1.深圳牛津英语八上复习 篇一
Unit 1People around us
1.hard-working工作努力的 2.be patient with sb对某人有耐心 3.forget to do sth.忘记去做某事forget doing sth.忘记做过某事 4.take care of sb.=look after sb照顾 5.laugh at =make fun of嘲笑 6.remain friends保持朋友 7.be strict with sb.对某人严格be strict about sth.对某事严格 8.encourage sb.to do sth.鼓励某人做某事 9.take time to do sth花时间做某事 10.as well也(一般放在句末)11.tell sb.jokes给某人讲笑话 12.be full of =be filled with充满 13.give up放弃give up sth./doing sth
14.Sb.take time to do sth.花时间做某事 15.Sb.spend time(in)doing sth.16.My grandma was a short womangrey hair.prep.具有;带有(表示事物的附属部分)17.Why not plan a special Mother’s Day for her?Why not do sth?
Why don’t you plan a special Mother’s Day for her?Why don’t you do sth?(表建议)What about planning a special Mother’s Day for her?What about doing sth?
Ⅱ.语法:定冠词 the
1. 用以特指某(些)人或某(些)事物
This is the house where Luxun once lived.这是鲁迅曾经住过的房子。2. 用于指谈话双方都明确所指的人或事物
Open the door,please.请把门打开。
3. 用以复述上文提过的人或事物(第一次提到用“a或an”,以后再次提到用“the”)
Once there lived a lion in the forest.Every day the lion asked small animals to look for food for him.从前森林里住着一只狮子。每天这只狮子要小动物们为他寻找食物。4. 用在序数词和形容词最高级前。
January is the first month of the year.一月份是一年当中的第一个月。
He is always the first to come and the last to leave.他总是第一个来最后一个离开。
共2页 第1页
Shanghai is the biggest city in China.上海是中国最大的城市。5. 表示地球、宇宙等独一无二的事物
the sun 太阳 the moon 月亮the earth 地球 the sky 天空the world 世界 6. 指由普通名词构成的专有名词
the West Lake 西湖the Great Wall 长城 the United States 美国the United Nations 联合国 the Browns 布朗一家 the English 英国人the WTO 世界贸易组织 7. 用于表示地点、方位、具体的时间或某天的一部分等。
in the east 在东方 in the west 在西方in the front 在前面 at the back 在后面 in the bottom 在底部 at the top 在顶部on the right 在右边 on the left 在左边 8. 在海洋、江河、湖泊、山脉、海峡、海湾等地理名词前
the Pacific Ocean 太平洋the Huanghe River 黄河
the Tianshan Mountains 天山山脉the Taiwan Straits 台湾海峡 9. 在姓氏复数前,表示一家人
The Bakers came to see me yesterday.贝克一家人昨天来看我。10. 和某些形容词连用,使形容词名词化,代表一类人或物
the poor 穷人 the rich 富人the sick 病人 the wounded 伤员the good 好人 the beautiful 美丽的事物11. 用于西洋乐器、发明物前
1)play the piano 弹钢琴play the violin 拉小提琴 *中国乐器名词前不与冠词连用:play erhu(二胡)] 2)the+n{发明物} 必须是单数who invented the telephone 12. 某些固定的表达法
in the morning 在早上 in the afternoon 在下午 in the evening 在晚上 go to the cinema 去看电影 go to the theatre 去看戏 all the year round 一年到头on the way to 前往...去的路上 13. the加单数可数名词可以表示一类人或事物
The horse is a useful animal.马是一种有用的动物。注意:像这类句子还有如下两种写法 A horse is a useful animal.Horses are useful animals.14.用在世纪或逢十{1990}的复数名词前
in the18th century 在18世纪in the 1960s 在20世纪60年代 15.用于报刊 杂志 会议 条义 历史 时期 朝代的名词前
the Xian incident 西安事变
共2页 第2页
2.深圳牛津英语八上复习 篇二
一直以来, 英语语言知识点课型总不为教师所青睐, 教师在各类公开课、评优课中展示较多的是阅读课的第一课时。确实, 上阅读的第一课时容易找到切入口, 容易设计一些能引起学生共鸣的话题和活动, 能够营造活跃的课堂气氛。一般说来, 在阅读的第一课时中, 教师的主要任务是通过帮助学生理清文章的脉络, 掌握其基本内容, 培养学生阅读理解的技能, 同时进行相关重点词汇的学习, 但是基本只触及词的形和义, 而不涉及词的用法、搭配和句型结构等。词或词组的用法、搭配及句型结构则是第二课时的主要内容, 所以语言点的教学课则显得相对枯燥、乏味一些, 不容易调动学生的积极性。
