


1.化学研究生英文简历表格 篇一


Personal Details 
Resume number: Updating date: no photo
Name:Miss. PNationality:China (Mainland)
Current Place:GuangzhouHeight/Weight:157cm 47kg
Marital Status:SingleAge: 
Career Objective and Work experience
Application type:Jobseeker
Preferred job title:Analysis chemical industry: Technician 、Fine/commodity chemical industr: Technician 、Polymer chemical industry: Technician
Working life: Title:Middle title
Job type:Full timeExpected Start date:In a day
Expected salary:¥2,000--¥3,500Preferred working place:Guangzhou Foshan Zhuhai
Work Experience :
Company“s name:Guangzhou Deco composite materials Co.,Ltd;Begin and end date:2007-10-2009-08
Enterprise nature:Private enterprisesIndustry: Chemistry & chemical industry/Biopharmaceutical
Job Title:Technician 
Job description:Responsible for setting new proposal for product analysis, including anticsolidify monomer series, resin for solid surface material, peroxide esters and other schedule business; 
Reasons for leaving:The company moved away from Guangzhou 
Company”s name:Guangzhou Jiesai Technology Co., Ltd. Electrochemical Product Development Competition BranchBegin and end date:2005-08-2007-10
Enterprise nature:Sino-foreign joint venturesIndustry: Metals & mineral/metal products
Job Title:Technicians and assistant manager 
Job description:Responsible for ingredient content analysis, quality detection, and assist the manager for the daily stuff. 
Reasons for leaving:Personal reasons 
Educational Background
Name of School:Building Materials in Guangdong Province Technical School
Highest Degree:AssociateDate of Graduation: 
Name of Major1:Chemical analysis and quality inspectionName of Major2: 
Education experience:
Start dateEnd dateEducation organizationMajorsCertificateCertificate No
2002-092005-07Guangdong construction material technical school.Chemical analysis & Quality  detection,college 
Language Ability
Foreign Language:EnglishLevel:average
Chinese level:perfectCantonese Level:perfect
Relevant skills and abilities
 I have long been engaged in chemical laboratory work, according to the analysis of rich practical experience and more solid theoretical foundation for the chemical; familiar with a variety of common laboratory analytical instruments to understand the working principle, the basic operation and maintenance methods, proficiency in the use of gas chromatography Miriam [GC], high performance liquid chromatography [HPLC], laser color tester, various models of spectrophotometer, Karl Fischer Moisture Analyzer • analytical instruments, etc.;Certificate.
Self-recommendation letter
 I have the greatest characteristic is friendly and optimistic, it has the experience in technology companies, served as a laboratory technician to work on their own professional knowledge and operation of this is fully competent. There are3years of working practice proper training,

2.化学研究生英文简历表格 篇二

英文简历的写作是英语应用文写作中的教学重点。随着近年来大学生就业竞争压力的增大, 学生也越来越重视这一部分内容的学习。纵观我们以往对于英文简历写作的教学研究, 大都仅限于如何打磨出一个好的模板来让学生无限套用, 而忽视了简历作为一个实用性文体的最本质的功能——获得面试机会。想要达到这一目的, 单靠一个语法完美、用词优美的万能模板是无法实现的, 因为投递简历其实是一个复杂的实践过程, 包括:寻找招聘信息来源→选择职位和公司→阅读、理解招聘启事→结合不同招聘要求写出相应简历。一篇好的简历也仅仅只是这一流程中的一环, 把简历的写作与其他环节割裂开, 或者任一环节出现问题, 都不能达到最终的活动目的, 即获得面试机会。


实践性教学是指将依据培养目标确定的能力结构而设置于课程之中的与学科实务相适应的具有实践性、应用性的教学内容付诸教学的教学活动。[1]对于英文简历写作这门课程来说, 最具实践性、应用性的无疑就是向学生完整介绍包括英文简历模板在内的简历投递的全过程。

1. 招聘信息来源。

对于求职的应届毕业生来说, 找到合适又可靠的信息发布媒体是一切工作开始的源头。一个资源不佳的招聘媒体很难为求职者提供优质、适合的职位, 更有可能令求职者上当受骗。

