


1.大学英语综合复习资料 篇一








6.play basketball

7.go and play basketball

8.some cakes

9.get up

10.in the shop


1. They are my ________.

A. friend

B. friends

2. It will ______ in London.

A. windy

B. be windy

3. _______ you at home yesterday?

A. were

B. was

4. Grandma ________fish yesterday.

A. cook

B. cooked

5. Did he travel ______plane last Sunday?

A. by

B. on

6. It’s time ________ watch TV.




7. It’s 10 o’clock.It’s time to ______ .

A.go bed

B.go to bed


8. ________ are your baby pants.




9. It’s 5:00.Let’s _________.

A.go home

B.go to home


10. What time is it? It’s________.






A. Look! We have a new desk!

B. Look! This is my new desk.


A. I am John.

B. This is John, my new friend.


A. Let me clean the classroom.

B. Let’s clean the classroom.


A. Let me clean the window.

B. Let me clean the blackboard.


A. Excuse me.

B. Thank you.


I have a bag. It is black and white. It looks like a panda. There is one pencil case in it.

The pencil case is brown and new. In the pencil case, I have three green pencils, a ruler and a nice rubber.

In my bag, I have twelve books.


1. ——What colour is my bag? ——It’s ____________.

A. black

B. white

C. black and white

2. My pencil case is _____________.

A. new

B. old

C. blue

3.——How many pencils do I have? ——I have ____________.

A. one

B. two

C. three

4. I have ____________ books in my bag.

A. three

B. twelve

C. thirteen

5. My bag looks like ____________.

A. a toy car

B. a panda

C. a tiger

2.大学英语综合复习资料 篇二


(一) 虽然学生整体尤其是中等以上水平学生的应试能力

有所提高, 但成绩提高幅度不大, 多数学生的成绩成徘徊不前状态。

(二) 学生学习热情普遍很高, 提高成绩的愿望强烈, 练习题也没少做, 但因成绩提高不明显, 感到迷惑不解的人多。

(三) 在大量的与高考难度相当的试题面前, 一部分学生

感到了自己的不足和存在的差距, 试图努力追赶, 而另有一部分学生因能力基础与实际要求相差太大, 勉强坚持一段时间后, 逐渐失去信心, 准备放弃或已经放弃了对英语的学习。这种现象对高三后期英语教学秩序、气氛的负面影响会逐渐增大, 甚至会影响到教学质量。


学生学习成绩提高不明显, 主要原因如下。

(一) 检测题本身的难度在不断递增, 逐渐接近或等同于高考水平。

尽管学生分数增长不明显, 事实上学生的应变能力确实提高了, 只不过在分数方面没有表现出来。

(二) 由于综合复习阶段刚开始不久, 大部分学生还没有形成稳定的与试题水平相适应的解题能力和应试技巧。

如:时间意识差, 阅读速度慢, 表达、书写不规范等。学生虽有一定实力、潜力, 但没有发挥到最佳状态。

(三) 学生基础不牢, 底气不足, 制约了应试能力的提高, 反映在成绩上, 长进不明显。

(四) 作为一门语言, 英语水平的提高靠的是长期的积淀,

有一个逐渐变化的过程, 不可能在短期内突发性的提高, 这也是语言学习的基本规律。对这几个方面, 或许学生认识不到, 但教育者应做到心中有数。

学习心理方面, 学生成绩进步不明显时出现迷茫情绪, 主要由基本知识、看法引起, 与教师工作中学法指导和思想工作做得不够有关。学生认识水平有一定的局限, 需要教师作必要的引导、启发。一部分学生身上出现的因知识、能力储备不足而引起的在复习中的消极表现, 一方面可以看成一种必然, 另一方面是教学上一刀切, 要求标准单一, 忽视了学生个性差异和能力差异的结果。


要改变学生成绩不明显这一局面, 关键在于强化模拟训练, 提高学生解题能力和应试技巧。为了增加学生学习后劲, 使能力提高, 有坚实的基础知识作为基石和力量源泉, 花一部分精力进行基础知识的积累和基本技能的训练, 也是必需的。在做好这两个基本方面的基础上, 有针对性地进行一些必要的学法指导, 稳定后进生的学习情绪, 帮助他们制订出符合实际的复习计划, 使其有所作为, 有所长进, 而不至于对整体学习秩序产生太大的影响。这样一直坚持下去, 学生整体学习成绩提高这一目标就不难实现。

