1.外文翻译对象技术 篇一
Agricultural Land and Regulation in the Transition Economy of Russia Ekaterina Gnedenko1 & Michael Kazmin2 Published online: 7 July 2015 # International Atlantic Economic Society 2015 JEL Classification C10.L33.O57.Q00 This research note explores the link between farmland conversion and existing land regulation in Russia.We conclude that land regulation is lagging the new market trends in the transition economy of Russia.As market forces continue to penetrate the economy, apparent managerial and statutory problems with regard to local land-use planning and regulation preclude more effective use of land.Responding to the need for attracting investment in agriculture, the Russian Ministry of Science and Education provided funds for our research project that involves primary data collection and econometric analysis of the interdependencies between governmental policies and farmland loss.Our unique dataset contains socioeconomic, demographic and spatial geographic 2010 data for 39 municipal districts in the Moscow metropolitan region.The econometric analysis of this data set is used to explore the relationship among farmland quantity, its assessed value, the share of privatized farmland, farmland tax,and land-use zoning in the simultaneous equations framework.While the Russian market for real estate has developed quickly, the market for agricultural land is still thin.Farmland deals are limited, partly because of the lingering uncertainty about farmland property rights.The state-owned farmland is still significant.Our Moscow regional data suggest a strong positive relationship between the fraction of privatized farmland and farmland acreage, although the fraction of individually and collectively privatized farmland is only 57 %.The direct sale of farmland to foreigners is prohibited decreasing potential foreign investment as well.As a result, the area occupied by agricultural lands has been steadily decreasing and deteriorating in quality.During the period 1990 to 2005, tillable lands in Russia have shrunk by 10.5 million hectares(7.9 % of tillable lands).Lacking experience and adequate knowledge, local governments are stuck with the land conservation policies available to the former USSR.In particular, in an attempt to contain the loss of prime farmland, the regulators retain old land-use zoning laws prohibiting the change of land status.However, strong development pressures and widespread corruption often annihilate the desirable effect of zoning.The results of our econometric analysis indicate that the proximity to Moscow city and population growth both have a significant negative effect on the amount of farmland, even in the strictlyzoned-for agriculture districts, suggesting strong urban pressure in the capital region of Moscow.The estimated elasticity of farmland acreage with respect to population growth is −0.3.A corrupt practice of illegal changes in land status is reflected in the fact that the lands still classified as farmland in the Federal Register of Land are turned into residential or industrial areas.This signals a management problem which could be perhaps resolved by the introduction of more flexible zoning and an increase in the range of responsibilities of local governments and their property rights to land.The other economic instrument indispensable in land policy, land assessment, is also based on the former practices of the Communist period following a federally mandated general formula that takes into account soil productivity criteria, topographic features of the landscape, and the presence of irrigation, but still has little in common with the market price of farmland.When the agricultural land tax is calculated as the percentage of the assessed value of farmland, which is often below its real market value, local authorities are not interested in developing local agricultural infrastructure or increasing agricultural land base because they will not be able to reap any significant tax benefits from it.Coupled with the low federally mandated upper limits on tax rates(0.3 % of the assessed value of agricultural and residential lands)this leads to insufficient local tax revenues and overreliance on intergovernmental transfers.According to our data for the Moscow region, although localities tend to impose the maximum allowable tax rate, the average share of land tax revenues in local budgets is a mere 5 %.It is not surprising as the average assessed value of farmland across municipalities is 1000 times less than the ongoing average sales price, according to data we collected.The insignificant local land tax revenues caused by the underestimated land value lead to insufficient local infrastructure investment, which further suppresses the value of farmland and hastens its conversion.The results of the econometric analysis indicate lack of statistical significance between the assessed value of farmland and farmland quantity in the Moscow region, making the farmland tax rate an ineffective instrument in land policy.This missing link between the farmland quantity and existing land policies may render these policies not just ineffective but even wasteful.Innovative approaches such as the retention of development rights by the government might represent a temporary solution.The increasing reliance on local governance in solvinglocal problems would imply improved land-use and public finance planning and,perhaps, a slower farmland conversion trend.俄罗斯经济转型中的农业用地与监管
Ekaterina Gnedenko1 & Michael Kazmin2。在线出版:2015年7月7日。国际大西洋经济学会2015。冻胶分类C10。L33。O57。Q00 本研究报告探讨了俄罗斯农地转换与现有土地规制之间的关系。我们的结论是,土地监管滞后于俄罗斯转型经济的新市场趋势。由于市场力量继续渗透经济,在地方土地利用规划和管理方面显然存在管理和法律问题,妨碍了更有效地利用土地。为了应对吸引农业投资的需要,俄罗斯科学和教育部为我们的研究项目提供了资金,该项目涉及对政府政策和农田损失之间相互依赖关系的主要数据收集和计量分析。我们独特的数据集包含社会经济、人口和空间。2010年莫斯科都市地区39个市辖区的地理数据。通过对该数据集的计量分析,探讨了在联立方程框架下,耕地数量、其评估值、私有化耕地占比、农地税和土地利用区划之间的关系。
2.外文翻译对象技术 篇二
1 翻译是一种跨文化活动
学者们普遍认为, 翻译不仅是一种语言活动, 更重要的是, 它是一项跨文化活动。语言是动态发展的, 语言不但反映文化, 也表现透过语言认识世界的说话人的个性。乔姆斯基认为翻译就是“再解码”, 就是转换语言的表层结构以反映其深层结构。语篇在多大程度上是可译的, 要视它与所在文化结合程度而定。文化与行为或行动、事件活动直接发生关系。文化依赖社会期待和规范, 其中既包括社会行为规范也包括语言用法上的规范。费米尔认为翻译主要是跨文化转换, 翻译是一种跨文化的活动, 是一种交际行为, 而非译码行动, 既可以发生在文化关系密切的语言之间, 也可以发生在文化关系疏远的语言之间。文化是具有独特性的, 不同国家的文化是互不相同的, 而不同国家人们的思维方式差异、文化习俗差异、地域文化等的不同都不同程度地影响和制约着翻译行为。因此, 在翻译中, 如何处理文化因素便成为译者十分重要的任务。
跨文化交际即指不同文化背景的人们之间的交际。也就是说, 所谓跨文化交际, 实际上是包含了许多不同的维面, 如跨种族交际、跨民族交际、同一主流文化内不同群体之间的交际、国际性的跨文化交际等等。人们用语言进行交际, 不但要讲究言语的正确性, 而且要考虑语言的得体性和可接受性。在交际活动中, 应根据交际的目的、对象和场合, 结合其文化背景、语言习惯对所用词汇、句式等做出正确的选择。正如托马斯 (Thomas) 指出:“语法错误从表层上就能看出, 受话者很容易发现这种错误。这种错误一旦发现, 受话者便会认为说话者缺乏足够的语言知识, 因此可以谅解。语用失误 (跨文化交际中, 交际的双方因不能进入同一文化背景之中, 所产生的语言词句与其使用之间的失误) 却不会被象语法失误一样看待。如果一个能说一口流利外语的人出现语用失误, 他很可能会被认为缺乏礼貌或不友好。他在交际中的失误便不会被归咎于语言能力的缺乏, 而会被归咎于他的粗鲁或敌意。”
语言就像一面镜子, 反映着独特的民族文化。翻译不仅是语际转换, 更是一种跨文化转换。字典里所包含的对应的翻译只是翻译的表层, 而丰富的文化信息则是潜藏在独特的文化底蕴之中,
例如:It opened to reveal a small, slightly stooped, demure man, smartly but modestly dressed, who welcomed me in and offered me a seat.
