


1.新目标英语七年级上期末总复习教案 篇一


1.We elected himmonitor. 我们选他当班长 (名词)

2.We will make them happy. 我们将让他们高兴。(形容词)

3. We found nobody in. 我们发现没人在里面。 ( 副词 )

4.His father help him to do his homework. 他的父亲帮他做家庭作业。(带to不定式)


1. He is a Chinese teacher. 他是个语文老师。(名词)

2. He is our friend. 他是我们的朋友。(代词)

3. I havethreebooks. 我有三本书。 (数词)

4. He is a goodstudent. 他是个好学生。(形容词)

5.The boy in red is my brother. 穿红衣服的男孩是我的弟弟。(介词短语)

三、状语:用来修饰动词、形容词、副词或 句子。 表示行为发生的时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、程度、条件、方式等。

1.I go to school at seven o’clock. 我在七点钟上学。2.He reads the book in the room.他在房间里看书。

3.I don’t like thrillersbecause they are scary.我不喜欢恐怖片因为它们太吓人了。

2.新目标英语七年级上期末总复习教案 篇二

1. What kind of movies ______ Jack like?

A. doB. don’tC. doesD. is

2. —Does the boy have a great sports collection?


A. Yes, he isB. No, he don’t

C. Yes, he doesD. No, he isn’t

3. I think it is______interesting story.

A. ×B. aC. anD. the

4. —______ you play chess?

—Yes, I______ .

A. Can; doB. Do; canC. Can; canD. Can; read

5. The little girl can’t______ .

A. play the pianoB. play piano

C. play a pianoD. play pianos

6. Can you help me______my music?

A. toB. forC. onD. with

7. The little boy is only four, but he can______his clothes and take them off now.

A. put it onB. put onC. put on itD. put on them

8. When do you______classes______weekdays?

A. begin have; onB. begin to have; at

C. begin your; onD. begin to have; in

9. Jack’s favorite______is Tuesday because he has P.E. on that day.

A. timeB. monthC. yearD. day

10. I’m______you like green because it’s a beautiful color.

A. sorryB. sadC. sureD. not

11.______the Japanese people______English?

A. Do; talkB. Does; talkC. Do; speakD. Does; speak

12. The girls in our grade like______sports.

A. playingB. playC. playsD. to play

13. —What’s Lisa doing?

—She’s______her classroom.

A. cleanedB. cleaningC. cleanD. cleans

14. What do you do______Friday evening?

A. withB. inC. onD. at

15. Could I have______bananas, please?

Sorry, we don’t have______these days.

A. any; anyB. any; someC. some; someD. some; any

Ⅱ. 句型轉换按括号内要求改写下列句子。每空填一词。

1. The woman speaks French. (改为否定句)

The woman______ ______ French.

2. They are difficult physics problems. (复数改为单数)

_______ _____difficult physics______ .

3. The little girl can speak French and Japanese. (对划线部分提问)

_______ _____can the little girl______ ?

4. My favorite subject is science. (对划线部分提问)

______ ______your favorite subject?

5. He is really busy today. (改为一般疑问句)

______ ______really busy today?

Ⅲ. 补全对话从方框中选出恰当的语句填空,完成对话。

A: Hello, Bob, nice to see you.

B: Nice to see you too, Jenny.

A: What’s in your bag? 1

B: No, there are some fruit in it.

A: What are they?

B: Let me see. Oh, they are apples, bananas, oranges and...

A: 2 I like eating tomatoes.

B: Yes, do you want one?

A: 3 How many do you have?

B: 4 You can take this red one.

A: Thanks.

B: 5

A. That sounds good.

B. And some tomatoes?

C. Three.

D. Do you like tomatoes?

E. You’re welcome.

F. Is there any food in it?

G. Are they fruit?

Ⅳ. 词汇

A. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. I want the______ (three) book. Give it to me, please.

2. September 10 is______ (teacher) Day.

3. —Maria, when is the school trip?

—It’s on June______ (twelve).

4. —Is this______ (Jeff) room?

—Yes, it is.

5. —How old are you?

—I’m thirteen______ (year) old.

B. 用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空。

A crow (乌鸦) is sitting in a big tree. She 1 (have) a big piece of meat in her mouth. “My babies will have a nice breakfast,” she 2 (think). An old fox is looking for his breakfast. He 3 (see) the crow and the meat. “How can I get that piece of meat?” he thinks.