具体说来, 进入综合复习阶段必须处理好以下几个方面。

(一) 搞好现实模拟训练, 努力培养学生解题能力。这方面, 应注意以下几点。

1. 确保限时模拟训练的数量、质量。

能力的培养、提高, 只有在大量的解题实践中才能实现。就训练数量而言, 在综合复习阶段, 英语科模拟考试应以每周一次为宜。每次一套题, 题的类型、难度应与考试说明要求的一致。高三学年较为正式的限时模拟训练应保证在二十次以上。

2. 必须选好模拟试题。

目前, 高考复习资料多种多样, 应从中选出质量高, 难易适中, 区分度强, 与近年高考题类型水平相当的资料作为模拟题。题好, 师生觉得有价值, 才会认真地做、讲解, 效果才会好。反之, 则不利于提高学生解题应试能力。

3. 认真组织模拟训练, 确保学生认真答题, 积极参与训练。

在时间安排、监考、参加人数的核查方面, 应严密组织, 高度重视, 严防流于形式。

4. 及时批阅、讲解, 做好分析、归纳、总结。

英语试卷的特征决定了其答题批阅较为容易。故每次检测后, 应尽快批阅答题卷, 给学生一个结果。这对调动学生参与训练的积极性很重要。若教师时间上安排不过来, 则可让学生进行班与班、组与组之间的互批。几乎每套试题中, 对大多数学生来说, 都有不少疑问, 故考后的讲解非常重要。考虑到时间因素和学生整体已经初步具备了一定解题能力, 对每套试题过于细致的讲解没有必要, 应以点拨、启发、总结、归纳解题思路、规律、技巧为主。

(二) 师生达成共识, 继续不遗余力地强化基础知识的积累和基本技能的训练。

解题能力、应试技巧的提高, 必须以基础知识和基本技能为根本, 故在综合复习阶段, 英语复习应花相当一部分精力在“双基”建设上。主要应包括如下方面。

1. 重视早上、傍晚的朗读、背诵, 以扩大词汇及语言知

识储备, 培养语感, 为听力、阅读、写作等能力的提高提供保障。

2. 课堂教学、作业及课外学习中应继续保持一定的听力

练习, 注重语法知识的归纳总结, 加大阅读量, 也要保持一定的语法练习量, 尽可能多做单项选择、完形填空、改错、写作等练习。

(三) 结合限时训练和各种练习, 加强对学生学习方法、解题策略、应试技巧的指导和培养。

作为英语学习的基本规律, 下面几点应在教师的指导下师生达成共识, 指导学生学习的过程。

1. 词汇量是决定语言能力的关键因素, 是语言综合能力的重要标志之一。

记单词难是所有英语学习者面对的难题。词汇的积累是语言学习者永恒的任务。背诵单词表上的词汇远远不够, 大量进行听、说、读、写综合训练, 是扩大词汇量、提高语言应用能力和应试能力的根本途径。

2. 作为一门语言, 英语学习是一项功夫性很强的活动, 需要持之以恒、点点滴滴的积累工作。


3. 学英语不能怕难、怕吃苦, 应知难而进、知难而上。

只要坚持就有进步, 也只有坚持, 才会有进步。学习的进步如同滚雪球, 只要你不停地“滚雪球”, 它才会越来越大。因此, 绝不能因英语学起来难就逃避、放弃。那样的话, 不但没有进步, 反而连原有的一些基础知识也会逐渐被忘记, 提高成绩也就无从谈起。

4. NMET题区分度很强, 对大多数学生来说有一定难

3.大学英语综合复习资料 篇三

Ⅰ. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息,每小题读两遍。(每小题1分,共10分)

( ) 1. A. blond B. black C. blue

( ) 2. A. beside B. above C. below

( ) 3. A. clothes B. close C. clap

( ) 4. A. cashier B. clerk C. waiter

( ) 5. A. US B. U.S. C. U.K.

( ) 6. A. November B. December C. October

( ) 7. A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Friday

( ) 8. A. pencil B. marker C. eraser

( ) 9. A. any B. many C. some

( ) 10. A. by bus B. by car C. by bike


( ) 11. A. B.

( ) 12. A. B.

( ) 13. A. B.

( ) 14. A. B.

