


1.英语翻译感想英文版 篇一

Moment in Peking is a historical novel originally written in English by the Chinese American author Lin Yutang.The novel covers the turbulent events in China from 1900 to 1938, AS Lin writes that “[This novel] is merely a story of...how certain habits of living and ways of thinking are formed and how, above all, [men and women] adjust themselves to the circumstances in this earthly life where men strive but gods rule.”

I like“ Moment in Peking”;the book most flash point is one of the natural Taoism.That way seems to filled with intelligence.The life and death, wealth, life of sorrow as a thorough look.I can not help but respect for the Zhuangzi.In my opinion , Zhuangzi’s philosophy in the book affected the Si Yao Yao Mulan and Kongli Cardiff.First opened to me at first think that if rough waves, and then faint,flowing , followed by feel sad, the last before the storm feel that bleak situation, to end the great magnificent, secluded but only.let me came suddenly;What is life, where people dream, as a dream in we real life knows no boundaries.War, the old China has meant that the aging of the budding of new China As the book says “the sound of late autumn leaves, listen to the tone of the spring, and in the future strong summer song shoot” This lets me know, failure means success.As long as the reflection, from heart failure, struggle from scratch.As, “eager to win through struggle.” University of the process of learning the same way.We can see ,works of the last part of “Autumn songs” desprite the war in China, the tragic scenes can not help but make me feel broken-hearted.But,I believe ,the Chinese nation is a rebirth from the humiliation.and the book mentioned young people of Chinese in order to defend the country;s national the sacred mission to give, such as flood peak heroic scenes, so that I this age of the Chinese people are proud of it.My heart is in shock.The destiny of the motherland with me.I am well aware of: the powerful of our nation, so prosperity that surrounds it, do not let it be outside the sacred name of blasphemy!Because we keep them the same blood

Moment in Peking is not only my wealth.But also is our duty to remember history ourself.This is a need to carefully try to figure out the book, in which it will benefit you for life.

2.英语翻译感想英文版 篇二


本研究选取的时段为2010年1月7日至2013年3月14日。2010年1月7日至2013年3月14日期间, 《北京周报》共发行167期, 因总体较大, 需进行抽样研究。本文采用系统抽样法 (systematic sample with a random start) , 以年分组 , 抽样单位 (sampling unit) 为《北京周报》的每一期报刊 , 将2010年1月7日至2013年3月14日中的每一期作为单个元素构成元素集合, 随机选取一个元素作为研究的首个样本, 然后以2为抽样间距抽取其他样本。经过系统抽样, 共抽取84期, 平均每期16篇报道, 总计1304篇。通过定量统计得出, 在此期间, 有关中国的报道共计1151篇, 占全部报道的88.27%, 中国是《北京周报》最主要的报道国家。中国主题下重点关注中国“经济与金融”的发展, 总计338篇, 占29.37%, 其中“经济发展形势、经济建设与发展”主题则最受关注, 共计125篇。为便于定性分析, 本文对这125篇报道进一步抽样 (抽样方法同上) , 共抽样选出8篇报道, 作为本文的研究对象。


语言学家韩礼德 (M.A.K.Halliday) 在其专著《功能语法导论》 (An Introduction to Functional Grammar1985) 中提出语言同时具有三大元功能 (meta-function) , 即概念功能 (ideationalfunction) 、人际功能 (interpersonal function) 和语篇功能 (textualfunction) 。

概念功能指语言用于表达主客观世界的经验, 主要由及物 (transitivity) 系统、分类系统 (classification) 、转换 (transformation) 等实现;人际功能指能表达语篇作者 (讲话人) 的身份、地位、态度、动机及对事物的推断等功能, 主要通过语气 (mood) 和情态 (modality) 等体现人与人之间的关系, 情态系统 (modality) 可以用来表达作者对事物所持的态度和看法, 以体现其权威性、支配性和霸权的权势关系;语篇功能主要指遣词造句和组织语篇, 主要体现于讲话人或语篇作者组织思想顺序的主位结构 (thematic structure) 、对信息中心成分处理的信息结构 (information structure) 和衔接系统 (cohesion) 。基于相关性, 本文重点考察及物性、情态及分类系统。