“Good morning, Mrs Crow,” 4 (say) the fox. “How 5 (be) you?”

But the crow 6 (not say) a word.

“You have very nice babies, Mrs Crow,” says the fox. “How are they? May I see them?” Still the crow 7 (not say) a word.

“You are very beautiful, Mrs Crow. And you 8 (have) a beautiful voice, too,” says the fox. “Would you please sing a song for me?”

Mrs Crow 9 (think), “How nice Mr Fox is! I must sing him a song.” So she 10 (open) her mouth, “Caw! Caw!” Down drops the meat into the fox’s mouth.

Ⅴ. 閱读理解


This is a picture of Mr Li’s family. The man in the middle is Mr Li, the father. The woman beside him is the mother. They have two sons. The son behind Mr Li is Li Lei. He’s thirteen. The son in front of Mrs Li is Li Ming. He’s eleven. Li Lei and Li Ming are in the same school, but not in the same grade. Li Lei is in Grade Two. Li Ming is in Grade One. They’re good students.


1. There are______people in the picture.

A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. six

2. Mr Li is______Li Lei.

A. in front ofB. behindC. onD. under

3. Mr and Mrs Li have______ .

A. one boy and one girlB. two boys

C. two girlsD. one boy

4. Li Ming is______brother.

A. Mr Li’sB. Mrs Li’sC. Li Lei’sD. We don’t know

5. —How old are Li Ming and Li Lei?

—They are______ .

A. eleven and thirteenB. thirteen and eleven

C. eleven and elevenD. thirteen and thirteen


The name of this movie is Hero. It’s an action movie. The story is about Chinese history. I like this movie very much. It’s interesting.

The name of this book is Boys in Big Trouble. It’s also a comedy in the USA. I like Tom and his friend Bob in this comedy. They are funny.

The name of this thriller is On Tuesday Night. It’s a scary and sad movie. It is about a UFO. It comes to the earth and wants to kill (杀死) us.


NamesKindsDescription words

Hero ①_____②_________

Boys in Big Trouble③_____funny

On Tuesday Night ④_____⑤_________



Our Teacher, Lucy King

Lucy King is 30 years old. She is our English teacher. She likes her job very much because she likes her lovely students. She goes to work at seven in the morning and goes home at five in the afternoon. Her favorite color is white. She likes tennis best. Her favorite fruit is orange.

Name: 1 Age: 2 Job: 3

Does she like her job? 4 Why? 5

When does she go to work? 6

When does she go home? 7

Favorite color: 8

Favorite sport: 9

Favorite fruit: 10

Ⅵ. 书面表达





饮食:喜欢:hamburgers, chicken, bananas, apples

不喜欢:broccoli, eggs


Ⅰ. 1-5 CCCCA6-10 DBCDC11-15 CABCD

Ⅱ. 1. doesn’t, speak2. It’s, a, problem3. What, languages, speak4. What, is5. Is, he


Ⅳ. A. 1. third2. Teachers’3. the twelfth4. Jeff’s5. years

B. 1. has2. thinks3. sees4. says5. are6. doesn’t say7. doesn’t say8. have9. thinks10. opens

Ⅴ. (A) 1. B2.A3. B4. C5. A


NamesKindsDescription words

Hero① action movie ② interesting

Boys in Big Trouble ③ comedyfunny

On Tuesday Night④ thriller ⑤ scary and sad

(C) 1. Lucy King2. 303. a teacher4. Yes, she does.

5. Because she loves her lovely students.

6. At seven in the morning.7. At five in the afternoon.

8. white9. tennis10. orange

Ⅵ. One possible version:

3.新目标英语七年级上期末总复习教案 篇三

( 湖南省隆回县石门中学 徐善海 )


Unit 1 ~ Unit 3


1. 掌握is / am / are/ was /were /be 的用法

2. 学会使用 this / that/ these/ those

3. 掌握含be动词的一般现在时的用法。

4. 掌握形容词性物主代词及名词性物主代词的基本用法。

5. 熟练运用这三个单元的单词及短语。


※ ※※※定向自学( 15分钟)

