1.ted观后感 篇一
paul bloom: the origins of pleasure 生死自知
william 张 blocked for introverts to independent thinking and exploring opportunities, this is a kind of damage for introverts, is also a kind of loss for the society。
william 张
抑郁,我们各自隐藏的秘密 the opposite of depression is not happy, its vitality.and depression not only need to own a strong heart, but also need the tolerance of the whole society, more patience and mutual efforts.高一(6)
william 张篇三:一篇ted演讲观后感
这不是ted演讲,是ted演唱--《这一次是ted演唱,因为演讲真的很恐怖!》观后感 一个天生口吃的女孩,站在ted的讲台上,她要说她的故事,唱她的歌。这令我感触不少。
人有天生的差别,只是差别而已,不是差距。很多客观的、现实的因素,我们无法改变。我们能做的就是找到“上帝给我们开的那一扇窗”,并好好利用这扇窗。如果,你是一个有心人,你能透过这扇窗观看整个世界,也能让世界发现你的存在。而有些幸运的人,即使上帝给他们开了很多门,或许他们也从未走到门外去看看外面的世界。因为他们已经拥有很多门,足以看到许多风景,何必到外面经历没有屋檐的漂泊。所以,透过门看到的世界,不一定就比透过窗看到的世界更精彩。我又想起美国诗人罗伯特·弗罗斯特的《未选择的路》“黄色的林子里有两条路,很遗憾我无法同时选择两者。”不管一个人年轻的时候有多少选择的机会,最终我们只能走一条路。而且,至于另外一条未选择的路,几乎从此就无缘再见。不管多年我们如何叹息,我们只能选择一条路,而且我们这一生已经被自己选择的路改变了。另一条,只是遗憾,它也不一定就比我们选择的路更迷人。所以,不管是给定的路,还是能选择的路,过后都会或多或少留下遗憾。因为,一切没能经历的,错过的事,都会让我们怀念。假如当时我选择了另外一条路,或者我可以选择另外一条路?? 总之,我们选择的路,或者被选择的路,就造成不同的人生,不同的我们。不管怎样,接受自己吧,真实的自己最特别。
再说一下这场演讲《这一次是ted演唱,因为演讲真的很恐怖!》主角megan washington,这个和我们有一点不同的女孩。她从小口吃,却发现唱歌能让她流畅地表达自己。她选择了唱歌,唱歌成就了她。来到ted讲台上,她没有用她培训过的“smooth talking”来做一场完美的演讲,即使她能够这样,也没有刻意的取乐观众。她让一个真实的自己显现在观众面前。我从她的眼神中,看到坦然、平静和坚定。
荷塞.安东尼奥.阿布吕尔:我亲爱的朋友,女士们,先生们,我今天非常高兴 被授予本的ted大奖。这个奖属于委内瑞拉全体 优秀的音乐教师们,艺术家和教育工作者们 他们在过去35年一直无私和忠诚地陪伴着我 一起为遍及委内瑞拉全国的青少年乐唱队项目
当我还是个男孩子时 那时候我还很小 我就一心想当个音乐家,感谢上帝,我成功了。我的老师们、我的家人和我的社区,都在我成长为音乐家的道路上给与了许多必要的支持。我此生一直梦想 让委内瑞拉所有的孩子 都能享有和我一样的机会。因为这个愿望 我心里树立了一个理想:让音乐广泛的植根于我们的国家。
从第一次排练开始,我就看到了光明的未来。因为这次排练对我是一次巨大的挑战。那次别人捐了50个乐谱架给我,预备着给100个孩子排练时用。当我来到排练的场地,发现只来了11个孩子。我就对自己说,“我是应该停止这个项目呢,还是使参与的孩子数量成倍增加呢?” 我决定接受挑战,就在那个晚上,我向这11个孩子承诺,我一定会把我们的乐队 变成世界上最好的乐队之一。两个月前,我想起了自己当年的承诺,因为一位著名的英国乐评人 在伦敦 《时代》杂志上发表了一篇文章,讨论如果交响乐团有世界杯赛,哪支乐团将名列前茅。他提到了4支世界一流乐团,而第五个名字就是委内瑞拉青少年交响乐团。今天我们完全可以说 拉丁美洲的艺术 不再只由精英阶层所专享 它已经成为全社会的权利,为全体人民所享有。
造价值观念训练年轻人 去辅导别的孩子。
我们的项目名为el sistema(即西班牙语中的“体系”)它采用的是一种新型而灵活的管理方式 能灵活地适应每个社区和地区的自身特点 现在有超过30万来自中低下阶层的孩子参与到这个项目来 遍及委内瑞拉全国。它也是一个社会拯救项目 和深层的文化改造 目标人群是委内瑞拉全社会 我们摈弃任何形式的歧视,但更侧重于关注弱势和式微的社会阶层。
el sistema的影响力主要体现在3个方面--在个人/社会层面,家庭层面,以及社区层面。在个人/社会层面,在交响乐团与合唱团的孩子们 他们的智力和情感得以发展。音乐成为帮助人类 在各方面发展的源泉。它使人们的精神得到升华 使人的天性得以全面发展。人类的情感和智力因此获益良多--学会如何领导、教学、训练的方法 培养归宿感,责任感,慷慨与奉献之心 以及个人如何为实现伟大的集体共同目标而努力。这些获益能促成自尊自信之心的形成。
