


1.经典英文诗歌翻译 篇一

A Time for Everything


from The Holy Bible

For everything there is a season,

and a time for every matter under heaven:



A time to be born,

and a time to die;


A time to plant,

and a time to pluck up that what is planted;



A time to kill,

and a time to heal;


A time to break down,

and a time to build up;


A time to weep,

and a time to laugh;


A time to mourn,

and a time to dance;


A time to throw away stones,

and a time to gather stones together;



A time to embrace,

and a time to refrain from embracing;



A time to seek,

and a time to lose;


A time to keep,

and a time to cast away;


A time to tear,

and a time to sew;


A time to keep silence,

and a time to speak;


A time to love,

and a time to hate;


A time for war;

and a time for peace


2.经典英文诗歌翻译 篇二

1 What is Culture

The word culture has many different meanings.To some, it refers to an appreciation of good literature, music, art, and food.To a biologist, it is likely to be a colony of bacteria or other microorganisms growing in a nutrient medium in a laboratory Petri dish.However, for anthropologists and other behavioral scientists, culture is the full range of learned human behavior patterns.

Culture is a difficult concept to define.The word culture is often misunderstood as its wide semantic field.It includes a wide range of material and non-material products.The Chinese Indologist, linguist, paleographer, historian, and writer Ji Xianlin once gave a speech titled“If It Is Dark in The East, It Is Light in The West”at Beijing Foreign Studies University’s School of Chinese Language and Literature.He pointed out that there are more than500 definitions of culture around the world.Ji said“It seems as if the concept is indefinable.We insist that human science is different from natural science.We had better not define certain concepts in human science.For example, in natural science, a straight line is simply the shortest distance between two points.This is indisputable.However, it is argued here that human science does not contain indisputable truths, so we should therefore not define the concept of culture.”Ji also said in his speech that the concept of culture covers many aspects of society, in general the spiritual aspect and the material aspect, and he argued that those that benefit the people can be called“culture.”[1]

The term culture (Latin:cultura, German:Kultur) experienced a different origin and development in China and the West.It could have originated indirectly from the Middle French culture and directly from the Latin cultura (“a cultivating, agriculture, ”figuratively:“care, culture, an honoring, ”from the past participle stem of colere“tend, guard, cultivate, till”) .The modern concept of culture is based on a term first used in classical antiquity by the Roman orator Cicero:cultura animi (“cultivation of the soul”) .This non-agricultural use of the term culture re-appeared in modern Europe in the 17th century and referred to the betterment or refinement of individuals, especially through education.

Meanwhile, the Chinese term for culture, 文化, was first used in the I Ching:“刚柔交错, 天文也;文明以止, 人文也。观乎天文, 以察时变;观乎人文, 以化成天下.”The term文化is simplified and developed from人文化成.In the Western Han Dynasty, Liu Xiang wrote in his reference work Shuo Yuan that“凡武之兴, 为不服也, 文化不改, 然后加诛.”In this work, the term文化was relative to武力, and the phrase“文治武功”referred to education.

Aspects of culture include both material and immaterial elements, such as language and dialect, music, art, literature, sculpture, drama, film, cuisine, ideology, social conventions, gender roles, recreational activities, commercial practices, social structure, and religion.The American linguist Eugene A.Nida distinguishes between five cultural categories:ecological culture (the environment) , material culture (food, clothing, houses and towns, transport, etc.) , social culture (leisure activities and sports, politics, etc.) , religious culture (religion and related issues) , and linguistic culture (the way language works) .[1]

2 Culture and Translation

When certain groups of people living together in a tribe in given natural conditions formed the same world views, values, thinking models, ways of communication, and lifestyles, a nation was formed.[1]Gradually, different nations and their cultures developed, strengthening the differences among those nations.Due to geographical, historical, and social factors, radically different cultures emerged.As human civilization evolved, globalization became inevitable, leading different cultures to clash or blend together.Cross-cultural communication among nations is also becoming increasingly frequent.People from different cultures find it hard to communicate with their counterparts from different cultures not only because of the language barrier, but also because of the cultural barrier.In order to achieve better understanding, they have to use translations or translators to communicate with their counterparts from different cultures.