译文:门开了, 站在我面前的是个衣着朴素得体, 略微有些弓背, 神情庄重的小老头。他热情地迎我进门, 给我让座。
译者对“smartly”的第一反应是“洁净, 得体的”。其实, “smartly”还有别的含义。Smartly:1.in a strikingly neat and trim manner;2.leading the fashion style. (Concise Oxford Dictionary) 原文的这个“小老头”其实是著名的作家E.M.Forster。经查证, E.M.Forster是gay, 对于衣着又十分讲究, 爱穿亮色服饰, 打扮时髦但得体, 不夸张。所以, 我们不难看出这里的“smartly”应该取第二个含义, 翻译成“时髦的”。大多数字典里不可能把每个单词所联想的深厚的文化内涵所体现出来, 而外语学习者最开始接触的翻译也仅仅停留在意思表面即对应的字面意思。
Our eye contact was intermittent but potent.
译者对“potent”的第一反应是“坚定有力的”。字典上Potent的含义:1.having great power or influence;2.producing or capable of producing a desired result.译者显然只知道第一个意思 (第一义项) , 于是就把这一意思搬到译文中, 造成读者困惑。眼神交流怎么能说是“坚定有力”呢?联系上下文, 显然, 这里应该选取字典中的第二个意思, 翻译成“意味深长的”。
因此, 为了消除不同文化背景人们之间的误解, 了解与掌握字典里背后的深层文化底蕴是极其必要的。而翻译教学作为以双语的转换为主要内容的学科对文化传播更负有直接的责任。跨文化交际意识的培养对于翻译教学具有比对一般外语教学更为重要的意义。
2 跨文化活动中影响翻译的文化因素
众多因素影响着跨文化交际能力, 通过学习、了解和研究, 笔者分析了在跨文化活动中, 中国与英美国家文化规约和语言规约的差异, 即经常会出现交际障碍的几个主要方面:
1) 文化背景差异。不同文化背景之下, 人们的思维方式、思维习惯、语言表达方式、喻体、宗教信仰等各有差异, 而人们在交际中具体接触另一文化时, 往往容易潜意识地把强烈的本族语习惯和交际模式迁移至不熟悉的外国文化中去, 忽视了以上差异性, 从而导致相互误解及交际受阻。比如英美等国称自己是上帝的儿女, 中国人称自己是炎黄子孙, 是龙的传人。龙在中国文化中象征着神圣、强大、权力至上等, 而在西方人眼里, 龙是又凶又丑陋的怪物。西方人会说自己是一个“lucky dog” (幸运儿) , 在西方文化中, 狗是忠诚的朋友, 是家庭中的重要成员;而对于中国人而言, “狗”常被比喻成讨厌的人。
2) 思维方式差异。中方是发散性思维, 语言概述性强, 抽象性强, 注重整体;西方则是直线性思维, 强调逻辑分析, 具体性强, 重视个体。例如在时间的表述上, 汉语是以年月日的顺序, 而英语却是把年放在了最后。在价值观上, 中方重儒家文化, 集体主义, 中国人在面对表扬时, 语言上常表现的是谦虚, 否定自己;西方强调个人主义, 坦然接受表扬, 表现个人的成绩。
3) 教学内容差异。目前翻译资格证的考试还是重翻译技巧及语法知识, 文化与交际的知识考核得较少。通常教学的目的是取得了翻译资格证就能胜任翻译工作, 而没有提供条件让学生接受真实文化语境下的学习。在翻译教材方面, 呈现出单一、过时等特点, 缺乏实用性, 而且教材把重点过多地放在语言知识和具体的翻译技巧运用上, 设计的课堂内容对跨文化的引导和运用更是被忽略了。
3 科技资料翻译应注意的几个问题
3.1 注重表达习惯, 避免文化误读
科技文章具有“严谨周密, 概念准确、逻辑性强、行文简练、重点突出、句式严整”等特点, 文章中有大量的专业术语, 如果不了解翻译中的文化差异, 就会出现语用失误。当代英国译学理论家苏珊.巴斯内特 (Bassnett) 评论说“如同在做心脏手术时医生不能忽略心脏周围的肌体一样, 译者在翻译时也不能将文本的语言和文化分开来处理。”由此看来, 翻译不仅是语言的翻译, 更是文化的翻译, 译文是在不同的语言文化参照系中完成的。例如科技文章中经常使用被动语态, 而我们在翻译的时候, 就要注意不同表达习惯的差异, 如:The engine has been given a constantly good performance.如果直译成“这台发动机一直给出好的性能”, 显然不符合汉语的表达习惯, 可以译为“这台发动机一直工作很好”。
