七年级英语上册Unit 3教案(精选6篇)
1.七年级英语上册Unit 3教案 篇一
新目标英语七年级上册Unit3 SectionA说课稿
谢燕娥 尊敬的各位评委老师:
你们好!今天我说课的题目是新目标英语七年级上册第三单元Unit3 This is my sister.中的SectionA部分,整个说课我将分成六个大部分进行讲述:即 教材分析、学情分析、教法、学法、教学过程 及 板书设计。
《新目标英语》教材的语言教育理念是:知识用于行动,强调“语言应用”,培养“创新实践能力”,发展“学习策略”。它采用任务型语言教学模式。教材中每单元都设计一个或几个与该单元话题有关的任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中,使用英语获取信息,用英语进行交流,培养运用英语解决实际问题的能力。本课是新目标英语七年级上册第三单元第一课时,教材以This is my sister.为中心话题,围绕着谈论有关家庭成员的用语,并学会询问别人的情况,介绍自己的家庭,谈论自己的情感。并在此任务中认识到名词复数的概念及其运用。
1.知识目标:a)学习单词: mother.father.brother.sister.these.are.those 等b)学习并掌握句型:Is this your sister?No, it isn’t./ Yes, it is.This is my friend.These are my friends.That is my brother.Those are my brothers.2.能力目标:通过Introduce people和Identify people使学生学会介绍他人和
识别他人,掌握基本This is/ That is...These are/ Those are…
1.重点;学习重点单词,句型和语法点: This is my friend.These are my
friends.That is my brother.Those are my brothers.2.难点:名词复数形式及其正确的运用
Step 1.Leading-in 创设情景,导入新课
S1: Is this your pen?-----Yes, it is.S2:Is that her ruler?-----No, it isn’t.It’s my ruler.Step 2.Presentation 新课讲解,呈现教学内容
我先出示一张照片,通过创设情景,师生对话,引出新知识: e.g.:T:What is this ?------Ss: It’s a photo.T:Is this your photo?-------Ss: No, it isn’t.-------
T:It’s not your photo.It’s my photo.And this is my sister.从而引出本课时重点句型: This is my sister.并在此基础上讲解“this
is…”是用来向对方介绍他人的。同时运用这句型“This is…”进行教学新单词:mother , father , sister , brother , grandfather 等所有家庭成员。让学生先对本课所要讲的内容有个初步的感知,激发学生进一步学习的动机。Step 3.Practicing反复操练,巩固运用
记忆迈进、发展。我将利用多媒体生动活泼呈现多张家庭成员图片。让学生将单词与图中人物匹配,认识家庭成员。并学会使用This / That is my …和 These are / Those are … 介绍家人和朋友,巩固知识、操练知识。在此同时,要注意与讲解名词的复数形式 以及 让学生能够正确的运用。
Step 4.Listening and doing口语操练,加深印象
b)让学生准备几分钟,运用本课所学的句型“This / That is …”和“These /
Those are …”对1a 中戴夫家庭成员进行介绍。进一步巩固本课的重难点。
Step 5.Consolidating课堂练习,巩固知识
在学生已在大脑中构建新的认知结构基础上,提供适当的课堂练习,不仅能让学生在实践中自我学习、自我改进、达到自我完善;而且能够充分地让学生体会到“知识的获得并不只是单方面的‘输入’过程,更重要的是知识的‘输出’” 也就是说能够根据外部实际情况对新知识准确地提取并加以运用。
因此我会出示一些与本课语言点相关的选择题和情景对话,要求学生当场完成。课堂练习的目的在于检查学生掌握知识的情况以便教师发现学生缺漏,及时补充。同时也有助于进一步巩固,加强对本课内容的理解和运用。Step 6.Homework课外作业
Section AUnit 3
New words:Grammars:
mother, father, sister, brother,Is this your sister?
parent,grandfather,grandmother,-----Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.friend, these, are, those.This / That is my friend.These / Those are my friends.以上就是我说课的整个内容,谢谢。
2.七年级英语上册Unit 3教案 篇二
教育部于2014年发布了《关于全面深化课程改革落实立德树人根本任务的意见》, 提出了“核心素养”这一概念, 并组织研究提出各学段学生发展核心素养体系, 明确学生应具备的适应终身发展和社会发展需要的必备品格和关键能力。英语学科核心素养通过语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力四个方面对英语的教学目的、教学本质、教学内容和教学过程等进行了诠释。语言能力是英语学科素养的重要组成部分, 也是发展学习能力, 提升思维品质和文化意识的基础。英语学习是学生主动建构意义的过程, 在这一过程中, 学生以主题意义探究为目的, 以语篇为载体, 在理解与表达的语言实践活动中, 融合知识学习和技能发展, 通过感知、预测、获取、分析、概括、比较、评价、创新等思维活动, 建构结构化知识, 在分析问题和解决问题的过程中, 发展思维品质, 形成文化理解, 学会学习, 塑造正确的人生观和价值观, 促进英语学科素养的形成与发展 (王蔷2015) 。
众所周知, 培养学生的听说能力是英语教学过程中的重要环节。听是语言输入的重要手段, 说是语言输出的方式。在核心素养时代, 探讨听说教学离不开核心素养;探讨核心素养的培养, 离不开对听说教学的探讨。要开展好基于语言能力发展的听说教学, 教师首先要研读教材, 明确听力材料的设计意图, 挖掘听力材料所包含的语言能力发展的因素;其次要有分析的意识, 要分析听力材料的目的;再次要采取取舍和调整教材的策略, 程晓堂、孙晓慧 (2011) 鼓励教师“要善于根据学生的情况和实际教学的需要, 对教材的内容、结构、顺序、教学方法等进行适当的取舍和调整”;最后, 听力活动的设计要体现层次性, 要循序渐进, 要重视语言输入与输出的一致性, 通过问题的有效设置来帮助学生理解听力材料, 促进学生语言能力的提升。
本堂课的教学内容为人教版《英语》八年级上册Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister Section A 1a-2c听说课, 探讨基于语言能力发展的听说教学活动设计。
(一) 教学情况分析
人教版《英语》八年级上册Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my siste r Section A 1a-2c是以谈论人的个性特征为话题的。本单元在语言知识上侧重形容词和副词的比较级的学习及训练。Section A是从对人物特征对比的角度入手的。学生虽然是第一次接触比较级, 但他们对比较级的概念及其构成形式的理解并不太困难。教师的任务是:设法在学生脑海中建立起英语- (i) er和more相当于汉语“更”的概念。这样的概念一旦确立, 学生就能较准确地表达。
(二) 教学目标
1. 学生能够用以下这些形容词来描述人的个性特征, 如tall, short, thin, heavy, quietly, loudly, funny, hard-working, outgoing etc.。
2. 学生能够正确使用-i (er) 或more的比较级。
3. 学生能够运用“A is-er than B.”句型来表达比较。
4. 重难点:能听懂, 会说, 会运用以下词汇
Appearance:taller, shorter, thinner, longer, heavier
Personality:funnier, smarter, lazier, friendlier, shyer, more outgoing, more hard-working, more serious.
