


1.申请英文版学士学位证书副本的通知 篇一


附录:今天老师给我们留了个作业,让我们把本科毕业 证书翻译成英文的,怎么翻译啊~所以请大家帮帮忙吧~谁 能给我提供一个毕业证书的英文模版啊~本科毕业证书的啊 ~越快越好,如果老师满意,多少钱我都不在乎~包括专升 本证书,能有工商管理硕士的最好!学士学位证书英语翻译与毕业证英文翻译模板,为爱大 学本科生及研究生提供英文毕业证翻译样本。首先请看《办 理中英文成绩单、英文毕业证学位证书的须知》。涉及中文 或英文成绩单翻译,含英文毕业证书学位证书的证明。学生学位证书英文翻译模板

BACHELOR’S DEGREE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Ms.Wang Danli, born in October 1977, has studied in the Department of Law, xxx University with a specialty of Law from September 1996 to June 2000.Upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, she is granted graduation.In

accordance with the academic degree act of the People’s Republic of China, the aforesaid student is awarded the Bachelor’s Degree in Law.xxx Chairman of Degree Appraising Committee of xx University June 30, 2000 Certificate No.: 103354003888 本科毕业证书翻译模板 DIPLOMA This is to certify that Ms.Wang Lan, born on February 29, 1980, has studied in the Department of Foreign

Languages,xxxUniversity with a specialty of English from September 1997 to June 2000.Upon completing and passing all the required

courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, she is granted graduation.Xx President of xx University Registration No.:

298168015 Date Issued: June 30, 2000 本科毕业证书英文翻译样本 Graduation certificate Graduation Certificate Certificate No._____________ This is to certify that ___________, born on __________, native of __________, has been majoring in the specialty of ________________ at our university/institute from

September ________ to July _________.Upon completion of all the courses specified by the four-year undergraduate teaching

programme with qualified score, he/she is hereby qualified for

graduation.(signature)President University(seal)XX July XXXX 学士学位证书翻译样本 Bachelor certificate Certificate of Bachelor’s Degree Certificate No.: This is to certify that , male / female, native of __________, born on __________, has been majoring in the

specialty of at our university/ institute from September_____ to July _______.Upon completion of all the courses specified by the

four-year undergraduate teaching programme with qualified score, he/she is qualified for graduation.In conformity with the articles of the Regulations Regarding Academic Degrees of the People’s Republic of China,he/she has been conferred to the degree of Bachelor of ___________.(signature)Chairman Committee of

Degree Accreditation University(seal)XX July XXXX 如果学校要求

寄学位证书复印件的话,可以复印一份中 文的。然后把这个英文的打印一下。两份都到学校教务那儿 去敲个章 就比较有效啦!我们以前是上面一份中文的,下面一份英文的,印在一 张纸上,再拿去盖章:)这个模板每个学校可能不同的,大家可以参考楼主的改改,或者自己去自己学校的网页上 找,一般每个学校都有的:)不一样的哇,呵呵,毕业证书是证明你完成了4 年本科 的学习,只是证明你完成了而已,合不合格就要有学士学位 证书来证明了,所以基本毕业都能拿到毕业证书,但是一些 课程不合格或是其他原因,会有人拿不到学位证书的。你提 供的时候自然要两个都要提供了!办理须知



1、中文或英文成绩单:第1 份免收费,第2 份起按10 元/份收取。

2、英文毕业证书学位证书的证明:第1 份免收费,第2 份起按10 元/份收取。


1、中文或英文成绩单:第1 份20 元,第2 份起按10 元/份收取。

2、英文毕业证书学位证书的证明:第1 份20 元,第2 份起按10 元/份收取。外国在学留学生不列入收费范围。

二、办理时间 每学期第3-18 周星期三下午3:00 至5:30。

三、须提供材料 A、在读研究生:研究生本人书面申请(需导师及所在学 院主管研究生负责人签字)、学院提供课程成绩单。B、毕业离校研究生:本人书面申请及毕业证书、学位证 书复印件。

四、办理程序 本人从研究生处主页→文件通知及下载表格 ①下载中 文、英文成绩单或毕业证、学位证书证明表格按格式打印所 需数量。在规定的时间到研究生处学位办办理。如果爱研究生处 20**年7 月8 日
