


1.人教版九年级英语UNIT1教学设计 篇一


1.I saw several young people enter thewaiting area looking around curiously.我看见几个年轻人走进了等候区,好奇地向四周张望。2.The firstperson to arrive was Tony Garcia from Colombia, closely followed by Julia Smithfrom Britain.第一个到达的是从哥伦比亚来的托尼bull;加西亚,随后紧跟着的是英国的茱莉亚bull;史密斯。

3.She steppedback appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in defense.她后退了几步,看上去有些吃惊,并举起了手,好像是在自卫。

4.Not allcultures greet each other the same way, Nor are they comfortable in the sameway with touching ordistance between people.各种文化背景下的人互致问候的方式不尽相同,身体接触和相互间距的程度也不尽相同。

5.We can often bewrong about each other, so it is an amazing thing that we understand each otheras well as we do.尽管我们常常会彼此误解,但我们仍能做到彼此理解,这真是件令人惊奇的事。




2.人教版九年级英语UNIT1教学设计 篇二

In this unit, students learn to talk about how things affect them.

II.Te a ching ke y a nd difficult points:


bright, soft, sad, energetic, stressedout, tense, scientific, lighting

B.Target language

a.Loud music makes me tense.

b.That movie made her sad.

c.Loud music makes me want to dance.


make (s) me+infinitive, make (s) me+adjective

III.Te a ching me thods:audio-lingual methods

IV.Te a ching a ids:a tape, a tape recorder, PPT

V.Te a ching proce dure:

Step 1.Revision

Task 1.Check the homework.

Task 2.Revise the vocabulary.

Step 2.Warming up

Task1.Write the following list of activities on the blackboard:

parties, exams, school vacations, gym class.

Task 2.Ask students how they feel about the activities.

Step 3.Grammar focus

Task 1.Read the three target sentences and try to understand their structure.

Task 2.Students are supposed to make as many sentences with“make (s) me+infinitive”, “make (s) me+adjective”structures as possible.

Step 4.Viewing and saying

Talkaboutthepictureof restaurants on page 102.

Which one would you like to go and why?

◆I like to go to the one on the left because the music there would make me excited.

◆I like to go to the one on the rightbecausethemusicthere wouldmake me quiet.

◆I like to go to the one on the left because the pictures there would make me tense.

◆I like to go to the one on the right because the things there would make me happy.

Step 5.Listening and completing

Task 1.Listen to a conversation between Amy and Tina talking about eating in restaurants.While listening, pay attention to the“make (s) me+infinitive”, “make (s) me+adjective”structures.

Task 3.After listening, complete the unfinished sentences in the chart on page 102.

Step 6.Doing pairwork

Task 1.According to the sample conversation, ask and answer in pairs.

Task 2.Then ask and answer in pairs in class.

P P TCultureba ckground, gra mma r focus a nd pra ctice.

1.Some wonderful slogans of advertisements.

Trust me, you can make it. (美容)

When there is no tomorrow. (快递)

Good to the last drop. (咖啡)

Things go better with coke. (可乐)

Don’t leave home without it. (美国通卡)

Everything we do is driving by you. (汽车)

A diamond is forever. (钻石)

We do chicken right. (炸鸡)

Ford has a better idea. (汽车)

Air France making the sky best place on earth. (航空)


(1) make作使役动词时为“迫使”, “导致” (某人/物怎么样) 之义, 这时常见下面结构形式:

(1) make sb./sth. (+形容词) 使某人/物…… (怎么样) ;导致某人/物…… (怎么样) , 即在make的宾语某人/物后直接用形容词作宾语补足语。

eg Rainy days often make me sad.Mr.Li usually makes his lessons interesting so that we all like to listen to him in class.

(2) make sb./sth.do sth.使某人/物做某事, 一般作使役动词宾语补足语的不定式结构在该使役动词用在主动语态句中时, 要省去不定式符号“to”。

eg Some scientists are trying to make robots look like human beings.

You mustn’t make others wait for you too long.You’d better get there ahead of time.

(3) 注:当make, 包括其他使役动词在被动语态句中运用时, 作其宾语补足语的不定式结构不省去to, 即用成“be made to do sth.”———“被使去做某事”。

eg The boy was made to apologize because he came to school late.

