


1.英文版的个人简历范文 篇一


Street Address

Town and postcode

Landline(xxx xxxx xxxx)

Mobile telephone

Email(lower case)PROFILE



Date Skills, experience, knowledge, network or achievement that you wish to build on Skills, experience, knowledge, network or achievement that you wish to build on Skills, experience, knowledge, network or achievement that you wish to build on Imperial College Business School, LondonDegree and Subject Scholarships and or Thesis study/specialisation Other Postgraduate or Undergraduate Institution, Country

Degree and Subject

Scholarships and or Thesis study/specialisation

Other Academic Qualifications, Country(only include if less than 3 years work experience)Qualification and SubjectDate



Title or Post held

 Key skill used, how it was used and what was achieved,(quantify where possible.Include

sector/company information indicating specific knowledge/experience)

DateKey skill used, how it was used and what was achieved,(quantify where possible.Include sector/company information indicating specific knowledge/experience)Key skill used, how it was used and what was achieved,(quantify where possible.Include sector/company information indicating specific knowledge/experience)NAME OF COMPANYCountry

Title or Post held

 Key skill used, how it was used and what was achieved,(quantify where possible.Include

sector/company information indicating specific knowledge/experience)

 Key skill used, how it was used and what was achieved,(quantify where possible.Include sector/company information indicating specific knowledge/experience)Key skill used, how it was used and what was achieved,(quantify where possible.Include

sector/company information indicating specific knowledge/experience)


Title or Post held

 Key skill used, how it was used and what was achieved,(quantify where possible.Include

sector/company information indicating specific knowledge/experience)

 Key skill used, how it was used and what was achieved,(quantify where possible.Include sector/company information indicating specific knowledge/experience)Key skill used, how it was used and what was achieved,(quantify where possible.Include

sector/company information indicating specific knowledge/experience)



MS Office, other software, database, computer language or programme knowledge


Native, Fluent, Business writing, Conversational


Club or committee memberships, sports team memberships or achievements, publications, productions, awards, certificates, training or other

2.英文版的个人简历范文 篇二

英文简历的写作是英语应用文写作中的教学重点。随着近年来大学生就业竞争压力的增大, 学生也越来越重视这一部分内容的学习。纵观我们以往对于英文简历写作的教学研究, 大都仅限于如何打磨出一个好的模板来让学生无限套用, 而忽视了简历作为一个实用性文体的最本质的功能——获得面试机会。想要达到这一目的, 单靠一个语法完美、用词优美的万能模板是无法实现的, 因为投递简历其实是一个复杂的实践过程, 包括:寻找招聘信息来源→选择职位和公司→阅读、理解招聘启事→结合不同招聘要求写出相应简历。一篇好的简历也仅仅只是这一流程中的一环, 把简历的写作与其他环节割裂开, 或者任一环节出现问题, 都不能达到最终的活动目的, 即获得面试机会。


实践性教学是指将依据培养目标确定的能力结构而设置于课程之中的与学科实务相适应的具有实践性、应用性的教学内容付诸教学的教学活动。[1]对于英文简历写作这门课程来说, 最具实践性、应用性的无疑就是向学生完整介绍包括英文简历模板在内的简历投递的全过程。

1. 招聘信息来源。

对于求职的应届毕业生来说, 找到合适又可靠的信息发布媒体是一切工作开始的源头。一个资源不佳的招聘媒体很难为求职者提供优质、适合的职位, 更有可能令求职者上当受骗。

2. 应聘职位分析。

在进入到招聘网站后, 面对纷繁的招聘信息, 学生应如何索引才能快速、高效地找到适合自己的职位, 是每个刚刚开始求职的毕业生所面临的问题。学生对职位不了解, 不知道哪个岗位适合自己, 自己的专业又能做些什么, 导致很多学生投了不适合自己的职位, 浪费了时间, 错失了其他工作的机会。