情态是讲话者对自己所讲命题的成功性和有效性做出判断, 或在命令中要求对方承担义务, 或在提议中表达个人意愿, 人际意义的这一部分是由语法的情态系统实现的。情态动词、情态形容词和副词、人称代词、时态、转述引语都可表达情态意义。本文对情态的考察着重于情态动词的选择。根据说话者对命题真实性所承担责任的高低程度, Halliday把情态价值分成高、中、低值。

表1表明中值情态动词出现频率最高, 占66.17﹪。低值情态动词其次, 占19.40﹪。中值情态动词中, will出现的次数最多, 计75次。中值情态动词will在报道中的使用, 主要涉及两个方面: (1) 表示对未来的推测。如:

Foreign trade will improve and play a positive role in drivingup economic increases, with imports expected to rise by 13 percentand exports by 10 percent year on year. (预计进口与出口将同比分别增长13%与10%。对外贸易将会提高, 积极推动经济增长。 ) ○外语教学与研究周刊2014年第56期

(2) 做出承诺。如:

China will continue the subsidy program for rural appliancepurchases.The Central Government will also launch a series ofpolicies to boost consumption.The new policies will focus on promoting projects in the green economy, low-carbon emissions, energy-conservation and environment protection, said Chen Deming, Minister of Commerce. (商务部部长陈德铭表示中国会继续实施家电下乡补助项目, 中央政府也会实施一系列刺激消费的措施。新政策会着重于推动绿色经济、低碳排放、节能及环保项目。 )

同时分析语篇后发现, 中值情态动词will主要以转述引语形式出现, 如:

Zhang Hanya, president of the Investment Association of China, held that China’s economy will maintain an annual growth ratebetween 8 percent and 9 percent until 2018. (中国投资协会会长张汉亚认为, 直至2018年, 中国经济将会保持8%~9%的年均增长率。 )


及物性在系统功能语言学中与小句 (clause) 如何表现概念功能有关, 其作用是“把经验世界分成易操作的一组过程” (Halliday 2011) , 并表明各种过程的参加者和情景成分。过程主要有六种: 物质过程 (material process) 、心理过程 (mentalprocess) 、言语过程 (verbal process) 、关系过程 (relational process) 、行为过程 (behavioral process) 和存在过程 (existentialprocess) 。研究语篇后发现, 行为过程、存在过程及关系过程在语篇中并未有明显体现。本文主要研究物质过程及言语过程, 具体统计如下。

注释:为便于分析, 统计忽略从句中的过程类型, 主要讨论主句中的过程类型。

由表2得知, 物质过程数量最大, 总计240次。物质过程涉及的是动作, 即做某事的过程, 常由动作动词、动作者及目标构成。报道中大量运用物质过程来描述中国经济运行态势, 如:This year (2010) , credit will not shrink dramatically.It is estimated that the M2 increase will hit 18 percent, and new loans willtotal 8 trillion yuan. (2010年存款金融不会急剧收缩, 预计广义货币增长将达18%, 新增贷款总计将达8万亿元。 ) 借助上述物质过程, 报道者刻画出中国经济的动态感。一系列物质动词的使用, 使中国经济发展跃然纸上, 给读者以动态感, 塑造充满活力的中国经济形象。摇摇摇摇来源转述形式摇摇专家学者国家领导人企业高管国际组织确切来源 含蓄来源间接引语8 9 6 1直接引语5 3 2 0实词 (content word) 频次摇摇摇摇摇摇媒体过程类型摇摇摇摇《北京周报》数量

言语过程共计35次。言语过程指通过讲话来交流信息的过程, 主要体现在使用转述引语方面。转述引语来源类型统计如下。增长 (growth) 80经济 (economy) 55物质过程240言语过程35