能正确使用这个句型:...has longer hair than...;...plays the drums better than...
A:Is Tom smarter than Sam?
B:No, he isn’t.Sam is smarter than Tom.
(三) 初次教学设计
1. Lead-in
Ask Ss to write down as many adj.about people as possible.
Check the adj.and group them into some pairs, like:[Section A 1a]
tall—short, thin—heavy, long hair—short hair, calm—wild...
【设计意图】激活学生已有的知识, 为接下来的听力做准备。
2. Set the task
Talk about personal traits.
Use comparatives to compare people.
3. While-task
Step 1:Listen and choose the words you hear.
(1) Sam has_______hair than Tom.
(2) Sam plays the drums_______than Tom.
A.well B.better
(3) Tina is_______than Tara.
A.tall B.taller
(4) Tina also sings_______than Tara.
A.loudly B.more loudly
(5) Peter is_______than Paul.
A.heavy B.heavier
(6) Paul is_______than Peter.
A.short B.shorter
【设计意图】让学生初步感知比较级的结构, 并能根据语音输入做出选择。
Step 2:Time training games
Sam has longer hair than Tom.
Sam plays the drums better than Tom.
Tina is taller than Tara.
Tina sings more loudly than Tara.
Peter is heavier than Paul.
Paul is shorter than Peter.
【设计意图】通过游戏让学生熟悉比较级的结构, 让学生领悟、感知并熟悉比较级的用法。
Step 3:Are the words with- (i) er or more?
funny smart; (run) fast;friendly; (jump) high lazy;outgoing; (work) hard;hard-working; (get up) early
【设计意图】让学生观察比较级的构成方式, 并总结归纳出它的构成原则, 培养学生观察与探索的能力。
Step 4:Quick Response
T point, Ss say quickly (Change the roles)
Step 5:Listen and fill in the blanks
How are Tina and Tara different?
【设计意图】让学生再次感知、熟悉比较级的用法, 并学会归纳分类。
Guessing Who is she/he?
Try to write at least 3 sentences in your paper to describe one of your classmates.And let us guess who is she/he.Remember do not mention his/her name.
Example:My friend is taller than me.She has shorter hair than me.She runs faster than me.
【课后反思】讲完这堂课, 笔者感觉学生没有完全掌握。学生说有些懵, 特别是比较级, 知其然不知其所以然。反思其原因, 一是语篇输入量大, 没有分门别类, 学生无法接受, 以致于后面的输出有些“卡壳”;二是本堂课缺乏主线。程晓堂和孙晓慧 (2011) 认为“要以话题为主线, 以语言为暗线设计教学环节, 要让学生在话题和内容的学习之中体验语言的使用, 感知语言结构, 再尝试运用语言”。本堂课的教学活动看似多样, 但都缺乏实效性。主要的问题在于知识讲解和单纯技能训练偏多。针对这些问题, 笔者决定改变语言输入的模式, 采取分类控制法输入语言。
(四) 二次教学设计
结合教学反思, 笔者重新设计了教学活动。
1. Lead-in
Play a guessing game:I have a friend...She is short.She has big eyes.She has short brown hair.She is really cute and friendly.She is a Explorer.Who is she?She is Dora.Dora is my idol.
2. Set the task
Find your idol and look up him/her.
【设计意图】猜人物的游戏既调动了课堂气氛, 又给学生提供了一个明确、完整的示范, 让学生明白本堂课的学习任务。
3. Describe the band by the picture
Let students know the three pairs of twins, Sam and Tom.
【设计意图】站在学生的角度, 充分运用教材的主题图, 先引导学生对Band的成员进行了解, 然后引起学生对双胞胎的关注, 比如, 从名字的特征、外表、服装等方面进行分类, 使学生明确三对双胞胎分别是Sam and Tom, Tara and Tina和Paul and Peter。
4. Listen and answer
Listen to conversation 1, then answer:
Q1:Who is Sam?
Q2:Who can play the drums?
Q3:Who can play the drums better?
Listen to conversation 2, then answer:
Tina VS Tara
________is taller.
________sings more loudly.
Listen to conversation 3, then answer:
Peter VS Paul
________is heavier.
________is shorter.
【设计意图】通过分段输入录音的方式, 让学生更明确地感知比较级的用法。经过三次比较后, 学生自然就熟悉了比较级的用法, 从而顺利由原级过渡到比较级。
5. My friend and I
A:Who is taller, you or________?
B:I am taller than________?
【设计意图】通过My friend and I这个活动让学生初步运用所学的比较级知识来描述我和我的朋友。
6. Summarize
Summarize the words used with- (i) er or more?
【设计意图】引导学生观察比较级的构成方式, 探索出基本的规律。
7. Tina VS Tara
1st Listening Tina:We look similar but we’re very________.
2nd Listening:
A:Who is more outgoing, Tina or Tara?
B:________is more outgoing than________.
Talk about Tina and Tara according to the chart.
