1.英语试讲范文 篇一
第一课时 硫的氧化物
试讲人:臧强 120711042 指导教师:陈文通
硫和氮的氧化物》内容,这节内容共分为4个课时。分别是: 第一课时:硫的氧化物
2.掌握以前所学物质(HClO、活性炭、过氧化钠的 漂白性原理与二氧化硫漂白原理的不同点
教学难点: 二氧化硫的漂白作用
2、二氧化硫是怎么样危害人体的?那么你还知道二氧化硫是怎么样危害环境的? 答案:(1)SO2
① 与水反应:
答案:与CO2与H2O的反应类似,包括后面的反应,都是类似的,请大家继续看,之后我会总结CO2与SO2性质。② 与碱反应:
SO2+ Ca(OH)2 = CaSO3↓+ H2O 2SO2 + Ca(OH)2 = Ca(HSO3)2 问题三:想想二氧化硫与二氧化碳能不能用澄清石灰水鉴别?如果不能用,那么用什么方法可以鉴别?
④强还原性: SO2Cl22H2OH2SO42HCl
二氧化硫具有强还原性很重要,意味着可以与许多的氧化剂发生反应。那么: 问题四:中学化学中,常见的氧化剂有哪些? 答:Cl2 Br2 I2
2H2SSO23S2H2O ⑥实验室制取二氧化硫的方法: Na2SO3H2SO4Na2SO4H2OSO2
问题五:实验室制取二氧化硫采用亚硫酸钠与硫酸,在收集时应注意什么? 采用什么方法收集?
答:收集时注意SO2泄露,防止污染大气;用向上排空气法收集; ⑥漂白性(*重点*)
漂白原理: SO2 能与某些有色物质生成 不稳定的无色物质,不含酸碱指示剂。(暂时性)加热后又会分解!
注意:SO2 只能与品红褪色!
问题六:现在如果将二氧化硫通入紫色石蕊中呢?如果氯气通入紫色石蕊呢? 漂白原理总结
问题七:SO2 能使溴水或酸性KMnO4溶液褪色吗?是因为SO2的漂白性吗? 答:能褪色,不是漂白,是还原性原理。
⑵ 漂白纸浆、毛、丝、草编制品等。
2.化学性质(SO3 也是酸酐,是酸性氧化物)
B、品红溶液 C、酚酞试液
D、Ba(OH)2溶液 时间有多,再思考问题;
②氯水的漂白和二氧化硫的漂白有何不同? ③“二氧化硫能使溴水,氯水,高锰酸钾溶液褪色,是由于二氧化硫具有漂白性。”此判断正确吗?
2.英语试讲范文 篇二
1 存在的主要问题
1.1 教师方面
1.1.1 水平参差不齐
对于无直接教学经验, 仅掌握些专业知识的学生来讲, 指导教师的教学经验、指导方法及工作态度, 往往对其今后的教育实习起关键作用。我系大部分教师是年轻教师, 他们专业功底扎实, 工作认真, 但由于是刚毕业, 实际教学经验不足, 对中小学教育教学和管理的实际情况不太了解。同时, 他们对试讲指导工作不够熟悉, 不了解中小学新课程的理念, 无法全面地对学生进行教法示范和指导, 只能从理论到理论。
1.1.2 点评时未注意方式方法
在学生试讲过程中, 有些教师当场指出其不足, 提出建议。这样, 不仅打断了学生的讲课思路, 而且易使他们越发紧张。有些教师为了使学生深刻认识到自己的不足与错误, 点评时过于挑剔。这样, 会使学生对自己的错误形成不良的心理定势, 越怕出错越易出错, 越出错越不敢讲。
1.2 学生方面
1.2.1 实践意识淡薄
有些学生不珍惜试讲机会, 没有认识到试讲与教师观摩听课的重要性与必要性, 错误地认为只要到了真实的教学环境中自然会发挥出水平。有的学生则认为试讲只是形式, 是浪费时间, 故在其他学生试讲时不好好配合。部分学生抱着混过去的念头, 备课不认真, 从网上下载或抄袭其他学生的教案;试讲时举止散漫, 敷衍了事。
1.2.2 心理素质较差
有些学生不敢上讲台, 部分是由于胆怯, 缺乏自信, 面对同班同学或低年级听课的同学时, 怕丢面子, 放不开;部分是因为专业功底不扎实, 即便上去讲, 也是声音发颤, 错误多, 教态不自然。还有个别学习好的学生不能正确接受指导教师及听课同学的点评, 对自己的错误认识不透彻。
1.2.3 专业知识不扎实
大部分学生的教学用语不规范, 语音、语调欠标准, 声音太低, 或是只顾讲课而忽略板书的设计和书写。有些学生在教学内容的安排上缺乏条理性, 照本宣科, 不能灵活运用所学知识, 讲解较为死板, 也没有必要的导入;在课堂上遇到突发情况时, 也不知道如何有效处理等。
1.3 教材方面
我校英语专业学生使用的是王蔷主编的《英语教学法教程》, 这是一本全英文教材。我校是民族院校, 学生入学时英语成绩普遍较低。从对我系学生的访谈情况来看, 85%的学生反映该教材难度较大且教师多用英语讲授, 使得一些基础薄弱的学生上课跟不上, 下课看不懂。又由于学生将大量的时间花在精读、泛读教材上, 而对教材中所提及的教法无暇顾及, 结果临试讲时有些学生对教案设计、课堂管理等方面的基本知识都不清楚。另外, 由于缺乏与英语教学法教程相关、突出教学实践能力的英语教学技能训练课程, 使得学生对所学的教学理论缺乏感性和理性认识, 难以保证学生学以致用[1]。学生在上这些教育理论课前并无教育实践经验, 同时由于课时关系, 极少组织课堂教学实践活动, 大多数教师只是“坐而论道”, 学生也就无法将所学理论转变成教学实践。
