1.小学数学应用题陷阱题 篇一
2.小学数学应用题陷阱题 篇二
复习课是对于知识的复习以及数学技能的复习。而要考验学生对于数学知识的掌握程度就离不开数学相关习题的练习。然而现在的大多教师在让学生进行练习时,往往是一味地注重其对于数学知识的掌握和记忆,而忽视了对其能力的培养。如:某位教师在复习《混合运算》中的“加减混合运算”时,就出了这么一道题:“两个桶,一个能盛 3 斤水,另一个能盛5 斤水。现在需要 7 斤水,怎么用这两个桶量出来?”这其实就是一道简单的“5 减 3 再加 5 等于 7”的运算题,然而运用到实际情境中,就难住了不少六年级的学生。由此可见,教师在引导学生进行练习时,要让其对所学知识灵活运用,培养其发现问题、解决问题的能力。倘若知识一味强调死板的运算法则和知识记忆,那么或许在短期可以收获不错的成效,但是对于学生长远的发展是没有裨益的[2]。
[1]苏洁. 浅析转化小学数学学困生的策略[J]. 西北成人教育学报,2014,01:118-121.
[2]杨达莉. 小学数学学困生形成的原因及对策研究[J]. 教育教学论坛,2014,25:162-163.
[3]姜明珠. 浅析小学数学学困生的形成原因与教学策略[J]. 科学大众(科学教育),2014,08:62.
3.小学数学应用题陷阱题 篇三
8.公园有7只大猴,小猴的只数比大猴多9只,公园一共养了多 少只猴?
18.一辆自行车的价钱是182元,一辆摩托车的价钱比一辆自行车的10倍还多700元。一辆摩托车 的价钱是多少元?一辆摩托车比一辆自行车贵多少元?
19.三年级三个班一共有111名同学。一班有35人,二班和三班的人数相等。二班、三班各有多少 人?
24.一个粮店3天售出大米的数量分别是430千克、380千克、407千克,这个粮店3天大约售出大 米多少千克?
25.副食商店第一天卖出鸡蛋150千克,第二天比第一天卖出的2倍少75千克。第二天卖出鸡蛋多少 千克? 26.动物园的一只大象每天吃450千克食物,一只熊猫4天吃72千克食物。一只大象每天的食量是一只熊猫的多少倍?它比熊猫每天多吃多少食物?
29.校园里有2个花圃,每个花圃都种了4行花,这些花一共有96棵,每个花圃里平均每行有多少 棵?
30.中、高年级同学听科学家作报告中年级有84人参加,高年级参加的人数是中年级的3倍。听报 告的一共有多少人?
31.王老师要批改48篇作文,已经批改了12篇。如果每小时批改6篇,剩下的作文要多少小时批改 完呢?
32.一根绳子长25米,先剪下10米,剩下的每两米做一根短跳绳。可以做多少根短跳绳,还剩多 少米?
33.中营村去年修了2条水渠,总长604米,今年修的水渠长度是去年的3倍。今年比去年多修多少 米?
35.小红家今年养了4箱蜜蜂,共收蜂蜜380千克,去年平均每箱收蜂蜜84千克。今年每箱平均产 蜜量比去年高多少千克? 36.学校有2排柏树,每排4棵。松树的棵数是柏树的5倍。①学校一共有多少棵松树?②小明和4 个同学去给这些树浇水,平均每人浇几棵?
答出来吗?问题1:________________? 问题2:____________ ____?
46.把一张长36厘米,宽18厘米的长方形纸片,剪成两个最大的正方形,其中一个正方形的周长是 多少厘米?
48.有两筐橘子,第一筐重26千克,第二筐重18千克。要使两筐的橘子一样重,需要从第一筐中拿 出多少千克橘子放人第二筐? 49.畜牧场养山羊80只,养奶羊110只。养的绵羊比山羊和奶羊的总数多120只。________
_______ ?(提出用两步计算的问题,再解答出来。)50.有2个书架,__ _______________,每层放40本书,一共放多少本书?
54.一个正方形的边长是8厘米,如果把它的边长增加10厘米,那么它的周长增加多少厘米? 55.一个长方形的操场周长是400米,长是宽的3倍,这个操场的长和宽各是多少米?
60.星星幼儿园每天运来水果6箱,每箱10千克。一个月按21天计算,运来水果多少千克? 61.一艘轮船5小时行150千米。照这样计算,一天可航行多少千米?
62.乐乐和东东同住一幢楼,上学时乐乐每分钟走80千米,到学校要用7分钟,东东比乐乐多用1 分钟,东东每分钟走多少米?