【设计意图】通过Tina与Tara的比较, 让学生说出她们之间的相同和不同之处, 同时自然引出as...as。
8. Finnish the task
Find your idol and look up to him/her.
I have a friend.In some ways, we are the same.__________________.
We look similar but we’re different in some ways.
He/she is__________________than me.
I am glad to have a friend like him/her.
He/she is my idol.
【设计意图】Find your idol这个任务很巧妙地把所学的内容结合起来, 让学生能够有一段较为完整的语段输出, 与课前的猜人物活动前后呼应, 体现了这堂课的完整性。另外, 这个任务需要找的人物就在身边, 每一个学生都会有话可说。
9. Homework
Draw a mind-map about people’s appearance, personality and ability.
Write down your idol.
【设计意图】课后作业的设计应有相关性和连贯性, 是学生综合运用语言能力的体现, 它可以弥补课堂上的一些不足。例如, 要求学生画mind-map, 是鼓励学生自主学习探究的过程。在这个过程中, 学生既可以复习旧知, 又可以巩固新知。另外, 学生在写My idol的过程中可以进一步加深巩固比较级的语言知识。教师还可以根据学生的作业, 检验课堂教学的情况, 并及时调整教学策略。
(一) 功能线清晰, 设计的活动循序渐进
本堂课以Find your idol为主线、以比较级的结构学习为暗线设计教学环节, 让学生在讨论人的异同过程中体验语言的使用, 感知比较级的结构, 并初步尝试运用比较级来比较人物的特征。
(二) 功能点明确, 分段进行语音输入
本套教材非常重视听说能力的培养, 根据教材的单元编写结构, 教材有三次听力输入, 前两次在Section A部分, 听力的内容相互关联、层层递进。第一次听力输入要求学生简单处理信息并进行模仿性的口语输出;第二次听力输入是对第一次听力内容的拓展, 要求学生听后对信息进行多层次处理, 然后进行控制性的口语输出。听说课教学的关键是对听力活动的有效设计。本堂课教师对听力材料进行了认真的研读, 明确了每个对话中蕴含的知识点, 通过设计有针对性的问题给学生搭建了稳固的“脚手架”, 使学生能够顺着教师提供的阶梯一步一步地完成相应的学习任务。
(三) 思维清晰的拓展输出
本堂课教师从一开始就给学生提供了完整的语篇输出, My idol这条线贯穿课堂始终, 促使学生积极参与体验活动的全过程, 使每个层次的学生都在原有的水平上得到了提高。基础好的学生能说出一段完整的话, 基础薄弱的学生可以说出几个含有比较级的句子。本堂课基本达成了教学目标, 是一堂比较有效的听说课。
本堂课每个阶段的活动设计都能指向语言能力发展的目标。听前的热身活动不仅能直接引入谈论人物特征的话题, 还能激发学生的学习热情。分段进行听力输入不仅降低了听力理解的难度, 还使学生的学习过程更扎实。听中的活动设计多样, 有辨别人物、回答问题、填写表格等, 这些活动加深了学生对听力材料的理解。听后的活动设计重在鼓励学生表达, 每学完一个知识点, 就引导学生运用所学知识说出一两句话, 这样“低起点, 小步走”的教学模式更适合每个学生的提升。
总之, 学习语言的目的是运用。听说教学的活动设计应充分考虑学生的兴趣爱好、能力水平, 任务设计应贴近学生的实际生活, 还要留给学生充分的思考时间和探索机会。这样, 学生的语言综合能力才会得到不断提升。
程晓堂, 孙晓慧.2011.英语教材分析与设计 (修订版) [M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社.
3.七年级英语上册Unit 3教案 篇三
1. photo ____(复数) 2. that ____(复数)
3. woman ____(复数) 4. bus ____(复数)
5. this ____ (反义词) 6. she ____(物主代词)
7. son ____(对应词) 8. these ____(反义词)
9. these ____(单数) 10. they ____(物主代词)
1. 你的兄弟们____ 2. 我们的父母____
3. 亲爱的朋友们 ____ 4. 因……而感谢____
5. 他的姑姑____ 6. 他们的祖父母____
7. 我的一些家庭照____ 8. 她的表妹____
9. 你们的叔叔____ 10. 刘先生的女儿____
1. ——Is that your cousin?
——No, ____.
A. she is B. she isn’t C. it is D. it isn’t
2. ——Is ____ your photo?
——Yes, ____ are my parents.
A. this, this B. these, thisC. this, these D. that, these
3. My ____ is a teacher.
A. parentsB. grandparentsC. parent D. father’s
4. ——Is Helen a teacher?
——Yes, ____.
A. she’s B. he is C. he’s D. she is
5. ——Are these Jeff and Jack? ——____.
A. Yes, they aren’tB. No, these aren’t
C. No, they aren’tD. Yes, these are
6. ____ are in the same class.
A. I, she and youB. You, she and I
C. I, you and sheD. You, I and she
7. His mother’s ____ is his grandmother.
A. grandfather B. grandmother
C. grandparents D. mother
8. Here is ____ my family.
A. a photo ofB. photo of C. a photo atD. photo at
9. See ____ soon, Dave and Anna.
A. yourB. youC. theyD. them
10. This is Mary and that is Kate. ____ my ____.
A. She’s, friend B. They’re, friends
C. They’re, friend D. She’s, friends
11. Tim is ____ friend. ____ is an English boy.
A. I, His B. I, HeC. my, He D. my, His
12. ——Who is that girl?
A. She is here B. She is my sister
C. She is at school D. She is a girl
13. ——____ they?
——They are his grandparents.
A. What isB. What are C. Who areD. Who is
14. He is my grandparents’ son, but he isn’t my father. He is my ____.
A. father B. son C. grandfather D. uncle
15. This ____ my sister and those ____ my parents.
A. is, is B. is, areC. are, is D. are, are
This is a __1__ of my family. __2__ Frank. I am twelve. I study(学习) at No. 11 Middle School. This is my father. __3__ name is Dale Brown. He is a teacher in my school. He __4__ English.