Culture and translation complement each other.Globalization demands translation, and translators must always consider cultural factors when translating a text.In her book Translation and Culture, the Argentinean translator Alejandra Patricia Karamanian observed:“We are not just dealing with words written in a certain time, space and socio-political situation;most importantly it is the‘cultural’aspect of the text that we should take into account.”[2]

Wang Zuoliang, a famous Chinese scholar, once said that when a translator deals with words in two languages, he is, in fact, facing two cultures.He argued that a translator must be a real cultural expert.For his part, Nida believed that“For truly successful translating, biculturalism is even more important than bilingualism, since words only have meanings in theirs of the cultures in which they function.”[3]

3 The Influence of Cultural Differences on Transla-tion

China and other English-speaking countries are not only far apart geographically;their national cultures differ radically as well, which is reflected in many aspects of social life.Therefore, a translator must be very careful not to commit mistranslations.For instance, in translating English idioms, if a translator lacks understanding of the Anglo-Saxon cultural background, he may merely translate the words literally, and thus translate incorrectly.Two examples of this will be given below.

For example, if the English idiom a chip on your shoulder is translated literally, some may associate it with French fries, some may believe you actually have a small piece of wood on your shoulder.

Look at the following dialogue.

A:How’s your English coming along?Are you getting much practice with the native speakers at work?

B:Well, I try to speak a lot but one colleague in particular is awful.He keeps on telling me my English isn’t very good.I didn’t think I was that bad!

A:Don’t worry.I think he’s got a chip on his shoulder because his Chinese isn’t as good as your English!

The word chip has several meanings;the one that we are concerned with here is the earliest known of these, namely a small piece of wood, as might be chopped, or chipped, from a larger block.But it is difficult for Chinese translators to understand the meaning of the idiom and they may translate it literally.

One of the origins of the idiom could be the ancient right of shipwrights within the Royal Navy Dockyards to take home a daily allowance of off cuts of timber, even if good wood was cut up for this purpose.By 1756, this privilege had been abused and was costing the taxpayers too much in lost timber for warship repair and construction.The Navy Board therefore decided to limit the quantity a shipwright could carry home.A warrant was issued to the Royal Dockyards to reduce the quantity of chips by ordering shipwrights to carry their bundles under their arms instead of on their shoulders, as one could not carry as much timber in this fashion.The specific incident from which the expression derives is as follows:

This day at twelve of the clock some few of the workmen about one hundred and fifty came up first to the gate without any chips, afterwards about twenty more came and lowered their chips agreeable to the Board’s warrant.Then came John Miller, shipwright, about thirty feet before the main body of the people, on which the Master Shipwright ordered him to lower his chips.He answered he would not, with that the Master Shipwright took hold of him, and said he should.He, the said Miller replied, “Are not the chips mine?I will not lower them.”Immediately the main body pushed on with their chips on their shoulders, crowded and forced the Master Shipwright and the First Assistant through the gateway, and when out of the yard give three huzzas.[4]

This custom has been known in North America since the early19th century.The American writer and historian James Kirke Paulding wrote in Letters from the South (1817) :“A man rode furiously by on horseback, and swore he’d be d——d if he could not lick any man who dared to crook his elbow at him.This, it seems, is equivalent to throwing the glove in days of yore, or to the boyish custom of knocking a chip off the shoulder.”

And in 1830, the New York newspaper The Long Island Telegraph printed this:“When two churlish boys were determined to fight, a chip would be placed on the shoulder of one, and the other demanded to knock it off at his peril.”The actual phrase a chip on his shoulder appeared a little later, in the Weekly Oregonian in1855:“Leland, in his last issue, struts out with a chip on his shoulder, and dares Bush to knock it off.”Whatever the true origin of the idiom, if a translator does not know the cultural background, but only takes the idiom literally, he has not grasped its meaning at all.

Here is another interesting example.American Beauty is a1999 American drama film directed by Sam Mendes and written by Alan Ball.American Beauty won five Oscars at the 72nd Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director for Sam Mendes and Best Actor for Kevin Spacey.One of the most popular translation of the movie’s name is“美国丽人.”This is a very literal translation, but still misses the mark.Why?Because as will be shown below, the movie’s title American Beauty has multiple meanings, and does not only denote a beautiful woman.

Actually, the American Beauty, also known as Rosa“American Beauty, ”or“Miss All-American Beauty, ”is a hybrid perpetual rose, bred in France in 1875, and originally called“Madame Ferdinand Jamin.”In 1875, George Valentine Nash introduced the flower to the United States, and in 1888, Basset&Washburn first introduced the rose to other florists for purchase.Until 1920, it was the best-selling rose variety in the United States.Joseph Lamb’s ragtime composition“American Beauty Rag”is named after this rose, and the flower makes repeated appearances in the movie American Beauty.

