1.口技的课文及翻译和课下翻译 篇一
2.口技的课文及翻译和课下翻译 篇二
广告属于一种特殊文体的翻译, 有与其他文体翻译不同的语言特色和原则。广告的目的就是让人过目不忘, 一听即懂, 只有为民众所喜闻乐见, 广告所推销的产品或服务才能走进千家万户。因此广告语言必须具有特色, 才能给观众留下深刻印象
1. 广告翻译的词汇特色
首先, 广告翻译要简洁明了, 通俗易懂。广告的目的是为了吸引大众, 在短时间内给观众留下深刻印象, 所以广告词要使用大众化的口吻, 避免使用深奥的词。如We’re Siemens.We can do that. (我们是西门子, 我们能办到) 其次, 广告商为了吸引大众的注意力, 故意把生活中人们熟知的词汇拼错, 使其与原词的形态不同, 却依然表达同样的意思, 让观众有耳目一新的感觉。第三, 重复使用词语。词语的重复使用极大地增强了语言的力量, 淋漓尽致得体现了产品的特色, 使广告具有说服力。如Better choice, better living. (维他奶, 更好的选择, 更好的生活) 。
2. 广告翻译的语法特点
首先, 受到版面、篇幅的限制, 广告用语必须简练, 并在尽可能短的时间内传播尽可能多的有效信息来激发读者的兴趣。因此, 广告必须使用简单的句子结构, 或对仗整齐, 或行文押韵, 读起来朗朗上口, 让观众记忆犹新。很多优秀的广告都以简短精练著称。如A diamond is forever. (钻石恒久远, 一颗永流传。) 其次, 广告语言是具有号召力的语言。为了使顾客对商品留下印象, 广告通常采用简洁有力的祈使句来引起人们的好奇心和购买欲。如Hand in hand.Future in your hand. (伴你同行, 齐握未来—太平人寿保险) 。第三, 广告中使用省略句, 能够加强广告的传播效果。如Always with you. (与你同行—中国电信) 。
3. 广告翻译的修辞特点
广告是一种信息高度凝练的语言。为了达到更好的宣传效果, 广告中往往会采用各种修辞手法, 以增强语言的艺术魅力。如双关:I am More satisfied. (More香烟) ;夸张:G ive us20 minites, we give you the whole world. (WINS广播公司) ;对比:We make chances, you make the difference! (大快活餐饮集团) ;对偶:Your future, Our promise (国卫保险) 。
广告英语是具有半文学性质的文体, 除了具有说服性之外, 还具有艺术性和审美性。因此广告翻译还应注意语言的美感, 提高广告的品位和吸引力。为了达到这种效果, 广告中应根据不同的情况运用不同的翻译技巧。
1. 了解中西方文化差异
广告翻译必然涉及文化问题。一个有创意的广告如果翻译出来与原意不符, 那么这个广告的创意不仅会夭折, 还会给企业带来种种危害。这就要求译文必须以译入语的文化背景为翻译标准, 对原文适当地做出改造, 使译文既有效传达了商品信息, 又符合受众文化价值取向。
2. 灵活变换翻译方式
广告除了具有商业价值外, 还具有语言欣赏价值。要把一则广告翻译地具有语言美感, 就要有意识地采用一些翻译手法。
一些句子结构比较简单, 意义比较明确的广告可以采用直译的方法, 保留原文格式和内容, 按字面意思来翻译。如Impossible is nothing. (没有什么是不可能的。—阿迪达斯)
为了避免广告显得过于平淡, 在不丧失原意的基础上可以调整原文形式, 结合上下语境, 灵活进行翻译。如Every time a good time. (分分秒秒聚欢笑—麦当劳) 。
对于一些原文不够精练, 译者可以去繁就简, 采取缩译。如Buick—your key to a better life and a better world. (别克轿车—通往美好生活的秘诀。)
3. 广告翻译不仅要传达其文化色彩, 还要考虑受众的社会
文化, 审美习惯等因素, 同时要有时代特色, 紧跟语言发展步伐, 不断更新, 有创新精神, 这样才能打动观众, 达到商品宣传的最佳效果。
[1]李中行.广告英语[M].长沙:湖南教育出版社, 1986.
[2]刘宓庆.文体与翻译[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 1995.
[3]李克兴.广告翻译理论与实践[M].北京:北京大学出版社, 2010.
3.口技文言文重点翻译 篇三
4.高中课文《蜀道难》原文及翻译 篇四
5.口技的课文及翻译和课下翻译 篇五
6.B2U5课文翻译及课后练习答案 篇六
Dreams In-Class Reading
Are You A Dreamer?
你做梦吗? 梦,我们为什么会做梦?梦有意义吗?真的有梦中所见之事成为现实这种事吗?几千年来人们对这些问题一直很感兴趣。过去几十年的科学发展使我们对睡眠的自然过程有了更多的认识,然而对于与梦有关的诸多问题依然没有最终答案,这些问题还在继续困惑着我们。2 人人都做梦——只不过有些人不记得做过梦罢了。人类脑电波的记录显示我们所有人入睡后就进入做梦状态。夜晚的大部分时间我们都在做梦,但只有当我们处在REM(眼球迅速转动)睡眠阶段时醒来才会记住所做的梦。眼球迅速转动阶段便是我们做梦的时候。每晚我们有四个或五个REM睡眠阶段,第一次出现在入睡后的90分钟左右。此后,梦期每90分钟复现一次,每次持续15到45分钟,持续时间随着夜晚的深入逐渐延长。3 睡眠的主要目的(除让我们休息外)也许就是让我们做梦——让我们以一种截然不同的方式回顾我们的生活、我们的忧虑和希望,以及在潜意识中观察自我,把不再需要的资料从记忆中剔除。有些梦可能是由简单的生理原因引起的。例如,梦到在灼热的煤块上行走很可能是由睡眠时脚太靠近取暖器引起的。而梦到想跑但两腿却动弹不了这种令人沮丧的境况,也许是被子裹得太紧的缘故。闹铃响了而依然熟睡的人则很可能会梦到门铃或电话铃响。所有这些都是潜意识和意识共同引导和启示我们的简单例子。不过这些从生理角度进行的解释尚不足以说明为什么我们会做梦。有些人认为梦纯粹是无稽之谈,仅仅是人脑中电脉冲无的放矢的结果,然而,有些人则认为即便是最简单的梦也具有重要的含义。有些梦反映的内心忧虑是立即可以识别的。梦见失去工作或者没了房子,也许是反映了真实的忧虑,即便这些忧虑只是潜意识的。我们大多数人都梦见过必须参加一门很难的课程的期末考试,也许是一门从未修过的课,也许是一门学得很糟糕的课。但是,有一些梦并没有这样明显的含义,对它们该如何解析呢?多少世纪以来,男男女女都从所谓的解梦字典中寻找答案,这类字典最早的有可能可以追溯到公元前5000年。根据这些字典,梦见喝酒意味着短命,而梦见喝水则预示着长寿。一直到公元200年,解梦字典受欢迎的程度仍丝毫未减。当时,古希腊的阿特米多鲁斯写了一部长达五卷的书,书中解析了3000多个梦,列举了一系列的梦符,诸如右手(表示父亲),左手(表示母亲),以及海豚(表示好兆头)。如今,图书馆和书店里有无数解析梦的书籍。对于那些解梦爱好者来说,它们依然深受欢迎。然而,多数专家警告说,读这些书时要非常谨慎。心理分析家兼作家肯尼思·桑德斯解释说:“梦与每个人的心理密切相关,因此分析往往容易出现错误和偏差。我认为,只有当你了解做某个梦的人时,才能发现这个梦的真正含义。”
After-Class Reading
成为现实的梦 1965 年11月7 日的晚上,玛丽·都特瑞做了一个噩梦。她忘不了那个梦,她的丈夫乔治也忘不了。她是这么讲述自己的梦的:“我梦见夜里自己在一座山上,电闪雷鸣,然后我看见天上一道亮光,一声巨大的撞击声后,我听到四处都是尖叫声。”
玛丽说,她随后看见地上有一只手。她感到有些害怕,但还是走上前去。然后她看见了一只胳膊,胳膊的那头是些尸体碎块。她说在梦里她尖叫起来:“快来人哪!”然后她看见一些人抬着一个大柳条筐,他们把尸体放进筐里后就走了。玛丽惊醒时还在叫喊着。“玛丽!”乔治俯下身,推推她。“怎么了?”他问。玛丽告诉他:“我刚才梦见你飞机失事死了。噢,乔治,求求你不要坐那趟去辛辛那提的航班。” 玛丽求他不要去,但是乔治不听她的劝阻。然而,在开车去机场的路上,乔治开始感到有点不对头。接着他看见一架飞机从头顶飞过,心慌得怦怦直跳。于是他明白自己不能坐那趟飞机了。他给机场打电话,取消了机票。然后他给玛丽打电话,接着乘火车去了辛辛那提。6 那天晚上,383 次航班试图在辛辛那提降落时遇上了暴风雨,飞机撞上了一座山。玛丽在电视上看到了有关的新闻报道,那情形就同她梦见的一模一样。她看见人们拿筐子运走了尸体。但是她知道乔治没事。因为有了她那个梦的预兆,乔治才得以安然无恙。7 约翰·布拉德利也做过类似的梦。他住在英格兰,是一位教师。他还是一位博物学家,喜欢带班上的学生进行校外考察旅行,了解大自然。一天晚上,他做了一个梦。这是在他安排好的一次校外考察旅行之前一个星期发生的事。他梦见自己领着班上的学生走在一条乡间的小路上,路边就是教堂墓地。在梦里,布拉德利让两个男孩带队穿过教堂墓地。他自己走在队伍的末尾,以便让小一些的孩子保持前进。然而,就在他们穿过教堂墓地的时候,布拉德利感到地面在震动,接着他听见了巨大的断裂声。然后,有个黑乎乎的庞然大物朝他砸了过来。那是一棵巨大的榆树,正好砸在这队孩子们的头顶上。10 这个梦使布拉德利非常不安,他觉得应该取消这次外出。他把这个梦告诉了班上的学生,但是他们都觉得他很可笑,而且都不愿意取消这次旅行。甚至其他老师也笑话他,跟他说不应该让孩子们扫兴。于是布拉德利同意出行。“但是你们必须答应我,”他跟他们讲,“往哪儿走你们只能听我的。” 于是,他们出发了。当他们走到那条小路时,布拉德利不让孩子们绕道穿过教堂墓地。有些孩子觉得这样做很蠢,不过他们还是按老师说的做了。走到小路的尽头,他们面前是一座跨河的桥。年纪大一些的男孩子停下来问道:“老师,我们应该走哪条道?过河呢,还是走沿河的小路?” 布拉德利停住脚步。他对那条小路有一种古怪的感觉。“过桥,”他告诉他们。于是孩子们开始过桥。接着,布拉德利听到了可怕的断裂声,同自己在梦中听到的完全一样。他回头一看,只见就在那条小路边上,一棵巨大的榆树摇摇晃晃,倒在了地上。他的预感应验了。孩子们面面相觑,然后看着自己的老师。如果刚才他们走那条小路的话,那么此刻他们就正好在那棵榆树倒下来的位置。
Part One Preparation 1.Brainstorming Sample Sleepwalking, also known as somnambulism(梦游症), is a sleep disorder.Sleepwalkers arise from the slow-wave sleep stage in a state of low consciousness and perform activities that are usually performed during a state of full consciousness, such as sitting up in bed, walking to the bathroom, cleaning, etc.which may involve no harm or danger.Those who work with dreams of these sorts take the position that a dream may have a variety of meanings, depending on the levels that are being explored.Nightmare refers to a very frightening dream.It may also refer to unpleasant experiences.Recurring dreams refer to dreams people have from time to time.Dream catcher is a handmade object based on a willow hoop, on which is woven a loose net or web decorated with personal and sacred items such as feathers and beads.Originated in the culture of Ojibwa, one of the largest groups of Native Americans, a dream catcher is believed to be able to change a person’s dreams.Hung above the bed, it is traditionally used as a charm to protect sleeping children from nightmares.When it comes to the interpretation of dreams, the most well-known might be The Interpretation of Dreams, a book written by Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud.The book introduces Freud’s