1.经济应用文习题以及答案 篇一
十分痛苦 → ① → 重拾希望 → ② → 十分感激
23. ①非常感动(或感到温暖)(1分) ②心急如焚(1分)
25.插叙。(1分)交代了小男孩贫苦的家境和捡废品的原因,(1分)突出了小男孩懂事、善良、乐观的品质,(1分)为下文写“她”给男孩废品并资助他上学做铺垫。(1分) 人心这一主旨。(1分)
2.体操复习题以及答案.1 篇二
A.三 B.四 C.五 D.六
2、(A)年,国家体委公布了第一套儿童广播操。A.1955 B.1956 C.1958 D.1960
3、迄今为止,国家体委及国家体育总局共公布了(C)套成人广播操。A.6 B.7 C.8 D.9
4、在(B)届世界体操锦标赛上,我国运动员获得了鞍马第三名。A.14 B.15 C.16 D.17 5、1979年第(B)届世界体操锦标赛上,我国获低杠世界冠军。A.19 B.20 C.21 D.22 6、1984年第23届奥运会体操比赛在(B)举行。A.莫斯科研成果 B.洛杉矶 C.蒙特利尔 D.根特
7、奥运会体操比赛从第(C)届开始有女子参加。A.七 B.八 C.九 D.十
8、三个互成(D)度的基本方向之间的方向叫斜方向。A.30 B.45 C.60 D.90
9、肩轴与器械轴平行的姿势为(A)。A.正 B.侧 C.前 D.后
10、从器械较高的部位到较低部位的动作,叫(A)。A.下 B.倒下 C.落下 D.下法
A.单纯 B.混合 C.复杂 D.简单
12、用以指明动作应完成的结束姿势用(A)。A.成 B.经 C.同时 D.至
A.帮助为主 B.保护为主 C.保护与帮助交替使用 D.脱保
14、跑步走每分钟跑(C)步。A.118 B.120 C.180 D.116
A.助力性动作 B.双抗性动作 C.协同性动作 D.阻力性动作
A.帮助 B.保护 C.保护与帮助交替 D.脱保
17、学习技巧头手倒立时,重心应放置于等边三角形的(D)。A.顶上 B.高上 C.底边上 D.中心
A.落地垫侧前方 B.落地垫正前方 C.马侧面 D.马与助跳板之间
19、从力学角度讲,欲保持人体平衡,必须具备的条件为(C)。A.合外力为零 B.合外力矩为零
C.合外力为零,合外力矩为零 D.合外力为零,冲量为零
A.动能 B.势能 C.摆动 D.惯性
二、判断题 对是A,错B 21、1951年11月24日,国家体委公布了第二套成年人广播操。B 22、1979年第20届世界体操锦标赛上,我国获低杠世界冠军。A 23、1896年,国际体操联合会成立。A 24、1996年奥运会,我国体操运动员李大双获得了男子全能冠军,这是我国运动员第一次在奥运会上获的全能金牌。B
29、大脑皮层兴奋、抑制过程较弱、处于泛化阶段是粗略掌握动作阶段的主要特点。A 30、完成体操动作最基本的一些方法称为基本技术,它具有高难性。B
31、异侧: 是指上、下肢动作开始的指向与做动作的上、下肢方向相反
32、斜方向: 三个互成90度的基本方向之间的方向。
33、交叉握: 两臂交叉握器械
34、命名: 是指国际体操联合会所做出的在世界重大国际体操比赛中,以第一次创造难新动作的运动员的名字或国名命名的动作名称。
35、科学教学: 是指“以最少的时间,最小的能量消耗,达到最大的教学效果”。
39、粗略掌握动作阶段有何特点?该阶段的教学任务如何?在教学法上应注意哪几点? 粗略掌握动作阶段特点:大脑皮层兴奋过程扩散,内抑制较弱,处于泛化阶段。通常表现为过分紧张,动作不协调,出现多余或错误动作,与此同时,还伴随着缺乏信心和恐惧心理。
19、C 20、B
29、对 30、错
3.初中英语定语从句练习题以及答案 篇三
一 选择填空
1.Don’t talk about such things of _______ you are not sure.A.which B.what C.as D.those
2.Is this the factory __________ you visited the other day?