Ball began writing American Beauty as a play in the early1990s, partly inspired by the media circus around the Amy Fisher trial in 1992.The film has been described by academics as a satire of American middle-class notions of beauty and personal satisfaction.Analysts have also focused on the film’s themes of romantic and paternal love, sexuality, beauty, materialism, self-liberation, and redemption.In the film, Lester Burnham has sexual fantasies about his teenage daughter’s friend Angela Hayes, during which red rose petals are a recurring motif.Lester’s wife, the cold, materialistic Carolyn, grows American Beauties, which are known for their large red petals, in the front garden beside the white picket fence.She then uses them as genteel decorations in her sterile home.In his dreams Lester imagines Angela on a bed of red rose petals, and in a bath with petals covering the surface;when in his mind's eye she unbuttons her dress, a flurry of petals flies from her breasts.[5]In these scenes, the rose symbolizes Lester’s desire for her.

Indeed, the rose not only represents the beautiful Angela.When associated with Carolyn, the rose represents a“façade for suburban success.”Roses are included in almost every shot inside the Burnhams’home, where they signify“a mask covering a bleak, unbeautiful reality.”Carolyn feels that“as long as there can be roses, all is well.”She cuts the roses and puts them in vases, where they adorn her“meretricious vision of what makes for beauty”and then begin to wilt.The roses in the vase in the Angela-Lester seduction scene symbolize Lester’s previous life with Carolyn;the camera pushes in as Lester and Angela get closer, finally taking the roses (and thus Carolyn) out of the shot.If we look at the time at which Ball began writing American Beauty as a play, we may find more.

The debate surrounding America’s national flower lasted more than a century, and today, each state has its own state flower.The rose became the national flower of the United States in 1986.President Ronald Reagan signed the resolution, passed by both the Senate and the House of Representatives, into law as a proclamation while standing in the rose garden of the White House.However, other flowers had been suggested to Congress and to the President for use as the national flower of the United States.

The marigold was one such suggestion for use as a symbol of the spirit and resilience of the American people.In the proposal, the American politician Everett Dirksen wrote, “The marigold is a native of North America and can in truth and in fact be called an American flower.It is national in character, for it grows and thrives in every one of the fifty states of this nation.It conquers the extremes of temperature.It well withstands the summer sun and the evening chill.”Although the marigold won the support of some congressmen, in the end, the American Beauty rose was chosen.

The American Beauty is one of the most recognizable and commonly used rose varieties in both national photography and patriotic imagery.This rose was once so popular in the United States that everything from china patterns to beauty contests to shades of lipstick were named after it.Even Frank Sinatra sang the praises of a woman lovely enough to be compared to the American Beauty rose.

In the film, if the beautiful Angela is like a hot red rose, and the happy times Lester spends with his wife Carolyn and their daughter may be likened to a marigold flower.Yet Lester deceives his wife and flirts with Angela whenever she visits his daughter, Jane.Near the end of the film, after learning that Angela is a virgin, Lester stops and comforts her;the pair instead bond over their shared frustrations.Angela goes to the bathroom and Lester smiles at a family photograph of himself, his wife, and Jane in happier times in his kitchen.

Then there is a gunshot, and blood splatters on the wall.As Lester is dying, he discovers the beauty of his family which is so close to him.Ball wrote, “I think I was writing about...how it’s becoming harder and harder to live an authentic life when we live in a world that seems to focus on appearance...For all the differences between now and the 1950s, in a lot of ways this is just as oppressively conformist a time...You see so many people who strive to live the unauthentic life and then they get there and they wonder why they’re not happy...I didn’t realize it when I sat down to write American Beauty, but these ideas are important to me.”

As opposed to the standard Chinese translation, the Taiwanese translation of the movie title American Beauty is more sophisticated and reflects the deeper meaning of the movie:“美国心玫瑰情.”It not only captures the literal meaning of American Beauty, but also the pun contained in the title.Moreover, the translation of the movie title reveals the film’s main themes.In sum, we could regard this translation of the movie title as ideal because it is as multi-faceted as the original title.

4 Conclusion

From the two examples given above, we can conclude that in the practice of translation, particularly in English-Chinese translation work, we may be often confronted with certain expressions which are rooted in a specific culture.Yet sometimes, a translator may neglect the cultural factors, and thus even misunderstand the true meaning of the original.Whenever possible, this should be avoided.

