


1.雅思小作文典型题目 篇一

1、从图形的类别上看,有以下4+1 种题型:

Line chart/graph 线形图

Pie chart 饼状图

Bar chart 柱状图

Table 表格题

Mixed graphs 混合类图表,即以上四种数据类图表的任意两者相结合





首先,你需要努力一下了,尽快让自己具备楼上童鞋的心态。其次,我悄悄地告诉你,其实“题型”还可以少一点——2+1 种足够了。

( 一) 动态类图表作文写作

题库真题 1

The graph below shows the consumption of fish and some different kinds of meat in a European country between 1979 and .Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, anc make comparisons where relevant.


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Write at least 150 words.

2.雅思小作文典型题目 篇二

Dear Ms Barnes,

I am writing concerning (关于) the position of Assistant Office Manager that I am due to begin (应该接任) next Monday. I am afraid to inform you that a problem has arisen.

As you know, I currently work for my uncle's food-packing business, and you will remember from my interview that I have gained valuable experience there.

Unfortunately, he has had to go into hospital for an operation, leaving my aunt in charge of (负责) both the home and the business. She has asked me, as this is a particularly busy time of year, to stay on and help her with the running of the office.

I realise this will be inconvenient to you, but very much hope that, given the circumstances (鉴于这种情况), you would be prepared to allow me to take up (开始从事) my position with you two weeks later than planned.

I would like to emphasise that I remain very keen (渴望的) to work with you, and that I will be gaining further useful experience during this time.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

John Forbes

【分析】通过分析上面这篇雅思范文的结构,我们可以看出写道歉信的主要思路:总述—陈述原因—提出措施—结尾。由于这封信是写给未来雇主的,因此文体相对来说比较正式。在第一段的总述中,范文使用了句型I am writing concerning ...开门见山地说明写信的缘由,其中的concerning为介词,表示“关于”,相当于about。后面定语从句中的due to do sth.在此表示“应该做某事”。紧接着范文用I am afraid to inform you that表示转折,说明下周一无法按时接任助理一职。第二、三段开始陈述原因。范文用了unfortunately来衔接这两段,紧接着又用了现在分词短语leaving my aunt in charge of both the home and the business和as引导的原因状语从句来说明客观情况,同时也表明自己这么做也是情势所迫。第四段提出措施,作者用了very much hope that和较为正式的虚拟语气you would be prepared to来表示自己的诚恳态度。除了这个句型外,我们还可以用表示委婉和礼貌的句型could you please ...或I wonder if ...来表示请求。为了表示自己对这份工作的渴望和对未来雇主的歉意,范文第五段再次表示了自己的态度和诚意。最后作者用了期待对方回信最常用的句型I look forward to ...来结尾。通篇思路清晰,一气呵成。


你给英国朋友Chris写一封信,内容包括:1. 你们原计划7月份一同去云南旅游;2. 由于脚部受伤,你无法按原计划前往;3. 表达你的歉意并建议将旅行推迟到8月份。

注意:1. 词数不少于50。2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。


总述:开头段我们可以使用上面范文中的“I am writing concerning/about ...”。根据内容要点1和2可知,写信的内容是自己本计划在7月和朋友一起去云南旅游,结果由于扭伤脚踝,现在无法按原计划去了。此处可以借鉴雅思范文,先用I am afraid to inform you that引出问题,紧接着再简单介绍一下原因。

陈述原因:接下来可以具体陈述原因,比如“原以为自己能很快康复(recover),但是不得不去医院做手术”。我们可以借用范文里的分词短语,比如“自己的缺席造成没人负责朋友的旅游”就可以表达为leaving nobody in charge of your trip。

提出措施:根据内容要点3可知,措施就是“将旅行推迟到8月份”,此时可以用范文里比较委婉和诚恳的句型“I realise that this will be inconvenient for you, but very much hope that, given the circumstances, you would be prepared to ...”,也可以用I wonder if ...等相对简单的句型。范文第五段进一步表明了自己的态度,有能力的同学也可以发挥想象,比如“我非常希望和你一起去云南,届时我一定会为你安排一趟舒适的旅行”。



Dear Chris,

I am writing concerning the visit to Yunnan that we are due to begin in July. I am afraid to inform you that a problem has arisen. I had an accident and fell and sprained my ankle.