This is my mother. She is a __5__, too. __6__ that woman near(在……附近) my father? Oh, she is my aunt. She is a nurse. My grandparents aren’t in the photo. __7__ are in the USA. I __8__ a dog. __9__ name is Dick. I love my __10__ and I love my dog, too.
1. A. backpackB. book C. photoD. map
2. A. This is B. I’mC. It’s D. My name
3. A. HisB. He’s C. Her D. This
4. A. looks B. loves C. wants D. teaches
5. A. nurse B. student C. teacher D. worker
6. A. What’s B. Who’sC. Is D. Are
7. A. We B. You C. What D. They
8. A. love B. haveC. teach D. look
9. A. ItsB. It’s C. He’s D. She’s
10. A. friends B. mother C. father D. family
This is my family. My grandpa’s name is Harry Brown. My grandma’s name is Jean Brown. My father’s name is Jeff Brown. My mother’s name is Helen Brown. Jeff and Helen are my parents. I have a sister. Her name is Kate Brown. My name is Tom Brown. I am ten. My sister is eight.
1. How old is Tom Brown?
2. Is that girl (E) his sister?
3. Is Helen Brown his grandmother?
4. What’s his grandmother’s name?
5. Is Jeff Brown his brother?
My grandparents have two sons and one daughter. My father is Thomas. He is forty. He is a policeman(警察). My mother is a worker. My uncle, Benny is thirty-six. He is a doctor(医生). He has a son and a daughter. My aunt, Mary is a teacher. She is only twenty-five. She teaches English in No. 2 Middle School. Every student likes her. I have a sister, Rose. She is only five. On Sundays, I usually play the piano (钢琴) with my cousins. I’m very happy because(因为) I have a very happy family.
判断正误, 对的请用“T”表示,错的请用“F”表示。
1.There are eight people (人) in this family.()
2.My uncle has two children (孩子).()
3.My aunt teaches Chinese in No. 2 Middle School. ()
4.I have one aunt, one uncle and three cousins. ()
5.My cousins and I like music (音乐).()
1.What’re these? ____.
A. It’s an ID CardB. It’s my ID Card
C. These are two ID CardsD. These are two IC Cards
2. What’re their first names? ____.
A. Liu and Beckham B. Liu and David
C. Xiang and Beckham D. Xiang and David
3. What’re their family names? ____.
A. Liu and Beckham B. Liu and David
C. Xiang and Beckham D. Xiang and David
4. What’re their full names? ____.
A. Liu Xiang and David Beckham
B. Liu Xiang and Beckham David
C. Xiang Liu and David Beckham
D. Xiang Liu and Beckham David
5. What’s Liu Xiang’s telephone number? ____.
A. 138094898 ** B. ** 138094898
C. 183670773 ** D. ** 183670773
1. Are ____(this) your parents?
2. Those ____(be) my friends.
3. They are his ____(cousin). We are going to the park with ____(they).
4. ____(those) is a pencil. ____(it) price(价格) is one yuan.
5. ____(her) is my sister. ____(she) name is Gina.
6. Dick is ____(he) brother. All of ____(we) like ____(he)
7. These are ____(they) ____(child)
8. ____(their) are my grandparents. My father is ____(they) son.
I have a best friend. His name is __1__. There are nine people __2__ __3__ __4__. His grandparents have two __5__, his father and his __6__. His parents have two __7__ and two __8__. __9__ __10__ Jim, Susan, Henry and Jane. So Jim has two __11__ and a __12__. Jim loves his family __13__ __14__. They love him too. He has a __15__ and good family.
1. 那是你的父母吗?
2. 这些人是我的堂兄弟,而那些人是我的朋友。
3. 她的祖父母是英语老师吗?
4. “那是你的婶婶吗?” “是的。”
5. “这些是你的亲兄弟吗?”
4.七年级英语上册Unit 3教案 篇四
yourself would fish chicken about rice drink juice milk for idea water vegetable bread hamburger usually breakfast lunch supper food may take order sir something glass wait moment let well eat out dinner why dear kind be 找出其中的名词完成以下问题
可数名词 不可数名词 二.主要词组
help oneself(to)would like what about all right good idea take one’s order a glass of wait a moment eat out have dinner why not„.here you are such as 三.重点句子
1、Would you like some eggs, Maria? Yes, please.No, thanks.2、I’d like some chicken.What about you ?
3、What would you like to drink?
4、What do you usually have for breakfast, Michael?
5、Would you like something to eat/drink?
6、Would you like to have dinner with me? Yes, I’d like to.I’d love to , but„.7、They are all kind to me.四 语法精粹
1)would like 句型
I would like an egg and some fish.Would you like some vegetables? What would you like to eat? 2)可数名词和不可数名词
五.其他 学习辅音音标 /h/ /r/ /w/ /j/ 六.金点剖析
1.Help yourselves!
help oneself to„.意为“请随便吃/喝„..”,是招待客人常用的交际用语。当只有一位客人时,用yourself;当有多位客人时,用yourselves.如:Help yourself to some bananas.请吃些香蕉吧。
Kids, help yourselves to some pizza.孩子们,请吃些比萨饼吧。
【即时演练】1.Help____ to some fish, dear friends.2.Kate, help____to some cakes.2.I’d like some chicken.I’d like 是I would like 的简写形式。
Would like 意为“想要„..,愿意„.”,常用来表示婉转的请求以及征求对方的意见,相当于want,但比 want 语气委婉。(1)would like 后面跟名词或代词。
如:I’d like some cakes=I want some cakes.我想要一些蛋糕。
Would you like something to eat? 你想吃点东西吗?