2. 应聘职位分析。

在进入到招聘网站后, 面对纷繁的招聘信息, 学生应如何索引才能快速、高效地找到适合自己的职位, 是每个刚刚开始求职的毕业生所面临的问题。学生对职位不了解, 不知道哪个岗位适合自己, 自己的专业又能做些什么, 导致很多学生投了不适合自己的职位, 浪费了时间, 错失了其他工作的机会。

3. 招聘启事阅读。

近年来, 有很多外资公司将自己的招聘启事全部英文化, 包括职位名称、职位描述及要求。因此, 如果不能很好地理解甚至看懂英文的招聘启事, 求职者便无法写出与所申请职位相符的, 具有说服力、竞争力的简历来, 甚至还有可能走很多弯路, 耽误了求职的最佳时机。以笔者进行问卷调查的班级为例, 英语专业大三年级的学生, 阅读一般的英文资料已经并不困难, 但仍有超过半数以上 (57.7%) 的学生表示对于英文招聘启事不能完全理解其意。究其原因是由于学生们仅能从语言层面去阅读分析, 而实际的文本中有很多用词、表达是商务化的、职场化的, 所描述的内容也是实际的工作内容与要求, 这些对于还没有真正走出校门的学生来讲无疑理解起来是有难度的。

(1) 职位名称代表工作的分类, 是求职者索引信息的根据。

如:English/Chinese Translator

从“Translator”可知该工作只是笔译没有口译, 因此对英语口语应该没有太高要求。

再如:ProjectM anager Coordinator

“coordinator”在英语中是协调者的意思, 看似和英语专业不相关, 因此很多学生会错过这类职位。但这样的项目协调员所做的其实就是翻译兼秘书的工作。

再如:有很多学生选投了一些“M anger”的职位, 因为他们看到除了工作经验部分自己都符合要求, 于是自信满满地认为自己可以胜任。但其实像“M anger”这样的管理职位是不会交给一个刚出校门的学生来做的, 工作经验对于M anger来讲是最重要的要求。在一个部门里, 职位名称由大到小基本上是这样排列的M anger→Supervisor→A ssistant, 这里很多学生对于Supervisor是做什么工作的一直不太理解, 因为它字面上是“监督者、监管人”的意思, 而在实际工作中它只是一个部门中的职位等级, 低于经理, 高于助理。如:M arketing Supervisor可以理解为市场部专员。因此, 学生可以应聘的其实只有Supervisor和A ssistant而已, M anger过于牵强了。

(2) 工作描述顾名思义就是对该职位的具体描述, 目的是告诉求职者这份工作要都需要做些什么, 求职者也可据此判断自己是否适合该职位, 是否对该职位感兴趣。有些职位描述可以被求职者借鉴写入简历中, 投其所好, 得到面试的几率会大大提高。如英孚少儿英语教师的这篇招聘启事中职位描述这一段:

Y ou love education and culture industry...[2]

求职者完全可以把第二人称you换成第一人称I再做些修改加入到简历的self-statem ent中。并且这种职业描述具有普遍性, 应聘其他公司的少儿英语教师的时候也可以拿来借鉴。

(3) 职位要求是整个招聘启事的重点, 求职者必须看懂每一个标准再考量自己, 看是否符合要求, 如盲目投递是费时费工的。要求又分为软要求和硬要求两种。

如:M ust be resourceful, confident and take initiative是能力、性格方面的要求, 很难在简历与面试中考量, 因此只作为自我评判的标准, 是软要求。硬要求的限制主要来自于专业背景、学历证书和工作经验这三方面, 如:A university degree above m ajoring in English and/or English Education这就是个硬性的规定, 必须是英语专业的学生且本科学历;再如:English m ajor or have oversea study/working experience with strong English skills (both oraland written) 这条就不一定非要英语专业, 有海外留学或工作经验的皆可, 但英语水平一定要高。

4. 英文简历的书写。

对于如何打磨出一份高质量的简历模板, 学生该如何进行套用, 以及如何利用写作技巧使英文简历看起来更地道, 已经被很多专家、学者、教师专门论述过了, 本文这里不再赘述。


