


1.剑桥少儿英语三级试题 篇一

剑桥少儿英语三级上册Unit 5—6 单元总结


1、Who was the best?

2、Am I the one who flies highest?

3、Who is the tallest student in your class?

4、替换划线部分:①smell „„ nose

②taste „„ mouth/tongue ③touch „„ hands ④hear …… ears5、Is it spicy?

6、It’s very tasty.7、I don’t like salty food ,either.二、语法讲解

1、agree to do sth同意做某事

2、ask sb for help向某人请求帮助

3、be useful to sb对某人有用

4、What did the yellow rabbit buy before buying a carrot?== What did the yellow rabbit buy before he bought a carrot? before + v.-ing = before 引导从句


5、I can’t eat hot food.hot = spicy辛辣的

6、By the way,I don’t like salty food either.① by the way顺便说,顺便问一下

附: on one’s way to „在某人去某地的路上on the way to „在去某地的路上

in … way用„„的方式(方法、手段)② either用于否定句,作“也”讲

7、I’ll take it.take 挑选,购买

8、knock at敲„„如:knock at the door 敲门knock sb/sth over撞倒某人/某物

9、at once立即,马上

10、in/on the street在街上

11、take sb to swh to do sth带某人去某地做某事

12、all around到处,四周13、Have you ever been to New York?have been to去过„„

14、be going on = happen发生

What’s going on?怎么了?发生什么事了?

15、pick up


②得到、接收Even when we are asleep,our senses pick up

sensations.16、most of大部分的,多数的most大部分的,多数的17、※形容词比较级、最高级的构成大多数形容词有比较级和最高级的变化,即原级、比较级和最高级,用来表示事物的等级差别。原级即形容词的原形,比较级和最高级有规则变化和不规则变化两种。1)规则变化




nice(好的)nicernicestable(有能力的)ablerablest③以一个辅音字母结尾的闭音节单音节词,双写结尾的辅音字母,再加-er,-estbig(大的)bigger biggest

④“以辅音字母+y”结尾的双音节词,改y为i,再加-er,-esteasy(容易的)easier easiest



interesting(有趣的)more interestingmost interesting

2)不规则变化原级比较级最高级drum鼓good(好的)/ well(健康的)betterbestperfume香水bad(坏的)/ ill(有病的)worseworstdescribe形容much / many(多的)moremost crisp脆的little(少的)lessleastjuicy多汁的far(远的)farther/furtherfarthest/furthestsalty咸的old(老的)older/elderoldest/eldest madam小姐 ※副词比较级、最高级的构成 1)大多数副词在原级之前加more和most分别构成比较级和最高级。quickly(快地)more quicklymost quickly 2)少数单音节的副词,加-er和-est构成其比较级和最高级。fast(快地)fasterfastest













menuroostereverstealsenseasleepsensationbrainnervewirefeedtastyspicyknockbitelickbranchwormsun-flower sighthearingsmelltastetouchskin菜单公鸡(=cock)曾经偷感觉,感觉官能





2.剑桥少儿英语三级试题 篇二

Questions 8-12

Read the extract below from an article about the coffee industry.

Choose the best sentence from the list on the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.

For each gap8-12, markoneletter (A-I)on your Answer Sheet.

Do not use any letter more than once.

Coffee is worth approximately $50-60bn per annum in terms of world sales. It is a truly international commodity, and today more than 50 countries in the world grow coffee beans. (example) ______I_____. ICO organization helps coffee producers and promotes coffee conumption worldwide.

ICO estimates that world production next year will reach 97.5 million bags.11.3 million bags higher than the current year. (8) ____________. As the largest producing country, Brazil is particularly important in the coffee world. In 1994 Brazil was responsible for 25% of world production, Colombia was next with 13.4%, Indonesia had 7.5%, Mexico 4.7%, Guatemala 3.8% and Ethiopia and Vietnam were equal with 3.4%.

Coffee is a tough crop, and can be grown in areas where it is difficult or impossible to grow other crops. (9) However, disease is always problem for coffee production, as we can see in some parts of South America at the moment.ICO is active in educating farmers about avoiding disease and dealing with problems when they occur.

The distribution chain varies from country to country, explains Pablo Dubois. In most countries the smaller farmers sell their crop to a local trader, who then sells it on to exporters. There are, however, other distribution systems. (10) ____________. Some countries, like Vietnam, have special government marketing organizations for coffee.

Coffee prices often vary greatly from one year to the next. In , for example, there was a large rise in the world price, which was immediately felt by the consumer. Rising prices always result in a drop in sales, which will have a bad effect on those developing countries, which are highly dependent on foreign exchange from coffee exports. (11)____________.

