


1.英文简历注意的地方 篇一


1, it is necessary to carefully check the biographical notes on the text has become absolutely can not typos, grammar and punctuation mistakes aspects. Let the best friend to help you writing the review again, because people more easily than your own to check out the error.


2, with biographical notes on the best standard A4 copy paper printing, the best use of fonts commonly used in song or in italics, as far as possible not to use the flowers in the art of呼哨character font and color, layout should be simple, avoid unconventional, the same row as the Ad . Of course, if you are publishing the work of candidates is the exception.

3, we have to remember your personal resume must be focused, it is not your personal autobiography, and the applications you have nothing to do things I want to try not to write, and apply to your work experience and the experience of meaningful must not miss.

4, to ensure that your resume will make recruiters in 30 seconds, you can determine the value of, and decide whether or not to employ you.

5, your personal resume as short as possible, because the recruitment of people do not have the time or do not want to spend too much time reading a lengthy biographical notes on empty. Preferably a complete paper, not more than 2 in general.

6, it is necessary to bear in mind not just send your resume to your company candidates, the candidates to attach a brief letter, the company will increase your goodwill. Otherwise, your chances of success will be greatly reduced.

7, it is necessary to provide as much as possible CVs mentioned in the proof of performance and capacity information and biographical notes are attached as an annex to the back. Copies must bear in mind is, do not send the original to the recruitment unit to prevent loss.

8, the language must be positive and avoid negative by a lack of self-confidence and the language of your personal resume writing. The best way is in a good mood when you prepare your curriculum vitae.

9, can not be fabricated out of thin air your experience is always a despicable lie, and no company would like employees to lie, but there is no need to write all your real experience. Disadvantaged job seekers to your experience, you can write ignored.

10, it is necessary to organize the structure of CVs that can not be a duplication of CVs in the content. You people are the biographical notes on coherent, well-structured is very important.

11, is best to use the third person to write your personal resume, do not appear in the biographical notes in the “I” message.

12, the order of your personal experience should be back from now on Syria v. past, so that the recruitment of units in the shortest possible time to understand your most recent experience.

13, in well-structured under the premise of your CVs to make creative, so that the reader can have a strong interest in reading.

14, sentences to words carved fine grinding,惜墨如金. As far as possible to use simple language and concise.

2.英文简历注意的地方 篇二

青岛市地理位置优越, 对外交流频繁, 又由于特殊的历史原因, 历史上外文报业曾一度此起彼伏。根据青岛史志新闻出版志的记载, 青岛市自1891年以来共出版过8份地方英文报纸, 其中于1912年创刊的英文报《泰晤士报》, 是青岛最早的一家英文报纸, 该报于1931年终刊。1924年改组于英文版《青岛晨报》的《青岛时报》创刊, 后改组为《青岛泰晤士报》, 由英国人士大贵负责, 编辑有美国人巴顿士, 后于1938年改组为《山东每日新闻》, 1941年停刊。1945年, 国民党青岛市执行委员会创办《民言报 (英文版) 》, 而1948年新中国成立前夕, 国民党统治四面楚歌的所谓“八报联合”时期曾出现过《青联报 (英文版) 》。

对比历史, 当前青岛并非处在中国报业版图的中心节点位置, 虽说中文都市类报纸的发行在全国居前列, 目前却没有地方新闻类英文周报或日报, 这与青岛的国际化都市地位以及红红火火的对外交流态势并不一致。山东省政府主办的《走向世界——帆船之都》杂志以中文为主, 英文翻译简单, 主要目的是宣传政府活动和青岛奥帆城市的形象。但由于本地外企较多、气候宜人, 在青岛居住的外籍人士不在少数, 对本地市场的潜在变化和中国文化有迫切的了解需求。有些实体就瞅准了这个市场空白, 民营的英文报刊应运而生。其中创建于2003年的青岛《红星时代》就是其中的佼佼者。这类报纸凭借先机立足市场, 运作成本小、受众集中, 不失为本地文化的另类宣传阵地。对这类报纸定位及发展的分析也许更能号准中国英文报刊的脉搏, 利于其下一步的发展。