theory of the unconscious with respect to dream interpretation.In the book, he first demonstrates a psychological technique which makes it possible to interpret dreams.With the application of this technique, every dream will reveal itself as a psychological structure, full of significance, and one which may be assigned to a specific place in the psychic activities of the waking state.Further, he tries to explain the processes underlying the strangeness and obscurity of dreams, and to deduce from these processes the nature of the psychic forces whose conflict or cooperation is responsible for dreams.Freud’s view was that dreams were all forms of “wish fulfillment”, which means that the unconscious makes attempts to resolve a conflict of some sort.However, because the information in the unconscious is in an unruly and often disturbing form, a “censor” in the preconscious will not allow it to pass unaltered into the conscious.According to Freud, images in dreams are often not what they appear to be, and need deeper interpretation if they are to inform us of the structures of the unconscious.2.A Dream Poll Sample • I don’t think dreams can predict the future.I never take dreams seriously.To me, dreams are just meaningless nonsense.If someone claims that what they dreamed came true, it was only a coincidence.• Dreams can make me feel good.After a good night’s sleep and some sweet dreams, I feel happy and full of energy when I wake up in the morning.But of course, I don’t like terrible dreams which make me very tired.3.Talking About Your Dreams Sample A: How often do you dream? B: I dream almost every night.A: What sort of dreams do you have? Are they connected to your daily life? B: Yes, I always dream about things that are connected to my daily life.For example, after I play computer games for a long time, I dream of playing computer games.Sometimes, I can’t find a book, but then I dream that I have found it.A: Do you have recurring dreams? B: Yes, I often dream of having to take an exam I haven’t prepared for.A: Have you ever wondered about the meanings of your dreams? Do you have any satisfactory explanations for your dreams? B: I am curious about the meanings of my dreams, but I can’t come up with any explanations.A: Why do you think people dream? B: It’s hard to say.However, as a Chinese saying goes, “We think of something during the day, and we dream of it during the night.” I think when the body is at rest, the mind, probably a part of the brain, continues to work.That may be the reason why we dream.Part Two Reading-Centered Activities
In-Class Reading
Post-Reading Reading Comprehension 1.I Introduction: Questions concerning dreams have puzzled human beings.(Para.1)II Dreaming and sleeping(Paras.2-3)i Dreaming occurs when we are in a REM(Rapid Eye Movement)sleep.ii The main purposes of sleeping may be to allow us to rest and to dream.III Possible causes of dreams(Paras.4-6)i Physiological cause Example: Sleeping with one’s feet too close to a heater may cause one to dream of walking on hot coals.ii Reflection of inner fears Example: Worrying about losing one’s job may cause one to dream of losing one’s job.IV Dream interpretations(Paras.7-9)i The earliest dream dictionaries indicated that drinking wine predicted a short life and drinking water meant a long life.ii Artemidorus’ dictionary includes symbols such as right hand(father), left hand(mother)and dolphin(a good omen).iii Most experts warn that dream interpretations should be read with care.2.T 2 T 3 T 4 T 5 F 6 T 7 T 8 T 9 F 10 F 3.Sample • I agree with Kenneth Saunders’ opinion.First, different people have different personalities, social backgrounds and experiences.Since dreams are kinds of subjective activities in one’s brain, different people may see the world in different ways.Second, I think to some extent, dreams are closely related to real life.So, you are likely to make mistakes if you try to interpret someone’s dreams without knowing what exactly the person has experienced.• I think it is possible to analyze a dream without knowing the dreamer.If we share the same language, culture and physical environment, we would have a lot in common, at least, for example, the nature of human beings.Of course, people have different ways of thinking, but it doesn’t mean we can’t understand each other.I’m very interested in learning about dreams and ways of interpreting dreams.Vocabulary 1 1 explanation 2 enthusiasts 3 frustrating 4 popularity 5 unconscious 6 electric / electrical 7 movements 8 recognizable 9 interpretation 10 countless 2 1 asleep 2 sleepless 3 sleep 4 sleepy 5 asleep 6 slept 7 sleeping, sleep 8 sleeper 9 sleep 10 overslept 3 1 submerged: go below the surface of the sea, river or lake(使)浸没,淹没 subculture: the behavior, practices, etc.associated with a group within a society 亚文化 3 submarine: a special type of ship which can travel under water 潜水艇 subway: the passage under ground along which pedestrians can pass 地下通道 5 subzero:(of temperatures)below zero 零度以下的 Subtropical: belonging to or relating to parts of the world that have warm and humid weather 副热带的,亚热带的 subspecies: a subdivision of a species(物种的)亚种 subnormal: below an average or expected standard, especially of intelligence 低于正常标准的 9 subdivided: divide the parts of sth.that has already been divided 再分,重分 subtitles: words shown at the bottom of a film or television picture to explain what is being said 4 mislead nonstop unprepared misunderstanding non-verbal non-existent nonprofit uncommon unfamiliarity uncover 1 uncovered 2 misunderstanding 3 nonprofit 4 unprepared 5 uncommon 6 non-verbal 7 nonstop 8 misled 9 non-existent 10 unfamiliarity 5 1 progressed 2 puzzled 3 