3.2 科技术语的汉译
术语是表示某一专门概念的词语, 科技术语就是在科技方面表示某一专门概念的词语。科技术语的特点是词义丰富, 专业性强, 这就要求翻译人员要有相关的专业知识, 翻译时必须根据专业内容谨慎处理, 稍不注意就会出现错误, 例如:对于“All the various losses, great as they are, do not have any contradict with the law of conservation of energy.”一句的翻译, 如果译成“所有这些各种各样的损失, 虽然很大, 但并不是和能量守恒定律矛盾的”, 虽然语法上没有错误, 但只要稍有一点科技知识的人都知道能量守恒定律是无条件的, 没有认任何形式的损失能违背这一规律。所以正确的翻译应为“所有这些各种各样的损失, 虽然很大, 但和能量守恒定律没哟任何矛盾”。
4 科技英语中倍数增减 (包括比较) 的汉译
科技英语中倍数增减句型究竟应当如何汉译, 在我国翻译界中一直存在争论, 倍数在英汉表述和理解上容易发生偏差, 造成误译。科技翻译涉及倍数关系时, 理解错误必然造成翻译错误, 造成企业经济上的损失, 有时可能是巨大的损失。臂如, 我们常常见到的“n times+形容词/副词比较级+than”这个句型, 其正确的理解为“比…… (大、高、重、多) n-1倍”。然而, 有不少翻译工作者理解为“比…… (大、高、重、多) n倍”。例如Sound travels nearly three times faster in copper than in lead.有人翻译成“声音在铜中传播的速度几乎比在铅中快三倍”。这句译文是错误的。应该译为“声音在铜中传播的速度几乎比在铅中快两倍”。
5 对译者的专业培训
5.1 选择恰当的教材
翻译教材是开展教学活动实现翻译教学目标的重要依据, 对翻译活动具有导向作用。国内翻译教材层出不穷, 种类繁多, 数量可观, 但缺乏文化交流为主线。跨文化意识较强的译者往往会选择融翻译技巧、翻译理论、翻译史、文化交流等为一体的教材。
5.2 强调广泛的课外阅读
在进行翻译训练的同时, 应提倡广泛的辅助课外阅读, 一方面通过大量的文学作品的阅读来了解一个民族的风俗习惯、社会关系、语言表达方式等文化以及该民族的宗教信仰、心理状态、气质等方面, 培养文化意识, 提高文化素养。另一方面, 还可以阅读一些如人类学、社会语言学、跨文化交际学、圣经、希腊神话等方面的书籍, 增强文化内涵。
5.3 加强主体文化意识的培养
科技翻译不仅要求译者具有扎实的汉语语言功底, 而且要有较强的语言应用能力, 同时还要有专业的科技知识, 因此, 在翻译教学中, 还要注意强化母语文化意识, 加强科技文章写作特点、用词风格、翻译技巧、翻译方法的培训, 有计划、有针对性、系统地阅读有关中国文化的报刊和书籍, 不断丰富语言知识和知识结构, 从而能有效、准确、得体地进行各种交际活动。
5.4 完善考核评价制度
目前我国翻译类课程的考核方式基本上是闭卷, 考试多是对语言知识点和翻译技巧的考核, 内容绝大部分是字词到段落的英汉互译, 主观论述题基本不会出现, 也不允许带字典等工具书。而在实际的跨文化交际中, 有翻遍所有字典也可能查不到的东西。因此, 在考核中, 可以加大平时成绩的力度。鼓励译者多搜集英语国家的文化知识或多找机会亲身体验跨文化交际, 并让译者在课堂上做口头翻译, 或者用角色扮演把一些典型的跨文化交际失误再现出来, 将此类形式的成绩纳入评价标准。
英语教学的根本目的是为了实现跨文化交际, 提高英语沟通应用能力。翻译承担着跨文化交际的重任, 因此, 在教学中不能局限于翻译方法的讲授, 更应该鼓励译者明确语言与文化的密切关系, 有计划、有系统地导入跨文化交流因素, 逐渐改变传授一般翻译技巧或机械练习的传统教法, 培养译者从文化内涵来分析作品, 理解作品。将不同国家的生态文化、社会文化和宗教文化等文化因素导入翻译教学中, 只有这样才能根本上提高翻译人员的翻译能力和实际交流能力。
[1]杨平泽.非英语国家的英语教学中的文化问题[J].国外外语教学, 1995 (1) :22-23.
[2]陈舒.文化与外语教学的关系[J].国外外语教学, 1997 (2) :33-34.
