


1.新编日语教程2--3翻译答案 篇一

一)1他是经理的儿子,但光凭这一点他是没有资格批评我们的工作的。He is the manager’ son, but that alone doesn’t qualify him to criticize our work.2Smith先生从教学岗位上退休下来之后,开始从事摄影这一兴趣爱好After Mr Smith retired from teaching, Mr Smith took up photography as a hobby.3相比起来,这幢房子的优点是价格低,而那幢房子的优点是交通便利By comparison, this house has the advantage of low price and that one has the advantage of convenient transportation.4他似乎正在使出全身解数,试图提高这一新产品的销售量Tt seems that he is making every effort to promote the sale of this new product.5那些热切的学生们纷纷挤进了讲堂,以聆听来自剑桥大学的那位著名教授讲课Those eager students crowded into the lecture hull to hear the famous professor from Cambridge University 6正如成千上万的其他人一样,她被这件艺术品深深地迷住了She like thousands of others, is greatly fascinated by this work of art 7直到我结婚的时候,我才有钱买了自己的房子It was not until I got married that I could afford the house of my own

二)1你能拿出那天晚上不在家的证据吗Can you show the evidence that he wasn’t aat home that night 2刚才在这儿说的所有话都必须保密Whatever we said here just now must be kept a secret 3如果这次旅行的花费不超过一百元,那你把我也算上吧If the expense of this journey is not over 100 yuan , you count me in 4每天晚上上床之前,Smith先生都要巡视一下房子以确保所有的门窗都上锁了所有灯都关了Before he goes to bed every night, Mr Smith will always inspect the house to make sure all the doors and windows are locked up and all the lights are turned off 5他确实吧真相告诉你了但你就是不相信He did tell you the truth, but you just didn’t believe him 6我延误了给他回信,这使他如此担忧,他竟然乘了直达航班来看我I delayed writing him back, which worried him so much that he took a no-stop flight to see me 7当我告诉他他父亲心脏病发作被送进医院时,他看上去似乎并不在意When I told him that his father had had a heart attack and had been sent to hospital, he looked as if he didn’t car about it.8公共汽车突然刹车,一只沉重的皮包从他头顶上的行李架上落下来正好落在他的头上When the bus stopped suddenly, a heavy leather bag fell off the shelf over his head and it landed right on his head 三)1特技演员的惊险表演使得观众惊恐万分The breathtaking performance of the stuntmen left the audience panic-strickened 2由于他的健康越来越差,我想现在该是他去掉吸烟恶习的时候了I think it’s time that he got rid of his bad habit of smoking because of the weakness of his health 3当Bill 全神贯注地做他的实验时,他全然不知周围发生的事情When Bill was preoccupied with his experiments, he know nothing about what happened around him 4Tom提议用他的这张邮票换John的那本书,但是John拒绝了Tom proposed to exchange this stamp of his for that book of John’s but John refused

5他指控他的邻居晚上唱片放得太响了He accused his neighbour of playing the CD records loudly in the evening 6他并不是你所认为的那种笨蛋He is not such a fool as you assume him to be

四)1Linda不可能已去美国因为我昨天在街上看见他了Linda can’t have gone to the USA, for I saw her in the street yesterday 2这些国家的政府必须采取有力措施以完全控制人口增长The governments of these countries must take effective measures to completely control the growth of their population 3这对老夫妇其实申请几张旅游支票,这样他们在周游世界时就不用随身携带那么多现金了The old couple should have applied for several travellous checks so that they needn’t have taken so much cash with them when they travelled around the world 4他是如此著名的一位艺术家,他的画全应保存在诸如美术馆或博物馆之类的地方He is so famous an artist that all his paintings should be preserved in such place as galleries or museums 5由于缺乏经验,那个青年医生没有立即采取行动,这导致了病人的死亡Due to lack of experience, the young doctor didn’t take action immediately, which led to the death of the patient 6她想以某种方式表示一下她是多么关心他的幸福She wants to show in some way that how much she cares about him and his happiness 7总统发表了一次演讲,其意思是国家将保护野生动物The president made a speech to the effect that the country would protect the wildlife 8教师应该发挥他们的想象力增加教学的艺术性Teachers should exercise their imagination and add the art to their teaching

