1.美国大学essay格式 篇一
美国留学MBA Essay范文
以下为大家介绍了美国留学MBA Essay范文,以供大家参考借鉴,希望能够帮助到大家。小马过河国际教育全国免费电话咨询:4008-123-267!留学交流群 :108088544。
What are your expectations of the MBA program? What contribution do you think you will make? How will your personal distinctiveness enrich our learning environment?
First of all, I expect that I will be presented with a challenging educational environment in your highly respected MBA program.Your MBA program offers a solid course curriculum that will allow me to build on my previous extensive business experience to give me the skills that are required in the rapidly changing international business world.Although my business experience is important, it is not enough in the competitive business environment today to have only practical experience.I believe that through your MBA program, I can learn the theories behind successful business strategies as well as learn about other organization’s experiences through the reading of different types of case studies.Reading and understanding a wide variety of case studies will allow me to learn how to approach certain business situations as well as to learn how to avoid some business mistakes that others have made in the past.In addition to learning in a classroom situation from my professors, I know that I will learn much more than that by gaining the life experiences of living in a foreign country.The opportunity to learn by living and experiencing life in another country will make me a more complete business person by giving me the chance to look at the business world from another country’s perspective.An international perspective is essential to being successful in business as the different countries in the global business environment become increasingly intertwined and interdependent.I will also expect to learn much valuable information from my classmates as we work our way through the MBA program together and become friends.Learning from the most elite students from many different cultures and developing lasting friendships with them will be another very attractive benefit of studying in your MBA program.My contribution to this established MBA program will be that of an experienced businessperson in the most populous and rapidly developing country in the world.My previous experience working in multinational organizations has given me a very useful working knowledge and first-hand knowledge of the methods of doing business in China.I have experience with both large and small businesses in China, both as an assistant engineer and a higher level manager.I have worked with some of the world’s largest companies in China, which gives me a unique perspective and the ability to contribute not only the Chinese viewpoint but also a multinational viewpoint to classroom discussions.These diverse working experiences have given me a very broad-based, cross-functional knowledge of how to do business in China.官方网站:
My unique experiences in working as an assistant engineer in the computer center of Jin Jiang Industrial Co., Ltd.have given me a solid foundation in actual working knowledge of computer software and computer systems.As a sales representative for nearly four years with the multinational company 3M in the southwest region of China, I learned to analyze buying behavior and develop a full marketing plan for our products.I also managed a distribution network, which involved inventory planning, marketing channel studies, incentive program development and training of new business partners.With Xerox China Co., Ltd., I performed the duties of a high-level sales consultant.This position involved analyzing major potential clients' needs and developing an XES(Xerox Engineering System)solution to fit the clients' technical specifications and budgetary needs.I also worked for three years with China Hewlett-Packard Co., Ltd.My position as a Supplies Market Development Manager with the Consumer Business Unit required me to use my thorough understanding of all aspects of