1.小学英语单词拼写比赛 篇一
76.In China,students go to school from Monday to F_____________.
77.The boys like reading.They often b___________books from the school library.
78.It was so dark that we couldnt see the road c___________.
79.My shoes are too old,I want to buy a new p___________.
80.Th radio says it will be_____________/s An /tomorrow.
81.Please dont ___________/war/about Jim.he can take care of himself.
82.My uncle was born in __________(六月),1968.
83.His _______________(梦想)is to be a doctor.
84.Hurry up,or we will _____________(错过)the school bus.
85.An unhappy home ____________(环境)can affect a childs behavior.
答案:76.Friday 77.borrow 78.clearly 79.pair 80.sunny 81.worry 82.June 83.dream 84.miss 85.environment
6. I usually have a piece of____________(面包)and some milk for breakfast.
7. You need to____________(浇水)the flowers twice a month.
8. They planted many trees____________ (在……之间)the two buildings.
9. Dont always depend on others. You can do it by____________(你自己).
10.He was as____________(聪明的)as a monky.
答案:6. bread 7. water 8. between 9. yourself 10. cleverMbrightMsmart
2.小学英语单词拼写比赛 篇二
1. 单词拼写主要考查考生“识词、记词和用词”的能力。这类试题体现了“词不离句”的特点, 要求考生注意单词在句子中的确切含义与正确形式, 而不是孤立地死记硬背单词。
2. 所有单词都是给出汉语提示填词, 没有给首字母填单词的。
3. 所考单词全都是《考试说明》上要求的词, 无一生僻词, 其中涵盖初中单词。这就要求考生要熟练掌握考纲要求的2000个词汇。多数所考单词为6~9个字母。
4. 重点考查名词、动词、形容词和副词。
1. 名词常考可数和不可数名词的用法, 如果是可数名词, 常会涉及到单复数的变化。
2. 动词常考时态、语态、非谓语动词及动词过去式和过去分词的不规则变化。
3. 形容词、副词常考两者的区别以及比较级和最高级的变化。
1. 认真阅读全句, 正确理解句义。
在句子缺词的情况下, 尽量弄懂句子的大意, 并根据句子已给出的语境, 判断出所缺单词。试将该单词放入句子当中, 看看是否能使句子完整、句意明确。解答给汉语提示的单词拼写题时, 切忌不考虑句意简单翻译, 汉语和英语在互译时并不是永远能一一对等的。一个汉语词汇在英语中可能有不止一个的对应词, 反之亦然。这就给我们解题带来了一定的困难。如果只是孤立地考虑一个空, 不注意对全句意思的整体把握, 那就很容易出错了。这就要求在解题时充分利用题干的信息, 并结合单词自身的用法及固定搭配, 根据具体的语境来答题。
2. 分析应填词担任的句子成分, 正确判断所缺单词的词性。
多数单词拼写题所给汉语的词性和要求填写的英语单词的词性是一致的。但是需要注意的是:有时所给汉语和要填单词的词性是不一致的, 这主要是由于英汉在表达习惯上的差异造成的。要答对这类题, 准确把握句子的含义、充分理解语境就显得尤为重要。如:This plantis found in the____ (南部) parts ofthe country. (2000全国) 正确答案为southern。所给汉语提示“南部”是名词, 但根据这个语言环境来看, 此处需要的是形容词, 而不是名词。所填词的确切含义应为“南部的”。有些考生没有注意到这种差异, 又没有充分考虑句子的含义, 仅仅根据括号中的汉语错填成了south。
3. 根据所填单词对应词性确定单词的正确形式。
若为名词, 应注意其单复数、可数还是不可数;若为谓语动词, 应注意人称、数、时态、语态、语气等;若为修饰语, 应注意修饰名词、代词时用形容词, 而修饰动词、形容词、副词或全句时要用副词。例如:____ (准备) are being m ade for the O lym pic G am es in Beijing.根据上文提到的解题技巧, 我们先判断出此处需要填名词。那么下一步就要判断名词是可数还是不可数, 如果是可数名词, 是用单数形式还是用复数形式。要作出正确的判断, 就必须回归到题干, 去分析已知的信息。仔细阅读后我们发现“are”是一个关键的提示词, 根据主谓一致的原则我们可以判断出此处要填复数名词“preparations”。