在实际教学中, 笔者发现不少语言点课还是教师的“一言堂”:教师对着课文或教学案一体化的材料逐词逐句分析讲解, 学生记笔记, 随后辅之以单项选择和填空题的练习为检验手段。这种急功近利的“灌输”导致学生被动、机械地模仿和死记硬背, 不仅使课堂枯燥、乏味, 还导致学生学习的积极性受挫, 同时也遏制了他们综合语言运用能力的发展。
《英语课程标准》强调课程从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发, 倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式, 发展学生的综合语言运用能力, 使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极情感态度和自主学习能力的过程。因此, 教师应尽快调整自身的教学方法, 赋予语言点教学的课堂以活力, 提高语言教学的有效性, 同时提高学生语言实际运用的能力。
带着这样的思索, 在课改理念的指引下, 笔者对语言点课型进行了初步探索, 并在备课组内开展了积极的研讨, 采取了共同备课、互相听课、学习优质课等形式互相切磋和讨论, 交流和探索有效的语言点教学模式和途径, 并积极投入到围绕这一主题所开展的一系列研讨展示活动中。经历过这些实践之后, 笔者认为, 在语言点教学中要把握以下三个教学环节:在文本的语境中体会认知——在互动实践中理解操作——在语言的情景中灵活运用。另外, 在语言点教学中, 要切实提高有效性, 收到良好的效果, 就应关注以下三个关键点:
关键点1:语言点的教学必须基于教材文本, 进行归类梳理并有所取舍。
不少教师在语言点教学课上, 基本上把课文撇开, 抽出几个词汇或者语言结构孤立地进行讲解。这样, 既不利于学生对教材文本的熟悉, 同时, 也脱离了语言点的语言情景和语用意义, 不利于学生在上下文中准确理解和体会词汇或者新的语言结构的基本用法。在语言点的教学上, 教师首先应该引导学生更深入地理解课文文本, 对文本进行梳理, 并对语言点进行归类整理, 以选定教学内容, 同时, 还要有所取舍, 有详有略, 把握教授这些知识点的广度和深度。在教学的实施环节, 教师要紧扣文本, 将语言知识与语境巧妙地结合起来, 进行语言输入, 帮助学生在真实的语境中理解语义, 体验语用, 从而提高灵活运用语言的能力。
《牛津深圳版8A》Chapter 5 Historical stories的课文The night of the horse文章不算长, 但词汇量大, 如果面面俱到, 全部涉及, 不仅课时不允许, 也不利于学生记忆、吸收和掌握。在仔细地研究文本电脑之后, 笔者发现文中的词汇可分成两类:一类词汇在现阶段只需认知即可, 对它们的用法课暂不做要求, 如tales, capture, drag, celebrate;另一类词汇, 如rush, order, except for…enter, succeed in doing sth., 这5个词汇的重点用法则是第二课时语言点教学的内容, 这样就很好地凸显了重点。
《牛津深圳版7A》Chapter 1一文中的“own”是语言教学的重点之一。在文章中, own是以动词的形式出现, 那么, 教师是否需要将own的形容词用法和代词的用法也在课上教授呢?通过对教材的研究发现:own这个单词在8Achapter3中还会再次以形容词的形式出现。据此, 笔者决定本节课重点对own用作动词的用法进行教学和操练, 既不分散学生的关注点, 也很好地体现了语言教学的阶段性和系统性。
关键点2:语言点的操练必须通过师生互动, 在语境中进行训练和拓展
学生对语言点的真正掌握不能只靠听教师的教授和讲解, 也不能仅仅停留在笔尖和纸上。教师应该从文本中的语境出发设计有效的教学活动, 坚持与学生交流和互动, 激发他们的思维, 领导和组织其在互动中体验真实的语境, 并进行初步的语言操练。
同时, 在教学活动的设计中, 还应注重情境片段的交际性和内在关联性。在某个教学时段, 学生如果一下子接触了一大堆语言点知识, 往往会来不及消化。因此, 最好学习1~2个语言点, 然后再通过言语交际实践活动运用这些语言点。值得注意的是, 后续的学习情境应为前面所学语言知识的交际使用创造条件, 为学生提供尽可能多的操练、巩固机会。实践证明, 掌握语言知识大多是在交际活动中使用语言的结果, 而不是单纯训练语言技能和学习语言知识的结果。
《牛津深圳版7B》Chapter 1一文中“provide”这个四会词是第二课时的教学重点之一, 为了让学生掌握provide sth.for sb., provide sb.with sth.这两种结构, 在通过图片和例句呈现了两种结构后, 还可为学生提供一些符合其实际的“虚拟情境”, 让他们自由造句, 并在造句过程中注意使用不同的结构。
When I grow up, I will provide… (my parents/my school)
If I have$100, 000, 000, I will provide… (my friend/the poor)
自主造句的过程就是把知识输入转化成知识输出的过程, 在上述操练中, 学生通过自己的想象在虚拟情境中创造出富有趣味性和想象力的句子, 多次体会词汇的用法, 做到词不离句、句不离词。这样, 学生就赢得了主动体会语言的机会, 扩大了思维空间, 增强了其参与语言实践活动的热情。
关键点3:语言点的运用必须创设真实情景, 以任务驱动提高综合能力
学生在课文文本中接触到的词汇、语言结构等, 在一定的语境中进行初步操练之后, 最后还需要教师创设围绕与课文主题相关或者类似的、新颖、有趣味和多样化的语言环境, 根据学生完成所需的词汇句型, 有效设计任务活动, 调动学生学习的积极性和主动性, 给学生以提高综合运用所学语言知识的机会, 使之主动、愉快地学习英语。学生有之前大量有效的语言实践和语言输入为基础, 在这个环节中就有可能有高质量的语言输出。
《牛津深圳版7A》Chapter 2一文是关于whizz-kid一天的生活的, 在第二课时的教学中, 经过讲解和操练之后, 笔者让学生从yourself in 2031, your father or mother, Bill Gates中选择一个, 用本节课的重点词汇:business, discuss, achieve, continue, return, collect来描述一个人的一天。这个设计让初一学生丰富的想象力得到了充分的发挥, 在实际上课过程中, 学生在这个环节表现得很踊跃, 充分使用了课文中的词汇和语言点, 最后的口头作文很多都出乎笔者的预料。
1.语言点的有效教学模式不应该形成唯一的一种套路, 不能完全排斥讲解和归纳。教学中既要重视结合情境和交际运用能力的教学, 又不排斥传统的、经济的语言讲解和归纳总结, 关键是教师要在“精讲多练”上下工夫, 在课堂有限的时间里要能讲到内容的重点和关键处, 讲到学生的需要处, 这样才有可能为学生赢得更多的时间和机会练习语言、活用语言, 使学生既有扎实的语言知识, 又具备较硬的语言交际运用能力。