( ) 15. A. B.


( ) 16. A. May I borrow your pencil?

B. Are you ready to order?

C. Can I sit here?

( ) 17. A. I’m 1.6 metres tall.

B. I’m very tall.

C. I’m eleven years old.

( ) 18. A. No, you may not.

B. Yes, I am.

C. Yes, I missed you.

( ) 19. A. What’s the matter?

B. What do you like to do?

C. What do they speak in the U.K.?

( ) 20. A. I am from China.

B. Yes, but sometimes I ride my bicycle.

C. Merry Christmas!


21. Linda bought a new pair of _____________.

22. This flower is _____________.

23. Please ____________ to me!

24. Wang Fei and I _____________ go to school together.

25. The capital ___________ of China is Beijing.



1. ___ nder f ___ n j ___ mp ________

2. b ___ k g ___ d f ___ t ________

3. t ___ me b ___ ke r ___ ce ________

4. f ___ ce sn ___ ke g ___ me ________

5. h ___ lp d ___ sk dr ___ ss ________


6. It’s _________(晴朗的) today.

7. Some _______(绵羊) are playing on the grass.

8. Li Ke and Li Mei will go to see _______(他们的) grandparents tomorrow.

9. This is a new __________(街道).

10. Let’s go to eat ____________(冰淇淋)!


( ) 11. _______ is exercise.

A. Running

B. Runing

C. Run

( ) 12. She _______ a lovely girl.

A. are

B. am

C. is

( ) 13. Look! The children___kites over there.

A. fly

B. are flying

C. flew

( ) 14. It is cold and _______ in winter here.

A. snow

B. snowy

C. snows

( ) 15.Twelve plus sixteen is _______.

A. thirty

B. twenty-six

C. twenty-eight

( ) 16. ——Hello, may I speak to Nancy?


A. No, you can’t.

B. Yes, I am Nancy

C. Yes, this is Nancy speaking

( ) 17. Please ______ the window!

A. open

B. opens

C. opening

( ) 18. Jenny _______ to bed at 9 every night.

A. goes

B. go

C. going

( ) 19. The woman ______ a white dress is our English teacher.

A. on B. in C. with

( ) 20. It’s about one kilometer _______ here to the store.

A. to

B. with

C. from

Ⅳ.按要求变换下列句子。 (每小题2分,共10分)

21. The boys are playing soccer. (变为一般疑问句)

_______ the boys _______ _______?

22. You are right. (变为否定句)

You______ _______ right.

23. Danny eats cabbage once a year. (对划线部分提问)

______ ______ ______ Danny ______ cabbage?

24. Do you have any runners?(做肯定回答)

________, I _______ _______ runners.

25. I buy some hot dogs and pop. (用yesterday改写句子)

I ________ some hot dogs and pop ________.


( ) 26. Do you have a ruler?

( ) 27. May I use your radio?

( ) 28. How can I get there?

( ) 29. When do you have lunch?

( ) 30. How much are your books?

A. By airplane.

B. At about eleven.

C. They are fifty yuan.

D. Sure, here you are.

E. Yes, I have a ruler.


A Little Horse Crossed a River

One day, the mummy horse asksed her little horse to carry a bag of wheat(小麦) home.

On the way home, the little horse met a small river. He was very worried(担心的). “What should I do?” he thought(想). At this time, he met a squirrel(松鼠).

“Can I cross the river?” the little horse asked.

“Oh, you can’t. The river is very deep. You will drown(淹死).” The squirrel said.

The little horse was very afraid. He cried.

A cow came to the little horse. “What’s the matter with you, little horse?”The cow asked. “I can’t cross this river. It’s very deep.” the little horse answered. “Oh, don’t worry. This river isn’t deep at all. You can cross the river easily. Try!” the cow said.

The little horse stopped crying. He tried his best and crossed the river.

The moral(寓意): You never know what you can do until you try.

( ) 31.The little horse’s mummy asked him to _______.

A. carry a bag of wheat home

B. cross the river

C. go home with nothing(没有东西)

( )32. The squirrel thought the little horse____.

A. could cross the river

B. couldn’t cross the river

C. would not drown

( ) 33. The cow thought the little horse______.

A. could cross the river easily

B. couldn’t cross the river

C. would drown

( ) 34. At last, the little horse knew _______.