加尔各答的特蕾莎修女 她的一个信念一直令我动容--关于贫穷最可怜和最悲惨的事情 并不是没有面包可吃,没有房子可住,而是根本没有自我意识。缺乏存在感,缺少自我认同,不被尊重。这就是为什么 在乐团和合唱团中的成长过程,能让孩子们感受到尊重 使他们成为家庭和社区的模范榜样。使他们在学校里成为更好的学生 因为这会激发他们的责任感,毅力和守时等品质也使他在学校有更好的表现。在家庭中,父母们无条件地支持我们的项目。在他们眼里,孩子成了家里的模范。这对穷孩子来说异常重要。一旦孩子们意识到自己对家庭很重要,他就会尽力提升自己 对自己和社区抱有更高的期望。另外,他也会希望自己家庭的社会和经济地位得到提高。所有这些都会形成一种合力,推动社会进入富有建设性的积极上升的通道。如前所述,我们这个项目里大部分的孩子,都来自委内瑞拉最穷困的阶层。参与这个项目使他们能拥有新的梦想,新的目标,在这些音乐所赐的机遇面前 他们获得了长足的进步。最后,在社区层面,事实证明乐团是个有创造性的文化组织 是观念交流和新意层出的源泉,音乐的美自然而生 所以它不会沦为奢侈品,而只会是全社会共享的财富。因此,当家中的孩子演奏小提琴时,父亲在旁边做着木工活。当家中的小女孩演奏单簧管时,妈妈在旁边做着家务。我们的理念是,在孩子们参与的 乐团与合唱团活动中 整个家庭共享骄傲和喜悦。音乐自身创造的强大精神世界,就在于音乐本身,它能克服物质上的贫乏。从孩子学习演奏乐器的那一刻开始,他就不再贫穷,他成了一个正向着职业水平迈进的孩子,他迟早会成长为一个合格的全面发展的公民。更不用说,音乐是首选的 抵御卖淫、暴力、坏习惯的方式,它能使孩子们免受各种负面恶习的侵蚀。几年前,历史学家阿诺德.汤因比就指出 当今世界正面临巨大的精神危机。这种危机不是经济危机或社会危机,而是精神上的。我认为要面对这种危机,只有艺术和宗教才能为人性、和人类最深切的渴望,以及我们时代的历史需要等问题,找到正确的答案。教育是承载智慧和知识的综合体,是建立更完美、更明智 更高尚和更公正社会的正途。满怀激情和热忱地,我们向ted致以诚挚的敬意 为它杰出的人文精神,它崇高的理念,和它公开而慷慨的宣扬年轻人的价值观。我们希望ted能全面而有效地 帮助建立一个全新的音乐教育体系,在这个新体系里,孩子和青少年的 社会和社区责任感、他们的精神追求 就是整个社会应该努力的目标。
2.ted观后感 篇二
“Be Crazy about sneakers.”————Feedback Almost every basketball fan is dreaming about getting one pair of sneakers of famous brands, like Air Jordan series.Many of them are constantly dedicated to their collections of various sneakers.But through the speaker’s ideas, a clear marketing network emerged, which was seemingly invisible before.All of us who are fond of collecting limited-edition shoes may not realize that we are part of the market itself, although it isn’t a market at all.This is incredible, but it really exists.Basketball fans are enthusiastic about their beloved stars, and the sneakers endorsed by stars are to support their craze, which means a brilliant commercial opportunity to shoes’ industry.And the brand Nike was one of the biggest owners of profits from its sneakers, it is still earning money from us, and it will be as long as the devotion to basketball stars don’t fade away.In short, the intangible beneficial network is a successful example for sports industry.But what if they improve their commercial system? There will be more profits.Anyway, we can learn a lot from this and utilize what we got.