2.最后的语言输出环节需要情境, 但并非有情境就好。教师需要创设切合每一课的情境, 所呈现的画面或意境必须与所要呈现的语言点意义相吻合, 这样才能使学生对相关语言知识产生某种必然、肯定的理解和结论。这就需要教师有深厚的功底, 并经常钻研, 还需要有丰厚的知识储备、长期的经验积累和睿智的应变能力。
3.要合理、有效地使用多媒体, 避免“喧宾夺主”。既要避免多媒体技术变成高级的填鸭式教学的工具, 也不能过度使用多媒体, 更不能过于花哨, 否则会导致学生的视点无法聚焦所学语言目标, 思维也会游离于相关的语言知识之外, 并无形中挤占学生语言交流的时间和运用语言的机会, 影响教学目标的达成。
3.深圳牛津英语八上复习 篇三
1.same 2.different 3.both 4.all 5.clever 6.carry 7.heavy 8.easy 9.then 10.soon
6.make phone calls 7.play word games 8.help people 9.carry heavy bags 短语:
1.in the same class 2.different classes 3.cross the street 4.ask and answer 5.each other
1.like + 动词ing(喜欢做...)
like + 名词
例句:I like playing table tennis.I like sport.She likes skating.He likes apples.2.小贴士
4.牛津小学英语3B复习计划 篇四
6月15日---6月18日 复习Unit7-12 6月19日---6月24日 复习Unit1-6
1、衣服:cap帽子 hat礼帽 vest背心
2、食物:cake蛋糕 pie派 hot dog热狗
3、文具:book书 bag书包 tape胶带、修正带
4、交通工具:bus公共汽车 car汽车 bike自行车
5、人物:boy男孩 girl女孩 man男人
6、物品:desk书桌 bed床 clock钟 chair椅子 key钥匙 watch手表
7、数字:one一 two二 three三
8、乐器:guitar吉他 piano钢琴 violin小提琴、9、运动:run跑 swim游泳 jog慢跑
1、家庭成员:grandfather爷爷 grandmother奶奶 aunt阿姨 uncle叔叔 brother兄、弟 sister姐、妹 son儿子 daughter女儿
2、文具:storybook故事书 copybook抄写本 knife小刀 crayon蜡笔 stapler订书机
3、物品:computer电脑 radio收音机 camera照相机 toy train玩具火车
4、数字:five五 six六 seven七 eight八 nine九 ten十 eleven十一 twelve十二 thirteen十三 fourteen十四 fifteen十五 sixteen十六 seventeen十七 eighteen十八 nineteen十九 twenty二十 twenty-one二十一 twenty-two二十二 thirty三十 forty四十 fifty五十 sixty六十 seventy七十 eighty八十 ninety九十 ninety-nine九十九
5、地点:a dining-room餐厅 a kitchen厨房 a bathroom卫生间 a sitting-room客厅
6、食物:a sandwich三明治 some bread一些面包 some rice一些米饭 soft drinks软饮料 a bar of chocolate一块巧克力 a carton of milk一盒牛奶
7、衣服:a belt皮带 shoes鞋子 trousers裤子 socks袜子
8、球类:volleyball排球 baseball棒球 basketball篮球
9、乐器:an accordion手风琴
10、运动:climb-go climbing爬山 skate-go skating滑冰 ski-go skiing滑雪 rowing划船 fishing钓鱼
come here过来 in the book在书里 on the desk在书桌上 in the desk在书桌里 on the chair在椅子上
in my pencil box在我的铅笔盒里 on your English book在你的英语书上 in your school bag在你的书包里 this knife这把小刀 that stapler那个订书机 in English用英语 come in进来
a nice telephone一个漂亮的电话 have a look看一看
my family photo我的家庭照片 I think我想 go to school去上学 get up起床 have lunch吃午饭 go home回家 watch TV看电视 go to bed去睡觉 go to the zoo去动物园 go to the cinema去电影院 go to the supermarket去超市 go to the park去公园 go to the Great Wall去长城 ten plus five十加五
5.深圳牛津英语八上复习 篇五
I 重点短语
take over接管、占据
take off 脱掉(衣帽等)、切除(物)、动身、(飞机等)起飞、请(几天)假
take… off…从(价格)中减去……
take on 雇用(某人)、承担(工作)、呈现、流行
take out 取出
1. take to喜欢上(某人)、开始(……)、养成……的恶习
take up拿起、占有、开始、继续、(车辆等)搭载(乘客)
take in吸收、包括、了解、理解、欺骗、收留(某人)住宿
take back取回(某物)、收回(承诺等)、归还
take after(长得)像(父母等)
take… for…把……当作……、误认……为……
2. turn to ③变成
①[U]毁灭 the ~ of civilization
②[C]常用pl. 废墟、遗址 the ~s of ancient Rome
3. ruin ③ in ruins 成为废墟的、荒芜的
④ bring … to ruin 使……毁灭
⑤ fall in/into ruin = go to ruin 灭亡;荒芜
⑥vt. Heavy smoking ruined his health. ruin oneself