4. 正确、工整、清楚地拼写出所填单词并注意检查。
有些考生由于记忆不准确, 不能正确地拼写出单词来;而有些考生虽然拼写对了, 但因字迹潦草而难以辨认或答题书写不规范, 从而也不得分。例如字母r与v, u和v, d和cl等都是常因书写不规范而引发误认导致丢分的地方。完成英语单词的拼写后, 要把句子重读一遍, 检查句子是否通顺, 单词拼写是否准确无误, 避免由于粗心而引发的笔误或拼写字母丢三落四的现象。此外, 有些单词的首字母需要大写, 应特别注意。如:____ (一月) is the firstm onth ofthe year. (2006全国) 由于放在句首同时又是表示月份的名词, 故所填词首字母应大写, 正确答案为January。
1. 过硬地记好《考试说明》的词汇表。
高考试卷中超过该词汇表的单词里, 绝大多数是这些词汇的派生词或合成词。很多考生习惯于看着课本记单词, 这就导致了单词记忆上的缺漏。因此, 提醒考生要对“纲有本无”的单词作重点学记。
2. 全方位地去记单词。
仅仅记住单词的拼写和词义是远远不够的, 还应记住它的词性、发音、句型结构和搭配用法, 只有这样才能正确地判断应填单词的词性和词形。如:Several new railways are under_____ (建设) in China. (全国1996) 有很多考生填了building一词。building用作名词时作“建筑物, 房屋”解, 明显不合适;而当它用作动名词时, 虽有“建筑”的含义, 但其前的under作“在…过程中”解时隐含有被动进行之意, 故under building因不符合习惯用法而不能得分。此处under construction才是常见固定搭配, 故应是正确答案。类似的用法还有under repair, under treatm ent等。
3. 注意积累近义词语的辨析与英汉语言之间的区别。
3.如何做好高考英语单词拼写题 篇三
单词拼写题共有10个小题,每题都是一个完整的句子。单词拼写题的命题形式有两种: 1. 句子中给出了汉字注释。 2. 句子中给出了首字母。要求学生根据所给句子及所给汉字注释或首字母,在句子右边的横线上,写出空缺处单词的正确形式,每空只写一词,不能是短语。第一种形式比起第二种形式要简单一些,因为学生看到汉字就能想起单词的原形,然后根据句子的内容和结构,结合语法知识变成正确形式就可以了。第二种形式,学生只能在完全理解句子意思的基础上,要确定空缺处应该是什么意思的单词,也就是要求学生自己确定出汉语注释,接着回想以该字母开头的单词,然后才能结合语法知识,变成正确形式,比较困难。
二、 学生在做高考英语单词拼写题时出现的问题
1. 词汇量不够。没有记住所考单词,或者是由于记忆不准确,不能正确地拼写出单词来。
2. 语法知识欠缺。单词写出来了,但不会变成正确的形式。很多考生只写出了单词原形,或者是改成了错误的形式。
3. 孤立地考虑一个空,不注意对全句意思的整体把握,导致答非所问。
4. 字迹潦草,书写不规范导致失分。有些学生虽然拼写对了,但因字迹潦草而难以辨认或者书写不规范,从而也不得分。例如字母r与v,u和v,d和cl,n和h,q和g等都是常见的,因为书写不规范而导致阅卷老师误认而不给分。
三、 为了做好高考英语单词拼写题,平时学习时应该注意的事项
(一) 平时记忆单词时应该注意的事项
1. 明确考什么,怎么考。过硬地记好《考试说明》即《考纲》的词汇表。平时记单词时要注意高考词汇表中的比较长的常用词汇,要以“命题者”的角色去记忆单词。
2. 记忆单词时,最好按照字母排序的词汇表去记忆,有利于做好第二种形式的单词拼写题。
3. 记忆单词时不仅要记单词的音、形、义,还要熟练掌握单词的词性、用法,掌握构词知识也是很有必要的,因为单词拼写题要求用单词的正确形式填空。
4. 记忆单词时,不能孤立的去记忆,要把握单词与单词之间的联系,将凌乱复杂的单词归纳总结成有条理的词汇知识网络。
5. 记忆单词的过程中要有逆向思维。教材上的词汇表都是按“英语单词 + 音标 + 词性 + 汉语注释”的形式编排的,但是第一种单词拼写题要求学生根据所给句子及所给汉字注释,写出空缺处单词的正确形式,所以学生在记忆单词的过程中学生要做到两个方面:一、学生自己可以在纸上写出所要记的英语单词,然后再默写每个单词的汉语注释。二、先写出汉语注释,然后再默写每一个英语单词,这样既有利于熟练记住单词,也有利于做好第一种形式的单词拼写题。
(二) 平时学习中应该注意的事项
1. 要大量阅读,在具体的语境中领悟单词的准确意义。因为单词拼写题要求在理解句子意思的基础上填写合适的单词。
2. 要熟练掌握语法知识中的词法与句法。学会分析句子成分,知道什么词性充当什么句子成分,只有这样,在做单词拼写题时,通过分析句子成分,然后确定空白处缺的是什么句子成分,什么词性,这样就能写出所填单词的正确形式。