在进行了上述英文简历写作课的教学创新实践后, 笔者对天津财经大学珠江学院英语0704班29名同学进行了问卷调查, 收回有效问卷27份。调查结果表明 (见表1) :学生对于把简历投递全过程都作为知识教授给他们的这样的英文简历写作课表示十分欢迎, 有92%的学生表示最喜欢简历投递全过程的介绍环节而不是简历模板讲解。原因是有80%的学生表示可以从互联网上下载到英文简历模板, 有些甚至优于教科书上的范文。而投递简历的实践过程介绍这样的实用性知识, 他们大多只能从这门课上才能获得 (97%) , 并且认为这样的知识令他们感觉收获很大 (90%) 。

从表1的分析中得知:把英文简历写作课放在实践性教学模式下, 为学生教授与求职直接相关的实用性内容, 填补了学生的相关空白知识, 使英文简历写作不再孤立, 真正运用到了实践中, 有助于他们顺利完成日后的求职活动。

摘要:英文简历写作属应用文体, 其目的是帮助求职者获得面试机会。然而, 投递简历是一个复杂的实践过程, 只讲授简历文本的书写是无法在实际的求职中帮助学生获得面试机会的。本文作者由此提出在实践性教学模式下, 增加与投递简历相关的所有实用性知识的教授, 这种创新型教学不仅弥补了学生社会实践性知识的空白, 并且有利于学生把英文简历的写作更好地运用到实际工作中去, 使他们迅速适应大四的求职活动。



[1]莫怡琴.加强实践性教学的几点看法[J].安顺师范高等专科学校学报 (综合版) , 2003, (4) .

3.英文简历表格 篇三







































4.英文相关简历表格 篇四

Full name: Piece *****

Sexual distinction: Male

The age: 31

Marriage deny: Maiden

Citizenship: China

Mobile telephone: 86-1391*********** (Shanghai)

Email: *************@163.com.cn

Career Goal: Development of sale management, business affairs, investment, seek advice

Ego evaluation

10 years above work experience is in industry of the fast consumable market, industrial product that pack and; of industry of sterilization of medical treatment things

Creativity thinking and decision-making, flexibility gets used to ability to bear enormous actuating pressure;

Outstanding communication and the business chance consciousness that manage ability and acumen, the survey of new product, new market / extend capacity;

The market of foreign capital of familiar and relevant industry and indigenous industry runs means and competitive strategy;

Knowledge of professional market sale strategy is mixed in theory practice respect, accumulate ecstasy view and group collaboration spirit;

Devote oneself to to become the leader of sale management and innovation, retain the susceptibility to vicissitude of the market and fast report ability.

Educational state

British ******* business school is industrial and commercial administrative Master MBA

Ranked Among The World S Top 100 Business Schools (Economist ); Ranked In The UK S Top 15 Business Schools (Financial Times )

Undergraduate course of major of standard of economy of ********* law courtyard / the whole nation

Lawyer qualification

Working experience

(2004 of ********** limited company - up to now) China

Commerce director

The disinfection of sterilization of medical treatment things with the greatest whole world serves a company

Basically serve a client: (B2B) is strong unripe, green jade enlighten, 100 special, Kaidina

Report a line: Market of GM / Europe markets vice president

Subordinate: The client serves / business affairs support


Study Chinese market situation and investment climate, analytic competition circumstance, evaluate commerce to invest an opportunity, offer feasibility to study a report to board of directors and European headquarters;

Be in charge of the investment analysis of whole China market and business affairs running; Participate in electron beam project (invest 12 million euro) construction / finish, the project approving that promotes project of annulus oxygen ethane directly (invest 15 million euro)

Formulate market sale strategy, include market fixed position, promotion, client to develop plan, year the sale is forecasted and cost cost budget;

Build, maintain the strategic partner relationship with key client, the sterilization solution that offers a complete set of, microbial

The test serves with the appreciation such as content shedding;

****** (China) limited company ( - )

District selling manager

One of beer beverage companies with the biggest Australia

Report a line: Sell chief inspector

Subordinate: The sale is in charge of / delegate, promotion is in charge of / delegate, sales promotion personnel


Those who be in charge of Su Na area is high-grade the market sale with mainstream brand beer;

Analyse the market and competitor situation, make year sell plan and cost budget;

Invite applications for a job, groom the sale popularizes personnel, build solidarity and the sale team that are full of fighting capacity;

Ad of design, executive mart and sales promotion activity;

Agency of development, government and key client, build perfect and maintain access sale channel.