(2) make作一般实义动词用, 意为制作;做。后跟表示金钱的名词等时, 还有“赚取”;后跟有“mistake”等时, 则有“犯错”等意思, 已学相关宾语如下:

make meals做饭

make tea泡茶

make kites制作风筝

make the bed整理床铺

make sentences造句

make noises制造噪音

make mistakes犯错

make money赚钱

make friends with...与……交朋友

另:make作“制作”等含义时, 用在被动语态句中的重要短语结构有:

be made of...被用……制成, 后跟原料, 原料在制成成品后看得出原料;

be made from...被用……制成, 后跟原料, 原料在制成成品后已看不出原料;

be made into...被制成……, 后跟成品, 此时, 做句子主语的是表示原材料的名词或代词;

be made up of...由……构成, 相当于“consist of”。

eg The table is made up of wood, and the bread is made from wheat (小麦) !

Our class is made up of/consists of 28 boys and 26 girls.


(1) Why don’t you make your wife_____?

A.sad B.sadly C.happily D.happy

(2) Hard seats also make customers want__eat quickly and leave.

A.of B.to C.in D.for

(3) The children were made___homework first.

A.do B.to do C.did D.doing

(4) They make__clear to the public that they’re doing a necessary job.

A.it B.that C.this D.its

(5) Colorscanchangeour moods and make us____happy or sad, energetic or sleepy.

A.to feel B.feeling C.felt D.feel

(6) —I tried to make Amy____her mind, but I found it hard.

—Well, I saw you___that when I went past.

A.change, do B.changes, doing

3.人教版九年级英语UNIT1教学设计 篇三








本套教材采用任务型语言教学模式,融汇话题、交际功能与语言结构,形成了一套循序渐进的生活化的学习程序。本书每个单元都列出明确的语言目标、主要的功能项目与语法结构、需要掌握的基本词汇,并分为A与B部分。A部分是基本的语言内容,B部分是知识的扩展与综合的语言运用。每个单元还附有Self Check 部分,学生可用来自我检测本单元所学的语言知识。








































































































4.人教版九年级英语UNIT1教学设计 篇四

一、教学目标: 1.语言知识目标:




二、教学重难点 1.教学重点:




Ⅰ.Warming-up and revision

Review the main story of Abing.Let some Ss try to retell the story of Abing and his nusic.Ⅱ.Lead in

Role-play the conversation.A: What kindof music do you like best? B: I likemusic that is sad.A: Why doyou like this kind of music? B: I thinksad music is strangely beautiful A: How doyou feel when you listen to this kind of music? B: I feel sad and want to cry when I listen to it.……

III.Practice Work on 3a.1.Let Ssfinish 3a.Make notes in the chartby themselves.2.Sharetheir ideas with others in class.IV.Writing

1.Use theirnotes to write an article for a newspaper or magazine to tell people about theirfavorite kind of music/movie and your favorite song/movie.Usefulexpressions:

My favoritekind of music/movie is… Ilike…because … It was…by…

When Ilisten to /watch it, I feel…

I think youshould listen to/watch it too because … 2.Ask Ss toread the first paragraph in 2b.Example: My favoritekind of music is old music.I’ll Never Forget My Mom ismy favorite song.I like it because it is beautiful.The lyrics are very great.It was written by Liu Zheng.Many famous singers like Cheng Lin, Liu Hegang,Tan Jing once sang it.When I listenedto it, I thought of my mom.The mother’s love is the greatest love in theworld.I was moved by these lyrics.I think you should listen to it, toobecause it can help us love our mothers more V.Self-check.Work on Self Check 1: 1.Let some Ss read the words inthe box.Make sure all the Ss know the meaning of the words.2.Let Ss read the sentences inSelf check 1.Then Ss try to fill in the blanks with the correct forms of thewords in the box.3.Letsome Ss read their answers.Check the answers with the Ss.Work on Self check 2 1.Tell Ssthat they have to fill in the blanks with who, that,which.More than one answers may be possible.2.Ss think and try to complete the conversation by themselves.3.Let some Ss read their answers to the class.4.Ask some Ssto act out the conversation.Work on Selfcheck3 1.Let Sscomplete the sentences about themselves.2.指导: 提醒学生注意that/who/which引导的定语从句的使用。3.Share their answers with the class.e.g.I don’tlike music that/which is too loud.I enjoyspending time in places that/which are relaxing.I havefriends who/that are friendly and helpful.I like moviestars who/that are beautiful or handsome.VI.Exercise:

If time is enough, do some moreexercises on big screen.用“who”或“that”填空。

1.The man ________ is talkingwith my mother is my father.2.That book is the one _______ Ibought yesterday.3.I know the man ______ is amodel worker.4.I can’t find a house _______is suitable for us to live.5.Is there a zoo _______ we cansee tigers around here? 1.who/that 2.that 3.who/that 4.that 5.that 同意句改写。

1.I like slow music.I like music ______ ______ ______.2.What do you think of the CD?______ ______ ______ ______ the CD? 3.I like friendly people.I likepeople ______ ______ ______.4.My father prefers quietbeaches.My father prefers beaches ______ ______ ______.5.I talked to the man.The manis our teacher.The man _____ _____ ______ _____is our teacher.1.that isslow 2.How do you feel 3.who are friendly 4.that are quiet 5.who Italked to VII.Homework 1.复习本单元内容。


Section B 2(3a-SelfCheck)

My favoritekind of music/movie is… Ilike…because … It was…by…

When Ilisten to /watch it, I feel…

I think youshould listen to/watch it too because …

5.人教版九年级上册英语作文 篇五

I think English is very important.I study it hard.So I’m good at it.Now let me tell you how to learn English well.First, open your mouth.Don’t be afraid of speaking English in front of other people.It is a language.We should speak it as much as possible.Second, we must listen to our teacher carefully in class.We make lots of notes.We should finish our homework on time.Third, practice makes perfect.It’s best way to learn English by using it.We should do more English exercises , read more English books and so on.Finally, I wish everybody can learn English well


We are very glad that Li Hua has made great progress.He used to often quarrel with other people, but now he gets on well with them, he always helps them.He used to throw litter about and make our classroom dirty.Now he takes care of our environment.He used to spend lots of time playing computer games.Now he takes an active part in all kinds of activities.How large he’s changed!


Hi, Emily..I think it’s lucky for you to have such good parents.I think they’re right.It’s responsible for me to do such simple housework.The independence is very important for you.They hope you become an excellent man.We should understand and respect them.They have rich experience.Their demands are good for your growing up.If we have some worries , we should ask them for help.We should communicate with them.4.与朋友的烦恼(借钱)

I’m glad to hear from you.Don’t worry, let me help you.I think you should lend money to her.She is your good friend.Good friends should help each other.You don’t need worry too much.She’ll probably pay you back when she has money.If you don’t help her, you maybe lose a good friend.I think everyone may have trouble in life, so I always try my best to help my friends.I hope what I said can help you.5.猜测主人

The toy car must be Jane’s little brother’s, because he is the only kid at the picnic.The new bag must be Carol’s because she just bought a new one.The French book might be Ii Lin’s.she’s the only one who’s studying French.The owner of the earrings can’t be a boy because boys don’t like wearing earrings at all.期中 与朋友的烦恼(玩电脑)

Thank you for your email.I’m sorry to hear that.I think he’s not right.First, as a good friend, you should tell him it’s not right to be late for class.Second, you should tell him the importance of study.As student, we should concentrate more on our studies than computer games, because they’re not only bad for studies but also bad for our health.I’m sure he will understand you.6.食品安全

Now food safety is a serious problem.It’s important to us.How can we make food safe? First we should eat at home, we don’t eat at restaurant often..Second , we should make food clean before cooking.Remember to boil food..Third , we should buy food carefully.If the food is in bags, we should read instructions and dates carefully.Make sure the food is safe.7.旅行计划

Our winter vacation is coming.I would like to go on vacation.I’m going to take a trip to Beijing.I will go there by train.Iwant to visit the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, Tian’anmen Square and other places.I will take lots of photos.I will eat Beijing duck.I will buy some souvenirs.I think it must be interesting.Would you like go with me? Please tell me soon.8. 志愿者

I’m Wang Ping.I want to be a volunteer of protecting animals.I’m very kind.I’m good with animals.I’m hardworking.I like singing and dancing.I have organized raising money for Save China’s Tigers.I think animals are our good friends.We should care about them.In fact , protecting animals are protecting ourselves.If I can be a volunteer ,I will work harder and do more meaning things to protect animals.I must try my best to make our world more beautiful.计算机的发明