3. 勤于练习。要认真做好课本上的“用所给单词的正确形式填空,完成下面句子”、“用所给单词的正确形式填空,完成下面短文”等题型。做一些往年的高考英语单词拼写题也是很重要的。
4. 多做真题,善于归纳,把握规律。在做往年真题时,要善于归纳总结,高考真题中的单词拼写考查哪些词性比较多,记单词时要留意这几类词性的单词。如实词:名词、动词、形容词、副词是考查的重点。
四、 在考试中学生应该注意的事项
1. 试卷发下来以后,学生应该先做单词拼写题
2. 认真阅读、准确理解句子的意思
3. 分析应填词担任的句子成分,正确判断所缺单词的词性
4.小学英语单词拼写比赛 篇四
1)希腊语:英语中保留了一些典型的希腊语拼法,如发音为/k/的ch组合 (chemistry、orchestra等等,因为ch在希腊语中是一个字母,h表示是送气音)、词首的rh组合(rhyme、rhetoric等等,因为希腊语中与英语r对应的字母在词首必须有送气音标志)、ps组合(psychology、psychiatrist等等,因为ps在希腊语中是一个字母)、mn组合(mnemonic等等)。此外,部分英语词汇的词尾单复数均遵循希腊语规则,如on→a(phenomenon / phenomena、criterion / criteria)、is→es(crisis / crises、thesis / theses )的变化。
4)美国英语对古典语言拼写的处理:美国英语与英国英语在拼写方面的很多不同都是因为两者对古典语言拼写的处理不同。-our和-or的区别是一例,color、dolor、favor等美式拼法都是拉丁原文的拼法,对应的英式英语却不是。defense、license比起defence、licence来也更近于拉丁原文。反过来,在处理ae、oe等古典语言中的双元音时,美国英语往往采取简化的态度,变为单元音e,对比美式英语和英式英语:esthetic / aesthetic、maneuver / manoeuvre,等等。-ter和-tre的区别也是对古典语言中-trum词尾处理不同造成的,如center / center(拉丁文为centrum)、theater / theatre(拉丁文为theatrum)。
2、 语音的影响
3、 同化
1)con-: 在m、b、p前面变成com-(因为这三个辅音均需紧闭双唇才能发出,如important、computer、combine、commute),在r前面变成r(如correct),在l前面变成l(如colleague),在元音和h前变成co-(如coordinate、cohort),其他字母前不变(如connect、contrive)。
6)dis-:如dissatisfied、distraction等等,在g, l, m, n, r, v前变成di-(如digress、dilute、divert等等),在f前变成dif-(如different)。
8)sub-:如subsist、subvert等等,在c前变成suc-(如succeed),在f前变成suf-(如suffer),在g前变成sug-(如suggest),在m前变成sum-(如summon),在p前变成sup-(如suppose),在r前变成 sur-(如surrender),在c, p, t前变成sus-(如sustain)
4、 还原
1)在吸纳入英语的时候,为了遵循英语发音习惯的缘故,对原词尾有所变动。这些词与派生词之间往往呈现双元音与单元音的对应关系。对比abound→abundance / abundant,exclaim→exclamation,pronounce→pronunciation,explain→explanation,profound→profundity,等等。
5、 弱化
6、 有规则的变化
1)以-d或-de结尾的动词,在对应的名词和形容词中,d通常变成s,如provide→provision, decide→decision / decisive,collide→collision,invade→invasion / invasive,ascend→ascension,等等。其中以-end结尾的动词,往往有-ent结尾的名词与之对应。如extend→extent,descend→descent,等等。
g) -graphy→-graphic→-grapher:如geography→geographic→geographer
k)–logy→-logical→-loger、-logist、-logian:对比astrology(astrological、astrologer)/ geology(geological、geologist)/ theology(theological、theologian)。
5.小学英语单词拼写比赛 篇五
6.中考单词拼写总复习 篇六
1.I was a______ to talk with foreigners because I am too shy.2.I’m buying it as a birthday p_________,so please wrap it up quickly.3.Shall I write my name on,above or b_________?