the marketing value chain, including the analysis of market dynamics and developing and implementing annual marketing plans for the entire business unit.My current position as a Business Director for AsiaEC.com, Inc., has allowed me to take full responsibility for developing the business of an e-commerce start up company involved with IT/office equipment and office consumable products.As you can see from my extensive and unique business experience in China, I have much to contribute to the learning environment of your MBA program.I believe that the learning environment can be greatly enhanced by classroom participation from the students, particularly in an MBA program such as yours that involves the best students from around the world.I am eager to thoroughly involve myself at the proper times to add my real-life experiences in the rapidly changing business world of China to give an international perspective to classroom discussions.I also believe that I can learn to develop a better international vision and a sense of future business trends while adding my own experiences to your MBA program.通过上面对美国留学MBA Essay范文的分享,希望能够帮助到大家。
2.美国大学essay格式 篇二
关于申请材料,我们习惯将它分为硬件和软件。换另外一个角度,也可以分为可塑造和不可塑造。不可塑造的是指申请者自身的高中学校背景(包括高中各科成绩)和标准化考试成绩(Standardized Test)。可塑造的则是指申请者的推荐人,推荐信内容,主essay,简历和所申请学校的命题小essay。大多数学校对于标准化考试成绩有比较弹性的要求,有些学校,这里不但包括大U,也包括传说中审核标准苛刻的LAC,对SAT成绩的影响和要求采取模糊态度。更值得一提的是,由于SAT考试服务在中国没有设置相应的考点,有个别学校免去了对中国学生SAT成绩的要求,而且是只赋予给中国学生的特权。相较于研究生,博士的申请,高中学校的背景对于本科申请结果的影响微乎其微,绝大多数本科申请者都有合格的高中成绩作为硬件条件。这就越发显得可塑造的申请材料的重要性。试想,同等硬件条件下的两个申请者,PK的只有那些可塑造的软件材料。开放式的绝对自由化的主essay,由于单个申请人的个性不同,在评估过程中很难纵向评比,一较高下。于是,每个大学独立的supplement中命题的小essay就好比我们熟知的作文考试。它提供给申请者一个展示的平台,然而这个平台存在相对的自由和约束。自由的是你可以根据自己的经历任意选择素材表现自己。约束的是这种选择不是天马行空,而是基于同样的topic。
从上面的分析可以看出,其实不难看出,这个命题essay很可能就是国外大学录取委员会审核申请材料时花费时间最多,精力最多,重视最多的部分,也很可能就是影响申请结果的依据。用“很可能”来限制我的这个判断是因为毕竟影响申请结果的因素有很多,不能仅凭借这样的分析做绝对的判断。需要提醒申请人的是,虽然我们按照某种标准把申请材料做了分类,但是申请材料是一个整体,应该在着重小essay的同时给予其他部分以同等的重视。尤其是standardized test,花整块的时间准备然后考到合适申请的成绩永远也不是浪费时间。考试,是申请迈出的第一步也是最容易的一步。
Essay的中文意思是短文,散文。英语意思是an analytic or interpretive literary composition or a tentative attempt。由此可见,其实这个essay就相当于广大高中在读申请者最熟悉的,也是在学校常常会写的作文。把大学规定的topic做一个简单的归纳,会发现除了少数几个学校的essay话题稍显另类之外,其他大部分的学校一般都会提出或涉及如下几类essay要求:
3.美国大学essay格式 篇三
温馨提示:专业的事情,交给专业的机构来完成。10年来,监审留学一直致力于留学文书的写作服务,已经帮助过无数留学生申请到理想的大学,擅长美国,加拿大,英国和澳洲的个人陈述和推荐信写作。如果您有写作方面的需求可以 联系QQ:970865017,按时交稿,绝不拖延,再也不用发愁。
4.美国大学essay格式 篇四
1.Are all discoveries the result of focusing on one subject?(青霉素的发现,居里
夫人 孟德尔)
2.Is it important to question the ideas and decisions of people in positions of
3.Is it always best to determine one’s own views of right and wrong, or can we
benefit from following the crowd?(达尔文,伽利略,布鲁诺,马丁.路德)
4.Can people ever be truly original?()
5.Do people achieve greatness only by finding out what they are especially good at
and developing that attribute above all else?(博尔顿,)
6.Is it always better to be original than to imitate or use ideas of others?(牛顿万有
7.Should people always prefer new things, ideas, or values to those of the past?(达
尔文,美国三权分立制度 物质主义 科技)
8.Does planning interfere with creativity?
9.Is creativity needed more than ever in the world today?
10.Do people accomplish more when they are allowed to do things in their own way?
11.Are we free to make our own decisions or are we limited in the choices we can
犯错误 困难
12.Is it necessary to make mistakes, even when doing so has negative consequences
for other people?(诺贝尔发明炸药的过程曾经误炸家人,环境污染)
13.Can any obstacle or disadvantage be turned into something good?(海伦凯勒,莎
14.Does true learning only occur when we experience difficulties?()
15.Is identity something people are born with or given, or is it something people
create for themselves?(爱迪生,莎士比亚依靠个人奋斗从贫穷走向知名)
16.Is compromise always the best way to resolve a conflict?(同意:甘地的非暴力
不合作运动化解了印度不同的宗教矛盾,不同意:马丁路德.金,林肯拒绝内战中的国家分裂二战 核武器)
17.Do closed doors make us creative?(obstacles)
18.Do you think that ease does not challenge us and that we need adversity to help us
discover who we are?