(2)would like 后跟动词时,用动词不定式形式(不定式由to+动词原形构成),即
would like to do sth, 意为“想要做某事”。
如:I’d like to visit my grandparents after school.Would you like to come to my home for supper.?(3)would like sb to do sth 意为“想要某人做某事”。
如:-What would you like me to do?-I’d like you to help me with my English。
(4)Would you like +n? 的回答用Yes,please.或No, thanks.如:-Would you like some bread?-Yes,please./No,thanks.3 What about you, Jane?(1)What about +sb?这一句型用来询问对方或第三者是否也具有上文提到过的情况、观点等。
如:I want to drink milk.What about you? I like English.What about Tom?(2)what about+ 名词、代词或动名词,表示说话人的建议或用来征询对方的意见。
如:What about this English book? What about something to eat/drink? What about visiting the Great Wall? 【拓展】 What about „?相当于 How about„..? 如:What about havig a cup of tea=How about having a cup of tea? 4 What do you usually have for breakfast,Michael? 一般情况下,表示一日三餐的名词前不加冠词。For 在句子中作介词,表示“为了„.”, for+breakfast/lunch/supper 为固定搭配。如:I’d like some rice for breakfast.What would you like for lunch? 5 May I take your order,sir?(1)这是餐馆服务员询问客人是否准备点菜的常用语。take one’s order 意为“记下顾客点的饭菜 ”。服务员问顾客想吃点什么,也可以说May/Can I help you ?或 What can I do for you?(2)意为“先生,阁下”,用于对顾客,上级或陌生男性的尊称。6.-Would you like something to drink?-Yes,a glass of apple juice,please.在英语中名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词有单数和复数形式,不可数名词没有单复数形式变化,如想表示复数含义,可在不可数名词前加some,any或表示数量的短语。如:some meat 一些肉 any milk 一些牛奶 a cup of tea 一杯茶 a bag of rice 一袋大米 a glass of water 一杯水 two bottles of orange juice 两瓶橙汁 three pieces of bread 三片面包 a piece of news 一则新闻 7 Wait a moment, lease.Moment n 片刻,瞬间。
如:just a moment=wait a moment 稍等片刻
【拓展】 at the moment 此刻 in a moment 立即,马上 for the moment 暂时,目前 8 Let me see.这是口语中常用的句型。
Let sb do sth 意为“让某人做某事。”常用于提出建议。肯定回答一般用OK./All right.否定回答一般用 sorry,I„.。Let’s =Let us,是这一结构的特例。如:Let’s visit the Great Wall Let Tom help you.9.Why not have some fish and eggs? Why not do sth?意为“为什么不„.?何不„?表示说话人的建议或劝说。其同义句型是Why don’t you/we do sth? 如:Why not give the letter to Maria?=Why don’t we give the letter to Maria? Why not study English with us? =Why don’t you study English with us? 10.Here you are.注意此句与 You are here.的区别。后面的意思是“你在这儿”。如:-Can I have your pen?-Here you are.给你。
Kate,you’re here.凯特,你在这儿。
11.They are all kind to me.be kind to sb 意为“对某人很友善。”此时kind 与 friendly(友好的)可互换。如:Our English teacher is friendly to us.练习:
1、--Do Fangfang and Liu Mei have ____ friends here?
--Yes, they do.A.few B.some
()2.--______ I sit here?
--No problem.A.May
()3.Where does your brother live __________?
()4.His English is ___________.A.a little
B.a lot
()5.Linlin and Fangfang ________ here today.A.are at
()6.He ________ to the Great Walll.A.want to go
B.wants to go
C.want go
D.wants go()7.– Where are _______?
--_______ are in ________ classroom.A.their, Their, they
B.they, They, their
C.their, They, they
D.they, Their, their
()8.– What are they?
--They are ____.A.teachers
C.good girl
()9.The books are those _______.A.girl’s
()10.I know those aren’t _______ factories.A.they
()11._______ White is our English teacher.He’s an English man.A.Mr.B.Mrs.C.Miss
()12.– What do you do?
--______.A.Yes.I do
B.No, I don’t
C.I’m a doctor
D.In a hospital
()13.– What does the boy _______?
--He has brown hair and grey eyes.A.like
C.look like
D.look the same()14.Our teachers are friendly _______ us.A.in
()15.– Would you like some bread?
--_________.A.Yes, please
B.No, I don’t
C.Yes, I would
D.No, I wouldn’t()16.I’m very glad __________.A.be here
B.come here
C.to come to here
D.to be here
()17.– Would you like ________ milk?
--Yes, please.A.any
()18.We often have _____ noodles and meat _____ supper.A.many, for B.many, with C.some, for D.some, with
()19.– What would you like to have?
--I’d like __________.A.two bowl of rice
B.two bowls of rices
C.two bowls of rice
D.two bowl of rices
()20.Why not __________ some eggs for breakfast?
B.to have
D.to eat
()21.– What about a glass of orange juice?
--_________.A.That’s OK
B.Yes, I like it
C.No, thanks
D.No, I don’t like it()22.Let’s ________ dinner.A.have
B.to have
D.to has
()23.What would you like __________?
C.to eat
()24.Jane, help _________ to some fish.A.you
()25.– What’s that?
--_______ a picture _______ our family.A.Its’, of
B.Its, of
C.It’s, of
D.It’s, for
A.用所给单词的适当形式填空.1.Let’s ___________(go)shopping tomorrow.2.It __________(look)very nice.3.What does Steve __________(look)like? 4.__________(who)car is this?
5.Miss Li is ___________(they)Chinese teacher.B.根据首字母提示填空.6.Could you t___________ me your phone number? 7.We can s__________ English here.8.– May I call you Kate?
--S_______.9.Maria wants to v_________ the Great Wall.10.– Do you like the English c_________?--Yes, I like it very much.三.句型转换.1.That letter is from Tom.(对画线部分提问)
__________ is that letter from? 2.He studies in Beijing.(对画线部分提问)
Where ______ he ___________? 3.My shirt is red.(对画线部分提问)
_______ _________ is your shirt? 4.This is Jane’s coat.(对画线部分提问)
______ ________ is this? 5.This is a knife.(变复数)
_______ __________ some __________.6.Those aren’t my pens.(同义句)
Those pens aren’t ___________.7.Please give her this ruler.(同义句)
Please give this ruler ___________ ______________.8.He likes many __________ ____________(种类)English food.参考答案
5.七年级英语上册Unit 3教案 篇五
认知目标:1.使学生争取掌握(包括正确地说、读、写、用)单词:hundred, thousand, about.2.使学生能口头练习回答句型:How far is ____? 能力目标:1.使学生能复习所学过的数词并练习写说、新授的数词单词。
二、教学重难点:1.使学生争取掌握(包括正确地说、读、写、用)单词:hundred, thousand, about.2.使学生能口头练习回答句型:How far is ____?
