


1.英语单词词根词缀词典 篇一


说明:* 表示重要;在重音模式标注中,一个“-”代表一个音节。

1. *a- [Latin] 1) see ab-

[Greek] 2) not, without [an- before a vowel]: amoral, anarchy, acentric, asocial, apolitical, anarchism

[English] 3) at, on, in, intensive: aback, afloat, abed, ablaze, aloud, asleep, abreast

2. *ab- away [a- before m, p, v; abs- before c, t]: abdicate, abduct, abjure, abominable, avert, abstract, absorb, abnormal, abuse, abaxial

3. *–ability n. of adj. ending in –able: stability, changeability, adaptability(重音a’bility)/[biliti/

4. *–able [often -ible after t, s]1) that can ~: perishable, changeable, adaptable 2) that can be ~ed: provable, expendable, readable, irresistible 3) full of ~: knowledgeable 4) [added to stems]: capable, probable(通常不影响重音,但’reconcile→irrecon’cilable)

5. *-ably adv. of adj. ending in –able: peaceably, comfortably, suitably (通常不影响重音)

6. *ac- see ad-

7. *–ac 1) characteristic of: elegiac, demoniac 2) of, relating to: cardiac 3) affected by, having: maniac (both adj. and n.) (重音’- - ac)/Ak/

8. –acal =-ac adj. maniacal (重音’- acal)/[k[l/

9. acantho- thorn [acanth- before a vowel]: acanthoid

10. –acea用于动物纲名、目名: Crustacea(重音’acea)/eiFi[/

11. –acean 1) adj. of words ending in –acea or –acea (=aceous) 2) a member of the stated category: Crustacean(重音’acean)/eiFi[n/

12. –aceae 用于植物科名: Pinaceae (重音’aceae)/eisii:/

13. –aceous 1) adj. of words ending in –acea or –acea: Crustaceous 2) adj. [added to stems]: curvaceous, herbaceous (重音’aceous)/eisi[s/

14. –acerb- bitter, violent: acerbic, acerbity, exacerbate

15. aceto- 醋酸 [acet- before a vowel]: acetic, acetate

16. *–acious adj. characterized by, inclined to, full of: tenacious, fallacious, rapacious, sagacious, veracious (重音’acious)/eiFi[s/

17. *–acity n. of words ending in –acious: tenacity, sagacity, rapacity, veracity (重音’acity) /Asiti/

18. *–acle n. thing: spectacle, obstacle, manacle, tentacle, pentacle (不影响重音)

19. acou- listen: acoustic, acouophone

20. acri- sour, sharp: acrimonious, acrimony

21. *acro- 1) pointed: acrocephaly 2) topmost: acronym, acrobat, acrophobia

22. actino- of rays: actinotherapy, actinogram

23. acu-, acut- sharp: acute, acupuncture, acumen

24. *–acy n. [esp. of adj. ending in –ate] quality, position, condition: accuracy, obstinacy, determinacy, privacy, intimacy (不影响重音)

25. *ad- motion towards, addition to, nearness to, intensive

[ab- before b]: abbreviate

[ac- before c, k, qu]: acquit, accept, accustom, account, accredit, accompany

[af- before f]: afforest, affright, affix, affirm

[ag- before g]: aggravate, aggression, aggrandize

[al- before l]: alleviate, allude

[an- before n]: annotate, annex, announce

[ap- before p]: appoint, appropriate, appraise, appease

[ar- before r]: arrest, arrive, arrange, arrear

[as- before s]: assess, assault, assimilate, assure, associate

[at-before t]: attire, attest, attune, attract

[a- before sc, sp, st]: ascend, aspire, astringent

[ad- before h, j, m, v] admonish, adhere, adjacent, advertise, adjust, admixture, adventure

26. –ad [Greek] 1) the name of certain collective numerals: dyad, monad 2) the title of any of certain poems: Iliad 3) any of certain plants: cycad

[Latin] 4) adv. towards, in the direction of: caudad (不影响重音)

27. *–ade 1) the act of ~ing: blockade 2) result or product: arcade 3) participants in an action: brigade 4) drink made from: lemonade (重音: ‘ade)/eid/

28. adeno- gland or glands [aden- before a vowel]: adenoma, adenoid

29. adip- fat: adipose

30. *aer-, aeri-, aero- air: aerate, aerogram, aerospace, aerosphere, airy, aerial, aerodrome, aerolith, aerial, aerify, aerology

31. *af- see ad-

32. *Afro- African: Afro-American

33. *after- coming behind or later: aftertaste, aftermath, aftercare, afterlife

34. *ag- see ad-

35. *–ag-, -ig-, -agit- (frequentative), -act- do, drive, make: agent, agenda, activate, agitate, enact, actual, activism, activity, counteract, exact, exacting, inactive, inaction, interact, react, transact, agency, agile, agility, litigate, navigate

36. *–age n. 1) action, condition, or result of: marriage, cleavage, usage, shrinkage 2) amount or number of: acreage, mileage, percentage 3) cost of: postage, freightage, wharfage 4) place of: steerage, village, anchorage 5) collection of: peerage, package, wrappage 6) home of: hermitage, orphanage 7) loan words from French: savage, voyage (不影响重音)

37. –agog-, -agogue 1) leader: demagogue 2) a substance that induces the secretion of: galactagogue (重音’- agogue)

38. –agon- contend agony, agonize, antagonist, protagonist

39. *agri-, agro- [agr- before a vowel] field: agriculture, agrarian, agrology, agricorporation, agronomy, agrobiology, agro-town, agrestic, agrochemicals

40. –ain n. 1) person: villain, captain, chieftain 2) thing: quatrain (不影响重音)

41. *–aire n. 1) person: millionaire, doctrinaire 2) thing: questionnaire (重音’aire)/Z[/

42. *al- [Arabic] 1) used in words of Arabic origin: algebra, alchemy

[Latin] 2) see ad-

43. *–al 1) adj. of, like, or suitable for: hysterical, theatrical, personal, national, natural, exceptional 2) n. the act or process of: arrival, rehearsal, recital, appraisal, overthrowal 3) 醛: furfural 4) 巴比土酸盐: barbital (重音:一般不影响重音,但如果前面拼写是双辅音或发音是双元音,重音则为’ – al; 另外,若前面为ic,则重音为’ - ical)

44. alacri- quick: alacrity

45. alb- white: albino, album, albumen

46. –algia pain: odontalgia, nostalgia, neuralgia (重音’algia)/AldVi[/

47. ali- another, other: alias, alibi, alien

48. *–ality: n. of adj. ending in –al: mentality, morality, logicality, formality, technicality (重音’ality)/Aliti/

49. *–ally adv. of adj. ending in –al: actually, politically, climaticaaly, heroicaaly, conditionally

50. *-alter- the other: adultery, adulterate, alternate, alternative

51. *–alt- high: altitude, exalt, alto, altar, altimeter, altimetry, altocumulus

52. *–am-, -amor-, -amat- love: amity, amorous, amatory, amour, paramour, amateur, amateurish

53. *ambi- both, around: ambidextrous, ambience

54. *–ambul- walk: ambulance, preamble, somnambulism, ambulant, perambulate, ambulate, noctambulant

55. –amen- as one wishes: amenity, amenable

56. –amic- friend: amicable

57. amphi- two: amphibian, amphitheater

58. –ampl- large: ample, amplify, amplifier

59. amylo- 淀粉: amyloid

60. *an- 1) see a- 2) see ad-

61. *–an n. and adj. 1) (one) belonging to or having some relation to: diocesan 2) (one) born in or living in: Mexican, African, European 3) (one) believing in or following: Lutheran, Mohammedan (通常不影响重音,但’ean /i:[n/)

62. *ana- 1) up, upward: anadromous 2) back, backward: anagram 3) again: Anabaptist 4) throughout: analysis 5) according to, similar to: analogy

63. *–ana sayings, writings, anecdotes, facts, or objects of: Americana, Victoriana (重音’ana)/ana/

64. *–ance n. 1) the act or process of: discontinuance, resistance, attendance, guidance 2) the quality or state of being: forbearance, vigilance 3) a thing that ~s: hindrance 4): a thing that is ~ed: utterance (通常重音’ - - ance,但如果前面拼写是双辅音或发音是双元音,重音则为’- ance)

65. –ancill- maidservant: ancillary

66. *–ancy =ance [but different words may take different endings]: buoyancy, expectancy, occupancy, conservancy, elegancy, militancy (通常重音’ - - ancy,但如果原词末尾发音是双辅音或双元音,重音则为’- ancy)

67. –and see -end

68. *–andr- male, man: polyandry, androgynous, android

69. –androus having the stated number of stamens: monandrous

70. –ane 1) 饱和烃: methane, ethane 2) 某些环状化合物: cyclohexane

71. *–aneity n. of adj. ending in –aneous: spontaneity, spontaneity, contemporaneity (重音’eity)/i:[ti/

72. *–aneous adj. of a certain quality: extraneous, spontaneous, instantaneous, miscellaneous (重音’aneous)/eini[s/

73. angio- blood vessel: angiomatosis

74. *Anglo- Britain: anglophile, Anglophobia, Anglo-American

75. *–anim- 1) spirit, breath, life, mind: animal, animate, inanimate, animism, unanimous, magnanimous, longanimity, exanimate, reanimate, animated 2) hostility: animosity

76. *–ann-, -enn- year: annual, annuity, biannual (twice a year), annals, anniversary, annalist, annuity, annuitant, superannuate, biennial (once very two years), perennial, millennium

77. *-ant [adj. or n. of n. ending in –ance or –ancy] 1) adj. that has, shows or does: defiant, radiant, vigilant, determinant, assistant, repentant 2) n. a person or thing that: occupant, accountant, insurant, informant, coolant, stimulant (通常重音’ - - ant,但如果前面拼写是双辅音或发音是双元音,重音则为’- ant)

78. *ante- before, in front of: anteroom, antecedent, antenatal

79. –anth- flower: anthology, chrysanthemum

80. *-anthrop- humankind: anthropology, philanthropist, paleoanthropology, anthropoid, misanthropy, anthropotomy

81. *anti- [ant- before a vowel] against, the opposite: Antarctica, antibiotic, antihero, antiwar

82. api- bee: apiary

83. apo- [ap- before a vowel or h] away from: apogee, apology, apostasy, aphelion

84. –apt- fit, suitable: aptitude, adapt

85. *–aqua-, -aque- water: aquarium, aqueous, aquatic, aqualung, aqueduct, aquiferous

86. aquil- eagle: aquiline

87. *–ar 1) adj. of, relating to, like, of the nature of: singular, polar,similar, insular, nuclear 2) n. the agent of a particular action =-er: registrar, scholar, beggar, liar, pedlar (不影响重音)

88. –arbitr- judge: arbitrate, arbitrary

89. arc- arch: arcade

90. *arch- chief: archenemy, archbishop

91. *–arch- rule, ruler: monarch, monarchy, anarchy, autarchy, gynarchy, oligarchy, patriarchy, matriarch, plutarchy

92. archaeo-, archeo- ancient: archeology, archeologist

93. -ard-, -ars- burn: ardent, ardor, arson

94. *–ard, -art person or thing [often derog.]: braggart, tankard, drunkard, laggard, Spaniard, coward, wizard (不影响重音)

95. *–arian n. or adj.1) (one) characterized by or having: octogenarian, centenarian 2) (one) believing in: Unitarian, utilitarian, vegetarian 3) (one) associated with: antiquarian, agrairian(重音’arian)/e[ri[n/

96. *–arium place or container: aquarium, planetarium, sanitarium, ovarium (重音’arium)/e[ri[m/

97. *-arm- arms: armament, armistice

98. *-art- art, skill: artifice, artifact, artisan

99. arteri- of artery: arteriosclerosis

100. arthr- of joints: arthritis

101. –articul- joint: articulate, articulation

102. *–ary: 1) adj. relating to, connected with: ordinary, contemporary, military, urinary, imaginary, elementary 2) n. a person or thing connected with: adversary, dictionary, secretary, notary, missionary, dignitary (通常重音British: ‘- - ary, American: ‘- - ‘ary, 但如果前面拼写是双辅音或发音是双元音,重音则为’ - ary)

103. –ase enzyme: amylase /eis/

104. –asper- rough: asperity, exasperate

105. –ast person (corresponding to words ending in -asm): enthusiast, gymnast(重音’- - ast)

106. *–aster-, -astr- star: asteroid, disaster, astronomer, astrology, astrodog, astronaut, astrophysics, astral, asterisk, asteroid

107. –aster person of the stated kind (derog.): poetaster, medicaster, philosophaster

108. *–ate v. 1) to become: evaporate, maturate 2) to cause to become: invalidate, rejuvenate, differentiate 3) to form or produce: ulcerate 4) to provide or treat with: vaccinate, hypenate 5) to out in the form of, or form by means of: delineate 6) to arrange for: orchestrate 7) to combine, infuse or treat with: oxygenate (通常重音’- - ate /eit/)