66.体育室有8个篮球,20个羽毛球。篮球和足球的总数比羽毛球少5个。有多少个足球? 67.玩具生产组原来每天做玩具40件,现在每天的产量是原来的10倍。现在比原来每天多做多少件?
68.地球仪 18元,墨水 2元。王老师带86元去买地球仪和墨水,买了3个地球仪,剩余的钱还 能买多少瓶墨水?
70.农民给水稻施肥,平均每平方米施肥23克,在一块长200米,宽150米的稻田里共施化肥多少 克?合多少千克?
71.一张桌面是长方形,它的长是1米14厘米,宽是50厘米,要 在桌面上贴一层塑料贴面,一共需
72.有一块长方形菜地,长60分米,宽50分米,面积是多少平方米?在这块地里一共收150千克黄 瓜,平均每平方米收黄瓜多少千克?
73.一条人行道长30米,宽2米,面积是多少平方米?用面积是25平方分米的水泥方砖铺路,需要 这样的水泥砖多少块?
74.我们班有32人参加奥数特长班,有29人参加英语特长班,有17人两个特长班都参加了。参加 这两个特长班的学生共有多少人?
参加的有4人。你知道我们班有多少人吗? 77.我们班共有14人参加了跑步和跳绳比赛。参加跑步的有8人,参加跳绳的有9人。两项都参加 的有多少人?
78.三年级有30位同学。在一次劳动中,有18个同学带水桶,有22个同学带扫把。同时带水桶和 扫把的同学有多少个?
80.一个梨的重量与两个桃的重量相等。三个苹果的重量等于两个梨的重量。多少个桃的重量与6个 苹果同样重?
94、植树节时,同学们被分成了8个小组,每个小组5人,共植树160棵。平均每人植树多少棵? 95、超市运来820千克茄子,共运了4次,每次运5箱,每箱能装多少千克?
107、小刚家养了3头奶牛,这个星期一共产奶525千克,平均每头奶牛每天产奶多少千克? 108、爸爸妈妈带着小红各小丽去某海洋馆看表演,共花门票120元,成人门票一张45元,学生门票每张多少元?
122、食堂买了3袋大米,每袋25千克,吃去了一部分,还剩30千克。吃去了多少千克? 123、学校科技小组有18人,摄影小组有9人,棋类小组的人数是科技小组的2倍。棋类小组的人数是摄影小组的几倍?
127、湖里有4只鹤,鹅的只数是鹤的3倍,还有15只鸭。鹤、鹅和鸭一共有多少只 ?
128、有两筐橘子,第一筐重26千克,第二筐重18千克。要使两筐的橘子一样重,需要从第一筐中拿出多少千克橘子放人第二筐? 129、畜牧场养山羊80只,养奶羊110只。养的绵羊比山羊和奶羊的总数多120只。?(提出用两步计算的问题,再解答出来。)
134.冬冬和明明帮老师搬书,一共有26本书,冬冬先抢着搬了一部分,明明不服气,抢走一半,冬冬又从明明处抢回一半,明明不肯,冬冬还他5本,这时冬冬比明明少搬2本,问最初冬冬准备搬多少本? 135、甲乙两船从AB两地同时相向出发,在距A地700处第一次相遇,两船继续航行,到达对岸后返航,在返航途中,距乙地400处,第二次相遇,求AB两地距离是多少?
145、操场上打篮球的有12人,踢足球的比打篮球的少3人,打篮球的和踢足球的一共有多少人? 146、动物园有5只虎,鹿的只数是虎的3倍。(1)鹿比虎多几只?(2)鹿和虎一共有多少只?
147、三年一班有学生45人,其中女生有26人,男生比女生少几 人?
148、小红和哥哥的年龄加起来是20岁。哥哥今年12岁,哥哥比 小红大多少岁?
4.高考陷阱题系列——定语从句 篇四
1.The factory was built in a secret place, around ______ high mountains.A.which was B.it was C.which were D.them were
【陷阱】容易误选A或B,将A、B中的 which 和 it 误认为是其后句子的主语。
【分析】最佳答案是C,around which were high mountains 是一个由“介词+which”引出的非限制性定语从句,而在该从句中,主语是 high mountains,around which 是表语,所以句子谓语应用复数were,而不是用单数 was。请做以下类例题目(答案均为C):
(1)Yesterday we visited a modern hospital, around _______ some fruit shops.A.which is B.it is
C.which are D.them are
(2)The murder happened in an old building, beside ______ the city police station.A.which are B.it is C.which is D.them are
(3)Next month we’ll move to a new building, next to _______ a nice restaurants where we can have Chinese food.A.which are B.it is C.which is D.them are
2.A man with a bleeding hand hurried in and asked, “Is there a hospital around ______ I can get some medicine for my wounded hand?” A.that B.which C.where D.what 【陷阱】容易误选 B,认为 around 是介词,选 which 用以代替前面的名词 hospital,在此用作介词 around 的宾语。
【分析】最佳答案为C。以上语法分析并不算错,但问题是,照此分析,此句的意思即为:有没有这样一个医院,我在它的附近可以买药治我的手伤?这样的语境显然有点不合情理,因为人们通常是在医院里面治伤,而不是在医院附近治伤。此题选 C 的理由是:句中的 around 不是介词,而是副词,意为“在附近”;其后的 where 引导定语从句用以修饰其前的地点名词 hospital,句意为:附近有没有一家医院,我可以去治我的手伤?