A. the river was very deep and he

couldn’t cross it

B. the river wasn’t very deep and he

could cross it

C. he couldn’t cross the river

( ) 35. The moral:_______.

A. The squirrel is right.

B. The cow is right.

C. You never know what you can do

until you try.




4.大学英语综合复习资料 篇四

(北郊高级中学高级教师 杜保毅)语言运用能力指获取、理解信息的能力(听、读),按情景或要求表达思想、传递信息的能力(写、译)。随着“二期课改”的深入,高考英语越来越注重语言能力的考核。翻开今年的英语高考考卷,你会发现,除了20道语法选择题和词汇选择题外,其余的包括听力、综合填空、语篇理解、翻译和写作等等均属于语言能力的考核,而且分数比值高达130分。即使是语法和词汇选择题,题干都比较长,强调在具体的语境中合理使用语法规则和词汇,通俗地说,就是考学生的读句能力。因此必须及早着重于语言综合运用能力的培养。



5.大学英语综合复习资料 篇五

?Lightning has caused awe and wonder since old times. Although Benjamin Franklin demonstrated lightning as enormous electrical discharge more than 200 years ago, many puzzles still surround this powerful phenomenon.

Lightning is generated when electrical charges separate in rain clouds, though processes are still not fully understood. Typically, positive charges build at the cloud top, while the bottom becomes negatively charged. In most instances of cloud-to-ground lightning, the negatively charged lower portion of the cloud repels negatively charged particles on the ground#39;s surfaces, making it become positively charged. The positive charge on the ground gathers at elevated points.

A flow of electrons begins between the cloud and earth. When the voltage charge becomes large enough, it breaks through the insulating barrier of air, and electrons zigzag earthward. We see the discharge as lightning.

Lightning can occur within a cloud, between clouds, or between clouds and the ground. The first variety, intra-cloud lightning, is the most frequent but is often hidden from our view. Cloud-to-ground lightning, making up about 20 percent of lightning discharges, is what we usually see. Lightning comes in several forms, including sheet, ribbon, and ball. Intra-cloud lightning can illuminate a cloud so it looks like a white sheet, hence its name. When cloud-to-ground lightning occurs during strong winds, they can shift the lightning channel sideways, so it looks like a ribbon. The average lightning strike is more than 3 miles long and can travel at a tenth of the speed of light. Ball lightning, the rarest and most mysterious form, derives its name from the small luminous ball that appears near the impact point, moves horizontally, and lasts for several seconds.

Thunder is generated by the tremendous heat released in a lightning discharge. Temperatures near the discharge can reach as high as 50,000°F within thousandths of a second. This sudden heating acts as an explosion, generating shock waves we hear as thunder.

About 2,000 thunderstorms are occurring in the world at any time, generating about 100 lighting strikes every second, or 8 million daily. Within the United States, lightning strikes are estimated at 20 million a year, or about 22,000 per day. You have a 1-in-600,000 chance of bring struck by lightning during your lifetime. Lightning can strike twice or more in the same spot. The Empire State Building in New York is struck by lightning about two dozen times annually.

You can measure how far you are from a lightning strike by counting the seconds between viewing the flash and hearing the bang, and then dividing by five. This approximates the mileage.


1. Paragraphs 2 and 3

2. Paragraph 4

3. Paragraph 5

4. Paragraph 6

A Cloud-to-ground lightning occurring in the U.S.

B Types of lightning

C Cause of lightning

D Differences between thunder and thunderstorm

E Frequencies of thunderstorms occurring in the world and the U.S.

F Shock waves as thunder

5. In most cases of cloud-to-ground lightning, the ground#39;s surface …

6. One form of lightning that … is ball lightning …

7. Cloud lightning looks like a ribbon when its lighting channel …

8. Although not fully understanding processes of lightning, man …

A occurs most infrequently.

B is shifted sideways by strong winds.

C is often hidden from our view.

D is equipped with a good knowledge of various forms of lightning .

E is estimated at 20 millions a year.

F is positively charged.



Geology and Health

The importance of particular metals in the human diet has been realized within the past few decades, and the idea that geology might be related to health has been recognized for a number of elements such as iodine, zinc and selenium. For example, soils with low iodine contents produce crops, and animals deficient in iodine. A lack of iodine in the human diet leads to some serious diseases.