3. 招聘启事阅读。

近年来, 有很多外资公司将自己的招聘启事全部英文化, 包括职位名称、职位描述及要求。因此, 如果不能很好地理解甚至看懂英文的招聘启事, 求职者便无法写出与所申请职位相符的, 具有说服力、竞争力的简历来, 甚至还有可能走很多弯路, 耽误了求职的最佳时机。以笔者进行问卷调查的班级为例, 英语专业大三年级的学生, 阅读一般的英文资料已经并不困难, 但仍有超过半数以上 (57.7%) 的学生表示对于英文招聘启事不能完全理解其意。究其原因是由于学生们仅能从语言层面去阅读分析, 而实际的文本中有很多用词、表达是商务化的、职场化的, 所描述的内容也是实际的工作内容与要求, 这些对于还没有真正走出校门的学生来讲无疑理解起来是有难度的。

(1) 职位名称代表工作的分类, 是求职者索引信息的根据。

如:English/Chinese Translator

从“Translator”可知该工作只是笔译没有口译, 因此对英语口语应该没有太高要求。

再如:ProjectM anager Coordinator

“coordinator”在英语中是协调者的意思, 看似和英语专业不相关, 因此很多学生会错过这类职位。但这样的项目协调员所做的其实就是翻译兼秘书的工作。

再如:有很多学生选投了一些“M anger”的职位, 因为他们看到除了工作经验部分自己都符合要求, 于是自信满满地认为自己可以胜任。但其实像“M anger”这样的管理职位是不会交给一个刚出校门的学生来做的, 工作经验对于M anger来讲是最重要的要求。在一个部门里, 职位名称由大到小基本上是这样排列的M anger→Supervisor→A ssistant, 这里很多学生对于Supervisor是做什么工作的一直不太理解, 因为它字面上是“监督者、监管人”的意思, 而在实际工作中它只是一个部门中的职位等级, 低于经理, 高于助理。如:M arketing Supervisor可以理解为市场部专员。因此, 学生可以应聘的其实只有Supervisor和A ssistant而已, M anger过于牵强了。

(2) 工作描述顾名思义就是对该职位的具体描述, 目的是告诉求职者这份工作要都需要做些什么, 求职者也可据此判断自己是否适合该职位, 是否对该职位感兴趣。有些职位描述可以被求职者借鉴写入简历中, 投其所好, 得到面试的几率会大大提高。如英孚少儿英语教师的这篇招聘启事中职位描述这一段:

Y ou love education and culture industry...[2]

求职者完全可以把第二人称you换成第一人称I再做些修改加入到简历的self-statem ent中。并且这种职业描述具有普遍性, 应聘其他公司的少儿英语教师的时候也可以拿来借鉴。

(3) 职位要求是整个招聘启事的重点, 求职者必须看懂每一个标准再考量自己, 看是否符合要求, 如盲目投递是费时费工的。要求又分为软要求和硬要求两种。

如:M ust be resourceful, confident and take initiative是能力、性格方面的要求, 很难在简历与面试中考量, 因此只作为自我评判的标准, 是软要求。硬要求的限制主要来自于专业背景、学历证书和工作经验这三方面, 如:A university degree above m ajoring in English and/or English Education这就是个硬性的规定, 必须是英语专业的学生且本科学历;再如:English m ajor or have oversea study/working experience with strong English skills (both oraland written) 这条就不一定非要英语专业, 有海外留学或工作经验的皆可, 但英语水平一定要高。

4. 英文简历的书写。

对于如何打磨出一份高质量的简历模板, 学生该如何进行套用, 以及如何利用写作技巧使英文简历看起来更地道, 已经被很多专家、学者、教师专门论述过了, 本文这里不再赘述。


在进行了上述英文简历写作课的教学创新实践后, 笔者对天津财经大学珠江学院英语0704班29名同学进行了问卷调查, 收回有效问卷27份。调查结果表明 (见表1) :学生对于把简历投递全过程都作为知识教授给他们的这样的英文简历写作课表示十分欢迎, 有92%的学生表示最喜欢简历投递全过程的介绍环节而不是简历模板讲解。原因是有80%的学生表示可以从互联网上下载到英文简历模板, 有些甚至优于教科书上的范文。而投递简历的实践过程介绍这样的实用性知识, 他们大多只能从这门课上才能获得 (97%) , 并且认为这样的知识令他们感觉收获很大 (90%) 。