At first, I thought I would recover quickly if I just stayed at home. However, I have had to go into hospital for an operation, leaving nobody in charge of your trip.

I realise that this will be inconvenient for you, but very much hope that, given the circumstances, you would be prepared to allow me to go to Yunnan with you four weeks later than planned.

Please accept my apology for the delay and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am organizing a trip for a group of students to pay a visit to the historical exhibition in your town. I am writing this letter to enquire (询问) about the following. First of all, what is the size of the exhibition, what is its theme and what objects are on display (参展物品)? Secondly, when will the exhibition be held and what are the daily opening hours (每日的营业时间)?

I must point out that I hope to bring some students over (说服) to the exhibition, so I would like to enquire if there is any discount available on entrance tickets (入场券) for students. I look forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully,

Li Ming

【分析】上面这篇范文是一篇典型的咨询信。咨询信的写作基本思路是:表明写信缘由—概括咨询内容—展开咨询事项—结尾。首先需要写清个人的基本情况,即“我”正在进行某项活动,在这项活动中产生了咨询的需要。接着需要对咨询的内容进行概括,范文中用到的句型I am writing this letter to enquire about ...比较常用,大家可以积累下来。接下来详细说明咨询的事项,如果不止一条,需要用firstly、secondly等表示次序的词标记清楚。在范文中,由what和when引导的五个疑问句分别对规模、主题、参展物品、参展日期和营业时间等要素进行了提问。如果需要对某方面进行强调,则可以另起一段,如范文中用point out表示强调,同时与文章首句相互呼应。之后范文使用了I would like to enquire if ...句型,对打折情况进行询问。结尾对咨询结果表示期待,给人以行文圆满之感。



注意:1. 词数100左右。2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3. 参考词汇:住宿—accommodation




展开咨询事项:通过分析可知,真题和范文的相同之处在于二者都涉及了size、date、daily hours,所以我们在写作时可以参考范文中的五个疑问句句式。需要注意的是,我们需将daily opening hours改为daily learning hours,虽然题目要求问的是每周的课时数(how many hours of learning per week),但每天的课时数与每周课时数可以换算,而且形式上更加简练。最后的type of accommodation,我们可以发挥想象,比如最便宜的宿舍。此外,大家如果想强调某方面或某几方面,可以套用范文里的I should point out that I hope to ...句型。比如想强调住宿费用要尽可能低,就可以说成:I should point out that I hope to spend as little as possible on accommodation. 句中除了使用了spend ... on ...的结构,还使用了as ... as结构,使行文更加生动,同时避免落入使用the cheapest的俗套。



Dear Sir or Madam,

I am planning to attend a six-week English training course in Britain this summer. I am writing this letter to enquire about the following.

First of all, what is the size of the class? Secondly, what are the start dates of the courses and what are the daily learning hours? What about the fees?

I should point out that I hope to spend as little as possible on accommodation, so I would like to enquire if there is any discount available and what the requirements are.

I look forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully,

Li Hua



3.雅思小作文典型题目 篇三


Undoubtedly, children benefit a lot from reading and storytelling, such as accumulating vocabulary, expanding outlook, and even acquiring desirable traits from the figures in book. But, the problem is whether it is better for children to read independently from various sources or to read with parents’ company.

Admittedly, it is essential for children to nurture the ability to study and acquire information independently through reading. With freedom and full control of what they are exposed to, children will be more confident and self reliant. When coming across new vocabulary or paragraph that is challenging to comprehend, they need to be more intellectually involved and even do some research by themselves, such as looking up in the dictionary or asking Google. This process is contributive to children’s development of problem solving ability and cognitive competence. In a word, the independent reading rewards children with more confidence and capability.

However, parents’ role in children’s reading is also indispensable. At least, it is of great significance for parents to be selective and supervise what their children are reading. Also, children will unavoidably encounter something they can hardly understand by themselves. At this time, parents can assist them by giving detailed explanation and background introduction. Moreover, while reading together, parents are supposed to encourage children to think more creatively and critically through discussion on the story, such as the plot and figures’ personalities. With parents’ support, children surely benefit more from one book or simply one piece of story.

To sum up, children should be encouraged to read independently, while parents play the role of supervisor and instructor.

Some people think it is important for parents to spend time reading or telling stories to children, while others think children can read through a variety of sources, such as books, TV and the Internet by themselves. Discuss these views and give your own opinion.









