


1.除夕夜英语日记四年级 篇一

1.能初步听懂、会读、会拼写thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen等单词。

2.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型:How many…do you have?/What do you have?I have…/Can I…?

3.情感得到升华“Sharing brings happiness.”


Step1.Lead in

1.利用多媒体播放歌曲“How many boxes?” (两只老虎的配乐) 2.欣赏完歌曲后, 老师问:“How many boxes?”学生回答eighteen。

T:I have three boxes here. (老师拿出3个不同颜色的盒子) What’s in the blue box?Come here, touch and guess.先让学生摸并猜一猜, 然后数一数有多少个。Eleven rubbers.Thirteen stickers.Fourteen rulers.老师分别送一个给上来数的同学。

I am very happy to share things with you.老师告诉大家自己是分享俱乐部的成员, 大家把自己闲置下来的物品带到分享俱乐部, 给那些需要的同学。Look, this is my name card.Am I cool? (老师展示挂在胸前的证件) Do you want to join the club.告诉学生要加入分享俱乐部, 要完成3件事情。 (1) Learn to count. (2) Learn a story (3) Learn to share.

Step 2.Learn to count完成任务1

1.利用多媒体呈现分享俱乐部成员提供的cap图片, 请学生看图回答问题“How many caps?”。


用PPT呈现另外又有同学捐献了cap, 一顶一顶的增加, 同时问学生:“How many caps?”请学生一起数1~19.


让学生看这些单词的共同点是什么, 发现“十几”的规律。

除了eleven, twelve, thirteen, fifteen, eighteen为特殊形式外, fourteen, sixteen, seventeen, nineteen都是由个位数+teen构成。

Step 3.Learn a story完成任务2

T:You have learned to count.Now let’s learn a story about numbers.

1.观察图片, 说说信息。

T:Look at the pictures.Who are they?Where are they?

S:They are Mike, Helen, Liu Tao and Yang Ling.They are at Mike and Helen’s home.

2.无声动画, 视觉领先。

看完无声动画后, 给出图片帮助, 让学生来数一数共有多少玩具车, 和贴纸。

S:Thirteen cars.Fifteen stickers.

3.发挥想象, 预测对话。

T:Look at the pictures and try to guess what they are talking about.

T:Mike is pointing at his toy cars.What does he say?

S:Look at my toy cars./I have many toy cars./Look here…

T:Great!Excellent.Look at Liu Tao, He’s surprised.What does he say?

S:How nice!/Great.How many toy cars do you have?/So many toy cars!

T:How many?Ss:Thirteen.

在学生看完一遍无声动画, 对故事内容有了一个视觉印象后, 在此基础上, 让他们一幅幅地看着图画, 自己观察图画, 猜测他们的谈话内容。学生的答案可以与书中一样, 正是这样才能锻炼学生的思维能力和口语表达能力。顺势引导学生说说Yang Ling和Helen的感受, 渗透情感教育, 让学生理解分享可以带来快乐。

4.有声动画, 还原课文。

T:You did a great job in guessing their dialogues.This time let’s watch the cartoon carefully to see what they are saying indeed.

【设计意图:在学生进行充分的猜测之后, 让他们观看有声音的动画, 这种设计主要是让学生对课文内容有更深刻的记忆, 方便学生理解课文。】

5.跟读故事, 注意语音。

6.集体朗读, 注意感情。

7.表演对话, 操练巩固。

分角色表演对话, 老师和3名优秀的学生先做示范, 学生4人一组练习后再表演对话。

8.根据板书, 复述课文。

Step 4.Learn to share完成任务3


T:What can we say when we want to know the numbers?S:How many…?

T:What can we say when we want others to share?

S:Can I have a look?/Can I have one?/Would you please give me one?…

2.拿出自己所带物品, 编对话, 老师先和一位优秀的同学编对话, 做示范。

3.学生两人一组, 拿出自己所带的物品, 根据投影上的句子提示, 与同桌编对话。

【设计意图:在学完课文之后, 设计任务3, 为学生提供运用所学知识的平台, 让学生学以致用, 在对话中, 分享自己的物品, 让他们感受到分享带来的乐趣。】

Step 5.Checkout time

T:Boys and girls, let’s have a look at the 3 tasks again.How do you finish them?Most of you have done a good job.Congratulations!You can join the Sharing Club.Please remember that“Sharing brings happiness.”