3._____ is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month.A.It B.As C.That D.What
【陷阱】容易误选 A,认为此处应填一个形式主语。
【分析】最佳答案是 B。as 引导的是一个非限制性定语从句。比较下面一题:
_______ is known to everybody that the moon travels round the earth once every month.A.It B.As C.That D.What
此题答案选 A,it 为形式主语,真正的主语是后面的 that 从句。再比较下面一组题,其中第(1)题选 B,第(2)题选 D:
(1)______ is mentioned above, the number of the students in senior school is increasing.A.Which B.As C.That D.It
(2)______ is mentioned above that the number of the students in senior school is increasing.A.Which B.As C.That D.It
4.David is such a good boy _______ all the teachers like.A.that B.who C.as D.whom
【陷阱】此题容易误选A,许多同学一看到题干中的such,再联系到选项中的 that,便认为这是考查such … that …句式。况且,这样理解意思也还通顺。【分析】最佳答案为C,不是A,因为在such … that …(如此……以至……)结构中,that 引导的是结果状语从句,并且 that 在从句中不充当句子成分,若在上句填入 such … that …,句末的动词 like 缺宾语。选C的理由如下:as 用作关系代词,用以引导定语从句,修饰其前的名词 boy,同时 as 在定语从句中用作动词 like 的宾语,句意为“所有老师都喜欢的一位好男孩”。有的同学可能还会问,假若选A,能否将其后的 that 视为引导定语从句的关系代词呢?不能,因为当先行词受到 such 的修饰时,其后的定语从句应用关系代词 as 来引导,而不用that。比较下面一题,答案为A,因为 like 后有自己的宾语 him: David is such a good boy _______ all the teachers like him.A.that B.who C.as D.whom
It was not such a good dinner _______ she had promised us.A.like B.that C.which D.as
5.The buses, most of _______ were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowd.A.that B.it C.them D.which
【陷阱】容易误选 C,用 them 代指 the buses。
【分析】最佳答案是D。most of which were already full 为非限制性定语从句,修饰 the buses。类似地,以下各题也选D:(1)His house, for _______ he paid $10, 000, is now worth $50, 000.A.that B.it C.them D.which
(2)Ashdown forest, through _______ we’ll be driving, isn’t a forest any longer.A.that B.it C.them D.which
(3)This I did at nine o’clock, after _______ I sat reading the paper.A.that B.it C.them D.which
类似地,以下各题选 whom,不选 them:
(4)George, with _______ I played tennis on Sundays, was a warm-hearted person.A.that B.him C.them D.whom
(5)Her sons, both of ______ work abroad, will come back home this summer.A.that B.who C.them D.whom
(6)I met the fruit-pickers, several of _______ were still university students.A.that B.who C.them own field.A.whom B.them C.which D.who
【陷阱】容易误选 B,用 them 代指 students。
【分析】最佳答案是A,many of whom gained great success in their own field 为非限制性定语从句。假若在many of… 的前面加上连词and,则选答案B。比较以下各题(答案均选A):
(1)He asked a lot of questions, none of ______ was easy to answer.D.whom
6.He had thousands of students, many of ______ gained great success in their A.which B.them C.what A.them C.what D.that B.which D.that(2)He asked a lot of questions, and none of ______ was easy to answer.(3)He told me that he had two girl-friends, neither of _______ knew anything about the other.A.whom B.them C.which D.who
(4)He told me that he had two girl-friends, and neither of _______ knew anything about the other.A.them B.whom
C.which D.who
7.He had a lot of friends, only a few of ______ invited to his wedding.A.whom B.them C.which D.who
【陷阱】容易误选 A,认为这是非限制性定语从句。
【分析】最佳答案是B,这不是非限制性定语从句,而是一个独立主格结构,因为空格后的动词 invited 并不是一个完整的谓语,而是一个过去分词。当然,假若在 invited 前加上助动词 were,则是一个非限制性定语从句,答案便应选A。比较:
(1)They put forward a lot of plans at the meeting, none of _______ carried out in their work.A.which B.them C.what D.that
答案选B,none of them carried out in their work 是独立主格结构,其中的 carried out 为过去分词。
(2)They put forward a lot of plans at the meeting, none of _______ were carried out in their work.A.which B.them C.what D.that
答案选A,none of them were carried out in their work 是非限制性定语从句,注意与上例比较句中多了一个助动词were。
(3)They put forward a lot of plans at the meeting, but none of _______ were carried out in their work.A.which B.them C.what D.that
8.On Sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park, _______ parents seated together joking.A.their B.whose
C.which D.that
【分析】最佳答案是A。与上面一题相似,their parents seated together joking 不是非限制性定语从句,而是一个独立主格结构,因为空格后的动词 seated 不是谓语,而是一个过去分词,因为 seat 作动词用时,是及物动词。比较以下相似题:
(1)On Sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park, _______ parents were seated together joking.A.their B.whose
C.which D.that
选B。whose parents were seated together joking 为非限制性定语从句,因为其后有完整的谓语 were seated。
(2)On Sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park, and _______ parents were seated together joking.A.their B.whose
C.which D.that 选A。因为句中有并列连词and,整个句子为并列句。
(3)On Sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park, _______ parents sitting together joking.A.their B.whose
C.which D.that
选A。their parents sitting together joking 为独立主格结构。
(4)On Sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park, _______ parents sat together joking.A.their B.whose
C.which D.that
选B。whose parents sat together joking 为非限制性定语从句,因为句中有完整的谓语 sat。
(5)On Sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park, _______ parents were sitting together joking.A.their B.whose
C.which D.that
选B。whose parents were sitting together joking 为非限制性定语从句,因为句中有完整的谓语 were sitting。
9.If the man is only interested in your looks, _____ just shows how shallow he is.A.as B.which C.what D.that
【分析】正确答案为D,注意逗号前是一个条件状语从句,逗号后是该状语从句的主句,that 在此代表前文所述的情况,用作主句的主语。类似地,下面几道题也选 that,而不选 which:
(1)If you promise to go with us, _____ will be OK.A.as B.which C.and it D.that
(2)If you want a double room, _____ will cost another £15.A.as B.which C.what D.that
(3)Whether you go or not, _______ is quite all right with me.A.that B.which C.and it D.so
(4)When I say two hours, _____ includes time for eating.A.as B.which C.what D.that
10.She says that she’ll never forget the time ________ she’s spent working as a secretary in our company.A.which B.when C.how D.where
【陷阱】容易误选B,机械地认为时间名词后必须用关系副词when,地点名词后用关系副词 where。
【分析】正确答案为A。在时间名词和地点名词后是否用关系副词要看它在定语从句中充当什么句子成分。一般说来,若用作主语或宾语,用关系代词;若用作状语,则用关系副词。上面一题中的动词 spent 缺宾语,故应用关系代词 which或that。比较下面一题,由于空格后的句子不缺少主语或宾语,所以选关系副词when:
She says that she’ll never forget the time ________ she works as a secretary in our company.A.which B.when C.how D.where
(1)Our company will move to a tall building _______ we bought last month.A.which B.when C.how D.where
选A,which 在定语从句中用作动词 bought 的宾语。
(2)Our company will move to a tall building _______ has just been complete.A.which B.when C.how D.where
选A,which 在定语从句中用作主语。
(3)Our company will move to a tall building _______ we worked two years ago.A.where B.when C.that D.which
选A,where 在定语从句中用作状语。
1.All of the flowers now raised here have developed from those _______ in the forest.A.once they grew B.they grew once
C.they once grew D.once grew
2.In the office I never seem to have time until after 5:30 pm, _____ many people have gone home.A.that B.which
C.whose time D.by which time
3.Is this the reason _______ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work? A.he explained B.what he explained C.how he explained D.why he explained
4.Luckily, we’d brought a road map without ______ we would have lost our way.A.it B.that C.this D.which
5.When he was working there he caught a serious illness from _____ efforts he still suffers.A.which B.that C.whose D.what
6.It’s said that he’s looking for a new job, one ______ he can get more money to support his family.A.when B.where C.that D.which
7.We are living in an age ______ many things are done on computer.A.which B.that C.whose D.when
8.The little time we have together we’ll try _____ wisely.A.spending it B.to spend it C.to spend to work.A.that, the place B.it, the place C.which, where D.what, where
10.We will be shown around the city: schools, museums, and some other places, _______ other visitors seldom go.A.what B.which
C.where D.when
11.The modern history of Italy dates from 1860, ______ the country became united.A.when B.if C.since forest.A.once they grew B.they grew once C.that once grew D.once grew
13.You could see the runners very well from ______ we stood.A.which B.where C.that D.when