从表1的分析中得知:把英文简历写作课放在实践性教学模式下, 为学生教授与求职直接相关的实用性内容, 填补了学生的相关空白知识, 使英文简历写作不再孤立, 真正运用到了实践中, 有助于他们顺利完成日后的求职活动。

摘要:英文简历写作属应用文体, 其目的是帮助求职者获得面试机会。然而, 投递简历是一个复杂的实践过程, 只讲授简历文本的书写是无法在实际的求职中帮助学生获得面试机会的。本文作者由此提出在实践性教学模式下, 增加与投递简历相关的所有实用性知识的教授, 这种创新型教学不仅弥补了学生社会实践性知识的空白, 并且有利于学生把英文简历的写作更好地运用到实际工作中去, 使他们迅速适应大四的求职活动。



[1]莫怡琴.加强实践性教学的几点看法[J].安顺师范高等专科学校学报 (综合版) , 2003, (4) .

3.简短英文的自我介绍范文 篇三

We mainly made use of the language COBOL, DB2, VSAM, JCL etc and programming technique skills. I took charge of the simulation, programming and testing of the interest calculation of fixed deposit, cheque operation management. The structure of the program was: the main part was structured by COBOL sentences embedded with SQL sentence, which dealed with the VSAM file and the table of database. Personal quality Firstly I am an easy-going person. Because I prefer sharing my opinions and feelings with my friends and partners. So I also like cooperating with others to accomplish a hard task. And I think team spirit can help you to succeed. Secondly I am a frank person. Because I think honesty is the most important quality every person in modern society. It will make you popular and trusted by partners. Thirdly I am a brilliant one. Because I am good at information collection, data analyzing and structure designing. I am eager to challenge new situation and learn new knowledge.


4.简历的个人评价英文版 篇四

As a long time to do computer motherboards, so the motherboard wiring rules and precautions quite understand. Wiring will take into account the process of EMI, signal timing, cooling and other issues. Can be completed independently of the netlist into the GERBER the whole process, the latter part of the plant can be washed and hit the factory to solve the technical aspects of the problem. Parts library will be built to maintain. Basic understanding of English LAYOUT GUIDE.

Has a good team spirit, to closely cooperate with the hardware, heat, electronics engineers. The LAYOUT tool is ALLEGRO and very proficient.The board produced several production for the company to create a good efficiency. Also want to do some different products to enhance themselves and learn more things. My ability to accept and patience can be, for the new things can quickly get started. I hope for your company, thank you.

Character cheerful, easy-going, good integrity, treat people in good faith.Thinking rigorous, thorough, strong initiative and sense of responsibility.Interests in a wide range, like sports, reading newspapers, chatting with friends, enjoy film and television works. Strong organizational skills, hard work, proactive, strong sense of responsibility, unity and fraternity, a collective sense of honor, full of innovative spirit.

5.大学经历(英文)(范文) 篇五

An Experience of Sponsorship Time flies like arrow, suddenly;I have spent four years time in my university.In my four years, I have experienced different things.Some of them are pleasant;some of them are heartbreaking.However, the most impressive thing is that we went to small stores which near to our university for sponsorship.I still remember that it was a very chilly day.There were three people in the hall of teaching building.They were my minister, the new member and me.We were talking about the sponsorship.First my minister introduced the activity which we would hold several days later.Second she told us how to persuade storekeepers to sponsor us.Then she distributed the job.When everything was ready, we set out.We mainly went to the east gate of our university, because there are lots of stores and students are their main consumers.As we walking there, I thought it was easy to get money, they need us to promote.But the fact was not.When we went into the first store, we introduced our association briefly to the storekeeper then told him we would hold an activity and what we could do for him.Before our conversation was not over yet, he just refused.He said there were so many associations to promote his store, but not work.It really astonished me.Beyond my expectation, the other associations had used this way and how to they sponsor money but we couldn’t.Even so I was still full of hope.The following storekeepers liked the first one refused us even worse to us.With the bitter weather, we went into almost half of the stores of the east gate.Nearly 3o’clock in the afternoon, my minister said to us: “Just like this, next time you will go to sponsor without me.Now we can go back to school.” The first sponsorship was over, although we didn’t sponsor money, we still got the harvest.Through this experience, I knew a lot.First, it was easy to say but difficult to do.No matter who you are, at first, you should believe yourself.Second, preparation should be well and early.There is a saying “success is given to those who have prepared.”