In the opinion of Pablo Dubois, the biggest problem for his organisation is to create greater consumer awareness of the different varieties of coffee and different ways of preparing it. (12)____________. ICO is therefore concentrating its promotional activities on Russia and China. It is also encouraging environmentally friendly coffee production, and last year’s seminar on coffee and the environment created a lot of interest.

The future looks bright for the coffee industry. It is estimated that consumption over the next few years will continue to rise steadily. New markets like Eastern Europe and China are expected to develop fast.

A. As a result, the membership now represents 94% of all exporters and 60% of all importers.

B. In some of these countries, this can amount to as much as 50% of all export earning.

C. In North America, most consumers already have above average knowledge of the range available.

D. For example, frost and wind are particularly damaging to coffee crops.

E. Larger coffee growers, for example, frequently export directly.

F. The main reason for this is higher Brazilian output as production recovers from weather damage to crops.

G. It is cultivated in mountain regions which can only be reached by animal transport, and in other difficult areas where modern agricultural equipment cannot be used.

H. This is because there is a demand for coffee in Germany, and it is also sold in the UK and in the US.

I.e Organisation (ICO), based in London.










3.剑桥少儿英语三级试题 篇三

Part II Reading Comprehension(30%)

Questions 1 to 4 are based on the following passages:

He was in the first third-grade class I taught at Saint Mary’s School in Morris, Minnesota.All

of my students were dear to me, but Mark Eklund was one in a million.Very neat in appearance, he had that happy-to-be-alive attitude that made even his occasional mischievous

delightful.One morning my patience was growing thin when Mark talked once too often, and then I made a novice-teacher’s mistake.I looked at Mark and said, “ If you say one more word, I am going to tape your mouth shut!” But he talked again.Without saying a word, I proceeded to Mark’s desk, tore off two pieces of tape and made a big X with them over his mouth.After class he said to me, “Thank you for correcting me, Sister!”

The years flew by, and before I knew it Mark was in my class again.One Friday, things just didn’t feel right.We had worked on a new concept all week, and I sensed that the students were growing frustrated with themselves—and edgy with one another.So I asked them to list the names of the other students in the room on two sheets of paper, leaving a space between each name.Then I told them to think of the nicest thing they could say about each of their classmates

and write it down.It took the remainder of the class period to finish the assignment, but as the students left the room, each one handed me the papers.Charlie smiled.Mark said, “ Thank you for teaching me, Sister.Have a good weekend.”

That Saturday, I wrote down the name of each student on a separate sheet of paper, and I listed what everyone else had said about that individual.On Monday I gave each student his or her list.Some of them ran tow pages.Before long, th4e entire class was smiling.“Really?” I heard whispered.“I never knew that meant anything to anyone!” “I didn’t know others liked me

so much!”

No one ever mentioned those papers in class again.Several years later, after I returned from a vacation, my parents met me at the airport.From them I knew that Mark was killed in Vietnam.So I attended the funeral.After the funeral, Mark’s father took a wallet out of his pocket.“They found this on Mark when he was killed.We thought you might recognize it.”

Opening the billfold, he carefully removed two worn pieces of notebook paper that had obviously been taped, folded and refolded many times.I knew without looking that the papers were the ones on which I had listed all the good things each of Mark’s classmates had said

about him.Mark’s classmates started to gather around us.Charlie smiled rather sheepishly and said, “I still have my list.It’s in the top drawer of my desk at home.” Chuck’s wife said, “ Chuck asked me to put his in our wedding album.”

That’s when I finally sat down and cried.I cried for Mark and for all his friends who would

never see him again.1.When Mark was in the third grade, he ___.A)was very shy and quiet

B)was rough and disobedient

C)never talked without permission

D)often talked without permission

2.One Friday, the students were growing frustrated with themselves because ___.A)the new concept they had been working on was too difficult

B)they were not interested in learning the new concept

C)the teacher was not familiar with the new concept

D)the teacher became very impatient with them

3.After the funeral, Mark’s mother thanked the author for ________.A)correcting Mark for misbehaving at school many times

B)giving Mark the list of all the good things said about

C)teaching Mark for such a long period of time

D)asking Mark’s classmates to have dinner with them

4.The reason why the students kept the lists of all the good things is that ___.A)they missed each other after they departed

B)they wanted to show the lists to their husbands or wives

C)they valued the teacher’s effort for copying all the good things about them

D)they treasured what made them feel good about themselves

Passage II

Questions 5 to 8 are based on the following passage:

There is a popular belief among parents that schools are no longer interested in spelling.No school I have taught in has ever ignored spelling or considered it unimportant as a basic skill.There are, however, vastly different ideas about how to teach it, or how much priority it must be given over general language development and writing ability.The problem is, how to encourage a child to express himself freely and confidently in writing without holding him back with the

complexities of spelling?