In high-grade beer market, good brand is built in the competition with international brand famous spend He Zhongcheng. For instance, the weakness of the product line of world-famous brand and channel sentences successful attack market leader, popularize a brand quickly through sale channel of evening show of race to control famous degree, enter the channel such as meal supermarket smoothly next;

Take the lead in developing country and market of 2 class city, built cobweb type cent to sell channel, achieve higher investment return rate;

In mainstream beer market, endure the homebred brand of brutal market competition and countless. Accepted advanced market sale concept, for instance deepness cent is sold and area turns management, raising the market to enclothe lead and have rate while prevent the sale that cross a region and low to sell behavior;

Before regional industry 3 competitor are become below finite budgetary condition, leading the innovation of market sale and sales promotion the activity. For instance, carried out successfully turn over seasonal sales promotion, bind type sale and chain store lock to plan to wait surely.

******* food limited company

The food group with the biggest Taiwan

Main product: ** series is convenient face, beverage

Report a line: General manager

Subordinate: The sale is in charge of / sales promotion of delegate, promotion is in charge of / delegate, financial personnel, storage transports staff


The government of the market sale of responsible Suzhou area and Suzhou branch works, include sale, promotion, finance affairs and storage to carry.


Build unique dual system to sell a network, include to sell channel and dealer representative channel continuously. Coordinate structure of two kinds of channel, deepness covers target market;

Develop key client and special access channel, for instance, took the lead in developing monopolistic to close sale room, wait to know a place especially like jail, detention house, obtain favorable result and be popularized in countrywide market by headquarters;

Appear on the market successfully unified 100 with glacial black tea, the leader that replaces health master to make local market is in ;

Turnover from the RMB 700 thousand / the month promotes 3.5 million / month, the branch that makes profit of the first implementation is in .

Professional skill / groom state

Software of office of perfectness Microsoft XP Office (Word, excel And PowerPoint)

Professional sale skill grooms (PSS) / major manages skill to groom (PMS)

5.英文简历表格 篇五

Name: Marsha

Gender: feMale

Date of Birth: May, 1985

Citizenship: Fedu county, Dinyi, Qhandong

Major: English (B.A)

⊿ Objective

Assistant of your office or the manager; Interpreter of company or organization which concerns

international business; College or vocational university‘s teacher.

⊿ Education Background

September 2002 to July 2006, Shandong University of Architecture

September 1998 to July 2002, Linyi No.1 Middle School

⊿ Main Skills

About English

Have past the Test for English Major -4; fluent oral English, and good pronunciation.

Major target: ESP of technology, esp. architecture and real estate, and also international business.

About German

Have learned about 200 hours of Hochschuldeutsch 1, 2. Can do basic reading and writing.

About Chinese

Have got the Certificate of Chinese, the score is 86.2

About Computer

Have a good command of computer, knowing the basic maintain of hardware and software;

Good sense of Visual Foxpro language.Intersted in web page design, and had mastered the

MACROMEDIA, which including Dreamweaver,Flash and Firework.

Skilled in Microsoft Office, including FrontPage.

⊿ Work Experience

Have part time job in Shanghai Yaru Consulting Co.Ltd during 2004 and 2005 summer holiday.

Did the market research for Shandong Shiguang Boiler Co.Ltd (shanghai branch) in shanghai.

Experiences on be a tutor of junior, senior middle school students and college students.

Many times of doing promotion sales for stores during the campus life.

⊿ Activities来源: From 2003.10 to2005.5, be the assistant of the director of Foreign Language Department.

From 2004 to 2005, be the minister of the Network Department and Publicity Department of the Students Union.

⊿ Awards & Honors

In the year of 2004, awarded the “Model student stuff ”prize of our school.

In the year of 2004, won the third level scholarship of our school.

In the year of 2003, won the “Excellent Student” prize of our school.

⊿ Interests

Have intensive interest in traveling, photographing; Reading,esp.on business, economy and computer.

⊿ Self-Evaluation

6.英文简历表格形式 篇六

表格形式 tabellarisch


Geburtsdatum/-ort ......, ......