Third, before sponsor or do other things, you should know what they want, what you have.Fourth, a failure doesn’t stand out anything, don’t lose hope and give up.Be confident with yourself, you can do it!In our life, we will face so many difficulties;you should learn to challenge and believe yourself.The important is you should improve yourself.This is your capital.

6.英文开场主持词(范文) 篇六

【18:30 开始对外接纳观众】 音频:开始暖场音乐





确认抢台组就位 确认主持人就位 确认ppt组就位

确认催台组就位,确认各参赛队伍到场 确认音频组就位,参赛队伍确认配音视频 确认灯光组就位




【18: 50



# 催台:第一、二、三队做好准备上场

【19: 00

开场】  灯光:灯灭


PPT:南京航空航天大学第四届外语配音大赛决赛 灯光:灯亮 #主持人上台

英:Good evening!Honorable judges, dear fellows.Ladies and gentleman.中:各位老师,亲爱的同学,女士们,先生们,大家晚上好。英:Welcome to the final of the forth Dubbing Competition of NUAA.中:欢迎来到南京航空航天大学第四届外语配音大赛的决赛现场。

英:I’m xx.As a member of the English Broadcasting Station, it’s really an honor for me to be the English host tonight.中:我是今晚的主持人xxx。

英:Hosted by the NUAA Press Center and sponsored by the New Oriental School, the Dubbing Competition is organized by the English Broadcasting Station.中:南航外语配音大赛由南京航空航天大学大学生新闻中心主办,校大学生外语电台承办,同时,感谢新东方对本次大赛的大力支持。新东方,您的出国留学考试专家。英:Altogether 76 teams attended this year’s competition and after the preliminary contest, 12 teams entered into the final contest.Congratulations!中:初赛现场,我们欣赏了76只参赛队伍的精彩表演,经过激烈角逐,共有12只队伍进入了今晚的决赛,恭喜你们!

英:Firstly, let’s introduce tonight’s honorable judges and distinguished guests: 中:光临本次大赛现场的评委是:

英:The Vice Dean of the College of International Education, Zhang Guoquan.中:国际教育学院张国权副院长

英:The English teacher from the College of Foreign Languages, the old pal of our dubbing competition, Professor Sun Ruichao.中:外国语学院专业教师,外语配音大赛的老朋友,孙睿超副教授 英:The foreign teacher from the College of Foreign Languages, Alan Black.中:外国语学院外教,Alan老师

英:The Chief Director of the Foreign Department of New Oriental School, Wei Fei.中:南京新东方国外部总监,新东方教育科技集团讲演师,魏飞先生

英:Thank you for coming here tonight.And now, lets introduce our respectable guests.中:感谢四位评委的到来。接下来,请允许我介绍本次大赛的到场嘉宾,他们是:(周日中午定)

英:Besides, tonight, we have the honor of inviting our dear fellows from China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing Audit University, Nanjing University of Science and technology, Nanjing Information Engineering University.中:此外,今晚我们还荣幸的请到了来自中国药科大学,南京审计学院,南京理工大学,以及南京信息工程大学的英语届伙伴们来到我们的比赛现场。