继承广告报的运作模式。广告报即英文Direct Mai Advertising的简称, 又称直邮报, 在市场上屡见不鲜, 免费发放, 主要依靠广告主缴纳的广告刊登费用盈利。受众清晰, 便于主动阅读, 实用性较强。青岛报业档案史上曾提到1930年创办的《青岛广告报》, 在我国是继上海之后的第二份广告报。根据记载, 由英文《青岛泰晤士报》主办, 社址也在一起, 日出四开一张, 以英文为主, 少部分中文, 形成两种文字的报纸, 报纸主要是广告, 但为了吸引读者, 也连载一些可读性强的文章。可任意免费索取, 同时向一些大企业每日赠送, 并在青岛大饭店客房分发。广告报也能记载历史文化, 如海泊路上“同心茶园”的广告刊载了池座、边座、楼座的票价及演出的京剧剧目, 对这个有楼座的戏园子, 至今还无其他资料记载。《红星时代》在市里及周边大酒店、国际学校等位置免费赠送, 主要收入也来自广告, 包括网络固定广告形式的投放, 以文化娱乐等时尚内容为噱头吸引读者, 广告黄页和分类广告占据大篇幅, 基本继承了同类报纸运作模式。

文化性娱乐性风格定位。《红星时代》创办之初基本以主流媒体剪辑下来的国内和本地行业新闻打头, 豆腐块式的缩编新闻不足以引发读者兴趣。但近年来逐步形成了以特色文化介绍的宣传特稿开篇, 文化成为报刊的核心报道内容。介绍中国茶、中医药、京剧等中国文化, 风筝、海祭等本地文化, 即便是新闻类的奥帆赛介绍重点推出的也是奥帆文化。还包括“微尘”等公益文化和“地球日”等环保文化, 甚至还有“文身”、“摇滚”等非主流文化。《红星时代》也十分关注本地的体育、流行音乐、戏剧等时尚娱乐动向, 为读者带来信息的同时也提供知识享受和阅读乐趣, 敏锐的文化提炼成为报刊定位的重要特征。


加入世贸组织以来, 中国英文报刊的受众甚多, 包括在华居住的外国人, 受过良好教育的外商、外企员工和高校学生, 有时候难免定位不清。但《红星时代》这类民营报纸主要面向市内及周边地区聚居的外国人发行, 定位明确而不追求最大化, 也许因为从广告的角度看他们是最具社会行动能力的人群吧。它的版式设计也因此追求较高的视觉诉求, 插图漫画多, 呈现色彩化、趣味化的特点。它还在每月详细列出本地大事记, 邀请这些外国人参加本地的各类活动, 有午餐会、音乐节, 也有车展戏剧演出等。一些摄影课程、图书推介、汽车保养等栏目也专为外国人量身定制。这使报纸失去了高校这个重要的市场, 但固定的受众、两万余本的发行量又为它赢得了广告商的青睐。

地方本土特色突出。《红星时代》的创刊宗旨是为企业提供创意服务, 为青岛市民提供最好的娱乐、生活和人文景观信息。多年来内容几乎覆盖了青岛本地生活的所有方面, 美食、酒吧、服饰等无所不包, 提供旅游、住宿、酒吧饭店等即时信息, 有时也有红酒、石油、太阳能等本地产业发展的推介。读者可以随时了解发生在自己身边的事件并且可以选择参与, 而这是高度重合的大媒体和网络无法提供的。这在客观上推动了本地文化的宣传, 也相应吸引了更多外国人来到该地。

英汉文字各具情趣。英文报刊对编辑的要求十分苛刻, 许多英语专业出身的人需要一段时间才能了解新闻运作管理的特点。有意思的是, 《红星时代》的中英文词语结构和句子绝不对等翻译, 而是充分发挥各自的文字优势, 强调译文的美感和宣传效果, 显示出面向市场、高超灵活的翻译技巧。比如关于红酒的英文题目Patience in a Bottle, 直译可为《酒中的耐心》, 但中文还是采取了鼓动性、时尚性较强的文字《奔富的荣耀, 耐心的回报》。另外英文报道中会时常出现“chifan”“qigong”等外国人熟悉的中文拼音, 拉近与读者的距离感。时尚地道的语言也是吸引读者群的重要因素之一。