4.I think it n________ for the teenagers to sleep eight hours a night.5.If we can’t d________ with these problems on time,they will feel upset.6.Her child has a bad cough and it rather w________ her.7.What would you do if you cut yourself by a____________.8.They have a big house of t_______ own.9.If you can’t solve your problems,you will e__________ become unhappy.10.I think it is a great challenge for me to swim a________ the river.11.Mike often makes mistakes in spelling,so his teacher often helps h_______.12.The students in our class get used to r________ used paper.13.The cake smells awful,you’d better t_______ it away.14.What is the c________ way to travel? I don’t want to spend too much money.15.My shoes are worn out.I need a new p________.16.A_______ is the fourth month of the year.17.He h________ his leg and couldn’t move for several days.18.Do you know any differences b_______ British English and American English?
19.Chinese is s_______ by the largest number of people in the world.20.Don’t go out!It’s good to be s_________ at home on a night like this.21.I thought I f________ my test but I just found out I passed.22.Would you mind getting out of the b__________? I need to take a shower.23.My mom wants me to stay at home every night but I don’t agree with her.Yesterday I a_______ with her about it again.24.You go first and I’ll f_________ you soon.25.Everyone in my class can be running fast e________ me.26.Go straight on u_________ you come to the post office and then turn left.27.—Would you mind not d_________ litter here?--Sorry,I won’t do it again.28.—Have you finished r________ today’s newspaper?--Not yet.29.Without any warning or signs,hundreds of students e________up being buried during the earthquake.30.The earthquake on May 12 k__________ more than 60000 people and destroyed a lot of buildings.31.He said he j_________ the army after graduation.32.It is important to know the native l_______ when you study in another country.33.My friend Chen Dan works very hard,and he a________ thinks more carefully than anyone else.34.The students should be a________ to practice their hobbies as much as they want.35.—I got home late last night.–Oh.It is brave of you to go t_______ the forest alone.36.What a p________ that you can’t go sightseeing with us!
37.The world is becoming smaller because the Internet brings us n________.38.The question is simple,but n________ can answer it.39.December is the t___________ month of the year.40.Tea wasn’t brought to the Western world u________ 1610.41.Beijing is the c_________ of China.42.This shirt is too big.Could you give me a s________ one?
43.Would you mind not p___________ basketball here?
44.Jay likes music and he likes singing English s___________.45.I have heard of Bondi beach,but have never b__________ there before.46.December is the t_________ month of the year.47.France has many fantastic sights,i___________ the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral.48.Today computers are w__________ used in many ways.49.Never mind, b_________ come here a little earlier next time.50.Ted has a camera.I often borrow it from h___________.51.I am going to b_________ a basketball player in the future.52.I often r_________ my bike to school.What about you?