英:Together with the former directors of NUAA English Broadcasting Station and the winner of the last dubbing competition, our dear fellows will function as public judges tonight.中:我们今晚的大众评委队伍将由来自各兄弟院校的英语届伙伴们,南航外语电台前任台长们以及外语配音大赛往届优秀选手共同组成。英:Once again, let’s welcome all the judges and guests.中:让我们再次以热烈的掌声,欢迎各位评委老师及来宾的到来!【礼仪将致辞嘉宾从座位上引出,准备上台】 英:Now, please welcome xxx to address the competition.中:下面,欢迎xxx为本次大赛致辞。


# 抢台给嘉宾递话筒,礼仪引导嘉宾上台致辞,主持人下场。


7.英文版的个人简历范文 篇七



例如大帅哥黄晓明,他姓名的标准翻译方法应该是HUANG Xiao-ming。


既然姓+名或名+姓的使用习惯可以同时存在,那么就不能再依靠姓名的前后位置来识别姓。这时,就产生了新的拼写习惯,就是将姓全部大写,最大限度的避免误会。例如姚明,写作Yao Ming,那究竟是姓“Yao”,还是姓“Ming”?如果写成YAO Ming,那就很清楚,YAO就是他的姓,而且我们还可以判断出他来自东方,因为YAO放在前面。




杨过:YANG Guo;

小龙女:如果直译就是Xiao LONG Nv,我觉得最好不要意译成Dragon Girl,完全没有东方色彩。

上官云飞:SHANG-GUAN Yun-fei

(三)如果有一天黄晓明移民到美国了,那么他的英文写法应该换了,应该写成 Xiao-ming HUANG。因为他是美国人了,自然要按照美国的拼写习惯,将姓放在最后。在美国生活的华人,一般都喜欢取一个真正的英文名,方便融入当地的生活。那么晓明大哥入籍美国后,我们假设他取了个烂大街的英文名字,叫做Michael,那么他的全名应该


我们看美国人的名字结构,一般是“教名+中间名+姓”。所以,中国人入籍后,可以按照“英文名+中文原名+姓”的方式来登记。那么,我们的晓明大哥,他的美国护照就应该写Michael Xiao-ming HUANG。

8.硕士英文求职信[范文] 篇八


Dear Sir or Madam,Your recruiting advertisement for Overseas trainee on is of great interests to me.With a sound educational background – two master degrees awarded by University of Wollongong Australia and one bachelor degree awarded by Nanchang Institute of Aeronautical Technology, China-and a keen desire to be a part of a professional firm, I am submitting my resume and wish to apply for the position referred above.In addition to my academic excellence, my various aptitudes displayed in extra curriculum activities combined with fluent English ability as well as proficient IT skills prepare me a qualified candidate.I hold the belief that I will make positive contribution to your company.Thank you for your time and consideration and I am looking forward to becoming an integral member of your motivated team and would appreciate your evaluation by granting me an interview.With enthusiastically personal regards.Sincerely yours,Li Fang

9.英文版个人简历 篇九

To obtain an offer of acceptance into the Master Program in Economics or relative area

Education Background

09/-07/ xxxx University

School of Economics, Department of Economics

GPA: 3.0/4.0 (overall), XX/4.0 (major)

Degree: Bachelor

Professional & Research Experience

2005 Research on Development Economics of xx University Economics College

Description: Peasant worker’s living conditions and reason of entering into city in xx

Position: leader of the group

Responsibilities: designed the questionnaire and sent it out randomly in xxx.

Organized the members to investigate and composed the report——Dynamic Reason Analysis on the Migration of Rural Labor to Urban Areas

2005 xxx University Economy Investigation of xxx, xx province,

Responsibilities: Assist the professor to communicate with the local government and enterprises, collecting the datum and composed the thesis——Research Report on self-supporting economic model of xx

research on the data of China xxand China xx,

Description: Analyzed the present status and future development trend of China xx and

China xx from the view point of industrial economics and analyzed

the present status and future development situation of China xx industry.

2005 xx Business Strategy Competition

Description: The competition simulates the international cosmetic market in a new economics environment by software. Combining with all the main factors, each group operates a suppositional cosmetic company on the internet and competes with another suppositional one. Final competition result lies on the price of stock. Though the internet environment is the suppositional one, the professional knowledge and skills and the management of a company is similar with the real one, so the joiner should give a complete decision-making.