表3显示, 作为批评性话语分析对象的8篇主题新闻消息来源主要涉及2种:具体确切来源与含蓄不露来源。具体确切的信息来源33处, 含蓄来源仅1处。具体确切的消息来源出自实词 (content word) 频次专家学者、国家领导人及企业高管, 使得报道更具权威性。同时上表显示简介引语使用多于直接引语。间接引语24处, 而直言语过程35接引用仅10处。


韩礼德认为, 分类是体现语言概念功能的手段之一, 指的是通过语言对外部世界进行认知、归类, 从而赋予外部世界以摇摇摇摇来源专家学者国家领导人企业高管国际组织秩序, 是人类最基本的认知方式 (辛斌, 2005) 。语篇的分类系转述形式摇摇确切来源含蓄来源统通常是指语篇对人物和事件的命名与描述, 主要通过词汇的选择来实现。新闻报道中的高频词汇在一定程度上反映报间接引语8961道的主题及报道者的意图。本文使用英语词频统计2.9试用版软件, 对作为批评性话语分析对象的8篇报道的实词进行统直接引语5320计, 并进行词形归并处理, 具体如下。

8篇报道中的高频实词反映了中国经济发展形势。中国经济发展过程存在诸如“物价上涨” (price) 等问题, 但全球经济危机之下, 中国“经济” (economy) 也保持“增长” (growth) 是不争的事实。国内“投资” (investment) 也保持“上升” (increase) 趋势。刺激国内需求, 尤其是“消费” (consumption) 已成为中国经济增长的引擎。创造中国经济奇迹的正是中国“政府” (government) 及其有效的“政策” (policy) 。


基于以上分析可得出, 《北京周报》英语语言使用具有以下特点: (1) 在情态系统方面, 着重使用情态动词。中值情态动词使用频率最高, 占66.17%, 其中will的使用高达75次, 用来表示对未来的推测及承诺。低值情态动词其次, 达19.40%。高值情态动词使用频率最低, 只占14.42%。⑵在及物系统方面, 物质过程使用数量最大, 总计240次。言语过程体现在转述引语的使用, 引语来源具体确切, 出自专家学者、国家领导人及企业高管。间接引语的使用次数约为直接引语的1倍。行为过程、存在过程及关系过程未有明显使用。⑶分类系统方面, 《北京周报》主要通过高频词汇的选择实现, growth (80次) , economy (55次 ) , price (48次 ) , consumption (38次 ) , government (36次 ) , policy (32次) 使用频次最高 , 既反映经济增长的一面 , 又涉及经济问题及政府的政策。把握这些特点对我国对外英文传播工作者而言具有一定的借鉴意义。


[1]Berry, M.An Introduction to Systemic Linguistics:Structures and Systems.London:Batsford, 1975.

[2]胡壮麟, 朱永生, 张德禄.系统功能语法概论[M].长沙:湖南教育出版社, 1989.

[3][英]韩礼德 (M.A.K.Halliday) .功能语法导论 (2011) (第2版) [M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2011.

[4]辛斌.语言、权力与意识形态:批评语言学[J].现代外语, 1996:21-26.

[5]辛斌.批评语言学:理论与应用[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2005.

3.英语阅读课教学感想 篇三

【关键词】阅读 教学方法 教学改革

【中图分类号】G633.41【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2015)07-0099-01





目前所采用的各种版本的英语教科书,在文章的选择和设置上话题多样,内容丰富,使学生学习语言和了解社会各个方面极好材料。为了让学生能真正学到知识,对每个单元话题产生兴趣,在做阅读前,让学生根据单元话题,课文标题,及课文插图,对课文内容进行预测。比如在学习新课标选修7Unit 3 Under the sea 课文 Old Tom the killer whale 时,首先让学生预测本课的写作手法(文体)—anecdotes(轶事)。预测文章内容目的是为了引起学生的兴趣,激发学生已有知识,让学生展开想象,因此对于学生的预测应以鼓励为主。