53.We have to be very c_________ when we cross the roads.54.His father takes exercise every day,so he is very h_________.55.Although they are twins,there are some differences between t_________.56.I didn’t go to bed u_________ 12 o’clock last night.57.Singing English songs makes me more i________ in learning English.58.The girl was hurt by a traffic a_________ on the way to school this morning.59.I had a w_________ time on Saturday night.we sang and danced all night.60.There are sixty s_________ in a minute.61.Lu Yundi is talented on music.He is a f_________ Chinese pianist.62.The boy got lost in the forest for a month.When people found him,he was still a_______.63.Deng Yaping is an outstanding ping-pong player,and she got many m_________ in her sports life.64.Eat a balanced diet to s_________ healthy.65.This box is h_________ than that one.66.I have a toothache.I have to see a d_________.67.I was fourteen years old last year.But today is my f________ birthday.68.—What are you doing for v__________?
--I’m going visiting the Great Wall during this summer.69.Mother always does much housework on Saturday.Now she’s c________ the room.70.This movie theater has the most c_________ seats.All seats are sofa.71.He h__________his leg and couldn’t move for several days.72.My computer doesn’t work.Could you help m__________ repair it?
73.May is the f__________ month of the year.74.I’m going to be a basketball p__________ in the future.75.I often r_______ my bike to school.What about you?
76.His father takes exercise every day,so he is very h__________.77.Have you finished r_________ today’s newspaper?
78.Although they are twins,there are some d__________ between them.79.It was raining when theplane l___________.80.Did Li Ming jump f_________ than any other boy in the sports meeting?
81.Will you mind not p_________ soccer in the garden here?
82.My mother likes comedies,because she thinks it’s r__________.83.It’s w________ today.The radio says it won’t stop raining until next week.84.After school you shouldn’t stay out late or your mother will be w________.85.—Would you like to go to the park with me this Sunday?
--Sorry.My clothes are d________,and I have to do the laundry.86.Mr smith usually reads a newspaper w_________ he’s writing for the bus.87.There is a p________ phone in front of our school.88.Koalas sleep d_________ in the day,but at night they get up and eat leaves.89.The man w_______ came to see you is my brother.90.We need some v_________ so let’s go and buy some peas,carrots and cabbages.91.--Have you ever been to Xi’an?--Yes,but only o_________.92.Little Peter shows great i__________ in drawing pictures.93.Our school soccer team needs more support.They aren’t d_________ very well.94.The music s__________ beautiful.95.Jessica is a little bit fat.She wants to learn how to eat more m_____________.(健康)
96.F__________ is the second month of the year.97.The more people buy cars,the l________ the price will be.98.W__________ she went,she would send me a post card.99.You Ming and Yi Jianlian are both NBA p__________.100.I need a new jacket.This one doesn’t keep out the c_________.101.Mr Black is no l_________ a young man.But he still looks young.102.Suddenly,I heard a strange s__________ behind me.It made me frightened.103.—Did you have a good j_________ there?--No,there were so many people on the train.104.Ships are made in Shanghai while cotton is g_________ in Xinjiang.105.I have two d_________.I use them to look up new words.106.Pandas are e__________ animals.There aren’t many of them left.107.It’s important to r_________ paper to save the trees.108.If someone has thought a_______ a gift for me,it always makes me happy.109.September 10 is T__________Day.110.Tom did his homework so c_________ that he got an F.His father was really angry with him.111.With the m________ he made from his earlier novels, Eric started to travel to Africa.112.Which season do you like b_________,fall or winter?
113.Let’s have a discussion about where to go for v_________.114.The little girl couldn’t find her mother.So she was crying s_________.115.I have a lot of d_________ in learning English.Can you help me?
116.Could you tell me s_______ about your club?