4.雅思作文教育类常考题目汇总 篇四

1.Some people think university education should prepare students for employment while others think it should help students acquire theoretical knowledge.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.一些人认为大学教育应该帮助学生为就业做准备,而另一些人则认为大学教育应该帮助学生获取理论知识。讨论这两种观点并给出你自己的观点。(目的)

2.Students from rural areas often find it hard to access university education.Some people think universities should make it easy for them to study at.To what extent do you agree or disagree.农村地区的学生往往难以获得大学教育的机会。一些人认为大学应该让这些学生更容易适应大学学习。多大程度上你同意或者不同意这种说法。(难)

3.Students at schools and universities learn more from lessons with teachers than from other sources(such as the Internet or television).To what extent do you agree or disagree.相比其他途径(比如网络和电视),在学校或大学的学生们会从教师的课程中学到更多东西。多大程度上你同意或者不同意这种观点。(途径)

4.Some people believe that students should take a wide range of courses.However, others believe that students should focus on the subject that they are good at or they are interested in.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.一些人认为学生应该广泛的学习各种不同的课程。可是其他人则认为学生应该集中学习他们擅长或者感兴趣的课程。请讨论这两种观点并给出你的意见。(内容)

5.Children is an important task for nations.It is suggested that all mothers and fathers should be required to take childcare training courses.To what extent do you agree or disagree.育儿问题是各国的重要任务。有人建议所有的家长都需要接受关于育儿的培训课程。你在何种程度上赞同或不赞同这种建议。

6.More and more students choose to go to another country for higher education.Do you think the benefits outweigh the problems associated with it?


7.some people think children should learn to compete,but others think that children should be taught to cooperate.Express some reasons for both views and give your own opinion.一些人认为儿童应学会竞争,但是其他人则认为我们应教会儿童如何合作。阐述这两种观点的理由并给出你的意见。

8.Many young people leave school with a negative attitude.Why does this happen? What do you think can encourage young people to have a positive attitude?

5.雅思作文小作文词汇 篇五

live on/by…靠…生活,以…为食

refer to…参考…,查阅…,涉及…,提到…

serve as…用做…

take for把……认为是…,把……看成是…

think over仔细考虑

depend on…取决于…

devote to…奉献…,致力于…

engage in…从事于…,忙着…

insist on…坚持…

look forward to…盼望…,期待…

have something to do with…和…有点关系

have nothing to do with…和…毫无关系

be fed up with…对…感到厌烦


think of...as…把…看做是…

be abundant in…富于…,富有…

be accustomed to习惯于

be aware of…意识到…

be based on…根据…,以…为基础

be characterized by…以…为特征

be composed of…由…组成

be concerned about…关心…,挂念…

be determined to do something决心做…

be equal to…等于…

be free from没有……的,不受……影响

be identified as…被认为是…

be known as被称做……,以……著称

be known to为……所熟知

be popular with…受……欢迎

be prepared for对……做好准备

be regarded as被认为是…,被当做是…

be satisfied with对……满意,满足于…

be second to…次于…

6.雅思小作文 篇六


some worldwide sports competitions could improve the comprehensive state power. However, other as opponents claim that to spend money on children to take part in sports activities would be better than support these competitors. To a certain extent, I agree with these opponents, with some reservations. I aim at discussing both side of the issue and put up my opinion.

On the one hand, it has well accepted that participating in more sports activities could improve the health of children. However, nowadays, most of young generation locks physical excises and are reluctant to take part in sports. Accordingly, every country should implement pohueg to encourage and support children sports activities. For example, the government can build more sports fwl,t,eg fitting for children or set up scholarship for these positive young sport participants. Consequently, when the government could spend more and more money on the children sports activities, the more benefits under the policies would address to children.

On the other hand, spending a huge amount of money on supporting these professional competitors would encourage young children to take part in the sports. First of all, if a country has a huge expenditure on world wild professional competitions, this would directly encourage young children to be interested in sports and hope to be a professional sportsman. Besides, young people would be encouraged to take part in the sports activities, when they can find that has been supported by their country. Thus, under a certain extent, I agree with these advocates to spend money on these professional sportsmen, however the range of supporting should be controlled.