Do you know the history of computers? The computer was invented in 1946.at that time, the machine was huge and heavy.It’s a very useful tool in our life.Computers can send some messages to friends.The computer can open our eyes.I think it’s the most helpful invention in the world.It’s hard to imagine what our life would be like if we had no computers in our daily life.And in my opinion, computers are going to change our life completely in the near future.一个不幸的上午

I had an unlucky morning.Because yesterday night I stayed up, I overslept this morning.By the time I rushed to the bus stop, the bus had already left.By the time I got to the school, my teacher had already started his class.And I realized I left my Chinese book at home.After class, my teacher asked why I was late and told me not to be late next time.期末 对作业看法

6.人教版九年级英语UNIT1教学设计 篇六

1. 教材简析

《去年的树》选自人教版小学语文第七册第三组第11课, 讲述的是:一只鸟儿和树是一对好朋友, 它们相约第二年相见, 可是第二年的春天, 鸟儿飞回来找它的好朋友树时, 树却不见了。鸟儿四处寻访, 最后只找到了由树做成的火柴点燃的灯火, 于是, 鸟儿在灯火前唱起去年的歌。课文通过小鸟和树、树根、大门以及小女孩这四组对话, 告诉我们要信守诺言, 珍惜朋友之间的情谊。

2. 学情分析

进入第二学段, 四年级的学生已具备了一定的阅读、理解能力, 对童话的阅读也有一定的基础。但在阅读这篇课文时, 很容易联想到环保的主题, 而对于课文展示的小鸟的执著追寻、对诺言的尊重、对友情的珍爱往往不容易把握。尤其是从小鸟的四次对话中, 感悟“信守诺言, 珍爱友情”需要深入启发引导, 帮助他们在平淡的语言中体会深挚的美。

3. 教学目标

根据上述分析, 教学本课将要达成如下的预设目标: (1) 学会本课1个生字, 会写4个字, 理解词语的意思。 (2) 正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文, 结合角色对话, 读出不同语气。 (3) 理解课文内容, 感受童话的特点, 展开合理想象, 体会鸟儿的内心活动。 (4) 领悟小鸟与大树之间的真挚情谊, 明白真正的友谊是建立在诚信的基础之上。

4. 教学重点

(1) 借助语言文字, 展开丰富想象, 体会鸟儿的内心世界。

(2) 领略鸟儿与大树之间的珍贵友情, 学会信守诺言, 珍惜朋友之间的情谊。

5. 教学难点


6. 教学安排

教学本课采用多媒体辅助教学手段, 共分两课时进行。第一课时初读课文, 整体感知;学习生字词, 练习书写;梳理课文脉络, 了解主要内容。第二课时理解课文内容, 进行朗读训练, 读出角色语气;展开合理想象, 体会内心活动, 领悟真挚情谊。


教学本课我将采用引导发现与主体探究相结合的教学方法。教学中, 借助于多媒体课件, 创设问题情境, 激发学生的探究兴趣;适时地点拨引导, 理解文本的内涵;巧妙地拓展延伸, 深化情感体验。学习时, 采用课前自学尝试、课上自读感悟、小组角色体验、全班合作交流等学习策略, 注重学生与文本、读者与作者、教师与学生的对话及生成, 共享愉悦的教学过程, 努力营造和谐的对话环境, 激发学生对课文内涵的深刻理解。


1. 前置学习, 汇报对话

在学生学习了第一课时, 初步感知课文内容的基础上, 布置他们前置学习。课文是通过“对话”来展开故事情节的, 读读课文, 说说文中一共写了几次对话, 分别是哪几次?以汇报对话来奠定第二课时教学的基点, 从而使课堂教学一开始就唤醒学生的知识储备。

2. 演读课文, 角色体验

(1) 抓住词句, 指导第一次对话。在学生交流汇报课文中的四处对话后, 课件出示第一组对话, 进行朗读品味, 从“好朋友”等重点词语入手, 让学生找出能体现树和鸟儿是好朋友的语句, 抓住“我明年一定回来”体会鸟儿和大树的相依相惜、分手的伤感无奈以及鸟儿的庄重承诺, 而后有感情地朗读, 体会树的期盼、鸟的坚决。