A.that B.where C.in which D.the one
3.Is this factory __________ some foreign friends visited last Friday?
A.that B.where C.which D.the one
4.Is this the factory __________ he worked ten years ago?
A.that B.where C.which D.the one
5.The wolves hid themselves in the places __________ couldn’t be found.A.that B.where C.in which D.in that
6.The freezing point is the temperature __________ water changes into ice.A.at which B.on that C.in which D.of what
7.This book will show you __________ can be used in other contexts..A.how you have observed B.what you have observed
C.that you have observed D.how that you have observed 8.The reason is __________ he is unable to operate the machine.A.because B.why C.that D.whether
9.I’ll tell you __________ he told me last week.A.all which B.that C.all that D.which
10.That tree, __________ branches are almost bare, is very old.A.whose B.of which C.in which D.on which 11.I have bought the same dress __________ she is wearing.A.as B.that C.which D.what
12.He failed in the examination, __________ made his father very angry.A.which B.it C.that D.what
13.We’re talking about the piano and the pianist _______ were in the concert we attended last night.A.which B.whom C.who D.that
14.The girl ________ an English song in the next room is Tom’s sister.A.who is singing B.is singing C.sang D.was singing
15.Those _______ not only from books but also through practice will succeed.A.learn B.who C.that learns D.who learn 16.Anyone ________ this opinion may speak out.A.that against B.that against C.who is against D.who are against 17.Didn’t you see the man ________?
A.I nodded just now B.whom I nodded just now
C.I nodded to him just now D.I nodded to just now 18.Can you lend me the novel ______ the other day?
A.that you talked B.you talked about it
C.which you talked with D.you talked about 19.Is there anything _______ to you?
A.that is belonged B.that belongs
C.that belong D.which belongs 20.----“How do you like the book?”
----“It’s quite different from _______ I read last month.”
A.that B.which C.the one D.the one what
21.Mr.Zhang gave the textbook to all the pupils except _______ who had already taken them.A.the ones B.ones C.some D.the others 22.The train _______ she was travelling was late.A.which B.where C.on which D.in that
23.He has lost the key to the drawer _______ the papers are kept.A.where B.in which C.under which D.which
24.Antarctic _______ we know very little is covered with thick ice all the year round.A.which B.where C.that D.about which 25.It’s the third time _______ late this month.A.that you arrived B.when you arrived
C.that you’ve arrived D.when you’ve arrived
26.It was in 1969 _______ the American astronaut succeeded in landing on the moon.A.that B.which C.when D.in which 27.May the fourth is the day ______ we Chinese people will never forget.A.which B.when C.on which D.about which
28.We are going to spend the Spring Festival in Guangzhou, _______ live my grandparents and some relatives.A.which B.that C.who D.where
29.The hotel _______ during our holidays stands by the seaside.A.we stayed at B.where we stayed at
C.we stayed D.in that we stayed
30.Is it in that factory _______ “Red Flag” cars are produced?
A.in which B.where C.which D.that
31.It is the Suez Canal _______ separates Asia ______ Africa.A.which, to B.where, from
C.that, from D.that, with
32.Under the bridge, however, almost directly below, _______ was a small canoe, with a boy in it.A.there B.where C.it D.which 33.He is not ______ a fool _______.A.such, as he is looked B.such, as he looks
C.as, as he is looked D.so, as he looks
34.Is that the reason _______ you are in favour of the proposal?
A.which B.what C.why D.for that
35.He must be from Africa, _______ can be seen from his skin.A.that B.as C.who D.what
36.He has two sons, _______ work as chemists.A.two of whom B.both of whom
C.both of which D.all of whom
37.I, _______ your good friend, will try my best to help you out.A.who is B.who am C.that is D.what is
38.He is a man of great experience, _______ much can be learned.A.who B.that C.from which D.from whom 39.----Do you know the town at all?