◆◆◆自我检测单词及短语 ( 120 个 )

1.我的( “形”) 2.我 (宾格) 3.在旁边

4.我们的(“形”) 5.我们 (宾格) 6.可以

7.路、方式 8.五月9.神秘的

10.名字 11. 相同的 12.不同的

13.姓氏 14.名字 15.裸露的

16.游戏17.著名 18. 著名的

19.温驯的 20.come(过去式) 21. 时钟

22.时间23.手表 24. 闹钟

25.唤醒、、、、、、26.街区 27.锁

28.钥匙 29.金属的 30. 遇见

31.会议 32.肉33.脚(复数)

34.他姓李 35. 一个懒惰的男孩 36. 他的办公室的电话

37.最后的 38.终于 39.零

40.快的41. 一(基数词 )42.第一的

43.我的第一个老师 44.骨头 45.口渴

46.地球 47.诚实的 48.查阅字典

49.玩具 50.电话号码 51.卡片

52.卡车 53.五 54.住在湖南

55.四 56.到、泼 57.小时

58.为 59.粉末 60.八

61.高度 62.体重 63.九

64.酒 65.好的 66.第九

67.第九十 68.三69.那儿

70.三棵树 71.问题与答复 72.六

73.混合(动词) 74.修理 75性

76.做第一 77.它78.打

79.坐(动词) 80.一点儿 81.适合

82.这本书 83.那个文具盒 84.棒球

85.十支钢笔 86.四支上海铅笔 87.昂贵的

88.打他的电话8506270 89.一块橡皮90.玩电子游戏

91.厨师 92.靴子 93.一套钥匙

94.在学校 95.查阅字典 96.箱子

97.行李箱 98.小心(名词) 99.双肩背包

100.三个塑料袋101.请原谅 102.对不起

103.用英语 104.多久105.长城

106.在失物招领处 107.爸爸妈妈 108.父母亲

109.他 110.成为111.那些



118.女儿 119.嘲笑(名词) 120.一张朋友的照片


① - Nice to meet you.

___ Nice to meet you, too.

② What + is/are + her/his/its + name ?.

③ A: How do you do?

B: How do you do?

④ A: What’s this / that ( called ) in English ?

B: It’s a / an ….

⑤ A: Is this/that +…?

B: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

⑥ 口语交际

A: Excuse me. May I have your photo?

B: Sure.

A: How beautiful you are when you wear white shirt and black jeans.

B: Thank you.

A: Who was it taken by?

B: My cousin.

A: What’s your cousin hobby?

B: Taking photos.

A: What do you think of the photo which was taken by him?

B: Very good.

A: Would you like to learn from him?

. B: I’d love to, but I have to be busy studying hard for the big examinations of June 16 ~ 17 of .

A: Well. I am sure that your dream will come true. Good luck to you.

B: Thank you.

※ ※※※合作探究

1.小组训练:定向学习( ◆◆◆语言知识点⑥ )

1. 加入“翻译吧”

① 名字叫爱丽丝布朗的学生心地善良。

② 学生们,早上好。

③ 我们历史老师的移动电话号码是13874285151。

④ 那个12的女孩正在寻找她的塑料梳子。

⑤ 这些是我的好朋友。

⑥ Kelsey在床底下找到了她的学生证。

☆ ☆☆参考答案:

① The student named Alice Brown is kind.

② Good morning, boys and girls.

③ Our history’s cell phone number is 13874285671.

④ The 12-year-old girl is looking for her plastic comb.

⑤ These are my good friends

⑥ Kelsey found her ID student card under the bed.

※ ※※※展示点评教师点拨

1. 每组将合作交流部分在各自黑板上展示。

2. 学生互相点评。

3. 教师点拨

① you/your; my/mine; our/ours的 区别

② 冠词的基本用法。

③ 介绍自己: I’m … ; My name is …

介绍他人: This is …, this is …,this is…

④ Learn to describe your family photo.

※ ※※※快乐抢答(PK)

1. What does every alphabet in the word “family” mean ?(6分)

☆ ☆☆参考答案

“ F” stands for “ father”; “ A” stands for “ and”; “M” stands for “mother”; “ I” stands for “ I”; “L” stands for “love”; “ Y” stands for “ you”.