If spelling becomes the only focal point of his teacher’s interest, clearly a bright child will be likely to “play safe”.He will tend to write only words within his spelling range, choosing to avoid adventurous language.That’s why teachers often encourage the early use of dictionaries and pay attention to content rather than technical ability.I was once shocked to read on the bottom of a sensitive piece of writing about a personal

experience: “This work is terrible!There are far too many spelling errors and your writing is illegible.” It may have been a sharp criticism of the pupil’s technical abilities in writing, but it was also a sad reflection on the teacher who had omitted to read the essay, which contained some beautiful expressions of the child’s deep feelings.The teacher was not wrong to draw attention to the error, but if his priorities had centered on the child’s ideas, an expression his disappointment with the presentation would have given the pupil more motivation to seek

improvement.5.Teachers differ in their opinions about _____.A)the difficulties in teaching spelling

B)the role of spelling in general language development

C)the complexities of the basic writing skills

D)the necessity of teaching spelling

6.The expression “play safe” probably means _____.A)to write carefully

B)to do as teachers say

C)to use dictionaries frequently

D)to avoid using words one is not sure of

7.Teachers encourage the use of dictionaries so that _____.A)students will be able to express their ideas more freely

B)teachers will have less trouble in correcting mistakes

C)students will have more confidence in writing

D)students will learn to be independent of teachers

8.The major point discussed in the passage is ______.A)the importance of developing writing skills

B)the complexities of spelling

C)the correct way making compositions

D)the relationship between spelling and the content of a composition

Passage III

Questions 9 to 12 are based on the following passage:

Population tends to grow at an exponential rate.This means that they progressively double.As an example of this type of growth rate, take one penny and double it every day for one month.After the first week, you would have only 64 cents, but after the fourth week you would have

over a million dollars.This helps explain why the population has come on “all of a sudden”.It took form the beginning of human life to the year 1830 for the population of the earth to reach one billion.That represents a time span of at least two million years.Then it took from 1830 to 1930 for world population to reach 2 billion.The next billion was added by 1960, only thirty years, and in 1975 world population reached 4 billion, which is another billion people in only fifteen years.World population is increasing at a rate of 9,000 per hour, 220,000 per day, 80 million per year.This is not only due to higher birth rates, but to lower death rates as well.The number of births has not declined at the same rate as the number of deaths.Some countries, such as Columbia, Thailand, Morocco, Costa Rica, and the Philippines, are doubling their populations about every twenty-one years, with a growth rate of 3.3 percent a year or more.The United States is doubling its population about every eighty-seven years, with a rate of 0.8 percent per year.Every time a population double, the country involved needs twice as much of everything, including hospitals, schools, resources, food and medicines to care for its people.It is easy to see that this is very difficult to achieve for the more rapidly growing

countries.9.This passage chiefly discussed_______.A)the growth of world population

B)one type of the exponential rate

C)the population problem of more rapidly growing countries

D)the possible ways of dealing with the rapid population growth

10.According to the passage, what helps to explain why the population problem has come

on “all of a sudden”?

A)The penny which doubles itself every day for one month.B)The time span of at least two million years in human history.C)An illustration of the exponential growth rate given by the author.D)The large amount of money you would luckily make after the fourth week.11.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A)World population is increasing at a rate of 150 per minutes.B)Lower death rate also contributes to world population growth.C)The population of Columbia has been doubling every year for 21 years.D)The United States is usuall6y doubling its population about every 87 years.12.When a population doubles, the country involved needs twice as much of everything,including ______.A)hospitals and medicines B)schools and students

C)food and manpower resources D)all of the above

Passage IV

Questions I3 to 15 are based on the following passage:

For years it has been possible to set up cameras to take pictures of cars as they speed along highways, jump lights or drive too fast down the street.However even if the pictures are taken automatically, someone still has to do all the paperwork of issuing fines.But now a British company called EEV has come up with a computerized video system that can do it all automatically.They suggest that all number plates have a bar code as well as the usual number.The bar

codes are just strips of lines like those you see on food packets but bigger.EEV’s high speed video camera system can read a bar coded number plate even if the car is doing over 100 miles per hour.The computer controlling the system could then use the information from the bar code to find out the name and address of the driver(from vehicle records), print out the fine and send it off automatically.The inventors also suggest that the system could watch traffic to help catch

stolen cars.The new electronic system could be watching everyone that passes the cameras!Many people find the idea that “big brother is watching you” is more of a worry than a few motorists getting away with driving too fast.Moreover, some people will be very unhappy to realize that with new system the police could find out where a particular car has been.13.The best title for the article could be ______.A)People Who Drive Too Fast