The ultimate source of metals within the human body is rocks, which weather into soil, gaining or losing some of their chemical constituents. The crops we eat selectively remove from the soil the elements that they require for growth. The water we drink contains trace elements leached from rock and soil. Thus the geology and geochemistry of the environments have effects on the chemistry and health of plants, animals and people.

So far there is no data to suggest that people living on metal-rich soils experience a potential health hazard. The levels of metals within naturally contaminated soils are generally not high enough to cause serious health problems. Living on metal-rich soils does not represent a health risk unless large quantities of soil are digested or metal-rich dust is inhaled. However, small children are particularly exposed to metal-rich topsoil in playgrounds and gardens. They are also the most likely ones to eat potentially dangerous metal-rich soil.

Heavy metals are persistent; they do not break down to other chemicals in the environment. Industrially polluted sites usually undergo intensive clean-up and rehabilitation because heavy metals are a health concern once they enter the food chain. Some trace metals are alleged to cause cancer and are also known to cause poisoning.

In contrast, naturally contaminated soils have not been subject to risk assessment studies and rehabilitation measures, despite the fact that they frequently possess metal concentrations well above those of such polluted by humans and above environmental quality criteria.

There is a vital need to understand the potential risks and long-term health effects of living on naturally contaminated soils. Future environmental investigations of naturally polluted soils should concentrate on the potential pathways of metals into the food chain and human body. Geologists should be part of such studies as they can provide the essential background information on rock and soil chemistry as well as the chemical forms of heavy metal pollution.

A. No evidence to indicate bad effects of naturally contaminated soil

B. Potential hazards of human contaminated soils

C. Research on channels of heavy metals getting into human food chain

D. Geology and health problems

E. Rocks-the ultimate source of soil pollution

F. Long- term health effects on children

1. Paragraph 1

2. Paragraph 3

3. Paragraph 4

4. Paragraph 6

A. industrially polluted soils

B. rock and soil chemistry

C. naturally polluted soils

D. the pathways of metals into the food chain

E. the element of iodine

F. the persistence of heavy metals

5. Some serious diseases is connected with deficiency of ……

6. It is extremely necessary to study the long-term effects caused by living on ……

7. Geologists are indispensable in the research project on geology and health due to their knowledge on……

8. Industrially contaminated sites usually require a thorough clean-up due to ……

6.大学英语综合复习资料 篇六

?In a purely competitive market, the supplier of goods and services has no control over the market price, because he produces too little to influence market conditions. With no difference between his products and the products __1__ his competitors, he will sell nothing if he charges above the market price and he will sell all if he charges at or __2__ the market price. However, in considering the price, he must take cost of production __3__. There are times when he may be willing to sell below his cost. This might happen when prices tumble for __4__ a short time. However, no business person can __5__ lose money for a prolonged period. He must __6__ of his costs in relation to the market price if he is to compete successfully and earn a profit.

Many people have the impression that as production increases, costs per unit decrease. __7__ mass production has made this true in certain industries and at certain levels of production, __8__ logic and practical experience have shown that costs per unit begin to rise beyond a certain level of production. Some economists __9__ this principle as the law of increasing costs.

The reason __10__ rise as production goes up is complex. However, it is easy to recognize that as production goes up, the need for additional factors of production will also grow, resulting __11__ competitive bidding in the marketplace for the factors of production. If a producer needs __12__ skilled labor to produce more, and none of this labor is unemployed, the producer will have to get __13__ from other sources. This can be done by __14__ higher wages. Higher bidding would also apply to the other factors of production. We must also recognize that not all labor is equally productive, __15__ not all land is equally fertile and not all ore is equally rich in the mineral wanted.

1. A) to B) at C) of D) on

2. A) below B) beneath C) over D) above

3. A) to consider B) into consideration C) to consideration D) in consideration

4. A) he believes will be B) what he believes be C) what he believes will be D) he believes to be

5. A) afford to B) be affordable C) be afforded to D) have afforded

6. A) constantly aware B) constantly knowledgeable of C) be constantly aware of D) constantly aware of

7. A) Because B) Since C) When D) While

8. A) both B) as well as C) also D) but

9. A) refer B) refer to C) call D) are referred to

10. A) cost B) the cost C) the costs D) costs

11. A) from B) in C) D) for

12. A) less B) numerous C) more D) many

13. A) them B) these C) it D) those

14. A) offering B) cutting C) reducing D) having

15. A) as just B) just as C) because D) while



Importance of the Public Image

?Public image refers to how a company is viewed by is customers, suppliers, and stockholders, by the financial community, by the communities in which it operates, and by federal and local governments. Public image is controllable ____(1)____, just as the product, price, place, and promotional efforts are.