在读中要先进行以理解文章大意,把握文章主线,甚至段落大意为主的目标性阅读。阅读时给出指导性的问题,应从易到难。比如在讲述Old Tom the killer whale 这篇课文时,首先在同学预测的基础下,提出课文中的讲道几件奇闻轶事,分别是什么?这样引导学生快速阅读,掌握文章大意。在学生把握文章框架和大意之后,对文章中精彩的段落,或句子进行细读,可以先让学生寻找精彩段落或句子,学生先理解欣赏,对学生进行提问,引导学生思考。比如课文中有这样一段描述“A few minutes later,there was no Tom, so George started beating the water with oar and there was Tom, circling back to the boat,leading us to the hunt again.”这段描述生动的表现出捕鲸人和鲸鱼的关系,正如同自家的宠物狗和主人一样。当Old Tom(虎鲸)不见时,捕鲸人怎样召唤他回来?——beating the water with oar正如主人吹着哨子召唤自己的爱犬。细节之处理解应用心去体会,联系生活,从而与作者有心灵的交流。这也是对学生进行情感教育的关键时刻——语言是有生命的,有情感的,只有用心去体会才会感觉语言的美。


学完一篇课文后要求学生对课文进行总结,或联系实际写读后感,课文对自己的启示等。读后任务既是对文章的升华,同时学生也需要再次细读课文,从中获取信息和灵感。同时还可以训练学生的语言表达能力。(要求学生不能使用文章中原句,对多个信息进行加工,从而起到炼句作用)。比如在学完课文Old Tom the killer whale 学完后让同学分析Old Tom 和捕鲸人的亲密关系。






4.标准翻译网标准英文版翻译指南 篇四

依据指南 2003年至今

35名5年以上翻译经验的译员 科学完善的翻译流程控制 现有30/千字、暂缺60/千字




目 次前言 2 格式 3 用词和用语 4 引用标准化中心 附录 A:封面格式 附录 B:首页格式


为适应我国加入世界贸易组织和我国对外开放的需要,我局从 1997年起开始将一部分国家标准

翻译成英文。在翻译过程中,不少有关单位建议对翻译的格式和通用用语进行规范。为此,我司于 1999 年初成立了《国家标准英文版翻译指南》编制工作组,开始指南的起草工作。编制《国家标准 英文英文版翻译指南》的目的是: 1.


2. 对国家标准英文版标准中需要统一的语句和用词进行规范 3. 对与现行

GB1.1 及 ISO/IEC 导则要求有出入的老格式标准文本中有必要进行调整的内容进 行规范。



2.1 等同/修改(等效)

采用国际标准的国家标准应使用原英文版本,并符合ISO/IEC指南21(1999 版)的要求。2.2 对于非等效采用国际标准的国家标准,在翻译时应尽可能与原英文版本格式保持一致。2.3 对于非采用国际标准的国家标准,在翻译时应尽可能以相应国际标准作为格式参考。2.4 封面和首页格式见附录 A和附录 B。


3.1 封面 封面用语的英文表述 3.1.1 中华人民共和国国家标准

National Standard of the People’s Republic of China 3.1.2 国家质量技术监督局发布

Issued by China State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision

3.1.3 国家技术监督局发布

Issued by China State Bureau of Technical Supervision 3.1.4 国家标准局发布

Issued by China State Bureau of Standards 3.1.5 发布日期 Issue date 3.1.6 实施日期

Implementation date 3.1.7 等同采用 IDT 3.1.8 修改(等效)采用 MOD 3.1.9 非等效采用 NEQ 3.2 目次 目次用语的英文表述 3.2.1 目次 contents 3.2.2 附录 annex 3.2.3 参考文献

bibliography 3.2.4 索引 index(es)3.2.5 图

figure(s)3.2.6 表 table(s)3.3 前言 前言部分用语的英文表述

3.3.1 前言 Foreword 3.3.2 本国家标准等同采用 IEC(ISO)××××标准: This national standard is identical to IEC(ISO)×××× 3.3.3 本国家标准修改(等效)采用 IEC(ISO)××××标准: This national standard is modified in relation to IEC(ISO)××××