109. *–ate adj. 1) of or characteristic of: collegiate, corporate, roseate 2) having or filed with: passionate, proportionate, affectionate 3) roughly corresponding to p.p ending in –ed animate, determinate (通常重音’- - ate /it/)

110. *-ate n. an office, function, agent, official or group of officials: potentate, directorate, advocate, candidate 2) the land, territory, or dominion of: priorate, sultanate 3) a person or thing that is the object of: legate, mandate 4) [in chemistry] slat made from any of certain acides with names ending in –ic: nitrate, carbonate, borate 5) [in chemistry] a result of some process: distillate (通常重音’- - ate /it/)

111. –athlon an sports event or activity for collecting money: decathlon, talkathlon

112. *–atic adj. of n. ending in –ate, -cy, -m or after a root: climatic, ecstatic, aquatic, systematic (重音’atic)/Atik/

113. *–ation n. of v. ending in –ate or –te [action, condition or result]: animation, invitation, variation, quotation, examination (重音’ation)/eiF[n/

114. *–ative adj. of n. ending in –ation: speculative, illustrative (重音与原动词同,但如果前面拼写是双辅音或发音是双元音,重音则为’ - ative)

115. *–ator doer: educator, instigator (重音与原动词同)

116. *-atory 1) adj. of some n. ending in –ation: explanatory, derogatory, preparatory 2) n. place: conservatory, laboratory, lavatory (通常重音英音’ - atory,美音’ – a’tory;英音la’boratory,美音’labora’tory )

117. atmo- air: atmosphere

118. -atroc- cruel: atrocity, atrocious

119. atropho- atrophy: atrophoderma

120. –audac- bold: audacity, audacious

121. *–audi-, -audit-, audio- listen: audio, audit, audition, auditorium, audible, inaudible, auditor, audiometer, audiology, audiovisuals

122. *–aug-, -auct- increase: augment, auction, auctioneer

123. *–augur- sign, herald: augury, inaugurate, augural, inauguration

124. aur- ear: auricle, auricular

125. *Austro- Austrian: Austro-Hungarian

126. *–author- right, author: authoritative, authorship, authority, authorize, unauthorized

127. *auto- [aut- before a vowel] self: autism, autograph, autobiography, autarchy

128. –auxili- help: auxiliary

129. –avi- bird, flight: aviation, aviator, avian, aviary, aviculture

130. –avuncul- uncle: avuncular

131. *back- backward: backslide, backfire, backpedal, backdate

132. bacteri- bacteria: bactericide

133. -barbar- savage: barbarous, barbarism, barbaric

134. baro- pressure: barometer, barometric, baroscope, isobar

135. –bas- low: abase, basement, debase

136. basi-, baso- of the base, of alkalis: basophilia

137. *–bat- beat, strike: battle, combatant, noncombatant, combat, battle

138. bathy- deep, sea: bathysphere

139. *be- 1) treat in the stated way [added to n. and adj.]: befriend, belittle, becalm, befool 2) around: besiege, beset 3) furnish with, cover with: besprinkle, becloud, bedew 4) wearing: bespectacled, bewhiskered 5) completely, thoroughly: bedeck, besmear 6) away: bereave, betake, behead 7) about [added to other verbs, making them into vt.]: bethink, bemoan, befall

140. beat- happy: beatific, beatitude

141. *–bel-, -bell- war, fight: rebel, rebellious, bellicose, belligerent

142. *bene- well, good: benediction, benefactor, benefit, benevolent

143. benzo- 苯: benzene

144. *bi- two: bicycle, binary, bilingual, biweekly

145. *–bi-, -bio- life: biology, biography, amphibian, autobiography, biotic, antibiotic, biosphere, biochemistry, bioclean, bioelectricity

146. bili- of bile: bilirubin

147. *biblio- book: bibliography, bibliophile, bibliomania, Bible

148. blasto- 胚,芽: blastoderm

149. *-bon- [positive] good; -melior- [comparative] better; -optim- [superlative] best: bonus, ameliorate, optimist, optimize

150. *–bound: 1) kept in the stated condition: snowbound 2) moving in the stated direction: westbound (不影响重音)

151. brachy- short: brachydont

152. –brad-, -bras- scrape: abrade, abrasive

153. –brady- slow: bradycardia

154. –brev- short: brief, abbreviate, brevity, debrief, breviary

155. bronch- 气管: bronchitis

156. *by- of less importance: byproduct, bypass, byroad, byname

157. *caco- bad, ugly: cacophony

158. *–cad-, -cid-, -cas- fall: cadence, occasion, accident, incident, decadence, coincide, casual, casualty, occident, incidental, coincidence, deciduous

159. –calci- calcium: calcify, calcine

160. –calcul- calculate: calculation

161. –calor- heat: calorie, calorify, calorific, calorimeter

162. can- dog: canine

163. *–cant-, -cent- song, sing: canto, incantation, decant, accent

164. –cap-, -capac- contain: capable, capacity

165. *–capt-, -cept-, -ceive-, -ceipt-, -ceit-, -cip-, -cipi- take: captive, accept, deceive, deception, recipient, anticipate, conceivable, incipient, receipt, deceit, conceit, interception, incept

166. *–capit- head: capital, decapitate, capitalize

167. –carcer- prison: incarceration

168. *–card-, cardio-, -cardia heart: cardiotonics, carditis, tachycardia, carditis, cardiac, electrocardiogram, tachycardia, epicardium, endocardium

169. *–carn- flesh: carnal, carnivore, incarnate

170. carpo- fruit: carpophagous, carpology

171. *cata- [cat- before a vowel]1) down, downward: catabolism 2) away, completely: catalysis 3) against: catapult 4) throughout: cataphresis 5) backward: cataplasia

172. -caten- chain: concatenate

173. caus- burn: causalgia

174. –caut- careful: cautious, precaution

175. *–ced-, -ceed-, -cess- 1) yield: cede, concede, concession 2) go: proceed, precede, exceed, excessive, supersede, precedent, unprecedented, procedure, process, procession, success, succeed, intercession

176. cel- sky: celestial

177. –cele swelling: hydrocele

178. –celebr- : celebrity, celebrate

179. –celer- fast: accelerate, decelerate, celerity, accelerometer, decelerometer, acceleration

180. celio- abdomen: celiotomy

181. cell- cell: cellular, celluase, cellue, celluate

182. *cent- 100: century

183. *centi 1/100: centimeter

184. –centesis 穿刺术: cardiocentesis (重音cen’tesis)/s[nti:sis/

185. *centri- center: centrifugal, concentric, eccentric

186. cephal- head: cephalalgia

187. cerato- horn or horny: ceratoid

188. -cerebr- brain: cerebration, cerebritis

189. –cern-, -cret- see: discern, secret

190. cero- [cer- before a vowel] wax: ceraceous, cerate

191. *–cert- certain: certify, certificate, ascertain, certitude, certifiable, certification, incertitude

192. –chem-, chemo- chemistry: alchemy, chemophysiology

193. chiro- hand: chirospasm

194. chloro- 绿色,氯气: chlorosis

195. cholo- bile: cholochrome

196. chondr- 软骨: chrondritis

197. *–chrom-, -chromat- color: chromosome, chromatic, monochrome, polychrome, photochrome, homochromous, panchromous

198. *–chron- time: chronology, chronicle, anachronism, chronic, synchronal, synchronize, synchronoscope, chronometer, isochronism

199. chrys- yellow: chrysanthemum

200. *–cid-, -cis- kill, cut: incisive, decide, excision, suicide, decision, concise, precise, incision, incisor, excision, circumcise, insecticide

201. –cinct- gird, surround: cincture

202. cine- of films or the film industry: cinecamara

203. *circum- around: circumlocution, circumspect, circumference, circumfluence, circumaviate

204. *–circ- circle: circular, circus, circulate, encircle, circuitous

205. cirri- [cirr- before a vowel] tendril: cirrose, cirrus

206. cis- on this side of: cisatlantic, cisalpine

207. citr- lemon or orange: citrate, citrus

208. *–civ- citizen: civil, civility, uncivil

209. –civil- of citizens: civilize, civilian, civilization

210. *–clam-, -claim cry, shout: exclaim, exclamation, declaim, reclaim, proclaim, declamatory, clamor, clamorous,acclaim

211. *–clar- clear: clarify, declare, clarity

212. –clim- zone, region: climate, climatic, acclimatize

213. *–clin-, -cliv- slant: acclivity, declivity, recline, decline, inclined, inclination, declension, disincline, isoclinal

214. *–clud-, -clus-, -clos- close [v]: conclude, disclose, seclusion, recluse, occlude, preclusion, exclusive, include

215. *co- see con-

216. cocci-, cocco- 小球状,浆果: coccus

217. –coct- cook, make: decoction

218. *–cogn-, -cogit- cogitate, cognitive, recognize, recognition, cognize, incognizable, precognition

219. *col- see con-

220. –col neck: collar, accolade

221. –colon- farmer: colonial, colonize

222. *com- see con-

223. *con- together, intensive:

[co- before a vowel] co-ed, cooperation

[col- before l] collaborate, collocate

[com- before b, m, p] compose, combine, communicate, commiserate

[cor- before r] correct, corrupt, correlation, corrugate

[otherwise con-] contend, consign, concentric, contemporary

224. –concil- reconcile, conciliatory

225. *contra-, counter- against: contraception, contradiction, counteract, counterbalance, counterattack

226. copi- abundance: copious

227. copro- garbage: coprology, coprolite

228. –copul- link: copulate, copula, copulative

229. *–cord- heart: cordial, accord, concord, discordant, record

230. –coron- crown: coronation

231. *–corp-, -corpor- body: corpus, corporeal, incorporate, corporation, corpulent

232. –cosm- universe: cosmos, cosmic, microcosm, cosmology, acosmism, cosmopolitan, macrocosm

233. –count- tell: account, accountable, recount

234. *–cracy rule: democracy, autocracy, bureaucracy, plutocracy, theocracy, monocracy, mobocracy (重音’ - cracy)

235. *–crat ruler, supporter: democrat, autocrat, bureaucrat, technocrat (重音’- - crat)

236. *-cratic adj. of n. ending in –cracy: technocrat, aristocratic (重音’cratic)

237. *–craft skill: woodcraft, statecraft (不影响重音)

238. cranio- skull: cranial, craniology, craniotomy, cranium

239. –crem-, -cremat- burn: cremate, crematorium

240. –cre- create: creation, creative

241. *–cred- believe: credit, incredible, credulous, creditable, discredit, accredit, credential

242. *–cresc-, -creas-, -cret-, -crue increase: crescent, decrease, concrete, accretion, accrue

243. *cross- across: cross-cultural

244. –cruci- cross: crucify, excruciating, crucifixion

245. cryo- cold, freeze: cryobiology, cryogen, cryometer, cryophilic, cryosurgery, cryogen, cryogenics, cryoprobe, cryoscope

246. crypto- [crypt- before a vowel]: crypto-Communist, cryptic, cryptogenic, cryptogram, cryptology

247. crystallo- 结晶: crystalline

248. *–cub- lie down: cubicle, incubate, incubation, incubus, concubine, concubinage, decubitus

249. –cus- cause: accusative, excuse, accusation

250. *–cult- till [v]: cultivate, culture, culture, cultural, agriculture, arboriculture, pisciculture, mariculture

251. –cumul- accumulate: cumulative, accumulator

252. cupro- of copper: cupric, cupronickel, cuprous

253. –cupid- greedy: cupidity

254. –cur- care: secure, procure, curator

255. *–cur-, -curs-, -cour-, -course run: precursor, course, discourse, recur, occurrence, discursive, current, currency, excurse, excursion, concourse, succor, cursory, incursion, concur, recur

256. –custod- guard: custody

257. *-cy quality, condition, state, position: infancy, idiocy, captaincy, bankruptcy (不影响重音)

258. cyano- 青紫: cyanuria

259. *–cycl- circle: cyclist, bicycle, tricycle, cyclone, cycloid, hemicycle, autocycle, recycle, cyclotron, recyclable

260. cysti- bag, bladder: cystitis

261. -cyt- empty container, cell: histocyte, cytochemistry

262. –damn-, -demn- condemn: damnabe, indemnity

263. *de- 1) away from, off: debar, derail, deduct, defer, define, detrain, dethrone 2) down: degrade, decline, decadent, depress, devalue 3) wholly, entirely: defunct 4) reverse the action of; undo: defrost, decode, desalt, deforest

264. *deca- decem- ten: decathlon, decagon, decameter

265. *deci- 1/10 decimeter, decimate, deciliter

266. –decor- beauty, grace: decorate, decorous

267. *demi- half: demigod, demi-fixed

268. dendr- trees: dendroid, dendrolite, dentrology

269. –dent- tooth: dentist, dental, dentistry, denture, dentoid, trident, indent, denticle

