


1.报关员考试常用英语外汇单词、词组 篇一

A.V.ad valorem从价

A.W.B.air waybill空运运单

Art.No.Article number货号

B/E bill of exchange汇票

B/L bill of lading海运提单,提单

C.C.V.O.combined certificate of value and origin估价和产地联合证明书

C.O.D.cash on delivery货到付款

CADcash against documents凭单付款

CCIBChina Commodity Inspection Bureau中国商品检验局

CCPITChina Council for Promotion of International Trade中国国际贸易促进会CFR cost and freight 成本加运费价格

CIFcost, insurance sand freight 到岸价格

D.W.T.deadweight tonnage载重吨位,重量吨位

D/A documents against acceptance承兑交单

D/C documentary credit跟单信用证

D/D demand draft即期汇票

D/P documents against payment付款交单

D/W deadweight重量货物

DAF delivered at frontier边境交货(价)

DDP delivered duty paid完税后交货

DDU delivered duty unpaid未完税交货

DEQ delivered ex quay目的港码头交货

DES delivered ex ship目的港船上交货

E/D export declaration出口申报单

EMP European Main Ports欧洲主要港口

EMS Express Mail Service特快专递

EXW ex works工厂交货(价)

F.C.L.full container load整箱货

F.O.B.free carrier离岸价

GSP C/O Generalized System of Preferences Certificate of Origin普惠制产地证明书GSP Form AGeneralized System of Preferences Form A普惠制格式A

L/Cletter of credit信用证

L/Gletter of guarantee担保书,保证书

LCLless than container load拼箱货

M/Tmetric ton公吨

P.Aparticular average单独海损

S/Dsight draft即期汇票

S/Nshipping note 装运通知单

S/Oshipping order装运单(俗称下货纸)

U.L.underwriter laboratories inc美国保险人公会所设的检验机构

W.R.(W/R)war risk战争险

W.W.warehouse to warehouse仓至仓

W/Mweight or measurement重量或体积