五)1要管理好一所学校,校长起着很重要的作用To manage a school well, the headmaster plays a very important role in the administration of the school 2在家庭事务中具有最后决定权的是我母亲It is my mother who has the final say in the household affairs 3生物学特别是微生物学,从他最早的学生时代起就令他着迷Biology, microbiology in particular has been fascinating him since his earliest school day 4她有没有说什么令你感兴趣的东西Did she say anything that particularly appealed to you 5在这么复杂的情况下,没有人能揣测出谁将赢得下一次竞选Under such complicated circumstances, no one can tell who will win the next election 6这是100英镑,它够支付你所有的花费了Here is 100 pounds and it can cover all of your expenses 7工程室的工作需要智力以及经验The work of an engineer needs intelligence plus experience

六)1不管雨下得多大,昨天你也应该来机场接我们的No matter how heavily it rained, you should have come to the airport to meet us yesterday 2他越想这件事越生气The more he thought of the matter, the angrier he was 3这个农夫情愿以半价出售这些蔬菜,也不愿意听任它们烂掉The farmer would sell these vegetable at half the price rather than let them decay 4那本小册子里的全部信息仅限于高级军官知道All the messages in this booklet are restricted only to the senior officers 5通常医生要求病人彻底戒烟As a role, doctors require their patients to give up smoking completely 6直到火车开走了我才赶到车站It was not until the train had left that I arrived at the station 7昨晚有20名学生发高烧病倒了,医生们现在正在忙于调查这件事,希望能找到病因Last night, 20 students were down with a high fever and the doctors are busy in looking into these case in the hope of finding the cause of the disease 8父母有权干涉他们子女的个人生活吗?Do parents have the right to interfere with their children’s private lives?

七)1肯定会有人反对在下个月举办歌唱比赛的There is bound to be someone who will object to holding a singing contest next month 2事故发生后,John很沮丧地发现他那辆崭新的汽车已被损坏得无修复的希望了After the accident, John was discouraged to find that his brand-new car was damaged beyond hope of repair 3如果我开价,比如说100美元来买你那台旧电视,你会接受吗?If I give an offer, say, $100 to buy your old TV Set, will you accept my offer? 4除了Dick以外,Tom没有跟任何人说起他很想去当一名特技演员的事Tom didn’t tell anyone than Dick that he would like very much to be a stuntman 5这份工作从现金收益的角度来看不是很盈利的,但我正从中获取很有价值的经验This job is not very profitable in terms of cash earnings, but I’m getting valuable experience from it 6缺乏营养价值的饮食 使人保持健康A diet lacking in nutrition value will not keep a person healthy 7我当时真想朝那个演讲者脸上揍一拳,但我克制住了,我紧握双拳跑出了房间I felt an urge to beat the face of that speaker, but I kept control of myself, I ran out of the house with my hand crossed

2.新编日语教程2--3翻译答案 篇二


The whole plan fell through for want of fund.2.牛顿被公认为是世界上最杰出的科学家之一。

Newton is acknowledged as one of the world’s most eminent scientists.3.他对生产成本的估算总是精确无误。

He calculates the cost of production with invariable accuracy.4.公司发言人的不负责任讲话受到了严厉指责。

The spokesman of the corporation was berated for his irresponsible words.5.这名商业银行的年轻职员看出那张十英镑的假币。

The young clerk from the commercial bank spotted the counterfeit ten-pound note.6.这个精干的经理立刻行动了起来。

The efficient manager acted promptly.7.请把候补名单上她的名字换成你的名字。

Please substitute your name for hers on the waiting list.8.她觉得她在当地综合医院任实习医师是一段宝贵的经历。

She found that her internship in the local general hospital was a rewarding experience.9.不要感叹过去的不幸,振作起来向前看。

Don’t lament your past misfortunes.Keep your chin up[1] and look to the future.Unit2


Franklin exhorted readers to be diligent and thrifty in his Autobiography.2.谁能证实这签名无讹?

Who can attest to the genuineness of the signature?