A firm#39;s public image ____(2)____ a vital role in the attractiveness of the firm and its products to employees, customers, ____(3)____ to such outsiders as stockholders, suppliers, creditors, government officials, as well as diverse special groups. With some things it is ____(4)____ to satisfy all the diverse publics: for example, a new highly automated plant may meet the approval of creditors and stockholders, but ____(5)____ will undoubtedly find resistance from employees who see their ____(6)____ threatened. On the other hand, high-quality products and service standards should bring almost complete approval, ____(7)____ low quality products and false claims would be widely looked down upon.

A firm#39;s public image, ____(8)____ it is good, should be treasured and protected. It is a valuable asset ____(9)____ usually is built up over a long and satisfying relationship of a firm with is publics. If a firm has ____(10)____ a quality image, this is not easily countered or imitated by competitors. ___(11)___ an image may enable a firm to charge higher prices, to woo the best distributors and dealers, to attract the best employees, to expect ____(12)____ favorable creditor relationships and lowest borrowing costs. It should also allow the firm#39;s stock to command a higher price-earnings ratio than other firms in the same industry ____(13)____ such a good reputation and public image.

A number of factors affect the public image of a corporation. ____(14)____ include physical facilities, contacts of outsiders with company employees, product quality and dependability, prices ____(15)____ competitors, customer service, the kind of advertising and the media and programs used, and the use of public relations and publicity.

1. A) at considerable extent

B) to considerable extent

C) to considerate extent

D) at considerate extent

2. A) establishes

B) plays

C) makes

D) obtains

3. A) but

B) however

C) and

D) as

4.A) possible

B) easy

C) not impossible

D) impossible

5.A) they

B) some

C) it

D) we

6.A) plant

B) jobs

C) machines

D) themselves

7.A) while

B) when

C) as

D) and

8.A) that

B) if

C) which

D) /

9.A) that

B) who

C) whose

D) of which

10.A) been

B) developed

C) found

D) learned

11.A) With

B) Such

C) Like

D) /

12.A) a more

B) more

C) most

D) the most

13.A) with

B) without

C) in

D) of

14.A) They

B) It

C) Some

D) Most

15.A) related to

B) connected with

C) relative to

D) related with

7.中考数学综合题复习之我见 篇七

一、加强常规题训练, 突破学生心理障碍

数学综合题在试卷里属于比较难的, 难就难在它的综合性、探索性和应用性。有方程型综合题、三角形综合题、几何型综合题、代数几何综合题、多学科综合题等。一些实际应用问题, 涉及面非常宽泛, 如水费、电费、手机话费、投篮、跳水、购物、旅游、租车等等。是对学生实践能力, 运用数学思想解决问题能力的考查, 很多同学对综合题有不可攻破的畏惧心理, 缺乏解决问题的勇气和信心, 在未经深思之前就已经打退堂鼓。这样的心态往往使学生不能正常发挥, 考不出好成绩。特别是平时数学成绩较差的学生没进考场已作好放弃的准备。实际上我们只要在复习时加强常规性综合题的训练, 研究题型, 逐一归类, 揭示考题的本来面目, 总结解题方法思路, 经常让学生在解综合题方面有成功的体验, 克服难不可攻的畏惧心理, 同时积累一定的考试经验, 就能提高临场的解题能力, 通过常规综合题的训练开拓解题思路, 提高分析问题、解决问题的能力。

加强常规题的训练, 一要注意强化重点、强化规律、纠正解答中的不良习惯, 掌握正确的答题程序、答题技巧等。如几何题的基本图形只有反复练习才能强化记忆, 以提高准确率。二要注意仔细总结做题时失误的地方, 树立信心。良好的心态靠着扎实的基础, 靠着灵活的方法和较高的能力。解答较易试题, 严谨细致, 落实到位;解答中档试题, 调整心态, 坚持不懈;解答较难试题, 顽强拼搏, 不言放弃。三要注意解题之前思路分析。学习数学不仅要学怎么做怎么算, 更重要的要学怎么想, 这样我们把解题之前的思路分析作为重点, 从中逐渐学会分析、判断和决策。要严格要求牢记基本知识, 只有熟记, 才能应用, 才能迁移, 才能逐步转化为能力。