(2) 由扶到放, 学习后三次对话。学生围绕鸟儿与树根、大门、女孩的三次对话, 自读思考, 仔细揣摩鸟儿的心理活动, 感悟它对朋友的牵挂、担心, 履行自己的承诺, 其实这也是鸟儿奉献给大树的最最珍贵的友情。

(3) 演读课文, 走进鸟儿内心深处。让学生在理解的基础上小组合作学习, 演读课文, 边读边揣摩体会角色的心情, 并加上自己的动作、神态, 部分语言可以有增改, 然后安排小组在全班汇报表演。

3. 展开想象, 升华情感

学生刚刚表演完, 焦急的心情还没有回落, 我趁热打铁, 引导学生进行最后一段的学习。对表演鸟儿的学生抛出两个问题 (课件) 。与此同时, 继续追问其他的“小鸟们”这两个问题, 使他们展开想象的翅膀, 说出鸟儿心中想说的话。

4. 拓展延伸, 深化理解

代大树写一张友情卡, 送给重情重义、信守诺言的鸟儿。这样, 情感的熏陶与语文实践活动就完美地结合起来了。友情卡之后是说话、写话练习, 把自己想说的话写下来。

5. 师生总结, 升华情感

7.人教版九年级英语翻译 篇七

own clothes.

Section A 2d







Section A 3a


当我是个小宝宝整夜哭闹的时候,妈妈依偎在我身旁,唱歌送我入梦乡。 在我累了饿了的时候,妈妈给我食物,那温暖的臂膀就是我的床。

当我奔跑在田野上,她确保我的安全,让我远离安全,让我远离危险, 在我摔倒受伤的时候她给我拥抱,扶我站好。


九岁时我看恐怖电影,她说:这种电影会将噩梦给你带来, 我却愤怒地咆哮:我就该看这样的电影,别拿我当小孩!

青少年的我开始和朋友外出闲逛了,她叮咛道:十点以前一定要回来! 我又顶嘴:我都 17 岁了,不需要你告诉我该不该! 现在我长大了,回想当初的是时光, 吃了冰激凌让我咳嗦不止, 看了恐怖片让我噩梦连连,

上学迟到只因为 10 点还在外游荡。


Section B 2b



刘宇是来自山东省的一位 15 岁的男孩,他是一个赛跑运动明星。他是学校校队的一名队员,希望长大以后能成为职业跑步运动员。可是他的父母不愿让他花太多时间去训练。“我们当然希望看到他实现自己的梦想,”刘先生说,“我们也知道他是多么喜欢跑步,我妻子和我也曾经支持他的每一次比赛。我们不反对跑步,但是儿子必须要考虑其他可能得工作。他现在长大了,他一定要考虑好,万一成不了职业运动员怎么办?”



8.人教版九年级英语UNIT1教学设计 篇八

首名 first name 你的首名叫什么? What’s your first name?

中间名 middle name 我能知道你的名字吗? May I know your name?

给名 given name 给这婴儿取名玛丽 name the baby Mary

全名 full name 你的全名是什么? What’s your full name?

姓 last name=family name 你姓什么? What’s your last name(family name)?

英语中的数字 number in English 房间号码 room number=the number of the room

传真机号码 fax number 你的房间号码是多少? What’s the number of your room?

我是一号/ 第一名 I’m Number One 你的电话号码是多少? What’s your telephone number?

家谱 family tree 他的家是个小家庭 His family is small.

我有个幸福的家庭 I have a happy family 我全家都在看电视 My family are watching TV.

格林夫妇(格林一家人) the Greens 格林一家个子都很高 The Greens are all tall

王家 the Wangs 王家是我的朋友 The Wangs are my friends

the Wang family 王家是我的邻居 The Wang family is my neighbor

忙碌的星期天 a busy Sunday 见到你真高兴(初次见面) Nice(Glad, Happy)to meet you.

多大了 how old 他的妹妹多大了? How old is your sister?

热闹的街道 a busy street 她十二岁了 She is 12 years old

今天是个忙碌的日子 It’s a busy day 这是个秘密 It’s a secret[]

在第一排 in Row One 哪一排 what (which)row []

在三班 in Class Three 哪个班级 what (which)class

在图一 in Picture One 你在第几排? what (which)row are you in?

在一年级五班 in Class Five Grade One 你在那个班级 What class (which)are you in?

身份证 ID Card 学生证、校卡 school ID card

英语单词 English words 你认识多少英语单词? How many English words do you know?