3.文献综述、外文翻译 篇三
西方古典经济学家在十九世纪就已经提出了风险的概念,认为风险是经营活 动的副产品,经营者的收入是其在经营活动中承担风险的报酬。从狭义上看,企业的财务风险是指由于利用负债给企业带来的破产风险或普通股收益发生大幅度变动的风险。这种观点立足于企业筹资时过多举债或举债不当。西方国家强调全面风险管理的观念是从资金运动到资本经营整个体系的过程,对财务风险的控制包括风险预警、风险识别、危机处理等内容。
美国经济学家富兰克.H.奈特(Frank H.Knight)在1921年出版的(Risk,Uncertainty and Profit)一书中认为:风险是指“可度量的不确定性”。而“不确定性”是指不可度量的风险。风险的特征是概率估计的可靠性,概率估计的可靠性来自所遵循的理论规律或稳定的经验规律。与可计算或可预见的风险不同,不确定性是指人们缺乏对事件的基本知识,对事件可能的结果知之甚少,因此,不能通过现有理论或经验进行预见和定量分析①。
②Ross, Westerfield, Jordan(1995)在《Fundamentals of Corporate Finance》提到债务筹资会增加股东的风险,使用债务筹资所产生的这部分额外风险称为公司股 ①
[美] Frank H.Knight,王宇,王文玉译.《风险、不确定性和利润》[M].中国人民大 学出版社.2005; ② 此段原文如下:“The debt finacing increases the risks borne by the stockholders.The extra risk that arises from the use of debt finacing is called the financial risk of the firm equity.In other word,financial risk is the equity risk that comes from the financial policy(i.e.capital structure)of the f1rm.”Ross,Westerfield,Jordan,Fundamentals of Corporate Finance,1995 东的财务风险。也就是说,财务风险是指由于公司财务政策(如资本结构)所产生的权益风险。
③James C.Van Horn, John M.Wachowicz Jr(2001)在《Fundamental of Financial Management》里面更宽泛地说明了财务风险包括可能丧失偿债能力的风险,以及由于使用财务杠杆而导致的每股收益变动。
美国学者小阿瑟·威廉姆斯(C.Arthur Willianms)和理查德·M.汉斯(Richard M.Heins)在1985年合著的《Risk Management and Insurance》中将风险定义为:“在给定情况和特定时间内,那些可能发生的结果间的差异。如果肯定只有一个结果发生,则差异为零,风险为零;如果有多种可能结果,则有风险,且差异越大,风险越大。”④这种观点强调,风险是客观存在的事物,可以从客观角度来衡量。
财政科学研究所的向德伟博士在1994年发表了“论财务风险”[8],全面而细致地分析了财务风险产生的原因,认为“财务风险是一种微观风险,是企业经营风险的集中体现”,“企业财务风险,按照财务活动的基本内容来划分,包括筹资风险、投资风险、资金回收风险和收益分配风险四项”,为更深一层推进财务 ③ 此段原文如下:“Broadly speaking,financial risk encompasses both the risk of possible insolvency and the added variability in earnings per share that is induced byt he use of financial leverage.” James C.Van Horne,John M.Wachowicz Jr,Fundamental of Financial Management,2001 ④小阿瑟·威廉姆斯等著,陈伟等译.《风险管理与保险》[M].中国商业出版社.1990:4; 风险理论奠定了基础。
2.企业财务管理人员对财务风险的客观性认识不足 3.财务决策缺乏科学性导致决策失误 4.企业内部财务关系不明
桂文林,舒晓惠,伍超标(2005)发表了“上市公司财务评价历史分析和展望”[13],以上市公司财务评价现实意义为前提, 系统地分析了上市公司财务评价指标体系的构建、各种评价方法的比较以及实证研究三项主要内容。并在此基础上, 为进一步发展上市公司财务评价的实证研究提供新的思路。
1.完善财务管理系统,提高财务决策的科学化水平2.强化财务风险防范意识,树立正确的财务风险观念 3.建立健全企业财务风险识别与预警系统
学者们的研究提高了我们对企业财务风险的重视,并且更有助于我们开拓企业财务风险控制的新思路、新方法,使其在我国企业中得以更好地运用。因狭义的观点明显片面地理解力财务风险,所以,本文将采用广义的财务风险观点,它符合人们对财务概念的理解,便于从更宽广的角度来研究财务风险。希望借鉴国内外先进理论,通过对上市公司财务风险的基本分析, 采用一定的方法, 对财务风险加以控制,以达到企业利益最优的目的。
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[9] 唐晓云.略论企业财务风险管理[J].上海会计.2000(2));
[10] 胡华.现代企业财务风险的原因及防范[J].会计之友.2004(1)﹕52-53;
[11] 王宏.浅谈公司财务风险的成因及防范[J].内蒙古科技与经济.2009(4)﹕33-34; [12] 易晓文.上市公司财务评价指标体系研究[N].温州大学学报.1999(3); [13] 桂文林,舒晓惠,伍超标.上市公司财务评价历史分析和展望[J].工业技术济.2005(02); [14] 孙金莉.基于企业现金流量的财务预警指标体系研究[D].西北大学.2009; [15] 李季.上市公司财务危机预警指标研究[J].企业家天地(理论版).2010(09); [16] 景红华.财务困境研究应基于现金流量指标[J].新财经(理论版).2010(10); [17] 童宏兵.企业财务风险成因及控制[J].财务与审计.2004(7)﹕61;
[18] 王海翔.论企业财务风险及其控制[D].首都经济贸易大学.2005﹕13-24; [19] 吴景杰,施绍梅.财务风险的控制[J].理财杂志.2005(06)﹕32-33;
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会计074 0704043046 唐明婷
Financial firm bankruptcy and systemic risk
In Fall 2008 when the Federal Reserve and the Treasury injected $85 billion into the insurance behemoth American International Group(AIG), themoney lent to AIGwent straight to counterparties, and very few funds remained with the insurer.Among the largest recipients was Goldman Sachs, to whomabout $12 billionwas paid to undoAIG’s credit default swaps(CDSs).The bailout plan focused on repaying the debt by slowly selling off AIG’s assets, with no intention of maintaining jobs or allowing the CDSmarket to continue to function as before.Thus, the government’s effort to avoid systemic risk with AIG was mainly about ensuring that firms with which AIG had done business did not fail as a result.The concerns are obviously greatest vis-a-vis CDSs, ofwhich AIG had over $400 billion contracts outstanding in June 2008.In contrast, the government was much less enthusiastic about aiding General Motors, presumably because they believed its failure would not cause major macroeconomic repercussions by imposing losses on related firms.This decision is consistent with the view in macroeconomic research that financialfirmbankruptcies pose a greater amount of systemic risk than nonfinancial firmbankruptcies.For example, Bordo and Haubrich(2009)conclude that “...more severe financial events are associated withmore severe recessions...” Likewise, Bernanke(1983)argues the Great Depressionwas so severe because ofweakness in the banking systemthat affected the amount of credit available for investment.Bernanke et al.(1999)hypothesize a financial accelerator mechanism, whereby distress in one sector of the economy leads to more precarious balance sheets and tighter credit conditions.This in turn leads to a drop in investment, which is followed by less lending and a widespread downturn.Were shocks to the economy always to come in the form of distress at nonfinancial firms, these authors argue that the business downturns would not be so severe.We argue instead that the contagious impact of a nonfinancial firm’s bankruptcy is expected to be far larger than that of a financial firm like AIG, although neither would be catastrophic to the U.S.economy through counterparty risk channels.This is not to say that an episode ofwidespread financial distress among our largest banks would not be followed by an especially severe recession, only that such failures would not cause a recession or affect the depth of a recession.Rather such bankruptcies are symptomatic of common factors in portfolios that lead to wealth losses regardless of whether any firm files for bankruptcy.Pervasive financial fragility may occur because the failure of one firm leads to the failure of other firms which cascades through the system(e.g., Davis and Lo, 1999;Jarrow and Yu, 2001).Or systemic risk may wreak havoc when a number of financial firms fail simultaneously, as in the Great Depression when more than 9000 banks failed(Benston, 1986).In the former case, the failure of one firm, such as AIG, Lehman