ruin/ destroy/ damage 都含有“破坏、毁灭”的意思,但有区别:
remains ①pl. 剩余、残留物;② pl. 遗体、尸首
①link v. 保持,仍然处于(某种状态) = still to be = continue to be = stay
4. remain 后接形容词、名词.、分词、不定式或介词短语等
②vi 剩下 ,还有 ≠ stay
remaining adj.剩下的 the remaining time = the time left
比较:remain / stay
①作连系动词,意为“继续保持某一状态”(continue to be)时,常可互换。
be involved in 热衷于、专心于、参与、卷入、牵涉到
5. involve oneself with 和……混在一起、和……有牵连
involve sth. 包含、需要 winning the game involves both skill and fortune.
① = take … away移开
② = take off脱掉
6. remove … from… ③ =get rid of除掉、清除
④ =dismiss… from… 撤职
⑤ =move 搬家
②[U]“状态、状况”,但可与a连用 in good condition ; in a terrible condition
7. condition ③“环境、情况”,其前的介词用under / in
④ on condition that “在……条件下”
in a condition to do sth. 宜于做某事
on no condition 在任何条件下都不
① n. / pron.
8. require + ② sb. to do sth.
③ doing/ to be done
④ 从句 用虚拟语气 (should) + 动词原形
in return (for…) 作为(对……的)回报 / 报答
by return (接信后)立即作复
Many happy returns (of the day)! 祝你长寿!祝你长命百岁!
9. in turn 依次地
by turns 轮流地
take turns to do sth. = take turns at doing sth.轮流做某事
It’s one’s turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事
carry out实施、执行、进行
10. carry on进行、继续。有时可跟动名词
carry on with 继续做(某事)
carry off夺走(奖赏)、带走
①adj. 主要的、重要的、较大的
11. major ②n. 主修科目、主修学生
③vi. 主修 (in +科目)
in memory of
12. = to the memory of为纪念…… (只用于对已故人的怀念)
in honor of
= in one’s honor 为纪念…… (既可用于对已故人的纪念,也可用于对活人的敬意)
goods 货物、商品、财产。(复数形式,无单数形式,不可与数词连用,但可与many,these,those等连用。作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。)
13. possession (pl.)财产;所有物; [U] 持有;具有
wealth [U] 财富
II 重点句型
1. Unfortunately, all the people were buried alive, so was the city.
2. A saying goes that Rome wasn’t built in a day.
(= As the saying goes,)
3. I am very honored and grateful that you have come today.
4. Not only was Rome a city and a republic, but it was also to become the capital of one the largest empires in history.
5. There is another similarity between China and Rome.
【例1】A large number of students in our school ______from the countryside; the number _______ growing these years. (上海育才2月交流卷)
A. is; has been B. are; has been
C. is; have been D. are; have been
【易错点悟】解答该题的关键是要注意a number of 和the number of 后接名词复数作主语时的主谓一致关系。
【要点精析】a number of意思为“许多”,后接复数名词作主语时,应视为复数,谓语动词要用复数形式; the number of后接复数名词,意思为“……的数量”,表示单数意义,谓语动词要用单数形式。
【例2】-O’Neal works hard.
-So he does. He is often seen _____ heavily before his teammates have even arrived at practice. (2007浙江余杭中学2月卷)
A. to be sweated B. sweated
C. be sweated D. sweating
【答案解析】根据句子结构可知,感觉动词see用于被动结构,选项A、C不可以用于这一结构中;选项B为被动意义,不成立;只有选项D(sweating)现在分词与be seen构成复合结构,强调状态。
1. Mr. Wang has been selected ________ chairman of the conference.
A. a B. an
C. the D. /
2. Housework _____ cooking, washing dishes, sweeping and cleaning.
A. involving B. involving in
C. involves D. involves in
3. The emergency ________ that the police should be called at once.
A. insists B. suggests
C. requires D. advises
4. ―Are you very anxious?