process 4 reflected 5 predict 6 advances 7 symbol 8 conscious / aware 9 inner 10 mode Translation 1 You will see that what I am saying now will come true.2 When young people remain single, they are open to pressure from other people.3 The problem of unemployment is tied up with the development of new technology.4 His appearance has changed so much that you may well not recognize him.5 The tour guide said that some castles date back to the 13th century.6 She has never done anything for them, whereas they have done everything they can for her.5 Part Three Further Development 1.Grammar Review 1 having ever had a chance / having ever been given a chance 2 to lock her door 3 visiting only once a month 4 to stay in full-time education 5 to phone you 6 trying to escape 7 to put their needs first 8 reading 9 to build / building the house 10 to be so rude to him 2.Vocabulary Review 1
A natural: not involving anything made by people 天然的,自然的
B neutral: a neutral color is not very strong or bright 暗淡的,不鲜艳的 C natural: to be expected;usual 合乎情理的,惯常的
D neutral: not supporting any of the people or groups involved in an argument or disagreement 中立的,不偏不倚的 2 A shattered:(cause to)break suddenly into very small pieces(使)粉碎
B crashing: hit sth.or sb.extremely hard while moving, in a way that causes a lot of damage or makes a lot of noise 撞击
C crack:(cause to)break without dividing into separate parts(使)开裂 D crash: an accident in which a vehicle violently hits sth.else 碰撞 3
A ancient: of or from a long time ago, having lasted for a very long time, or very old 古代的,远古的,古老的
B early: near the beginning of a period of time 早期的,初期的
C previous: happening or existing before the one mentioned 先前的,以前的
D ancient:(informal)when you say “sth.is ancient history”, you mean it happened long time ago and is not important now 从前的(事)4 A sign: an event, fact, etc.which shows that sth.exists or is happening 迹象,征兆 B symbol: a shape or design that is used to represent sth.such as an idea 象征
C signal: a sound or action that you make in order to give information to sb.or tell them to do sth.信号
D signs / symbols: a standard mark that is used to represent sth.符号,记号 5
A view: state of seeing or being seen from a particular place 视野 B vision: ability to see;eyesight 视力
C vision: an imagined mental picture of sth.想象,幻想
D outlook: your general attitude toward life and the world(对生活、世界的)观点,见解
E view: personal opinion or attitude 观点,看法 6
A errors / mistakes: things done incorrectly through ignorance or wrong judgment 错误,失误 B fault: if sth.bad that has happened is your fault, you should be blamed for it 过错 C error: a moral wrong 道德上的错误
D fault: sth.that is wrong with a machine, system, design, etc, which prevents it from working properly 故障
E mistake: “by mistake” is a fixed phrase, if you do sth.by mistake, you do it without intending to 错误地(并非故意)7
A confused: unable to think clearly 被弄糊涂的
B confusing: difficult to understand;puzzling 令人迷惑的
C confusion: a situation in which sb.wrongly thinks that a person or thing is sb.or sth.混淆 D confuse: mistake one person or thing for another 混淆 8
A conscious: noticing the existence or presence of sth.particular 意识到的,知道的 B unconscious: in the state of having lost consciousness 失去知觉的
C subconscious: present at a hidden level of the mind 潜意识的,下意识的
D consciousness: the state of being awake, thinking and aware of what is happening around you 意识,神志清醒 3.Interpreting Dreams Sample 1 Her dream tells her that she would feel the same about herself as she does about the sow if she did not control her eating.The dream reflects her inner conflicts between two desires: to be on diet and to indulge herself.Subconsciously the former seems to take the upper hand over the latter.2 It seems that Sara is still in love with her ex-boyfriend, although she thinks she has got over him.Now that he has a new girlfriend, she is quite conscious that she has lost him for good.The death of her ex-boyfriend is an indication of her determination of forgetting him and starting a new life.The symbol of the car accident is a good omen, implying good health of her ex.3 The poor condition of the car is an indication of poor health, poor academic or business performance.Falling down a cliff means Peter was riding in a wrong direction and failed to end up well.In this context, the dream is suggesting that Peter was doing something dangerous, and he had troubles either physically or academically.4.Describing a Dream Sample One night, I woke up from a dream to check my watch.It said 1:00 pm and it was very bright outside.I was very scared since that morning was my first day of school for the new semester, and I was supposed to wake up before 7:00 am.Oversleeping to 1:00 pm would have been terrible!I tried to get up and get out of bed.But I was unable to...instead, I went back to sleep again, and continued with my dream.Finally, I woke up and checked my watch.It was only 5:00 am, two hours before the time for me to get up for class.It was still dark outside.Not until then did I realize that the earlier checking of my watch had happened in a dream.Additional activity 1.Remembering Your Dreams STEP ONE In a short paragraph, write down the details of a dream that you once had.If you can’t remember a dream, invent one.STEP TWO Tell your dream to your partner.When you have finished, check whether other classmates can remember all the details.Your partner uses a question tag and you use short answers.Example: Partner: In your dream you were eating a giant ice-cream, weren’t you? You: Yes, I was.Partner: Suddenly it began to melt, didn’t it? You: Yes, it did.2.Four Kinds of Dreams STEP ONE Provide the features of the four categories that dreams usually fall