Brothers or Bear Stearns, could lead to widespread failure through financial contracts such as CDSs.In the latter case, the fact that so many financial institutions have failed means that both the money supply and the amount of credit in the economy could fall so far as to cause a large drop in economic activity(Friedman and Schwartz, 1971).While a weak financial systemcould cause a recession, the recession would not arise because one firm was allowed to file bankruptcy.Further, should one or the other firmgo bankrupt, the nonfinancial firmwould have the greater impact on the economy.Such extreme real effects that appear to be the result of financial firm fragility have led to a large emphasis on the prevention of systemic risk problems by regulators.Foremost among these policies is “too big to fail”(TBTF), the logic of which is that the failure of a large financial institution will have ramifications for other financial institutions and therefore the risk to the economywould be enormous.TBTF was behind the Fed’s decisions to orchestrate the merger of Bear Stearns and J.P.Morgan Chase in 2008, its leadership in the restructuring of bank loans owed by Long Term Capital Management(LTCM), and its decision to prop up AIG.TBTF may be justified if the outcome is prevention of a major downswing in the economy.However, if the systemic risks in these episodes have been exaggerated or the salutary effects of these actions overestimated, then the cost to the efficiency of the capital allocation system may far outweigh any potential benefits from attempting to avoid another Great Depression.No doubt, no regulator wants to take the chance of standing down while watching over another systemic risk crisis, sowe do not have the ability to examine empiricallywhat happens to the economy when regulators back off.There are very fewinstances in themodern history of the U.S.where regulators allowed the bankruptcy of amajor financial firm.Most recently,we can point to the bankruptcy of Lehman,which the Fed pointedly allowed to fail.However,with only one obvious casewhere TBTFwas abandoned, we have only an inkling of how TBTF policy affects systemic risk.Moreover, at the same time that Lehman failed, the Fed was intervening in the commercial paper market and aiding money marketmutual fundswhile AIGwas downgraded and subsequently bailed out.In addition, the Federal Reserve and the Treasury were scaremongering about the prospects of a second Great Depression to make the passage of TARPmore likely.Thuswewill never knowif themarket downturn that followed the Lehman bankruptcy reflected fear of contagion from Lehman to the real economy or fear of the depths of existing problems in the real economy that were highlighted so dramatically by regulators.In this paper we analyze the mechanisms by which such risk could cause an economy-wide col-lapse.We focus on two types of contagion that might lead to systemic risk problems:(1)information contagion,where the information that one financial firmis troubled is associatedwith negative shocksat other financial institutions largely because the firms share common risk factors;or(2)counterparty contagion,where one important financial institution’s collapse leads directly to troubles at other cred-itor firms whose troubles snowball and drive other firms into distress.The efficacy of TBTF policies depends crucially on which of these two types of systemic riskmechanisms dominates.Counterparty contagion may warrant intervention in individual bank failureswhile information contagion does not.If regulators do not step in to bail out an individual firm, the alternative is to let it fail.In the case of a bank, the process involves the FDIC as receiver and the insured liabilities of the firmare very quickly repaid.In contrast, the failure of an investment bank or hedge fund does not involve the FDIC andmay closely resemble a Chapter 11 or Chapter 7 filing of a nonfinancial firm.However, if the nonbank financial firm in question has liabilities that are covered by the Securities Industry Protection Corporation(SIPC), the firmis required by lawunder the Securities Industry Protection Act(SIPA)to liquidate under Chapter 7(Don and Wang, 1990).This explains in large partwhy only the holding company of Lehman filed for bankruptcy in 2008 and its broker–dealer subsidiaries were not part of the Chapter 11 filing.A major fear of a financial firm liquidation, whether done through the FDIC or as required by SIPA, is that fire sales will depress recoveries for the creditors of the failed financial firm and that these fire saleswill have ramifications for other firms in related businesses, even if these businesses do not have direct ties to the failed firm(Shleifer and Vishny, 1992).This fear was behind the Fed’s decision to extend liquidity to primary dealers inMarch 2008 – Fed Chairman Bernanke explained in a speech on financial system stability that“the risk developed that liquidity pressuresmight force dealers to sell assets into already illiquid markets.Thismight have resulted in...[a] fire sale scenario..., inwhich a cascade of failures andliquidations sharply depresses asset prices, with adverse financial and economic implications.”(May 13, 2008 speech at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta conference at Sea Island, Georgia)The fear of potential fire sales is expressed in further detail in the same speech as a reason for the merger of Bear Stearns and JP Morgan:“Bear...would be forced to file for bankruptcy...[which] would have forced Bear’s secured creditors and counterparties to liquidate the underlying collateral and, given the illiquidity of markets, those creditors and counter parties might well have sustained losses.If they responded to losses or the unexpected illiquidity of their holdings by pulling back from providing secured financing to other firms, a much broader liquidity crisis would have ensued.”