Translators should not only study grammar and vocabulary, but also the culture and history in English-speaking countries and develop a higher degree of sensitivity for those expressions which are rooted in different cultures.Translators should be careful not to take every word literally, do research and consult dictionaries, mull over, and deliberately polish.The final product should be faithful to the original work as much as possible by reproducing the original meaning and its cultural connotation at the same time.

Moreover, according to Nida’s dynamic-equivalence theory, it is possible to translate the meanings of phrases or whole sentences, not individual words in their more or less exact syntactic sequence.Translators should translate so that the effect of the translation on the target reader is roughly the same as the effect of the source text on the source reader.In cultural translation, we can also apply this theory by skillfully rendering the source text into the target language and ensuring that its cultural connotation is not lost on the target reader.After all, in translation work, “A rose is a rose is a rose”does not necessarily hold true.


[1]刘学明, 高大鹏, 姜丽杰.英汉语言文化对比与翻译研究[M].北京:中国商务出版社, 2013.

[2]Alejandra Patricia Karamanian, Translation and Culture[EB/OL].[2013-9-15].http://www.kwintessential.co.uk/translation/articles/translation-and-culture.html.

[3]Eugene A Nida.Language, Culture and Translating[M].Shang hai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1993.

[4]National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, ADM/B/153:Admiralty In-Letters, transcribed in Hattendorf, J.B.et al, Brit ish Naval Documents (London, Naval Records Society, 1993) , pp.528-529.[2013-9-15].

3.经典翻译中英文对照 篇三

科学发展观 concept of scientific development

全民科学文化素质 scientific and cultural qualities of the entire people

发展科技 scientific and technological advancement

科教兴国 revitalize China through science and education

农业技术 agricultural technology


白色农业 white agriculture(microbiological agriculture and biological cell agriculture)

超级杂交水稻 super-hybrid rice

技术下乡spreading the application of science and technology in rural areas

节水农业 water-saving agriculture

立体农业 3-D agriculture

农产品加工及转化the processing and commercialization of agro-products


农作物良种seeds of high-quality crop

农作物新品种选育the selection and breeding of new crops

生态农业environmental-friendly agriculture

无土栽培 soil-less cultivation

BP机,传呼 beeper, pager

背投屏幕 rear projection screen

不明飞行物 unidentified flying object(UFO)

操作系统 operating system

产品科技含量technological element of a product

创新 innovation

电话会议 teleconference

电话留言机 answering machine

对讲机 talkie and walkie

多媒体 multimedia

二期the second phase

防抱死系统 ABS(anti-lock braking system)


高产优质 high yield and high quality

高技术产业化 apply high technology to production

高科技板块 high-tech sector

高科技园 high-tech park

个人数字助理 PDA(personal digital assistant)

工业园区industrial park

国家质量技术监督局 the State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision

国家重点实验室 national key laboratories

火炬计划Torch Program(a plan to develop new and high technology)

计算机中央处理器 central processing unit(CPU)

技术产权technology property right

技术交底 confide a technological secret to someone.技术密集产品technology-intensive product

交叉学科interdisciplinary branch of science

科技成果转化为生产力 transfer of scientific and technological achievements into productive forces

科技含量 technology content

科技基础设施science and technology infrastructure

科技是第一生产力 Science and technology constitute a primary productive force

科技体制改革reform of the science and technology management system

科技与经济脱节 science and technology are out of line from the economy

科教兴国rejuvenate the country through science and education

可持续发展战略strategy of sustainable development

纳米 nanometer

三峡水利枢纽工程the key water control project at the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River

物种起源 origin of species

新兴学科 new branch of science

研究成果 research results

在孵企业incubated enterprises

自动取款机 automatic teller machine(ATM)

自然科学与社会科学的交叉融合integration of natural and social sciences

IT 信息技术


信息港 info port

信息高地 information highland

信息高速公路information superhighway

信息革命information revolution

信息含量information content

信息化 informationization

信息技术处理ITAcentral processing unit

超文本传送协议 hypertext transfer protocol(HTTP)

界面 interface

金融电子化 computerized financial services

局域网 LANartificial intelligence 人机交互 humanliquid crystal display

逐行扫描 progressive scan(high-frequency mode)

视频点播 VOD-video on demand

搜索引擎(计算机)search engine

统一资源定位器 URL-uniform Resource Locator

下载 download

英特网 internet

万维网 WWWwireless application protocol

移动电话双向收费two-way charges for cell phones 能上网的手机 WAP phone 增强型短信服务 EMS(Enhanced Message Service)