二、细化专题, 类比总结

为了让学生能应对综合题, 我们在复习的后阶段往往会设计一些专题课以提高学生的综合解题能力。如函数几何结合题、方程几何结合题等。通过专题课的学习让学生对某一类型的题目进行分析、比较, 掌握一些通法, 在解题时能尽快形成思路。但专题定得太大, 很难形成“题型”, 也就难以总结、归类。我们不妨把专题细化, 让学生更好地总结反思, 也许有利于学生分析、判断。训练时要注意开放式问题的条件, 尤其是第3个问可按近几年出现过的类型分类解决, 如 (1) 面积问题; (2) 相似问题; (3) 角等问题; (4) 边等问题; (5) 特殊三角形问题; (6) 特殊四边形问题等等。

解答后, 有一个很关键的步骤, 就是归纳总结是什么类型的题有些什么经验和教训, 这种总结能够为我们做下一个题有所帮助。学生对常规题心中有数才能够适应题型的不断变化, 掌握各种题型的多种解题思路, 对各种题型应对自如.

化复杂为单一, 拆综合为基本。联想与转移是解综合题的关键, 综合题常常是由一些基本题构成;或由一些基本题转变而成。解题时要认真观察己知与未知中数、式、图形的特点, 联想重要的知识、方法, 曾经解过的典型问题, 进一步把复杂问题转化为简单问题 , 把综合题拆成基本问题, 目的是分而治之, 各个击破, 达到整体解决问题。

三、教会学生掌握策略, 提高效果


要让学生养成独立思考的好习惯, 不要过多地依赖同学和老师。千万不能一遇到不会做的题就请教同学和老师, 应给足自己足够的时间进行独立思考, 老师讲的题, 与同学讨论的题易忘, 自己做的题、特别是做错后改正过来的题便不易忘记。


学数学要做一定量的习题, 而且要追求做题的质量。要精选精做, 讲效果。一定不能让学生搞题海战术, 老师应在题海中漫游, 学生作精题。对于老师精心组合的题、自己平时害怕的题、容易出错的题要精做, 尽可能做到一题多解、触类旁通。要让学生静下心来, 通过学习回忆, 从中悟出规律来。有所思, 有所悟, 便会有所发现、有所提高、有所创新, 便能悟出道理、悟出规律、悟出灵感。


让学生给自己准备一个记录本, 对一些典型题解、疑难、易错和易忘问题以及一时解决不了的问题等, 随时记录, 以备在日常学习中加以解决。经常性地反思自己的错误, 使自己的弱项变为强项, 劣势变为优势。

4.教师要适时给予学生学法指导, 培养学生兴趣。

教师要从讲课复习、做练习 (试题) 、改正试卷、小结等等方面, 对学生进行学法指导, 使学生在学习的每个环节上量力而行, 合理利用时间, 发挥学习效能, 使学生学习得法, 增强自信, 培养兴趣, 做到事半功倍。


讲课要抓点带线, 一题多变。鱼网之所以能够捕获到鱼, 是由于经线和纬线编成网的缘故。如果知识编织成网络, 那么数学思想方法就鱼网上的总绳, 所以讲解过程中渗透数学思想方法便可以提纲挈领, 收放自如, 得心应手。

纵观近年中考试题, 对数学思想方法的考查越来越多。数学思想方法是知识转化为能力的桥梁和纽带。转化和化归思想 (消元法、降次法、待定系数法) , 函数与方程思想, 数形结合思想, 特别是分类讨论思想都是每年中考必考的数学思想方法, 也是失分点之一。近年的中考题经常会出现比较贴近生活实际的应用问题, 学生需要了解的一些生活中的常识性知识, 如:税收、利率、成本、打折的含义。解决应用问题时, 要去发现和挖掘比较隐蔽的条件, 依据题目中的等量关系, 列出方程或函数关系式, 利用函数和方程的思想解决问题。例如对于我们不太熟悉的新题型, 就要把自己从题目中获得的数学信息转化成数学模型, 用学过的知识去分析处理这些问题。