The idea that creditors of a failed firm are forced to liquidate assets, and to do so with haste, is counter to the basic tenets of U.S.bankruptcy laws, which are set up to allow creditors the ability to maximize the value of the assets now under their control.If that value is greatest when continuing to operate, the laws allow such a reorganization of the firm.If the value in liquidation is higher, the laws are in no way prejudiced against selling assets in an orderly procedure.Bankruptcy actually reduces the likelihood of fire sales because assets are not sold quickly once a bankruptcy filing occurs.Cash does not leave the bankrupt firm without the approval of a judge.Without pressure to pay debts, the firm can remain in bankruptcy for months as it tries to decide on the best course of action.Indeed, a major complaint about the U.S.code is that debtors can easily delay reorganizing and slow down the process.If, however, creditors and management believe that speedy assets sales are in their best interest, then they can press the bankruptcy judge to approve quick action.This occurred in the case of Lehman’s asset sale to Barclays, which involved hiring workers whomight have split up were their divisions not sold quickly.金融公司破产及系统性的风险
2008年秋,当美联邦储备委员会和财政部拒绝85亿美金巨资保险投入到美国国际集团时,这边借给美国国际集团的货款就直接落到了竞争对手手里,而投保人只得到极少的一部分资金。在那些大的受益人当中,高盛用12亿美金来撤销美国国际集团的信用违约互换。这一应急方案通过逐步售出美国国际集团的资产来偿还贷款,而不是保住岗位或者是确保短期贷款市场像之前那样持续运转发挥市场效能。因此,政府避免美国国际集团的系统性风险的目的,是为了确保美国国际集团的商业伙伴不至于破产。从这一出发点,很明显是信用违约互换当中最好的一个。也是因为这一点,相比2008年美国国际集团多赢得4000亿的合同。在条款当中,美国政府在援助通用汽车时表现的并没那么积极,可能是因为政府确信,通用的破产把损失强加到相关的合作企业,这样不会对宏观经济产生太大的坏影响。这一决定和宏观经济调查的结果是一致的,即金融公司的破产比非金融公司的破产产生的系统性风险大很多。例如Bordo和 Haubrich提到“越是严重的金融事件越是和严重的经济衰退联系在一起。”同样的,Bernanke反驳道,大萧条如此的让经济衰退是因为银行业的缺陷影响到投资的信用度。Bernanke 假设一种金融加速器机制,在这样的机制中,经济的一个领域破产导致更多的不稳固的资产负债表和紧张的信贷状况。这反过来就导致投资的减少,随之而来的是变少的贷款和普遍的经济衰退。如果对非金融企业的经济冲击都是以破产的形式呈现,这些作者们在辩论经济低迷好似不会很严重的。
4.外文翻译 篇四
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年 5 月
目 录
1 外文文献译文 .......................................................... 1
2 外文文献原文 .......................................................... 9
2 内部环境
一个积极的和高度参与型的董事会、托管委员会(board of trustees)或类似的机构,应该具有适当程度的管理、技术和其他专长,以及履行监督职责所需要
都没有什么区别。对于是非对错――以及对于风险与控制,员工可能会形成与高层管理当局所表现出来的一样的态度。管理当局的行为所传达的信息很快就会被包含到公司文化之中。而且,有关CEO在面临一个艰难的.经营决策时从道德的角度讲“做了正确的事情”的认识,能够在整个主体中传达一个强有力的信息。 对胜任能力的要求
Chapter Summary: The internal
environment encompasses the tone of an
organization, influencing the risk consciousness
of its people, and is the basis for all other
components of enterprise risk management,
providing discipline and structure. Internal
environment factors include an entity’s risk
management philosophy; its risk appetite;
oversight by the board of directors; the integrity,
ethical values, and competence of the entity’s people; and the way management assigns authority and responsibility, and organizes and develops its people.
The internal environment is the basis for all other components of enterprise risk management, providing discipline and structure. It influences how strategies and objectives are established, business activities are structured, and risks are identified, assessed, and acted upon. And it influences the design and functioning of control activities, information and communication systems, and monitoring activities.
The internal environment is influenced by an entity’s history and culture. It comprises many elements, including the entity’s ethical values, competence and development of personnel, management’s philosophy for managing risk, and how it assigns authority and responsibility. A board of directors is a critical part of the internal environment and significantly influences other internal environment elements.
Although all elements are important, the extent to which each is addressed will vary with the entity. For example, the chief executive of a company with a small workforce and centralized operations might not establish formal lines of responsibility and detailed operating policies. Nevertheless, the company could have an internal
environment that provides an appropriate foundation for enterprise risk management.
Risk Management Philosophy
An entity’s risk management philosophy is the set of shared beliefs and attitudes characterizing how the entity considers risk in everything it does, from strategy development and implementation to its day-to-day activities. Its risk management philosophy reflects the entity’s values, influencing its culture and operating style, and affects how enterprise risk management components are applied, including how risks are identified, the kinds of risks accepted, and how they are managed.
A company that has been successful accepting significant risks is likely to have a different outlook on enterprise risk management than one that has faced harsh economic or regulatory consequences as a result of venturing into dangerous territory. While some entities may work to achieve effective enterprise risk management to satisfy requirements of an external stakeholder, such as a parent company or regulator, more often it is because management recognizes that effective risk management helps the entity create and preserve value.
When the risk management philosophy is well developed, understood, and embraced by its personnel, the entity is positioned to effectively recognize and manage risk. Otherwise, there can be unacceptably uneven application of enterprise risk management across business units, functions, or departments. But even when an entity’s philosophy is well developed, there nonetheless may be cultural differences among its units, resulting in variation in enterprise risk management application. Managers of some units may be prepared to take more risk, while others are more conservative. For example, an aggressive selling function may focus its attention on making a sale, without careful attention to regulatory compliance matters, while the contracting unit’s personnel focus significant attention on ensuring compliance with all relevant internal and external policies and regulations. Separately, these different subcultures could adversely affect the entity. But by working well together the units can appropriately reflect the entity’s risk management philosophy.
The enterprise’s risk management philosophy is reflected in virtually everything management does in running the entity. It is captured in policy statements, oral and
written communications, and decision making. Whether management emphasizes written policies, standards of behavior, performance indicators, and exception reports, or operates more informally largely through face-to-face contact with key managers, of critical importance is that management reinforces the philosophy not only with words but also with everyday actions.
Risk Appetite
Risk appetite is the amount of risk, on a broad level, an entity is willing to accept in pursuit of value. It reflects the enterprise’s risk management philosophy, and in turn influences the entity’s culture and operating style.