Familienstand ledig

Schulbildung/-abschluss mittlere Reife

Realschule II, ......

Berufsausbildung kaufmännische Lehre

Abschlussprüfung ......: sehr gut

Besondere Kenntnisse gute Englischkenntnisse (Wirtschaftsenglisch)

Steno: 180 Silben

400 Schreibmaschinenanschläge

Textverarbeitung (Office XP)

Computer- >Führerschein<

Jetzige Position Direktionssekretärin



geboren am ...... in ......, ledig


...... mittlere Reife, ...... Realschule ......

...... - ...... Abendgymnasium ......, Abschluss Abitur

...... - ...... Lehre zum Industriekaufmann bei der ...... OHG, ......

Abschlussprüfung: gut


....../...... Sachbearbeiter Rechnungslegung, ...... OHG, ......

Hausinterne Fortbildung zum Fachwirt Personalwesen

....../...... Gruppenleiter in der Personalabteilung, ......, ......

Verantwortlich für die Auszubildenden, Praktikanten und Aushilfskräfte

....../...... Leiter der Personalabteilung, ......

Übernahme aller personalwirtschaftliche Aufgaben, besondere Entwicklung eines hausinternen Fortbildungswesens

Begleitend verschiedene Führungskräfteseminare (z. B. Motivation von Mitarbeitern)

★ 常见3种英文简历形式任你选择

★ 英文简历写作常见的错误

★ 三种英文简历模式:混合形式的简历

★ GRE阅读6种常见错误选项形式类型讲解

★ 英文简历模板范文

★ 诗歌形式

★ 简单的英文简历免费

★ 分析师英文简历

★ 电子商务英文简历相关

7.审计主管英文简历表格 篇七





Name: yjbys gender : male    
Birth : *** telephone :    
Degree : Bachelor Professional: Accounting  
Experience : years national : Han  
School: *** College of Finance and Economics  
address : ***
E-mail : /jianli
Self Introduction:



Eight-years working experience in renowned CPA firms and with five-years team-leading experience.


Plenty of audit experience in IPO& annual audit under US GAAP and IFRS, SOX404.

Be involved in the industry of manufacture & consumer goods、medicine & pharmacology、TMT.

Be familiar with the business operation and capitaltransactions from the VC & PE entities.

Be familiar with the set up of legal structure out of PRC and the VIE & SPE structure in China.

Ability to address the complicated transations of M&A、finance instruments and stock option、consolidation.

Target Job:


Desired Job Category: Financial Analysis Manager/Supervisor | Auditing Manager/Supervisor | Investment Administration
Desired Job Industry: Consumer Products(FMCG) | Media/Publishing/Culture | Fund/Stock/Futures/Investment | Professional Service (Consultancy/Accountancy/Legal) | Telecommunications
Desired Salary: Negotiable
Desired City: ***
I can start from: within 1 month
Work Experience:


2008.3-Now ***CPA Ltd***Branch***Group


Senior auditor

Responsibilities and Achievements:

The major responsibility is to provide assurance & advisory service to the clients such as US & HK listed coporations, and SOX404. Being the role of Accountant-in-charge, I am responsible to the coordination between the engagement manager and clients, to identify the audit risk based on the understanding and professional judgement of different clients’ nature and tailor the audit procedure accordingly; to draft the accountingMemo such as revenue recognition、VIE and SPE、Preferred share; to allocate the job to team members according to their experience and review the working papers and coach them;to give reasonable suggestion and solution on the issues identified and submit them to the engagement manager for reference; to clear the comments from the engagement managers and partners, summarize the audit issues and review the auditors’ report.

.2-2008.2 ***Branch



Responsibilities and Achievements:

Prepare the audit planning, understanding the clients’ business knowledge and nature, evaluate the inherent risk、operating effectiveness & design and implementation of internal control, calculating the planning materiality and perform the analytical review on the preliminary financial statements, identify the audit risk and fraud; Allocate different works to the associates based on their experience and grade, give proper encourage and coach to them; review the working papers prepared by them and resolve the queries raised by them during the fieldwork and make sure the timely completion of the engagement; Be responsible for some key accounts such as the review of consolidated financial statements、M&A、related party transaction、EPS and deferred tax、the accountingMemo of VIE and warrant & preferred shares, the inventory and sales cycle in manufacturing industry; Summarize the significant accountingadjustments and findings after the completion of fieldwork, then reported to engagement manager for ***, draft the auditors’ report and archive the audit file.