随着中国经济的腾飞和改革开放的深化, 越来越多的外国人开始关注中国的发展, 并且到中国来旅游甚至常住, 英文报纸生长的土壤正在逐步扩展, 发展势头不容忽视。一方面为外国人提供了解中国的窗口, 另一方面又为英语教育市场提供了生动的资料。这些民营的地方英文期刊的确存在着采编力量弱、定位狭隘、事件挖掘深度不够等很大的不足, 其对本地文化的涵盖提炼远比不上大型报业集团运作的《北京周报》、《成都周报》等, 但作为有发展契机的新生力量, 全国很多类似报纸大多已经度过了剪刀加糨糊的初始创刊阶段, 开始努力发出自己的声音, 经营自己的特色, 围绕本地文化做文章, 力争脱颖而出, 长远看来与主流媒体交相呼应, 不失为一块别样的文化阵地。

摘要:本文对青岛地区目前唯一的民营英文报刊《红星时代》进行了对比分析, 认为地方英文报刊发展前景广阔, 是重要的文化宣传阵地, 应保持本土特色, 拓展市场定位。



[1].刘肖:《中国新闻类英文报纸发展分析》, 《新闻界》, 2006 (5) 。

[2].周婕、麦尚文:《英文报纸的本土化路径——〈广州英文早报〉的办报策略》, 《当代传媒》, 2006 (3) 。

3.英文简历注意事项 篇三





4.写英文简历需要注意什么 篇四




错误:Hi,I‘m an entrepreneur.Can you make this app for me for free?Because,you know,I have this brilliant idea but I don’t know how to code.

正确:Hi, I‘m an entrepreneur. Can you make this app for me for free? Because, you know, I have this brilliant idea but I don’t know how to code.


错误:I think our current version is too skeuomorphic ,why don‘t we ,uh ,make it flatter so that it looks more metro-ish?

正确:I think our current version is too skeuomorphic, why don’t we, uh, make it flatter so that it looks more metro-ish?



正确:139 2739 6856 或 139-2739-6856


错误:In , I created this amazing service during my internship at Playboy which is totally LBS avant la lettre.

正确:In 2008, I created this amazing service during my internship at Playboy which is totally LBS avant la lettre.



正确:(86) 139 2739 6856 或 (86) 139-2739-6856

七、对于有序列表,应采用「阿拉伯数字 + 英文句点 + 半角空格」的方式。


Three words I hate:


2, Leverage.

3 Synergy.


Three words I hate:

1. Innovation.

2. Leverage.

3. Synergy.


错误:Byte Press(née Tangcha ) is the best Chinese-language eBook app. Period.

正确:Byte Press (née Tangcha) is the best Chinese-language eBook app. Period.


错误:After the linguistic turn, people are getting addicted to pretentious bracketed words such as ‘(ex) plain (ed)’.

正确:After the linguistic turn, people are getting addicted to pretentious bracketed words such as ‘(ex)plain(ed)’.


错误:“Bazinga!” ‘You are pwned!’

正确:“Bazinga!” ‘You are pwned!’

十、正确使用各种短横:em dash

(—) 是破折号,en dash (–) 用来连接年份、时间,是「到」的意思,hyphen (-) 是连字符。

错误:Glenn Gould (1932-1982) is probably my one and only hero - the person who taught me to think differently well before Steve Jobs.

正确:Glenn Gould (1932–1982) is probably my one and only hero — the person who taught me to think differently well before Steve Jobs.