Risk appetite is considered in strategy setting, where the desired return from a strategy should be aligned with the entity’s risk appetite. Different strategies will expose the entity to different levels of risk, and enterprise risk management, applied in strategy setting, helps management select a strategy consistent with the entity’s risk appetite.
Entities consider risk appetite qualitatively, with such categories as high, moderate, or low, or take a quantitative approach, reflecting and balancing goals for growth and return with risk.
Board of Directors
An entity’s board of directors is a critical part of the internal environment and significantly influences its elements. The board’s independence from management, experience and stature of its members, extent of its involvement and scrutiny of activities, and appropriateness of its actions all play a role. Other factors include the degree to which difficult questions are raised and pursued with management regarding strategy, plans, and performance, and interaction the board or audit committee has with internal and external auditors.
An active and involved board of directors, board of trustees, or comparable body should possess an appropriate degree of management, technical, and other expertise,
coupled with the mind-set necessary to perform its oversight responsibilities. This is critical to an effective enterprise risk management environment. And, because the board must be prepared to question and scrutinize management’s activities, present alternative views, and act in the face of wrongdoing, the board must include outside directors.
Members of top management may be effective board members, bringing their deep knowledge of the company. But there must be a sufficient number of independent outside directors not only to provide sound advice, counsel, and direction, but also to serve as a necessary check and balance on management. For the internal environment to be effective, the board must have at least a majority of independent outside directors.
Effective boards of directors ensure that management maintains effective risk management. Although an enterprise historically might have not suffered losses and have no obvious significant risk exposure, the board does not succumb to the mythical notion that events with seriously adverse consequences “couldn’t happen here.” It recognizes that while a company may have a sound strategy, competent employees, sound business processes, and reliable technology, it, like every entity, is vulnerable to risk, and an effectively functioning risk management process is needed.
Integrity and Ethical Values
An entity’s strategy and objectives and the way they are implemented are based on preferences, value judgments, and management styles. Management’s integrity and commitment to ethical values influence these preferences and judgments, which are translated into standards of behavior. Because an entity’s good reputation is so valuable, the standards of behavior must go beyond mere compliance with law. Managers of well-run enterprises increasingly have accepted the view that ethics pays and ethical behavior is good business.
Management integrity is a prerequisite for ethical behavior in all aspects of an entity’s activities. The effectiveness of enterprise risk management cannot rise above
the integrity and ethical values of the people who create, administer, and monitor entity activities. Integrity and ethical values are essential elements of an entity’s internal environment, affecting the design, administration, and monitoring of other enterprise risk management components.
Establishing ethical values often is difficult because of the need to consider the concerns of several parties. Management values must balance the concerns of the enterprise, employees, suppliers, customers, competitors, and the public. Balancing these concerns can be complex and frustrating because interests are often at odds. For example, providing an essential product (petroleum, lumber, or food) may cause environmental concerns.
Ethical behavior and management integrity are by-products of the corporate culture, which encompasses ethical and behavioral standards and how they are communicated and reinforced. Official policies specify what the board and management want to happen. Corporate culture determines what actually happens, and which rules are obeyed, bent, or ignored. Top management C starting with the CEO C plays a key role in determining the corporate culture. As the dominant personality in an entity, the CEO often sets the ethical tone.
Certain organizational factors also can influence the likelihood of fraudulent and questionable financial reporting practices. Those same factors are likely to influence ethical behavior as well. Individuals may engage in dishonest, illegal, or unethical acts simply because the entity gives them strong incentives or temptations to do so. Undue emphasis on results, particularly in the short term, can foster an inappropriate internal environment. Focusing solely on short- term results can hurt even in the short term. Concentration on the bottom line C sales or profit at any cost C often evokes unsought actions and reactions. High-pressure sales tactics, ruthlessness in negotiations, or implicit offers of kickbacks, for instance, may evoke reactions that can have immediate (as well as lasting) effects.
Other incentives for engaging in fraudulent or questionable reporting practices and, by extension, other forms of unethical behavior may include rewards highly dependent on reported financial and non-financial information, particularly for
short-term results.
Removing or reducing inappropriate incentives and temptations goes a long way toward eliminating undesirable behavior. As suggested, this can be achieved by following sound and profitable business practices. For example, performance incentives C accompanied by appropriate controls C can be a useful management technique as long as the performance targets are realistic. Setting realistic targets is a sound motivational practice, reducing counterproductive stress as well as the incentive for fraudulent reporting. Similarly, a well- controlled reporting system can serve as a safeguard against temptation to misstate performance.
Another cause of questionable practices is ignorance. Ethical values must be not only communicated but also accompanied by explicit guidance regarding what is right and wrong.
Formal codes of corporate conduct are important to and the foundation of an effective ethics program. Codes address a variety of behavioral issues, such as integrity and ethics, conflicts of interest, illegal or otherwise improper payments, and anticompetitive arrangements. Upward communications channels where employees feel comfortable bringing relevant information also are important.
Existence of a written code of conduct, documentation that employees received and understand it, and an appropriate communications channel by themselves do not ensure the code is being followed. Also important to compliance are resulting penalties to employees who violate the code, mechanisms that encourage employee reporting of suspected violations, and disciplinary actions against employees who knowingly fail to report violations. But compliance with ethical standards, whether or not embodied in a written code, is equally if not more effectively ensured by top management’s actions and the examples they set. Employees are likely to develop the same attitudes about right and wrong C and about risks and controls C as those shown by top management. Messages sent by management’s actions quickly become embodied in the corporate culture. And, knowledge that the CEO has “done the right thing” ethically when faced with a tough business decision, sends a powerful message throughout the entity.
Commitment to Competence
Competence reflects the knowledge and skills needed to perform assigned tasks. Management decides how well these tasks need to be accomplished, weighing the entity’s strategy and objectives against plans for their implementation and achievement. A trade-off often exists between competence and cost C it is not necessary, for instance, to hire an electrical engineer to change a light bulb.