―Yes. Ten minutes ________ like an hour when you are waiting for a phone call.
A. seem B. seems
C. do D. does
5. ―What do you think of Peter?
―He is a helpful person. He is always helping people without expecting anything _____.
A. in turn B. in return
C. on his return D. on the turn
6. The refugees (难民)have been fed, clothed and _____ by welfare organizations around the world.
A. stored B. collected
C. housed D. provided
7. ―Why didn’t you join them? You are ________.
―I had to receive an unexpected visitor.
A. wanted to B. wanted to have
C. supposed to D. supposed to have
8. John is the only son of the couple, so it is certain that he will ______ the big business when his father gets old.
A. hand over B. take over
C. go over D. turn over
9. With more forests _______, huge quantities of good earth are being washed away.
A. being destroyed B. destroyed
C. to be destroyed D. destroying
10. Nothing _________ after the terrible fire which had been cause by someone smoking in bed.
A. remained B. left
C. continued D. kept
11. The meeting being over, I found her _____ at the desk and ____ to music.
A. seating; listened B. seated; listened
C. seating; listening D. seated; listening
12. ________ as one, the people of that country eventually drove the invaders out of their country.
A. Linked B. Combined
C. Joined D. United
13. A monument was set up at the centre of Tian’anmen Square _____ those who devoted their lives to our country.
A. in praise of B. in place of
C. in memory of D. in need of
14. Some young people are holding a birthday party next door, and the noise nearly _____ me crazy.
A. let B. get
C. make D. drive
15.-You didn’t get hurt at all in the traffic accident?
-_______. I was a lucky dog.
A. No problem B. I don’t think so
C. I’m afraid not D. Good heavens no
One fine evening a man walked into a fast - food chicken place and bought a nine - piece bucket of chicken. He 16 his chicken to the park for a romantic picnic under the moonlight with his 17 .
Upon reaching into the 18 , however, he received a 19 . Instead of chicken he discovered nine thousand dollars! The young man 20 the bucket back to the store and asked for his 21 exchange for the money. The manager, 22 by the young man’s honesty, asked for his name and told him he wanted to call the 23 and the local news station to do a morality (道德说教) that would 24 others.
“My date’s waiting, I just want my chicken,” the hungry man refused.
The manager was deeply struck by the young man’s humility (谦虚). He 25 to be allowed to tell the story on the news. At this the honest man became 26 with the manager and demanded his chicken. “You are an honest man in a (an) 27 world! This is a perfect opportunity to show the world that there are honest people 28 willing to take a stand for what is right. Please, give me your 29 and also the woman’s name. Is that your wife?”
“That’s the 30 ,”said the young man. “My wife is at home. The woman in the car is my girlfriend. Now let me have my chicken 31 I can get out of here.”
It’s 32 to look good to people who don’t 33 you. Many of us do a good deed here and there, and everyone 34 we’re something that we are not. But God sees your heart. It really doesn’t matter how much you 35 or what other people think of you. What matters is what’s on the inside.
16. A. took B. ate C. carried D. sent
17. A. sister B. wife C. friend D. lady
18. A. park B. car C. pocket D. bucket
19. A. love B. welcome C. surprise D. pleasure
20. A. returned B. brought C. got D. lifted
21. A. money B. right C. change D. chicken
22. A. moved B. encouraged C. surprised D. delighted
23. A. newspaper B. people C. government D. public
24. A. please B. desire C. inspire D. interest
25. A. asked B. begged C. needed D. required
26. A. glad B. calm C. angry D. silent
27. A. dishonest B. honest C. lovely D. peaceful
28. A. never B. even C. yet D. still
29. A. address B. name C. chicken D. opinion
30. A. problem B. difficulty C. astonishment D. excitement
31 .A. but B. so C. for D. as
32. A. difficult B. good C. easy D. pleasant
33. A. know B. love C. realize D. understand
34. A. finds B. says C. thinks D. insists
35. A. get B. do C. pay D. receive
If you’re the type of traveler who just wants a suitable place to hang your hat and you don’t want to spend a fortune to do it, here are several ways to save on your next hotel room:
*Be Flexible Hotel rates are based on supply and demand, so be aware of peak periods. If your destination’s high season is from December through April and you’re trying to book near the end of April, you might find considerable savings if you change your travel dates by a week or two.
*Check Hotel Web Sites The large travel-booking Web sites often sell rooms from the middlemen who have bought up empty hotel moms. But the major hotel chains also offer last-minute discounts, and because they’re not paying the middleman, they sometimes have better deals than the travel sites.
*Don’t be Afraid to Bargain Most people are so intimidated (畏缩的) by know-it-all hotel desk clerks that they don’t bargain for a better deal. But bargaining for a better deal is often worth the trouble, because most hotel general managers would prefer having a customer paying a lower-than-usual rate to no customer at all. And if you find something unfair on your hotel bill, don’t be afraid to complain. To keep your goodwill, hotels will often reduce or cancel such charges.