into.1 Daily Processing: Most dreams fall in the realm of “daily processing”, clearing the garbage from our minds—dumping input from the day that’s no longer needed.We don’t remember most of these dreams, and those we do remember can usually be easily related to our lives.2 Problem-solving: “Problem-solving” dreams are just what you might think—your subconscious knows all—it knows your problems and it knows how to solve them.If the subconscious thinks its solution is important enough, up pops a problem-solving dream.We don’t always remember these dreams, but our conscious mind does and acts on them directly and, like our daily processing dreams, we can normally interpret them for ourselves.3 Psychological: For most of us, these dreams are about our relationships, past sufferings, our fears and anxieties, guilt and resentment.In these “psychological dreams”, we’re not solving a problem or making a decision, we’re simply facing something about ourselves or our current situation that’s probably been holding us back.Some of these dreams, especially those that are repetitive, require interpretation.Some repetitive dreams may first be defined as psychological in nature, but are actually indicative of physical problems that require medical attention.4 Precognitive: “Precognitive” dreams deliver psychic information.You dream about a friend and then see them the next day, or you dream your sister is pregnant and she is!For most of us, precognitive dreams aren’t so obvious because our ego shadows our psychic information with symbols.Precognitive dreams can often be identified by their quality: The light is strange, or you clearly feel that you’re in another dimension.Objects are oddly shaped or made of unusual materials.These dreams are almost always worth recording and tracking for they will be rich with information, much of which presented in symbols.STEP TWO Students work in groups to describe their dreams in turn.After each description, the other members in the group work together to determine which of the categories the dream belongs to.STEP THREE Choose the most interesting dream from the group and present it to the class.Part Four
Writing and Translation 2.Translation Practice 梦是心灵的谈话
7.口技的课文及翻译和课下翻译 篇七
6.traffic7.misunderstandings 8.embarrassed 9.flights10.common
1.got on2.head for3.tapped on the shoulder
4.pull over5.resulted in6.feel like7.By the time
8.turn out all right 9.in the end10.instead of 1.Because of the heavy snow, the passengers had to wait at the airport until midnight when the snow stopped.2.Twenty minutes after the train started, the two boys found that they had got on a train heading for Hangzhou instead of their hometown, Suzhoul.3.Similar-sounding English words often result in misunderstandings among English-speaking people.4.The driver heard an unusual sound from the car engine, so he pulled over immediately to check, but it turned out all right in the end.5.Mr.Lee felt very embarrassed when he realized that he had made a very common mistake among speakers of English as a second language.6.Mary felt like learning English and hoped she could learn it quickly, but soon found it was too difficult for her to learn in a short period of time.Unit two
5.1.bother, bother 2.companion3.Shame4.officials5.notice
6.recognized7.vacant8.scene9.politely10.describe1.cut short2.at their disposal3.at the same time4.in … face
5.turn your back on 6.a couple of7.turned … inside out 8.Look around 1.The public noticed that since that local official left, his position had been vacant for a couple of months.2.Seeing the girl looking around helplessly on the platform, the young porter asked politely if she needed any help.3.I recognized your companion the minute he appeared at the door.He looked just as you had described.4.We didn’t bother to find a hotel, for my good friend invited us to stay in her house and put a luxurious car at our disposal.5.While the professor was turning the suitcases inside out to find his glasses, his wife was sitting comfortably in an armchair watching the whole scene.6.I turned my back on her because she expected me to treat her like a queen.Unit Three
2.mental7.reasonable3.taste8.otherwise4.failure9.realistic 5.challenge 10.level
1.step by step2.have … in mind3.apply to4.move on to
5.had come through 6.built up7.concentrate on 8.leading to
1.He has given up running in order to focus on the long jump.2.In his book I Can’t Accept Not Trying, Michael Jordan looks back on how he approached the challenges he faced.3.If you had tried as hard as you could, you would have long achieved your goal of becoming a starter on the varsity.4.Even if you fail the final examination, don’t get down on yourself, because you can take the examination again at the beginning of next term.5.If you ultimate goal is to become an English teacher, then the first thing you have to do is to learn English well.6.Not everyone is going to be world-famous.But if you have done your best, you can still be considered a success.Unit 4 1.enables2.arguing3.comments4.despite5.planet
6.pretending 7.cruel8.polluted9.particularly10.freedom
1.have no use for2.playing with3.dwell on
4.get together5.on behalf of6.on earth 1.This report dwells on how some species were exterminated because of the polluted environment.2.To tell the truth, I think a snide comment made out of prejudice is better than faked praise given by a hypocrite.3.Mary countered the manager on behalf of all the employees by arguing that it is cruel to limit the employees freedom and it will eventually affect the company’s reputation.4.What on earth has enabled some people, particularly certain high officials, to abuse their powers despite the law?