1. 若写作时用两个 hyphen (--) 代替破折号,Word 等文书处理软件会自动将其转为 em dash。有监于 em dash 输入不便(Mac 上是 shift + option + -),这也是英文写作通用的替代法。

2. 破折号(em dash)两端可各留一半角空格,亦可不留。此乃英美习惯之不同,无对错之分。惟请在同一份简历中保持统一。








5.英文简历3大注意事项 篇五


























6.英文简历注意的地方 篇六

Irony is a complex linguistic phenomenon both cognitively and psychologically.As a widely used figure of speech,irony has received considerable attention from cognitive psychologists and linguists.Ever since the end of the 18th century,various aspects o irony have been identified and the notion of irony has been much expanded.The article will include a review and discussion of some theories of irony in the second section,such as linguists Grice,My ers Roy,Sperber and Wilson.Then in the third session I shal make comments on a number of questions concerning the teaching of irony,covering aspects such as the different types of irony,why speakers use irony,whether theories should be included in the teaching plan,what materials would be appropriate,what challeng es learners will meet and the advantages of teaching irony.

Generally speaking,The understanding and usage of irony is already very challenging to L2 learners and to tutors whose native language is not English.I shall make the assumptions that cultura differences between native learners and L2 learners constitute an unavoidable problem.My aim is to suggest that age and the level o English should be taken into account in teaching irony to L2 learn ers,and mechanisms and materials should vary according to terms above.

2 A General Review of Various Theories of Irony

2.1 Grice

As one of the most classical theorists of irony,Grice mentioned irony in connection with its classical definition:‘saying something but meaning the opposite’(Logic and Conversation,1975).His research is mainly based on the famous Cooperative Principle(which speakers should observe if they hope to understand each other and avoid various misinterpretations in their conversations)and conversational implicature,especially the subsequent maxim of Quality.Grice argued that irony violated the maxim of Quality:‘Try to make your contribution one that is true’(Grice,1975:27).A classical example is‘You are a fine friend’,where the true implicature is‘You are a terrible friend’.In this example,speaker A makes a statement which‘he does not believe,and the audience knows that A knows that this is obvious to the audience’(Grice,1975:34).

However,I suggest that Grice’s Cooperative Principle(CP)is not appropriate to all situations,because participants in different situations would expect different types of cooperation,and using irony in certain situations may have potentially damaging consequences.In this way,Barbe also comments in his work titled Irony in Context that,on the one hand,irony would violate the Maxim of

CP,since situations exist where irony is expected and accepted’(ibid:53).It seems that the CP is not so convincing in the explanation on irony.Firstly,irony doesn’t always violate the maxim of Quality,sometimes other maxim are also involved in violation,and more examples will be showed later.Secondly,it can not explain why the speakers don’t express their true meanings in a direct way but choose the utterance which is just the opposite of their true meaning.Generally,violating the CP is actually very common in real life’s conversation.

Still,there is one more point that Grice’s theory fails to explain.It seems that the mechanism of his theory is no more than go to the opposite to derive ironical meaning,but a problem immediately arises here because some ironical utterances do not have opposite meanings while some have more than one to arrive at.For example,one asks,‘Did you remember to water the flowers?’(Sperber&Wilson:1981)when he is caught in a thunderstorm.In this case,it is hard to see what would be the opposite of this question according to the definition of‘saying something but meaning the opposite’(Logic and Conversation:1975).The speaker might merely want to ask whether the hearer has watered the flowers,or use this utterance as the start of a conversation.Here is another example:

‘Ruth:How is your blind date?

Sandra:He had nice shoes.’(Ellen,1988:27)

When Sandra is asked about how she feels about the date,she answered with something about shoes but not whether she likes the boy she met.This is violating the maxim of Relevance but not the one of Quality,as I’ve pointed out before.

Next one is the violation of the maxim of Manner,which has a subsequent meaning of being orderly.This suggested a way of being ironic(Cao,2001)by arranging the speaker’s idea in an uncommon sequence,in which way the audience’s attention could be led to specific directions and consequently achieved the goal of irony(ibid).The analysis of the following example illustrates this as well.

For one daughter,his eldest,he(Sir Walter Elliot)would really have given up anything,which he had not been very much tempted to do.