117.Would you mind t_________ on the lights? It’s dark inside.118.He looks healthy because he often t___________ exercise.119.Mom has Alex w_________ the trees every three days.So they grow well.120.E-mail English can be used to e-mail a friend o__________ send a message to a friend on a cell phone.121.I think the best way to learn new words is by reading English magazines,but Colin thinks th
quite d__________.122.I have been rather busy these days.I h_______ ever have time to sleep.123.Maria often g________ to Europe for vacation.124.Kathy doesn’t like making s__________ because she feel nervous talking in front of many people.125.Don’t let y________ use up too much of today.126.Betty likes taking photos and she wants to be a world-class p__________ when she is older.127.I’m s__________ my money so I can buy a new car.128.I know your let hurts,just be p_________ until the doctor arrives.129.I have been i_________ to Sally’s birthday party.I’m getting her a present.130.Our house is c__________ for shops.So I can shop every day.131.Lily is thinner and h_________ than Lucy.132.I have s_______ several hours searching the information on the Internet.133.Frank is a hard working student.He likes taking n________ while having a class.134.Susan achieved a lot in math last term.Her teacher and classmates were very i___________.135.I didn’t go to bed until two o’clock last night,so I feel s__________ all day today.136.Grace will call me at once if she c__________ up with a good solution to the problem.137.The old photo r________ me of the old days I spent in an old seaside village.138.Could you provide me w________ the information about student exchange programs? 139.Jim takes a________ his father.They are both clever and a bit quiet.140.Nick is going to have a birthday party at h________ home on Sunday night.141.I am thirsty,please give me something to d__________.142.The doctor told me to take this medicine t________ a day.143.I wonder w_________ they will go on with their research work or not.144.Can you tell me how long you’re going to be a________ from here?
145.Listen!There g_______ the bell.Let’s go into the classroom.146.I had many photos t________ in Paris.147.In a few w_________ time, we’ll graduate from middle school.148.The Youth Time is a m_________ magazine.149.I can’t finish the work a_________.I need some help.150.Could you help me find my m________ necklace?
151.This kind of cloth f_________ very soft.152.I can’t choose w________ pair of jeans to buy.They both look good on me.153.Fast food i________ isn’t always bad for you,but too much of it is not good.154.Sally gave away some clothes to charity b_________ they are too small for her.155.People in Japan and America behave d____________ at the dinner table.156.W_________ hard at English can lead to a good job.157.My friend from America called me yesterday.We c________ for hours.158.Helping each other is a good way of keeping f_________.159.Granny prefers beef that well cooked,e_______ if it is a little burnt.160.My friend Wang Tao wants to be a professional a________ when he is older because he is good at running.161.Which sport do you like b_________,basketball,soccer,or tennis?
162.We are going to the park on f________ because it’s near here.Besides,walking is good for our
health.163.Using the English-English dictionary is very h________ for us students.It can help us know the words better.164.You will not pass the test u________ you work harder.165.There will be a first-class concert tomorrow.W_______ you do,don’t miss it.166.F_______ of all she just smiled,then she started to laugh.167.It’s important for a boy to believe in h_________ on the way to success.168.Jimmy handed o________ advertisements at a local supermarket.169.Both of the two boys like to be t___________ in the future because they like to be with children.170.He stayed up p________ cards last night,which made it impossible for him to concentrate on this work in the day time.171.Don’t w________ about him,he is a brave boy.172.Thomas Edision is a great i_________ in the world.173.As we know,Thursday is the f__________ day in a week.174.Travelling by train isn’t the fastest but the l____________ dangerous.175.The w________ in the hills can change very quickly,so take some clothes with you.176.The pen isn’t mine,but I can’t find the o_________.177.My son is only 4,but he can dress h____________.178.Have a s_________ of this egg and tell me if it’s bad.179.Mother is ill.She was taken to h_________ last night.180.Sending and receiving m_________ on the mobile phone is and easy way to communicate.181.―Don’t do that again,‖he said a_______.182.In F__________,the second month of the year,it is always very cold in my hometown.183.She likes taking the seat near the w________ when travelling by train.184.We can b_______ only two books from our school library each time.185.When summer comes,day becomes longer and nights becomes s_________.186.We should listen to the teacher c________ and takes notes in class when necessary.187.When I got home after holiday,there were a lot of m_________ in my phone.188.I waited a q________ of an hour and then went home.189.U________ you work hard and hold it on,you won’t go to the No.2 high school.190.Smoking is not a_________ here.191.Read the f__________ instructions then you may know what to do.192.—Do you like Zhongshan road?
--Yes,it’s beautiful.There are many flowers on e_______ side of the road.193.Mary got up late this morning and she ran to school.L________,she wasn’t late.194.—Where were you when I called you yesterday?