5.I don’t think success is merely related to intelligence.In fact, many good qualities, such as innocence, honesty, humor and loyalty, can help us succeed, too.6.Strangely enough, the joke did not bring about hearty laughter, not even a hint of any.I was fortunate to catch today’s last bus to the county at the last minute.Nuit 5 1.fortunate2.respected3.forever4.character5.military
1.as well as2.made use of3.keep their distance from
4.took out5.as for6.stared at
1.At the soldier’s funeral, the general presented his wife with a medal as well as an American flag.2.These old stamps are even more valuable than all the rest of my estate.As for the diamond ring, it is priceless.3.While his love is now a memory, each time I stare at his photo, I can fully appreciate the depth of his love.4.Mother often tells me to make good use of my precious time and keep my distance from those I mistrust.5.I did not understand that mature friendship could enrich our lives until I read his letter.Unit Six
1.waging2.standard 3.community4.issues5.project
6.transferred 7.significant 8.experiences9.personnel 10.medical
1.hooked up2.right now3.torn apart4.ran through
8.口技的课文及翻译和课下翻译 篇八
Active power balance有功功率平衡
AC transmission交流输电 Accelerate加速,促进
Automatic voltage regulator自动电压调节器 Automatic generation control(AGC)自动发电控制 Asynchronous异步的 Bus母线
booster升电压 Cable电缆; Customer客户
Disturbance扰动,干扰 Damp阻尼,减弱
Damping torque 阻尼转矩 Decelerate减速 Dry period枯水期
Distributionsystem 配电系统
Excitation voltage励磁电压 Electric powersystem 电力系统
Economic dispatch/operation经济调度/经济运行 Emission排放,放出 Electric clock电钟
Electromechanical机电的 Eletromagnetic电磁的 Equilibrium平衡;均衡 Flexibility灵活性;机动性 First-swing第一次摇摆 Fluctuation波动,起伏 Fuse保险丝
Facility容易;方便 灵活; Fossil化石,石块
Feeder馈线,馈电电路 Overload过载,超载 Outage停电,断电
Optimal优化的,最优的 Out of step失步 Power versus angle relationship 功角关系 Power loss功率损耗
Production cost生产成本,Primary energy 一次能源 Power-angle relationship功角关系
Paramount 最高的;头等的 Post-Disturbance干扰后的 Meter米;测量仪表 Misoperation误操作
Magnetizing current激磁电流
Mechanism机理,机制 Mechanical energy机械能 Mechanical/electrical torque机械/电气转矩 Reliable可靠的Replenishment(再)补充,充实
Rotor angle stability转角稳定性
Reactive/active power无功/有功功率
Redundancy 多余,冗余 Small-signal stability小信号稳定性
Subsystem子系统,分系统 Switching device 开关装置 Subtransmission 二次输电 Subtransmission system 二次输电系统
Synchronous reactance同步电抗,功率---角度关系 Synchronous condenser同步调相机
Synchronizing torque 同步转矩
Shunt capacitor/reactor并联电容器/并联电抗器
Static var Series capacitor串联电容器
Speed governor调速器 Substation变电所,变电站 Synchronism同步
Supplementary control辅助控制
Security安全性,可靠性 shedding低周减载
Short-circuit fault短路故障 Stabilize使。。。稳定 tap-changing transformer可调分接头变压器
Transmission system输电系统
Transmission line输电线路 Tie-line联络线 Throttle阀门
Thermal unit热力机组 Utility公用事业;效用 Unstable不稳定的 Underfrequency loadVar flow 无功潮流 Voltage drop电压降落
Voltage stability 电压稳定性
Hydro-generation水力发电 Hydraulic水力(学)的,水压的in parallel 并联地 Instability不稳定性
Incandescent lamp白炽灯 Interconnection相互连接 Load-frequency control(LFC)负荷频率控制
Nominal frequency额定频率
9.口技的课文及翻译和课下翻译 篇九
“呃,这盏灯吊得太高了。能不能在我的床头再给我安一盏灯,好让我看起书来舒服点?” “可以,先生,可以。我会亲自给您安上。您需要什么只管说,我们就是把整条铁路里里外外查个遍也要帮您找到。”说完他便离开了。
1.bother, bother
1.cut short
in „ face
1.must have seen the tickets for tonight’s play
2.must have been here many times
3.may have gone bad
4.may not have received the present
1.Nancy was glad to have quit her part-time job before her final exams.2.Aren’t you ashamed to have eaten all the fruit in the basket?
3.We are really grateful to have received so much care during our visits here.4.Henry was foolish to have trusted such a liar.9
1.The public noticed that since that local official left, his position had been vacant for a couple of months.2.Seeing the girl looking around helplessly on the platform, the young porter asked politely if she needed any help.3.I recognized your companion the minute he appeared at the door.He looked just as you had described.4.We didn’t bother to find a hotel, for my good friend invited us to stay in her house and put a luxurious car at our disposal.5.While the professor was turning the suitcases inside out to find his glasses, his wife was sitting comfortably in an armchair watching the whole scene.6.I turned my back on her because she expected me to treat her like a queen.10
1.seeing a doctor as soon as possible
2.working for another hour
3.buying a new car
4.going to the cinema
5.having been to New York
6.quitting my job2.at their disposal 6.a couple of3.at the same time4.2.companion 7.vacant3.Shame 8.scene4.officials 9.politely10.5.5.turn your back on 7.turned „ inside out 8.Look
7.speaking it
8.being recognized
9.spending all that money
10.losing my job
我在一家7-11商店里已经工作了两年,自以为很善于处理我们经理所说的“与顾客的关系”了。我坚信,一个友好的微笑和脱口而出的“先生”、“女士”和“谢谢”就足以让我应付任何可能出现的情况,无论是安慰缺乏耐心或难缠的顾客,还是为找错零钱而道歉。但是几天前的那个晚上,一位老妇人却动摇了我的信念: 乖巧的回答并不能消除与他人打交道时遇到的磕磕绊绊。
“我要一些吃的。” “太太,您在找玉米吗?”
1.for free2.get the best of3.see through4.in sight5.be dealt with
10.口技的课文及翻译和课下翻译 篇十
Unit 1 Making New Friends交新朋友
Topic 1 Welcome to China!欢迎来到中国!Section A 1a Good morning!I’m Kangkang.早上好,我是康康!
Good morning!早上好!
Welcome to China!欢迎来到中国!Thank you.谢谢!
2a 1.Hello!
Hello!你好!I’m Kangkang.Are you Michael?
Yes,I am.是的,我是。
2.Hello!Are you Maria? 你好!你是玛丽娜吗?
No,I’m not.I’m Jane.不,我不是。我是简。Oh, nice to meet you, Jane.哦。很高兴见到你,简。
Nice to meet you, too.我也很高兴见到你。
Hi,Kangkang.你好,康康!Welcome to China!
Section B 1a Good morning, Mr.Brown!Nice to see you.早上好,布朗先生!很高兴见到你。
Good morning, Maria!Nice to see you, too.早上好,玛丽娜!我也很高兴见到你。
Mom,this is my teacher,Mr.Brown.Mr.Brown,.this is my mom.妈妈,这是我的老师,布朗先生。布朗先生,这是我的妈妈。How do you do?
How do you do? 你好!
Topic 2 Where are you from?
Section A 1a Excuse me, are you Jane? 打扰一下,你是简吗?
Yes, I am.What’s your name,please ? 是的,我是。请问,你叫什么名字? My name is Sally.Where are you from? 我的名字是莎丽。你来自哪里?
I’m from Canada.Are you from Canada, too? 我来自加拿大。你也来自加拿大吗? No, I’m not.I’m from America.不,我不是。我来自美国。
Topic 3 How old are you ? 你多大了? Section A 1a Hello, I’m Li Ming.What’s your name?
My name’s Jane.我的名字是简。
I’m twelve years old.How old are you?
我今年12岁。你多大了? I’m twelve, too.我也12岁。
What class are you in?