---No, this is the first time I ________ here.A.was B.have been C.came D.am coming
40.I don’t like _______ you speak to her.A.the way B.the way in that
C.the way which D.the way of which
41.The two things _______ they felt very proud are Jim’s gold watch and Della’s hair.A.about which B.of which
C.in which D.for which
42.The dinner was the most expensive meal we ______.A.would have B.have had
C.had never had D.had ever had 43.Do you know which hotel _______?
A.she is staying B.she is staying in
C.is she staying D.is she staying in 44.There is only one thing _______ I can do.A.what B.that C.all D.which
45.Who can think of a situation ________ this idiom can be used?
A.which B.that C.where D.in that
46.I have many books, some of _______ are on chemistry.A.them B.that C.which D.those
47.They were interested _______ you told them.A.in which B.in that
C.all that D.in everything
48.The astronaut did many experiments in the spaceship, ________ much help for knowing space.A.which we think it is B.which we think are of
C.of which we think is D.I think which is of 49.The great day we looked forward to _______ at last.A.come B.came C.coming D.comes 50.I like the second football match _______ was held last week.A.which B.who C.that D./
[参考答案] 1—5 AADBA 6—10 ABCCA 11—15 AADAD 16—20 CDDBC 21—25 ACBDC 26—30 AADAD
4.文言文的练习题以及答案解释 篇四
5.与朱元思书的练习题以及答案 篇五
1.①飞奔的马 ②通“返”, 返回 ③ 顺、随 ④作:发出 ⑤ 遮蔽(遮住,遮掩) ⑥同样 ⑦左右、多 ⑧往高处伸展(只写“高”扣0.5分)⑨凭借或依靠⑩平息或停止
9.(意思相近,结构相似即可)①示例:百里江水皆缥碧 ②示例:寒树间好鸟相鸣
11.听觉 ;奇山异水 天下独绝
6.经济应用文习题以及答案 篇六
True/False Questions
1.Organizational behavior is the study of human attitudes, behavior, and performance in organizations.2.Organizational behavior is the study of values, goals and policies in an organization.3.The study of organizational behavior focuses on organizations, groups and individuals.4.Organizational behavior draws on many different business disciplines.5.Contributions from psychology, sociology, economics and industrial engineering are applied in organizational behavior theory.6.Practical experience is more relevant to the study of organizational behavior than research and theory.7.Scientific management involves the study of work processes to make them more efficient.8.Efficiency and quality can be improved by studying work processes.9.Administrative management proposes that a manager’s job include the basic functions of planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling.10.Organizations could reduce conflict by getting employees and managers focused on shared goals.Short Answer Questions 1._____________ consists of the actions and interactions of individuals and groups in organizations.Answer: organizational behavior(OB)
2.A social entity that is goal directed and deliberately structured is known as a(n)_____________.Answer: organization
3._____________ is a school of management that involves developing a standard method for performing each job, training workers, and offering wage incentives.Answer: scientific management
4.The _____________ school of management explores ways managers can influence productivity through human relations.Answer: human relations
Essay Questions 1.Describe the various management schools of thought.Answer:
• Scientific management—developed a standard method for performing each job, trained workers in the standard, eliminated interruptions, and offered wage incentives.• Administrative management—identified what structured would be most efficient in a given • • • • environment and advocated putting policies and procedures into writing.Human relations school—explored way managers could influence productivity by establishing positive relationships with employees.Management science—applies scientific method and mathematical models to management problems.Open systems—describes organizations as systems that interact with their environment, transforming inputs into outputs.Sustained competitive advantage—focuses on the means organizations can create to sustain an advantage over competitors.2.Outline the assumptions about employees identified as Theory X and Theory Y.Answer: • Theory X assumes workers dislike their work and must be coerced into doing it.• Theory Y assumes that work is a natural part of employees’ lives and that employees will be industrious and creative if they are committed to their work.3.Identify and discuss five core values of Total Quality Management.Answer: There are ten core values with descriptions offered in Exhibit 1.3, page 15.Use this table to guide your grading of the question.4.Identify and discuss the four management functions.Which function is most important and why? Answer: Planning—defines goals and determines how to achieve them Organizing—assigns tasks, delegates responsibility, and allocates resources.Leading—use of influence to inspire and empower others to work toward the organizational goals.Controlling—measures performance to its objectives.The most important function is planning because it influences all the other functions in how each function is administrated.Chapter2 Individual Differences True/False Questions