*Avoid Hidden Costs Expensive little extras hotels never mention can increase the cost of your stay. Don’t let this happen. Find out about resort fees, fees for parking and Internet use before you agree to stay. And don’t touch the hotel’s phone unless you absolutely have to - the rates can be more than $2 a minute even inside the United States.
36. According to the passage, which of the following will save you some money?
A. Change your visiting places in high season.
B. Book rooms through Web sites.
C. Use the hotel’s phone.
D. Bargain with desk clerks for your room,
37. That travelers can bargain for better deal is often based on the fact that _______.
A. managers often prefer a lower-paid customer to no customer
B. there are many places which should not be charged
C. customers are often afraid to complain the price
D. the desk clerks and managers often cheat the travelers
38. The passage was mainly written to ________.
A. advertise hotels B. complain high costs
C. serve the travelers D. introduce hotel services
Children who spend more time reading with their parents have a greater chance of becoming better readers than those who don’t. With help from their parents, children can learn techniques to improve their reading skills.
“A lot of parents think after their child learns to read, they should stop reading to them,” Donna George said. “They are sadly mistaken.”
George offers her services to parents at the Title I Learning Centers. She said reading aloud to children may be the most valuable thing parents can do. “It is better for children to hear things at a higher level than where they are,” George said. “Parents are their child’s first teacher.” Parents help their children build listening, phonics, comprehension and vocabulary skills when they read aloud to them.
Before parents can identify reading problems, they should escape the enemy-television and limit the time their children spend watching television. George suggested not allowing kids to have a TV in their bedrooms, setting a schedule of when kids can watch or keeping a list of how many programs children watch. Louise Joines said while her 14-year-old daughter and 10-year-old son enjoy reading, the television sometimes becomes a distraction. So she tries to build the situation by suggesting books the entire family will enjoy reading together, like the Harry Potter series.
Parents who do not read themselves should not count on their children being enthusiastic about it. If parents would read to their children at least 15 minutes every day, children would not have so many problems in school. It is the patents’ job to help build that desire in their children, and of course to know what kind of books to read is also important.
39. According to George, reading aloud to children ________.
A. help them correct mistakes
B. is helpful to their reading
C. is parents’ first duty to their children
D. can get children out of television’s attraction
40. The underlined word (in Paragraph 4 ) means something that __________.
A. can improve children’s reading
B. can help children’s right way of reading
C. can make children interested in reading
D. can make children not attentive
41. What does the fourth paragraph mainly want to show is important?
A. reading skills B. reading speed
C. feeding materials D. reading environment
42. If the passage is not completed, which of the following can follow the fifth paragraph?
A. Parents choose reading materials for their children.
B. Advice is given to control their children.
C. What TV programs children can watch during reading.
D. How children improve their reading by themselves.
43. Which one would be the best title for the passage?
A. Children Spend More Time Reading with Parents.
B. Parents Are Their Child’s First Teacher.
C. How Parents Make Their Child a Better Render.
D. How to Improve Children’s Reading Ability.
A= a passer-by B = a native
A: (44) E______ me, could you tell me which bus I can take to the Wang Fu Jing Department Store?
B: Just take the No. 1 bus going in that (45) d______ (pointing) and get off at the Wang Fu Jing Stop. Walk a few (46) s________ to the corner and turn left. Keep on (47) g________ until you come to a tall cream-colored building. That’s the Wang Fu Jing Department Store. There are usually a lot of cars (48) p_______ in front of it.
A: Thank you. And where is the No. 1 bus stop?
B: (pointing) It’s over there.
A: How many (49) s_____ are there from here to Wang Fu Jing?
B: Only one.
A: In that case, I’d rather walk.
B: It’s about a twenty-five (50) m_____ walk. I think you must know the Beijing Hotel when you see it.
A: Yes, I do. It’s on the (51) l____________ side of the street.
B: That’s right. You walk (52) p_______ the Hotel and turn left at the (53) c________. Keep on walking and you’ll get to the Department Store.
A: Thank you.
B: You’re welcome.
(45) _________
(46) _________
(47) _________
(48) _________
(49) _________
(50) _________
(51) _________
(52) _________
(53) _________
考试非常重要 可以通过考试了解自己的学习效果,把成绩作为努力的动力。
考试并不能说明什么 1. 有人得高分就兴高采烈,考试不及格就情绪低落。2. 有的为了取得好成绩,甚至不参加任何课外活动。3. 如果没有考试,大家就不必为此担心,还可以选 择自己喜欢的科目,多参加课外活动,在社会实践中学习更多的东西。
你对考试的看法 1.考试是必要的,但应该进行适当的改革。
1. 短文必须包括所有要点。
2. 词数:120左右。
3. 参考词汇:改革reform ; 课外活动 extra-curricular activities
4. 文章的第一句已为你写好,不计入总词数:Some students think that it is very important to have an exam.