程控电话 program-controlled telephone 生物技术bio-technology [扩展] 克隆cloning 生物芯片biochip 基因工程genetic engineering 基因突变genetic mutation 基因图谱genome 转基因动植物 genetically modified animals and plants 转基因生物genetically modified organisms(GMOs)

转基因食品GM food(genetically modified food)

B超 type-B ultrasonic 试管婴儿 test-tube baby 试管受精 in-vitro fertilization(IVF)

干细胞 stem cell 空间科学Space Science [扩展] 长征2号F运载火箭 Long March II F carrier rocket 多任务小卫星 small multi-mission satellite(SMMS)

登月舱 lunar module 发射成功 successful launch 风云二号气象卫星 Fengyun II meteorological satellite 神舟五号载人飞船 manned spacecraft Shenzhou V 同步卫星 geostationary satellite 全球定位系统 GPS(global positioning system)

首航 maiden voyage(of an aircraft or ship)

外层空间 outer space 外星人 extraterrestrial being(ET)

4.一首经典英文赞美母亲的诗歌 篇四

2013-05-10 什么支配着世界? 都说人力无穷 支配着陆地与大海 行使着至高无上的王权统治着弱小的生灵 然而还有更强大的力量将人从宝座上掀起 是那双轻推着摇篮的手主宰着整个世界

What rules the World?--BY William Ross Wallace.(1819–1881)

They say that man is mighty, He governs land and sea;He wields a mighty scepter O’er lesser powers that be;

But a mightier power and stronger, Man from his throne has hurled, And the hand that rocks the cradle

5.翻译自我评价英文翻译 篇五

2. Successful completion of professional courses to learn, master the professional theoretical knowledge and experimental skills, with a strong practical ability, good at learning new knowledge and adapt to the new environment.

3. Has served as the school community positions, cultivate a good interpersonal skills and organizational skills.

4. Extensive interests, like oral English, music, film and television as well as literary creation.

5. Fluent oral English, with good English reading and writing skills; Mandarin standard.

6.浅谈英文人名翻译 篇六

译者作为整个翻译活动的策划者, 一方面具有着许多的不依赖于作为客体的原作而存在的所谓的独立性, 当然了要达到翻译的最终目的, 也就是说必须要发挥自己的潜能, 这样才能充分地施展出自己的能动性和创造性;而在另一个方面, 主体性发挥也是有限度和范围的。首先, 作为一个边缘的主体, 原作者在其语言上的风格、审美情趣、目标读者的审美要求、期待等种种因素, 对译者在翻译过程中翻译策略、翻译目的的确定以及翻译文本的选择等各个方面都会产生很大的影响。其次, 就是在不同的语言系统中, 译者的自身所处语言文化的范围以及原作所处在的语言文化规范等因素也会制约着译者主体性的发挥。同时, 还有很重要的一点那就是译者自身的因素, 在其认识的图示不同的价值标准不同的思维方式和每个人的情感、意志等方面都会介入到翻译者个人对于解读文本的整个过程中。这样译本就不可避免地带有了个人的主观想法。

英文名字的翻译, 一直以来有一些的学者所持的观点就是认为:"人名或物名称都是独立于语言之外的存在, 没有其内涵及意义, 是不可译的。"如果根据这种理论的话, 那最好的人名翻译方法则应该是最为简单的音译法。在一般的场合之下, 尤其是在日常的交际和语言的使用中, 外国人的名字的翻译往往采用的是直接音译的方法, 即使他人的名字中有所包含的单词, 但在通常都是有其他的含义。例如:Bill Gates (比尔·盖茨) 、George Bush (乔治·布什) 等, 而不会翻译成比尔·大门或者乔治·灌木。但是, 如果只是简单的如音译法本身, 由于时代的不断变化和社会语言文化的发展, 有了更多的是那些随着中外文化交流的增加和深入, 也在经历着从归化音译到异化音译的变化。而通过对这些近期的通俗文学作品翻译的观察, 我们就可以很轻易地发现, 音译与意译相结合这样的人名翻译方法开始日趋流行。人的名字是社会语言的一个很重要的组成部分, 也更是一种文化的载体, 具有悠久深刻的形成历史和丰富的文化内涵, 集中体现在了各个民族文化的特点上, 语源多、典故多, 在内容上容量大而且又变异纷繁, 隐含了不同民族的历史、宗教、心里、语言、道德、习俗等各个方面的信息。