2 对策
2.1 树立高专教育试讲的整体概念
试讲应是整个师专教师职业技能培训的有机组成部分。试讲所要求达到的目标应通过各种各样的内容、形式与方法贯穿在教学的始终。从新生一入校, 各任课教师除了要系统地讲解专业知识外, 还要有意识地从各方面培养学生成为英语教师的基本素质与教学技能, 锻炼他们的胆量。笔者在多年的教学中, 无论是在精读课还是语法、教法课上, 每节课都会给学生留出一小部分时间让他们做一回教师, 发现自己的优势与不足, 同时也使别的学生受到启发与鼓励, 学生特别喜欢这种上课方式。一学期下来, 学生均得到了不同程度的锻炼和提高。根据历届学生的反馈情况来看, 这对他们后来的试讲及实习帮助很大。
2.2 树立教师为人师表的形象
教师要按照高专教育特色和教学规律, 不断创新教学方法。教学中应充分发挥学生的主体作用, 把着力点放在如何启发与引导学生更好地学、做上, 教给学生学习方法。教书及育人是教学工作中一个问题的2个方面, 两者相辅相成。教师除了要把专业知识传授给学生外, 还要注意上课时用语的规范性, 书写应整齐, 板书应有利于启发学生的思维。对待犯错误的学生要讲究处理的方式、方法。多了解学生的思想动态, 多用一些心理学与教育学原理来处理课堂上出现的问题与突发事件。学生从教师的课堂行为中学到的东西比教师教的要多。教师必须做学生的榜样, 否则只会无形中使学生养成不良的行为与习惯。
2.3 确立指导教师的任用标准
指导教师应具有较丰富的教学实践经验, 应选择曾教过教学法或连续2年进行试讲指导的教师, 且其应具有高度的责任心。
2.4 多组织教学实践活动, 为培养学生的授课技能提供条件
校、系应多组织学生听取专家和中学优秀教师的专题讲座;让学生充分运用微格教学技术进行模拟试讲, 利用声响技术对教学基本技能、技巧、方法进行模拟演练, 由教师讲评分析, 进而让学生通过自我对照、自我检查、自我反省, 有效地提高试讲时的心理素质、课堂组织能力等[2]。另外, 平时多举办有利于教师职业技能发展的课堂延伸活动, 如在各年级之间举行说课竞赛、英语书法比赛和英语演讲竞赛等, 从而全面训练、提升学生的职业技能。应将原任课教师的示范课分散安排在学生的试讲当中, 以利于学生在实践中借鉴经验, 内化为自己的经验。
2.5 教材选用方面
应尽量按照学生的实际水平选用一些难度较低的教材。另外, 教师应搜集一些中小学教学案例, 作为对课堂教学内容的补充, 以激发学生的学习兴趣, 使教学法课程与现行新课程的教学目标紧密联系。
2.6 学生自身方面
师范学生应该及早制订自己的职业规划与目标, 平时多尝试着带家教, 在实践中将所学的教育学、心理学知识与英语专业知识相结合, 为以后的试讲与实习奠定基础;利用寒暑假的时间多与当地的中小学教师进行交流, 了解教学动态、学习学生管理经验, 为自己将来的就业多积累一些经验。
3 结论
总之, 校内试讲是高专学生走向实习的第一步。只有从一开始对他们严格要求, 才会让其在今后的实习中做得更好, 才可避免校内试讲流于形式。当然, 制约和影响学生试讲质量的因素是多样的, 要很好地解决这些问题, 教师还需要不断地在教学实践中努力探索。
[1]李红梅.高师《英语教学法》课程改革四年不断线模式探讨[J].南昌高专学报, 2008, 23 (5) :123.
3.英语试讲教案(精品) 篇三
课时:40 minutes 课题:Unit 1 Our School 第二课时
教学目标:让学生熟练掌握单词art room, computer room, music room, TV room, wash room.教学重点、难点、:掌握part B部分的五个单词,以及这几个单词中room的构词功能。
T: Hello, kids!Nice to meet you again!Last time, we have learned the part A of unit1 our school.Now ,let’s go over what we learn.二:复习
(5分钟)Guess, where am I? 1.T: Look at me.I am playing basketball.Where am I ? S: playground.T: Good!Playground.(教师出示卡片)2.T: Ok, listen carefully!Wow ,the flowers are so beautiful.Where am I? S: garden.T: garden?(教师怀疑的表情)T: yes, you are right.Garden.3.T: Be quiet!Many students are reading books.Where am I?