2. 翻译:对于我们来说,与同学和家人和睦相处很重要。(4分)

☆ ☆☆参考答案:

It’s important for us to get on well with our classmates and family members.

3. 单项选择题抢答(共6小题,每题1分)

⑴ ___ is nice for me to meet you .

A. ItB. We C. They

⑵ My friend’s first name is Jack, and his last name is Smith. So his full name is ____.

A. Jackson B. Jack SmithC. Smith Jack

( )⑶ As a student, we should practice _____ ourselves and others in English.

A. introducing B .to introduce

C. introduced

( )⑷ A: ____ is your aunt?

B: She works in a restaurant as a clerk.

A. Where B. What C. When

( )⑸ A:____ is your QQ number?

B: 972255826.

A. How B. How many C. What

() ⑹ Thanks for the photo ____ your family.

A. of B. in C.With


1 A 2 B 3 A 4 B 5 C 6 A


()1. Here __________.

A. is my family photo B. are youC. is it

( ) 2. This is ____ photo.

A. Jenny Brown B. Huang Si Si’s C. her

( ) 3.There are a lot of key words. Please _____.

A. write it down B.write then down C. wake up them

( ) 4. A: ____ is the yellow backpack?

B: My cousin’s sister’s.

A. WhoB. Whose C. Whom

( ) 5. She bought ____ eraser. ____ was made in Shanghai.

A. an ; an B. an; The C. an; It

()6. The alarm clock doesn’t ____, so he has to buy ____.

A. work; it B. works; it C. work; one

( ) 7.A: ____ is his notebook ?

B: In the backpack.

A. Where B. What color C. What time

( ) 8. A: What’s the time ___ your watch ?

B: At twelve to twelve.

A. byB: onC. of

( ) 9. This ___ my sister, those ___ my grandparents.

A. is; are B. is; is C. are; are

() 10. As a volunteer, we should learn _____..

A. to devote B. receive C. think ourselves


1 A 2 C 3 B 4 B 5 C

4.新目标英语七年级上期末总复习教案 篇四

I. Teaching Goals:

1. Identify ownership.

2. Learn to write Lost & Found and Lost.

3. Sentence Patterns: Is this/that your/his/her/my key?

Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.

What’s this/that in English?

It’s a pen.

How do you spell it?


4. Words and phrases: pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, dictionary, backpack, baseball, watch, key, computer game, notebook, ring, a set of keys, lost and found, call Alan at…

5. 情感体验:通过Lost & Fonnd来倡导“拾金不昧”的精神及价值观。


通过Just for fun中的内容,使学生体会到英文中的幽默之处。

II. Teaching Time: Four periods.

III. Learning Strategies: 1. Using context 2. Guessing

The First Period

Content: Section A 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c

Teaching Aims:

1. How to identify ownership.

2. Learn and master the following:

Words: pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, pencil sharpener, dictionary, backpack

Sentence patterns: Is this your pencil?

Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t.

3. Students can communicate others using the words and sentence patterns learned in this class.

4. Train the students’ listening ability.

5. Moral object: You must take good care of your personal possessions.

Teaching Important Points;

1. Train the students’ speaking ability.

2. Master the new words and sentence patterns.

Teaching difficult Points:

How to finish the task of speaking.

Teaching Aids:

a tape recorder, a computer, some objects

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Greetings and revision.

Revise the dialogues in Unit 1.

eg. What’s your (his /her) name?

I’m Gina. Nice to meet you!

What’s your (his/her) phone number?

It’s 284-2942.

What’s her family name?

What’s her first name?

Step 2 Warming-up

Today we are going to learn Unit2 “ Is this your pencil?” First let’s learn some new words.

1. Show some pictures on the screen and write the new words on the blackboard: pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, pencil sharpener, dictionary, backpack.

2. Read the new words after the teacher and learn them by heart.

3. Practice:

1) Match the words with the things in the picture. (1a)

2) Listen and check the things you hear. (2a)

3) Listen and number the pictures.

a._____ b._____ c._____ d._____ e._____

f.______ g.______ h______ i.________

Step 3 Presentation

Ask some students one by one about his/her/objects like this:

1. T: Is this your pencil?

S: Yes, it is. It’s my pencil.

2. T: Is that your backpack?

S: No, it isn’t. It’s his/her backpack.