14.Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, _______ was very reasonable.A.which price B.the price of which C.its price D.the price of whose D.spending that
9.The old building, behind _______ was a famous church, was _______ we used D.until
12.All of the flowers now raised here have developed from those _____ in the 15.What have you got _____ will help a cold? A.what C.it B.that D.who
16.He was very angry and I can still remember the way _____ he spoke to me.A.how B.that C.what D.which
17.Do you know the man from ________ house the pictures were stolen? A.which B.that C.what D.whose
18.I can think of many cases _______ students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldn’t write a good essay.A.why B.which C.as D.where
19.Is this all that you need? If you married me, I’d give you everything you _____.A.want B.wanted
C.had wanted D.are wanting
20.I met the teacher in the street yesterday ________ taught me English three years ago.A.which B.when C.where D.who
21.He’s got himself into a dangerous situation _____ he is likely to lose control over the plane.A.where B.which C.while D.why
22.He made another wonderful discovery, ______ of great importance to science.A.which I think is B.which I think it is C.which I think it D.I think is
23.Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, ____, of course, made the others unhappy.A.who B.which C.this D.what
24.Their problem today is somewhat similar to _____ they faced many years ago.A.that B.which C.that which D.it
25.I saw some trees the leaves of _____ were black with disease.A.that B.which C.it D.what
26.The famous basketballer, _______ tried to make a comeback, attracted a lot of attention.A.where B.when C.which D.who
27.When they went into the shop and asked to look at the engagement rings, the girl brought out a cheaper one, _______ she had arranged with James.A.the which was what C.which was what
1.选 C。先行词是 those,可视为 those flowers 之省略。they once grew 前省略了关系代词 which。全句意为:这儿所养的花是由他们曾在森林里种植的花培养出来的。
2.选D。by which time 引出的是一个非限制性定语从句,其中 by which time 相当于 and by that time。
3.选 A。注意不能选 D,因为动词 explained 缺宾语。4.选 D。which 指 the road map。
5.选C。from whose efforts he still suffers 为修饰 a serious illness 的定语从句,whose 在定语从句中用作定语,修饰 efforts。
6.选B。where 引导定语从句修饰 one。注:one 在此指 a new job。类似地,B.what was that D.that was that
下面一题的答案是C,因为one that 相当于 a problem that: The problem is _____ has caused us a lot of trouble.A.one B.that C.one that D.that one
7.选 D。先行词是表时间的 age(时代),由于关系词在定语从句中作状语,故用 when。
8.选C。该句的正常词序为 We will try to spend the little time we have together wisely.9.选C。第一空填 which,指 the old building;第二空填 where,用以引导表语从句。
10.选 C。先行词是地点名词 places,由于关系词在定语从句中作状语,故用 where。
11.选A。when 引导的是非限制性定语从句。
12.选C。that once grew in the forest 为修饰 those 的定语从句。13.选B。where 在此相当于 the place where。
14.选 B。the price of which was very reasonable 为非限制性定语从句,其中的 the price of which 相当于 and its price 或 and the price of it。假若空格前有并列连词 and,则可选 C。
15.选B。that will help a cold 为修饰 what 的定语从句。比较:Have you got anything that will help a cold? 以及 I’ve got nothing that will help a cold.16.选B。the way 后不接how 引导的从句,换句说,how 不是关系代词或关系副词,不能引导定语从句。以the way 为先行词的定语从句通常用 that 或 in which 来引导,在非正式文体中也可省略 that 和 in which。
17.选D。from whose house the pictures were stolen 为修饰 the man 的定语从句,whose 在定语从句中用作定语,修饰 house。
18.选 D。先行词是 many cases,关系副词 where =in which。
19.选A。尽管句中用了 if you married me, I’d give you everything 这样的虚 拟语气句子,但修饰everything 的定语从句(that)you want 却要用陈述语语气,因为它是回答前面 Is this all that you need? 这一提问的。20.选 D。因定语从句缺主语,且关系代词指人,故选D。
21.选A。where 所引导的为修饰 a dangerous situation 的定语从句。22.选 A。选项中的 I think 是插入语,若略去不看便可清楚地看出答案。23.选 B。of course 为插入语,若将项其去掉,则答案显然是B。24.选C。that which相当于 the problem which。25.选B。the leaves of which 相当于 whose leaves。
26.选 D。先行词是 The famous basketballer(著名的篮球明星),故要用 who 来引导定语从句,因为其余三项均不用于指人。
5.中考英语121个单选陷阱题1 篇五
()1.Mr Li is in his office now.Go and find him.A.maybe B.Maybe C.May be D.May
()2.Would you like my house for my birthday party?