3.ted观后感 篇三
To be a positive pessimist.—— Feedback When we were young, we often dare to do whatever we can regardless of anything because we are innocent.As we became more mature after growth, we started being afraid of making mistakes.It’s common that we choose to be the best or nothing.Just like the lecturer Han Xue mentioned, we trapped ourselves in an overprotective world.Everything we are going to do or each situation we may face is unpredictable, but it shouldn’t be the reason for our escaping all hard periods.What if people always get rid of troubles? It seems like a signal meaning a loss of imagination and creativity.So, there must be some solutions that are needed.Han Xue shared her strategies about being a positive pessimist.She suggested that we receive lower expectations to ourselves and prepare to lose.Meanwhile, it doesn’t mean that you can always give in.Spare no efforts and go for it!There won’t be so much pity even if a failure happens.You might have a confusion about the “positive” and “pessimist”, how could a couple of opposite attitudes interweave together? However, we can find such paradoxes surrounding us.Generally speaking, we are expected to show our confidence while taking huge challenges, and conquer them with will power.Particularly, you needn’t be ashamed of losing only if you put your heart into it.A positive pessimist may not have something outstanding, but he(or she)must be better which is unstoppable.
4.TED演讲安全 篇四
why ted talks are better than the last speech you sat through 世上最好的演讲:ted演讲吸引人的秘密 think about the last time you heard someone give a speech, or any formal presentation.maybe it was so long that you were either overwhelmed with data, or you just tuned the speaker out.if powerpoint was involved, each slide was probably loaded with at least 40 words or figures, and odds are that you dont remember more than a tiny bit of what they were supposed to show.回想一下你上次聆听某人发表演讲或任何正式陈述的情形。它也许太长了,以至于你被各种数据搞得头昏脑胀,甚或干脆不理会演讲者。如果演讲者使用了ppt文档,那么每张幻灯片很可能塞入了至少40个单词或数字,但你现在或许只记得一丁点内容。pretty uninspiring, huh? talk like ted: 9 public-speaking secrets of the worlds best mindsexamines why in prose thats as lively and appealing as, well, a ted talk.timed to coincide with the 30th anniversary in march of those now-legendary ted conferences, the book draws on current brain science to explain what wins over, and fires up, an audience-first-grade, not much artistic talent...yet.and i m balling, im crying, like a little kid.and it made all the sense in the world to me.i realized at that point by connecting those two dots, that the only thing that matters in my life is being a great dad.above all, above all, the only goal i have in life is to be a good dad.一个月后,我参加女儿的表演,她一年级,没什么艺术天份,就算如此。我泪流满面,像个孩子,这让我的世界重新有了意义。当当时我意识到,将这两件事连接起来,其实我生命中唯一重要的事,就是成为一个好父亲,比任何事都重要,比任何事都重要,我人生中唯一的目标就是做个好父亲。那天我经历了一个奇迹,我活下來了。我还得到另一个启示,像是看见自己的未来再回來,改变自己的人生。
5.TED公开课笔记 篇五
Not very many of you
Okay.And actually of those hands , if you don’t include Roomba how many of you have a robot at home?
So a couple?