中考的最后一道题, 常常要用到多个数学思想方法, 如二次函数问题就是学生最怕的综合题型之一, 实际上这种题往往要求学生会灵活使用数形结合思想, 还经常要把二次函数问题转化为二次方程的应用。几何函数综合题中我们经常用点的坐标作为突破口, 点坐标与几何线段进行转化。某种意义上可以说学数学就是学数学思想方法。

8.大学英语综合复习资料 篇八



( ) 1. A. monthsB. month C. mouth

( ) 2. A. flowersB. flour C. clouds

( ) 3. A. ski B. sky C. fly

( ) 4. A. runnersB. umbrella C.remember

( ) 5. A. weakB. week C. wake



6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


( )11. A. Once a day.

B. Eleven hours.

( )12. A. I went to a trip.

B. I will go on a trip.

( )13. A. They are ten dollars.

B. They are twenty dollars.

( )14. A. I asked Santa for a camera.

B. I watch Bob play basketball.

( )15. A. I am going to play soccer.

B. I am playing soccer.


Today is Li Mings 16. party. Danny and Jenny begin making 17. . Jenny puts eggs, 18. , flour and oil in the bowl. Then they hear something. Theres 19. at the door. Its Kim. She went to the store and bought some 20. .



1. This is a s ■

2. I like to s . ■

3. In spring, the trees have new l .

4. These are o . ■

5. Jenny is washing her f . ■


6. Dont come after 4:00. Come 4:00.

7. Do you remember playing basketball?Sorry, I .

8 Reach up , bend down low.

9. This flower is , but that one is weak.

10. The feather is light, but the box is .


例:I plays sports.?隰I played sports yesterday.


Li Ming Calls His Mother

Mrs.Li: Hello?

Li Ming: Mum!

Mrs.Li: Hi, Li Ming! How are you?

Li Ming: I'm fine!It's 6:00 in the evening here.

16.________________________ Mrs. Smith is cooking hamburgers.

Mrs.Li: Do you like hamburgers?

Li Ming: Sometimes. But I miss noodles.17._______________________

Mrs.Li:Oh. Are you learning to speak English?

Li Ming:Yes! I am working hard.18.______

__________ I like my teacher. 19._____________

Mrs.Li: OK, Li Ming.20._________________

Li Ming: Good-bye, Mum! Call again soon!


Mother mouse and her baby were eating a cake. Suddenly a cat came. He wanted to eat them. Mother mouse shouted(叫)loudly like a dog. The cat ran away at once(立刻). Baby mouse asked,“Mum, how did you do that?”Mother mouse said,“See? Its good to learn a foreign language(外语).”

( ) 16. Mother mouse and her baby were eating a cake.

( ) 17. The cat wanted to eat the cake.

( ) 18. The baby mouse shouted like a dog.

( ) 19. The cat thought he saw a dog.

( ) 20. Mother mouse is clever(聪明).

VI、小作文。请仿照左面例文写一篇关于What will you do this summer holiday? 的小短文,不少于五句话。(共10分)

I will play with my friends in the park.


We will fly kites.


We will play soccer.


I will visit my grandparents.


They will happy to see me.




欢迎你参加口试,展示你的英语口语能力。首先请你用How often do you…?采访至少五名同学,然后请你根据他们的回答整理信息,完成表格。




Jenny goes to school five times a week, from Monday to Friday. She wakes up at 7:00 in the morning. She washes her hands and face.

At 7:15, she eats breakfast. After breakfast , she brushes her teeth and combs her hair.

Then she puts on her clothes and goes to school. She works hard at school.

Sautarday and Sunday are different. Jenny doesnt go to school those days.


Mr. Wood: How often do you exercise,Danny?

Danny: Lets see ...I walk to school in the morning and I walk home after school.

Mr. Wood:Thats twice a day. How many minutes do you walk?

Danny:About five minutes.

Mr. Wood: Thats ten minutes of exercise a day and fifty minutes a week.I think

you need to get more exercise, Danny!

Danny:Me, too! Im going to watch more sports on TV!

Jenny: No! Danny! You have to play sports for exercise!

III、小组表演 (10%)


1.Buying gifts

2.Good health to you

3.At the gym

4.Lets go to the park

(命题:秦皇岛市抚宁县榆关学区大刘庄小学 程 杨

河北省抚宁教育局教研室 郭爱莲)

9.大学英语综合复习资料 篇九