Who knows? Hands up, please!S: library.T: Is she right? T: You are so clever.4.T: Now, class is over.I’m so hungry, where should I go to
have dinner? S: canteen.T: very good!5.T: This is my homework.I must hand it in to teacher.Where should I go? Put up your hand, please.S: teacher’s office.T: oh!Wonderful.Let’s clap for her.教师总结上节课的单词,带读。三:呈现新课(12分钟)
T: Well done!You do a good job.Today, we continue our lesson, unit1 our school, part B.Open your book, turn to page7.let’s chant.Read the context and do the action.Do as I do.Let’s chant:
School days, School days.What a lot of fun!
Read in the library.Water flowers in the garden.Eat in the canteen.Play in the playground.School days, School days.What a lot of fun!
T: well done.Please look at the picture.(1)T: what are they doing ? S: 画画
T: yes, we can say it art.(教师板书art)T: they draw pictures in a room.So it is an art room.教师板书art room,带读。
(2)T: What are they?
S: they are computers.T: yes, it’s a computer room.(3)T: Listen!(教师播放音乐).what is she doing? S: singing.T: clever.Music.she is singing in a room.So it is music room.(4)T: what’s this?
S: TV.T: yes.And it’s a room.So it’s TV room.(5)T: what are they doing ?
S: wash.T: where is it?
S: wash room.T: yes, you are right.教师带读新单词。
3、Practice.(3分钟)T: Excellent, now , the class is divided into five parts.Art room,computer room, music room, TV room and wash room.When the teacher say art room, all of you say “art room, stand up” together.And the part stand up and say louderly “art room.Here.” Which part do better, they will get a big hand.Are you clear? T: ok!Stop here.Which part is better? Let’s give them a big hand.4、play a game(3分钟)
4.初中英语试讲自我介绍 篇四
Hello, everyone! My name, graduated from the Experimental Primary School of Anyang.
Yeah, learning first put side of the character is fairly easy-going! Life, generally not do the fight thing, and others should also come together.