I’m in Class Four, Grade Seven.Are you in Class Four, too? 我在七年级四班。你也在四班吗? No, I’m not.I’m in Class Five.不,我没有。我在五班。
Section B 1.Excuse me,what’s this in English? 打扰一下,这个用英语怎么表达呢?
It’s an eraser.它是一个橡皮擦。How do you spell it? 怎么拼写呢?
E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser.E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser.Thank you.谢谢!
That’s OK.没事。
2.What’s that in English, Jane? 简,这个用英语怎么说?
It’s a map.它是一幅地图。Can you spell it, please? 你能拼写一下它吗?
Yes.M-A-P, map.好的。M-A-P, map.Thanks.谢谢!
You’re welcome.没关系。
Unit 2 Looking Different 看起来不一样
Topic 1 I have a small nose.我有一个小鼻子。Section A 1.Who am I ? Can you guess?
Yes.Are you Michael ? 当然,你是迈克吗?
No,I’m not.I have a small nose, but he has a big one.不,我不是。我的鼻子小,但是他的鼻子大。Do you have big eyes? 你有大大的眼睛吗? Yes,I do.是的,我有。
Oh, I know.You are Kangkang.哦,我知道了。你是康康。Yes, you are right.是的,你猜对了。
Section B 1a Micheal, who is your favourite actor? 迈克,谁是你最喜欢的男演员? Guess.He’s Chinese and he has a big nose.你猜下。他是中国人,并且他有一个长长的鼻子。Does he have long hair? 他有长头发吗? No, he doesn’t.不,他没有。
Does he have a wide mouth ? 你有一张宽宽的嘴巴吗? Yes, he does.是的,他有。I see.It’s Jackie Chan.我知道了。是成龙。
Section C 1a I am a boy.我是一个男孩。I’m thirteen years old.我13岁。
I come from England.我来自英格兰。I’m a student.我是一名学生。
I have a round face and small eyes.我有一张圆脸和小小的眼睛。My nose is big, and my mouth is small.我的鼻子大,但是我的嘴巴小。I have a sister.我有一个妹妹。Her name is Amy.她的名字是艾米。She is twelve.她12岁。
She is a student, too.她也是一名学生。
She has a round face, big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth.她有一张圆脸,大眼睛,一个小鼻子和一张小嘴巴。We are in the same school, but in different grades.我们在同一所学校,但是在不同的年级。
Topic2 What does she look like? 她是什么样子的?
la Hello, Kangkang!Who is that boy? 你好,康康!那个男孩是谁? Oh, he’s my friend, Yukio.哦,他是我的朋友由纪夫。Where is he from? 他来自哪里? He’s from Japan.他来自日本。But you look the same.但你们看上去很像。
That’s right.We have black hair and black eyes.好吧。我们有黑黑的头发和眼睛。I have blond hair and blue eyes.我有金色的头发和蓝眼睛。
We don’t look the same, but we’re good friends, too!我们看上去不一样,但是我们也是好朋友。
Section B
1a Please give this letter to Maria.She is in Class Four, Grade Seven.请将这封信交给玛丽娜。她在七年级四班。Sorry, I don’t know her.What does she look like? 对不起,我不认识她。她长像怎么样? She is tall and she has short brown hair.她高高的,有短棕色的头发。Oh, I see.I’ll give it to her.哦,我知道了。我会交给她的。Thanks.谢谢!You’re welcome!不客气!
Section C 1a Mom, I want to buy a T-shirt, a cap and a pair of shoes.妈妈,我想买一件T恤,一顶帽子和一双鞋。What color is that T-shirt ? 那件T恤是什么颜色呢? It’s red.是红色的。
What color is that cap ? 那顶帽子是什么颜色呢? It’s yellow.是黄色的。
What color are those shoes ? 那些鞋子是什么颜色呢? They’re green.他们是绿色的。
2a Look at this photo.看看这张照片。
The girl in a yellow dress is Maria.穿黄色裙子的是玛丽娜。She is tall.她很高。
She has short brown hair.她有短棕色的头发。Michael is strong.迈克很强壮。
He is in a black cap and blue shoes.12 他戴着一顶黑色的帽子,穿着蓝色的鞋子。He has blond hair.他有金色的头发。
Jane is in a purple T-shirt and a pink shirt.简穿着紫色的T恤和粉红色的衬衫。Her hair is red.她的头发是红色的。
The boy in a white T-shirt is Kangkang.穿白色T恤的是康康。His pants are blue.他的裤子是蓝色的。
They are good friends and they look happy.他们是好朋友,并且看起来都很开心。
Section D 2 Hello!My name is Kangkang.你好!我的名字是康康。I come from China.我来自中国。I’m 12 years old.我今年12岁。Now I’m a student in Beijing International School.现在我是一名北京国际学校的学生。I’m in Class 4, Grade 7.我在七年级四班。Look at this photo.看看这张照片。
The boy next to me is my good friend, Micheal.靠着我的男孩是我的好朋友,迈克。He is from America.他来自美国。
He has big blue eyes and a wide mouth.他有一对蓝色的眼睛和一张宽宽的嘴巴。His hair is blond and his nose is big.他的头发是金色的,并且他的鼻子很大。We don’t look the same.我们看起来不一样。
In this photo, I am in my favorite white shirt and blue pants.在这张照片里,我穿着我最喜欢的白色衬衫和蓝色的裤子。He is in a yellow T-shirt and gray pants.他穿着黄色的T恤和灰色的裤子。His cap is orange and his shoes are green.他的帽子是橙色的,并且他的鞋子是绿色的。
Isn’t he cool ? 他是不是很酷?
Topic3 Whose cap is it?
这顶帽子是谁的? Section A 1a Hi,Jane!Is this your cap? 你好,简!这顶帽子是你的吗? No,it’s not mine.不,它不是我的。Whose cap is it, then? 那这顶帽子是说的? It’s Sally’s.是莎丽的。
Hi,Sally!Is this cap yours? 你好,莎丽。这顶帽子是你的吗? Oh, yes.It’s mine.Thanks, Maria.哦,是的。它是我的。谢谢,玛丽娜。That’s OK.没关系。
Section B 1a Whose jacket is this? Is it yours, Micheal? 这是谁的夹克衫?迈克,是你的吗? No, it’s not mine.Mine is here.I think it’s Kangkang’s.不,它不是我的。我的在这。我想它是康康的。Kangkang, is this jacket yours? 康康,这是你的夹克衫吗?
No, my jacket is blue and white.That one is blue.I think it’s Li Ming’s.不,我的夹克衫是蓝色和白的的。那件是蓝色的。我想它是李明的。
Section C
1a I’m Kangkang.我是康康。
I have a new classmate.我有一名新同学。He is from Japan.他来自日本。
He has black hair and black eyes.他有黑色的头发和眼睛。
We look the same, but we are in different clothes.我们看起来像,但是我们穿着不同的衣服。He is in a purple T-shirt and my T-shirt is red.他穿着紫色的T恤,而我的T恤是红色的。His pants are blue and mine are white.他的裤子是蓝色的,并且我的是白色的。My shoes are blue and his are brown.我的鞋子是蓝色的,反而他的是棕色的。Guess!Who is he? 猜猜!他是谁?
