讲,如:“呢只表,豆厘嘢 ”(这只表,低级品罢了)。
【二世祖】 义同败家仔、纨?子弟;带鄙视、嘲骂意。指其人是只凭先人遗泽,光顾享乐,挥霍成性。
【八卦】 原是易经八卦图中乾、坎、艮、震、巽、离、坤、兑之名。近、现代老百姓用以指人爱搬弄是非、爱管闲事、说三道四等。
【九出十三归】 是民国时代流行的一句关于高利贷的术语,指“贷”出名义上10元而实只付给9元,到期(一般甚短,甚至只一二天)除还足10元外,又加收3元利,一共13元。旧社会贫苦人家,许多是被这样的阎王债压到终生翻不了身的。
【大把】 字面意义为大捆、大束,申引义为很多。如:“大把禾草”,“两大把柴”。老百姓更多用其申引义,如:“大把货”,“大把水头”(均指钱)。
8.地道的美语常用俚语 篇八
The feeling or idea that something new is about to happen or is going to change.
Example: From the arguments going on at the meeting, it seems that a change in policy is in the air.
2 Clear the air 消除误会
To settle a dispute and restore good relations
Example: We had a meeting with the workers, and I think we’ve cleared the air now.
3 Cost an arm and a leg 极其昂贵
To be very expensive
Example: I love that fur coat. However, I don’t think I’m going to buy it because it costs an arm and a leg.
4 A bad egg 缺乏道德的人
Somebody who has no moral principles and should be avoided
Example: You mustn’t lend Tim money, he’s a bad egg. You’ll never see him or your money again!
5 In the Bag 稳操胜券
Said of an achievement which is secure
Example: We have the deal in the bag. The client came in this morning to sign the agreement.
6 In the balance 未知的,不可预测的
Said when the outcome of a situation is unknown or unpredictable
Example: His career as a pilot is in the balance, as his eyesight does not seem good enough.
7 Drive a hard bargain 极力讨价还价
To have the negotiating strength and skills to get the most advantageous price and conditions
Example: Amanda is negotiating the best price from the suppliers. She drives a hard bargain.
8 Ring a bell 看上去或听起来非常熟悉
To look, sound or seem familiar
Example: That face rings a bell, where have I seen him before?
9 Tighten one’s belt 节衣缩食
To cut down on spending because there is less income than before
Example: Now you are out of work, you’ll have to tighten your belt and give up buying new clothes and going out so often.
10 Kill two birds with one stone 一石二鸟
To complete two tasks together, with less effort than doing them separately
Example: Since I’d gone to the store to buy some bread, I thought of killing two birds with one stone and invited Mr. Biggs to the party.
11 Be in a black mood 情绪极差
To be so negative about everything that it is impossible for anyone to reason with him/her
Example: My father has been in a black mood for days, we dare not say anything to him.
12 New blood 新成员
New people brought into an organization to introduce different and original ideas
Example: It was decided to bring new blood into the school by employing teachers with the latest training.
13 Feeling blue 感到无精打采
Feeling sad or depressed
Example: She’s feeling blue, because the man she loves is far away.
14 Get to the bottom of something 弄清真相
To find out the truth about something
Example: I’m trying to get to the bottom of why David left without saying goodbye.
15 A piece of cake 轻松的事
Something which is very easy to do
Example: Here…let me put the batteries in for you. It’s a piece of cake.
16 Pay a call 拜访
To visit somebody
9.汉语中的俚语 篇九
10.英语俚语 篇十
这个表示意见不同的时候发生的冲突。例如:‘I had a right kerfuffle with my girlfriend this morning over politics.’
表示垃圾或废话。例如:‘That’s a load of tosh about what happened last night’还可以说: ‘Don’t talk tosh.’
Car park
这个英国随处可见,就是美国喜欢用的parking,停车场的意思。例如:‘I left my car in the car park this morning.’
如果有人假装生病逃班或逃课的时候,就可以用这个词。例如:‘He tried to skive off work but got caught by his manager.’
一般表示垃圾,有时候也表示讽刺,比‘bollocks’更轻一点。例如:‘Can you take the rubbish out please?’还可以说:‘What? Don’t talk rubbish.’
这个是英国俚语中攻击对方用的最“友善”的表达方式,和朋友开玩笑就可以用,比“Jerk”还要适用噢~例如:‘That guy just cut me up in traffic – what a wanker.’
意味着情况良好,cool,或标准的。例如: ‘Yeah, everything’s hunky-dory at the office.’