And then talk about learning. I have many hobbies: Mathematical Olympiad, swimming, calligraphy, and more or less won a number of large and small prizes. In class work, but also due diligence. Only some minor shortcomings, is a little afraid of the teacher, may be too awe, extremes meet. Junior high school, and several new teachers to make a friend.
Into the junior high school, I will be more stringent demands on themselves, because I know many busy, the junior high school exam ranking system and how much to give me a little pressure, but I will turn the pressure as the driving force of
I believe that in the past three years learning career, we can get along, make progress together, nor because of poor academic performance gap. As the saying goes: despise others is a great sin. Therefore, everyone should be generous hand, the establishment of friendship. Although faced with a picture of a strange face, but there will always be gradually met, and I hope you can bind to a lot of friends that can go hand in hand back. In addition to the family, Mo friendship is the most valuable. Therefore, we must reach out and do not stick to the bits and pieces of the primary school, because we can no longer children.
Junior high school for three years, now is a new beginning, both successfully and the cornerstone of the stumbling block is a failure. However, whether it spring and summer, autumn and winter, I firmly believe will read good! Thank you!
My Future Will Be Bright
I have a belief deep down within my heart that my future will be bright.
My future will be bright with all my loving families. Whether time find us far apart or it keeps us close together, they are always standing by my side.
My future will be bright with all the close and caring friends of mine. Whenever I am sad and down, I know they would hold my hands and warm my heart.
My future will be bright with the belief in brighter days. Life doesn’t always play by rules, and we must face the fact that there are days that things could be better. But I have a belief which see me through the dark times.
I have a belief that joys once lost can always be found.
I have a belief that there is rainbows after every storm.
I have a belief that in the long run, my efforts will give back as much as I give, without a doubt.
This belief gives me hope that is as certain as sun when the world seems to be wearing a frown.
It is a steady and joyful light in my life.
It is a blessing I continue to count on through the years.
It is a light that will shine in me until the end of time.
It is a treasure a million times more valuable than the ones some people spend a lifetime trying to find.
Now, m dear friends, carry the sun inside you, and reach out for the dreams that guide you where you want to go. You have what it takes to make your path of succe.You have the courage and strength to see things through. You have the smile that will guide you to the beautiful tomorrows.
So, with so much to be thank for, I believe that my future will be bright, and I believe that our future will be bright!
Good afternoon, boys and girls. My name is XXX. I’m from XXX. I am 12 years old. I’m a boy, and I am a student. My favorite color is green. My favorite fruit are apples and watermelons. My favorite foods are pizzas, hotdogs and hamburgers.
My old friend is XXX. This is my new friend, XXX. look, This is Mr. Ji, my English teacher, and he is my cousin.
Look, I have a family photo. This is my grandfather. he’s not very old. He is 64. he likes watching TV. This is my grandmother. She’s 60. She loves me very much. Who’s this woman? She’s my mother. She is 36. She’s very beautiful. Who’s that man? He’s my dad. He’s 36, too. He always go to school with me. Who’s this boy? ha, ha, it’s me. He’s smart.
5.初中英语面试试讲应该如何准备 篇五
下面主要针对初中英语为大家分析一下,大部分地区采用的人民教育出版社教材,初中人教版教材分为5册,7年级和8年级分别是上下两册,9年级全一册,7年级每册9个单元,8年级每册10个单元,9年级公14个单元,在这些单元中,每单元分为section A 和sectionB 两个部分,大家对教材有这样的分析和了解,就不会觉得5本书放在那,不知道从何入手。
初中部分,我们以听说课为主要课型进行突破,辅助以阅读课的课型。大家翻看手中的教材section A 部分1a -1c,2a-2d部分,一般都是以一些听力和对话来展现的,那么这种类型的部分,我们把它设计成听说课,同样sectionB部分1a-1f,2a-2c部分也是可以设计成听说课的,那么一些以稍长篇幅短文的形式出现的,我们设计成阅读课。
- lead in
- presentation
- consolidation
- summary
- homework.