--I was at the b_________ shop.I had my hair cut.195.He spent half an hour e__________ the whole thing.Finally his father believed him.196.Because of the heavy snow,many people were j___________ and taken to the hospital.197.My classmates went to the West Lake last Sunday e________ me.198.Gina is always against c_________ others’ homework.She thinks it’s better to do her homework by herself.199.Osama Bin Laden is one of the most well-known t__________ in the world.200.I can dress m_________ when I was 2 years old.201.This is my bike and y_______ is over there.202.Sometimes we don’t have our PE classes outside because of the bad w___________.203.He is so strong that he can raise the box e________.204.G________ games are popular with students in English class.205.Don’s ask me any more,I have n_________ to do with.206.―One world,One Dream‖expresses the best w________ of 1.3 billion Chinese people for a peaceful and better tomorrow.207.All these flowers must be w_________ every day,or they will die.208.Last year Cindy was eleven years old.And tomorrow will be her t___________ birthday.209.After the 1000-meter race,I am tired out,and to sleep is the only thing t________ I need.210.If you want to be t_________,you have to eat less food and do more exercise.211.I enjoy swimming.That’s my favorite s_________.212.Working all day on the computer makes my eyes really t__________.213.December is the t_________ month of the year.214.T________ carefully before you write down the answer.215.When I am hungry,any food looks d________ to me.216.I have no i________ in cooking so I always ask my brother to cook for me.217.Andy loves having parties ,so he often i_________ his friends to his house on weekends.218.—Do you know Xijue?--Is it a book w__________ by Guo Jingming?
7.小学英语单词拼写比赛 篇七
由于小学生处于进入学校的最低阶段,处于年龄因素,对于学校中的点点滴滴,包括各门学科都充满着好奇心和兴趣,这给小学英语单词的学习带来好处,老师可结合学生的好奇心,讲授英语单词的语音拼读原则,这将会产生最乐观的成效,在讲解单词以及讲授如何牢记单词的过程中,老师首先对每一个新词的构成进行全面的解析,包括它们的音标、拼写方式、具体的意思,以及发音的由来等,将这些因素糅合在一起讲解,能够大大促进小学生对英语单词的了解和学习。另外,将新词与常读的一些发音结合起来,通过日常的小学生已经熟悉的单词,促进学生牢记单词,进而有顺序慢慢地向小学生讲解英语单词的拼读方法。比如,在学习英语单词football的时候,老师首先应该向小学生讲解其中文意思是“足球”,并写出与其同义的英语单词soccer,再进一步,把它放进句子进行讲授“I usually play football with my best friends after school on Tuesday and Thursday.”(我和我最好的朋友们踢足球,通常是在周二和周四放学后。)接下来,再将日常用的单词与football联系起来讲解,显而易见,football可以分为两个我们常用到的单词,那就是foot(脚)和ball(球),然后再引导学生思考,与“脚”和“球”相关的东西,很快的,学生都会联想到“足球”。需要一提的是,老师在一开始训练门生英语单词的拼读书写的阶段时,要对学生点到为止,要给学生举一些他们易懂的相关的例子,让小学生可以学到英语单词的拼读方式并使其积极背记,在课堂上要有意识地引导与训练学生英语单词的拼读并进行相关锻炼,从而促进小学生有意识地、主动地进行相关英语单词拼读的自我训练以及自我培养。
[1]成立.如何激发小学低年级学生学习兴趣[J].考试周刊, 2015(73).
8.五的英文单词怎么拼写 篇八
1、We spent over five years on this project.
2、Five rounds were fought.
3、I went through my midlife crisis about four or five years ago, when I was forty.
4、He has served five years of his sentence.
5、Last year, one in five boys left school without a qualification.