Ⅰ.Class Opening.1.Greetings.2.Old Saying: 每节一句谚语小故事。3.Duty Report: 让学生上讲台做值日报告。
Ⅱ.Main Activities for Teaching and Learning.1.Numbers.1.1 Revision: 与学生一起复习所学过的一百内的数字单词并提醒学生注意数字单词的规律。1.2 Demonstrate: 向学生介绍本课的新单词,并板书黑板。
1.3 Drills: 让全班学生一起看黑板朗读、拼读本课新单词,然后随便写出一些数字让学生练习说。1.4 Practice in Pairs: 让学生同桌之间相互练习说100到1000的数字。1.5 Play a Game:Say numbers.让上到讲台来的学生抽取卡片带其他学生读。2.How far is Beijing? 2.1 Induction: 用提问学生:How tall are you? How tall is ___?来引出新的句型: How far is ___? It’s about ___.板书黑板并让学生明白其中意思。
2.2 Drills: 让学生大声朗读数遍,在黑板上写下几个城市的名称,结合句型练习。2.3 More Drills: 用地点单词卡片来练习本课的新句型。
2.4 Listen to the Tape: 让学生打开课本,听录音跟读,然后解释一些重要的句子意思。2.5 Do the Excises: 让学生做活动手册练习。
Ⅲ.Class Closing.板书设计:
6.七年级英语上册Unit 3教案 篇六
2. the usage of adj. and adv.
3. a dialogue about how to take a taxi
Teaching goals: 1: remember the mastery words
2. learn the difference of slow and slowly; quick and quickly
3. understand the meaning of the text
Key points: the usage of slow and slowly; quick and quickly
Difficult points: the usage of adj. and adv.
Teaching aids: word cards, audiotape, flashcard, slide projector
Type: dialogue
Teaching procedure
1. Class opening
1) Greet the students in everyday English. Make sure they can response correctly.
2) Duty report: They can say anything they like to say.
3) Check the homework of last lesson. Explain if necessary.
2. New lesson
Step 1 Lead in
Discuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”
Do you like to take taxi? Why or why not?
Have you ever stayed in a hotel? When? Where?
Maybe they have many different answers. Gather them and then say “Today, Li Ming and his friends get to Beijing. They want to go to a hotel by taxi. Danny has a dialogue with the driver. Let’s look at what does he say to the driver.”
Step 2 Listen to tape with the following questions:
Why is Danny scared?
Can Danny speak Chinese?
Can the driver speak English?
Step 3 After listening to the text, discuss the questions with the students. Go through the dialogue at the same time. Deal with the language points. You can use the blackboard or the slide projector. Pay attention to the different usage of slow and slowly, quick and quickly.
Step 4 Listen to the audiotape again and let the students read after it.
Step 5 Practice
Have them read the text for a few minutes and then have them act out the dialogue in roles. Correct their pronunciation if any.
Step 6 Demonstrate quickly and slowly by performing an action quickly and slowly as you say the words. Point out the difference between “ I am quick/slow.” and “I am ___ing quickly/slowly.”
Ask for volunteers to perform actions quickly and slowly. Describe the volunteers’ actions to the class. Then ask the class to describe the actions.
Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make a dialogue about taking a walk on a busy street in Beijing. Let them use slow and slowly, quick and quickly.
Step 7 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”
Work in a small group. Imagine you are a tour guide. Your group members are on a trip to Beijing. Where do they want to go? Where do you take them?
Step 8 A test
1) They eat many _____ . (noodle)
2) Look! They are ________ over there. (help)
3) Be ________ , or we will be late.(quickly)
4) The train is _________ tonight. (come)
5) Thank you for _______ me. (help)
6) They found that lost sheep ________. (quickly)
7) The bike is going _________ . (fast)
8) That old man is walking ________ . (slow)
9) That car is _______ (slowly), but this bus is _______ . (fast)
10) _________ , I can’t go down. (help)
3. Homework
1) understand the meaning of the text
2) remember the mastery words
3) finish the exercise of the workbook
the next reading in the student book
Lesson 18 Tian’anmen Square
Teaching content : 1. mastery words: laugh, fly, hard, quietly, worry, put
2. learn a dialogue about flying a kite
3. some word such as quiet and quietly, loud and loudly
Teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the text
2. remember the mastery words
3. learn some words of adj. and adv.
Key points: 1. there be…
2. the usage of adj. and adv.
3. some useful words and phrases
Difficult points: the usage of adj. and adv.
Teaching aids: audiotape, word cards, slide projector, a picture of Tian’anmen Square, a kite
Type: text
Teaching procedure
1. Opening class
1) Greet the students in everyday English. Make sure they can response in correct way.
2) Duty report.
3) Check the homework.
2. New lesson
Step 1 Lead in
Ask the students some questions :
Have you ever visited Tian’anmen Square? If yes, when? If no, why not?
Do you want to visit Tian’anmen Square? Why or why not?
You may give them some words to help them.
Step 2 Listen to the tape with the following questions:
What happens to Danny?
Can Jenny fly a kite?
Can Danny fly a kite?
Answer the questions together with the students and then discuss the text again. If they have any question, explain to them. Deal with the language points at the same time. Pay attention to the usage of loud and loudly, quiet and quietly.
Step 3 Listen to the audiotape again and let the students read after it. Give them a few minutes to practice the text. Correct the pronunciation when necessary. Then have them act out the text in roles.
Step 4 Practice
Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about walking in Tian’anmen Square. Encourage the students to use as much vocabulary as possible from this unit (easy, hard, loudly, quietly, many, men, women, children, people). Encourage the students to be active and praise them for talking risks with English! The more they experiment, the more they learn.