7.雅思小作文实用小技巧6则 篇七







8.雅思小作文万能小结 篇八



首先是Task Response(任务的完成情况):在这个方面最重要的是字数和审题。所以练习速度至关重要,考前一定要有限时写作的体验。审题方面,一定要看清题目的 问题(包括到底有几个问题,问题是辩论式的还是论说式的,辩论焦点是什么),可以把历年考题拿出来做专门的审题训练。一定要注意,千万不能跑题,字数一定 要超过250字,否则只有拿低分的命运了。

接下来是Coherence and Cohesion(文章的连贯性):段落划分和连接词训练。在段落方面,一定要用符合英美写作习惯的topic sentence + supporting details的方式来写作,连接词方面,以下给同学们例举一些常用linkers:

开始:currently, at present, initially, to begin with

承接:besides, in addition, moreover, meanwhile

转折:however, whereas, while, on the other hand

表示结论:in conclusion, to sum up, overall

表示原因:because(of), accordingly, due to, owing to, since

表达观点:in my opinion, personally

举例说明:for example, for instance, such as„

表示让步:although, despite , regardless of


最后是Lexical Resource(词汇的多样性)和Grammatical Range and Accuracy(语法句式的准确性和多样性):这两点都与考生的英语基本功有关,短期内很难有实质性突破。很多考生采取背单词和看语法书的方法,但因为 非常枯燥也坚持不了多久且没有什么成效。这里给大家的建议是第一,通过作文习作并让有经验的老师批改,找出属于自己的在语法和词汇方面的问题,发现一个问 题解决一个问题,并在老师的指导下配合相关的有针对性的语法和词汇学习。第二,一定要摈弃用“大词”、“难句”的强迫心态。

9.雅思图表小作文分析 篇九

2.2015年10月31日Some people think people working in creative arts should be financially supported by government. Others think they should find financial support from other resources. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

3.2016年4月16日When new towns are planned, it is important to build more public parks or sports facilities than shopping centers for people to spend their free time. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

4.2016年4月2日 Multicultural societies, where people of different groups live together, can bring more benefits than drawbacks to a country. To what extent do you agree and disagree?

★ 雅思大作文和阅读失分分析

★ 雅思口语Part1重要性分析

★ 教育案例分析

★ 教育叙事分析

★ 贵学教育雅思班怎么样?

★ 雅思写作常考话题分析

★ 雅思作文

★ 雅思经典作文

★ 幼儿个案分析及教育

10.雅思G类小作文 篇十

You have recently made a purchase from the local department store. However, when you arrived home, you found a faultwith it. Write a letter to the manager, say what the product is, explain the problem and say what you’d like to be done about it.(投诉信)


Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m writing to complain about the recent purchase of a woolensweater from your department store on Philip Street, on August 25, .


我写此信是要就我 8月25日从你们在菲利普大街上的商店里购买的一件羊毛衫进行投诉的。

I recently washed the sweater in cool water, as per the instructions on the label. However, when I removed it from the machine, the garment was stretchedout of shape and no longer fits.


I phoned the store last Tuesday (June 21) and spoke to the department manager, a Mr. Morris, who was rather rude on the phone and informed me that I could not get a replacement sweater as it was purchased at a reduced price. I felt really upset, for I have been a loyal customer of your store for many years and until this incident, never have had any complaints. I, therefore, feel disappointed to be treated in such a manner.


I would, however, be perfectlysatisfied if you would kindly replace the sweater or refund my money, whichever is more convenient.


I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours truly,

Kenny Gao



11.雅思小作文 篇十一


The chart depicts (that)…该图呈现出… The chart shows (that)…

The figures/statistics show (that)… The diagram reveals … The chart illustrates (that)… 六分表达:

The graph provides some interesting data regarding…该图为我们提供了有关…有趣数据.

The graph describes the trend of …这个图描述了…的趋势

As is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the chart/diagram/chart/table…如图所示… According to the chart …根据这些表格… As is shown in the table…如图所示…

This table shows the changing proportion of A and B from … to …该表格描述了…年到…年之间A与B的比例关系.

This graph,presented in the chart,shows the general trend in…该图呈现了…总的趋势.

As can be seen from the graph, the two graphs show the flutuation of…如图所示,两条曲线描述了…的波动情况. 高分表达:

From the table/chart/diagram/figure,we can see clearly that…从图表中我们可以很清楚的看到…