1.Productivity, innovativeness, creativity, and other organizational outcomes are influenced by how employees behave.2.People are an organization’s most valuable resource and are least likely to cause problems.3.Individual differences do not influence whether a person will be able to successfully perform a job.4.A psychological contract describes what an employer expects from the employee and what the employee will contribute based on these expectations.5.A psychological contract outlines what an employee expects to contribute and what the organization will provide to the employee for these contributions.6.Psychological contracts are negotiated and written down as terms of employment.7.If an organization violates the psychological contract, employee satisfaction, trust and desire to stay with the organization goes down.8.Psychological contracts in today’s work environment emphasize job security for the employee.9.Psychological contracts in today’s work environment emphasize employee career management and development.10.If an employee is struggling in a job, the manager should reshape the job.Short Answer Questions 1.__________________ are an organization’s most valuable resource.Answer: People
Page: 89
2.__________________ are characteristics that vary from one person to another.Answer: Individual differences Page: 89
3.What an employee expects to contribute and what the organization will provide to the employee for their contributions is known as __________________.Answer: Psychological contract Page: 90
4.The extent to which a person’s ability and personality match the requirements of a job is called __________________.Answer: Person-job fit Page: 93
5.When __________________ is poor, jobs need to be restructured or employees need to be replaced.Answer: Person-job fit Page: 94
6.__________________ refers to the match between an individual’s personality, goals, and values and the organization culture.Answer: Person-organization fit Page: 94 Essay Questions
1.Explain cognitive ability and define its three specific dimensions.Answer: • Cognitive ability refers to an individual’s capacity to think and analyze information.Three dimensions are verbal comprehension, quantitative ability, reasoning ability.• Verbal comprehension refers to a person’s capacity to understand and use written and spoken language.• Quantitative ability refers to an individual’s speed and accuracy in solving math problems.• Reasoning ability refers to an individual’s capacity to solve different types of problems
Level: 1
2.What are cognitive styles and explain the four dimensions of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator.Answer: • Cognitive styles are different ways individuals perceive and process information.The four dimensions are • Energy(Introversion vs.Extroversion)determines where individuals gain interpersonal strength and stimulation.Extroverts gain energy through others while introverts focus on personal thoughts and feelings.• Information gathering relates to the action individuals take when making decisions.Sensing focus on facts and details and intuitive focus less on facts and more on the relationships between ideas.• Decision making relates to how much consideration a person gives to others’ feelings.Thinking focus on being objective while feelings are considered how the decision impacts others.• Life style relates to an individual’s tendency to be flexible and adaptive.Judging focus on goals and is less flexible while perceiving dislikes deadlines.3.What is emotional intelligence and outline and discuss three of its components.Answer: • Emotional intelligence is the ability to accurately perceive, evaluate, express, and regulate emotions and feelings.The five components are listed in exhibit 3.7, p.102.Use the exhibit to assist with grading the five components.4.Explain the learning process.Identify and explain one type of learning style and indicate the type of likely occupations those with this learning style might have.Answer: • The learning process goes from a concrete experience to reflective observation to abstract conceptualization to active experimentation.The results of the experimentation generate new experiences and the cycle outlined above repeats itself.As for one learning style use exhibit 3.9, p.105 to assist in grading the question.5.What are instrumental and terminal values? How do values and attitudes relate?