270. –dens- dense: condense, density

271. deoxy- 脱氧: deoxidize, deoxygenate

272. –derm-, -dermat- skin: dermatosis, dermatitis, dermal, dermatitis, hypoderm, dermatology

273. des- =dis- [medical]: desinfection

274. desmo- 丝带状: desmobacteria

275. –dexter-, -dextr- right hand: ambidextrous, dexterous, dexterity, dextrorotation, dextral

276. *di- 1) see dia- 2) see dis- 3) two: disyllable, dioxide

277. *–di- day: diary, diarist, dial, meridian, antemeridian, postmeridian

278. *dia- [di- before a vowel] across: diagonal, diameter, dialogue

279. *–dic- declare: dedicate, abdicate, indicate

280. *–dict- say: diction, predict, indictment, dictatorship, contradict, contradiction, contradictory, benediction, edict, Dictaphone

281. *dif- see dis-

282. –digit- finger: digital, digitalize

283. -dign- worthy: dignity, dignitary

284. *dis- [in words of Latin origin; di- before b, d, g, l, m, n, r, v; dif- before f] 1) away, apart from: dismiss, disperse, dispel, differ, divulge, digression 2) deprive of, expel from: disbar, disfrock 3) cause to be the opposite: disable 4) fail, cease, refuse to: disallow, disappear, dissatisfy, discontinue, disbelive 5) do the opposite of: disjoint, disintegrate, disarm 6) not [added to adj.]: dishonest 7) opposite off, lack of [added to n.]: disease, disunion, disorder, discomfort

285. –disc- learn: disciple, discipline

286. –dat-, -dit- give: dative, tradition, edit, editor, extradite, extradition

287. –doc-, -doct- teach: doctor, doctrine, doctorate, doctrinism, doctrinaire, indoctrinate, docile, indocile, document, docent, documentary

288. dodeca- twelve: dodecagon, dodecastyle

289. dolich- long: dolichofacial

290. -dolor- pain: dolorous

291. –dom- house: domestic, domesticate, domicile, dome, domicile, domiciliate, domesticity

292. *–dom state, realm, condition: freedom, stardom, martyrdom, wisdom, serfdom, kingdom (不影响重音)

293. *–domin- master: dominate, predominant, domineer

294. –don- give: donate, pardon, donor, donee, condone, condonation

295. –dorm-, -dormit- sleep: dormitory, dormancy, dormitive, dormant

296. dorsi-, dorso- of, on, or long the back: dorsal, dorsum, dorsovelar

297. *down- downwards: downstairs, downpour, downfall

298. –drom- run: aerodrome, motordrome, hippodrome, prodrome, syndrome, dromometer

299. –dub-, -dubit- doubt: dubious, indubitable

300. *–duc-, -duct- lead: conduce, conduct, deduce, induce, seduce, product, educate, educable, introduce, introductory, misconduct, produce, abduct, aqueduct, viaduct, reduction

301. *du- two: duplicate, dual, duality, duel, duad, duplex, duet, duplicity

302. –dur- hard: duration, endure, obduracy

303. *-dyn-, –dynam- power: dynamic, dynamite, aerodynamics, dyne, dynast, dynasty, electrodynamics, hydrodynamics, dynamo, adynamic

304. –dynia pain: gastrodynia

305. dys- bad [medical] dyspepsia, dysuria, dysphonia

306. *e- see ex-

307. *–ean adj. of n. ending in –pe, -re, etc: European, epicurean, Mediterranean (重音’ean)

308. *ec- see ex-

309. eco- of ecology: ecosystem, ecological

310. –ectasis expansion: bronchiectasis (重音’asis)

311. ecto- outer: ectoderm

312. –ectomy cut: appendectomy

313. –ed- eat: edible, edacious, inedible

314. *–ed 1) past participle: stopped 2) provided or characterized by: spectacled, moneyed, gifted, bearded, skilled 3) adj. from verbs, nouns and adj ending in –ate: cultured, liberated, fixed, confirmed, retired (不影响重音)

315. -edi- build: edify, edifice

316. *–ee 1) someone who is ~ed: referee, trustee, addressee,interviewee, employee 2) someone who ~s: absentee, refugee, retiree, devotee 3) person: townee, grandee 4) thing: goatee, settee (重音’ee)/i:/

317. *–eer 1) n. person engineer, auctioneer, pamphleteer, volunteer, mountaineer 2) v. domineer, commandeer, profiteer, electioneer (重音’eer)/i[/

318. *ef- see ex-

319. *–ego- I: ego, egoist, egoistic, egocentric, egomania, egotist

320. *–eity: n. of adj. ending in –eous: spontaneity, homogeneity (重音’eity)

321. *-el n. person or thing: model, runnel, parcel, personnel, sentinel, novel

322. *electro- electricity: electrocute, electromagnet

323. *-em-, -am-, –empt- take, buy: example, exemplar, exemplary, exemplify, sample, sampler, exemption, redeem, exemptible, redeemable, redemption, irredeemable, peremptory, redemption, exempt

324. –emia blood: anemia, leukemia (重音’emia)

325. *–emper-, -imper- command: emperor, empire, emperorship, imperious, imperial, imperative, imperialism

326. –emul- equal: emulate, emulous

327. *en- [em- before b, m, p; sometimes in-]: 1) to put or get into or on: enthrone, enplane, encase, entrap, embody 2) to cover or wrap with: enrobe, embalm, embank 3) to make, make into or like, cause to be with [added to n, and adj.]: empower, enrich, enliven 3) intensive: encourage

328. *–en 1) become or cause to become [added to n. and adj.] v: weaken, whiten, deepen, broaden, soften, quicken 2) adj. made of: wooden, woolen, leaden, waxen, earthen (不影响重音)

329. *-ence act, fact, quality, state, result or degree: conference, excellence, existence, insistence, dependence, confidence, innocence, despondence (通常重音’ - - ence,但如果原词末尾发音是双辅音或双元音,重音则为’- ence)

330. *-ency =-ence (but used with different words): urgency, persistency, frequency, efficiency, emergency, insolvency (通常重音’ - - ency,但如果原词末尾发音是双辅音或双元音,重音则为’- ency)

331. –end: [also -and] n. mostly mathematical terms: dividend, multiplicand, minuend, addend, subtrahend, legend, errand (不影响重音)

332. endo- inner: endocrine, endogamy

333. –enne used in n. denoting female: comedienne, tragedienne (重音’enne)/en/

334. *-ent [adj. or n. of n. ending in –ence or –ency] 1) adj. that has, shows or does: existent, dependent, confident, excellent 2) n. a person or thing that: president, resident, patient, detergent, solvent (通常重音’ - - ent,但如果前面拼写是双辅音或发音是双元音,重音则为’- ent)

335. entero-: intestines: enteritis

336. ento- inner: entoderm

337. entomo- insect: entomology

338. *–eous adj.: homogeneous, courageous, righteous, courteous (重音’- eous)/i[s/

339. *epi- above, beyond, before, after, between: epidemic, epidermis, epitaph, episode

340. –epistol- letter: epistle, epistolary

341. *–equ-, equi- equal: equality, equilibrium, equable, equivalent, equivalence, equate, equation, equidistance, equator, equilibrium, equatorial, equanimity, equivocal, equivocation, equilateral

342. equ- horse: equine, equestrian

343. *–er 1) comparative: bigger, earlier 2) agent of an action, person or thing [also –ar, -or]: reader, washer, lighter, silencer, boiler 3) wind: norther, souther 4) someone related to [-yer after w]: hatter, banker, tinner, lawyer, sawyer 5) resident of some place: New Yorker, Icelander 6) repeated or continuous action: clatter, sputter, stutter, chatter(不影响重音)

344. *–ern 1) adj. of n. of directions: eastern, northern 2) place: cavern, saltern, lectern (不影响重音)

345. –err- wander: error, erratic, errant, aberrant, inerrable, aberration

346. *–ery 1)place: fishery, brewery, tannery, monastery 2) act: bribery, surgery, robbery 3) product or goods: pottery 4) state or condition: slavery, drudgery(不影响重音)

347. erythr- red: erythremia

348. *es- see ex-

349. *–esc- becoming: acquiescent, convalescent, crescent, adolescent

350. *–esence the process of becoming or beginning: obsolescence, adolescence (重音’escence) /es[ns/

351. *–escent: 1) giving off light or showing a color: phosphorescent 2) adj. of n. ending in –escence: convalescent (重音’escent) /es[nt/

352. *–ese n. or adj. f nationality or language: Chinese, Vietnamese, officialese (重音’-ese)/i:z/

353. –esque adj. arabesque, Kafkaesque (重音-esque)/esk/

354. –ess indicating being a female: waitress, poetess, goddess (不影响重音)

355. *–est 1) superlative: biggest 2) old form of 2nd person singular [or -st]: wanderest, dost (不影响重音)

356. *–et n. diminutive: eaglet, packet, circlet(不影响重音)

357. –eth old form of 3rd person singular [or -th]: riseth, doth (不影响重音)

358. *ethno- nationality [ethn- before a vowel]: ethnography, ethnic

359. *–etic adj. of n. ending in –esis or –y: mimetic, pathetic, antipathetic, epileptic, theoretic, energetic (重音’etic)/etik/

360. *–ette female or diminutive: novelette, cigareete, typette(重音’ette)/et/

361. *–ety n. piety, propriety, sobriety, gayety, variety(重音’- ety)/[ti/

362. *eu- good: eulogy, eulogize, euphonious, euphemism, eugenics, euphonious

363. –eur person: amateur, litterateur, saboteur (重音’eur)/[:/

364. *Euro- European: Europarliament

365. *–ev- age, time: primeval, medieval, longevity, coeval

366. *ex- 1) forth, from, out 2) beyond 3) away from 4) thoroughly 5) upward 6) without, not having

[e- before b, d, g, j, l, m, n, r, v]: egregious, elated, emissary, elongate

[ec- before c, s]: eccentric, ecstasy

[ef- before f]: effect, effeminate, effluence

[es- in words of French origin]: estrange

[otherwise ex-]: expectorate, expect, execute, expose, extract, export

367. *ex- former: ex-president, ex-wife, ex-premier

368. exo- outer: exocardia, exosphere, exogamy

369. *extra- [positive]; extern- [comparative]; extreme- [superlative] out: extraordinary, extralegal, extracurricular, external, extremist

370. *–ey see –y

371. –fabul- speak: fabulous, fable, confabulate, fabulous, effable, confabulation

372. –fac- face: surface, deface, facial

373. *-facil- easy: facility facile, facilitate, difficult

374. *–fact-, -fect-, -fic-, -feat-, -feas-, -fit do, make: factory, benefactor, beneficiary, benefit, feasible, affect, suffice, indefeasible, proficiency, manufacture, malefactor, facsimile, factual

375. *-faction n. of some v. ending in –fy: satisfaction, liquefaction, rarefaction, stupefaction (重音faction)/fAkF[n/

376. *–fall-, -fals- deceive: fallacy, infallible, fallacious, falsify

377. –fam- 1) fame: famous, infamous, infamy 2) hunger: famished, famine

378. *–fashion in the stated manner: Indian-fashion

379. –fatig- tire out: indefatigable, fatigue

380. -febri- fever: febrifuge, febricula

381. *–feder- alliance: federation, federal, confederacy, antifederal, federalize

382. –felic- happy: felicity, felicitation

383. *–femin- woman: feminine, effeminate

384. *–fend-, -fens- strike: offensive, defend, defense

385. *–fer-, -lat- bring, carry: refer, confer, relate, translate, transfer, difference, conference, offer, prefer, preferable, aquiferous, superlative, sublate, collate, collation, ablate, prolate

386. –feroc- fierce: ferocious, ferocity

387. *–ferous that produces: auriferous, carpoferous

388. ferro- iron: ferroheme, ferroalloy, ferromagnetic

389. –ferv- boil, glow: fervid, fervor, perfervid, effervesce, effervescent, fervent

390. –fest- celebration: festival, festivity, festal

391. fibr- fiber: fibrination, fibrosis, fibrous

392. *–fic adj. specific, beatific, pacific, terrific, horrific (重音’- fic)/fik/

393. *–fication n. of v. ending in –ify: signification, intensification, classification, simplification (重音-fi’cation)/fikeiF[n/

394. *–fid- faith: confidence, fidelity, confide, confidant, affidavit, perfidy, perfidious, diffidence, fideism, infidel

395. *–fier agent of an act [of v. ending in -fy]: signifier, amplifier, pacifier(不影响重音)

396. –fil- thread, line: file, defile, filar, filament, profile

397. *–fix- fasten: transfix, fixture, prefix, suffix, affix

398. *–fig-, -fict- shape, make: figure, configuration, disfigure, figurative, fiction, fictive, nonfiction, disfiguration, transfiguration