B)Stop People from Driving Too Fast

C)EEV and the Police System

D)Implications of Computerized Systems for Motoring Offense

14.A traditional function of the camera as used by the traffic police system is to ______.A)take snapshots of cars on highways

B)catch cars violating traffic rules

C)send fines to fast motorists

D)make the traffic system fully automatic

15.The newly-invented system functions more efficiently with the aid of __________.A)car number plates C)bar coded numbers on number plates

B)vehicle speeding records D)print-out fines

Part III Vocabulary and Structure(20%)

Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1.There is no ______ in insisting on the impossible.A)mind C)meaning

B)sense D)help

2.She asked that the letter be ______ in order that the contents should remain a secret..A)eliminated C)ruined

B)destroyed D)spoiled

3.In spite of the thunderstorm, the children slept______ all night.A)soundly C)sensitively

B)noisily D)quickly

4.These books were very dear to him and he bought them at ______ expense when he was studying abroad.A)considerate C)considering

B)considerable D)considered

5.Nothing that I can see ______ what you have described.A)compares C)resembles

B)relates D)consists

6.Now the income of the family was ______ more than one-third.A)dropped off C)cut down

B)returned to D)reached for

7.I was very tired.Otherwise, I ______ to the theatre with you.A)had gone C)would go

B)went D)would have gone

8.Do you consider ______ more people over?

A)any good sending C)that any good sending

B)any good to send D)it any good sending

9.It was raining hard, but by the time class was over, the rain ______.A)had stopped C)might have stopped

B)stopped D)would stop

10.Without enough air, the fire will easily ______.A)go out C)go over

B)go off D)go though

11.The paper parcel ______ a clean shirt, socks, and a handkerchief.A)composed C)constituted

B)contained D)was made up of

12.______ , he’ll make a first-class tennis player.A)Giving time C)Being given time

B)Given time D)To give time

13.It is desired that he ______ his plan right away.A)would carry out C)carries out

B)had carried out D)carry out

14.The child was ______ to open the refrigerator door.A)barely enough tall C)barely tall enough

B)tall barely enough D)enough barely tall

15.He found a number of men already ______.A)worked C)work

B)working D)to work

16.If it ______ yesterday afternoon, I would have gone fishing.A)had not been raining C)were not raining

B)would not be raining D)should not be raining

17.Is there anyone who ______ the plan put forward by the committee?

A)objects C)opposes

B)disagrees D)differs

18.She told her children that they must not _______ play with matches.A)by no means C)on any account

B)in no sense D)to good account

19.Any student who ______ his homework is unlikely to pass the examination.A)practices C)neglects

B)reduces D)offends

20.Do you feel ______ for a cup of tea?

A)sure C)intended

B)inclined D)likely

21.The ______ outside the house says “No Parking”.A)notice C)paper

B)note D)signal

22.This rough life ______ to injure his health.A)expected C)threatened

B)enforced D)promised

23.My aunt never married because her father didn’t ______ to her marriage to a man she lived.A)content C)conceive

B)confirm D)consent

24.The employer is ______ to ask for references.A)entitled C)refrained

B)conceited D)condemned

25.The general _______ the tourists safe passage to the American embassy during the war.A)consented C)granted

B)registered D)led

26.Summers in the south of France are ______ dry and sunny.A)in the most part C)in good part

B)for the most part D)in part

27.It’s the end of September and the National Day is ______.A)on hand C)by hand

B)in hand D)at hand

28.The book has been well reviewed, but ______ actual sales it hasn’t been very successful..A)in need of C)in place of

B)in terms of D)in contrast to

29.After the harvest, the peasants began to _______ and enjoy the results of hard work.A)set back C)settle down

B)sit back D)load down

30.You don’t have to have this telephone in your new car: it’s a(n)______ extra..A)optional C)radical

B)alternative D)abnormal

31.Redolfi’s interest in messages from the ocean floor comes from ______ by the Mediterranean.A)being growing up C)he growing up

B)his growing up D)he grew up

32.There is a ______ to the amount of time I’m prepared to spend on this.A)restriction C)limit