Achievements: Practiced my professional knowledge and the operation ability in Economics, and improve my ability of analysis and planning.

2005 xx University Challenge Cup

Description: Award for 5.4 Youth Science of xxx University Challenge Cup, which is the most Influential honor in xxx University, is the highest prize in the extracurricular activates of xx University.

Achievements: Designed a topic about financial market, I did a good research on the current

situation bout Chinese financial market, and improve my research ability andoperation with my classmates.

Publication & Paper

Research Report on self-supporting economic model of xx published on

Future Economist, xxx University.

Dynamic Reason Analysis on the Migration of Rural Labor to Urban Areas

Analysis on Developmental Restrict Factor of Chinese Third Industry

The Inventor of xxx, Analysis of Marketing Strategy of xx Internet Development Co.,Ltd

Report of Analysis of xxx Industry Analysis

Report of Research of Rural Agriculture Development

Social Activities

2003-2004 Planer of Youth Volunteer Association of xxx University

2003-2004 Volunteer of Love Society of xx University

2003-2004 English Culture Communication Association xxUniversity

2003-2004 Member of Consultation Society xx University

2003-2005 Member of Outside Department, Green Life Society, xxx University

2004-2005 Member of Slipper Association xxx University

Standard Test

TOEFL:627 TWE: 5.0 Date: 08/19/2006

GRE:1190 TWE: 5.0 Date: 06/06/2006

Computer Skills

Proficient in office software such as word,excel,PowerPointand FrontPage,

Excellent ability of cartography and webpage making

Proficient inphotoshop, dreamweaver, fireworks and Macromedia Flash

Having the foundation of programme (C language and VB)

Comprehending asp and php

10.财会个人简历(英文版) 篇十


To contribute developed customer relations and administrative skills to a challenging in a hotel.


Detail-and goal-oriented.

Function well in high-stress atmosphere.

Knowledgeable on both EECO and APTEC computers systems.


Present THE OLIVER HOTEL,Whitewater,KS Hotel Clerk

Resolved guests needs.Controlled reservation input utilizing EECO computer system.Handled incoming calls.Maintained daily reports involving return guests,corporate accounts,and suite rentals.Inspected rooms.


Hotel Clerk

Trained personnel.Handled telephone,international fax and telex bookings.Maintained daily and monthly reports tracking demands and guaranteed no-show billing.Utilized APTEC computer for inputting group booking and lists.


Sales Associate

Assisted customers.Maintained stock.Opened/closed shop.Tracked best selling novels,and made recommendations to customers.



Responsible for general clerical duties.Resolved inquiries.Assisted in locating guest speakers.



Bachelor of Science;Sociology,1983


Furnished upon request.

11.英文打字训练(范文模版) 篇十一















复习: 设计:(讲授)

开始打字前,左手小指、无名指、中指和食指应分别虚放在 “A、S、D、F”键上,右手的食指、中指、无名指和小指应分别虚放在 “J、K、L、;”键上,两个大拇指则虚放在空格键上。基本键是打字时 手指所处的基准位置,击打其他任何键,手指都是从这里出发,而且 打完后又须立即退回到基本键位。F、J两个键上都有一个凸起的小棱杠,以便于盲打时手指能通过触觉定位。










1、A:Hi!B:Hi!A:I’m Kangkang.Are you Michael? B:Yes,I am.2、A:Hello!Are you Jane? B:Yes,I am.A:Nice to meet you.B:Nice to meet you.3、Students: Good moring,Miss Wang!

Miss Wang: Good moring, Nice to meet you.Students:

Nice to meet you,too.



4、Miss Wang: Let’s begin!KangKang: Stang up,please!Miss Wang: Good moring,class.Students: Good moring, Miss Wang!Miss Wang: Sit down,please!Students: Thank you.三、请抄写如下单词。(如还没背下,请再抄写几遍)about





