Step 4 Practice

1. Listen and number the conversations. (1b)

2. Work in pairs. Ask and answer like the ones in step3. They can use their other school things we have learned in this lesson.

3. Listen and complete the conversation with the words in the box. (2b)

4. Pair work: Ask about the things in the picture (2c), then their own passions.

eg. Is this your backpack?

No, it isn’t.

5. Grammar Focus. Ask one or two pairs to say the questions and answers. Then work in pairs.

Step 5 Acting

Identify ownership. Call out four students, each with four different objects. Collect the objects from them and have similar dialogues in step3. The teacher begins to say: Excuse me, is this your eraser? No, it isn’t.… Continue until the items are returned to the correct owners. Then call out five more students. Let one of them collect the objects and begin again.

Step 6 Exercises in class

Fill in blanks with these words:

1. ---Linda, Is this ________ ruler?

---Yes, it is. Thank you.

2. This is my sister. _______ name is Kate.

3. I’m looking ________ pencil case. Can you help me?

4. Look at the cat. It’s white. But ______ tail (尾巴) is black.

5. Tim is worried (着急). _______ ID card is lost

Step 7 Homework

1. Do some exercises in your exercise books.

2. Read the words and sentence patterns presented in this class to improve your spoken English.

Step 8 The Design of the writing on the blackboard.

Unit2 Is this your pencil?

pencil Is this your pencil?

pen Yes, it is. It’s my pencil.

book Is that your backpack?

eraser No, it isn’t. It’s his/her backpack.


pencil case, backpack

pencil sharpener, dictionary

The Second Period

Content: Section A 3, 4a, 4b,Section B 1a~2c

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following:

Words: baseball, watch, key, computer game, notebook, ring

Sentence patterns: What’s this/that in English?

It’s a pen (an eraser/an English book/ an ID card).

How do you spell it?


2. Improve the students’ speaking and listening ability.

3. Identify ownership.

Teaching Important Points;

1. Train the students’ speaking and writing ability.

2. Master the new words and sentence patterns.

Teaching difficult Points:

Game: Find the owner.

Teaching Aids:

a tape recorder, a computer, some objects

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Greetings and revision.

1. Greeting the whole class as usual.

eg. What’s your name?

What’s your phone number?

Nice to meet you. etc.

2. Revision

1). Ask and answer like this:

Is this/ that your pencil?

Yes, it is. It’s my pencil.

No, it isn’t. It’s his/ her pencil.

2). Section A 4a, 4b

Game: Find the owner.

Put some things into the teacher’s box. Then take something out of the box and find the owner. Using: Is this your eraser? Yes, it is. / No. it isn’t.

Step 2 Presentation

Section A 3. Make conversations about the things in the pictures in pairs.

eg. A: What’s this in English?

B: It’s a pen (an eraser).

A: How do you spell it?

B: P-E-N.

Step 3 Pratice

1. Show some pictures and teach some new words: baseball, watch, key, computer game, notebook, ring

2. Section B 1a Match he words with the things in the picture.

3. Section B 1b Pair work. Show some pictures on the screen. Talk about the things in the picture in pairs like this:

A: What’s this?

B: It’s a watch (an eraser/an English book/ an ID card/…).

A: How do you spell it?

B: W-A-T-C-H.


Step 4 Listening

Section B 2a 2b

Look at the words in activity 1a. Listen and circle the things you hear.

Listen again. This time, you will pay attention to who is looking for what. Then write down the names of things that Kelsey and Mike are looking for under each person’s picture. Play the recording for students to write the things in the chart.

Kelsey Mike


ID card pen


Step 5 Pair work.

Section B 2c Divide the class into pairs. Now ask about other students’ things. Student A, look at page86. Student B, look at page 82. Ask your partner about these things. Write the words in the chart on page 82.

Step 6 Exercises in class

Complete the conversation.

1. Teacher: Lucy, What’s this _____ English?

Lucy: Is it a pen?

Teacher: No, it ______. It’s a pencil.

Teacher: Tim. ________ that in English?

Tim: Is it _______ eraser?

Teacher: _______, it is. And what’s this, Nancy?

Nancy: Is it a _________?

Teacher: No, it’s not a book. It’s a __________. Is it your dictionary?