B)extent D)limitation

33.The book will be published by Cambridge University Press in ______ with the British Museum.A)association C)association

B)collaboration D)correlation

34.They have had three ______ days of heavy rain.A)successive C)continual

B)gradual D)running

35.My wool sweater ______ when I washed it.A)decreased C)flooded

B)shrank D)withdrew

36.A lot of people ______ you, so don’t let them down.A)look down upon C)look over

B)look up to D)look on

37.His behavior merely ______ my dislike of him.A)enclosed C)reinforced

B)engaged D)enforced

38.______ fabrics usually don’t wrinkle as much as cotton.A)Synthetic C)Sympathetic

B)Symbolic D)Systematic

39.It seems that nobody knows what consequences will ______ this.A)give rise to C)arise from

B)rise from D)rise above

40.Tom and Susan ______ with each other just before their marriage, which made their parents very angry.A)fell off C)fell though

B)fell out D)fell down

Part IV Translation(10%)

Section A(5%)

Directions: In this part, there are five items, each consisting of one or two sentences for you to translate into Chinese.These sentences are all taken from the READING PASSAGES you have learned in BOOK THREE.Please write your translation on the Answer Sheet.1.The research “ points to the enormous human potential available in each society and the likelihood that only a very small amount of this human potential is fully developed。”

2.In America, plans by the government to allow government agencies and intelligence service easy access to telephone conversations and electronic mail have caused considerable concern.3.The problem is not easily solved because it is in the nature of science to question, and it is in the nature of human beings not to want to question the things they believe in.4.Some people have a better sense of humor than others just as some people have more musical talent, mathematical talent etc.than others.5.These similarities make the bridge between societies possible, and the American’s characteristic openness to different styles of relationships makes it possible for him to find new friends abroad with whom he feels at home.Section B(5%)

Directions: In this part, there are five items, each consisting of one or two sentences for you to translate into English.These sentences are all related to the sentence patterns or structures you have learned in BOOK THREE.Please write your translation on the Answer Sheet.1.政府的计划遭到了民权组织的强烈反对。





Part V.Writing(10%)

Directions: For this part, you are asked to write a composition on the topic The Day My Classmate Fell Ill(or Got Injured).You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:




Your developing must be logical and convincing and please remember to write

neatly.Part II Reading Comprehension(30%)

1—4 C A B D 5—8: B D A D 9—12 A C C A 13—15 D B C

Part III Vocabulary and Structure(20%)

1—5 B B A B C 6—10 C D D A A 11—15 C B D C B

16—20 A C C C B 21—25 A C D A C 26—30 B D B B A

31—35 B C B A B 36—40 B C A C B

Part IV Translation(10%)

Section A(5%)






Section B(5%)