.9-2003.1 ***



Responsibilities and Achievements:

I joined the division of government and non-profit organization as a civil servant in the local audit office after my graduation, which is responsible for auditing revenues and expenditures of government departments and non-profit agencies, including institutions under the Local People’s Congress and local People’s Court, Local People’s Procuratorate, Armed Police, party and government organizations and social bodies which receive local budgetary appropriations or turn over revenues to local financial departments.



1994.9-.6 ***College of Finance and Economics



Major Category:


Major Description and Courses:

8.翻译应聘英文简历表格 篇八




Name: yjbys Nationality: China (Mainland)
Current Place: Nansha Height/Weight: 169 cm 51 kg
Marital Status: Single Age: 26 years
Career Objective
Application type: Jobseeker
Preferred job title: Merchandiser/ Merchandiser Assistant: English Translator 、English Translator: 、Customer Service Specialist/Assistant/Website Customer Service/Complaint specialist:
Working life: 4 Title:  
Job type: Full time Expected Start date: In two weeks
Expected salary: ¥4500~¥6499 Preferred working place: Yuexiu Haizhu Tianhe
Work experience
Company“s name: ****CO., LimitedBegin and end date: -12--08
Enterprise nature: Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Paper Making/Printing
Job Title: Customer Service
Job description: To respond to customer enquiries and requests (via telephone, fax and email communications) in a timely manner;- To follow up with related function depts. to ensure orders are received and processed as required by customers;- To follow up and clear backlog orders/shipments to improve delivery performance;- To clarify problems with customers in relation to slow payment/disputes to improve DSO (day sales outstanding);- To handle customer complaints according to company procedures and service standard;- To participate company-organized training on ISO9001, FSC and EHS, and follow related procedures & WI;- To assist and back up other team members;- To provide on-the-job training to new staff;- To support migration/Kaizen;- To follow up the tasks assigned by Immediate Supervisor.



Reasons for leaving:  
Company”s name: ****CO., LimitedBegin and end date: -07-2012-11
Enterprise nature: Private enterprisesIndustry: Auto & Auto Components
Job Title: merchandiser
Job description: Start from July 2010 until November 2012,I worked as a Foreign Merchandiser in an private company .The company was devoted in car outside decoration making&saling. My major work is as following: ①.Deal with the daily emails related to foreign trade (answer inquiry, recommend new products to customers, and reflect customer’s need to the factory). ②. Follow customer’s orders, check with the production process. Confirm the delivery day and the payment with customers. ③.Classify customer’s information and make monthly report. Expand new customers and take part in Canton Fair.
Reasons for leaving: company move addres
Educational Background
Name of School: Nan chang University
Highest Degree: Bachelor Date of Graduation: 2010-07-01
Name of Major 1: Business English Name of Major 2:  
Education experience:
Start date End date Education organization Majors Certificate Certificate No
-09 2010-07 Nan chang University English TEM6  
Language Ability
Foreign Language: English Level: excellent
Chinese level: excellent Cantonese Level: good
Relevant skills and abilities
  1.can work under pressure;


2.Strong teamwork spirit;

3.Speak & write effectively;- Focus on customers;- Work efficiently and effectively;

4.Strong teamwork spirit & Communication skill;

5.Analyze problems/issues;- Work with high efficiency and accuracy; 6.Good sense of urgency.

①Pay attention to communicate with others, have the spirit of unity and cooperate;

②Hard-working, have strong responsibility and have the ability to finish work alone;

③Take an active part in intern;

④Give priority to Business English,be kind to others,work hard

Self-recommendation letter
From June to August2009,I have an internship experience at a foreign company which was named Swift. The company located in Liwan District,Guangzhou city. The company devoted to the Cloth export. My major work was to take the foreign customers to the cloth market and placed order. I have learned many things from this internship experience. Firstly, I have learned how to respect and communicate with people. Secondly, I knew the importance of teamwork. Last but not the least, I have learned how to deal with customer’s complain and how to do my best to satisfied customer。


July 2010 to November 2010,I used to worked as a merchandiser in an automobile shop of Yiyun automobile fittings market in Guangzhou. My major work was introduce products to customers and place order.This working experience improved my ability to describe products in English . Meanwhile,it make me acquaint with the process of place order.