Answer: • Instrumental values are beliefs about the types of behavior that are appropriate for reaching goals.• Terminal values are beliefs about which outcomes are worth trying to achieve.• Attitudes are considered to have three components: cognition, feelings, and behavior.The cognition component includes the beliefs and values of a person.Therefore, one’s attitude is usually grounded in one’s beliefs or values.Chapter 3 Perception and Attribution
True/False Questions
1.The perception process begins with attention.2.The organization stage of perception begins when a person pays attention to a stimulus and then begins to make sense of it.3.A person who uses the closure mechanism for organizing stimuli might overhear one side of a phone conversation and is likely to imagine the overall content of the conversation.4.When a person perceives sensory data in a continuous pattern, they are using the continuity mechanism for organizing stimuli.5.A person who uses the continuity mechanism for organizing stimuli might overhear one side of a phone conversation and is likely to imagine the overall content of the conversation.6.When a person perceives sensory data in a continuous pattern, they are using the closure mechanism for organizing stimuli.7.When people organize stimuli, they often use frames of reference called schemas.8.If managers review salaries and employee performance at the same time, employees perceive the two reviews as being in proximity.9.When employees bring their own script to a given situation, it will reduce the possibility of misunderstandings.10.A prototype is a schema that summarizes what we have learned about categories of people or objects.11.A script is a schema that summarizes what we have learned about categories of people or objects.12.In the interpretation stage of the perception process, the perceiver looks for explanations for stimuli.13.Projection is an interpretive process where you assign your own thoughts and feelings to a person being perceived.14.Attribution is an interpretive process where a person uses observations and inferences to explain people’s behavior.15.Attribution is an interpretive process where you assign your own thoughts and feelings to a person being perceived.16.Projection is an interpretive process where a person uses observations and inferences to explain people’s behavior.17.In the retrieval stage of the perception process, a person recalls information about past events.18.In the judgment stage of the perception process a person aggregates and weights information to arrive at an overall conclusion.19.The interpretation stage is the final stage in the perception process.20.All people follow the same stages of perception.Short Answer Questions
1.____________________ is the process by which people notice and make sense of information from the environment.Answer: Perception
2.The stage in the perception process that involves noticing some of the information available and filtering out the rest is ____________________.Answer: Attention
3.The stage in the perception process that involves sorting information by using a frame of reference is ____________________.Answer: Organization
4.When people use the ____________________ mechanism for organizing stimuli, they tend to perceive incomplete data in a whole, complete form.Answer: Closure
5.When people perceive sensory data in a continuous pattern, they are using the ____________________ mechanism for organizing stimuli.Answer: Continuity
6.____________________ is when stimuli are near each other and people perceive them as being related.Answer: Proximity
7.When stimuli are alike in some way people tend to group them.This mechanism for organizing stimuli is known as ____________________.Answer: Similarity
8.____________________ is a mechanism for organizing stimuli where people tend to perceive the sensory data they are most attentive to as standing out against the background of other sensory data.Answer: Figure-ground
9.A cognitive structure in which related items of information are grouped together is known as ____________________.Answer: Schema
10.A ____________________ is a schema that describes a sequence of actions.Answer: Script
11.A ____________________ is a schema that summarizes what we have learned about categories of people or objects.Answer: Prototypes
Chapter 4 Sources of Motivation True/False Questions
1.Content theories emphasize the needs that motivate people.2.Basic needs create internal tension that will motivate positive behaviors to fulfill the needs.3.Basic needs create internal tension that will motive behavior to fulfill the needs.4.Intrinsic rewards are the personal satisfactions a person receives while performing a particular action.5.Extrinsic rewards are given by another person as a result of the employee’s performing a particular action such as completion of a task.6.Extrinsic rewards are the personal satisfactions a person receives while performing a particular action.7.Intrinsic rewards are given by another person as a result of the employee’s performing a particular action such as completion of a task.8.A manager might give an extrinsic reward by recommending promotion or pay increase for an employee who performs well.9.When an employee feels a sense of accomplishment for completion of a task, they are receiving an intrinsic reward.10.Scientific management is an example of the traditional approach to motivation.Short Answer Questions
1.___________________ are motivation theories that emphasize the needs that motivate people.Answer: Content theories
2.___________________ refers to the forces either within or external to a person that energize, direct, and maintain behavior.Answer: Motivation
3.___________________ are the satisfactions a person receives while performing a particular action.Answer: Intrinsic rewards
4.___________________ are given by another person as a result of the employee’s performing a particular action such as completion of a task.Answer: Extrinsic rewards
5.The ___________________ to motivation emphasizes increasing the efficiency of an employee’s job and providing economic rewards for high performance.Answer: Traditional approach
6.The ___________________ to motivation emphasizes that noneconomic rewards are more important than money as a motivator of work behavior.Answer: Human relations approach
7.The ___________________ to motivation suggests that employees are complex and motivated by many factors.Answer: Human resources approach
8.___________________ are a contemporary approach to motivation and stress the analysis of underlying human needs.Answer: Content theories
9.A motivation theory that proposes that humans are motivated by multiple needs and that these needs vary in importance is the ___________________.Answer: Hierarchy of needs
10.___________________ needs are the most basic human needs including food water and sex.Answer: Physiological
Essay Questions
1.Identify and explain the four foundations of motivation.Answer: • Traditional approach—emphasizes external factors on motivation where people work for the money;also known as the economic man.• Human relations approach—emphasizes the noneconomic rewards over money;the idea of the social man.• Human resource approach—combines the economic and social man and views the person as a whole.• Contemporary approach—focus is on the three different theories of motivation: content(satisfy underlying needs), process(thought processes that influence behavior)and reinforcement theories.2.Describe Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and the ERG theory.How are these two theories similar and how are they different?