399. –fili- son: filial, affiliate

400. *–fin- end: final, confine, confinement, definitive, definite, finalist, finis, finale, finish, definite, infinite, infinitive, finitude, infinity, undefined, confinement

401. –firm- firm: confirmation, reaffirm

402. –flamm- flame: inflammable

403. –flat- blow [v]: inflate, inflationary, deflate, inflationary, conflation, reflate, flatus

404. flav- yellow: flavonone, flavescent

405. *–flect-, -flex- bend: reflect, deflect, reflex, reflection, inflection, flex, flexible, flexuous

406. *–flict- strike: inflict, conflict, affliction, inflictive

407. *–flor-, -flour- flower: flora, florist, florid, flourish, efflorescence, floret, deflower, defloration

408. *–flu- flow: affluent, influence, confluence, fluency, influenza, fluid, refluence, defluent, superfluous

409. fluoro- [fluor- before a vowel] 氟,荧光: fluoroscope, fluorite

410. *–fold of the stated number or times: manifold, twofold,fourfold (不影响重音)

411. –foli- leaf: defoliate, foliage

412. *for- 1) apart: forsake, forgive, forgo 2) restrain: forbid

413. *fore- before, in front of: forewarn, forecast, forehead, forearm, foretell, forefather, forerun

414. –form- form: deform, reform

415. *-form of the stated form: gasiform, dentiform, cubiform (不影响重音)

416. foster- adopt: foster-child

417. *–fort- strong: fortify, fortress

418. *-frag-, –fract- break: fraction, refractory, fragile, fragment, fragmentary, fracture, refractor

419. *Franco- French: Francophone

420. *–frater- brother: fraternity, fraternal

421. *–free without: carefree, addictive-free

422. *–friendly convenient for: user-friendly, printer-friendly

423. –frig-, -friger- cold: frigid, refrigerator, fridge, frigidity

424. –fruct- fruit: fructify

425. –frustr- in vain: frustrate

426. *–fug- flee: fugitive, refugee, fugacious, centrifugal, fugacity, insectifuge, febrifuge, lucifugous, subterfuge

427. *–ful 1) adj. full of : beautiful, bashful, shameful, peaceful 2) amount measured by ~: mouthful, spoonful, dishful (不影响重音)

428. –fulmin- thunder, explosion: fulminate

429. *–fus- pour: infuse, transfuse, confusion, refusal, diffuse, interfuse, perfuse, profusion

430. *–funct- perform: function, perfunctory

431. *–fund-, -found- bottom: profound, profundity, found, foundation, fundamental, fundament

432. –furi- rage: furious, infuriate

433. -furt- theft: furtive

434. *–fy cause to become: pacify, beautify, intensify, glorify(不影响重音)

435. galacto- milk: Galaxy, galactic

436. galvano- electricity: galvanize, galvanism

437. *–gamist n. bigamist, polygamist, bigamist, misogamist (重音’- gamist)/g[mist/

438. *–gamous of the stated kind of marriage: polygamous, bigamous, monogamous (重音’ - gamous)/g[m[s/

439. *–gamy: marriage: polygamy, bigamy, monogamy (重音 ‘- gamy)/g[mi/

440. gastr- stomach: gastronomy, gastritis

441. *–gen-, -gener-, -genet- 1) birth: gene, genesis, genetic 2) kind [n]: generic, general, generous

442. *–genarian n. and adj. octogenarian, sexagenarian (重音’arian)

443. –genic producing: ketogenic

444. genito- of the genitals: genitalia, genitourinary

445. *-geo- earth: geology, geography, geometry, geometrician, geopolitics, geothermal

446. *–ger-, -gest- carry: belligerent, congestion, gesture, digestion

447. gero- old people: gerocomia, gerontology

448. *giga- gigant- huge: gigantocyte

449. –glaci- ice: glacial, glaciology, glacier, glaciation, subglacial, preglacial

450. -glob- globe: globular, globalism

451. –glor- glory: glorify, vainglorious

452. –glossia tongue: macroglossia

453. gluc-, glyc- sweet: glucose

454. –glyph- carve out: hieroglyph, anaglyph

455. *–gon- angle: pentagon, diagonal, trigonometry, hexagon, octagon, polygon

456. *–gony birth: cosmogony

457. *-grad- step, go: gradual, graduate, retrograde, degrade, upgradable, downgrade, gradine

458. *–gram, -gramme picture: ideogram, telegram, program, diagram, cryptogram, phonogram, hologram, seismogram (重音’- - gram)/gr[m/

459. *–graph- record, draw: telegraph, photograph, graphics, autograph, biography, monograph, polygraph, micrograph, macrograph, seismograph, barograph, stereograph, cyclograph, holography (重音’- -graph /gr[f/ )gra’phic /grAfik/ ’ - graphy /gr[fi/)

460. –gran- grain: granary, granivorous, granule, granular

461. *–grat- gratitude: gracious, gratis, ingratiate

462. *–grav- heavy: gravity, aggravate, gravitate, agravic, grave, gravid, gravidity

463. *Graeco- Greco- Greek: Greco-Roman

464. *–greg- flock [v]: segregate, congregate, aggregate, gregarious, egregious, congregation

465. *–gress- go: aggression, aggressive, Congress, transgress, progress, progressive, retrogress, congressional, digress, egress, ingress, regress

466. –gubern- govern: gubernatorial

467. –gust- taste: gusto, disgust

468. *–gyn-, gynae-, gyne-, gynaec-, gynec- woman: gynecology, misogyny, androgynous, monogyny, polygyny, philogynists

469. gyro- circle: gyrate, gyroscope

470. *–habit- live, dwell: inhabit, cohabit, inhabitant, habitat, habitation, conhabitant

471. haem-, hem-, hemat- blood: hemochrome

472. hagio- saint: hagiography

473. –hal- breathe: inhale, inhalant, exhale, inhalator, halitosis, exhalation

474. hamart- wrong: hamrtoplasia

475. –hap- chance, luck: perhaps, happen, happy, mishap, hapless, haply

476. haplo- simple: haplosis, haploid

477. –haust- draw water: exhaust, exhaustive

478. *he- male: he-wolf, he-man

479. –head head, origin: beachhead, springhead

480. *hecto- 100: hectogram, hectometer, hectowatt

481. helio- sun: heliolatry, heliocentric, perihelion, aphelion, heliosis, heliotherapy, heliotropism

482. *Hellen- ancient Greece: Hellenic, Hellenize

483. *hemi- half: hemisphere, hemicycle

484. hepat- liver: hepatitis

485. *hepta- [hept- before a vowel] seven: heptagon, heptode

486. *–her-, -hes- stick, cling: adhere, cohesive, coherence, hesitant, inhere, inherent, cohere

487. *–hered-, -heret- heir: inheritance, heritage, hereditary, heredo-immunity

488. *hetero- different: heterogeneous, heterosexual, heterodox, heteromorphic

489. *hexa- [hex- before a vowel]six: hexagon, hexameter

490. –hibern- winter: hibernate

491. *–hibit- hold: inhibit, prohibit, exhibitionism, exhibit

492. hiero- holy: hieroarchy, hieroglyphic, hieroglyph

493. *–high of the stated height: knee-high

494. –hilar- cheerful: hilarity, exhilarate

495. hippo- horse: hippopotamus

496. *holo- [hol- before a vowel] all: holocaust, holistic, holograph, holophone

497. *homeo-, homo- the same: homophone, homosexual, homophone, homonym

498. *-hood period, condition,state, quality: childhood, likelihood, neighborhood, falsehood(不影响重音)

499. –horr- horror: horrify, abhorrence, abhor, horrific, horrendous

500. –hort- urge [v]: exhort, exhortation

501. –hospit-, -host- guest: hospitable, hospital, hotel, hostage, inhospitable, hospitality, hostile

502. –hum- ground: inhume, exhume, inhumation, humble, humility, humiliate, posthumous

503. *hydro- water, hydrogen: hydropower, hydraulic, hydroplane, hydrosphere, hydrology, hydropathy, hydrophobia, dehydrate, hydrate, hydrolysis, hydrant

504. *hypo-, hyp- below, decrease: hypothermy, hypothesis, hypotension, hypothermia

505. *hyper- extreme: hypersensitive, hypermilitant, hyperslow

506. hypno- sleep: hypnotic, hypnosis, hypnotize, dehypnotize, hypnotist, hypnotherapy

507. hypso- high: hipsotherapy

508. *–i n. or adj. Israeli, Iraqi, Pakistani(重音’- i)/i/

509. *–ia 1) name of countries: India, Liberia 2) name of diseases: pneumonia 3) certain Greek and Latin words: militia, intelligentsia, utopia 4) generic names: reptitia(重音’- ia)/i[/

510. *-ial [variant of -al]: presidential, spatial, managerial, adverbial, palatial, differential (重音’ – ial, -tial /F[l/, -erial /i[ril/, -orial /o:ril/ )

511. *–ian [variant of -an] n. or adj. Canadian, Romanian, grammarian, theologian (重音’ - ian)/i[n/

512. –iasis disease: urolithiasis (重音’iasis)/ieisis/

513. –iatr- medical: iatrotechnique, psychiatrist

514. *–ibility: n. of adj. ending in –ible: combustibility, irresistibility (重音i’bility)/ibiliti/

515. *–ible [variant of -able]: combustible, irresistible, extensible, sensible

516. *–ic 1) adj. of, having to do with: volcanic, organic, metallic 2) like, having the nature of: angelic, basic, specific, idyllic 3) produced by, caused by: anaerobic 4) producing, causing: analgesic 5) consiting of, containing: dactylic 6) showing, affected by: lethargic, allergic 7) adhering to: Gnostic 8) science: rhetoric, arithmetic, logic 9) n. person: critic, sceptic, heretic, mechanic(重音’ – ic /ik/,但是’Catholic, ‘lunatic, a’rithmetic, ‘heretic)

517. *–ical adj. =-ic: logical, economical (重音’ - ical)/ik[l/

518. *–ice 1) quality, act or condition. avarice, caprice, service, malice, edifice 2) person: novice, apprentice (通常重音’- - ice /is/,但ap’prentice)

519. ichthyo- fish: ichthyology, ichthyoid, ichthyphagous

520. *–ician n. person: logician, musician, physician, magician (重音’ician)/iF[n/

521. *–icious adj. of n. ending in –ice: avaricious, capricious, malicious (重音’icious)/iF[s/

522. *–icity n. of adj. ending in –ic: specificity, lucidity, specificity(重音’icity)/isiti/

523. *–ics study, discipline: economics, physics, mathematics (重音’- ics)/iks/

524. *–id adj. of Latin origin: languid, placid, livid, fervid, frigid (通常重音’- id)

525. *–ide 化合物: oxide(不影响重音)

526. *–idity n. of adj. ending in –id: frigidity (重音’idity)/iditi/

527. *ideo- thought, idea: ideology, ideogram, ideal, ideality, idealistic, ideate

528. idio- of oneself: idioglossia, idiom, idiosyncrasy, idiosyncratic, idiomatic, idiopathy, idiograph

529. *–ie, -y name of endearment: doggie, birdie, lassie(不影响重音)

530. –ier n. person or thing: cashier, brazier, dossier, glazier, frontier (通常’ – ier /i[/,但ca’shier)

531. *ig- see in-

532. –igni- [-ign- before a vowel] fire: ignite, ignition, igneous, ignitable, preignition

533. *il- see in-

534. *–ile 1) adj. agile, hostile, fragile, juvenile, senile 2) n. missile, projectile (通常重音’- - ile 英音/ail/, 美音/[l/)

535. *–ility n. of adj. ending in –ile: agility, fragility, servility, mobility(重音’ility)/iliti/

536. *im- see in-

537. *in- 1) [into, onto, towards, intensive] v. 2) [not] adj. of Latin origin

[ig- before n] ignoble

[il- before l] illustrate, illegal, illogical, illiterate

[im- before b, m, p] imperil, imbibe, impossible, immoral, impassive, impotent

[ir- before r] irrigate, irritate, irresistible, irregular, irruption

[otherwise in-] indict, invade, inhuman, incorrect, incapable, inject, inhuman

538. *–in, -ine some special substance: insulin, vitamin, penicillin, morphine(通常重音’ - - in/ine)/in/

539. *Indo- Indian: Indo-European

540. *–ine 1) see –in 2) adj. alkaline, clandestine, canine 3) abstract nouns: doctrine, medicine, famine, discipline 4) person, usually denoting female: heroine, libertine, concubine (通常重音’ - - ine) /ain/ or /in/

541. *infra- [positive] below; inferior- [comparative] ; infern- [superlative]: infrastructure, infrared, infrasound, inferiority, infernal