Nancy: Oh, yes. It’s _____ dictionary.

Teacher: Here you are.

Nancy: _______ ________.

2. A: Excuse me. ______________________?

B: It’s _________ watch. It’s _________ English watch.

A: __________________, too?

B: ________, ____________. It’s _______ eraser.

Step 7 Homework

1. Pair work. Make a dialogue with your partner, using some objects. You may do it like this:

A: Hello, Mary. Is this your “尺”?

B: Yes, it is.

A: Here you are.

B: Thank you.

A: By the way, what’s it in English?

B: It’s a ruler.

A: How do spell it?

B: R-U-L-E-R.

2. Activity. Draw three pictures about your classroom objects. Then ask your partner at least three questions.

eg. Is this a/an…?

What’s this in English?

Is this your…?

Can you spell…?

Step 8 The Design of the writing on the blackboard.

Unit2 Is this your pencil?

baseball What’s this in English?

watch It’s a pen (an eraser/an English book/ an ID card).

key How do you spell it?

computer game P-E-N.



The Third Period

Content: Section B 3a, 3b, 3c, 4/Self Check1, 2, 3

Teaching Aims:

1. How to write your own bulletin board messages.

2. Learn and master the following: numbers 0-9, call phone, lost and found.

3. Moral objects: If you find something that doesn’t belong to you, you take it to a Lost and Found Office. People can go to this office to get their lost things.

4. Work out problems using context.

Teaching Important Points;

1. Improve the students’ writing ability.

2. Get the students to know about the bulletin notices.

Teaching difficult Points:

Learn to write Lost & Found and Lost.

Teaching Aids:

a tape recorder, a computer

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Greetings and revision.

1. Greeting the whole class as usual.

2. Revision

Ask : What’s this/that in English?

How do you spell baseball?

Is this/that your pen? etc.

Step 2 Leading-in

Looking for a book.

T: Is this my book?

S: No, it isn’t.

T: Where’s my book? I like my book. But I can’t find it. What can I do?

Lost (write the word on the blackboard)

Then ask: Have ever picked anything? What do you do?

Found (write the word on the blackboard)

通过Lost & Fonnd来倡导“拾金不昧”的精神及价值观。

Step 3 reading

1. Section B3a. Read the bulletin board notices and circle the words from activity 1a. Check the answers (computer game, notebook, ID card, watch).

Learn the words and phrases: lost, found, call, call Mary at…, in the lost and found case, lost and found, a set of keys

Read the bulletin board notices again.

2. Section B 3b

Now let’s look at 3b. Put the pieces together to make a message. Then ask a student to copy the message on the blackboard. The rest copy it in their exercise books.


Found. A set of keys. Please call David at 529-6403.

Step 4 Writing

Section B 3c

1. Ask the students to write their own bulletin board messages.

2. Ask four students to read them in front of the class. Then ask two students to write their messages on the blackboard. The rest exchange their messages with a deskmate to correct each other’s work. Then correct mistakes on the blackboard if there are any.

Step 5 Groupwork.

We’ll play a game. Demonstrate how to play the game. Draw a small part of an item they’ve studied in class.

T: What’s this?

S: Is it a baseball?

T: No, it isn’t.

Draw a more part of the item.

S1: Is it a key?

T: Yes, it is.

Ask students to take turns of the vocabulary presented in this unit on the blackboard and ask: What’s this?

Students make a guess. See who can guess it within less guesses.

Divide the class into several groups. This way, several games can go on at the same time. They may draw pictures in their exercise books instead of on the blackboard.

Step 6 Just for Fun

Ask all the students to read the conversation. Ask: Why is the cartoon story funny? Guide the students to say: When the first man asks, how do you spell that? He really means “ How do you spell watch?” But the second man spells out the word T-H-A-T instead. Invite several pairs to act out the conversation in front of the classroom.

Step 7 Homework

1. Do Self check1-3.

2. Write your own bulletin board message.


Step 8 The Design of the writing on the blackboard.

Unit2 Is this your pencil?

call, phone, lost, found,

in the lost and found case, lost and found, a set of keys


A set of keys. Is it your key? Please call John at 345-9812.


My pencil case. It’s yellow. It’s new. Please call 668-7249.

The Fourth Period

Check the homework.