英文名字翻译过程中翻译主体性的体现上文提到, 在一般的场合之下, 尤其是在一些日常的交际和语言的使用中, 外国人的名字的翻译往往采用的是直接音译的方法, 即使这些人的名字中所包含的单词通常还有其他含义。音译的方法看似简单, 其实很有斟酌的余地。而且, 由于不同译者施展自己的能动性和创造性不同, 而且译者自身所处的语言文化范围、自身因素的不同, 所以同一原作翻译的结果却是不一样的。

汉字本身是有意义的。在选择文字上, 不同的译者就会根据自己的喜好或者对原文的理解选择不同的文字。比如说, Emily, 这是个典型的女性名字。有的人为了突出女性特点, 就会译为“艾米莉”, 但如果有的人译成“埃米利”, 肯定不会有人说它是错误的。因此, 汉语文字的选择充分体现了译者主体性。译者自身所处的语言文化范围影响着译者主体性的发挥, 也会影响名字的翻译。我们汉语人名的特点是先说姓, 而后说名。而英文的特点却正好相反。早期中国人翻译外国人名字的时候都习惯于将外国人名改变姓名的前后顺序, 并根据读音给予相对应的中文名字。比如如明末清初着名的的外国传教士Mateus Ricci (利玛窦) , 美国大使Leighton Stuart (司徒雷登) , 外国学者John King Dairbank (费正清) , 英国作家Bernard Shaw (萧伯纳) , 等等。由此可见, 译者所处的年代决定了译者以目的语语言为归宿, 选用一些符合目的语的语言文化规范, 这样来译文传达源语文本的内容, 并消解源语文化因素, 才能更好地彰显目的语文化的价值观。

文学翻译中, 人物的名字大多数被作者赋予了一定的内在含义。一位作家在其塑造作品人物时, 往往会根据创作的意图, 为了更深刻地刻画人物的性格, 预示人物的命运和结局, 精心而又慎重地为人物来选择名字, 而并非是随心所欲地信手拈来。文学名字的翻译, 要求译者必须熟练地贯穿于两种不同的文化之间, 将隐藏在名字背后的典故、历史、宗教、习俗、道德、伦理等方面的信息尽其所能地表达出来。此时, 译者翻译时, 会大量地考虑到原作的一些语言上的风格、审美情趣和读者的审美关及期待等, 并且考虑选取各种不同的翻译方法以及翻译策略。翻译过程中, 不可避免地会造成文化缺失, 而不同的译者造成的缺失程度又大不相同。因此, 译者主体性的发挥对翻译过程中文化缺失有很大的影响。


现在总能听到有人会说名字翻译的对与错。本人认为, 翻译的过程就是译者主体性的完全显现, 不同的人的主体性发挥不同, 必然会导致翻译的结果不同。但绝对不可用对与错来区分, 尤其是名字的翻译。因为名字不包含语法成分, 因此成分误译现象会大大减少。当音译或意译名字时, 如果在译名后加上括号, 里面加上源语言名字, 即使前面音译或意译的有差异, 那也应该是完全正确的。而且, 我也认为, 即使有些名字是约定俗成的, 也要在后面加上括号, 注明源语言名字。因为名字是个体的代表, 本来就不应该因为译者的需求而改变其源语言的特点。

综上所述, 我认为名字不翻译最好, 保持源语言特点;如果翻译, 需在后面加上括号, 注明源语言名字。这样久而久之, 随着人口素质的不断提高, 大家就会自动地接受源语言名字了。这样不仅省去了翻译的烦恼, 而且也留下了原名字的语言特点。

摘要:随着时代的不断发展以及中国融入国际社会步伐的加快, 越来越多的外国友人来到中国参观访问。这就对我们提出了一个实际的要求, 那就是准确地翻译出外国友人的名字。但是, 译者的能动性和创造性、主体性发挥的限度和范围等情况都影响着英文名字的准确翻译。本文将从翻译的主体性角度出发, 谈一谈英文名字翻译过程中译者主体性的体现以及关于译名翻译对与错的看法。



[1]陈奕.从文化角度看外国人名翻译方法的变化[J].湖北成人教育学院学报, 2008, (2) :58-60.

[2]曲文燕.翻译的主体性———谈翻译主体意识与翻译规范意识[J].北京第二外国语学院学报 (外语版) , 2006, (6) :7-10.