Step 5 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”
Work with a parter. Draw a map of Tian’anmen Square. Describe your maps to each other. What are the people doing? Try to use loudly, quietly, slowly and quickly.
Step 6 A test
1) 放风筝 _____________ 2) 玩得痛快 __________ 3) 天安门 __________
4) 看见某人放风筝 _________ 4) hurt one’s arm _________
5) Let’s do sth. ___________ 6) laugh at _________
2. 词形转换
1)We often see boys ________ football. (play)
2) Tom is a ____ boy, he often doesn’t talk with others. (quietly)
3) The street is so busy, but the people like to walk ______ (happy)
4) I can’t hear your words, will you speak ________ (loud)?
5) Let’s _______ the basket on the table. (puts)
Step 7 If there is enough time, do the exercises in activity book.
Step 8 Summary
Today we learn a text about Li Ming and his friends. They are flying kites. There are so many people on the Tian’anmen Square. Some people are loud and some are quiet. After class you should understand the meaning of the text and try to use loud, loudly, quiet, quietly correctly.
3. Homework
1) understand the meaning of the text
2) remember the mastery words
3) finish the activity book in lesson 18
the next reading
Lesson 19 The Palace Museum
Teaching content: 1. mastery words: sky, film, camera, picture, smile, break, tail
2. a dialogue about taking pictures
3. some useful words
Teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the text
2. remember the mastery words
3.master the usage of some words and phrases
Key points: 1. express taking a picture
2. ask permission to do sth.: May I …?
Difficult points: 1. express what you see
2. express taking a picture
Preparations: a picture of the Palace Museum, a camera
Teaching aids: audiotape, pictures, a camera, flashcards and slide projector
Type: dialogue
Teaching procedure
1. Opening class
1) Greet the students in everyday English and make sure they can response correctly.
2) Everyday report in English.
3) Check the homework and explain if necessary.
2. New lesson
Step 1 Lead in
Discuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”
Have you ever been to the Palace Museum? If yes, when?
What do you know about the Palace Museum?
Do you want to live there? Why or why not?
Today Li Ming and his friends go to the Palace Museum. The weather is fine. The palace is red and yellow. It’s beautiful. They take some pictures there. Now let’s join them.
Step 2 Listen to the tape of the text with the following questions:
What happens to Jenny?
What’s wrong with Danny’s nose?
What do they do for Danny’s nose?
What’s wrong with Danny’s tail?
After listening, discuss the questions with the students. Make sure they understand the whole text. Deal with any language point at the same time. Pay attention to the usage of the following words: sunny, help sb. (to) do sth., careful, fall, break
Step 3 Listen to the audiotape again and let them read after it.
Step 4. Have them read the text for a few minutes and then ask some students to act out the dialogue in roles. Pay attention to their pronunciation.
Step 5 Practice
Divide the class into small groups. Ask them to make up a dialogue about visiting the Palace Museum. Encourage the students to use much new vocabulary as they can.
Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about taking pictures. Encourage the students to use as much vocabulary from this unit as possible (camera, picture, easy, hard, help, hurt, loudly, quietly, many, everyone, men, women, children, people, quickly, slowly)
As the students work on this dialogue, take real pictures of each group with your camera. Later make a poster of these photos to put up in class. Do this as a class project! Help the students write English sentences under each photograph to describe the action.
Step 6 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”
In a small group, write a dialogue about taking pictures. Where are you taking pictures? What funny things happen?
Step 7 A test
1) Can you sing? Yes, it’s e_______ .(容易)
2) Working out the problem is h______ . (难)
3) He b_______ that glass , look! He is crying. (打坏)
4) Don’t w________ , the classmates all help you. (着急)
5) Bad luck! He f________ off his bike. (掉下来)
6) Now Tom is putting the f______ in his c________ . (装胶卷)
Step 8 exercise
If time permits, do some exercises in activity book.
3. Homework
1) understand the meaning of the text
2) remember the mastery words
3) finish the activity book of lesson 19
read the next reading in lesson 20
Lesson 20 Let’s Write Home
Teaching content: 1. mastery words: letter, dear, dad, soon, bottom, address, stamp
2. a text about writing a letter
3. some useful expressions
Teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the text
2. remember the mastery words
3. find and use the list of mastery vocabulary in lesson 24
Key points: learn how to write a postcard
Learn how to write an envelope
Difficult points: write a letter
Preparations: postcards, letters, envelopes
Teaching aids: audiotape, postcards, envelopes, letters
Type: text
Teaching procedure
1. Opening class
1) greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.
2) Everyday report in English
3) Check the homework and explain something when necessary.
2. New lesson
Step 1 Lead in
Ask the following questions: Have you ever write a letter in Chinese?
Do you know how to write a letter in English?
Where do you put the address?
Where do you put the stamp?
Today we will learn how write a English letter.
Step 2 Listen to the tape of a letter. Then look through the text together with the students. Show the students some letters and envelopes and let them know how to write a letter. Learn the words: top, bottom, left and right. Show a letter to the students when explaining.
Step 4. Use objects in the classroom-such as the blackboard, a door or a window-to demonstrate top, left, right, bottom and corner. Ask for volunteers to show you the top, left, right and corner of objects in the classroom.
Step 5 practice
Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about buying postcards. Why are they buying postcards? Who do they buy them for?What pictures do the postcards have?
Step 6 Play a game
Play “Opposites” with the new vocabulary and other vocabulary.
Step 7 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”
Make a postcard. Draw a picture on it. Include a place for writing a note, for the address and for the stamp. Write to a classmate. Do you know his or her address? Ask!
Step 8 If time permits, do some exercises in the activity book.
3. Homework
1) the remaining activities in the activity book
the next reading in the student book
Lesson 21Sending an E-mail
Teaching content: 1. mastery words: send, e-mail, show, welcome
2. a dialogue about sending an e-mail
3. an English song
Teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the text
2. remember the mastery words
3. some useful words and phrases
Key points: how to ask for help and how to send an e-mail
Difficult points: learn how to send an e-mail
Preparations : a postcard, a letter
Teaching aids: audiotape, slide projector, a postcard, a letter
Type: dialogue and song
Teaching procedure
1. Opening class
1) Greet the students in everyday English and make sure they can response correctly.