4.剑桥少儿英语三级试题 篇四

21.After a successful career in business, he was _____ the chairman of the committee.A、appointed B、adopted C、adjusted D、achieved 22.These programs are designed for those young people who want to _____ higher education but don not have enough time to go to university.A、insure B、persist C、inquire D、pursue 23.The workers are _____ young people between the ages of sixteen and twenty.A、most B、much C、mostly D、more 24.It was difficult to guess what her _____ to the news would be.A、impression B、reaction C、comment D、opinion 25.We are interested in the weather because it _____ us so directly----what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel.A、benefits B、affects C、guides D、effects 26.There was no news from her son for quite a few years;_____, Susan went on hoping.A、nevertheless B、furthermore C、consequently D、therefore 27.He was _____ of robbery and was sentenced to ten year’s imprisonment.A、assured B、charged C、confirmed D、accused 28.Thoughts are expressed _____ means of words.A、by B、with C、in D、on 29.There is no _____ in going to the cinema now as the film has already started.A、reason B、cause C、motive D、point 30.American students seldom live on campus._____, they live at home and travel to classes.A、Instead B、For example C、What’s more D、However 31.Will you please _____ my paper to find out whether I’ve made any mistakes? A、look out B、look into C、look through D、look up at 32.We must _____ what’s the matter with the computer.A、give out B、figure out C、run out D、fill out 33.He couldn’t _____ his failure in the English test.A、account for B、account to C、aware of D、according to 34.The nurses should _____ it that the children are fed and dressed properly.A、see in B、see to C、see out D、see off 35.I _____ an old friend when I was visiting London last week.A、ran into B、ran over C、ran through D、ran along 36.Many people complain of the rapid _____ of modern life.A、rate B、speed C、pace D、growth 37.I like this house better because it has a fine _____ of the green hills A、look B、view C、sight D、point 38.She entered a poetry competition and won the first _____.A、name B、price C、order D、prize 39.If we _____ to deal with these problems now, things will get out of control.A、fail B、miss C、delay D、deny 40.If you _____ to see Jane, please ask her to give me a call this evening.A、happen B、mind C、occur D、appear Part III Structure 41.Never before that night _____ the extent of my own power.A、I had felt B、I felt C、did I feel D、had I felt 42.She spent a lot of time in that small town _____ she was born.A、which B、when C、where D、that 43.It was because she was ill _____ she didn’t attend the conference yesterday.A、that B、so C、then D、when 44.I have learned that he is going to the United States, but _____ is his own decision.A、when leaving B、when does he leave C、when he leaves D、when he leaving 45.They didn’t pass the exam last time;I regretted _____ them.A、to be not able to help B、being unable to help C、being not able to helping D、not to be able to help 46.Your hair needs _____.You’d better have it _____ tomorrow.A、cutting„do B、cutting„done C、being cut„done D、to be cut„ to be done 47.Not only the sailors but also the captain of the ship _____ frightened during that voyage.A、has B、have C、was D、were 48.I’d rather you _____ by train, because I can’t bear the idea of your flying in an airplane in such bad weather.A、would go B、will go C、went D、go 49.Be sure to come to see us this Sunday, _____? A、will you B、aren’t you C、are you D、don’t you 50.The flowers _____ because no one watered them A、may die B、must have died C、must die D、can have died 51.Rose told the teacher all _____ to Oliver.A、which happened B、that had happened C、which had happened D、what had happened 52.Millions of $dollars in the bank is said ______ yesterday.A、having stolen B、stolen C、to have been stolen D、to be stolen 53.London is the city _____ she is longing to visit.A、where B、in which C、what D、that 54.I appreciate _____ to your school to give a lecture.A、to be invited B、to have invited C、having invited D、being invited 55.Not until 1868 _____ made the capital of the state of Georgia.A、was Atlanta B、when Atlanta was C、Atlanta was D、was when Atlanta 56.The government didn’t expect that the fall in the price of oil _____ such serious consequences for the economy.A、will cause B、would cause C、causes D、has caused 57.People don’t want there _____ another war in their country.A、being B、is C、to be D、will be 58.Because he did not like the first kind of flower, he asked the salesgirl to show him _____.A、another kinds B、the others ones C、other kind D、another kind 59.A good dictionary can be _____ great help to learners of language.A、with B、about C、on D、of 60.“You know, I have our tickets.”“That’s good.I was afraid that you _____ them.” A、had forgotten B、forgot C、have forgotten D、would have forgotten Part IV Reading Comprehension Passage One Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage: Industrial pollution is not only a problem for the countries of Europe and North America.It is also an extremely serious problem in some developing countries.For these countries, economic growth is a very important goal.They want to attract new industries, and so they put few controls on industries which cause pollution.Cubatao, an industrial town of 85,000 people in Brazil, is an example of the connection between industrial development and pollution.In 1954, Cubatao had no industry.Today it has more than twenty large factories, which produce many pollutants(污染物质).The people of the town are exposed to a large number of poisonous substances in their environment and the consequences of this exposure can be clearly seen.Birth defects are extremely common.Among children and adults, lung problems are sometimes twelve times more common in Cubatao than in other places.It is true that Brazil, like many other countries, has laws against pollution, but these laws are not enforced strictly enough.It is cheaper for companies to ignore the laws and pay the fines than to buy the expensive equipment that will reduce the pollution.It is clear, therefore, that economic growth is more important to the government than the health of the workers.However, the responsibility does not completely lie with the Brazilian government.The example of Cubatao shows that international companies are not acting in a responsible way, either.A number of the factories in the town are owned by large companies from France, Italy, and the U.S.They are doing things in Brazil that they would not be able to do at home.If they caused the same amount of pollution at home, they would be severely punished or even put out of business.61.Why don’t developing countries have strict pollution controls? A、Because the new industries they want to attract do not cause much pollution.B、Because pollution is not a serious problem for developing countries.C、Because they fail to realize that the balance of nature will be disturbed by some pollutants.D、Because if developing countries put stricter controls on industry, fewer companies would build new plants there.62.What is the author’s purpose in mentioning Cubatao? A、To show that industrial development can progress very quickly in developing countries.B、To show that the pollution problem in Brazil is extremely serious.C、To show that industrial growth causes pollution problems for developing countries.D、To show that pollution is threatening the lives of many people and the whole economy of Brazil 63.Why do some foreign companies like to set up their plants in Brazil? A、Because the investment environment in Brazil is suitable for them.B、Because they will not be severely punished if they cause pollution in Brzail.C、Because they can make a big profit as the labour cost in Brazil is relatively low.D、Because they can act in an irresponsible way in Brazil because there are no pollution laws there.64.The work “enforced”(L.2, Para.3)could best be replaced by which of the following? A、carried out B、drawn up C、looked over D、put out 65.What can we conclude from the passage? A、In Brazil, companies which ignore pollution laws have to pay fines.B、The Brazilian government pays great attention to the health of workers.C、Many foreign companies are out of business in Brazil for their pollution.D、Most international companies act responsibly in Brazil.Passage Two Questions 66 to 70 are based on the following passage: In 1947 Angela Mortimer was captain of the team which won the Plymouth Interschools’ Championship.From the moment she stepped forward to receive the silver cup, she was determined to become a Wimbledon Champion.Encouraged by her school championship success, Angela decided that she should have proper coaching.She heard that there was a good tennis coach at Torquay, a Mr.Roberts, who was prepared to give free tennis lessons to promising youngsters under twelve years of age and living in the Torquay area.The fact that Angela was over fifteen did not stop her.One Saturday, she made the forty-mile journey from Plymouth to Torquay and introduced herself to Mr.Roberts.Author Roberts was not impressed.He played a few shots to Angela and then told her directly that she knew nothing about the game and was too old to learn.He also reminded her that she lived in Plymouth, which could hardly be considered in the Torquay area.If Arthur Robert thought he had got rid of Angela, he was very much mistaken.For her part Angela had been greatly impressed by Mr.Roberts.She made up her mind that she was not too old to learn tennis and that Arthur Robert was the man to teach her.However, her school certificate examination was appearing ahead and she was determined to work ahead.Although the headmaster wanted her to stay on at school for another year before taking her examination, Anthur begged to be allowed to sit.She surprised everyone by passing with credit in five subjects.Angela then had a stroke of luck.She managed to persuade her family to move nearer to Torquay.Despite what had taken place at their last meeting, Angela properly presented herself to Arthur Roberts and asked him for free coaching.Arthur’s welcome was not a warm one.His time was fully occupied in coaching some promising young player.However, he had to admire Angela.Whatever else she lacked, she was obviously a girl of courage and determination.Arthur liked these qualities in a pupil.“You can play against the wall,” he said, “and if you improve I might help you.”