Management specifies the competency levels for particular jobs and translates those levels into requisite knowledge and skills. The necessary knowledge and skills in turn may depend on individuals’ intelligence, training, and experience. Factors considered in developing knowledge and skill levels include the nature and degree of judgment to be applied to a specific job. Often a trade-off can be made between the extent of supervision and the requisite competence level of the individual.
Organizational Structure
An entity’s organizational structure provides the framework to plan, execute, control, and monitor its activities. A relevant organizational structure includes defining key areas of authority and responsibility and establishing appropriate lines of reporting. For example, an internal audit function should be structured in a manner that achieves organizational objectivity and permits unrestricted access to top management and the audit committee of the board, and the chief audit executive should report to a level within the organization that allows the internal audit activity to fulfill its responsibilities.
An entity develops an organizational structure suited to its needs. Some are centralized, others decentralized. Some have direct reporting relationships, while others are more of a matrix organization. Some entities are organized by industry or product line, by geographical location or by a particular distribution or marketing network. Other entities, including many state and local governmental units and not-for-profit institutions, are organized by function.
The appropriateness of an entity’s organizational structure depends, in part, on its
size and the nature of its activities. A highly structured organization with formal reporting lines and responsibilities may be appropriate for a large entity that has numerous operating divisions, including foreign operations. However, such a structure could impede the necessary flow of information in a small company. Whatever the structure, an entity should be organized to enable effective enterprise risk management and to carry out its activities so as to achieve its objectives.
Assignment of Authority and Responsibility
Assignment of authority and responsibility involves the degree to which individuals and teams are authorized and encouraged to use initiative to address issues and solve problems, as well as limits to their authority. It includes establishing reporting relationships and authorization protocols, as well as policies that describe appropriate business practices, knowledge and experience of key personnel, and resources provided for carrying out duties.
Some entities have pushed authority downward to bring decision making closer to front-line personnel. A company may take this tack to become more market-driven or quality-focused C perhaps to eliminate defects, reduce cycle time, or increase customer satisfaction. Alignment of authority and accountability often is designed to encourage individual initiatives, within limits. Delegation of authority means surrendering central control of certain business decisions to lower echelons C to the individuals who are closest to everyday business transactions. This may involve empowerment to sell products at discount prices; negotiate long-term supply contracts, licenses, or patents; or enter alliances or joint ventures.
A critical challenge is to delegate only to the extent required to achieve objectives. This means ensuring that decision making is based on sound practices for risk identification and assessment, including sizing risks and weighing potential losses versus gains in determining which risks to accept and how they are to be managed.
Another challenge is ensuring that all personnel understand the entity’s objectives. It is essential that individuals know how their actions are related to one
another and contribute to achievement of the objectives.
Increased delegation sometimes is intentionally accompanied by or the result of streamlining or “flattening” the organizational structure. Purposeful structural change to encourage creativity, taking initiative, and faster response times can enhance competitiveness and cu外文翻译范文stomer satisfaction. This increased delegation may carry an implicit requirement for a higher level of employee competence, as well as greater accountability. It also requires effective procedures for management to monitor results so that decisions can be overruled or accepted as necessary. Along with better, market-driven decisions, delegation may increase the number of undesirable or unanticipated decisions. For example, if a district sales manager decides that authorization to sell at 35% off list price justifies a temporary 45% discount to gain market share, management may need to know so that it can overrule or accept such decisions going forward.
The internal environment is greatly influenced by the extent to which individuals recognize that they will be held accountable. This holds true all the way to the chief executive, who, with board oversight, has ultimate responsibility for all activities within an entity.
Additional principles related to roles and responsibilities by parties integral to effective enterprise risk management are set forth in the Roles and Responsibilities chapter.
Human Resource Standards
Human resource practices pertaining to hiring, orientation, training, evaluating, counseling, promoting, compensating, and taking remedial actions send messages to employees regarding expected levels of integrity, ethical behavior, and competence. For example, standards for hiring the most qualified individuals, with emphasis on educational background, prior work experience, past accomplishments, and evidence of integrity and ethical behavior, demonstrate an entity’s commitment to competent and trustworthy people. The same is true when recruiting practices include formal,
in-depth employment interviews and training in the entity’s history, culture, and operating style.
Training policies can reinforce expected levels of performance and behavior by communicating prospective roles and responsibilities and by including such practices as training schools and seminars, simulated case studies, and role-playing exercises. Transfers and promotions driven by periodic performance appraisals demonstrate the entity’s commitment to advancement of qualified employees. Competitive compensation programs that include bonus incentives serve to motivate and reinforce outstanding performance C although reward systems should be structured, and controls in place, to avoid undue temptation to misrepresent reported results. Disciplinary actions send a message that violations of expected behavior will not be tolerated.
It is essential that employees be equipped to tackle new challenges as issues and risks throughout the entity change and become more complex C driven in part by rapidly changing technologies and increasing competition. Education and training, whether classroom instruction, self-study, or on-the-job training, must help personnel keep pace and deal effectively with the evolving environment. Hiring competent people and providing one-time training are not enough. The education process is ongoing.
It is difficult to overstate the importance of an entity’s internal environment and the impact C positive or negative C it can have on other enterprise risk management components. The impact of an ineffective internal environment can be far-reaching, possibly resulting in financial loss, a tarnished public image, or a business failure.
An energy company generally was thought to have effective enterprise risk management since it had high-powered and respected senior managers, a prestigious board of directors, an innovative strategy, well-designed information systems and control activities, extensive policy manuals prescribing risk and control functions, and
comprehensive reconciling and supervisory routines. Its internal environment, however, was significantly flawed.
Management participated in highly questionable business practices, and the board turned a “blind-eye.” The company was found to have misreported financial results and suffered a loss of shareholder confidence, a liquidity crisis, and destruction of entity value. Ultimately the company went into one of the largest bankruptcies in history.
The attitude and concern of top management for effective enterprise risk management must be definitive and clear, and permeate the organization. It is not sufficient to say the right words. An attitude of “do as I say, not as I do” will only bring about an ineffective environment.