9.外贸行业英文简历表格 篇九





Name yjbys  
Date of Birth  
Contact No  
E-mail /jianli
Job Target



Target Industry inance/Investments/Securities, Trading/Import &Export ,Wholesale/Retail ,Public Relations/Marketing/Exhibitions,Transportation/Logistic/Distribution
Target job International Trade Manager/Supervisor,International Trade Specialist/Assistant ,Merchandising Manager,Senior Merchandiser ,Merchandiser
Target address Shanghai ,Beijing ,Shenzhen ,Suzhou ,Dalian
Target salary ¥10,000-14,999/Month
To hillock time The new post can in the long time assume the post
Working Experience


20xx/05—20xx/12 XXX
  Industry: Trading/Import & Export


International business Manager

Responsibilities & Achievements:

Logistic Arrangement of china side purchase and manufacture Market research Clear goods from the customs Develop the local wholesale market.

20xx/03—20xx/12 Liaoning Zhongke Oversea Studying Agency
  Industry: Agency


Consultation dpt Chief Representative

Responsibilities & Achievements:

Consultation Management of the whole series of the case for applicants Documentation.



20xx/01—20xx/07 ST Paul.s College Business Administration Master


Contemporary Systems Models in Management Integration of Formal Organization Theory Production Management Concepts Interpersonal Communication Introduction Human Resource Management Basic Managerial Concepts Financial Management First-Line Management



I am now trading as importation and wholesale in london, uk, and I will go back to china in Feb. 20xxwhile my visa is expired, so I will finish my full c.v. and covering letter here soon.








7.外贸/贸易专员- 英文简历表格

10.采购专员英文简历表格 篇十



Name: yjbys Nationality: China (Mainland)
Current Place: Jiangmen Height/Weight: 163 cm 50 kg
Marital Status: married Age: 28 years
Career Objective
Application type: Jobseeker
Preferred job title: Purchasing: Purchasing Specialist 、 HR Director/Manager/ Supervisor: 、 President Assistant/General Manager Assistant:
Working life: 6 Title: No title
Job type: Full time Expected Start date: In two weeks
Expected salary: ¥5500~¥7999 Preferred working place: Jiangmen
Work experience
Company“s name: ****CO., Limited    Begin and end date: 2013-09-2014-07
Enterprise nature: Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: FMCG(Food,Drink,Comestics)
Job Title: Purchasing Specialist 
Job description: ● Work closely with PL Dept. to review material requirements, timely work out the procurement budget and plan, ensure timely and appropriate procurement, and so control the purchasing cost. Timely adjust the periodical plan of material usage.


● Familiar in using SAP, in charge of the signing and implementation of procurement contract, follow up the delivery and coordinate with the suppliers.

● Develop competitive suppliers, review suppliers’ performance, maintain effective communication with them.

● In charge of the payment and check the accounts with Financial Dept.

● Database management and Document filing. 

Reasons for leaving:  
Company”s name: ****CO., Limited    Begin and end date: 2010-07-2013-09
Enterprise nature: Sino-foreign joint venturesIndustry: Trade/Consumption/Manufacturing/Operation
Job Title: Personal Assistant of Directors 
Job description: ● Budget Management


In charge of filing, summarization and renewal of Marketing Budget system and payment management; offer quarterly and yearly analysis and suggestions on Marketing budget;

● Secretarial Routine Work

Assist the Directors and the Sales GM to complete routine work (arrange schedule, manage files and seals, take minutes for meetings, reimburse traveling expenses, and assist to receive the guests, etc);

● Sales-related Work

Arrange monthly Sales Review Meetings and assist the Sales GM to compile the sales analysis;

● Translation

In charge of the translation of products manual, marketing material, company profile, etc. 