Answer: • Maslow has five needs that motivate individuals.Those five in order of lowest to highest are: physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization.• ERG has three categories: existence, relatedness, growth.• Maslow and ERG are similar in that an unsatisfied need motivates, existence is the combination of physiological and safety and growth are the combination of esteem and self-actualization.• Maslow and ERG differ in that with Maslow the movement on the hierarchy is more rigid than the ERG.3.What is the acquired needs theory? Which need appears to predict entrepreneurs?
• Acquired needs theory proposes that certain types of needs are acquired during an individual’s lifetime.As with all content theories, an unsatisfied need motivates.• Need for achievement—the desire to accomplish something difficult, attain a high standard of success, master complex tasks, and surpass others.• Need for affiliation—the desire to form close personal relationships.• Need for power—the desire to influence or control others.• High need for achievement appears to predict entrepreneurs.4.What is the two-factor theory? How does it differ from Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
Answer: • The work characteristics associated with dissatisfaction(hygiene factors)are very different from those pertaining to satisfaction(motivators).In other words, once hygiene factors are no longer a source of dissatisfaction, the employee is still not motivated.To motivate, motivators must be added once the employee is neither dissatisfied nor satisfied.• Hygiene factors are job context factors like working conditions, pay, company policies, and coworkers.• Motivators are job content factors like challenging work, recognition, and responsibility.• The difference between Maslow and two-factor is the state where an employee is neither dissatisfied nor satisfied.5.Identify and explain the four job design approaches.Which approach provides the opportunity for higher job satisfaction?
Answer: The four approaches are motivational, mechanistic, biological, and perceptual-motor.Use exhibit 5.6 page 177 to assist in grading • Motivational—use job characteristics model indicating where jobs are design to increase the quality of employees’ work experience(satisfaction)and productivity.• Mechanistic—a job-design approach that emphasizes the simplest way to perform a job to maximize efficient(assembly line).• Biological—job-design that focus on individuals’ physical capabilities and limitations(ergonomics).• Perceptual-motor—focuses on the individual’s mental capabilities and limitations where the job does not exceed humans’ mental capabilities.Like air traffic controllers.• Motivational provides the opportunity for higher job satisfaction.Chapter 5 Motivation Processes True/False Questions
1.Process theories explain how employees are motivated.2.Content theories explain what motivates employees.3.Content theories explain how employees are motivated.4.Process theories explain what motivates employees.5.According to the equity theory, employees will be satisfied if they perceive their rewards as equal to what others receive for similar contributions.6.Inequity can be perceived both through overpayment and underpayment in comparison with others.7.The only methods for reducing perceived inequity are changing inputs and/or changing outcomes.8.Employee theft is an example of employee response to perceived unfair procedural justice.9.Expectancy theory is concerned with identifying types of needs.10.Expectancy theory is concerned with understanding the thinking process that individuals use to achieve rewards.Essay Questions
1.What is equity theory? Explain four common methods for reducing perceived inequity.Answer: A process theory that focuses on the individual’s perception of how they were treated in comparison to others.The four common methods are • Change inputs—increase or decrease effort
• Change outcomes—request more based on what others receive • Distort perceptions—of the input-output ratio • Leave the job
2.What is the expectancy theory? Explain the three major elements of the expectancy theory.Answer: A process theory that depends on individual’s expectations about the ability to perform tasks and receive desired rewards.The major elements are the effort to performance, performance to outcome, and valence.Effort to performance is a judgment as to whether putting effort into a given task will lead to high performance.Performance to outcome involves whether successful performance of a task will lead to the desired outcomes.Valence is the value of the reward to the individual.If the individual doesn’t believe any of three will happen, the result is low motivation.3.Identify and explain the four types of reinforcement.Answer: the four types of reinforcement are: • Positive reinforcement—provide something of value increases likelihood that the behavior is repeated.• Avoidance learning(negative)—person avoids something unpleasant which increase odd that the behavior will be repeated.• Punishment—imposition of something unpleasant on an outcome therefore decreasing the odds of that behavior being repeated.• Extinction—withdraw of positive reinforcement which decreases the odds of that behavior appearing again.4.Identify and explain four characteristics of effective goals?