Jane Austen’s Pride&Prejudice

This main clause reveals a meaning that Sir Walter Elliot will give up anything for his eldest daughter,but in the subsequent which-clause a completely contradictory idea is introduced that makes the readers withdraw from the position of the previous statement.In this way,a derisive effect is intended by the writer and interpreted by the reader.This ironic effect is carefully calculated and achieved via an‘anti-climactic organization of information which suggests that the discourse proceeds in a two-step-forward,one-step-back manner’(Cao,2001).

To conclude,good ironical effect can be made both through violating the CP from Grice,but there are several points which still Grice failed to explain.However,it is the fact that a speaker often cannot at the same time be truthful,relevant,informative and polite.

2.2 Myers Roy

Myers Roy’s theory focuses on irony in relation to specific clauses or clause components.Hers is thus a syntactic approach mantic theory of irony.Roy analyzed irony as concerned with clause,and assumed that clauses could be discussed and examined for their irony content in isolation(1978).One reason I’m not in support of this point is that this analysis can yield two different perspectives:the speaker’s perspective and the hearer’s.It is possible that a sentence seems to be ironic in the former perspective whereas is not ironic in the latter.Thus,different perspectives can direct to different results.Another reason is clauses should not be discussed and analyzed for their ironic content in isolation,neglecting the context.Barbe(1995)noted that‘irony is not located in a word,a clause,or a sentence,but rather in the relationship between words,words and sentences,or sentences in a situational context’(1995).In this sense,Roy’s treatment of irony as a syntactic phenomenon is problematic.I argue that context is and should be regarded as a key factor in the interpretation of irony,and I suppose it is better to interpret irony within the context since one ironic utterance can be interpreted differently by different hearers(decoders)depending on the participants’different background knowledge.

Myers Roy suggested that sometimes irony has cues that assist readers or hearers to recognize it,and there must be some cues that assist us to understand‘how the speaker intends us to take what he has just said’(1978:9).These cues can be linguistic or extra-linguistic.Speaker’s intonation is often seen as the most familiar linguistic cues to ironic messages:heavily emphasis,flatness,syllable lengthening(ibid:58).Other cues can be paralinguistic,social,contextual,psychological and syllable lengthening(ibid).Although speakers do not always convey their ironic messages in a special tone of voice,and hearers can understand sarcastic or humorous comments as well without linguistic tone,this did not deny that tone of voice is a way listeners may use to infer ironic meaning(Kreuz,1996).

As has been concerned previously in this paper,Myers Roy researched irony mainly from a semantic point of view.She commented that cues could aid readers and hearers in recognizing irony and was also helpful to language learners,but the function of context in the interpretation is neglected.This lack of knowledge might be remedied by a theory from Sperber and Wilson reviewed in the next section.Generally,Roy stressed too much on clause components,and once Gibbs has commented that,comparing to others,pragmatics is the more appropriate approach to describe irony,because it considers the context a vital factor in understanding.

2.3 Sperber&Wilson

Sperber&Wilson(1981),concerned with pragmatics,stressed the dimension of shared background knowledge.They noted that most ironic utterances mentioned(or referred to)some utterances or events previously shared.This is called the Mention Theory of Irony(Sperber&Wilson,1981 and 1986;Sperber,1984;Wilson&Sperber,1992).A study from Jorgensen,Miller and Sperber(1984)tested the Mention Theory by means of vignettes.Specifically,they examined the importance of shared information.The result only revealed the importance of background information for the decoding of irony.Thus far,no approach has refuted the centrality of shared information,which forms the basis for Sperber&Wilson’s


speakers will likely arrive on the one‘correct’interpretation only if they possess similar background knowledge,Sperber&Wilson(1992)contended that there must be only one interpretation‘consistent with the principle of relevance’.However,I prefer to support Barbe’s view(1995),in which not all factors are handled in the same way by participants.For Barbe,the Principle of Relevance was again only applicable to‘the crucial place knowledge takes in interactions in general’,especially to ironic utterances(ibid:47).

According to the importance of shared information in the decoding of irony,it is clear that make learners be aware of English culture can benefit a lot and worth tutors’attention.