- lead in
- pre-listening
- while-listening
- post-listening
- summary
- homework.
lead-in 想要达到恰当而生动的.导入,需要大家平时的积累,更需要仔细学习课文的内容,了解课文主要讲解了什么,才能发动头脑风暴,去设计一个引人入胜的导入。
pre-listening 那么在听前部分,我们需要做的是帮助学生了解背景信息,扫清听力过程中可能遇到的障碍。这一部分可以采用讲解教材知识,或是预测,自由讨论,头脑风暴,看图预测等一些形式。
while-listening 那么听中就是通过听的方式输入本课功能句,学习句型,达成知识目标。我们可以把它分成两部分,泛听和精听,那么在这两个步骤中,我们需要做什么呢?
6.新课标英语第一册试讲 篇六
It’s false.Because she wants to help her students to improve their spelling and handwriting.You’ve done a very good job.I’d like you to pay attention to this sentence.Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school.Work in groups and discuss this sentence and try to get the structure of it? Have you got it? In this sentence nothing like refers to not at all.The word That refers to teaching method.From this part we can see that Li Kang likes his English teacher and enjoys his class very much.How about his classmates? Read paragraph six you will get some information about them Read this paragraph and choose the right answer.Okay.Let’s check the answers.Number 1.Anyone ? Yes, Mary Your answer is B.Do you agree with her? Yes, it’s right.Very good, sit down, please.Number 2.Kate.You chose D.Is she right? Yes.Good job!Sit down, please.Now you’ve learned the whole passage.I’ll give you a topic to talk about.The topic is what one of your teachers in senior high is like.You can use the words and phrases on the screen.I’ll give you five minutes to prepare for it.Time’s up.Who is ready? Group two.Okay.I think your description is excellent.Well done.Sit down, please.In this lesson we’ve learned something about Li Kang’s first day in senior high and we can see from the passage that senior high school is very different from junior high school.We should try our best to adapt to the new school.Now there are two minutes left.Now go over what we’ve learned today and see whether you have any questions.If no, please write down today’s homework.1.Write down a short passage about your first day at senior high.2.Read the passage again and find the language points.Class’s over.Thank you for your good performance.Module Two My New Teachers Good morning, dear judges? May I begin? Good morning, boys and girls.I’m very happy to be here to give you this lesson.In my class, I will divide you into six groups.In this way you can learn to cooperate with each other and learn better.I know that you are very active and cooperative.I hope that we will work well and happily in my class.We are in a new school, in a new class and we have new teachers.Which teacher impresses you most?
Yes.Mary.You think that your maths teacher impresses you most because he’s very humorous.Yes, very good, sit down,please.How about you, Tom? You think your physics teacher is very enthusiastic Now let’s learn to talk about teachers.Today we are going to learn Module Two My New Teachers.Please turn to Page 12.Read the passage quickly and find the answers to the two questions.Question 1Which teachers do students like a lot? Question 2 Who is a very good teacher but is serious and strict? I’ll give you 3 minutes.Got it? The first question.May I have your answer? Yes, group three.Mr Wu.Do you agree with his answer? Yes.He’s right.Sit down, please.Now question number 2.Good, group four.Mrs Shen.Is she right? Yes, very good.Sit down, please.We can see that there are three pictures in this passage.so we can divide this passage into three parts.Would you tell me the main ideas of these three parts? Who would like to try? Okay, Mary, please.Part 1 My English teacher.Part 2 My Physics teacher.Part 3 My Chinese literary teacher.Do you agree with her? Yes, very excellent answers.Sit down, please.Now let’s read the passage carefully
Read the first part and retell it in your own words.I’ll give you three minutes.Finished? Please close your books and retell it together You’ve done a very good job!In this paragraph I need you to pay attention to the two sentences.1.She explains English grammar so clearly that even I can understand it.2.Mrs Li just smiles so that you don’t feel completely stupid.So...that in the first sentence talks about How So that in the second sentence means in order that
