


1.人教版英语六上说课稿 篇一

Good morning, everyone.It is my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson plan with you.The content of my lesson is Section A of unit 5 Senior English for China, Book 2A.I will be ready to begin this lesson from 5 parts: teaching aims, the key and difficult points, teaching methods, teaching procedures and blackboard design.First, let me talk about the teaching aims as follows: 1.Knowledge objectives:

a.The students should be able to hear, read and use some key words and main structures.b.The students should be able to understand the content of the lesson.2.Ability objectives: a.The students should be able to use the pattern to accept or decline an invitation properly.b.The students should be able to use modal verb to express their abilities and obligations.3.Emotion objectives: a.To develop students’ interests by learning this lesson.b.To raise the students’ sense of the art of speaking by learning this lesson.Part 2 the key and difficult points: 1.the key points: a.The sentence pattern: Can you come to my party? Sure, I’d love to./Sorry, I can’t.I have to /am going to +the name of an activity.b.Phrases about activities: Study for a test, go to the doctor, have a piano lesson, help one’s parents, visit one’s aunt.2.the difficult point: The usage of modal verb can, have to.Part 3 teaching methods: As we all know, the main instructional aims of learning English in the senior school is to develop the students’ ability of listening, speaking, reading, and writing and the good sense of English language, so in this lesson I’ll mainly use Communicate Approach and Task-based Language Teaching.That is to say, I’ll let students learn in real situation to help the students to get a better understanding of the structure of the dialogue.In this lesson, I’ll make use of all kinds of teaching means and electricity equipments to stimulate the students’ creativity and interest.Part 4 Teaching procedure: Step 1: Warm up and preview.a.Free talk between teacher and students about the various names of activities, which students often do at weekends.b.Word collection.Teacher summarizes all of these phrases on the blackboard.c.Do some practices by asking what do you do on weekends.Purpose: It is important to form a better English learning surrounding for students and it provides situations to review learned knowledge.Step 2: Presentation.I’ll mainly talk about this step.a.Guessing phrases in pairs.By looking at the pictures one after the other, and then guess what are the corresponding answers for the pictures.Then check the answers by whole class work.b.Present the main pattern with the help of CAI.Set a situation to help students understand.Two students are talking.One said“my birthday is coming.Would you like come to my home?”

c.Listening task.Play the cassette again and finish the listening tasks on the book.Besides, mention the importance of taking notes.d.Learn the dialogue by the playing cassette the third time.Pay attention to their pronunciation.Purpose: CAI can provide a real situation for students to understand the dialogue.Step 3: Practice.Divide 4 students into groups to make dialogue according to the model.Pay attention to the usage of modal verb can and have to.Purpose: to check the knowledge students have learned in this period.Step 4: follow-up activity.a.Let students talk about what they have to do and they can do at home.b.Help parents do some housework as much as they can.Purpose: to review what we have learned in this lesson.Part 5: Blackboard design.a.Summarizes the phrases about activities students have learned on the right part of blackboard.Then write down the question “how often do you usually+ name of one kind of activity?” It is helpful for students to review the learned knowledge.b.Write the key words and main structures on the left side of the blackboard.Use deductive method to illustrate and present in a direct way to guide students.It is easy for students to understand the content of the lesson.

2.人教版英语六上说课稿 篇二

第二课时 reading


Global warming为人教版选修六第四单元。本节课为第二课时阅读课,是第一课时的延续。随着经济的增长及人民生活水平的提高,大气中二氧化碳含量逐年增加,全球气温上升,环境问题已成为全世界关注的问题,同时也是高考命题的热门话题,由此可见,本课内容十分重要。














Show the students some pictures and ask them some question.



Step I skimming (individual work)

Read the text and answer the questions.

Step II Fast reading (individual work)

Read the text again, and match each part with the main idea.

Step III Listening & Careful reading (individual and pair work)

Listen to the text paragraph by paragraph to find some detailed information.



Show the students a short video and let them know the harm of global warming. So what can we do about global warming


Group discussion: What can/should we do? ( group work)

Then ask each group to share their ideas on the blackboard.