9.英语单词比赛总结 篇九
10.单词拼写与能力培养之浅见 篇十
英语的“单词拼写”并不是单一地检测背写英语单词,而是将单词放在句子中,考查学生是否懂得怎么用,即注重单词在语言中的实际运用。因此,我们不应单纯从应试角度,而应基于语言是交际工具这一特点来学习单词;不仅强调学英语必须背记单词,更要引导学生将词用活,强化这方面能力的培养与训练。“单词拼写”则是训练、考查学生这种能力的有效手段“单词拼写”究竟如何解题?词与句之间到底是一种什么关系?如何形成一个有机的整体?当然有“法”可依、有“章”可循。“单词拼写”解题的整体构思、必经步骤及检查扫描。这就要求应具有将待填单词具体到某一情景中,依其作用、功能、含义、搭配、语法等方面进行综合分析后确定采用何种拼写形式的能力。依照这一模式,要分析该单词在句中所充当的成份(主语、谓语、宾语、状语等)以确定词性(名词、形容词、副词 、动词等);根据其所在句子特定语境,体味其含义,从而确定词义(尤其是给出首字母的单词须首先推断出词汇意义);根据语法条块搞清须受制约的有关规则(如主谓一致、动词的时态和语态等)。另外,还要考虑英语惯用法、搭配、常识或构词法等,确定所缺之项、所填之词。总既然单词拼写就是语境中的词汇应用,那么强化这一能力的必经手段是单词拼写中注意事项的训练。我们把单词拼写解题过程中须注意的几个环节作为“防错纠错”的“扫描”仪,反复围绕这些环节,不断强化下列意识,并将防错、纠错、自查错误的”钥匙”交给学生。下面收集了学生中的一些典型错误,通过简析,警示学生必须注意:
[例1]It is said that her spoken English (仍然)poor. 部分学生一遇到单词拼写题,习惯作对等直译,以致本题写出错误答案 “still”。按成份分析,待填词充当 从句的谓语,后接表语poor,再检查其它注意事项是否”到位”(如时态等),最后定型的词应为remains。
[例2]We will not listen to the t lecture which is long and empty. 这类由首字母开头的单词拼写较汉语注释的难,难就难在怎样确定词的意思上。做这个题关键在于捕捉信息的技巧,要寻找该词与前后的联系、线索。按成份分析得知lecture后带一定语从句。从句中的信息词long与empty说明该演讲既长又空洞,待写词又作lecture的限定成份,其含义给人的直觉是时间长且又空洞无物的演讲会使人感到讨厌或疲劳,于是推断出类似含义的答案最好为tiresome。(试比较:”Hesalways making noi se in class and hes a bit t ,”said the teacher to Mikes mother.答案填troublesome,意为”管不住的,令人烦恼的”。)
[例3]The b is a tool to measure weight.
[例4]Shall I (打电话)or telephone?
由于单词拼写体现了”词不离句、句不离文”的特点,而词句均受一定规则的制约,故除了要确定所填单词的词义外,肯定还要从语法角度考虑,如名词单、复数,动词的时态、语态,非谓语动词形式、比较级等。本题就是没有分清高考词汇表中两个表示”电报”的词telegram和telegraph的用法而误用。其实,语法早就存在,规则早已说明,telegram多作可数名词用。如:He received a telegram sayingthat his mother nad d ied.而telegraph既能作名词又能作动词用,故本题受语法词性限制要选telegraph。
[例5]They are developing modern science andt quickly.
[例6]Great B is made up of England,Scotland and Wales.
[例7]After continuous hours of hard work,I felt w out.
[例8]Strike while the i is hot.
[例9]No (吐痰)!
英语中的某些表达(含谚语、格言)已形成习惯,成为固定搭配。对于这些习惯表达和固定搭配要多读多记多用,这样才能在单词拼写时具备补全搭配、补全缺项的能力。另外,我们所学的知识和应具备的常识亦有助于确定所要填的词。例题考查惯用搭配science and tec-hnology,故答案应为technology。类似的搭配 还有farming technique,a technical college等。 例题中既考常识又考固定说法,应填Britain。类似的还有Br itish English(BrE)(英国英语),the British (theEnglish)(英国人,英国人民)(总称)。例题考查词 组、短语,应填worn,常用短语要记牢。又如:G speaking,boys like football better than girls.根 据搭配,应填Generally。例题考查常 用谚语、格言,本题意为”趁热打铁”,应填iron。例题为一习惯表达句 型 (揭示语),应填spitting。类似的还有:No smoking.No parking.