6.TED演讲稿英文 篇六
Ihave spent the last years, trying to resolve two enigmas: why is productivity so disappointing in all the companies where I work? I have worked with more than 500 companies.Despite all the technological advance
computers,IT,communications, telecommunications, the internet.Enigma number two: why is there so little engagement at work? Why do people feel so miserable, even actively disengaged? Disengaged their colleagues.Acting against the interest of their company.Despite all the affiliation events, the celebration, the people initiatives, the leadership development programs to train managers on how to better motivate their teams.At the beginning, I thought there was a chicken and egg issue: because people are less engaged, they are less productive.Or vice versa, because they are less productive, we put more pressure and they are less engaged.But as we were doing our analysis we realized that there was a common root cause to these two issues that relates, in fact, to the basic pillars of management.The way we organize is based on two pillars.The hard—structure, processes, systems.The soft—feeling, sentiments, interpersonal relationship, traits, personality.And whenever a company reorganizes, restructures, reengineers, goes through a cultural transformation program, it chooses these two pillars.Now we try to refine them, we try to combine them.The real issue is – and this is the answer to the two enigmas – these pillar are obsolete.Everything you read in business books is based either two of the other or their combine.They are obsolete.How do they work when you try to use these approaches in front of the new complexity of business? The hard approach, basically is that you start from strategy, requirement, structure, processes,systems,KPIs,scorecards,committees, headquarters, hubs, clusters, you name it.I forgot all the metrics, incentives, committees, middle offices and interfaces.What happens basically on the left, you have more complexity, the new complexity of business.We need quality, cost, reliability, speed.And every time there is a new requirement, we use the same approach.We create dedicated structure processed systems, basically to deal with the new complexity of business.The hard approach creates just complicatedness in the organization.Let’s take an example.An automotive company, the engineering division is a five-dimensional matrix.If you open any cell of the matrix, you find another 20-dimensional matrix.You have Mr.Noise, Mr.Petrol Consumption, Mr.Anti-Collision Propertise.For any new requirement, you have a dedicated function in charge of aligning engineers against the new requirement.What happens when the new requirement emerges? Some years ago, a new requirement appeared on the marketplace: the length of the warranty period.So therefore the requirement is repairability, making cars easy to repair.Otherwise when you bring the car to the garage to fix the light, if you have to remove the engine to access the lights, the car will have to stay one week in the garage instead of two hours, and the warranty budget will explode.So, what was the solution using the hard approach? If repairability is the rew requirement, the solution is to create a new function, Mr.Repairability.And Mr.Repairability creates the repairability process.With a repairability scorecard, with a repairability metric and eventually repairability incentive.That came on top of 25 other KPIs.What percentage of these people is variable compensation? Twenty percent at most, divided by 26 KPIs, repairability makes a difference of 0.8 percent.What difference did it make in their action, their choices to simplify? Zero.But what occurs for zero impact? Mr.Repairability, process, scorecard, evaluation, coordination with the 25 other coordinators to have zero impact.Now, in front of the new complexity of business, the only solution is not drawing box es with reporting lines.It is basically the interplay.How the parts work together.The connection, the interaction, the synapse.It is not skeleton of boxes, it is the nervous system of adaptiveness and intelligence.You know, you could call it cooperation, basically.Whenever people cooperate, they use less resources.In everything.You know, the repairability issue is a cooperation problem.When you design cars, please take into account the need of those who will repair the cars in the after sales garage.When we don’t cooperate we need more time, more equipment, more system, more teams.We need – when procurement, supply chain, manufacturing don’t cooperate we need more stock, more investories, more working capital.Who will pay for that? Shareholder? Customers? No, they will refuse.So who is left? The employees, who have tocompensate through their super individual efforts for the lack of cooperation.Stress, burnout, they are overwhelmed, accidents.No wonder they disengage.How do the hard and the soft try to foster cooperation?
7.ted英语演讲稿 篇七
Research diary is a microscopic point of this long march from the window miracle.Read some of those involved long before the long march diary now read Lin Boqu to be relevant Tong Xiaopeng Chen BojunFeng Xiao Wei Guoqing Li Li Lin Xumengqiu long march while the others diaryI still wears glasses to read between the lines of these soldiers gunfire in a sparsely minute rush to write a few lines.Let rest about their spiritual stretch.Diary became their spiritual nutritious way of life spiritual walk which is how bold and lovers!Chen Bojun look at the section on June 5 1935 diary : “The GAN Chushan under Deng Xiaoping son Cliff taller cliffs CollegeSHP mixed ooze it deeply attached climbed GE vines and played hard : : I not only by crossing Ground absolutely dire straitsInstead Northwest out-day the east Chinese sources the enemy hinges defensiveChi-sustaining. This is my mobility and strategic guidance for dramatic之 caused convinced bre soldiers. ”hermoniousness clean characters filled......