From this passage we’ve learned that Mrs Li is very kind and patient but at first she was very shy and nervous.Now we know something about the English teacher.Let’s come to the physics teacher.Please read paragraph two and decide whether the three sentences are true or false.If the sentences are false, please correct them.I’ll give you five minutes.Time’s up.Sentence 1 Students are very afraid of Mrs Chen.True or false? Tom.You think it’s true.Is he right? Yes, very good.Sit down, please.Sentence 2 Students are always on time for Mrs Chen’s lessons because they are very interested in physics.Okay.Jack.It’s false.Why? Because they are afraid of Mr Chen.Excellent.Sit down, please.Sentence3 Though Mrs Chen is very strict with her students, her teaching method is very good.Yes.Kate.It’s true.Do you agree with her? Yes, she’s right.Very good.Sit down, please.You have all got good answers.Okay.That’s enough for the physics teacher.Let’s move to the next paragraph to know something about the Chinese literary teacher.Now read paragraph three and choose the right choices.I’ll give you five minutes.Done with them? Let’s do them together.The first one.D.Yes, good.The second one.C.Yes, terrific.I’m very proud of you.Today we’ve learned to talk about the three different teachers.They have different characters, but students like them all.So what kind of teacher do you like most? Work in groups and have a discussion.You can use the words on the screen.Time’s up.Which group would like to have a try? All right.Group five.I think your description is very excellent.Sit down, please.That’s all for this passage.Today we’ve talked about the characters of the three teachers.From this passage we can see that students respect and think highly of them.So in our school life , we should respect our teachers, too.Now there are two minutes left.Go over this passage and see if you have any question.Do you have any questions? If no, please look at the screen and write down your homework.1 Write a short passage about one of your favorite teachers.2 Read this passage again and find out the key points.Class’s over.Thank you for your good performance.Module Three My First Ride on a Train Good morning, dear judges? May I begin? Good morning, boys and girls.I’m very happy to be here to give you this lesson.In my class, I will divide you into six groups.In this way you can learn to cooperate with each other and learn better.I know that you are very active and cooperative.I hope that we will work well and happily in my class.Do you often travel ? What transportation do you like best? Mary.You prefer to travel by plane.How about you? Tom.You love traveling by ship.How about trains? Have you ever traveled by train? Some students said yes, and some students said no.Today we are going to talk about a ride on a train.Today we’re going to learn Module Three My first ride on a train.Please turn to page 23 and read this passage quickly and find the answer to this question What ‘s this passage about? Work in groups and talk about it, okay? I’ll give you three minutes.Got it? Which group would like to answer it? Okay.Group four.Traveling to the central part of Australia.Do you agree with him? Yes, he’s right.Very good, sit down, please.This passage can be divided into three parts.Para 1 is the first part.Para 2, 3 are the second part.Para 4,5,6 are the third part.Do you know the main ideas of these three parts? Who’d like to try? Okay.Tom.Part 1 Introduction of the train travel.Part 2 What did Alice see and what did she do on the train.Part 3 Why is the train called the Ghan.Do you agree with him? Very excellent answer.Sit down, please.Now let’s read each part carefully Read the first part and retell it in your own words.I’ll give you three minutes.Finished? Please close your books and retell it together You’ve done a very good job!Now let’s see what Alice saw and did during her traveling.Read part two and decide whether the two sentences are true or false.If the sentences are false, please correct them.I’ll give you five minutes.Got them?