Section D 2 WANTED 通缉
This man is from Canada.此人来自加拿大。He is twenty years old.他二十岁。
He is tall and he has brown hair.他很高,并且他有棕色的头发。
He has small eyes, a big nose and a wide mouth.他有小眼睛,大鼻子和宽嘴巴。He is in black.他穿着黑色的衣服。Please help us find him.请帮助我们找到他。
The police telephone number is(902)877-3641.警察电话是:(902)877-3641。
Unit 3 Getting Together Topic 1 Does he speak Chinese ?
Section A 1a Excuse me, could you please tell me your name? 打扰一下,你能告诉我你的名字吗? Sure.My name is Jane.当然。我的名字是简。Do you come from America? 你来自美国?
No, I don’t.I come from Canada.不,我不是。我来自加拿大。
Oh, I have a pen pal in Canada.He can speak some Chinese.Do you like Chinese? 哦。我有一个笔友在加拿大。他会说一点中文。你喜欢中文吗?
Yes, I do.I like it very much.But my Chinese is not very good.Could you help me with it? 是的。我很喜欢中文。但是我的中文不好。你能帮我提高中文吗? No problem.没问题。
Section B 1a Who is the letter from? 这封信来自谁? It’s from my pen pai, Sam.来自我的笔友萨姆。Does he speak Chinese? 他讲中文吗?
No, he doesn’t.He speaks English.But he knows a lot about China.不,他不讲。他讲英文。但是他很了解中国。Does he live in England? 他住在英格兰? Yes, he does.是的。
What does he say in the letter? 他在信里说了什么? He wants to visit Beijing.他想浏览北京。
Oh, he can help you with your English.哦。那他能帮你提高英语。Yes, you’re right.是的。
Section C 1a Jane and Sally are my new classmates.简和莎丽是我的新同学。They are very nice.他们非常友善。
Jane comes from Canada and Sally is from America.简来自加拿大,而莎丽来自美国。They speak English.他们讲英语。
Many students in our class like English a lot, but I like it a little.我们班上很多同学很喜欢英语,但是我一点点喜欢。So my Englsih is not very good.所以我的英语不是那么的好。Jane and Sally often help me with it.简和莎丽经常在英语上帮助我。They like Chinese very much.他们非常喜欢中文。
But their Chinese is not good, so I help them.但是他们的中文不是很好,所以我经常帮助他们。We are good friends and we help each other.我们是好朋友并且我们互相帮助。
TOPIC 2 What does your mother do? 你的妈妈从事什么工作?Section A 1a 1 Mom.I’m home.These are my classmates.妈妈,我回来了。这些是我的同学。Hi, kids!Glad to meet you.你们好,孩子们!很高兴见到你们。Welcome to my home.欢迎来我家。
Glad to meet you, too.我也很高兴见到你。Thank you.谢谢。
2.Kangkang, what does your mother do? 康康,你的妈妈从事什么工作呢? She is a teacher.她是一名教师。And your father? 那你的爸爸呢?
He is a doctor.Michelle, what does your parents do? 他是一名医生。迈克,你的父母是从事什么工作呢?They are office workers.他们是办公室职员。
Section B 1a Maria, what does your mother do? 玛丽娜,你的妈妈从事什么工作?
She is a nurse.她是一名护士。Where does she work? 她在哪里工作? She works in a hospital.她在一家医院工作。And what does your father do? 那你的爸爸是从事什么工作呢? He is a cook.他是一名厨师。Where does he work? 他在哪里工作呢? He works in a restaurant.他在一家酒楼工作。
Section C 1a 1 Look!This is a photo of my family.看!这是一张我的家庭照。Who’s the young woman in yellow?
穿黄色衣服的年轻女士是谁? She’s my aunt.她是我婶婶。2.Is the young woman in red your mother? 穿红色衣服的年轻女士是你的妈妈吗? Right.That’s my mother.对了。那是我的妈妈。3.Is the young man in a green T-shirt your uncle? 穿绿色T恤的年轻男士是你的叔叔吗? Yes, he’s my uncle, my father’s brother.是的,他是我的叔叔,我爸爸的弟弟。4.Who are they on the sofa? 坐在沙发上的是谁呢? My grandparents, my cousin and I.我的祖父母,我的堂弟和我。You have a big family.你的家庭很大。
Section D 2a My name is Peter.我的名字是Peter。I come from America.我来自美国。I am twelve years old.我12岁。
I’m a student in Grade Seven.我是七年级的一名学生。I have a happy family.我有一个快乐的家庭。We live in Beijing now.我们现在住在北京。My father is doctor.我的爸爸是一名医生。He works in a hospital.他在一家医院上班。My mother is a teacher.我的妈妈是一名老师。She teaches in a high school.她在一所高中教书。My grandparents live with us.我的祖父母和我们一起住。My little sister, Rose, is four years old.我的小妹妹玫瑰今年四岁。She likes to play with Kitty.她喜欢和Kitty玩。It is a cute cat.它是一只可爱的猫。Its color is black and white.它的颜色是白色和黑色。I love my family!我爱我的家庭!
TOPIC 3 What would you like to drink? 你想喝点什么?
Section A 1a
Help yourselves!随便吃!
Thank you.I would like an egg and some fish.谢谢!我想要一个鸡蛋和一些鱼肉。Would you like some eggs, Maria?
玛丽娜,你想要些鸡蛋吗? No, thanks.I’d like some chicken.不,谢谢!我想要些鸡肉。What about you, Jane? 简,你呢?
Rice and chicken, please.米饭和鸡肉。
All right.What would you like to drink? 好的。你们想要喝点什么? Apple juice, please.I like it very much.苹果汁。我很喜欢它。Milk for me, please.我要牛奶。Me, too.我也是。
Section B 1a What do you usually have for breakfast, Micheal? 迈克,你经常早餐吃什么?
I usually have milk and bread for breakfast.我经常早餐喝牛奶吃面包。What about you ? 你呢?
I usually have chicken with vegetables and some rice.我经常吃蔬菜加鸡肉和一些米饭。And dinner? 那晚餐呢? Jiaozi.It’s my favorite food.I like Chinese food very much.饺子。它是我最喜欢的食物。我非常喜欢中国食物。
Section C 1a 1
Would you like to have dinner with me? 你愿意和我一起共进晚餐吗? Yes, I’d like to.很乐意。
2.May I help you, Sir? 先生,有什么可以帮到您呢? Yes.What would you like to eat ? 是的。你想吃点什么? Let me see.让我看下。
3.Why not have some fish and eggs? 为什么不尝一点鱼和鸡蛋? Good idea!好主意!
4.Help yourself to some fish.随便吃点鱼。Here you are.给你。Thanks.谢谢。
5.Would you like something to drink? 你要喝点什么? No,thanks.不用,谢谢!
Unit 4 Having fun
TOPIC1What can I do for you?
有什么可以帮到你? Section A 1a What can I do for you, madam? 有什么可以帮到你,小姐?