Answer: Utilize exhibit 6.6 p.206 to assist in your grading.The following six characteristics are listed: are specific and measurable, are accepted and endorsed, are linked to rewards, relate to a defined time period, are challenging and realistic, and are focused on key result areas.5.Identify and explain the five items along the continuum of empowerment and provide an example for each item.Answer: Utilize exhibit 6.12 p.218 to assist your grading.The five items along the continuum with an example of each are: • Have no decision discretion(staff meetings).• Give input(suggestion box).• Participate in decisions(quality circles).• Make decisions(task force).• Are responsible for decision process and strategy(self-management).Chapter 7 The Structure and Behavior of Groups True/False Questions
1.Passive membership in an organization such as the American Automobile Association is an example of an organizational behavior group.2.Groups have the potential to meet their individuals’ social needs.3.The reasons for establishing a group influence the form the group takes.4.Departments, teams, and divisions are examples of a formal group.5.One person in a group can have success independently of the contributions of the other group members.6.A committee established to define disaster plans in the event of an emergency is an example of a task group.7.Informal groups have no influence on achievement of organizational objectives.8.The phrase ―keeping up with the Jones’s‖ describes a reference group.9.Group development occurs in stages of specific intensity or length.10.The first stage in group development is the forming stage.Essay Questions
1.Identify and discuss the stages of group development.Answer: There are five stages of group development.• Forming—group begins and there is a level of uncertainty • Storming—conflict over direction • Norming—conflict resolution and generation of team spirit • Performing –collaboration and goal achievement • Adjourning—end of group 2.What are task and maintenance roles and what value do they have for a group.Provide two example of each in your discussion.Answer: task roles allow the group to define and pursue a group objective.Maintenance roles involve building and sustaining positive relationships among group members.For a group to be effective, members in the group must play both task and maintenance roles.See page 241, exhibit 7.4 to assist in grading the examples of each role.3.Identify four factors that influence group performance.Be sure to offer a complete explanation about each factor.Answer: There are seven factors that influence group performance.Use exhibit 7.9 page 252 to assist in grading of this question.In general the seven factors are: a.Size b.Composition c.Resources d.Tasks e.Norms f.Cohesiveness g.Rewards
4.What is social loafing and how might it be controlled?