Angela’s heart leapt with joy.“I’ll show him,” she said to herself.“I will certainly show him.” 66.According to the passage, Arthur Roberts _____.A、was a good tennis coach from Plymouth B、taught tennis to anybody who could play C、promised to give free tennis lessons to all school children in Torquay D、gave free lessons to young children who he thought would one day be good players 67.What is TRUE about Angela’s first meeting with Mr.Roberts? A、Roberts told Angela that he couldn’t help her unless she moved to Torquay.B、Mr.Roberts refused to coach Angela for three reasons.C、Angela was told to come and see Mr.Roberts when she graduated from school.D、Angela was unimpressed by Mr.Roberts when she first met him.68.According to the passage, Angela’s headmaster ______.A、wanted Angela to take her examination early B、allowed Angela to take her examination a year earlier C、forced Angela to take her examination a year later D、wanted Angela to stay on at school after her examination 69.Why did Angela’s parents move away from Plymouth? A、Because Plymouth was too far from Wimbledon.B、Because Angela wanted to move closer to Mr.Roberts.C、Because Angela was asked by Mr.Roberts to do so.D、Because they would send Angela to a better school there.70.What can we infer from this passage about Mr.Roberts? A、He believed Angela could improve by playing against the wall.B、He thought Angela lacked courage and determination.C、He would possibly help Angela later.D、He was too busy to coach Angela.Passage Three Questions 71 to 75 are based on the following passage: All over the world, telecommunications companies are thinking wireless.They are spending billions of dollars building transmission towers(发射塔), launching satellites and developing low-cost hand-held phones, all with the goal of ending the century and a half old dominance(主宰)of the wire.Since telegraph service began in 1844, most two-way communications have been not person-to-person but place-to-place.If two people aren’t in the spots that the wire links, they don’t connect.Now, with advances in microelectronics and satellite technology, companies are producing systems that seek out people wherever they are, keeping them in touch.The services are coming into use rapidly in the United Sates, Europe and growing economies of East Asia.Mobile phones are the most dramatic example to date.The number in use in the United Sates passed the 25 million mark last month, with no end to the growth in sigh.In little more than a decade, the mobile phone has developed from expensive business tool and status symbol to something used by roughly one in 10 Americans.Not everyone welcomes the change.Wireless phones are showing up in churches, courtrooms and airplanes, places where the noise of the outside world was once shut out.Nevertheless, there is no stopping the technology’s advance.“It’s coming down to the lower-income levels,” said Tom Ross of MTA-EMCI, a Washington-based telecommunications company.“It’s slowly becoming a necessity of life.”