Long march carrying forward the spirit of a new long march to continue (the speech)
8.TED演讲中的句子 篇八
It was an achievement worthy of Mahatma Gandhi, conducted with the shrewdness of a lawyer and the idealism of a saint.他带来的效应堪比圣雄甘地,兼具律师的机智和圣贤的理想主义。
―It’s okay.It was all so beautiful.Whenever you hear this, I will be there.‖
The secret of their extraordinary success lay precisely in that insatiable curiosity, that irrepressible desire to know, no matter what the subject and no matter what the cost.他们取得非凡成就的秘密,是他们永不满足的好奇心和难以遏制的求知欲,以及对任何事物不计代价的付出。
―Live each day as if it is your last,‖(Gandhi)―learn as if you’ll live forever.‖ This is what I’m passionate about.It is this inextinguishable, undaunted appetite for learning and experience;no matter how risible, no matter how esoteric, no matter how seditious it might seem.要活就要像明天你就会死去一样活着(甘地),要学习就要像你将会永生一样学习。这就是我的热情所在,一种对知识和经验的坚定无畏的渴望,而不管这些知识多么荒唐,抑或神秘,或看上去别有用心。
Each of you an individual chord, for one definition of health may be that chord is in complete harmony.每个人都是一个独立的和弦。健康的定义之一是令这种和弦保持一种和谐状态。
Reductive listening is to reduce everything down to what’s relevant, and discard everything that’s not relevant.(men)删减性的倾听是有选择的听,只关注想知道的东西而忽略无关紧要的内容(通常男士)。
Expansive listening – get no destination in mind.It’s just enjoying the journey(women typically).扩展性的倾听——无明确目标的倾听,只是享受听的过程(通常女士)。
Three quick tips to protect your ears: 三种保护听力的简单方法: ① Professional hearing protectors 专业听力保护器
② Headphones of the best kind you can afford 买你能买得起的最好耳机
③ When in bad sound, put your fingers in your ears or just move away from it.听到噪音时,最好用手指护住耳朵,或者远离噪音;
Language as decorated silence.语言即经修饰过的宁静。Wind, water, birds – natural sound – all very healthy because all of it that we evolved to over the years.风声,水声,鸟声——大自然的声音对健康很有好处,因为这些都是我们进化过程中陪伴我们的语言。
To design soundscapes just like words of art, that has a foreground, a background, all in beautiful proportion.去设计如艺术品一般的声音氛围,有前景,有背景,并且比例协调。
Just listen to the music is good for you, if it’s music made with good intention, made with love, generally.听音乐也好,只要它的创作动机是好的,是有爱的音乐就可以。
– Always question assumptions.总是质疑―想当然‖的结论。
– When in doubt, improvise.纠结时,即兴来。
– When your path is blocked, pivot.前路受阻时,围绕中心迂回前进。
– Practice, practice, practice(if you want to do it well)没有什么能替代实践,实践,再实践。
Many of our technological innovations, the devices we dream about, can inspire us to be better humans.我们有许多技术革新,和正在研发的设备可以激励我们变得更好。
Little things, done right, matter.无论多小的事情,做对了就会有大用。
Well-designed moments can build brands.精心设计的细节很容易产生品牌效应。
Passion is the thing that will help you create the highest expression of your talent.能帮助你成就自己才华的最好的一样东西,就是热忱。
You really think it’s appropriate that you should actually take children and use them as a shield? 你真的以为拿小孩当挡箭牌合适吗?
For good or for ill, we generate these incredible stories about the world around us, and then the world turns around and astonishes us.无论好坏,我们创造了关于周遭世界的绝妙故事,而世界也转过身来,令我们大吃一惊。A snob is anybody who takes a small part of you and uses that to come to a complete vision of who you are.势利的人以一小部分的你来判别你的全部价值。
I don’t think we are particularly materialistic.I think we live in a society which has simply pegged certain emotional rewards to the acquisition of material goods.It’s not the material goods we want, it’s the rewards we want.And that’s a new way of looking at luxury goods.The next time you see somebody driving a Ferrari, don’t think ―This is somebody who is greedy‖, think ―this is somebody who is incredibly vulnerable and in need of love.‖ In other words, feel sympathy, rather than contempt.我并不认为我们特别看重物质,而是生活在一个物质能带来大量情感反馈的时代。我们想要的不是物质,而是背后的情感反馈。这赋予奢侈品一个崭新的含意。下次你看到那些开着法拉利跑车的人,不要去想―这个人很贪婪‖,而应想:―这是一个无比脆弱且渴望爱的人。‖也就是说,同情他们,不要鄙视他们。
The closer two people are, in age, in background, in the process of identification, the more there is a danger of envy.越是两个年龄背景相近的人,越容易陷入嫉妒的苦海。
(What do you do?)And according to how you answer that question, people are either incredibly delighted to see you, or look at their watch and make their excuses.(你做什么工作?)你对这个问题的答案,将决定对方接下来的反应。对方可能表示深感荣幸认识你,或是开始看表,然后想个借口离开。