多少(可数名词) how many 屋子里有多少人? How many people are there in the room?

多少(不可数名词) how much 你有多少钱? How much money do you have?

拿出 take out 回答问题 answer the question

填写 fill in 错误的回答 the wrong answer

放进 put in 门上的钥匙 the key to the door

把它放进包里 put it in the bag 问题的答案 the answer to the question

一些新单词 some new words 接电话 answer the telephone

在你笔记本上 in your notebook 问某人一个问题 ask sb. a question

打牌 play cards 你可以问我几个问题 You can ask me some questions

一片面包 a piece of bread 住在同一条街 live in(on)the same street

五张纸 five pieces of paper 住在同一栋房子里 live in the same house

一杯水 a glass of water 住在同一栋楼里 live in the same building

三杯茶 three cups of tea 住在同一座城市 live in the same city

9.人教版九年级英语unit10 篇九

1. You are supposed to shake hands.(1)动词suppose意为“猜想、假设”,suppose后接that从句,that可以省略。例如: I suppose he is not yet twenty.我猜想他不到二十岁。(2)be supposed to后面用动词原形,表示“被期望做某事、应该做某事”,相当于情态动词should。例如: You are supposed to say hello to the foreigners. 你应该跟这些外宾打招呼。【拓展】(1)当句子的主语是人的时候,be supposed to表示“应该做某事、被期望做某事”,经常用来表示劝告、建议、义务和责任等。这里be supposed to相当于情态动词should。例如: You are supposed to ask our teacher if you want to leave the classroom. 如果你要离开教室,应该先问一问我们的老师。(2)当句子的主语是物的时候,be supposed to表示“本应该”的意思,经常用来表示某事物本应该发生而没有发生。 The meeting was supposed to take place on Tuesday, but we have to put it off. 这个会议本应该在星期二举行,但我们不得不把他推迟了。(3)短语be supposed to do sth.的否定形式是be not supposed to do sth,表示“命令和禁止”,意为“不应该做某事”。 You are not supposed to talk loudly in class. 你不应该在课堂上大声交谈。(4)be supposed to的后面接have+过去分词,表示“本应该做完的事情而没有做完”。 My mother is supposed to have arrived an hour ago. 我的妈妈应该一个小时前就到了。

2. If you’re even 15 minuteslate, your friend may get mad.这是含有if引导的条件状语从句的复合句,if译为“如果”。条件状语从句要用一般现在时表示将来,要注意if条件句的时态搭配:(1)if从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时。例如:

The cat will scratch you if you pull her tail. 如果你拉猫的尾巴,它就会抓你。 If the rain doesn’t stop, we will stay here. 如果这场雨不停的话,我们就呆在这儿。(2)if从句用一般现在时,主句用情态动词。例如: If you want to lose weight, you should eat less bread. 如果想减肥,你应该少吃面包.(3)if从句用一般现在时,主句用祈使句。例如: If you want to get there on time, hurry up! 如果你想准时到达那里,要快一点。

3. We value the time we spend with our family …(1)value 作动词,表示“看重,重视”。例如: If they value these data, let them pay for them. 他们要是看重这些数据,就让他们出钱买。 If you value your health then you’ll start being a little kinder to yourself. 如果你重视自己的健康,你就要开始对自己好一点。(2)value 作及物动词,表示“评价,估价”。后接名词或代词作宾语,当宾语后接具体价格时,常用介词at。例如: I valued the bike at 200 yuan. 我估计这辆自行车值200元。 The used carhas recently been valued at 3750 pounds. 这辆二手车作价为3750英镑。【拓展】(1)value 用作名词,基本意思是“价值,价格”,引申还可表示“用处,益处,重要性”。例如: Because of continual price increases, the value of the pound has fallen in recent years.近年来由于物价不断上涨,英镑贬值了。 The value of this work experience should not be under estimated. 这种工作经验的重要性不应该被低估。(2)value常用于of value to sb. 结构,表示“对某人有……价值”。例如: Good books are of great value to students. 好书对学生非常有用。

4. As you can imagine, thingsare very different from the way they are at home.imagine是动词,意为“想象,推测”,后面可接名词、代词、宾语从句、复合宾语,常用于结构:imagine doing sth. 想象做某事。例如: We can’t imagine what China will be like in the future. 我们无法想象将来中国是什么样子。 I can’t imagine leaving all my friends. 我无法想象离开我所有的朋友。 No one can imagine what would happen next. 没有人能想象出下一步会发生什么。