5.新目标英语七年级上期末总复习教案 篇五










































































































6.新目标英语七年级上期末总复习教案 篇六

()1. —______

—Fine, thank you.

A. How are you?B. Good afternoon.

C. Hello! D. Goodbye.

()2. —Whats his name?

—His name is ______.

A. Wangliqin B. wangliqin

C. Wang LiqinD. Wang LiQin

()3. —Whats your ______?


A. number telephone

B. telephone number

C. school number

D. number school

()4. His name is Jim Green. ______ is his first name.

A. JimB. Green

C. Green JimD. Jim Green

()5. —Is Mary your sister?

—Yes, she is ______ sister.

A. IB. meC. myD. mine

()6. —Are these his books?

—Yes, ______.

A. theyreB. they are

C. thesere D. these is

()7. The map is ______ the wall ______my room.

A. of; of B. on; on

C. of; onD. on; of

()8. I have ______ beautiful (漂亮的) pictures in my backpack.

A. lots ofB. a lots of

C. a lotD. lot of

()9. Are there ______ tomatoes on the table?

A. aB. anC. anyD. some

()10. Jack likes ______ volleyball very much.

A. playsB. playing

C. playD. play the

()11. There is ______ “o” in the word“mother” and ______ “u” in the word“uncle”.

A. an; anB. a; a

C. an; aD. an; the

()12. Whats this ______ Chinese?

A. atB. inC. toD. on

()13. —Does Dave play sports?

—No, he doesnt. He only ______them ______ TV.

A. watches; atB. looks; at

C. watches; onD. looks; on

()14. —Let ______ go to watch the match with us.

—Good idea (主意)!

A. sheB. himC. hisD. he

()15. Please call Mary ______ 623-2169.

A. inB. forC. onD. at

()16. Mrs. White is ______ mother.

A. Jims and Anns

B. Jims and AnnC. Jim and Ann

D. Jim and Anns

()17. —Lets play basketball together ( 一起).

—That ______ boring!

A. soundB. sounds

C. to soundD. sounding

()18. Thanks for ______ us!

A. helpB. helps

C. helpingD. to help

()19. —Do you have ______ football?

—No, I dont.

—OK, lets play ______ volleyball.

A. /; aB. a; /C. a; theD. /; /

()20. There ______ a pen and three books on the floor.

A. isB. areC. hasD. have

Ⅱ. 完形填空。(每小题1分,共20分)


Dear Lucy,

21you bring some things 22 school?

I23my football, my shoes, my CDs and a pen.

My football and CDs24on the desk. My25are on the floor, and my pen is on the bed.




()21. A. Do B. Are C. CanD. Is

()22. A. on B. to C. forD. in

()23. A. likeB. take

C. bringD. need

()24. A. is B. are C. have D. has

()25. A. shoes B. balls C. shoe D. ball


Mr. Hall is a rich (有钱的) man. He 26 many nice cars(小汽车) and beautiful houses (房子). But he is27happy because he is too fat (胖的). So he goes to see a doctor (医生). When the doctor sees28 , he asks Mr. Hall some questions.

“What do you like to 29 ?”

Mr. Hall answers, “I like eating all (所有 的) kinds of 30 , especially (特别是) meat (肉).”

“Then what 31 you often (经常) do after meals?” the doctor asks.

“Well,” 32 thinks for a moment, “sometimes (有时) I go to sleep (睡觉). Sometimes I sit down and watch TV.”

The doctor looks at him and says, “Now, the last (最后一个) question. Do you like 33 ?”

Mr. Hall answers, “I 34 like watching sports but never (从不)35sports. You know, it will make me tired (累的).”

The doctor says, “I know why you are so fat now.”

()26. A. have B. has

C. doesnt haveD. dont have

()27. A. very B. alsoC. not D. no

()28. A. he B. she C. him D. his

()29. A. do B. eatC. playD. look

()30. A. lunch B. food

C. dinner D. breakfast

()31. A. isB. areC. doD. does

()32. A. Mr. Hall B. the doctor

C. theyD. she

()33. A. fruit B. vegetable

C. sports D. club

()34. A. very B. also

C. not D. only

()35. A. go B. play C. playsD. does

Ⅲ. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分)


This is Lucy and that is Lily. They are twins. This is their bedroom. Its a nice room. The two beds look the same (一样的). This bed is Lilys and that one is Lucys. The twins like their beds. Lilys coat is on the chair. Their clock, books and pencil cases are on the only desk. Their schoolbags are behind the chairs. Lilys chair is red and Lucys is blue. Their bedroom is very clean.