Step 6.Homework

1.向爸爸妈妈介绍“Share Star”。

2.四年级英语期中模拟卷 篇二

Ⅰ.Read and choose(选出与所给单词划线部分发音相同的单词编号) 8%

() 1. kneeA. readB. bread

() 2. thief A. think B. there

() 3. cheeseA. schoolB. beach

() 4. tired A. find B. fire

() 5. raisin A. they B. says

() 6. orangeA. whatB. mother

() 7. who A. where B. whose

() 8. sugarA. putB. but

Ⅱ.Write the proper words(根据要求,写出正确的单词) 12%

1. 单数:watches _____;nurses _____;families _____ 2.物主代词:we _______

3. 复数:child _______;foot_______;potato _____ 4.宾格:he ________

5. 反义词:hungry _______;smooth ________6. 否定形式:have _______

7. (改一个字母变另一个单词) tall ________

Ⅲ.Choices (选择) 8%

() 1. ____ her father run fast?Yes, he’s a runner. But her mom ____.

A. Do, don’tB. Is, isn’tC. Can, can’t

() 2. Don’t drink too _____ hot chocolate. It isn’t ______for your teeth.

A. much, bad B. many, goodC. much, good

() 3.________names are Liz and lily.

A. WeB. Their C. They

() 4.The chicken wings are too ______. I don’t like______.

A. salty, themB. sweet, itC. sour, they

() 5.It’s 9 p.m. It’s your_____ time.

A. lunch B. school C. bed

() 6. What _____ your friends _____?Shop assistants.

A. does, do B. do, doC. are, do

() 7.___________________?She’s Mark’s classmate.

A. What’s sheB. Who’s she C. How’s she

( ) 8.___________any policewomen in front of the house.

A. Are thereB. There isn’t C. There aren’t

Ⅳ. Fill in the blanks(填空, 每格一词) 18%


1. May and Ken are ______(we) cousins. May is in Grade 3. _____(she) is smart. ______(she) English

is great. Ken is _______(May) elder brother._______(he) hobby is going fishing. ______(they) are

my good friends. I often play with _______(they).

2. Peter _________(not like) to eat grapes. But this morning he ate too_______(much) grapes. He________(feel) bad now.


1. No ________________________________(饮料在巴士上).

2. I like chilli fish. He _______________(喜欢)chilli fish, too.

3. Do you ___________________(做水果色拉) for tomorrow’s party?

4. Where is _________________________________(丹尼的生日礼物)?

Ⅴ.Sentences transformation(按要求改写句子) 12%

1. There aren’t any ambulance men at the gate. (单数肯定句)


2. This child likes curry chicken rice. (否定句)


3. What are your uncles? Our uncles are doctors. (用另一种方法改写问句)


4. Is there any jam in the bottle?(肯定回答)


5. Those are Terry’s exercise books.(划线提问)


6. The teachers like to have cups of tea after work.(一般疑问句并肯定回答)


Part Two: Reading and Writing

Ⅰ.Read and choose(阅读短文,做选择并回答问题) 16%

( ) 1. What is Mrs. Hudson?

A. A waitress. B. A doctor. C. A teacher.

( ) 2. What subject does she teach?

A. Maths.B. Music.C. English.

( ) 3. Who is Janet?

A.Mrs. Hudson’s good friend.

B.Mrs. Hudson’s daughter.

C.Mrs. Hudson’s student.

( ) 4. Where do you most likely(最有可能) see these words?

A. On a newspaper.B. On a birthday card.C. On a menu.

5. How old is Mrs. Hudson today? ________________________________

6. How are Mrs. Hudson’s English classes? ________________________

7. Do her students like her classes?________________________________

8. How do you think of (认为)your English teacher?__________________

Ⅱ. Read and choose the best answer(选择) 8%

Hello, my name is Sam. I am a ______. I work in a ________ in my town. Everyday _______ people come here and have lunch. Most of them ______ in the offices nearby(附近的). Tom is _____ good friend. He _____ the noodles here. After lunch, he often drinks some ______and read a newspaper _____ the window.