5.B。B。in turn意为“依次”。in return意为“作为回报”。on his return意为“他一回来”。D无此用法。
7.D。此题考查be supposed to的用法。因为此事是已过去的事情,故用不定式的完成式。应选D。
8.B。hand over意为“移交、交出”。take over意为“接管”。go over意为“复习、仔细检查”。turn over意为“移交给、翻身”。
9.A。根据后面暗示动作正在进行,more forests 与destroy之间构成逻辑上的被动关系且动作正在进行。故选A项。
11.D。seat是动词,意为“使……坐下”,常用被动形式,或后接反身代词构成seat oneself。
13.C。in praise of“赞美、赞扬”。in place of“代替”。in memory of“纪念”。in need of“需要”。
14.D。drive sb. crazy意为“使某人发疯”,是习惯搭配。
15. D。Good heavens意为“天哪”。常用于表示“惊讶,谴责或宽慰”,no相当于I don’t get hurt。“No problem”。意为“没关系,没问题”,用于安慰对方。I don’t think so 意为“我不这么认为”。当我们不同意对方观点或看法时,则使用本句。另一常听到的语句 I’m afraid not。也具有相近的表达意味,但语气比I don’t think so。更为委婉。
16.A。“把…带到…去” 用take sth. to …来表示。carry无方向性;send意为“寄去”,都不符合题意
17.D。从第二段可知,不是他妻子;从romantic picnic可知,只能是他的lady
28.D。still 表示仍然,进一步说明前面的honest people
29.B。name 和后面的name 一致
30.A。年轻人去约会的是他的(girlfriend),而不是他的(wife),现在经理让他留下他及他妻子的名字,不是等于把他和他girlfriend的事公布于众吗?对这年轻人来说,当然是一个 problem。
32.C。easy 表示向不认识的人展示好的一面是很容易的
42.A。文章的最后一段的最后一句“of course to know what kind of books to read is also important”暗示了后面应该涉及到孩子应该读什么样的书。因此,A项正确。
44. Excuse 45. direction 46. steps 47. going 48. parked
49. stops 50. minutes’ 51. left / left-hand 52. part 53. corner
One possible version:
Some students think that it is very important to have an exam. If so, we know the results of our studies, and the exams also make us study hard.
However, other students don’t think so. They say if they get high marks in the exams, they are very excited. But when they fail, they will be in very low spirits. What’s worse, they don’t usually take part in other extra-curricular activities. If the exams are prohibited, we don’t have to worry about the marks. In that case, we can choose the subjects we like, take part in more activities and learn more through social practice, which will greatly benefit us in the future.
6.深圳牛津英语八上复习 篇六
时间: 12月26日 下午第1节
地点: 静安区教育学院附校 南楼 四楼
案例描述: 这是一篇由五个小段组成的阅读文章。文章描述一个名叫Simon的学生在上学路上见到街道清洁工人、面包师、报贩、花店老板和菜贩们在清早的忙碌情景。教参上有关于准备阶段须达到的目标描述:教师应该让学生明白,即每一种职业都有其自身的价值,学生们不能因人们的职业而看轻他们。
吴亦佳老师在要求学生四人为小组一起朗读后,提问: “How many jobs are mentioned in
the passage?(短文中提到了几种职业?)”“What does Simon see them doing?(Simon
看到他们在做什么?)”由于书本都是打开着的,学生们轻松地回答了这两个问题。但是,吴老师接下来问的两个问题,引起学生们的思索和讨论。她问道:“Do you want to be a str
eet sweeper? How useful are the street sweepers?(你会当一名街道清洁工人吗?街道清洁工人的工作是怎样的重要?)大多数学生谈到如果没有人做街道清洁工作,将会发生的困难
局面。少数学生表示愿意当一名街道清洁工人。然后,吴老师又问了关于花店女老板的一个问题: “Why does Mrs. Chen get up early?(陈太太为什么天天早起?)”学生们又一次活跃
起来,告诉老师陈太太天天早起是为了到花市取鲜花;为了保证花店有新鲜花供应;为了将花卖个好价钱,多挣钱好养家;多挣钱可以扩大店面,做大买卖; 陈太太天天早起, 是因为她工作很努力…… 吴老师不失时机地提问:“When you grow up will you work hard?(你长
分析与评价: 将德育融入学科教学中,是每一个教师都明了的职责,但不是每一个教师