542. *–ing 1) present participle: stopping 2) material: bedding, wrapping, flooring, clothing 3) occupation: banking, accounting, printing 4) thing: holding, footing, carving, building 5) adj. surprising, exciting (不影响重音)

543. *–insul- island: insular, insulin, insulate, peninsula, insularism

544. *–integr- whole: integrity, integrate, disintegration, integral, integer

545. *inter- [positive] between, mutual; interior- [comparative]; intim- [superlative]: international, intercontinental, interject, interpersonal, interchange, interact, intermix, interior, intimacy

546. *intra- within: intradepartmental

547. *intro- inward: introduction, introspection, introvert

548. *–ion 1) n. of certain v.: communion, opinion, union, election 2) thing: medallion, accordion, cushion(重音’- ion)/i[n/

549. *–ious [variant of -ous]: spacious, laborious, contagious, curious (重音’- ious)/Fi[s/

550. –ir- anger: ire, irate

551. *–isation, ization n. of v. ending in –ise or –ize: modernization (重音i’sation)/aizeiFn/

552. *–ise, -ize cause to become: modernize, institutionalize (不影响重音)/aiz/

553. *-ish 1) of or belonging to a nation or people: Spanish, Irish 2) like or characteristic of [usually derog.]: devilish, boyish, womanish, knavish 3) somewhat: blusih, grayish 4) about [colloq.]: eightish 5) v.: vanish, punish, establish (不影响重音)/iF/

554. *–ism doctrine, state, practice: alcoholism, naturalism, Maxism (不影响重音)/iz[m/

555. *iso- the same in every part: isotherm, isobar, isomagnetic, isotope, isogon

556. *–ist 1) person (corresponding to words ending in -ism): pessimist, modernist; 2) adj. characteristic of: impressionist (不影响重音)/ist/

557. *–istic adj. of n. ending in –ism: optimistic, simplistic (重音’istic)/istic/

558. *–it- go: committee, exit, obit, obituary, visit, initial, ambition, initiate, initiative, transit, transitory, circuit

559. *Italo- Italian: Italo-French

560. *–ite 1) n. stalagmite, appetite 2) adj. 3) v. ignite

561. –iter- repeat: reiterate

562. –itiner- journey: itinerary, itinerant

563. *–ition n. of v. ending in –ite or –ete: competition, ignition, recognition (重音’ition)/iFn/

564. *–itive adj. or n. of n. ending in –ition: cognitive, addictive (重音同原动词)/itiv/

565. *–itis: infection: bronchitis, hepatitis, nephritis (重音’itis)/aitis/

566. *–itor doer [of v. ending in –ite or –ete]: competitor (重音同原动词)/it[/

567. *–itude, -tude n. of Latin origin: magnitude, latitude, attitude (重音’ - itude)/tju:d/

568. *–itudinal, -tudinal adj. of n. ending in –itude or –tude: attitudinal, latitudinal (重音’tudinal)/tju:dinl/

569. *–ity, -ty quality: reality, verity, longevity, sincerity (重音’- ity)/iti/

570. *–ive adj. or n. of n. ending in –ion: permissive, active (重音同原动词)/iv/

571. *–ivity n. of adj. ending in –ive: activity,productivity, relativity (重音’ivity)/iviti/

572. *–ization see -isation

573. *–ize see –ise

574. *–jac- lie at a certain place: adjacent

575. *–ject- throw: abject, deject, reject, eject, projection, projector, projectile, inject, injection, interject, subject, object

576. –joc- jest: jocose, joke

577. –jubil- wild shout: jubilee, jubilation

578. *–judic- judge: adjudicate, judiciary

579. –jug- yoke: conjugal

580. *–junct- connect: adjunct, conjunction, injunction, disjunction, disjunctive

581. *–jur-, -juris- right, law: jurisdiction, juror, abjure

582. *–just- just, fair: justice, adjust, injustice

583. *–juven- [postive] young; minor-, minus [comparative]; minim- [superlative]: juvenile, rejuvenate, minority, minimize

584. juxta- near: juxtaposition

585. karyo- core: karyokinesis

586. *kata- =cata-: katabolism

587. kera-, kerat- 角: keratitis

588. keto- 酮: ketogenic

589. *kilo- 1,000: kilogram, kilowatt, kilocalorie, kilometer

590. *–kin n. diminutive: lambkin,manikin, napkin (不影响重音)

591. *–labor- labor: laborious, collaborate

592. –lacrym- tear: lachrymal, lachrymose

593. –lact-, -galact- milk: ablactation, lactic, lactary, lactate, lactifuge, galaxy, galactic, agalactia

594. –langu- weak: languid, languor

595. –lapid- stone: dilapidate, lapidary

596. *–laps- fall: lapse, collapsible, relapse

597. laryng- throat: laryngology

598. *–lat- 1) wide: latitude 2) see –fer-

599. –later- side: bilateral, lateral, multilateral

600. –latrous of worship: idolatrous

601. –latry: worship: idolatry

602. –laud-, -laus- praise: laudable, laudatory

603. –lavat-, -lot- wash: lavatory, lotion

604. –lax- loose: relax, laxity

605. *-le 1) v. denoting repeated action, esp. of a small or trivial kind: winkle, twinkle, wriggle 2) n. usually diminutive: shuttle, handle, girdle 3) adj. from verb stems: brittle 4) onomatopoeia: sizzle, gurgle (不影响重音)

606. *–led taking ~ as the leading force: export-led (不影响重音)

607. *–leg- 1) [also –legis-] law: legal, legitimate, legislature, legislation, legislate, extralegal, legality, legalist, illegakize 2) appoint: delegate, relegate 3) choose, read, gather [also –lig-, -lect-]: legible, intelligence, select, eligible, elect, elitism, intellect, intellectual, collect, collection, elegant, neglect, neglectful, negligence, lecture, dialect, idiolect, legendary

608. *–lence n. of adj. ending in –lent: turbulence, fraudulence (重音’ - - lence)/l[ns/

609. –leni- mild: lenity, lenient

610. *–lent full of: virulent, fraudulent, turbulent (重音’ - - lent)/l[nt/

611. lepto- small, thin: leptosome, leptocephalic

612. *–less without: selfless, homeless (不影响重音) /l[s/

613. *–let diminutive: riverlet, bracelet (不影响重音) /lit/

614. leuc-, leuk- white: leukemia

615. *–lev-, -lieve, -lief lift: elevate, alleviate, relieve, lever, elevator, levitate

616. levo- left: levorotation

617. *–liber- free: liberal, liberate, libertine

618. –libr- book: library, librarian

619. –lid-, -lis- bump: collide, collision

620. –lig- bind: oblige, obligation

621. lign- wood: ligneous

622. *–like like, suitable for: gentlemanlike, womanlike (不影响重音)

623. –limin- threshold: eliminate, preliminary

624. *–ling diminutive: duckling, underling, yearling,weakling (不影响重音)

625. *–lingu- language: bilingual, linguist, linguistic, multilingual

626. –liqu- liquid: liquor, liquidate

627. *–liter- letter: literary, literal, literate, literacy, illiteracy, anti-illiteracy, transliterate, obliterate

628. –lith-, -lite stone: monolith, lithography, aerolith, aerolithology, Paleolithic, Neolithic, megalith, lithic, lithiasis, zoolite

629. *–loc- place: collocate, allocate, local, location, localize, locomotive, relocate, dislocate

630. *–log-, -logue word, logic, discipline: logical, monologue, sociology, dialogue, eulogy, eulogize, apology, prologue, epilogue, neologism, philology (重音’- - logue /l[g/, ‘- logy /l[dVi/)

631. *–loger n. of certain n. ending in –logy: astrologer (重音’ - loger)/l[dV[/

632. *–logian n. of certain n. ending in –logy: theologian (重音’logian)/lCdVi[n/

633. *–logic, –logical adj. of n. ending in –logy: geologic, geological, anthropologic (重音’logic, ‘logical)/lCdVik/, /l[dVikl/

634. *–logist: n. of most n. ending in –logy: Sinologist, biologist (重音’- logist)

635. *–long- long: longevity, longitude

636. *–loqu-, -locut- speak: loquacious, eloquent, grandiloquent, eloquence, soliloquy, obloquy, loquacity

637. *–luc- light [n]: lucid, elucidate, translucent, lucent, elucidate, noctilucent

638. *–lud-, -lus- play: delude, allude, illusory, elusive, collude

639. *–lumin- light, lamp: luminous, illuminate, illuminance, luminary, luminosity, relumine

640. *–lun- moon: lunar, sublunary, lunatic, lunacy, sublunary

641. –lup- wolf: lupine

642. –lustr- light up: illustrate, illustrious

643. *–ly 1)n → adj. friendly, brotherly 2) adj. → adv. slowly, helpfully(不影响重音)/li/

644. –lysis dissolution, relaxation: analysis, catalysis, paralysis

645. –lyst analyst, catalyst

646. –lytic, -lytical adj. of n. ending in –lysis: analytic, analytical (重音’lytic, ‘lytical)

647. –machin-, -mechan- machine: machinery, mechanism

648. *macro- big: macrocosmic, macroeconomics, macroworld, macroscale

649. –macul- stain: immaculate

650. *–magn- [positive] big; major- [comparative]; maxim- [superlative]: magnify, magnifier, magnitude, magnanimous, magnificent, magnate, majority, maximum

651. *mal-, male- [positive] bad or badly; pejor- [comparative]; pessim- [superlative]: maltreat, malcontent, malpractice, malnutrition, malfunction, malediction, pejorative, pessimist, pessimism

652. –malacia 软化: cerebromalacia (重音’lacia)

653. *–man-, -mans- stay, dwell: remain, mansion, immanent, manor, permanence, remanent

654. –mancip- slave: emancipate

655. *–mand-, -mandat- command: demand, mandate, mandatory, countermand

656. *mani-, manu- hand: manicure, manuscript, manufacture, manacle, maintain

657. *–mania craziness: monomania, megalomania (重音’mania)

658. *–maniac person suffering from mania: monomaniac (重音’maniac)

659. *–maniacal of mania or a maniac: megalomaniacal (重音ma’niacal)

660. *–manship qualities associated with a profession: sportsmanship, craftsmanship

661. *–mar-, -mer- sea: marine, submarine, mermaid, mariner, antisubmarine, maritime

662. –marit- husband: marital

663. *–mascul- man: masculine

664. *–mater-, -matr- mother: maternity, matricide, matron, matriarchal, maternal

665. –materi- mater: material, materialize

666. –matur- ripe: maturity, immature

667. *–medi- middle: mediate, medium, intermediate, immediate, mediator, medieval, Mediterranean, median

668. *-medic- physician: medical, medicine, medication, medicinal, medicable, medico, medico-legal, Medicaid

669. *mega- million, large: megabyte, megacity, megaphone, megatanker, megahertz, megaton

670. megalo- huge: megalomania

671. mela-, melan- black: melancholy

672. –memor- mindful: memorize, immemorial, memorial, commemorate, commemorative

673. –mens- 1) month: menses, menstruate 2) measure: immense, immensity, mensuration, commensurate, mensural

674. *–ment- mind: mental, mentality, mention, mentionable, comment, commentary, commentator, amentia, demented

675. *–ment: v. → n.: government, instrument, development (不影响重音)

676. –merc- trade: commercial, mercantile

677. *–merg-, -mers- dip, sink: emerge, submerge, immerse, emergence, immerge, immersion, submergible

678. meso- middle: mesoderm

679. *meta- [met- before a vowel]1) change in position or form, alteration, transposition =trans-: metathesis, metasomatism 2) after [in medical terms =post-]: metaphysical 3) behind, at the back of [in anatomical terms, =dorso- ] metanephros 4) going beyond or higher, transcending: metalinguistics, metahistory, metacriticism 5) between: metope 6) in chemical terms: metaprotein

680. *–meter, -metr- measuring, or instrument or science for measuring: geometrical, symmetry, barometer, speedometer, trigonometry, thermometer, metrology, seismometer, photometer, optometer, audiometer, diameter, perimeter, gasometer, spirometer

681. *meteoro- meteor or climate: meteoroid, meteorology, meteorite

682. metho- 甲基: methane

683. *–metry: measurement: geometry

684. *micro- 1) small: microphone, microscope, microprint, microsystem 2) 1/1,000,000 micrometer

685. *mid- middle: midsummer, midlife, midnight

686. *–migr- move: migration, immigrant, emigrant, transmigration, migrant, intermigration

687. *–milit- army: militant, military, militia, militarism, militarize

688. *mill- 1,000: millennium

689. *milli- 1/1,000 millimeter, milliliter, milligram

690. *–min- hang: imminent, prominent, eminent, preeminent

691. *mini- small: minibus, miniskirt, minister, minify, minim, minimum, miniature, diminish