3.人们给他起了“小家伙”的绰号,因为就他年龄而言,他看上去长得很小。He is dubbed “Tiny” because he looks so small for his age.4.他试图为自己拒绝接受这一劝告辩解。

He tried to rationalize his refusal to take the advice.5.他的一番话引起了我们的不满。

His words incurred our displeasure.6.要我们在这么短时间内完成这一工作几乎是不可能的。

It is virtually impossible for us to finish the work within such a short time.7.他反复思考这个手术可能产生的后果。

He ruminated over the likely consequences of the operation.8.这个地区的报业很兴旺。

The newspaper business in the region is flourishing.9.掌握英语需要孜孜不倦的努力。

It takes assiduous efforts to acquire a good command of English.Unit3


There is no tangible evidence of his guilt.2.我断定被告是无辜的。

I affirmed that the accused was innocent.3.那里的防御工事似乎难以攻破。

The defenses there seemed impregnable.4.毁坏随着战争而来。

War is accompanied by destruction.5.他蛰居在自己的农舍里。

He remained secluded in his farmhouse.6.这种迷信曾经在那个地区十分普遍。

The superstition used to be prevalent in that region.7.有些人珍视友谊胜过一切。

Some people cherish friendship more than anything else.8.他们为这次旅行已经准备了足够的食物。

They have got adequate food for the journey.9.他说的和他做的不相一致。

What he says is not consistent with what he does.Unit4


The freshmen are all youthfully exuberant.2.他的态度平静,脸上的表情不可解读。

His attitude was bland and his expression was unreadable / unfathomable.3.我中学的女校长是一位性格温和的年轻女子。

The headmistress of my middle school was a genial young lady.4.这位哲学家在思索,这是不是历史的必由之路?

The philosopher is pondering whether this is the inevitable course of events in history.5.这部电影是由海明威的一部小说改编而成的。

The film was adapted from a novel written by Hemingway.6.作为法官,你应该一直保持不偏不倚的态度。

As a judge, you should remain impartial all along.7.他所作有关创新的建议值得我们郑重考虑。

His suggestion for innovation merits our serious consideration.8.他在公司里一直处于一个很低的从属地位。

He remains in a very subordinate position in the company.9.他没有向他朋友求助,而是立即采取行动。

He acted promptly without turning to his friends for help.Unit5


A lot of young people appreciate the essayist’s florid style.2.这教授是一位热诚的环境保护主义者。

The professor is a fervent environmentalist.3.他们在去还是留的问题上犹豫不决。

They wavered between going and staying.4.我不会让那些烦恼事妨碍我的工作。

I won’t let my troubles interfere with my work.5.我喜欢看孩子们游戏。

I take delight in watching children play.6.这产业处理掉可以获得相当大的一笔金额。

The property can be disposed of for a good sum of money.7.在促销期间,购物中心挤满了人群。

The mall was thronged with people during the sales promotion.8.他们终于在远处看到了灯光。

They perceived a light in the distance in the end.9.你应该仔细想想这一行动可能会产生的后果。

You should reflect on the likely consequences of this action.Unit6


What should we do on the assumption that it is true?


You should apply for a post you are suited for.3.他厌倦了城市的忙碌生活,渴望乡村的宁静。

Feeling tired of the busy urban life, he craves for peace and quiet in the countryside.4.他沉溺于莎士比亚的十四行诗。

He was immersed in Shakespearian sonnets.5.这件事太微不足道了,不用心烦意乱。

This matter is too trivial to feel upset about.6.毕业典礼对我们所有的人来说是一件重大的事。

The commencement was a momentous occasion for all of us.7.很大的授课量把他们搞得筋疲力尽。

A very heavy teaching load exhausts them.8.他在学术研究方面变现相当平庸。

He gave a mediocre performance in academic studies.9.他从绘画中得到很大的乐趣。

He derives great satisfaction from painting.Unit7


I assume from your remarks that you are going to quit your job.2.我们应该努力区分真实与虚假。

We should try to distinguish between truth and falsehood.3.他总是小心翼翼地不得罪人。

He is always wary of giving offense.4.作为一名法官,你不应该做出武断的决定。

As a judge, you should not make arbitrary decisions.5.他是一个具有国际声望的艺术家。

He is an artist of international prestige.6.他认为自己的成功有好几个因素。

He attributed his success to several factors.7.这些断壁残垣是诺曼人征服英国时期留下的遗迹。

The fragments of walls are vestiges of the Norman Conquest.8.他抽烟、喝酒甚多,损害了健康。

He smoked and drank a lot, to the detriment of health.9.你最好缩短你那冗长的演讲词。