Now authorities in many countries are clearing up new space on the radio spectrum(无线电频谱)for a new collection of wireless services.They are known as personal communications service, or PCS.In its simplest form, PCS is just another name for pocket phones.But companies are preparing a wide variety of “smart networks” and data services that will do things that ordinary mobile phones can’t.71.The word “spots”(L.2, Para.2)is closest in meaning to _____.A、stations B、grounds C、locations D、lines 72.Mobile phones are mentioned as an example of _____.A、something that not everyone likes B、something that not everyone can afford C、the use of the fast-developing wireless systems D、the rise in people’s living standards in America and Europe 73.Which of the following is true according to Tom Ross? A、Mobile phones should not be used in churches.B、Ordinary American consumers can afford mobile phones.C、The mobile phone is regarded as a symbol of wealth.D、Few Americans find it necessary to have a mobile phone.74.The word “They”(L.2, Para.7)refers to _____.A、authorities B、pocket phones C、companies D、wireless services 75.The main point discussed in the passage is _____.A、the fast development of wireless communications B、new developments in the world’s smart networks C、disagreements over the development of the telecommunications industry D、new advances in American microelectronics Part V Translation from English into Chinese Directions: In this part there is a passage with 5 underlined sections, numbered 76 to 80.After reading the passage carefully, translate the underlined sections into Chinese.Remember to write your translation on the Translation Sheet.Many changes are taking place in “food styles” in the United Sates.The United States is traditionally famous for its unchanging diet of meat and potatoes, but now we have a great variety of food to choose from: various ethnic(民族的)food, health food, and fast food, in addition to the traditional home-cooked meal.Ethnic restaurants and supermarkets are commonplace in the United States.(76)Because the United States is a country of immigrants(移民), there is an immense variety of food styles and any large American city is filled with restaurants serving international cooking.Many cities even have ethnic sections: Chinatown, Little Italy, or Germantown.With this vast ethnic choice, we can enjoy food from all over the world.(77)This is a pleasant thought for those who come here to travel or to work;they can usually find their native specialties.Besides sections of the cities, there are regions, which are well known for certain food because of the people who settled there.For example, southern California has many Mexican restaurants.(78)Health food gained popularity when people began to think more seriously about the possible effect of food on their health.The very term “health food” is ironic because it implies that there is also “unhealthy” food.(79)Health food includes natural food with little processing, that is, there are no chemicals to help it last longer or to make it taste or look better.Most health food enthusiasts are vegetarians: they eat no meat;they prefer to get their proteins from other sources, such as beans, cheese and eggs.(80)Fast-food restaurants are now expanding rapidly all over the United States, where speed is a very important factor.People usually have a short lunch break or they just do not want to taste their time eating.Fast-food restaurants are places which take care of hundreds of people in a short time.There is usually very little waiting, and the food is always cheap.Some examples are burger and pizza places. VI Translation from Chinese into English 81.如果你在阅读中碰到生词,有时候你可以不查字典。




85.――你们什么时候熄灯就寝?――10点半,但周末例外。Part II Vocabulary your answers: keys: 21.A 22.D 23.C 24.B 25.B 26.A 27.D 28.A 29.D 30.A 31.C 32.B 33.A 34.B 35.A 36.C 37.B 38.C 39.A 40.A

Part III Structure your answers: keys: 41.D 42.C 43.A 44.C 45.B 46.B 47.C 48.A 49.A 50.B 51.B 52.C 53.D 54.D 55.A 56.B 57.C 58.D 59.D 60.A

Part IV Reading Comprehension Passage One

keys: 61.D 62.C 63.B 64.A 65.A

Passage Two

keys: 66.D 67.B 68.B 69.B 70.C

Passage Three keys: 71.C 72.C 73.B 74.D 75.A

Part V Translation from English into Chinese 76.Because the United States is a country of immigrants(移民), there is an immense variety of food styles and any large American city is filled with restaurants serving international cooking.your answer: key:因为美国是个移民国家,因此菜肴的风格五花八门,而且任何美国大城市里都有很多国际风味的餐馆。