Please remember: Together, individuals can make a big difference.




Global Warming

What can we do about global warming?

Group I Group II Group III Group IV

… … … …

… … … …




3.人教版英语六上说课稿 篇三

我今天说课的题目是人教版高一英语必修一的Unit1 Friendship中Reading and comprehending的内容,此内容为本单元的第二课时。我将分五个阶段完成说课:








本单元的主题是友谊。这一课时主要是围绕阅读部分来讲,阅读是整个单元的核心部分,是在学习上一课时Warming up and Pre-reading 的基础知识上接着对阅读文本“安妮最好的朋友”中词汇知识点和阅读技巧等的学习,为接下来的第三课时的语法知识的学习及以后的听说读写综合技能的练习打好基础。文章讲述了犹太女孩安妮为躲避纳粹迫害而藏身于小阁楼中,并把日记作为自己朋友,通过写日记来表达自己孤独和郁闷的心情。(二)教学目标

英语教学大纲规定,通过听说读写的训练,使学生获得英语基础知识和运用英语的能力,激发学生的学习兴趣,为进一步学习打下良好的基础。因此,我制定以下教学目标: 1)知识目标

1.掌握文章中的生词和短语: reason;list;share;feeling;Netherlands;German;series;outdoors;crazy;nature;purpose;dare;thunder;entirely;power;according;trust;indoors;share...with...;go through;hide away;set down;a series of;be crazy about;on purpose;in order to;in one’s power;face to face;according to;

2.帮助学生找到他们觉得最困难单词和短语,并帮助他们理解。3.了解强调句型。2)技能目标: 1.更好地掌握Skimming和Scanning.2.能分析并总结直接引语和间接引语(疑问和陈述)的规律,能熟练地进行两者间的转换,并在生活中运用。

3.能介绍Anne的基本情况,说明她当时的心情和内心的渴望。3)情感目标: 1.通过Anne的日记,了解犹太人被纳粹迫害的悲惨命运。2.体会自由,友谊的珍贵。



本着课程标准和学生实际,我确立了如下的教学重点、难点 重点:

1、训练scanning and skimming等阅读技能。













阅读开始前,先给学生复习一下上一课时讲过的Skimming(略读)和Scanning(寻读)阅读技巧,并要求学生们用这两种方法进行下面文章的阅读。1.skimming(略读)的方法和技巧: Read the title Read the introduction of the first paragraph Read the first sentence of each paragraph Read the headings and sub-headings Notice any pictures and charts Read the summary or last paragraph 2.Scanning(寻读)的方法和技巧:


1)Ask the students how Anne felt in the hiding place.2)Guess the meanings of “spellbound”, “hold me entirely in their power” from the discourse.3)Ask the students to read the diary again and try to retell it.④大声朗读播放文章的磁带让学生听并跟读。(三)讲授新课:reading阅读




键词,如:Anne, crazy, nature等

Para.1: Anne made her diary her best friend whom she could tell everything.Para.2: Anne’s diary acted as her true friend during the time she and her family had to hide

away for a long time.Para.3: Having been kept indoors for so long, Anne grew so crazy about everything to do

with nature.5.给学生讲解本课的生词。


1.让学生做comprehending部分的练习。2.利用comprehending部分的练习,问学生: Imagine you had to hidie like Anne and her family.What would you miss most? Give your reasons.让学生讨论,并且将答案列出来。每一组可以决定出本组认为最好的答案。最后全班选出最佳的答案。此环节的设计意图是使学生体验语境和实践语言。通过反思自身的生存状态,他们会懂得更加珍惜生活和保持乐观向上的生活态度。(五)布置作业:




4.人教版英语六上说课稿 篇四


Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.My name is().I come from()Middle School in().Today I’m going to talk about the topic” What should I do?”I will divide the instruction into seven parts: they are Teaching material Analysis, Teaching aims, Teaching emphasis, Teaching difficulties, Teaching methods, Teaching aids and Teaching procedures.一、说教材(教材分析)Analyzing teaching material 1.说课型 lesson type(Dialogue/ reading/ listening/ revision)2.本课在教材中的地位 status and function Lesson 33 Saving the Earth is a dialogue.The lesson is focused on the topic of the problems of the earth and the functional items of Supposition/ Intentions/ conjecture/ Prohibition.Since it is a dialogue / reading.It’s helpful to improve the Ss communicative/ reading ability.3.说教学指导思想 teaching guideline(Teaching syllabus: Language is for communication, develop their four skills, lay special emphasis on reading;Grellet put it well in his book developing reading skills: develop reading skill/ discourse analysis;get them to understand the western culture better;improve the ability to discover, analyze & solve the problems;Reading is for information, for fun;Use Top-down model or Bottom-up model to activate Ss schemata;Interactive model)4.说教学目标和要求 Teaching aims and demands(„be intended for Ss in key schools)1)认知目标 knowledge objects a.Enable the Ss to remember the following new words & phrases: Damage, lecture, pollute, pollution, room, standing room, be fit for, hear about, turn into b.Get the Ss to be familiar with this sentence pattern: If the population keeps growing so quickly, there will only be standing room left„ Give the Ss a reinforced practice on the functional item Supposition.c.Activate Ss schemata regarding the topic of pollution and help Ss to know more about the problem of pollution.2)智能目标 ability objects a.Ask the Ss to make up a similar dialogue.b.Help them to understand the dialogue better and improve the four skills.c.Develop their ability of thinking independently.d.Cultivate their ability to discover, analyze and solve problems.e.Train them to collect information from the Internet.f.Train them with some effective learning methods to optimize Ss’ learning results.3)德育目标 moral objects a.Arouse their interest in learning English;b.Help them to understand the background of pollution.c.Enable the students to love our earth and the nature.d.Be aware of the importance of stopping pollution & protecting out environment.e.Encourage the Ss to do something to save the earth.5.说教学重点 teaching important points(生词、句型;培养阅读技能)a.New words and phrases b.Sentence pattern: If-clause c.improve their reading skills.d.Talking about problems of the Earth.6.说教学难点 teaching difficult points(语法;发展交际能力)a.functional item: Supposition.b.Develop their communicative ability.Act out their own dialogue.7.说教具 teaching aids(multi-media computer, software, OHP)The teaching syllabus says that it’s necessary for teachers to use modern teaching facilities.It’s of great help to increase the class density and improve our teaching result.It can also make the Ss reach a better understanding of the text by making the classes lively and interesting.At the same time, it arouses the Ss’ interest in learning English.二、说教法 Teaching methods Five step method;audio-video;communicative approach;Task-based learning: New Syllabus Design encourages teachers to use this teaching method.TBLT can stimulate Ss’ initiative in learning and develop their ability in language application.Make the Ss the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as the director and bring their ability into full play.三、说学法 Study methods 1.Teach Ss how to be successful language learners.2.Teach Ss how to develop the reading skill — skim & scan;how to communicate with others;how to learn new words;how to learn independently;3.Get the Ss to form good learning habits.四、说教学过程Teaching procedures I.复习(Revision)5min(Daily report;词汇diagram;brainstorming;activate schemata)Activity 1: Imagination 1).Suppose a bottle of ink is turned over and dirties your white shirt, what is to be done?(Wash it? Or throw it away?)2).Suppose you catch a bad cold, what’s to be done? 3).Suppose your bike is broken, what’s to be done?