5. …,but I’m gradually getting used to it.动词短语get used to表示“渐渐习惯……”,后接名词、代词作宾语。与同义短语“be used to”略有不同。get used to强调的是由“不习惯”到“习惯”的这个过程,而“be used to”所强调的只是“习惯了”这个状态。例如: The food here is not so tasty but you will get used tothat. 这里的伙食不怎么样,但你会慢慢习惯的。 The food here is not so tasty but he is used to that. 这里的伙食不怎么样,但是他已经习惯了。 He is used to getting up early. 他习惯了早起。

10.人教版九年级英语UNIT1教学设计 篇十

How do you learn English?你怎样学习英语?

I learn by studying with a group.我通过小组学习

Do you learn English by reading aloud?你通过大声阅读来学习英语吗?

Yes,I do.It helps my pronunciation.是的,我是。它有助于我的发音。

How can I read faster?我怎样能读得快点儿?

You can read faster by reading word groups.你可以通过读词组来读快点儿。

How can I improve my pronunciation?我怎么能改善我的发音?

One way is by listening to tapes.一个方法是通过听磁带


I know that Water Festival is really fun.我知道泼水节很有趣

What fun the Water Festival is!多么有趣的泼水节!

I wonder if they will have the races again next year.我想知道明年他们是否会在比赛 How fantastic the dragon boat teams were!多么神奇的龙舟队伍!

I wonder whether June is a good time to visit Hong Kong我想知道6月是否是一个香港的好时候 How pretty the dragon boats were!龙舟多漂亮!

I believe that April is the hottest month in Thailand.我相信4月是泰国最热的一个月 How delicious the food is in Hong Kong!香港的食物多么美味


Excuse me, Do you know where I can buy some medicine?打扰一下,你知道哪里可以买药吗? Sure.There is a supermarket down the street。当然了,街那头有一个超市

Could you please tell me how to get to the post office?请你告诉我怎么去邮局好吗? Sorry,I am not sure how to get there.对不起,我不确定如何到达那里

Can you tell me when the band starts playing this evening?你能告诉我今天晚上乐队什么时候开始演出吗 It starts at 8:00 P.M.晚上8点开始

I wonder where we should go next.我想知道我们接下来应该去哪里

You should try that new ride over there.你应该试试那边的新的过山车


I used to be short.我过去很矮

I didn’t use to be popular in school我过去在学校不受欢迎

Paula used to be really quiet.Paula过去真的文静

She didn’t use to like tests。过去她不喜欢考试

You used to be short, didn’t you ?你过去很矮,是吗?

Yes,I did./No I didn’t.是的,我矮/不,我不矮

Did he use to wear glasses?他过去常戴眼镜吗?

Yes, he did./No ,he didn’t.是的,他常带。/不,他不戴眼镜


Are your shirts made of cotton?Yes,they are,And they were made in the US

What’s the model plane made of?Its made of used wood and glasses

Where is tea produced in China?Its produced in many different areas.How is tea produced?Tea plants are grown on the sides of mountains.when the leaves are ready, they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing

主动语态:people grow tea in Hangzhou。在杭州人们种植茶

11.人教版九年级英语unit8教案 篇十一

The 1st period


Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

(1)Key Vocabulary

clean up, hunger, homeless, cheer up, give out, volunteer, food, bank

(2)Target Language

I’d like to work outside.

You could give out food at a food bank.

2. Ability Objects

(1)Train the students to express offering to help with the target language.

(2)Train the students’ listening skill.

3. Moral Object

Offer help to the others as much as possible.

Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points

1. Key Vocabulary

clean up, hunger, homeless, cheer up, give up

2. Target Language

How to express offering to help with target language.

Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Points

1. Teach the students how to use the new phrasal verbs.

2. Teach the students to express offering help with target language. Ⅳ. Teaching Methods

1. Teaching by giving sample sentences and making up sentences.

2. Teaching by showing pictures.

Ⅴ. Teaching Aids

1. A tape recorder

2. Some pictures on volunteer’s offering help

Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures

Step Ⅰ Revision

1. Revise the language points in Unit 7.

Ask some questions like this: Where would you like to go on vacation? Why?(Because…)

2. Revise the contents in Unit 7.

3. Check homework by asking some students to read their sentences they’ve made with the verbs. Let them hand in their homework.