2) Duty report
3) Check the homework and explain something if necessary.
2. New lesson
Step 1 Lead in
Ask the following questions: Do you have a computer?
Where can you buy one?
Do you use e-mail?
Who do you like to send e-mail to?
Today we will learn a short dialogue about sending an e-mail.
Step 2 Listen to the tape with the following questions:
When will Danny go home?
Who does Danny send an e-mail to?
Where does Danny send his e-mail?
Answer the questions and discuss the dialogue with the students. Deal with the language points at the same time. You can use a computer and show the students how to send an e-mail. If they have any question you can help them.
Step 3 Listen to the audiotape again and let them read after it.
Step 4 Give them a few minutes to read the text. Then have them act out the dialogue in roles.
Step 5 Practice
Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about writing and sending an e-mail. Encourage them to use as many different words as they can.
Step 6 Let’s sing a song
Play the tape for the students to listen.
Read through the songs together. Make sure the students understand the meaning of the song. Deal with any language point at the same time.
Step 7 Listen to the audiotape for a few times again and let them sing after it. Make sure they can sing the song themselves.
Step 8 Do some exercises in the activity book.
3. Homework
1) understand the meaning of the dialogue
2) learn to sing the song
3) finish the remaining exercises in activity book
the next reading
Lesson 22 The Great Wall
Teaching content: 1. mastery words: today, turn, traffic, light
2. a dialogue about visiting the Great Wall
3. some useful expressions
Teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the dialogue
2. remember the mastery words
3. learn to use some useful expressions
Key points: 1. follow the direction
2. some phrases: in an hour, arrive in, stop doing
Difficult points: some phrases
Teaching aids: a picture of the Great Wall, audiotape, slide projector
Type : dialogue
Teaching procedure
1. Opening class
1) Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.
2) Duty report: they can say whatever they like to say
3) Sing the song learnt last lesson
4) Check the homework
2. New lesson
Step 1 lead in
Discuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”
Have you ever climbed a mountain or walked a long way? Where?
What do you know about the Great Wall? How long is it? How old is it?
Encourage them to discuss the questions and give some words to help them if necessary.
Step 2 Listen to the tape with the following questions:
Why is Jenny unhappy with Danny?
Which bus do they take to the Great Wall?
How long does it take them to get to the Great Wall?
After listening, answer the questions together with the students. Learn the text and make sure they understand the meaning of the text. Deal with the language points at the same time. Pay attention to find and look for; in an hour, stop doing sth.
Step 3 listen to the audiotape again and let them read after it.
Step 4 Give them a few minutes to read the text and then have them act out the dialogue in roles.
Step 5 A test
1) Look! Who ______ in the pool?
A. swims B. swimming C. is swimming
2) The cup of coffee is _______ you.
A. for B. of C. with
3) The little girl _____ a new bike.
A. is B. has C. have
4) Does he ______ a computer?
A. have B. has C. there is
Step 6 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”
Work in a small group. Write a song or a poem about the Great Wall. Make a poster for it with the words and some pictures. Practice your song or poem and teach it to your classmates.
Step 7 Activity book
In Number 1, the students can review the direction words.
In Number 2, the students match the correct words and pictures.
Number 3 is a listening exercise on the audiotape as follows:
Listen. Fill in the blanks.
a. Danny: This is a computer. You can send your friend an e-mail.
b. Jenny: This is a piece of paper. You can send your friend a letter.
Step 8 Summary
Today we know Li Ming and his friends go to the Great Wall. They take a no.919 bus to go there. When they get there they talk about sth. about the Great Wall. After class read the text fluently and remember the useful words.
3. Homework
1) understand the meaning of the text
2) remember the mastery words
3) finish the activity book
the next reading in student book
Lesson 23 Shopping in Beijing
Teaching content: 1. mastery words: gift, chopsticks
2. a dialogue about shopping in Beijing
3. some useful phrases
Teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the text
2. remember the mastery words
3. learn to ask about time
Key points:some sentences about shopping
ask about time
Do things slowly or quickly.
Difficult points: the usage of slowly and quickly
How to ask about time?
Teaching aids: some real things as gifts, some pictures, audiotape, slide projector
Teaching procedure
1. Class opening
1) Greet the students in everyday English and make sure they can response correctly.
2) Duty report: They can talk about weather, friends, family, classmates and so on.
3) Check the homework. Explain if necessary.
2. New lesson
Step 1 lead in
Talk about the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”
Do you like to shop quickly or slowly? Why?
Where do you like to go shopping? Why?
Today Li Ming and his friends go to shop at Wangfujing. They buy many things as gift. What do they buy? Let’s go look?
Step 2 Listen to the tape with the following questions:
In the story, who shops quickly and who shops slowly? What do they buy/
Who will go to the hotel with the panda?
After listening, answer the questions and deal with the language points at the same time. Pay attention to the usage of go doing, with, gift and so on.
Step 3 listen to the audiotape again and let the students follow it.
Step 4 Give them a few minutes to practice the dialogue and then have them act out it in roles.
Step 5 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”
Write a paragraph. You go on a trip to Beijing and buy some gifts for your friends. For whom do you buy gifts? What do you buy? Read your paragraph to your classmates.
Step 6 A test
1) They have a _____ meal. They eat their meal ______ . (quick, quickly)
2) The old man walks _____ . He is a ______ man. (slow, slowly)
3) The family are watching TV _____ . They are all very _____ .( quiet, quietly)
4) The students make a _______ noise. They are talking ______ .(loud, loudly)
5) It’s an ______ question . I can answer it _____ . (easy, easily)
6) Lucy is a _____ girl. She does everything _____ . (careful, carefully)
Step 7 If time permits, do some exercises in activity book.
3. Homework
1) understand the meaning of the text
2) remember the mastery words
3) finish the remaining exercises in activity book
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