Most people make a strict correlation between how much time and if you like, love – not romantic love, though that may be something – but love in general, respect they are willing to accord us, that will be strictly defined by our position in the social hierarchy.大部分世人决定要花费多少时间给予多少爱(不一定是浪漫的爱情,虽然那也包括在内)他们所愿意给我们的关爱,尊重取决于我们的社会地位。
The idea that we will make a society where literally everybody is graded, the good at the top, and the bad at the bottom, and it’s exactly done as it should be, is impossible.There are simply too many random factors;we’ll never get to grade them.Hold your horses when you’re coming to judge people.You don’t necessarily know someone’s true value is.That’s an unknown part of them.那种能创造出一个好人在上,坏人在下,中无任何差错的社会的观点,是不现实的。这世上有太多偶然的契机,我们却无从将这些因素分级。在开口评论他人之前,请千万三思而后行。你很有可能不知道他人的真正价值,那是他人的不可测部分。
You cannot be successful at everything.So any vision of success has to admit what it’s losing out on, where the element of loss is.你不可能在所有事情上都成功,所有成功实例必须承认它们同时也失去了一些东西,放弃了一些东西。
There is going to be an element where we are not succeeding.It’s bad enough not getting what we want, but it’s even worse to have an idea of what it is you want and find out at the end of a journey that it isn’t, in fact, what you wanted all along.总是有些什么是我们得不到的。得不到自己想要的已经够糟糕了,更糟糕的是,在你人生旅程的终点,发觉你所追求的,从来不是你真正想要的。
He decided to fake madness to get out of a prison sentence.他决定装疯,以此逃过牢狱之灾。
Capitalism, perhaps at its most remorseless, is a physical manifestation of psychopathy.冷酷无情的资本主义正是精神疾病的物质表现。
So I changed tack.于是我改变了策略。
The most miserable and tragic thing about poverty is not the lack of bread or roof, but the feeling of being no-one, the feeling of not being anyone, the lack of identification, the lack of public esteem.关于贫穷最可怜和最悲惨的事情,并不是没有面包可吃,没有房子可住,而是根本没有自我意识,缺乏存在感,缺乏自我认同,不被公众尊重。
I have come to know the mutability of all human relations and have learned to isolate myself from heat and cold so that the temperature balance is fairly well assured.–Elbert Einstein 我已熟悉一切人际关系的变幻无常,也学会漠视这种世态炎凉,以保证我的心态平衡。——爱因斯坦
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.–the Golden Rule 你们愿意人怎样对待你们,你们也要怎样待人。——耶稣的黄金法则
The road to success is lined with many tempting parking spaces.通向成功的路旁充斥着许多诱人的休息区。
It’s going to be a society that’s way in advance of our own.We’re not inevitably doomed to self-destruction.一定存在一个比我们的社会先进很多的另一个社会,我们并不是不可避免地走向自我毁灭。
8.[我们真的需要月亮吗?] When the Earth is spinning very fast, it was very stable.But as it slows down, it will be lose its stability and start to wobble had it not been for the moon.地球在快速转动时,状态十分稳定。但它放慢速度后就会失去稳定性,开始晃动。如果没有 4 月亮,情况就会是这样。
The angle of earth’s spin is constant only because the moon’s gravitational pull.地球的自转角度能够保持不变,完全是因为有了月球的引力拉动。
We piece together the fragment of memory to create the idea of future.我们靠收集记忆碎片去创造未来的想象。
It seems that a lot of unconscious brain activities going on that are shaping on your decision, and your consciousness comes in very late stage of the decisions.似乎有大量的无意识大脑活动在塑造你的决定,而你的意识在决定中表现得很滞后。
And the reality of the society that we’re in is there are thousands and thousands of people out there leading lives of quiet, screaming desperation, where they work long hard hours at jobs they hate to enable them to buy things they don’t need to impress people they don’t like.现实社会的情况是:成千上万的人们都在平静的绝望中煎熬。他们夜以继日地从事他们痛恨的职业,目的是为了购买无用的商品,以博得无关痛痒的邻人的艳羡。
If you don’t design your life, someone else will design it for you, and you may just not like their idea of balance.–To take control and responsibility for the type of lives that we want to lead by ourselves.如果你不规划自己的生活,那么别人就会为你规划,而他们对平衡的处理,你往往并不认同。所以,要自己承担起选择自己生活轨迹的重任。
Living with a sense of awareness of the world around you.主动感知你周遭的世界
Embracing your inner three year-old and seeing the tiny joys that make life so sweet.拥抱内心中那个三岁的自己,意识到让生活美好的那些小小快乐。
Being authentic to yourself-being you and being cool with that.做真实的自己,心安理得做自己。
9.《像TED一样演讲》读书笔记 篇九