A.come to B.to come over C.coming at D.to come over to
()3.I like but I don’t like now because I am ill.A.to sing, to sing B.singing, singing C.to sing, singing D.singing, to sing
()4.I like to keep the windows.It’s raining heavily outside.A.closed B.opened C.open D.closing
()5.It’s fine.So she the umbrella.A.needs B.needn’t C.doesn’t need D.need
()6.It seems that there a heavy rain this afternoon.A.will have B.is going C.is going to D.will be
()7.----Will you us about your trip to Tokyo?----Ok.Shall I it in English or Japanese?
A.talk, say B.tell, say C.talk, speak D.tell, speak
()8.Lily Lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home.A.Not, but B.Neither, nor C.Both, and D.Either, or
()9.Lucy, please stop _______ me.My bike is broken.A.helping B.to help C.help D.helps
()10.They forgot their food and drink.They have nothing to eat now.A.to bring B.bring C.bringing D.brought
()11.Lucy here two years ago, she here for about two years.A.got, has got B.got, has been C.got, got D.has got, got
()12.John Hill was sentenced to ________, but he isn’t ________.He will never ________.A.dead---death---die B.death---die---dead C.die---dead---death D.death---dead---die
()13.Now open your books and read the story as as you can.A.fast B.quick C.hardly D.possible
()14.She was seen paper planes in the room.A.made B.to make C.makes D.making
()15.This is the room.A.for you to live B.for you living C.my living in D.for me to live in
()16.The students were told ______ late again.A.not to be B.don’t be C.not be D.don’t to be
()17.The students sat together, happily.A.sing B.to sing C.singing D.and singing
()18.I don’t know he will come tomorrow.he comes, I’ll tell you.A.if, Whether B.whether, Whether C.if, That D.if, If
()19.The driver drives ________ the car.A.in front of B.in the front of C.in D.on
()20.Can you tell me about the football match?
A.what today’s evening paper writes B.what does today’s evening paper say
C.what it said in today’s evening paper D.what does today’s evening paper write
()21.We met our maths teacher England lunch.A.in, for B.of, at C.from, at D.to, for
()22.Jack isn’t a soldier, is he?.A.Yes, he isn’t B.Yes, he is C.No, he is.D.No, Jack isn’t
()23.The weather in Changsha is different in Beijing.A.than that B.to it C.from D.from that
()24.I am your father, I ?
A.amn’t B.am not C.isn’t D.aren’t
()25.It was a cold spring morning that the boy left his home.A.on B.in C.at D.for
()26.The dictionary _______ well.A.sells B.is selled C.is sold D.was sold
()27.We have to do our homework for every day.A.one and half hour B.one and a half hour C.one hour and half hour D.one and a half hours
()28.We have known each other we were young.A.for B.since C.after D.before
()29.She was born in Wuhan, but Guanzhou has become her second _______.A.family B.home C.house D.country
()30.This hat was made _______ silk ______ a woman _______ China.A.of, from, in B.by, with, from C.of, by, in D.from, by, of
()31.I saw a group of students _______ in our school.A.is B.are C.was D./
()32.If you go and do some shopping tomorrow, so _______.A.I do B.do I C.will I D.I will
()33.Mr.Green is an expert doctor.He can even save _______ people.A.dead B.died C.death D.dying
()34.We will do what we can ________ you.A.help B.to help C.helping D.helps
()35.a dog is man’s best friend.A.That is true to say B.To say that is true C.It is true to say D.To say it is true
()36.Chinese team will play Japanese team.A.with B.on C.for D.against
()37.Be careful.It’s quite easy for players to get.A.hurt B.hurting C.hurted D.hurts
()38.Though the old woman lives , she doesn’t feel.A.alone, alone B.alone, lonely C.lonely, lonely D.lonely, alone
()39.The Greens have two _______, one is boy, the other is girl.A.kids B.birds C.baby D.childern
()40.There are shops on _______ side of the street, ______ of them do not close until 12 at night.A.both, All B.every, None C.either, Some D.other, Many
()41.----Oh, there’s someone at the door.----Let me have a look, I think is my friend.A.that B.it C.she D.he
()42.When I read the story, I felt.A.exciting, exciting B.exciting, excited C.excited, exciting D.excited, excited
()43.One billion one hundred million is.A.1,100,000,000 B.110,000,000 C.100,100,000 D.101,000,000
()44.The life we were used to ______ greatly since 1992.A.change B.changing C.has changed D.have changed
()45.Can you them in the basketball match?
