


1.ask的用法和短语例句 篇一

1. I gave her a lift back out to her house.


2. The lift started off, juddered, and went out of action.


3. A bit of exercise will help lift his spirits.


4. Can you just lift the table for a second?


5. He led the way to the lift. Fox played along, following him.


6. The rocket tumbled out of control shortly after lift-off.


7. Her apartment was underneath a bar, called “The Lift”.


8. My selection for the team has given me a tremendous lift.


9. A barrage would halt the flow upstream and lift the water level.


10. Striking lorry drivers agreed to lift their blockades of main roads.


11. They will not lift a finger to help their country.


12. We got into the lift and sailed to the top floor.


13. Birds use thermals to lift them through the air.


14. He had a car and often gave me a lift home.


15. He drags his leg, and he can hardly lift his arm.


2.make的用法及其构成的短语 篇二

一、 由make构成的主动结构

1. make用作及物动词,意为“制造”、“做”。例如:

The boy likes making things. 这男孩爱做东西。

2. 含make的短语

(1) make a noise意为“制造噪音”。例如:

Don’t make a big noise in public. 不要在公共场所喧哗。

(2) make up one’s mind to do sth意为“下决心去干某事”。例如:

Jim makes up his mind to catch up with other classmates in Egnlish. 吉姆下决心在英语方面赶上班上的其他同学。

(3) make one’s way to意为“去(往)某处”。例如:

Kate is making her way to school. 凯特在去上学的路上。

(4) make one’s bed意为“整理床铺”。例如:

You should make your bed after you get up. 你起床后要整理好床铺。

(5) make a mistake意为“犯错误”。例如:

You should check your homework to make sure not to make any mistakes. 你应该检查作业,确保不出错误。

(6) make progress意为“取得进步”。例如:

If you study hard, you’ll make progress in your English. 如果你学习努力,你的英语会进步的。

(7) make sure意为“确保,务必”。例如:

Make sure that you can pass the exam. 要确保你考试及格。

(8) make it意为“及时赶到”。例如:

I hope you’ll make it at the airport. 我希望你能及时赶到机场。

(9) make room for sb意为“为……腾出个空”。例如:

When the old man got on the bus, a young man made room for him. 那个老人上车后,一位年青人给他让座。

(10) make money意为“赚钱”。例如:

His father made a lot of money by selling fruits. 他爸爸卖水果挣了大钱。

(11) make a living意为“谋生”。例如:

His father made a living by selling newspapers. 他父亲以卖报为生。

二、 由make构成的被动结构

(1) be made of意为“由……制成”,表示能从制成的成品中看得出是什么原材料做的。例如:

The desk is made of wood. 這张课桌是木头做的。

(2) be made from意为“由……制成”。表示从制成的成品中看不出是什么原材料做的。例如:

Wine is made from grapes. 葡萄酒是用葡萄酿造的。

(3) be made up of意为“由……组成”。例如:

The USA is made up of fifty states. 美国由50个州组成。

(4) be made in意为“……制造”。表示物品生产或制造于某地。例如:

The bike is made in Shanghai. 这自行车是在上海制造的。

三、 make用作使役动词

(1) make可用作使役动词, make sb do sth意为“让某人做某事”, do sth是省去to的动词不定式作宾语补足语;在被动语态中,用be made to do sth。 例如:

The boss made his workers work twelve hours a day. → The workers were made to work twelve hours a day. 老板逼迫工人每天工作12个小时。

(2) make后面可以用反身代词作宾语,其后的宾语补足语可以是过去分词。例如:

He made himself heard across the room. 整个房间的人都听见他说话。

(3) make后面的复合宾语可以是“名词/代词 + 形容词或名词短语”。例如:

Too much food made him ill. 他吃得太多,因而生了病。

3.bright的用法和短语例句 篇三



4.regard的用法和短语例句 篇四





regard的用法7:regard作“致意,问候”解时,多用复数形式,常与give, send, convey, present等动词连用,也常用于best regards, with warm regards等短语中。

5.ticket的用法和短语例句 篇五





6.skip的用法和短语例句 篇六

If so, skip to the next iteration of the loop. 如果是的话则跳过到循环的下个迭代。

The parents want their child to skip to the second grade. 这家父母希望他们孩子能跳级到二年级。

If you already have an application in which you have to integrate charts, then youcan skip this part and go directly to the next part, which explains the integration ofcharts with the application. 如果你已经有一个需要集成图表的应用程序,你可以跳过这部分,然后直接进入下一个部分,下个部分将会阐述如何将图表和应用程序集成在一起。

Skip it. 跳过它。

Otherwise, skip this step. 否则,跳过这步。

Therefore, you may skip this step if you wish. 因此,如果您愿意,则可以跳过这一步骤。

You can skip this step if you want to associate this project with anotherorganization. 如果希望将此项目与另一个组织相关联,您可以跳过此步骤。

If you have experience with Application Servers, you may want to skip to the nextparagraph. 如果您有应用程序服务器方面的经验,那么可以跳过接下来的段落。

7.comment的用法和短语例句 篇七


She commented that she was happy to be a guest in their country.

comment的用法3:comment作名词时,可以是抽象名词,如Comment is needless,也可以作类名词,如He made a comment on her essay。


comment的用法5:comment一般用作不及物动词,后面常接介词on或upon,表示“就(某人〔某事〕)发表看法,评论(某人等)”, comment也可用作及物动词,这时后跟that从句。

8.twist的用法和短语例句 篇八

twist arm

twist about〔around,round〕1 (v.+adv.)

twist about〔around,round〕2 (v.+prep.)

twist into (v.+prep.)

twist off (v.+adv.)

twist round little finger (v.+prep.+n.)

twist up (v.+adv.)

用作名词 (n.)

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