4).And suppose the earth, on which we all live, is damaged, what’s to be done? * What can you think of when you see “pollution” this word?(waste, environment, air, water, factory, desert, climate...Try to activate the Ss schemata regarding the topic of pollution.)II.呈现(Presentation)5min Activity 2: Presentation Play the song “Earth Song” sung by Michael Jackson.(Create an atmosphere)A lot of pictures and video clips about the causes and results of the three problems mentioned in this lesson will be shown on the screen with the help of the computer.Ss’ presentation on pollution.Attract their attention, arouse their interest, and create a good atmosphere for communication.* Activate their schemata and cultivate their ability in collecting information from the Internet and develop their ability in thinking independently.III.对话 / 阅读(Dialogue)18m 1.Pre-reading Activity 3: Prediction 1st listening/ fast reading, one guided Q to help Ss to get the main idea: What do you think is discussed at the conference? 2.While-reading Activity 4: Read and answer 2nd listening/ careful reading, more Qs to get the detailed information.Develop their reading skills: skim & scan.Pay attention to the pronunciation, stress & intonation.* 阅读: Pre-reading;while-reading;post-reading(fast reading/ careful reading;skim/ scan;识别关键词key words;确定主题句;创设信息差information gap;T or F;填表格chart/diagram;Predicting;Make a timeline;Make a story map。达到对课文的整体理解和掌握。So that they can have a good understanding of the whole text.)3.Post-reading Activity 5: Language focus While Ss are answering the Qs, the teacher deals with some key language points.a.is being caused b.and so on c.go on doing d.be fit for e.standing room f.if-clause IV.操练(Practice)10m Activity 6: Retell Use your own words to retell the dialogue in the 3rd person.Activity 7: Acting out Activity 8: Drill – Supposition Purpose: Practise the functional item of Supposition.(P.33 Part 2;P.113, wb Ex.3)(Retell;act out;role play)V.巩固(Consolidation)6m(Discussion;interview;press conference;debate;quiz)Activity 9: role play Suppose you were head of a village, scientist, journalist and villager, make up a conversation and ask several groups to demonstrate in front of the class.* The Ss are encouraged to use the words and expression_r_rs like pollution, damage, be fit for, turn into, the if-clause, etc.Activity 10: Discussion Think of the question: Are we causing damage to the world? What should we do to save the earth and protect our environment especially in our daily life? Collect their answers and form a report.VI.作业(Homework)1m(Writing;continue the story;recite;retell)Write a letter to the mayor, telling him sth.about the pollution around your school.

5.人教版英语六上说课稿 篇五

1、 教材的地位和作用:本单元以“教育交流”为话题。本节课是一篇补充阅读文章,是对学生知识范围的拓展,要求学生能掌握多少掌握多少。

2、 本课题教学目标:根据英语课程标准的要求,能从简单的文章中找出有关信息,理解大意;能根据上下文猜测生词的意思;能使用工具书帮助阅读理解。因此特为本节课制定如下三维目标:知识目标: 1、了解更多的有关教育交流的信息。2、了解与申请表相关的词汇:family name , given name , nationality, postal code, educational background, duration, applicant…能力目标:通过阅读提高获取关键信息的能力。情感目标:积极开拓视野,勇于探索和尝试新鲜事物。








Step I Pre-reading

T: What have Sarah and Eric learnt on an educational exchange?

S1: Sarah has learnt to use chopsticks. She has also learnt to speak a little Chinese. She has toured around Beijing and visited places of interest….

S2: Eric has learnt a bit of t’ai chi….

T: Would you like to take part in an educational exchange? Let’s read a poster about educational exchanges and learn about more information about educational exchanges.


Step II While-reading

Ask students read the poster and finish the following tasks.

Task 1:

Read the poster about eduational exchanges and answer the questions below.

1. What new experiences can students gain ftom the educational exchange?

2. How many parts are there in the educational exchange? What are they?

3. What will you do in the exchange country?

Task 2: Read the poster again.

Two parts of an educational exchange

Part 1

An exchange student will:



Part 2

You will:





Requirements for students who would like to apply for

the educational exchange



would like to _______________________________



Step III Post-reading

Ask students to discuss why they want to go on an educational exchange or why not.

Step IV. Consolidation and improvement

What have you learnt today?