A.won B.win C.beat D.beaten
()46.The train for twenty minutes when I got to the railway station.A.had been away B.has left C.had left D.has been away
()47.The number of the players in a football match ______ 24.A.are B.is C.am D.be
()48.If an accident ________ tomorrow, please send for me as soon as possible.A.will happen B.happens C.will be happened D.is happened
()49.this house now, or I will the police.A.Get out, call B.Come in, send away C.Leave, send for D.Stay, ask for
()50.There is ice in the room, so it is cold.A.too much, much too B.much too, very much C.too much, very much D.much too, too much
()51.No matter what the weather tomorrow, we’ll go skiing.A.Like B.likes C.is like D.will be like
()52.Mrs.Read teaches English and drawing.A.he B.his C.him D.Li Ming’s
()53.China lies _______ the east of Asia and ______ the north of Australia.A.to;to B.in;to C.to;in D.in;on
()54.It’s very nice ______ you to get me two tickets _______ the World Cup.A.for;of B.of;for C.to;for D.of;to
()55.I can’t say ______I want to see him again.We haven’t seen each other for ten years.A.how long B.how soon C.how often D.how much
()56.---Would you like some coffee?
---Yes, and please get me some milk, too.I prefer coffee ______milk.A.to B.with C.than D.of
()57.Father asked Edison ________.A.what was he doing that for B.why he was doing that for
C.how he was doing that for D.what he was doing that for
()58.Where was this big egg_____?
A.lied B.lain C.laid D.lay
()59._______ school, we can get much knowledge.A.Because B.Thanks for C.Thanks with D.Thanks to
()60.He will come to stay with us for _________________ next month.A.some time sometime B.sometime some time C.sometime D.some times
()61.This radio program is well worth________.A.listening B.listening to C.watching D.to listen
()62.He must be a doctor, _________?
A.mustn’t he B.must he C.is he D.isn’t he
()63.This building is taller than _________one around it.A.any other B.another one C.any D.some other
()64.---How long_______ you _______ the English dictionary?---About half a year.A.have, got B.did, buy C.have, had D.have, bought
()65.____the help of my English teacher, I did well in English last term.A.Under B.In C.With D.For
()66.The king _______himself from a leaning tree.What a pity.A.hung B.hanged C.hunged D.hang
()67.When _______the PRC______, do you know?
A.did, find B.did, found C.was, found D.was, founded
()68.He watched the game with a ______look.A.surprising B.surprised C.surprise D.surprises
()69._____the time he got up, the road had already been covered with think snow.A.For B.By C.At D.Until
()70.Water must be kept _______away.A.to run B.runs C.running D.from running
()71.He is the ______of his parents.They are very _______of him.A.proud, pride B.pride, proud C.pride, pride D.proud, proud
()72.He had lived in this city _______I moved here.But I hear that he will leave this city_______.A.long before, before long B.before long, before long
C.long before, long before D.before long, long before
()73.His son isn’t ________ to go to school.He is only four years and two months.A.enough old B.old enough C.young enough D.young enough
()74.Will you please make ________ for me? I must be together with my baby.A.a room B.room C.a space D.rooms
()75.I will help you if I _______.A.am able B.will be able C.can be able to D.am able to
()76.I think _______impossible to learn English well in a short time.A.that B.this C.it D./
()77.Older people should ________ politely.A.speak to B.be spoken C.be spoken to D.spoken to
()78.I will _______ until your father comes back home.I have something important to talk with him.A.not wait B.leave C.wait D.not to wait
()79.He is afraid _______the narrow bridge because he is afraid _______ into the water.A.to cross, of falling B.of crossing, to fall C.to cross, to fall D.of crossing, of falling
()80.You’d better go to bed early on weekdays, _______ you?
A.hadn’t B.didn’t C.weren’t D.needn’t
()81.My parents went to work, leaving me _______ the homework at home alone.A.to do B.did C.for doing D.doing
()82.Your pen writes_______.Where did you buy it?
A.good B.nice C.neat D.well
()83._______ the population by the year 2050?
A.How many will be B.How much will be C.What will be D.What will
()84.I saw him _______ your room when I walked past yesterday afternoon.A.entering into B.to enter C.enter D.enter into
()85.I’d like something _______ English.Could you make some for me?