都能做好的一项工作。在发达国家中,每一种职业都有其自身的价值的观念,体现在所有的教育阶段中。因为那里的人们已经认识到,人们的能力是有差别的,社会需要各种服务,社会应该让各种能力的人有生存的空间,合作与共存。中国是发展中国家,中国人“学而优则仕”的观念由来已久。四十年前,清洁工人的孩子也许会接父母的班,谋一份固定的职业收入。三十年前,就只有那些不愿去农村的青年才肯服从分配,到环卫所报到。二十年前,有一批因农村城镇化而失去土地的农民加入了环卫工作的行列。近十年来,似乎不见有上海人的子女在做街道清洁工作。所以,“你会当一名街道清洁工人吗?街道清洁工人的工作是怎样的重要?”这样的问题,并不是每一个上海的初中生轻易能回答的。吴老师的问题设计不仅符合牛津英语教材的要求,而且有她的独到之处:她将两个问题放在一起问。引起学生们头脑中轻视街道清洁工人和街道清洁工作的重要性两种观念的冲突。尽管大多数学生不可能在那个瞬间得出正确的结论,但他们有可能因此开始思考“不能因人们的职业而看轻他们”。 吴老师后来将学生们的注意力引向勤奋工作,表面看似乎不再“为难”学生们,有了一个松弛的转机,实际上是让学生们重视面前的每一项工作任务,努力施展自己的才能。
教师情况: 金燕萍, 静安区教育学院附校, 九年级1班
教材片段: 9A Chapter 6 Language (第六章 语言知识)
时间: 月5日 下午 第二节
地点: 静安区教育学院附校 北楼
案例描述: <三只小猪>是来自西方文学的一个著名童话故事。它讲述了三只小猪在猪妈妈的要求下,分别用稻草、木头和砖,建造了不同材料的小屋。稻草屋和木头屋不堪大灰狼的攻击,先后倒塌。最后,三只小猪终于靠砖头垒造的小屋,避免了被大灰狼吃掉的危险。金燕萍老师利用了这个故事的文学内涵,在教学条件状语从句(conditional sentences)时,给学生以较大的联想空间,让学生在有趣的语言情景中,反复操练句型结构。在这一教学片段中,师生共享了英语语言的特殊魅力。
当屏幕上出现了猪妈妈要求三只小猪出外造屋子的彩色画面时,学生开始偷笑。是呀,谁不知道这个故事?可是,金燕萍老师并不打算讲述这个幼儿园孩子也知道的故事。她说:“Mother is asking them to make a living themselves.(猪妈妈在要求小猪们自己谋生。)”规
范的语言适合15岁的少年人的思想。然后,她为第一只小猪用稻草建屋,作拟人化的表述: “
If I build a house of hay, I’ll live comfortably.(如果我造一间稻草屋,我会住得很舒服。)”第二只小猪遐意地骑在木屋的屋顶上吃苹果,金老师听完学生对画面的描述后,晃着脑袋模仿小猪的语气,说道:“If I build a house of wood, I’ll live happily.(如果我造一间木头屋,我会住得很开心。)”当学生们看到第三只小猪建造的砖屋时,他们已经完全被教师引入故事情景,他们异口同声回答了教师的问题。“What is the house built of?” “It’s built of bricks.”(“这座房子是用什么做的?”“它是用砖块做的。”) 这时,金老师用严肃的口气模仿第三只小猪,说道:“If I build a house of bricks, I will live safely.(如果我造一间砖屋,我会住得很安全。)”然后,金老师问学生们是否同意第三只小猪的观点,要求他们说出理由。学生们开始议论,他们自然地使用第三人称,讲述大灰狼可以轻易摧毁稻草屋和木板屋,砖头是硬的,如果大灰狼去啃砖屋,它会崩掉它的牙齿……学生们假设着种种可能的结果,不时爆发哄堂大笑。
在欢快的氛围中,金老师对句型结构作了简单的归纳: “The three pigs have told us the real wills. That’s what we can learn from these sentences.(三只小猪告诉了我们它们真实的愿望,那就是我们从这些句子中能感悟到的。)
分析与评价: 有关条件状语从句的英语语言知识是初中英语教学阶段比较困难的部分。
教师情况: 方立萍 静安区教育学院附校, 八年级3班
教材片段: 8A Chapter 4 Language (第四章 语言知识)
时间: 年10月31日 下午第3节
地点: 静安区教育学院附校 北楼
案例描述: 这是一个关于数字的故事, 涉及到较多的生词和数学计算题。 方立萍老师为了提
高学生们的学习兴趣,也为了巩固上一节课所学词汇, 有意识地将讨论引向学生们所熟悉的身边事物。 她给了学生们三个问题:
1. Where can we find numbers? (我们可以在哪里找到数字?)
2. What are the jobs that use numbers a lot? (哪些工作使用大量数字?)
3. Can you name different kinds of numbers you know?(你能说出你所知道的数字的名称
学生们对第一个问题,作出五花八门的答案。 从公交车的站台牌、药品说明、石英钟、饭店价格表、气象预报到火车票,几乎每一个学生都举了个例子。方老师频频点头,很欣赏的样子。有了第一个问题的准备,第二个问题就比较容易了。不少学生提到会计、数学教师、营业员、超市工作人员、警察、宇航员等等。当学生们开始回答第三个问题时,有不少人翻书找单词或者向同桌打听单词的读法。此后的回答就比较少了。方老师不失时机地让学生们作了一个数字和它们的名称的配对练习,依靠集体的力量复习巩固已学词汇。方老师接下来要求学生们用4-5句句子谈论有关上海的事,必须使用一些数字。学生们的小组讨论很热烈,他们的发言更精彩。有人提到了金茂大厦的高度,有人报出当天本市的温度,有人说道上海的人口,还有人使用分数报出使用现代化交通工具的人数比例……
分析与评价: 有人提出,今日的教师对知识的拥有“一桶水”是不够的。教师需要不断更新
现在,方老师经常说:“我从学生们那里学到很多东西。” 象方老师那样尊重学生们的脑力
牛津高中英语届高考一轮复习教案 (模块8)(译林牛津版高考复习英语选修八学案设计)07-20