Answer: social loafing is the tendency of group members to reduce their efforts as the size of the group increases.Ways to control it are(1)keep groups small so members can be held accountable for the behavior, and(2)measure individual as well as group output.5.Discuss the influence norms and cohesiveness has on group performance.Answer: there are two types of performance norms: high and low.High performance norms means the group favors quality work and output in relationship to the organization.Low performance norms means the group is more interested in satisfying their needs over the needs of the organization.High cohesiveness is how much desire members have to remain part of the group.Chapter 9 Leadership in Organizations
True/False Questions
1.Leadership is multidirectional and noncoercive.2.The people involved in a leadership relationship want changes and the leader dictates these changes.3.The same qualities that make an effective leader make an effective follower.4.All good leaders are managers.5.A major difference between a leader and a manager is their sources of power.6.The power of a leader comes from the formal authority granted within the organization structure.7.The power of a manager comes from the formal authority granted within the organization structure.8.The power of a manager comes from personal sources that are not invested in the organization.Multiple Choice Questions
1.The scientific study of leadership
a.began early in the 19th century.b.recently began with researchers studying the success of Phil Jackson in the NBA.c.is fairly recent, beginning in the early 21st century.d.is fairly recent, beginning in the early 20th century.Answer: d Level: 1 2.Leadership is
a.a person who thinks independently, is capable of self-management, and plays an active role in the organization.b.the distinguishing personal characteristics of a leader, such as intelligence, self-confidence, and appearance.c.an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes that reflect their shared purposes.d.a leader who tends to centralize authority and rely on formal position, use rewards, and coercion to influence subordinates.e.a leader who delegates authority to others, encourage participation, relies on subordinates’ knowledge for completion of tasks, and depends on subordinate appreciation and respect for influence.Answer: c Level: 1 3.An influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes that reflect their shared purposes is known as a.the LPC scale.b.vision.c.consideration.d.leadership.e.the attribution theory of leadership.Answer: d Level: 1
4.An important aspect of leadership is that
a.leaders are leaders and followers are followers, they are never the same person.b.leaders are somehow different, they are above others.c.leadership only emerges from the top of the organization.d.leaders and followers may sometimes be the same people, playing different roles at different times.e.only men make great leaders.Answer: d Level: 1 5.Leadership is
a.something that is done to followers.b.where superiors influence subordinates but are not influence by subordinates.c.where the relationship among people is passive.d.where people involved in a leadership relationship want substantive changes.Answer: d
6.One way of looking at leaders and managers is
a.managers promote stability, leaders promote change.b.managers promote change, leaders promote stability.c.leaders promote both stability and change.d.neither managers nor leaders are involved with change.Answer: a Level: 1 5
7.Good management helps organizations achieve short-term results and meet the expectations of various stakeholders.Answer: True Level: 2 5
8.Effective leadership results in successful organizational change.Answer: True Level: 1 5
Essay Questions
1.Is there a difference between leaders and managers? If so, explain why and offer three examples of the different qualities each have.Answer: The text notes a difference between leaders and managers.A major difference centers on their source of power.Leaders gain power through their personal sources while managers are given power by the organization.Also, leaders usually promote change while manager promote the status quo.Exhibit 11.1 page 380 identifies many qualities of each.Use the exhibit to assist in grading the examples.2.What is the behavioral theory of leadership? Identify and explain one theory that is related to the behavioral theory of leadership.Answer: The behavioral theory of leadership suggests it is the behavior of the leader that determines leadership effectiveness.There are three theories: Ohio State, Michigan, and Leadership Grid.Ohio State notes two behaviors: consideration(focus on the employee)and initiating structure(focus on the task).Michigan notes two behaviors: employee-centered and job-centered.Leadership Grid has concern for production and concern for people.3.What are the contingency approaches to leadership?
Answer: Contingency approaches note the relationship between leader styles and specific organizational situations.• Fielder noted there are two leadership styles: task-and relationship-oriented that are efficient depending on three situational variables: leader-member relations, task structure, and position power.• Hersey and Blanchard had four leadership behaviors: telling, selling, participating, and delegating with one situational variable: follower readiness.• Path-goal identified four leadership behaviors: supportive, directive, achievement-oriented, and participative and two situational variables: personal characteristics of the group members and the work environment.4.What are the four areas where transformational leadership differs from transactional leadership?
Answer: Transformational leadership differs from transactional leadership in four significant areas: a.Transformational leadership develops followers into leaders.b.Transformational leadership elevates the concerns of followers from lower level physical needs to higher level psychological needs.c.Transformational leadership inspires followers to go beyond their own self-interests for the good of the group.d.Transformational leadership paints a vision of a desired future state and communicates it in a way that makes the pain of change worth the effort.5.What are five changes leaders can make to develop a foundation for effective leadership?
Answer: Five changes leaders can make to develop a foundation for effective team leadership are: • Learn to relax and admit your ignorance • Take care of team members • Communicate • Learn to truly share power • Recognize the importance of shared values and commitment
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