3 A Discussion of Teaching Irony

Generally speaking,the stage of practical teaching is very challenging both to native speakers and L2 counterparts.In order to teach,tutors themselves must do well in understanding and using irony,which is the basis of all teaching activities.

The philosopher Kierkegaard once commented that‘no authentic human life is possible without irony’(Kierkegaard,1965:378).A fact is implied in his words that irony exits in every culture and every language.In the following,I will briefly list types of irony and then make comments on a few questions concerning teaching irony.As I am an English teacher from China,and learners there are not native English speakers,special focus will be on the teaching of irony in English to L2 learners,especially in schools.

3.1 The sorts of irony

Many kinds of irony have been identified(Booth,1974;Muecke,1969):dramatic irony,double irony,situational irony,verbal irony,practical irony,rhetorical irony,comic irony,philosophical irony and the irony of fate.

To some extent it is helpful for learners to be aware of different types of irony,but I assume it might be better to consider the knowledge about this in a later stage in the learning or tutoring process.Gaining an ability of understanding and using irony—any type of irony—is a more preferential task.

Three kinds of irony are recommended to be mentioned in teaching process:verbal irony,situational irony and dramatic irony.Verbal and situational ironies are the most frequent ironies that occur in conversations and written works.The former suggests a distinction between reality and expectation,and the latter‘reveals worldly events that are ironic by nature’(Gibbs,1994:363).By applying verbal irony,the speaker employs a technique consciously and intentionally to utter an ironic message.Situational irony arises from situations and is happened to be noticed as ironic.I suppose verbal irony may occur more regularly in written works,while situational irony is perhaps more prevalent in spoken utterances.(ibid:363)The last type is dramatic irony,which I want to mention because almost all comedy contains irony in one form or another(ibid,366).Charlie Chaplin,one of the greatest comedian,was a wonderful ironist with a great number of famous movies.

3.2 Why do speakers use irony?

To discuss the question of‘Why do tutors teach irony?’,firstly it might be better to answer the question‘Why do speakers use

intended meaning cannot be interpreted successfully.In order to reply to this question,Leech propounds the Politeness Principle(PP)as a complement to the CP.Leech argued that the PP has the function of maintaining social relationships(Leech,1983:82),and irony serves this important function by helping people to maintain relationships between friends,family members,neighbors,co-workers,and so on.Furthermore,ironic talk could fulfill multiple communicative goals:to be witty or to save face more effectively(Kreuz,Long,Church,1991).In this sense irony plays such a crucial role in common life that speakers prefer to express meanings in an indirect way even at the cost of perhaps being unsuccessfully understood.

3.3 Should theories be included in teaching?

After reviewing several theories of irony,both traditional and more recent ones,it can be seen that the theory plays an essential role in the decoding process.Nevertheless,should them be added to teaching plan?Thus far few researchers have made remarks on this point but I hold a negative attitude.On the one hand,theories of irony are various and complex to study,especially for beginners.Tutors could introduce theories according to the level of learners and it might be prudent to avoid theories when teaching L2 learners,who usually have more trouble than their native counterparts.On the other hand,to be aware of theories can be helpful to advanced L2 learners.As there are various theories ranging in different perspectives,I believe the theory in pragmatics perspective is the one more appropriate than others and I hold the view that context,participants and shared background information are all crucial elements in decoding irony,which just falls into the area of pragmatics.Supportive evidences can also be found in Sperber&Wilson’s Relevance Principle.

3.4 What materials would be appropriate?

As mentioned previously,this article focuses on teaching ironies in English to Chinese students.Although the content of irony located in both oral and written materials which are easily accessible,appropriate learning materials shall be carefully considered.

Suggested by Sperber and Wilson(1981)and supported by a study from Jorgensen,Miller and Sperber(1984),background information is a key factor in the process of interpreting.Therefore,tutors shall make learners be familiar with the background knowledge and social environment of target culture in which irony occurs.