1. ( ) A. waitress B. waiterC. doctor

2. ( ) A. hospital B. restaurantC. school

3. ( ) A. much B. many C. some

4. ( ) A. worksB. workC. go

5. ( ) A. IB. my C. me

6. ( ) A. loves B. love C. can

7. ( ) A. ice-creamB. cakeC. coffee

8. ( ) A. between B. over C. by

Ⅲ. Fill in the gaps and complete the paragraph(填入所缺的词或词组) 18%

Jerry’s New Friend

Jerry is happy. He makes a new_______ in his new school. His name is _______. He is ______ and _______. He has a super_______. Jerry likes this skateboard because its colour is cool. Tom is good at sports. He can ______,______and dive. After school they often ______, do homework and ______ together. Jerry has good time with his new friend.


Part One

I. 1. A2.A3.B4.B5.A6.A 7.B8. A

II. 1.watch, nurse, family2.our3.children, feet, potatoes

4.him5.full, rough6.haven’t7.talk / tell

III. 1. C 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.A

IV. A. 1.our, She, Her, May’s, His, They, them

2.doesn’t like, many, is feeling

B. 1.drinks on the bus2. likes

3.make fruit salad4.Danny’s birthday present

V. 1. There is an ambulance man at the gate.

2.This child doesn’t like curry chicken rice.

3.What do your uncles do?

4.Yes, there is.

5.Whose exercise books are those?

6.Do the teachers like to have cups of tea after work?Yes, they do.PartTwo

I. 1.C 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.She is forty-five.

6.They are interesting.7. Yes, they do. 8. Pretty good...

II. 1.B2.B3.B 4.B 5.B6.A 7.C 8.C

III.friend, Tom, big, strong, skateboard, play football, skate, talk, play

3.除夕四年级英语作文 篇三

Thirty of the years big year. Mom will be busy all day to prepare dinner. A sweet and tender Sliced Boiled Chicken table, a sweet and sour Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs, there is the ginger duck has lead a person to endless aftertastes, stir fried lotus root, steamed dumplings boiled Rice-meat dumplings...... Of course, I do not want to eat my favorite red burning lions head.

Each dish can make me like a “black hole” to satisfy the appetite, but I eat the last dish because the stomach is too big, only hastily retreat.

4.英语日记于四年级作文 篇四


July 17 Saturday sunnyToday, my father, my mother, my brother, and I. We are go to the changsha seamile world amuse ment park go swimming .The weather is very hot, but the water is cool. We are very happy, at PM6:00’o clock, we are go to the home . It a happy day.英语日记一则(原创于四年级)作文200字


5.四年级英语日记100词带翻译 篇五

At home, his cousin said, “what are we playing?” I said, “play with my drone.” Then we went to play on the lawn.

When he got there, his cousin began to play. The plane flew higher and higher, and it was higher than the tree. I said to my cousin, “let me play.” My cousin said, “good.” I snapped the remote, and the plane flew up, and it fell down again.

“Control the remote control slowly and slowly,” said cousin. I tried again, and it worked.

What a big gain I got today!


在家里,他表弟说:“我们在玩什么?” 我说,“玩我的无人机。” 然后我们就去草坪上玩了。

当他到达那里时,他的表弟开始玩了。飞机飞得越来越高,比树还高。我对表弟说:“让我玩吧。” 表弟说:“好。” 我折断遥控器,飞机飞起来,又掉下来了。


6.小学二年级日记:除夕夜 篇六




7.初中一年级幸福的除夕夜日记 篇七




8.除夕夜四年级作文 篇八



9.除夕夜英语日记四年级 篇九



Yesterday, when I went downstairs, I saw an old woman walking in front of me. I ran down first to open the building door for her, and then I closed the door after the old woman walked out. Such a small move grandma said to her mother, “your family is not very sensible.”. My mother also praised me for being very happy.

10.学洗碗四年级英语日记带翻译 篇十



This morning, we had dinner. Grandma asked me to learn how to wash dishes. I went to learn how to wash. The water was cold. There were many dishes and chopsticks. I learned how to wash them twice. Today is the second time to wash dishes. Grandma asked me to wear an apron to prevent my clothes from getting dirty. I will continue to wash the dishes after supper.