New words:

6.人教版英语六上说课稿 篇六

杭州外国语学校 谢慧萍

Teaching Material P 26, Reading, Unit 3 Around Our School,

Cambridge English for Schools Students’ Book One (See Attachment I)

Teaching Object Class 7(A) Junior Two, Hangzhou Foreign Languages School

Teaching Aims Criteria Notes

1. The main task (Outcome)

The students will be able to write a letter to Anne and post it on the blog, where Anne will be able to read. 这是本节课主要任务,其它活动都是为此做准备的。

2. Language Focus

(1) The students will be able to use the following words and pattern properly in given situations or their daily life:

flat; café; in the north/ south/ east / west of …

(2) The students will be able to describe the different locations of the buildings in their school, which is a boarding school, and activities concerned. 本单元主题是Around our school,所以学校的方位和附近环境描述是学习重点。语言要点就是根据这个定位,并结合学生实际解读、提取的。

3. Language Skills

The students will be able to find the places (in the jigsaw puzzle) according to the letter. 这个很生活化的活动可训练搜寻有效信息的阅读技能。

4. Learning Strategies

(1) The students will be able to guess and reason the presumption by the information collected from the reading of the letter. (认知策略)

(2) The students will be encouraged in groups to write back a letter about their school scaffolded with patterns from the text. (情感策略) 学习策略是在学习活动中得到体验的。因此根据学生学习能力的特点,把推测能力(认知策略)和合作能力(情感策略)的培养分别结合到阅读和写作活动之中。

5. Affection

The students will be able to focus their attention on the classroom instruction and performance. 初二阶段应该培养学生的学习意志,从单纯的兴趣过渡到有意识学习。

6. Culture

The students will be able to aware the precautions they might need to take while writing to a pen pal at the very beginning. 方位和环境描述、书信写作是语言层面内容,背后是文化知识和意识。所以在课堂活动中,要引导学生关注此类内容和活动。

Difficulties The students might find it short of time to construct a letter with a good logic order and in well-organized language. 初二写作训练刚刚起步,是难点。解决办法有三个:教师适当提供支架、组织小组合作学习和足够时间。

Teaching Aids Blackboard, Chalk, Computer, Overhead Projector,

Visualizer, Jigsaw Puzzles, letter paper, a treasure chest

Setting The students sit in four-member groups around desks. 这样的设计有利于学生的合作学习

Procedures & Activities

Teaching Procedures & Activities Learning Procedures & Activities Notes

I. Pre-task phase: to talk about the blog

The teacher is going to play the song Big Big World and open the website BBW to introduce them the blog and the theme “Big Big World”.

- Shall we sing a song together?

- Do we live in a big big world? How big is this world? But I say it is a small world after all. Why? Internet, emails, msn make the world small. Here is a blog. It’s our blog. We can see each other on holiday over this blog. ⑴The students are going to listen to and sing along with the English song Big Big World.

⑵They are going to have an interaction with the teacher, answering some questions.

⑶They are going to be encou- raged to talk about any blog they know.

⑷They read the blog together to warm themselves up for the following activities. 教师建立一个博客BB World,为课后教学构建平台,并以博客主题歌给学生热身,培养学习情感。活动形式以师生活动为主。

II. Task–introduction & Task–acknowledgement

The teacher is going to inform the students what they are going to do in this lesson and what their final outcome will be.

- A girl named Anne visited the blog and she left a letter. Are you interested in writing her back?

- In today’s class we are going to read her letter and write her a letter back. The students are going to be informed what they are going to do in this lesson and what their final outcome will be. At the same time they are going to be encouraged to size up the tasks, as well as themselves. 告知学生本节课的主要任务体现了师生民主平等,也有利于学生自主规划、主动参与活动。活动以教师讲解为主。

III. Pre-reading task: to predict the possible content of Anne’s letter

The teacher is going to help the students form the schemata by a discussion of the following question betweet partners.

- Before we open the letter, can you predict what she might write in her letter?

The teacher wirtes the following two patterns on the Bb if necessary to set up a scaffold before the pair work:

She will tell us …

She wants to know …

and takes down the possible guesses and also the questions on the blackboard after the pair work. 1. The students are going to predict the possible content of Anne’s letter.

2. The students are going to work in pairs. Each pair will either give a sentence to predict what she might write in her letter or will think of a question Anne may ask.

3. Some pairs of students are going to tell what they predict. 读前活动重点在于构建学生阅读图式,为下步阅读活动做好铺垫。在这个过程中,训练学生预测能力。在语言方面,如果学生有困难,教师提供一个“支架”。活动以自主和pair互动为主。

IV. While-reading task: to read for information needed

1. The teacher designs some questions to help the students pick out the things Anne talked about and questions she raised already, and to encourage them to reason some presumption.