4. Dictate ten words in Unit 7.

Step Ⅱ la

In this unit we learn to offer to help.We’ll use some phrasal verbs. Each phrasal verbs has two or three words, such as clean up, cheer up, give out. Here is an example on how to use clean up. Look at the title of Unit 8. I’ll help clean up the city parks. Repeat it twice, please.

Ask the students to read the title twice.Then go on saying, “clean up means make a place clean and tidy, put things there in order”. Let’s see another example, We should always clean up after a picnic.Who can explain this sentence in your own, words?Ask one student to explain the sentence.

He or she may say like this. This sentences means we should burn wastepaper, collect litter and empty bottles, etc.Then ask the class. Who can make more sentences

with clean up?Ask several students to share their sentences to the class.Do the same with the other phrasal verbs.

Read the instructions to the students.

Please look at the picture now. We can see a bulletin board and two children in it. What is the bulletin board about? Help students to answer: Volunteer Today!Then continue saying, “Who can tell me the meaning of volunteer?”

Ask one student to try to explain it. Then tell them the meaning of it. Volunteer means a person who offers to do something unpleasant or dangerous. It means a person who offers to help the others sometimes. Volunteer is used as a verb in this lesson.

Draw the students’ attention to the three posters on the board.We can see one sentence in each poster.And we can see some people in each poster, too. What are the volunteers doing in each poster? Please work in pairs and talk about the posters.

Give the students a few minutes to talk about what they will say. Let them talk about all the three items. Move around and help the pairs as needed.Then read the sentences in the posters to the class. Ask the pairs of students to explain what the sentence means in their own words. Or tell what the volunteers are doing in the posters.For example, for the first poster, a pair might say:

It means there is trash in the park. There are papers on the ground. We can help clean up the park by picking up papers and trash. We can make the park clean.

After the students have finished all the items, ask the students to add some other ways they can help people. Get them to write the ways down in the box below the picture.

At last, ask some students to share their ideas with the class. Write any new words or phrases on the board and explain these words to the class, if necessary. Step Ⅲ 1b

Call the students’ attention to the two lists in the box in Activity lb. Ask some students to read the eight sentences on the lists to the class. Explain any new words and phrases in it.

Make sure that all the students can understand the meanings of the eight items.Then get the children to read the instructions together.

Say, we will hear four conversations.

Your task is to match the items in the two lists. We can see the blanks in fro

nt of the first line of each conversation. Listen to the conversations and write the letter in front of the first line of each conversation. Put the letters of the second line of conversations in right places. Point out the sample answer to the class.

Play the recording the first time. Tell the students to only listen. Then play the recording a second time.

Tell them to write a letter in front of each numbered sentence this time.Check the answers.

Step Ⅳ 1c

Read the instructions with the class.Call their attention to the example in the speech bubbles in Activity la. Ask a pair of students to read this conversation to a class. Then let them practice in pairs.

Note their pronunciation of “like to” in phrases such as, I’d like to help hungry people. Tell them English speakers usually pronounce the words “like to” as if they were spelled like-tuh.

Play the I’d like to statements on the recording to demonstrate this

pronunciation.After they’ve finished practicing the sample conversation, ask them

to make up similar conversations based on the other two posters. Get two pairs to demonstrate two conversations first.

Then let the whole class practice in pairs.After that, play the recording of activity 1b and let the children read after it twice.Then ask them to practice similar conversations using the information in Activity 1b.

Step Ⅴ Summary

Step Ⅵ Homework

1. Make up one sentence with each of the following phrasal verbs:

clean up, cheer up, give out

2. Write out three conversations of activity 1c.

12.人教版九年级英语课本中文 篇十二

SectionA 2d

吉 尔:斯科特,你周末打算干什么呢!


吉 尔:哦,什么激光唱片?


吉 尔:听起来不错啊。嗯,如果你有空,愿意和我一起去看电影吗?(电影的)导演很有名。


吉 尔:我那样的话,我还是去邀请喜欢看严肃电影人吧。


吉 尔:是关于第二次世界大战的。我喜欢能让我思考的电影。

Section A 3a






SectionB 2b