I want to buy some clothes for my daughter.我想给我女儿买些衣服。The clothes are there, madam.小姐,衣服在那边。Thanks.谢谢。Not at all.不客气。May I help you? 有什么可以需要帮忙的吗? Yes, please.I like the red coat.Can I try it on? 是的。我喜欢红色的外套。我可以试穿吗? Sure.当然。
Wow!It looks very nice on you.How much is it?哇!它穿在你身上太好看了。多少钱呢? It’s seventy yuan, madam.小姐,七十元。That’s fine.We’ll take it.好的。我们买了。
Section B
1a Jane, what do you think of this yellow skirt? 简,你认为这条黄色的短裙怎么样?
Oh, I don’t like it at all.How about the blue one?哦,我一点也不喜欢。那蓝色的怎么样? Mu, how much is it ? 嗯。多少钱呢? It’s 280 yuan.31
280 yuan!Are you kidding? I’ll think about it.Thank you all the same.280元!你在开玩笑吗?我考虑下。仍然谢谢你!Section C 1a Could you help me do some shopping, Ben? 本,你能帮我买点东西吗? Sure.What do you need? 当然。你需要什么?
We need two kilos of apples and some rice.我们需要两公斤苹果和一些大米。How much rice do we need? 你们需要多少大米呢? One bag of rice.Oh, we don’t have any milk.一袋大米。哦,我们没有牛奶了。How many bottles? 要多少牛奶呢? Six bottles.六罐。Is that all? 就那些吗? Yes, I think so.32 我想是的。
OK, two kilos of apples, one bag of rice and six bottles of milk.好的。两公斤苹果,一袋大米和六罐牛奶。That’s right.对了。
Topic 2 Would you like to cook with us?
你愿意和我们一起做饭吗? Section A 1a Hello!你好!
Hello, Jane!This is Kangkang.简,你好!这是康康。Hi, Kangkang!你好,康康!
Are you free this Sunday? 你这周周日有空吗? Yes.What’s up? 是的。怎么了。
Would you like to go to the West Hill for a picnic? 你愿意去西山野炊吗?
Oh, I’d love to.哦。我很愿意。Please tell Maria about it.请告诉玛丽娜。Sure.I’ll call her.当然。我会打电话给她的。See you then.到时见。See you.再见。
Section B 1a 1.Would you like to sing some songs with me, Kangkang? 康康,你愿意和我唱几首歌吗? I’m sorry I can’t.I have to cook.抱歉不能。我要做饭。
2.Would you like to cook with us? 你愿意和我们一起做饭吗?
Yes, I’d love to.是的。我很乐意。
3.Micheal, how about flying a kite with me? 迈克,和我一起放风筝怎么样?
I’d like that, but I’m sorry I have no time.I have to get some water.我很想,但是抱歉我没有时间。我得去弄些水。How about you, Bobby? 你呢,波比? Bow-wow...喔......Section C
A Picnic 一场野炊
I’m not happy.I’d like to have a picnic with my friends.我不快乐。我想和我的朋友们去野炊。Would you like to have a picnic with Mr.Cooper? 你愿意和库伯先生一起野炊吗? Yes, I’d love to.35
Thanks.That would be very nice.谢谢!那样太好了。
What about having a picnic with Mr.Cooper? 和库伯先生一起野炊怎么样? I’d like that, thanks.我很愿意,谢谢!
I’d like to take some hamburgers and bananas.我想带一些汉堡和香蕉。My favorite food is fish.我最喜欢的食物是鱼。I want to take some bread.我想带些面包。We are very happy.我们非常开心。
Section D 2a Going out for a picnic
I’m Kangkang.我是康康。
My family often go out for a picnic on Sundays.我家经常周日外出野炊。
We take some apples, bananas, hamburgers and eggs with us.我们带上一些苹果,香蕉,汉堡和鸡蛋。We take drinks like milk and orange juice.我们带上饮料,例如牛奶和橙汁。My father likes eating apples.我的爸爸喜欢吃苹果。Bananas are my mother’s favorite.香蕉是我的妈妈的最爱。I like hamburgers and orange juice.我喜欢汉堡和橙汁。I like fish, too.我也喜欢鱼。
My father and I go fishing.我的爸爸和我钓鱼。Then my father gets water.然后我的爸爸拿水。
My mother likes to cook for us and she cooks fish and eggs.我的妈妈喜欢给我们做饭并且她弄鱼和鸡蛋。I fly a kite with our dog, Dingding.我和我的狗狗丁丁一起放风筝。We sing some songs.我们唱歌。We are all very happy.我们都非常地快乐。
Topic 3 What time is it now?
现在几点了? Section A 1a Do you have any time tomorrow? 你明天有空吗? Yes.What’s up? 是的。怎么了?
We want to go to the zoo.Would you like to go with us? 我想去动物园。你愿意和我们一起去吗? Good idea!Can we see pandas there? 好主意!我们能在那看到熊猫吗?
Yes.We can see monkeys, lions, tigers and elephants, too.38 是的。我们也可以见到猴子,狮子,老虎和大象。Oh, very nice.哦,太好了。
Let’s meet at 9 o’clock at my home.我们九点在我家见面。OK.好的。See you then.到时见。See you.再见。
Section B 1a(At Kangkang’s home)(在康康的家)What time is it now? 现在几点了? It’s 9 o’clock.九点。
It’s time to go to the zoo.39 去动物园的时间到了。OK.Let’s go.好的。让我们出发吧。
(At zoo)(在动物园)
Look at those monkeys.They’re so clever.I like them very much.看看那些猴子。他们太聪明了。我非常喜欢它们。
I like pandas.They are cute.What are your favorite animals, Jane? 我喜欢熊猫。它们很可爱。简,你最喜欢的动物是什么?
Elephants.They’re so kind and they have long noses.What about you, Maria?大象。它们特别温顺,又有长长的鼻子。玛丽娜,你呢? Tigers.They’re very strong.老虎。它们非常强壮。(One hour later)(一个小时之后)Oh,what’s the time now? 哦,现在几点了。Mm, it’s half past eleven.嗯,十一点半。It’s time to go home.到回家的时间了。
Yes.We have to go now.是的。我们得现在走了。Goodbye, animal friends!再见,动物朋友们!
Section C 1a Kangkang Helps Baby Monkey 康康帮助猴宝宝
(Kangkang meets Baby Monkey on his way home in the afternoon.)(下午康康在回家的路上遇到了猴宝宝。)1.What’s up? 发生什么事了? I can’t find my way home.我找不到回家的路。Let me help you.让我帮助你吧。Thank you.谢谢。
2.Whose home is this? 这是谁的家?
I don’t know.It’s not my home.我不知道。那不是我的家。
3.Is this my home? 这是我的家吗? No, it isn’t.不,它不是。
4.Excuse me, Mr.Lion.Where’s Baby Monkey’s home?狮先生,打扰一下。猴宝宝的家在哪? It’s there.在那。
There? Thank you.42
5.Here we are.This is your home.我们到了。这是你的家。Oh, my dear son!噢,我亲爱的儿子!Oh,Mom!噢,妈妈!