692. -ministr- servant: miniter, administer

693. *–minut- small: minute, diminutive, minutiae

694. *–mir- wonderful, strange: mirror, miracle, admire, mirage, miraculous

695. *mis- bad, wrong: mistake, misunderstanding, misconception, misuse, misprint, misspelling, misfortune, misrule, misremember

696. *–misc-, -mixt- mix: miscellaneous, promiscuous, mixture, miscible, immiscible, promiscuity

697. –miser- unfortunate: miserable, commiserate

698. miso- [mis- before a vowel] hate: misogyny, misanthropy

699. *–mit-, -mitt-, -miss- send: remit, remittance, admission, missile, dismiss, dismissal, dismissive, transmit, transmission, promise, missionary, intermit, intermittent, intermission, emit, emission, emissary

700. *–mob-, -mot-, -mov- move: mobile, motion, remote, remove, movement, demobilize, demote, promote, motive, motivation, motor, mob, immobile, mobilize

701. *mock- imitation: mock-trial

702. –mod-, -moder- measure, way: modal, mode, modulate, moderate

703. –molli- tender: mollify

704. *–mon-, -monit- warn: admonish, premonition, monument, monitor, admonition

705. *mono- [mon- before a vowel] single: monologue, monarch, monotone, monoplane

706. –monstr- show: demonstrate, demonstrative

707. *–mony event or state: hegemony, matrimony, patrimony, ceremony

708. –morb- sick: morbid, morbidity

709. –morph- shape: amorphous, morphology, geomorphic, anthropomorphous, homomorphic

710. –mors- bite: remorse

711. *–mort- die: immortal, mortuary, postmortem, mortician, mortal, mortality

712. *–most most: northernmost, utmost (不影响重音)

713. *multi- many: multitude, multinational, multidirectional, multiracial, multiparty

714. –mur- wall: mural, muralist, extramural, intramural, intermural, immure, immurement

715. *–mut- change: mutable, mutability, mutual, mutant, mutation, permutation, commutation, commute, commuter, transmute

716. myco- fungus: mycology

717. myria- 10,000, many: myriad, myriapod

718. myrmeco- any: myrmecology

719. myxo- 粘液: myxoderma

720. mytho- myth: mythology, mythopoeic

721. narco-, narcot- numb: narcolepsy, narcotic, narcosis

722. –narr- tell: narrative, narrate

723. *–nasc-, -naiss-, -nat- birth: natural, nation, prenatal, renascent, renaissance, native, nativity, neonate, natal, prenatal, postnatal, connate, cognate

724. -naut- sailor: astronaut, nautical, aeronautics

725. *–nav- ship: navy, naval, navigate, circumnavigate

726. –navig- steer: navigation, circumnavigate

727. –nebul- fog: nebulous, nebula

728. *necro- death: necromancer, necrophobia

729. –necrosis death: angionecrosis (重音ne’crosis)/nikr[usis/

730. –necrotic adj. of n. ending in –necrosis

731. –neg-, -negat- say no: negate, abnegation

732. –negoti- business: negotiate

733. -negr-, -nigr- black: Negro, denigrate, Negroid, negrophile, nigrify, nigritude

734. *neo- new: neoclassic, neonatal, neogamist, neocolonialism, neorealism

735. nephr- kidney: nephritis

736. –nerv- sinew: nervous, unnerve

737. *–ness adj. → n.: selfishness, coldness,bitterness (不影响重音)

738. *neuro- [neur- before a vowel] nerves: neurology, neurosis, neural, neuritis, neurasthenia, neuroma, neuropathy

739. –neutr- neither: neuter, neutral

740. *–nex-, -nect- link: annex, connect, disconnect, annexation

741. –nik person keen on something: beatnik, peacenik (不影响重音)

742. *–nihil- nothing: nihilist, annihilate, nil, nihility

743. *–noc- injure: innocent, innocuous, noxious, nocent

744. nocti- [noct- before a vowel] night: noctambulism, noctiphobia, noctiflorous

745. **-nomic adj. of n. ending in –nomy: astronomic, economic

746. *–nomin- name: nominate, nominal, nomination, nominee, ignominy, ignominious

747. –nomy a field of study: astronomy, economy, autonomy, agronomy

748. *non- 1) not: nonsense, nonexistence, nonsmoker, nonconductor, nonstop 2) nine: nonet

749. –norm-, -nom- normal: abnormal, paranormal, anomaly, enormous, normalize, subnormal, supernormal

750. *–not- mark: notice, notable, annotate

751. *–nov- new: novelty, innovate, renovation, novice

752. nucleo- nuclear: nucleogenesis, nucleonic

753. –nupt- wedding: nuptial

754. –nud- naked: nudity, denude

755. –null- not any: nullify

756. *–numer- number: numeral, enumerate, numeric, numerable, innumerable

757. –nunc-, -nounc- announce: pronunciation, denounce, renunciation

758. –nutri- nourish: nutrition, nutrient, nutritional, innutrition, nutriology, nutriment, nutrimental


2.英语单词词根词缀词典 篇二

关键词:词缀   词根   初中英语   词汇教学
















3.俄语词根词缀 篇三

арт……(复合词前一部分)表示“炮”、“炮兵”之意,如:артдивизион 炮兵营.артогонь 炮火.артучилище 炮孝

архи…… 前缀〕表示“最”、“头等”、“头号”之意,如:архиплут 头号骗子手.архимиллионер 头等百万富翁.архиопасный 最危险的.астро……(复合词前一部分)表示“天体”、“星”、“天文”之意,如:астроботаника 天体植物学.астрогнозия 星学.аэро……(复合词前一部分)表示“航空”、“空气”之意,如:аэрофотоаппарат航空摄影机.аэрогеофизика航空地球物理学.аэробиология高空生物学.аэрогидромеханика空气流体力学.баро……(复合词前一部分)表示“气压”之意,如:баротравма气压伤.барохирургия气压外科(学).без…… 前缀〕⑴构成形容词,表示“没有”之意,如:безногий 无腿的.безработный 失业的.⑵构成结尾为-ие,-ье,-ица 的名词,表示“无”、“不足”之意,如:бесправие 无权.безлесье 无森林;缺少森林.безъ……前缀〕=без……, 用在元音е, ю, я前,如:безъязычный 不能说话的.бело……或бело-……(复合词前一部分)表示1)“白”之意,如:беловолосый 白发的.бело-сине-красный 白、蓝、红色的.2)“反革命”之意,如:белобандиты 白匪.бензо……(复合词前一部分)表示“汽油”之意,如:бензосклад汽油库.бензопила油锯.бес…… 前缀〕=без……,用在清辅音之前,如:беспокровный无遮盖物的,无外皮的.бескаркасный无构架的,无骨架的.библио……(复合词前一部分)表示“书”、“图书”之意,如:библиомания藏书癖.био……(复合词前一部分)表示“生”、“生命”、“生物”之意,如:биосфера生物层.биостанция生物实验所.блиц……(复合词前一部分)表示“闪电般”之意,如:блицпоход 闪电式行军.блицтурнир 闪电式比赛.блок……或блок-……(复合词前一部分)表示1)“区截”、“闭塞”之意,如:блокпост〈铁路〉闭塞(信号)所,区截信号室.блок-аппарат〈铁路〉闭塞机.2)“构件”、“组合件”之意,如:блок-бокс装配好的分构件.бое……(复合词前一部分)表示“战斗”之意,如:боеготовность 战斗准备.больше……复合形容词前一部分)用在表示身体的一部分的词中,表示“大”之意,如:большеглазый大眼睛的.большеротый大嘴的.большеносый大鼻子的.бомбо……(复合词前一部分)表示“炸弹”、“投弹”之意,如:бомболюк炸弹舱门.бомбосбрасыватель投弹器.борт……(复合词前一部分)表示“随航”、“随机”之意,如:бортврач随航医生.бортинженер随航工程师.бортнавигатор随机领航员.броне……(复合词前一部分)表示“装甲”、“防弹”之意,如:бронебашня装甲炮塔.бронестекло防弹玻璃.бронечасти装甲部队.в…… 前缀〕I构成动词,表示1)“进入”、“向里”、“往里”之意,如:входить走进.вогнать赶入.въезжать驶入.вдуть吹入.вбить打进.2)(加在带-ся动词上)“深入”、“仔细”之意,如:вдуматься深思.всмотреться细看.II构成副词:1)由形容词构成,如:вручную用手工.вскоре很快,不久.2)由名词构成,如:вверх向上.вначале最初,起先.3)由数词构成,如:вдвом两人一起.4)由动词构成,如:вплавь游着.впроголодь半饥半饱地.вакуум……或вакуум-……(复合词前一部分)表示“真空(的)”之意,如:вакуумметр真空计.вакуум-камера真空箱.вдоль……(复合词前一部分)表示“顺着”、“沿着”之意,如:вдольбереговой沿岸的.一

вееро……(复合词前一部分)表示“扇”之意,如:веерообразный扇形的.вееро-хвостый扇形尾的.вело……(复合词前一部分)表示“自行车”之意,如:велозавод自行车厂.велопарк自行车存车处.верхне……(复合词前一部分)表示“上游”之意,如:верхневолжский伏尔加河上游的.вет……(复合词前一部分)表示“兽医”之意,如:ветстанция兽医站.ветро……(复合词前一部分)表示“风”、“风力”之意,如:ветроколесо风轮.ветродвигатель风力发动机.вз…… 前缀〕I构成动词:1)“向上”之意,如:взлететь起飞,向上飞.2)动作强度、动作达到某种状态,如:взалкать渴求,渴望.взбухнуть胀大.3)行为完成、结束、到某种顶点状态或某种极限,如:взбесить使狂怒,使大发雷霆.4)(与后缀-ся并用)动作强烈,如:взбунтоваться起来造反,暴动.II构成名词:“高处”、“邻近”之意,如:взгорье高地,小山.взморье海滨,海边.взо……辅音音组开头的词之前,如:взойти登上,走上.взобраться爬上.взорваться爆炸.взъ……前缀〕=вз……,用在以元音字母е, ю, я开头的词之前,如:взъерошить披散(头发).взъяриться大发脾气.взаимо……(复合词前一部分)表示“互相”、“彼此”之意,如:взаимовлияние互相影响.взаимозаменяемый互相替换的.взрыво……(复合词前一部分)表示“爆炸”、“爆破”之意,如:взрывоударный爆炸冲击的.вибро……(复合词前一部分)表示“振动”之意,如:вибростенд振动试验台.вибробур振动式钻头.виброкаток振动压路机.видео……(复合词前一部分)表示1)“电视”、“视频”之意,如:видеоконтроль视频控制.2)“录像”之意,如:видео-плѐнка录像带.вино……(复合词前一部分)表示“酒”、“酿酒”之意,如:виноматериал酿酒原料.винто……(复合词前一部分)表示“螺纹”、“螺钉”、“螺旋”、“螺旋状”之意,如:винтонарезной切割螺纹的.винтокрыл旋翼飞行器.винторогий螺旋状角的.влаго……(复合词前一部分)表示“潮湿”、“水分”之意,如:влаголюбивый喜湿的.влагоотделитель水分分离器,脱湿器.вне……(复合词前一部分)表示“超”、“非”、“之外”之意,如:внебюджетный未列入预算的.вневедомственный本部门以外的,超部门的.внеслужебный业余的.внеэкономический非经济性的.внутри……(复合词前一部分)表示“内”、“内部”之意,如:внутриатомный原子内的.внутригородской市内的.внутрисекреторный内分泌的.внутриядерный核内的.внутривенный静脉内的.внутрикомнатный房间内的.во…… 前缀〕=в……,用在1)й, о之前,如:войти, воодушевить.2)两个以上并列的辅音之前,如:вобрать, вовремя.3)带ь的辅音之前,如:волью, вошью.4)个别情况下,如:вошл.водо……(复合词第一部>、表示水的意思、〔形〕водом的形容词.воен……(复合词前一部分)表示“军”、“军事”之意,如:военспец军事专家.военфельдшер助理军医.военно……或военно-……(复合词前一部分)表示“军”、“军事”、“战时”、“战争”之意,如:военно-инженерный军事工程的.военно-юридический军法的.воз,вос……前缀〕(多为书面语,并具有庄严意味)表示 1)“向上”之意,如:возвести使登上;抬起.вознести高举,抬高.2)“重新”、“再”之意,如:возродить重整,重建.возобновить恢复.3)“回答”、“报答”之意,如:воздать报答.вознаградить酬劳.4)“行为强烈”、“达到极限”之意,如:возликовать狂欢.возлюбить爱上.возо……=воз……用在某些辅音音组之前,如:возомнить自命不凡.вос……前缀〕=воз……,用在清辅音前,如:воскурить焚香.воспитать教育,教养.восьми……(复合词前一部分)表示“八”之意,如:восьмиклассный八年级的.восьмивесельный八桨的.восьмиэтажный八层的.восьмигранник八面体.вс……前缀〕=вз……,用于清辅音前,如:вскипеть沸腾起来.встревожить使不安.все……(复合词前一部分)表示“全部”、“一切”、“完全”之意,如:всеармейский全军的.всесокрушающий摧毁一切的,毁灭性的.всемирный全世界的.всесовершенный极完善的,极完美的.второ……(复合词前一部分)表示1)“第二”、“第二次”之意,如:второбрачный第二次婚姻的.2)“次要”、“次等”之意,如:второстепенный次要的;второсортный次等的,第二等的.въ……前缀〕=в……,用在元音字母е, я之前,如:въехать驶入.высоко……(复合词前一部分)表示 1)“高”、“高度”、“高等”之意,如:высококвалифицированный技术高超的.высококультурный具有高度文化的.2)“品级高”、“高级”之意(革命前俄国用于对品级较高的官吏的称呼), 如:высокоблагородие(与ваше, его, их连用)大人;太太.二