A.real B.really C.true D.truly
()86.The teacher said that light _______faster than sound.A.travelled B.is travelling C.travels D.to travel
()87.Everyone agree ______ you ______ your plan.A.with---with B.with---to C.to---with D.to---to
()88.The bottle is made ________ glass while the wine in it is made ________ grain.A.of---of B.of---from C.from---of D.from---from
()89.The United States ________ smaller than China.A.are B.is C.were D.was
()90.You can’t do your exercise ______ pencil.You must do it ______ a pen.A.with---in B.with---with C.in---with D.in---in
()91.Today my sister is feeling ________ to go to the factory.A.enough good B.good enough C.enough well D.well enough
()92.The population of the world grows fast.There will not be enough room for people to stand ______ the
earth.A.in B.on C.in on D.on in
()93.The books were covered ______ Mr.Wang ______ some cloth.A.by---by B.by---with C.with---by D.with---with
()94.Tom is better ________ English than me while I do better ________ Math than him.A.in---in B.in---at C.at---in D.in---in
()95.Teaching is the greatest work ________ the sun.A.in B.on C.under D.around
()96.Let’s go shopping, ?
A.do we B.shall we C.will you D.won’t you
()97.Tom’s got few friends in China, ?
A.doesn’t he B.does he C.has he D.hasn’t he
()98.Nothing is wrong with your car, ?
A.isn’t it B.is it C.aren’t they D.is nothing
()99.interesting work you have done!
A.What B.What a C.What an D.How
()100.When I swam the river, I felt something follow me under water.A.cross B.across C.acrossed D.crossed
()101.________ wonderful time we had in the park yesterday!
A.What B.What a C.How a D.How
()102._______ the students from that university will be the volunteers of the 29th Olypic Games held in
Beijing.A.Hundred of B.Three hundred of C.Three hundreds D.Three hundred
()103.He set off ________ the direction of the river.A.for B.to C.on D.in
()104.I am so glad to see you back in Beijing and how long _______ in New York.?
A.have you stayed B.did you stay C.do you stay D.will you stay
()105.---It’s nothing serious, ________, doctor?
---________, I’m afraid.You’d better atay in hospital and have an operation at once.A.isn’t it, No B.is it, Yes C.isn’t, Yes D.is it, No
()106.---I’m going to Qingdao and stay there for a week.---________ you are there, would you please buy some books for me?
A.If B.While C.Since D.As soon as
()107.---The rain came to a stop the night before.The fields are still full of water.---It _______ for nearly a week
A.has rained B.had rained C.would rain D.was raining
()108.---I tried to make Kate ________ her mind, but I found it hard.---Well, I saw you ________ that when I went past.A.change, do B.changes, doing C.to change, do D.change, doing
()109.---I’m too busy ________ to my family often.---Why not call them instead?
A.writing B.to write C.written D.write
()110.---Have you found the information about famous people _______ you can use for the report?
---Not yet.I’ll search some on the Internet.A.which B.who C.what D.whom
()111.---Few films made at home are interesting, ________ they?
---But I don’t think every film from Hollywood is worth seeing, and some of them are as _______ as ours.A.aren’t, terrible B.are, boring C.are, enjoyable D.aren’t, attractive
()112.---Can you give me some suggestions? I failed my math exam last time.---Work hard, _______ you’ll pass the exam next time.A.and B.but C.or D.so
()113.This painting ________ to a museum in New York in 1977.A.sells B.sold C.was sold D.is sold
()114.---I didn’t see you at the meeting yesterday.---I ________ for a long distance call from my wife in America.A.had waited B.waited C.would wait D.was waiting
()115.---Do you know his address?
---He _______ me about his address but I’m afraid I have lost it.A.tells B.told C.is telling D.have told
()116.---May I put my bike here?
---No, you ________.You should put it over there.A.couldn’t B.needn’t C.mustn’t D.won’t
()117.I who _______ your father can decide it.A.is B.am C.are D.be
()118.Tom is one of the students who ________ from the USA in our school
A.comes B.coming C.come D.to come
()119.Tom is the only one of the students who _______ from the USA in our school.A.comes B.coming C.come D.to come
()120.The man _______ in the back row is out headmaster.A.seats B.sits C.seated D.sat
()121.---Excuse me, could you tell me ________ ?
---There is a bank on the second floor.You can make it there.A.where I can change money B.how I can get to the bank
C.if there’s a bank near here D.where the bank is
6.数字谜题制造决策陷阱 篇六
大约两年前,有一个流传很广的说法:行业收入差距已成为当前中国社会的一个突出矛盾。据统计,1978年中国工资最高与最低行业平均工资之比仅为2 .1∶1,而2008年已上升到11∶1。一些公开资料指出,尽管石油、电力、电信、烟草等垄断行业的员工不到全国职工人数的8%,工资却相当于全国职工工资总额的60%左右。有人撰文呼吁“不能让既得利益者成为收入分配改革的拦路虎”。