Reasons for leaving:  
Company“s name: ****CO., Limited    Begin and end date: 2008-09-2010-07
Enterprise nature: Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Mechanics/Electrical Equipment/Heavy Industry
Job Title: Sales Assistant 
Job description: ● Mainly in charge of the edition of bids, especially of price lists.familiar with whole bidding procedure;


● Translate related commercial and technical documents;

● Deal with file management following up the project.

Participate in the edition of bidding documents, such as

Guangzhou baiyun International Airport Expansion Project ESC;

The intercity metro from Guangzhou to Foshan Project ESC;

The municipal traffic of Zhujiang new town APM Project ESC 

Reasons for leaving:  
Educational Background
Name of School: Huizhou University
Highest Degree: Bachelor Date of Graduation: 2008-06-01
Name of Major 1: Teaching English Name of Major 2:  
Education experience:
Start date End date Education organization Majors Certificate Certificate No
2004-09 2008-06 Huizhou University Teaching English TEM8  
Language Ability
Foreign Language: English Level: excellent
Language ability: TEM8
Chinese level: excellent Cantonese Level: excellent
Relevant skills and abilities


1.Excellent English skills;relevant authoritative certificates(TEM8,TEM4)

2.knowledge on business and business English

3.English teaching experience

4.Outstanding learning ability, excellent teamwork, responsible

11.英文表格简历 篇十一

Name: xuexila gender : male    
Birth : *** telephone :    
Degree : Bachelor Professional: International Accounting  
Experience : 5years national : Han  
School: *** University  
address : ***
E-mail : xuexila.com
Self Introduction :
CGA, ACCA, CICPA, CTA. Bachelor of*** UNIVERSITY, International Accounting.

4+ years financial area experience with MNC. Familiar with ERP software such as SAP, Oracle.

Good communicator and team player. Analytical, efficient and well-adapted to pressure and diversity.

BEC Higher, CET- 6: 94.5. Fluent in oral and written English at work, especially financial English.

Target Job :
Desired Job Category: Financial Manager | Accounting Supervisor/General Ledger Reconciliation | Financial Analysis Manager/Supervisor
Desired Job Industry: Fund/Stock/Futures/Investment | Internet/e-Commerce | Real Estate Development/Construction and Engineering | Consumer Durables | Consumer Products(FMCG)
Desired Salary: Negotiable
Desired City: ***
I can start from: within 1 month
Work Experience :
.2-Now ***  LIMITIED

Financial Analyst

Responsibilities and Achievements:

Performed daily control and review, assisted in consistent improvement of financial process.

Developed various forecast and bottom-up budget based on analysis of trends and reasonable expectation.

Compared actual versus forecast/budget/history, explained key drivers for deviation and fluctuation.

Delivered accurate and timely reports including highlights and risk analysis for management review.

Held meetings with CFO, summarized major issues and replied to various inquires.

Appraised for success transition and took over double workloads.


Engagement Manager

Responsibilities and Achievements:

Clients include fortune 500 MNCs of various industries.

Monitored outsourcing and advisory service, maintained long-term relationship and developed new clients.

Prepared periodic reports to clients’ headquarters overseas, summarized major variances, trends and risks.

Assisted clients in establishment of monthly/yearly budget and short/long term plan.

Coordinated with authorities as SAIC, tax bureau, bank and auditors to ensure compliance in all respects.

Replied to clients’ ad hoc requests and advised on deficiencies of accounting system and internal control.

Provided booklets and seminars to facilitate client’s understanding of accounting standards

Teamed with other professionals in audit and tax assurance of MNC.

Achieved annual revenue of over 1 million and no client complaint.



Responsibilities and Achievements:

Prepared accounting documents, financial statements and tax returns filling on behalf of clients.

Analyzed major financial index and traced variances and exceptions for reporting purpose.

Communicated with internal functions to collect financial data for clients’ decision-making.

Liaised with external parties such as suppliers, vendors and banks and provided necessary support.

Dealt with clients’ daily requests, identified clients’ needs and provided feedback to supervisor.

Participated in audit, tax assurance and advisory services for MNC.

Promoted for excellent performance.

Education :
.9-2006.6 *** University


Major Category:

International Accounting

College Info

Other Awards:

Awarded academic scholarship in and .

Campus and Community Activities:

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