выше……(复合词前一部分)表示 1)“前”、“上”之意,如:вышепоименованный前面按名列举的.вышеозначенный上述的.2)“上面”之意,如:вышележащий位于上面的.3)“上级”之意,如:вышестоящий上级的.газо……(复合词前一部分)表示“气”、“气体”之意,如:газоанализатор气体分析器.газомотор煤气发动机.газосварочный气焊(用)的.гальвано……(复合词前一部分)表示“电流的”、“电镀的”之意,如:гальванотехника电镀技术.гальванометр电流计,检流表.гекто……(复合词前一部分)表示“一百”之意,如:гектоватт百瓦(特).гелио……(复合词前一部分)表示“太阳的”、“太阳能的”之意,如:гелиоскоп太阳目视镜.гелиоэнергетика太阳能动力学.ген……(复合词前一部分)表示“总的”之意,如:генплан总计划,总规划.гео……(复合词前一部分)表示“地”、“地球”之意,如:геоцентр地心.геогигиена地球卫生学.гермо……(复合词前一部分)表示“密封的”之意,如:гермокабина密封舱.гермокамера密封箱.гигро……(复合词前一部分)表示“潮湿”、“湿度”之意,如:гигрометр测湿表,湿度表.гигровата吸湿棉,脱脂棉.гидро……(复合词前一部分)表示“水”、“水力”、“水利”、“氢化”等之意,如:гидрогеолог水文地质学家.гидроавиация水上航空;水上飞机队.гидрогенизация氢化作用.гипер……前缀〕用于构成名词、形容词,表示“超过某种标准”、“过多”、“过分”之意,如:гипергликемия血糖过多症,高血糖.гиперинфляция恶性通货膨胀.гиперсинхронный超同步的.гипо…… 前缀〕用于构成名词、形容词,表示“低于一定标准”、“过低”、“不足”之意,如:гиповитаминоз维生素缺乏症.гипосекреция分泌不足.гипоксический缺氧的.глав……(复合词前一部分)表示“主要的”、“总的”;“总局”之意,如:главврач主治医生.главбух总会计师.главкинопрокат电影发行总局.главпище-пром 食品工业管理总局.гладко……(复合词前一部分)表示 1)“平滑的”、“肥胖的”之意,如:гладкошрстый(动物的)毛平整光滑的.гладколицый脸部肥胖的.2)“无花纹的”、“单色的”之意,如:гладкокрашеный素色的.глубоко……(复合词前一部分)表示 1)“深的”、“边远的”之意,如:глубокозалегающий深埋藏的.глубокорасположенный地处边远的.2)“深厚的”、“深刻的”之意,如:глубокочтимый深受敬重的.3)“深度的”、“极度的”之意,如:глубокозамороженный深度冷冻的.гор……(复合词前一部分)表示“城市”、“市”之意,如:горисполком市执行委员会.горторг市商业局.горно……或горно-……(复合词前一部分)表示1)“山的”、“高山的”之意,如:горнолесной山谷森林的.горно-долинный山谷的.2)“采矿”、“矿业”之意,如:горнорудный采矿的.гос……(复合词前一部分)表示“国家”之意,如:госаппарат国家机关.госбанк国家银行.грузо……或грузо-……(复合词前一部分)表示1)“重量”、“负荷”之意,如:грузонесущий承重的.2)“货物”、“载货”之意,如:грузо-пассажирский客货两用的.грузоперевозка货运.грязе……(复合词前一部分)表示“泥”之意,如:грязечерпалка挖泥船,挖泥机.густо…… 或густо-……(复合词前一部分)表示“稠的”、“密的”、“(颜色)深的”之意,如:густонаселѐнный人口稠密的.густолиственный枝叶茂密的.густо-зелѐный深绿色的.дальне……(复合词前一部分)表示“遥远”、“远距离”之意,如:дальнебомбардировочный远程轰炸的.дальнепривозный远处运来的.дву……(复合词第一部>表示“双的”、“两个的”

де…… 〔前缀〕加在动词或名词前,表示“废除”、“取消”或“不”、“非”之意,如:деидеологизация非意识形态化.демонтаж拆除,拆卸.девяти……(复合词前一部分)表示“九”之意,如:девятикратный九次的;九倍的.девятимесячный九个月的 дез…… 前缀〕=де……用在以元音开头的词之前,如:дезинформация虚假消息.дека……(复合词前一部分)表示“十”之意,如:декаграмм十克.декатонна十吨.дендро……(复合词前一部分)表示1)“树木”之意,如:дендросад树木园.2)“树木学”之意,如:дендроклиматология树木气候学.десяти……(复合词前一部分)表示“十”之意,如:десятиугольный十角的.деци……(复合词前一部分)表示“十分之一”之意,如:децилитр十分之一升.дип……(复合词前一部分)表示“外交的”之意,如:дипкульер外交信使.диппочта外交邮务.дис…… 前缀〕加在动词或名词前,表示“不”、“否定”之意,如:дисфункция机能失调.дискомфорт(生活上)不方便,不舒适.диско……(复合词前一部分)表示“唱片的”、“夜总会的”、“迪斯科的”之意,如:дискохранилище唱片库.дискоклуб迪斯科俱乐部.三

длинно……(复合词前一部分)表示“长”之意,如:длинноствольный长筒的(指枪、炮).длинношѐрстный长毛的.до…… 前缀〕I加在动词前,表示1)“完成”、“到…”之意,如:дочитать读到;读完.дожить活到.2)“添…”、“补…”之意,如:докупить添置.дополучить补收.3)(与-ся并用)“到…结果”之意,如:дозвониться打通电话.доиграться闹到(不愉快的程度).II加在形容词前,表示“…(之)前”之意,如:дореволюционный革命前的.дошкольный学龄前的.III加在名词前,表示“在…之前”之意,如:доистория史前期.IV加在副词前,表示“到…界限或程度”之意,如:доныне直到现在,迄今.догола(脱、剃得)光光地.долго……(复合词前一部分)表示“长久的”、“长的”之意,如:долголетие长寿.долгохвостый长尾巴的.дор……(复合词前一部分)表示“道路的”之意,如:доротдел公路管理科.древне……(复合词前一部分)表示“古”、“古时”之意,如:древнегреческий古希腊的.древнерусский古俄罗斯的.древо……(复合词前一部分)表示1)“树木”、“树林”之意,如:древовал伐树机.древонасаждение植树.2)“木材”、“木”之意,如:древоделочный加工木材的.дымо……(复合词前一部分)表示“烟”、“烟的”之意,如:дымомаскировка烟幕伪装.дымонепроницаемый防烟的.едино……(复合词前一部分)表示1)“单一”、“独”之意,如:единоженство一妻制.единодержавие专制政体.2)“一对一”之意,如:единоборство一对一的战斗.3)“同样”、“同一”、“一致”之意,如:единообразие同一式样.4)“一次的”、“一回的”之意,如:единовременный一次的.еже……(复合词前一部分)表示“每”之意,如:ежеквартальный每季的.ежесуточный每昼夜的.жаро……(复合词前一部分)表示1)“热(气)”之意,如:жаровыносливый能耐热的.2)“发热”、“发烧”之意,如:жаропонижающий解热的.жидко……(复合词前一部分)表示1)“液态的”、“流质的”之意,如:жидкометаллический液态金属的.жидкоподвижный液态流动的.2)“稀薄的”、“稀疏的”之意,如:жидковолосый头发稀疏的.3)“虚弱的”之意,如:жидконогий腿脚无力的.жизне……(复合词前一部分)表示“生命”、“生命力”、“生活”之意,如:жизнеопасный有生命危险的.жизнелюбие热爱生活.за……前缀〕I构成动词,表示1)开始,如:заболеть害起病来.забегать跑起来.2)结果,如:закрепить安结实.затвердеть变硬.3)(带-ся或不带-ся)超出允许界限,如:заиграть玩坏.закормить喂得过多.4)到…后面,如:забежать(за дерево)跑到(树后).закатиться(за шкаф)滚到(柜子后面).5)往远处,如:завезти运到远处.заслать送到远处.6)顺便,顺路,如:забежать顺路到.занести顺路送到.II构成名词或形容词,表示“在那一边”、“在…之后”、“在…之外”等意思,如:заречье河对岸的地方.загородный城郊的.III构成副词,表示1)“时间”,如:затемно天还未亮时.2)“性质特征”,如:запросто不客气地.зав……(复合词前一部分)表示“主任”、“经理”之意,如:завклубом俱乐部主任.завмаг商店主任,商店经理.загот……(复合词前一部分)表示“采购”、“收购”之意,如:заготконтора采购办事处.заготпункт采购站.загран……(复合词前一部分)表示“国外的”、“出国的”之意,如:загранкомандировка国外出差.загранпоездка出国.задне……(复合词前一部分)表示“后”、“后面”之意,如:задненбный后腭的.заднепроходный肛门的.заднемоторный后发动机的.зам……②解的缩写,如:замдиректора副经理.зампред副主席.звуко……(复合词前一部分)表示 1)“音”、“声音”之意,如:звукосигнальный声音信号的.звукоглушение消音.2)“语音”、“发音”、“录音”之意,如:звукопроизношение发音.звукорежиссѐр录音导演.здрав……(复合词前一部分)表示“卫生”、“保健”之意,如:здравпункт保健站.земле……(复合词前一部分)表示1)“地球”之意,如:землеведение普通自然地理学.2)“土”、“泥土”、“土地”之意,如:землеустроитель土地规划员.зерно……(复合词前一部分)表示“谷粒”、“谷物”、“粮食”之意,如:зерновоз运谷汽车.зернопровод谷物传送装置.золото……(复合词前一部分)表示1)“金”、“黄金”之意,如:золотовалютный金本位的.2)“含金的”、“金制的”之意,如:золотоверхий有金顶的.3)“金色的”之意,如:золотоволосый金发的.зоо……(复合词前一部分)表示“动物”、“动物学”之意,如:зоогеография动物地理学.зоофакультет动物学系.из…… 前缀〕I构成动词,表示 1)“从里面”、“从内”之意(与前缀вы……同).如:изгнать驱逐,赶出.2)“全部”、“各个方面”之意,如:избегать跑遍.3)“极限”、“完成”、“完结”之意,如:изжарить烤熟.4)“全部耗尽”、“用尽”之意,如:измылить洗涤用完.5)(与-ся并用)“得到(或失去)…特征”之意,如:извериться失掉信心.II构成副词,表示“具有”、“带有”、“微带”(味道、颜色等)之意,如:иззелена微带绿色.изжелта微带黄色.四

изо……前缀〕=из……,用在1)й之前,如:изойти精疲力竭.2)两个以上的并列辅音之前,如:изогнуть使成弯形.изорвать撕碎.3)带ь的辅音之前,如:изобью(我)毒打.изо……1(复合词前一部分)表示1)“造型的”之意,如:изоискусство造型艺术.2)与美术有关的,如:изолетопись美术编年史.изо……2(复合词前一部分)表示“相等的”、“相同的”之意,如:изолинии等值线.изъ……前缀〕=из……,用在е, ю, я之前,如:изъездить走遍.изъязвить使形成溃疡.иммуно……(复合词前一部分)表示“免疫”、“免疫学”之意,如:иммунохимия免疫化学.иммунобиология免疫生物学.инако…… 复合形容词第一部分)表示“另一样”之意,如:инакодействующий作用不同的.инакочувствующий有不同感觉的,感觉异样的.инд……(复合词前一部分)表示“个人的”、“个体的”之意,如:индзаказ个人订货.ино……(复合词前一部分)表示“另外的”、“别的”、“其他的”、“外国的”之意,如:иномыслие另外的看法,不同的看法.инонациональный别的民族的,另一个民族的.интер…… 前缀〕构成名词、形容词,表示“之间”之意,如:интерсекс雌雄兼体.интервокальный元音间的.ир…… 前缀〕构成形容词和名词,表示“非”、“反”、“无”、“不”之意,如:ирреальный不现实的.иррационализм非理性主义.ис…… 前缀〕=из……,用于清辅音前,例如:испечь完全烤熟.истопить生好,生起.ихтио……(复合词第一部>表示鱼类的、象鱼的之意