()36. Lucy and Lily are ______.

A. sistersB. twinC. boys D. brothers

()37. Lucy and her sister have ______.

A. two chairs and one desk B. two chairs and two desks

C. one desk and one chairD. two desks and one chair

()38. Lilys chair is ______ and Lucys is ______.

A. red; black B. yellow; black

C. black; redD. red; blue

()39. Wheres Lilys coat?

A. Its on the chair.

B. Its on her bed.

C. Its on their desk.

D. Its on her sisters bed.

()40. Which one is right?

A. Their classroom is very nice. B. Their two beds look the same.

C. Their schoolbags are under the chairs. D. Their clock, coats and books are on the desk.


Most English people have three names: a first name, a middle name and the family name. Their family name comes last. For example, my full name (全名) is Jim Allan White. White is my family name. My parents gave me both of(两者都) my other names.

People dont use their middle names very often. So (因此) “John Henry Brown” is usually called (称作) “John Brown”. People never use Mr., Mrs. or Miss before their first names. So you can (可以) say John Brown, or Mr. Brown, but you should never (从来不) say Mr. John. They use Mr., Mrs. or Miss with the family name.

Sometimes (有时) people asks me about my name,“Why (为什么) do your parents call you Jim? Why do they choose (选择) that name for you?” The answer is they dont call me Jim. They call me James. James is the name of my grandfather. In England, people usually call me Jim for short. Thats because (因为) it is shorter (更短的) and easier than James.

()41. Most English people have ______names.

A. oneB. two C. three D. four

()42. ______ is Jim Allan Whites family name.

A. JimB. WhiteC. Green D. James

()43. English people use Mr. Mrs.,or Miss.with ______.

A. the family nameB. the middle name

C. the first name

D. the first name and the middle name

()44. The teachers name is Mary Joan Shute. Her students call her ______.

A. Miss JoanB. Miss Mary

C. Miss Mary JoanD. Miss Shute

()45. People usually call the writer (作者)Jim instead of (代替) James because______.

A. he likes this name

B. its easy to remember (记住)

C. it sounds more beautiful

D. its the name of his grandfather


Tina is a beautiful girl. She lives (居住) in Shanghai. She is a student in No. 6 Middle School.

Tina gets up (起来) at six in the morning. She often has hamburgers for breakfast. After breakfast she goes to school. She likes tomatoes and chicken for lunch.

After school she often plays tennis with her friends. Sometimes they play volleyball. She comes home at five. She has supper with her parents at seven.

At eight in the evening she does her homework (家庭作业). She goes to bed at ten.

()46. Tina lives in ______.

A. LondonB. Shanghai

C. Nanjing D. Beijing

()47. Tina gets up at ______.

A. 6:00 B. 6:10C. 6:30D. 7:00

()48. She often has ______ for breakfast.

A. hamburgersB. chicken

C. tomatoes D. eggs

()49. After breakfast she ______.

A. goes to work B. plays volleyball

C. goes to school

D. does her homework

()50. After school she often plays tennis with ______.

A. her friends B. her brother

C. her sister D. her parents

Ⅳ. 阅读理解填词。(每小题1.5分, 共15分)

Mr. and Mrs. Brown have a son and a d 51 . Their n 52 are David and Jane. They live in a big h 53 . There are three r 54 in the house. The big room is for Mr. and Mrs. Brown. The small rooms are Davids and Janes. This is Davids room. There are nine s 55 balls and five basketballs. They are u 56 the bed. David likes sports. He p 57 with his friends e 58 day. That is Janes room. Its a nice room. There are many books on the d 59 and there is a p 60 on the wall (墙).

51. d______ 52. n______53. h______54. r______ 55. s______56. u______ 57. p______ 58. e______ 59. d______ 60. p______

Ⅴ. 书面表达。(15分)



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Hobby (爱好): Play ping-pong



e-mail: sally@yahoo.com.cn

QQ number:864503425

School: No. 2 Middle School







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