- What did Anne write in her letter?

- What did she ask in her letter?

- What are the things she doesn’t talk about? Why not?

- Is this a first letter or not?

- What are the questions you think is polite to ask in your reply letter?

2. The teacher will go around the class to observe, help and monitor while the students work in pairs or in groups.

For reference:

Tips & Warnings for a first letter:

Remember not to share too much too soon. Wait until someone knows you before you air your family problems and secrets.

Use careful judgment when deciding how much information to share with a stranger. Always be cautious when it comes to revealing personal information.


The students are going to read the letter for information needed.

1. Through the text reading and their prediction comparing, in- divivually, the students are going, to read Anne’s letter and to pick out the things that she talked about in her letter and questions she raised already. Then they are going to have a class interaction to collect what thye pick.

2. They are going to have a discussion in pairs or in groups about what Anne didn’t refer to her letter and then to have a class interaction to collect their ideas.

3. They are going to have a further discussion in pairs or in groups about whether Anne’s letter is the first letter or not according to what they find she didn’t write.

4. They are going to work in groups to aware the precautions they might need to take while writing to a pen pal at the very beginning.

阅读本身是个信息输入的过程,应该是学生自主活动。教师的主要任务是搭建支架(如设计问题)提高学生阅读的效率,提供足够时间让学生自主阅读,设计话题诱发小组合作学习,同时教师提供必要的资源。因此这阶段活动主要以学生自主、合作为主,教师的责任以调控、评价、帮助等为主。学生的阅读活动从自己的预测(图式)与文本的互动开始,获取主要信息(Anne告知的和询问的),并通过学生间互动(小组合作),深入解读信息背后的文化知识(tips & warnings for a first letter)。

V. Post-reading tasks

Task one: a jigsaw puzzle 读后活动的主要目的是操练语言、拓展话题。为此,这里设计了三个任务,贯穿两条主线:语言和话题。

任务一主要通过完成jigsaw puzzle,让学生体验方位的表达。这一活动建立在文本理解的基础上,既要训练学生的scanning能力,又要引导他们关注有关语言的表达。活动以学生合作互动为主。

The teacher is going to help the students complete the jigsaw puzzle.

1. The teacher is going to give them the jigsaw puzzle and to organize the group work.

2. The teacher will go around the class to observe their group work, and help them if necessary.

3. The teacher will make some comment about their work.

The possible answers to the puzzle:

⑴ is the Teacher’s House

⑵ is the school

⑶ is the park

⑷ is the swimming pool The students are going to complete the jigsaw puzzle according to the information from the reading text.

1. They are going to to scan for the information needed and to work in groups to complete the jigsaw puzzle. They are going to give the reason why they put each piece in the particular place.

2. Some groups will be chosen to present how they work out the puzzle and why they put the piece in the place before the whole class, with the help of the overhead projector and the computer.

Task two: a treasure hunting game 任务二是一个寻宝游戏。在游戏前,教师要搭建一个“支架”,提供一些图片、地图和相关情景,并通过师生互动,帮助学生正确理解、操练、使用有关词语,为游戏活动的有效开展打好基础。在寻宝游戏活动中,学生一方面要思考、猜测,另一方面要积极使用语言表达自己的思考和猜测。这个任务主题已经脱离了文本,但训练的还是文本中语言,因此是属于半控制型活动。这样的拓展有利于学生运用相同语言,表达更广的类似主题。活动以学生小组合作为主,教师适当参与一些互动。

The teacher is going to organize a treasure hunting game.

1. The teacher is going to present some pictures and maps as a scaffold to help the students learn the new language points, like “flat”, “cafe” and “in the … of …”. The teacher will help the students with the pronunciation if necessary.

2. The teacher is going to organize a tresure hunting game,

⑴ telling them how to work:

- Work in a treasure hunting group! Discuss in groups where the treasure is? Who might find it? Why?

(2) giving an example as a scaffold for their language if necessary:

- I think the treasure is in the south of the town. It might be in the swimming pool. I will find it, because I go swimming there every day.