3.3.4 本国家标准非等效采用 IEC(ISO)××××标准: This national standard is not equivalent to IEC(ISO)×××× 3.3.5 本国家标准附录××××是标准的附录(补充件)Annex ××××/Annexes ×××× of this national standard is/are normative 3.3.6 本国家标准附录××××是提示的附录(参考件)Annex ××××/annexes ×××× of this national standard is/are informative 3.3.7 本国家标准对先前版本技术内容作了下述重要修改 There have been some significant changes in this nationals standard over its previous edition in the following technical aspects 3.3.8 本国家标准与所采用国际标准的主要技术差异 The main technical differences between the national standard and the international standard adopted 3.3.9 本国家标准从实施日期起代替×××× This national standard will replace ×××× from theimplementation date of this standard 3.3.10 本国家标准由××××提出

This national standard was proposed by ×××× 3.3.11 本国家标准由××××归口

This national standard is under the jurisdiction of ××××

3.3.12 本国家标准由××××起草 This national standard was drafted by ×××× 3.4 引言

3.4.1 引言 introduction 3.5 范围 范围部分用语的英文表述:

3.5.1 主题和范围 subject and the aspect(s)covered 3.5.2 本国家标准规定……的尺寸

This national standard specifies the dimensions of …… 3.5.3 本国家标准规定……的方法

This national standard specifies a method of ……

3.5.4 本国家标准规定……的性能

This national standard specifies the characteristics of ……

3.5.5 本国家标准规定……的系统 This national standard establishes a system for ……

3.5.6 本国家标准规定……的基本原理 This national standard establishes general principles for 3.5.7 本国家标准适用于…… This national standard is applicable to ……

3.6 引用标准 引语的英文表述(根据中文文本从 a, b 中选取): a.下列标准中所包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而构成为本标准的条文。本标准出版时,所


The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard.At time of publication, the editions indicated were valid.All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below.b.下述标准文件包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而构成本标准的条文。若引用的标准文件标 有日期,则在此日期以后对此引用标准文件的增补和修订均不适用于本标准。若引用的文件不标日 期,则本标准应采用该引用标准文件的最新版本。

The following normative documents contain provision which, through reference in this text, consitute provisions of this national standard.For dated reference, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply.For undated references, the lastest edition of the normative document referred to applies.3.7 术语和定义

这部份内容应用下列规范用语引出: 以下及××××给出的术语和定义适用于本 标准

For the purposes of this national standard, the terms and definitions given in ×××× and the following apply.3.8 常用术语

3.8.1 标准化及标准文件(1)标准化

standardization(2)标准文件 normative document(3)国际标准

international standard(4)区域标准 regional standard

(5)国家标准 national standard(6)行业标准

professional standard(7)地方标准 provincial standard

(8)企业标准 company standard(9)导则 directive/guide

(10)规范 specification(11)总规范 generic specification(12)通用规范 general specification(13)技术规范

technical specification(14)详细规范 detail specification(15)分规范

sectional specification(16)空白详细规范 blank detail specification(17)规程 code

(18)规则(规定)rule(19)指南 guide(20)手册

handbook(21)技术报告 technical report(22)强制性标准

mandatory standard(23)推荐性标准 voluntary standard

(24)指导性技术文件 technical guide(25)法规 regulation

(26)技术法规 technical regulation

3.8.2 标准的类别

(1)基础标准 basic standard(2)术语标准 terminology standard(3)试验标准 testing standard(4)方法标准

method standard(5)产品标准 product standard(6)过程标准

process standard(7)服务标准 service standard(8)接口标准

interface standard(9)数值标准

standard on data to be provided

3.8.3 标准化组织及标准机构(1)国际标准化组织 International Organization for standardization(ISO)(2)国际电工委员会