19.Is it better to change one’s attitude than to change one’s circumstances?(欧亨利的“最后一片树叶”,海伦凯勒,弥尔顿的“失乐园”,维瓦尔第的“四季”)
20.Should people change their decisions when circumstances change, or is it best for
them to stick with their original decisions?
21.Would the world be a better place if everyone always told the complete truth?(欧
22.Does the truth change depending on how people look at things?()
23.Can deception—pretending that something is true when it is not—sometimes have
good results?(同题目6)
24.Do circumstances determine whether or not we should we should tell the truth?
(最后一片叶子的小说,伽利略对于教廷的妥协对比布鲁诺被烧死的例子)Can knowledge be a burden rather than a benefit?()
Is deception ever justified?(二战 文化大革命)
25.Is the way something seems to be not always the same as it actually is?(科技)
26.Does the success of a community—whether it is a class, a team, a family, a nation,or any other group—depend upon people’s willingness to limit their personal interests?(中国乒乓球队布置战术,nba的波士顿凯尔特人队的三巨头为了总冠军而限制个人数据)
27.Should people take more responsibility for solving problems that affect their
communities or the nation in general?(马丁路德.金,林肯在南北战争中的决定)
28.Is there any value for people to belong only to a group or groups with which they
have something in common?()
29.Do we need other people in order to understand ourselves?
30.Should we admire heroes but not celebrities?(用撒尿浇灭罗马城大火的小孩,古希腊的长跑健将马拉松 艳照门 希尔顿饭店孙女)
31.Can a group of people function effectively without some being in charge?(华盛顿
在美国独立战争期间出头当家把美国从战争失败中拯救出来 中国农民起义)
32.Should heroes be defined as people who say what they think when we ourselves
lack the courage to say it?
33.Do people achieve more success by cooperation than by competition?(比尔盖茨
34.Do people have to be highly competitive in order to succeed?
35.Is it more important to do work that one finds fulfilling or work that pays well?
36.Should modern society be criticized for being materialistic?(剩女的大量出现因
为对于物质的不断索取,道德风气的败坏:挟尸要价,毒奶粉导致婴儿性早熟 三鹿奶粉非诚勿扰)
37.Is conscience a more powerful motivator than money, fame, or power?(ken lay,Columbus,bribery in china)
38.Can success be disastrous?
目标 过程 和价值
39.Is the effort involved in pursuing any goal valuable, even if the goal is not
40.Do people place too much emphasis on winning?(特雷萨修女,)
41.Are people’s actions motivated primarily by a desire for power over others?(爱因
42.Do incidents from the past continue to influence the present?(林肯幼年时观察到
43.Are decisions made quickly just as good as decisions made slowly and carefully?
44.Do highly accomplished people achieve more than others mainly because they
expect more of themselves?
45.Is striving to achieve a goal always the best course of action, or should people
give up if they are not making progress?
46.Should we pay more attention to people who are older and more experienced than
we are?
47.Should people let their feelings guide them when they make important decisions?
48.Are bad choices and good choices equally likely to have negative consequences?
49.Are people’s lives the result of the choices they make?
50.Are there benefits to be gained from avoiding the use of modern technology, even
when using it would make life easier?(用步行或者地铁的方式来减少汽车的使用率,塑料袋的减少使用)
51.Has today’s abundance of information only made it more difficult for us to
understand the world around us?
52.Is there always another explanation or another point of view?
53.Is the world changing for the better?
54.Do actions, not words, reveal a person or a group’s true attitudes and intention?
55.Are people best defined by what they do?
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