(3) presenting a finished jigsaw puzzle on PPT:

- Jigsaw puzzle is helpful in treasure hunting. Anne has hidden some treasure somewhere on this map.

(4) preparing a box of chocolate with a large piece of paper “Write and tell me about your town and school.”, as well as four candies for the winners.

For reference:

The big treasure is hidden in the café.

The places are “café, flat, swimming pool, museum, factories, library”

The other places will have an encour- aging sentence and four candies for the group. The students are going to hunt for treasure.

1. Before the game, they are going to learn some language points and to practise dscribing some maps with them.

2. They are going to work in groups to hunt for treasure in the jigsaw puzzle they have finished. And they will be encouraged to use the language points they have practised.

3. Some groups will be chosen to present before the whole class with the help of the overhead projector and the computer. If possible, team work is encouraged, that is, one student reports while another points out the place where they think the treasure is hidden.

Task three (main task): introduction of our school 任务三要求通过写信形式介绍学生自己学校的设施布局。这是一个“follow-in”活动,其主题内容进一步拓展,让学生有更多的自主、合作的空间。但是书信写作对于刚刚进入初二学习的学生来说有有一定难度,尤其是整个语篇的构建。为此,教师要搭建“支架”,提供给学生一个不完整的书信,帮助学生把注意点定位在方位的描述(这是本节课的重点),同时为课后的书写回信提供一个样本,降低难度。另外,教师要有意识规范小组活动,明确小组分工,提高合作活动的效率。这样除了能够培养学生合作学习的能力,也能降低任务的难度。第三个降低难度的措施是提供足够的活动时间。活动以合作学习为主。

The teacher is going to guide the students in letter writing.

1. The teacher is going to present a map of Hangzhou Foreign Languages School.

2. The teacher is going to tell the students how to group and what to do in the group work.

3. The teacher is going to provide an imcomplete letter to set up a scaffold to make the writing easier, if necessary.

The scaffolding pattern:

Dear Anne,

We live in Hangzhou! It is a … city in the … of …! …

… is in the … of the school. We like … there. Near the … is …. We …

… is in the … of the school. We often …there. There are …. Near the … is … We …

Write and tell us more about your _________.

Love _________

4. The teacher will leave students time to write a letter, go around the class to monitor their work, and offer any necesaary help.

5. The teacher will make some comment on Ss’ letters. The students are going to write a letter back to Anne about their own school.

1. The students are going to group themselves and to have different roles in each group activity.

Student A: a map designer

Student B: a secretary

Student C: a presenter

Student D: a commentator

2. They are going to read the map of their school and the map designer is going to mark the names of some places in English.

3. They are going to describe the locations of different buildings on campous and what they do there and decide what to write in the letter. The secretary is going to take some notes and to complete the letter together with partners in the group.

4. The presenter of the group chosen is going to read their letter to the whole class.

5. Some commentators are going to make some assessment on the letter.

VI. Homework

A letter writing task: The students will write a letter to Anne individually about their own town.

1. Draw an English map;

2. Write a letter and try to use the patterns and words learned in this class;

3. Polish the letter and put it into the computer;

4. Send the letter to our blog sayyourgrace.tianyablog.com, which Anne is going to read them. 课题作业是一个“further-up”任务,比读后活动中的任务开放。经过课堂的一系列任务活动,学生应该有能力完成这个任务。作业设计中的详细步骤目的在于降低任务的难度,培养学生良好的写作习惯。博客的建立不但建立了一个互动平台,而且也增加了时代的生活气息,拓展了学生的学习资源。

Blackboard Design

What Anne might write What Anne might ask

… … 板书设计力求重点突出,简洁明了,以吸引学生的注意力。


-- 第七届全国中学(初中)英语教学观摩课说课

杭州外国语学校 谢慧萍

《剑桥中学英语》采用全新任务型教学与生动的交互式学习模式;注重多学科的融通与多元文化的融合;注重学生听、说、读、写能力全面提高。这些特色都很好地体现了国家《英语课程标准》所倡导的诸多最新理念。第一册第三单元的教材设计充分体现了这些特点。它以“Around Our School”为话题,通过书信这个形式,帮助学生学习、掌握用英语表达方位的能力。