International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC)(3)国家质量技术监督局

China State Bureau of Quality & Technical Supervision(CSBTS)(4)国际电信联盟

International Telecommunication Union(ITU)(5)全国××××标准化技术委员会

National technical committee of standardization for ××××

3.8.4 标准文件的结构(1)封面 front cover(2)目次

content(3)前言 foreword(4)引言

introduction(5)IEC/ISO 前言 IEC/ISO foreward(6)标准名称

title(7)范围 scope(8)引用标准 normative reference(9)术语和定义 terms and definitions(10)定义

definition(11)符号 symbol(12)图型符号

graphical symbol(13)文字符号 letter symbol(14)缩略语

abbreviated term / abbreviation(15)抽样 sampling


attributed sampling(17)测试 testing

(18)试验 test(19)试验方法 test method(20)试验报告

test report(21)检测实验室 testing laboratory(22)校准实验室

calibration laboratory(23)实验室能力验证 laboratory proficiency testing(24)实验室间比对试验 interlaboratory test comparisons(25)分类 classification(26)标志


labelling(28)包装 packaging(29)运输 transport(30)贮存 storage(31)附录

annex(32)标准的附录 normative annex(33)提示的附录

informative annex(34)注 note(35)脚注

footnote(36)表 table(37)图 figure

(38)技术制图 technical drawing(39)电路图 circuit diagram

(40)参考文献 bibliography(41)索引 index(es)

3.8.5 标准文件的层次划分(1)部分 part(2)篇

section(3)章 clause, chapter(4)条 sub-chause

(5)段 paragraph

3.8.6 标准文件的内容(1)正文

text(2)条文 provision(3)方法性条文

deemed-to-satisfy provision(4)说明性条文 descriptive provision


performance provision(6)陈述 statement(7)指示 instruction(8)推荐 recommendation

(9)要求 requirement(10)必达要求 exclusive requirement(11)任选要求 optional requirement(12)通用要求(或一般要求)general requirement(13)特殊要求 particular / special requirement(14)安全要求(物理性安全)safety requirement

(15)数字安全 security

3.8.7 标准文件的制定(1)标准计划

program of standards development(2)标准项目 project of standard development(3)标准草案 draft standard(4)标准征求意见稿

draft standard for comment(5)标准送审稿 draft standard for examination(6)标准报批稿 draft standard for approval(7)标准出版稿 final draft standard(8)有效期限

period of validity(9)发布日期 issue date(10)实施日期

implementation date(11)审查 examination(12)函审

the standard examination by correspondence(13)会审

joint examination(14)审核 examination & verification(15)审批

examination & approval(16)复审 review(17)勘误

corrigeda(18)增补 supplement(19)修改 amendment(20)修订 revision

(21)重印 reprint(22)新版 new edition

3.8.8 与质量有关的术语(1)合格/符合 conformity(2)检验

inspection(3)自检 self-inspection(4)认证

certification(5)认可 accreditation(6)客观证据

objective evidence(7)极限值 limit(s)(8)不确定度

uncertainty(9)鉴定 qualification(10)鉴定合格

qualified(11)质量管理 quality management(12)质量控制

quality control(13)质量保证 quality assurance(14)质量改进

quality improvement(15)质量评价 quality evaluation


quality surveillance(17)质量审核 equality audit

四、引用标准 1.IEC/ISO导则

2. IEC/ISO指南 21(1999)3.1997GB/T1.1-1993 标准化工作导则

第 1 单元:标准的起草与表述规则

第 1 部分:标准编写的基本规定(idt;eqv IEC/ISO导则 3:1989)4.GB/T3935.4-1996体制

标准化和有关领域的通用术语第 1 部分:基本术语(idt ISO/IEC 指南 2:1991)5.GB/T6583-1994 质量管理和质量保证 术语(idt ISO8402:1994)6.GB/T16733-1997 国家标准制定程序阶段划分及代码

7.GB/T16785-1997 术语工作 概念与术语的协调(eqv ISO860:1996)




XXXXXXXXXX(中国国家标准文献分类号)GB National Standard of the People’s Republic China(国家标准代号)XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX



lssue date Implementation date Issued by XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

附录B 首页格式

National Standard of the People’s Republic China XXXXXXXXXX


Replace GB××××

5.英语口语大赛英文版 篇五

How to spend our college life meaningfully is my top concern

As a college student, what I care about most is how to spend our college life meaningfully ? So what should we do to achieve our goals? Some people might say: learning our professional knowledge is a good way to make a meaningful life, that is true, but today I want to deliver some different opinions from the following three points

Firstly, to make college life meaningfully.I think we should improve our analysis ability from the university education ,although professional knowledge is our basic capital to enter social, but comparing with it ,our analysis ability can not be measured by money, as the ancient says: Mental labors govern while manual labors are governed.