Generally speaking,an advanced level of English is probably the basic quality,and at fairly advanced levels,multimedia could be applicable,such as situation comedies and TV series that reflect real life conversations of English-speaking countries in which ironic utterances frequently occur to serve the purpose of being polite or witty.Irony is employed in normal life and common conversations,and evidences exist in numerous US TV series,such as Friends,Gossip Girl,and The Big Bang Theory.The conversations between family members and friends could be excellent learning materials.Due to the rapid development of Internet,L2 learner currently have multiple accesses to video resources in English,reflecting real life of English native speakers,which could be greatly helpful.

frequently employed by some writers.Thus learners have a chance to see how to satirize and be humorous with irony.In this sense learners should be encouraged to read English novels.

One of the most famous examples comes from Jonathan Swift who in A Modest Proposal(1729)argued that babies of the starve ling unemployed Catholics should be eaten and sold as goods in or der to ease the economic troubles in Ireland.A strong ironic inten tion is present in this unthinkable,absurd suggestion.However one school in New York State somehow failed to appreciate the iro ny in this article and banned it for classroom use(Gibbs,1994)which highlights the risks in using irony that mocks particular is sues(ibid:362).Consequently,teaching irony that was made to tar get a certain audience becomes a new problem.

Besides,tutors might remind learners to pay attention on this1)Choose appropriate sort of irony according to the purpose of the conversation,2)Take into account who the target audience is and what his/her response is likely to be—namely,whether the individ ual and the speaker are close enough to tease without doing harm to their relationship.

3.5 What challenges would learners meet?

It is tough for anyone to understand irony who studies a lan guage outside its native cultural context.A very similar rule can be applied to L2 students.Given the students’blindness to English culture(including its literature,politics and economics),sometimes it could be very difficult for them to interpret ironic conversation between native speakers or even to find a true equivalent in anoth er language.One possible solution would be to familiarize them with the cultural surroundings in English countries,in other words the‘shared information’with native English speakers.

To find better solution,some signals of irony can aid recogni tion.As has been mentioned in previous section,speaker’s intona tion could be seen as the most familiar clue to ironic messages(Roy,1978:58).Other cues include exaggeration and occasionally a slowing down of the speaking rate for certain phrases.One diffi culty with this is that it seems that there is no single pattern of into nation cues when people speak ironically(Gibbs,2000),but still this can benefit the process of decoding according to different con texts and background knowledge.

3.6 Teaching learners according to age and level of English

Thus far the theories have been discussed again and again and numerous problems concerned in teaching irony are men tioned.While making the teaching plan,I will argue that two terms shall be considered,one is age,and the other one is Learner’s Eng lish level.As it is almost impossible for a child to understand irony in a language other than his/her mother language.Thus both age and basic level of English is required.

Also,using irony could create humorous class atmosphere and stimulate students’motivation and concentration during class hours,especially when the content of class is in some extent boring and complex.As lots of irony frequently rested on cultural con cepts,to promote children’s gradual understanding of cultural con cepts and native’s thinking pattern becomes essential.

4 Conclusion

This paper generally reviewed three essential types of theories of irony,in both semantic and pragmatic perspectives,and then discussed some detailed questions which need tutors’attention when teaching irony to L2 learners.Special attention was paid to Chinese learners based on my personal experiences.

Although many theories have been claimed and discussed again and again,the area of how to teach it still remains blank,not even to L2 learners.I argued that age and Learner’s English level should be taken into consideration while making the teaching plan.As using irony could help create a good class atmosphere,and increases the students’motivation and concentration during class hours,I considered irony as an important tool in achieving good teaching efforts and it is necessary to learn and teach it.

摘要:在日常英语教学中使用反讽能够创造一种幽默的氛围,帮助激发学生的学习动机,取得更好的教学效果,此外还能使学生深入了解英语国家的文化。该文首先简要介绍了语言学家Grice,Myers Roy,Sperber和Wilson关于反讽的研究理论,然后集中讨论了在反讽教学中涉及到的几个问题。讨论表明,反讽教学中教师应根据学习者的语言水平和年龄慎重选择教学素材,最终使学生有能力在不同的语言情景下合理地运用不同类型的讽刺。