这阶段的学生基本具备用简单的英语词汇与句型描述周边环境的能力。但是,对于某些具体方位的正确描述,仍存在一定困难。 因此,本节课的语言目标定位在两个方面: 一是学生学会在具体的语言环境下使用“in the north/south/east/west of…、flat、cafe”等词语;二是综合使用此类功能语言,准确描述自己学校校园的环境。这个目标是完成中心任务的语言保证。


本堂课的语言技能定位在阅读技能的培养。初二上的学生已经能够读懂一些简单语篇的主要信息。在此基础上,本课进一步强化学生read for information的能力。这种能力将会直接影响到本课中心任务的完成质量。因为写回信首先要读懂来信。



4. 情感目标





任务一:to set up the blog

在课的开始,师生同唱Big Big World,目的在于引出博客话题。在谈论过程中,教师在学生心理与虚拟网络中搭建了两个“博客”。前者帮助学生热身,培养学习情感;后者为课后教学构建平台,拓展学生学习互动的渠道。

任务二:to predict the content of Anne’s letter

这是阅读前的常规任务,主要目的在于构建学生的阅读图式,为下步阅读活动做好铺垫。 在这个过程中,教师设计两大话题:she may tell about …;she may ask about …,诱发学生猜测,训练学生这方面的认知策略。同时教师搭建“支架”帮助学生解决语言方面的困难。

任务三:to read Anne’s letter

阅读是信息输入的过程,靠学生自主活动完成。教师的主要任务是搭建支架(如设计问题)提高学生阅读的效率,提供足够时间让学生自主阅读,设计话题诱发小组合作学习的动机,同时教师提供必要的资源。因此这阶段活动主要以学生自主、合作为主,教师的责任以调控、评价、帮助等为主。学生的阅读活动从自己的预测(图式)与文本的互动开始,获取主要信息(Anne告知的和询问的),并通过学生间互动(小组合作),深入解读信息背后的文化知识(tips & warnings for a first letter),为本课主要任务的完成做好准备。

任务四:a jigsaw puzzle

拼图游戏(jigsaw puzzles)是国外常见的儿童游戏。 这节课利用这种游戏,要求学生在文本理解的基础上体验方位的表达。这一任务,既训练学生的scanning能力,又引导他们关注有关语言。

任务五 a treasure hunting game

寻宝活动(treasure hunting games)是一个富有悬念的活动。在游戏前,教师搭建一个“支架”,提供一些图片、地图和相关情景,并通过师生互动,帮助学生正确理解、操练、使用有关词语,为游戏活动的有效开展打好基础。在寻宝游戏活动中,学生一方面要思考、猜测,另一方面要积极使用语言表达自己的思考和猜测。这个任务主题已经脱离了文本,但训练的还是文本中的语言,因此是属于半控制型活动。这样的拓展有利于学生运用相同语言,表达更广的类似主题。

任务六 introduction of our school


任务七 a letter back to Anne



这是一个较为典型的任务型教学设计。 在课堂操作中,教师通过安排学生进行自主学习、对子交流、小组合作、班级互动等活动,突出学生的主体地位,让学生在各种活动中体验语言、实践语言、使用语言,完成各项任务,达到预设的教学目标。在这个过程中,教师扮演了多种角色,主要表现在调控、评价、帮助等方面。例如在学生各种活动中,教师注意观察、倾听,并根据所获得的信息做出必要的评估、调控、弥补、帮助等。同时,根据实际需要,也不排除讲解。例如在Task introduction阶段,教师通过简单的陈述,向学生介绍本课的任务。





课堂是一个有限的互动空间。单靠四十五分钟的课堂活动,难以满足学生真实互动的需要。博客能够拓展互动平台,使之从课堂延伸到日常生活学习之中,大大提高了师生与生生互动的密度。使用博客平台需要注意的是:1. 学生认可该种沟通方式。2.学生可以获得途径上网。3.学生熟悉网络基本操作。4.教师参与维护博客运作。