6.小学英语教案英文版 篇六

Part A: Read and white

Part C: Task time/ Pronunciation/Let’s check.

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn to master the four-skilled words about the colors and clothes.

2. Learn to master the way to write the key words and the sentences.

Try to understand the meaning of the dialogue.

Copy the sentences.

Ability Aims:

To train the students’ creativity.

Emotional Aims:

Cultivate them to co-operate with each other.

Important points and difficult points:

1. Learn to master the right way to write the key words and the sentences.

2. Try to make an own dialogue with the sentences they have learnt.

Teaching Aids:

a tape recorder cards pictures

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Warm-up.

Greetings: How are you feeling today?

2.Date & weather: What’s the date? What’s the weather like outside?

Step 2:

Revision 1. Recite a chant:


It’s warm today. Take off your jacket! Phew!

It’s hot today! Put on your T-shirt. Ooooh!

It’s cool today! Put on your sweater! Brrr!

It’s cold today! Put on your coat!

2.Review the free talk by pupils. They can use the drills they have learnt.

What’s the weather like today? What’s the weather in Beijing? What’s the weather in London? One pupil ask and the other answer

Step 3: Presentation Read and white:

1. The teacher shows a chart on the board. Let them talk about the chart such as:

What’s the weather like today? What will they do? Where are Zoom’s shoes?

2. Listen to the tape, read after it.

3. Groups work: Ask the students to read by roles and see which group can do the best.

4. To use the sentence structures to make more different sentences. “It’s today. Let’s ”

5. Copy the key words and sentences on the book.

Step 4: Practice

1.Read the dialogue after the tape.

Read the dialogue and translate it.

Read the dialogue by groups.

Try to make a new dialogue.

Step 5. Task time

1. Listen to a weather report and fill in the form

2. Talk about the weather report with your partner.

3. Do the exercise in “Let’s check”.

4. Pronunciation.

// hole, home, nose, rose // box, fox, orange, lock

The teacher can give them some other words: // hope vole // lop top hop dog

Step 6: Summary

1. We learned the dialogue of page

2. Cultivate them to co-operate with each other.

Step 7: Homework:

1. To copy down the new words one lines each.

2. Copy down the sentences two-line each


Unit 3

It’s warm today! Let’s play football.


7.悠闲英语(四十八)(英文) 篇七

OK,so much about wild geese.Up to now,we have talked about what to call in English the babies of some popular domestic and wild animals and also how to say whether they are male or female.Today,let’s finish this“animal series”by talking about what to call these animals when they are in groups.

When a dog or a cat gives birth to a group of puppies and kittens,the little ones are called a litter of puppies or a litter of kittens;but when a few dogs running together,they are in a pack,and when cats get together,they are in a clutter.

Both chickens and ducks can be called a flock when they are in group;after all,they both belong to the bird family—“birds of a feather flock4together.”A group of ducks can also be called a paddling,giving a vivid image of their feet paddling5under the water to move them forward.

Groups of cows,horses,donkeys,pigs,goats,and sheep are all called herds,but a herd of cows or a herd of sheep are also known as a mob.The word“mob”is mostly used to describe a large unorganized group of people;when cows and sheep are scattered6around grazing on the range7,they don’t look organized at all.A bunch of little piglets is,of course,a litter.And,get ready for this,a group of rabbits is acolony.

It’s more complicated when wild animals gather in groups.A group of tigers is an ambush,since they always wait in the bush for their preys8.When lions get together,they are a pride;indeed,they are the king of the jungle.A group of leopards is called a leap—that’s how they run,right?And a group of bears is known as a sloth because bears usually wander9around looking for food.While a group of elephants is a herd,it is also called a parade—imagine what a grand sight that is.As for our most valuable panda,there is no particular name for agroup of them since pandas mostly live alone.