кардио……(复合词前一部分)表示“心脏的”、“治疗心脏病的”之意,如:кардиосклероз心硬化.кардиохирургия心脏外科学.кардионеврологический治疗心脏神经疾病的.квази……(复合词前一部分)〈书〉表示“冒牌”、“伪”之意,如:квазиучѐный冒牌学者.квазиреволюционный假革命的.кино……(复合词前一部分)表示“电影”、“影片”之意,如:киносеть电影网.кинодраматург电影剧本作者.ком……(复合词前一部分)表示“共产主义”之意,如:компартия共产党.ком1……(复合词前一部分)表示“指挥”、“指挥员”之意,如:комсостав全体指挥人员.коне……(复合词前一部分)表示“马”、“养马”之意,如:конесовхоз国营养马场.конно……(复合词前一部分)表示“马”、“骑马”、“马拉”、“养马”之意,如:конноспортивный骑马运动的.контр……(复合词前一部分)表示“反”、“反对”等之意,如:контрпроект对策,反对方案.контрпредложение反建议.коротко……(复合词前一部分)表示“短”之意,如:коротконогий短腿的.космо……(复合词前一部分)表示“宇宙”、“航天”、“宇航”之意,如:космофизика宇宙物理学.космопсихология航天心理学.косо……(复合词前一部分)表示“歪”、“斜”之意,如:косоплечий肩膀斜的.косослой斜纹.край……(复合词前一部分)表示“边区”、“地区”之意,如:крайком边区委员会.крайисполком边区执行委员会.криво……(复合词前一部分)表示“弯曲”、“歪”、“不正”之意,如:кривошеий歪脖子的.криволинейный曲线的,曲线形的.крупно……(复合词前一部分)表示1)“大”之意,如:крупноголовый大头的,头大的.крупноблочный大块的,大块材料组成的.2)“粗糙的”(指加工)之意,如:крупноточѐный旋制粗糙的.культ……(复合词前一部分)表示“文化”之意,如:культтовары文化用品.лазеро……(复合词前一部分)表示“激光”之意,如:лазеротерапия激光治疗,激光疗法.ледо……(复合词前一部分)表示“冰”、“含冰”之意,如:ледовоз拉冰的人.ледогрунтовый冰冻土壤的.лесо……(复合词前一部分)表示“森林”、“木材”、“林业”之意,如:лесовозобновление森林更新.лесоразгрузочный卸木材的.лже……(复合词前一部分)表示1)“伪”、“假”之意,如:лжеискусство伪艺术.лжедруг假朋友.2)某些动植物名称的组成部分,表示与基本种类有部分相同之处.лжеакация洋槐,刺槐.лже-скорпион书.льдо……(复合词前一部分)表示“冰”之意,如:льдобур(捕鱼用的)冰钻.льдодробилка破冰机.льно……(复合词前一部分)表示“亚麻”之意,如:льнопрядильня亚麻纺纱厂.льнокомбайн亚麻联合收割机.макро……(复合词前一部分)表示“大”、“宏观”之意,如:макромолекула大(高)分子.макроклимат大气候.мало……(复合词前一部分)表示“少”、“小”、“不足”之意,如:маловлиятельный影响小的.маловредный害处不大的.малоумие智力发育不全.масло…… 或масло-……(复合词前一部分)表示“油”、“黄油”之意,如:маслобак油箱.маслоизготовитель奶油制造机.машино……或машино-……(复合词前一部分)表示“机器”之意,如:машино——час(机器的)台时.машинопрокатный出租机器的.五

мега……(复合词前一部分)表示“百万”、“兆”、“巨大的”之意,如:мегагерц兆赫(兹), мегаспора大孢子.мед……(复合词前一部分)表示“医学”、“医务”、“医疗”之意,如:медобслуживание医疗服务.медработник医务工作者.меж……(复合词前一部分)=между……, 如:межбровье两眉之间.между……前缀〕构成名词或形容词,表示“在…之间”、“…际”之意,如:междуэтажный两层间的.междузвѐздный星际的.мелко……(复合词前一部分)表示1)“小”、“细”之意,如:мелкоплодный果实小的.2)“小”之意(指经济能力薄弱),如:мелкопоместный小地产的.3)“浅”、“矮”之意,如:мелкодонный浅底的.мелкохолмистый矮山丘的.металло……(复合词前一部分)表示“金属”之意,如:металлоизделие金属制品.металловидный金属状的.метео……(复合词前一部分)表示“气象”、“气象学”之意,如:метеоцентр气象中心,метеосводка气象报告.метод……(复合词前一部分)表示“方法”, “教学法”之意,如:методразработка教案.метро……(复合词前一部分)表示“地下铁路”之意,如:метростроитель地下铁路建设者.мех……(复合词前一部分)表示 1)“力学”之意,如:мехмат数学力学系.2)“机械化”之意,如:мехколонна机械化土方工程队.механо……(复合词前一部分)表示“机械”, “力学”之意,如:механосборочный机械装配的.механотерапия机械疗法,力学疗法.микро……(复合词前一部分)表示1)“微小”之意,如:микроорганизм微生物.2)“微量”、“微型”之意,如:микроанализ微量分析.микрокиносъѐмка微型电影摄影.микроЭВМ微型电子计算机.3)“百万分之一”、“微”之意,如:микровольт微伏(特).милли……(复合词前一部分)表示“千分之一”、“毫”之意,如:милливольт毫伏(特).миллиампер毫安(培).младо……(复合词前一部分)表示“青年的”、“新近的”之意,如:младописьменный新近才有文字的.много……(复合词前一部分)表示“许多”之意,如:многоквартирный多住宅的.молоко……(复合词前一部分)表示“乳”、“牛奶”、“乳品”之意,如:молокомер量乳器.молокогонный催奶的.моно……(复合词前一部分)表示“单一”、“独”之意,如:монохроматический单色的.мото……(复合词前一部分)表示1)“摩托”、“内燃(机)”之意,如:мотобот小汽艇.2)“摩托化”,如:мотодивизия摩托化师.3)“摩托车”,如:мотодром摩托车竞赛场.мягко……(复合词前一部分)表示“软”、“柔软”之意,如:мягкокожий软皮的.мягконѐбный软腭的.мясо…… 或мясо-……(复合词前一部分)表示“肉”、“肉类”之意,如:мясопродукты肉食品.мясоконсервный肉罐头的.на……前缀〕I构成动词,表示 1)“往…上”之意,如:набросить披上.2)“在…上”之意,如:насохнуть干后粘在…上.3)“许多”、“大量”、“充分”之意,如:наспиртовать使饱含酒精.4)“低”、“小”之意,如:напевать低声唱.5)“细心”、“彻底”之意,如:нагладить细心熨.6)结果,如:натренировать训练出来.7)动作的极限,如:нарисовать画完,написать写完.II构成形容词、名词,表示“在上面”、“上”之意,如:настенный挂在墙上的.III构成副词,表示“最”、“非常”之意,如:настрого最严厉地.над……前缀〕I接动词,表示 1)“增添”之意,如:надвязать接长.надстроить增筑.2)“略微”之意,如:надкусить咬下一小块.надрезать切开一点.II组成名词、形容词,表示“在…上面”之意,如:надбровье眉上的部分.надземный地面上的.надо……前缀〕=над……,用在1)两个、两个以上的并列辅音前,如:надорвать(从上面)稍为扯破.надогнуть稍为弄弯一点.2)带ь的辅音前,如:надовью(我)捻长.надошью(我)缝上一点.наи…… 前缀〕接形容词、副词,构成最高级,表示“最”、“极”之意,如:наилучший最好的.наиболее最.нар……(复合词前一部分)表示“人民”之意,如:нарсуд人民法院.нарком人民委员.нарко……(复合词前一部分)表示“麻醉”、“麻醉剂的”之意,如:наркомания麻醉剂瘾.наркопсихотерапия麻醉心理疗法.нац……(复合词前一部分)表示“民族的”之意,如:наццентр民族中心.нач……(复合词前一部分)表示1)“首长”之意,如:начдив师长.2)“领导”之意,如:начсостав领导人员;指挥人员.невро……(复合词前一部分)表示“神经的”、“神经病学的”之意,如:невропатия神经病.невродиспансер神经病治疗所.недо……复合前缀〕表示“不足”、“不够”之意,如:недобрать没采够数.недо-спать没睡足.недоспелый不太成熟的.нео……(复合词前一部分)表示“新”之意,如:неодарвинизм新达尔文主义.неоколониализм新殖民主义.неудобо……(复合词前一部分)表示“不便”、“不易”之意,如:неудобоисполнимый不易执行的.неудобопроизносимый不易发音的.неудобочитаемый难读的.нефте……(复合词前一部分)表示“石油”之意,如:нефтепереработка石油加工.нефтепродукты石油产品.нефтепромышленность石油工业.六

4.GRE词汇考试常见词根词缀 篇四

25) flor, flour, flower, 含义是“花” flower, flourish

26) form, 含义是“形” uniform, formula, transform, reform, deform

27) forc, fort, 含义是“力,强度” force, enforce, effort

28) gen, genit, 含义是“生产,发生” generate, generation

29) gram, graph, 含义是“书写,记录” telegram, diagram, photograph

30) grad, gress, gred, gree, 含义是“步,阶段” gradually, degree, progress

31) hab, habit, hibit, 含义是“保持,住” inhabit, exhibit, prohibit

32) her, hes, 含义是“粘附” adhere, cohesion

33) ject, jet, 含义是“抛射” project, inject

34) jour, 含义是“日,一天” journal(日记), journey, adjourn(延期)

35) jug, junct, 含义是“结合,连合” conjunction, junction(连合)

36) labour, labor, 含义是“劳动,工作” labourer, elaborate, collaborate

37) lect, leg, lig, 含义是“挑选,采集” collect, select, lecture

38) lif, liv, 含义是“生活,生存” life, alive, live

39) loc, 含义是“场所,位置” location, dislocate(脱位)

40) long, leng, ling, 含义是“长的” length, prolong, linger

41) loqu, locut, 含义是“说话” colloquial, eloquent,

42) mand, mend, 含义是“命令” command, demand, recommend

43) man, manu, 含义是“手,手法” manage, manual

44) memor, menber, 含义是“记忆” memory, remember, memorial

45) mind, ment, 含义是“心” mind, remind, mental

5.GRE词汇之常见词根词缀 篇五


(1) 具有某种职业或动作的人

1)-an, -ain, 表示“……地方的人,精通……的人”American, historian,

2)-al, 表示”具有……职务的人“ principal,

3)-ant,-ent, 表示”……者” merchant, agent, servant, student,

4)-ar, 表示“……的人” scholar, liar, peddler

5)-ard, -art, 表示”做……的人”coward, laggard, braggart(夸张者)

6)-arian, 表示“……派别的人, ……主义的人”humanitarian, vegetarian

7)-ary, 表示”从事……的人“ secretary, missionary

8)-ant, 表示”具有……职责的人“ candidate, graduate

9)-ator, 表示”做……的人“ educator, speculator(投机者)

10)-crat, 表示”某种政体,主义的支持者“ democrat, bureaucrat

11)-ee, 表示”动作承受者“ employee, examinee

12)-eer, 表示”从事于……人“ engineer, volunteer

13)-er, 表示”从事某种职业的人, 某地区,地方的人“ banker, observer, Londoner, villager

14)-ese, 表示” ……国人,…..地方的人”Japanese, Cantonese

15)-ess, 表示“阴性人称名词, actress, hostess, manageress

16)-eur, 表示”……家” amateur, littérateur

17)-ian, 表示“……地方人,信仰…….教的人,从事……职业的人”Christian, physician(内科医生),musician

18)-ician, 表示”精通者, ……家,”electrician, magician, technician

19)-icist, 表示“……家, …….者, …….能手”physicist, phoneticist, technicist

20)-ic, 表示”……者,……师“ mechanic, critic

21)-ie, 表示”爱,指小“ dearie, auntie, lassie(小姑娘)

22)-ier, 表示”从事……职业” cavalier, clothier, brazier(黄铜匠)

23)-ine, ian, 表示“阴性人称” heroine, ballerina

24)-ist, 表示“从事……研究者,信仰……主义者” pianist, communist, dentist, artist, chemist

25)-ive, 表示“动作者,行为者” native, captive

26)-logist, 表示”……学家,研究者“ biologist, geologist(地质学家)

27)-or, 表示”……者“ author, doctor, operator,

28)-ster, 表示”做…….事情的人”youngster, gamester(赌徒),songster