Interestingly,in the zoo,when you see a group of alligators lay quietly and motionlessly,they are a congregation.A congregation usually describes a group of people who have gathered for a religious service10—aren’t these alligators just like a congregation of worshipers11?I hope you’ll never see a congregation of alligators in the wild though.For ostriches,when they group together,they are a flock;as we said before,ostriches are nothing but big birds,even though they don’t know how to fly.A group of dinosaurs is either a herd or pack.It’s hard to imagine what the sight was like when a herd of dinosaurs moved across the land.

And as for our remote relatives,the chimpanzee and monkey,they are both in troops when they live in groups.A large troop of chimpanzees is also a community just like one we humans live in.

8.中学英语生活化教学之感想 篇八








让学生在“编演”中认识生活、是增长才智、获得成功的快乐。我们在课堂教学中可以采用编演等形式来吸引学生对学习的兴趣。如在基础年级英语教学中我们准备了诸如“Public Security Traffic Police”“Spacetrip”等生动有趣的“编演”进行教学,课堂气氛活跃,学生学得津津有味。我们将书本知识采用为中学生所喜爱的生活化编演进行教学,是激发学生的学习兴趣和培养学生的自主能力以及语言表达能力的一大举措。


9.英语改革感想 篇九



Thoughts Of English Reformation

10.口译感想英语 篇十

My Learning Feedback of the Interpreting Course

It’s the first time that I learned the interpretation.When I knew the fact in the first class of this course, I really felt a big challenge in front of me.After a period of studying,I improved my skill of listening and interpreting although I just know a little about it.The most important and direct harvest I achieve from the course is certainly the theory and skills of interpreting.I learned some information about interpretation:what is interpretation,the feature of interpretation,the type of interpretation,etc.I understood what is abbreviation,shorthand,shadow exercise and so on.At first,our teacher taught us some signs to represent some specific words,especially preposition—some essential words in the articles or news.And we need to simplify our notes because we just have several seconds to write down something.Then we should exercise our memory to memorize much more information,so the shadow exercise is very important.When someone say something,at least,we should remember the main idea what he said to interpret it.The issues of what manners interpreters should have is also covered in this course.A good mastery of these skills undoubtedly will smooth the way for interpreters to do their job.The teacher taught us abundant things,but our actual receptivity were different because there still exist some problems after taking the class.The first problem,for me anyway,is listening as it has always been my weakest area.I exercised my listening skill in the class all the time,but our time is limited.I knew it’s personal problem so I can only practice more.The second is memory problem.When I listening something,it’s not easy to remember the sentences and take notes simultaneously.The last is interpretation.We need to speak out in logical and unambiguous words within a short time by receiving the information.It require people have good native speaker and broad knowledge.In short,it’s a complex process.However,interpreting in the real situation is not such a simple case at all.Psychology stress is a good example.The occasion,the persons you serve for,the atmosphere,all these things may cause your tension during your job and therefore bring a bad effect on your performance.Mistakes,embarrassment caused by stage fright occur very often.Our teacher asked us not to be afraid of mistakes in practicing interpreting and we just need to know the main idea and express them fluently.But we were very nervous so we always make mistakes during interpretation.If I heard some sentences,I could not interpreted them fluently without stuttering.And most of the time,I would miss some information or forget some information I just heard.As a good interpreter,such things are not allowed.So,what we should do now to help us overcome psychology stress in the future’s interpreting job?Maybe,the best way is just to put yourself in the real situation.The more you have experienced,the more capable you would become of dealing with unexpected conditions.Therefore,if I’m asked whether I have some advice for our teaching,this is all I want to say:creating some chances for students to practice their interpreting theory and skills in the practical use.Possibly if will be a tough job, but it really can benefit students a lot!Maybe I would not become an interpreter in the future,but I believe the knowledge I learned will be helpful to me.