Sentence one Alice had a very good time on the train.True or false? Who’d like to answer it? Kate.It’s right.Do you agree with her? Yes, she’s right.Good job.Sit down,please.Sentence two The scenery was the same during the whole journey.Jack.It’s false.Why? Because suddenly it looked like a place from another time.Is he right? Yes, very good.Sit down, please.From this part we know that the train is amazing and Alice’s trip is wonderful.Do you want to know what this train is called and the story about this train? Okay, let’s move to the next part.Read this part and give the right choices.I’ll give you 5 minutes.Time’s up.Let’s do it together.The first one.A.The second one.B.Excellent!You’ve done a very good job.I need you to pay attention to this sentence.A long time ago, Australians needed a way to travel to the middle of the country.In this sentence to travel to the middle of the country is 不定式作后置定语。
7.英语试讲范文 篇七
马上要高中英语试讲了,下面一群老师。小女子又不是师范的,其实对上课真的毫无概念,有哪位在行的,帮帮我吧,要怎么准备呢? 另外,还有一个教师综合素质笔试,听说里面的题和教育学心理学的书完全无关的,那要怎么准备呢? 急啊,帮帮我!TKS QQ:275254679(注明教师证,非诚勿扰)
8.英语试讲范文 篇八
By learning the information of EU, Students can enhance the awareness of international communication.II.Teaching Key Point:
Enable Ss to master the information about the EU, such as what is it, who is its members, how did it start, and so on.III.Teaching Difficult Points: How to improve Ss’ reading skills and cooperation awareness.IV.Teaching Methods:
1.Task-based Teaching Method
Teaching type: Reading Teaching Period: Period 4
V.Teaching Aids: blackboard, multimedia VI.Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Lead-in(1ms)
Ask students what kind of money is used most popular in Europe.Step 2 Pre-reading(3ms)
Show some pictures of EU, Euro, and representative of EU.Ask some predictive questions.Step 3 While-reading(20ms)A.Fast Reading Ask Ss to read the passage in 2 minutes, using timer shaft to summarize the main development of the EU.B.Careful reading
Ask Ss to listen to the tape and read the passage carefully, then answer the questions on page 9.Step 4 Post-reading(10ms)Divide the class into 4 groups, ask them to choose each other as rival to answer the questions they set.Step5 Summary(5ms)Select some volunteers to summarize what we learn.Step 6 Homework(1ms)Ask Ss to look for the main information about another international organization on the internet.VI.blackboard design
The European Union
The development of the EU:
1950S————the second half of the 20c————2000————2004
increased little by little 6 countries
countries countries PK:
G3-G1,G2-G3.G4_G2.VII.Teaching Reflection
The European Union Good morning, dear judges.I’m the candidate NO X.My topic today is…….It’s my great honor to stand here to give my presentation.Hope you will like it.Shall we begin?
1、Greeting & Lead-in
Class begins./ Good morning, class./Sit down, please.Guys, how are you today? Very good.Hope you will also feel happy in class.At the beginning of the class, I have a question about money to ask you.Love it?
Well, do you know what kind of money is used most popular in Europe? American dollar? No.Euro? Jone says Euro,yes or no? yeah, Euro is used most popular in Europe.Then do you know which countries use Euro? Yes, the members of the European Union.2、Pre-reading(3ms)
Please look at the PPT, there are some pictures about EU.Yes ,this is its headquater/euro/Italy, its member.Is European Union a country? Who are the members? Well ,let’s turn to P9.Today the culture corner: The European Union(板书)will give us the answer.3.whlie-reading(20ms)A.Fast readings First of all, let’s listen to the tape.Underline the new words you meet.Try to guess their meanings according to the context.After listening, please using timer shaft to summarize the main development of the EU(板书).You only have 2 minutes.Ready? Go!
Time is up.Who would like to draw the timer shaft on the blackboard? Tom, would you please have a try? Please!(递粉笔,指黑板)Thanks.Very good.Guys,let’s clap our hands to thank Tom for his contribution.(拍手)well done.Any different opinions? OK, Linda, you, please.Please go to the platform.Thanks, Linda.Guys, please show our encourage.Ok, I will draw my opinion on the blackboard.You can check if it is the same as yours.(板书:
1950S————the second half of the 20c————2000————2004 Began
increased little by little 6 countries
countries countries)B.Careful reading
Ok, let’s move on.Please go through the passage again and read for more details.After reading, you are expected to answer the questions on page 9..You only have
two minutes.Here we go.Time is up.Have you finished? Let share answers together.The first question,.” Find the names of three first members and three new members of the European union?”Peter, what’s your idea? Peter says” there are France,Germany, Luxembembourg.“ yes or no ? Yes, perfect.What’s the other 3? Yes, it is Belgiun, Netherlands,and Italy.Very good.The second question, “In terms of size and population, how big is the European union compared with china? “Helen, will you?
Helen says “In terms of size and population, European union is 10% big compared with china.” Is it right? Oh, maybe you should think it twice.But thank you all the same.Please be seated.Guys, please notice the phrase”half a billion.”what dose it mean? Yes, it is 500,000,000.So the answer is “China is about twice as large as the European union and also have over twice as large population as the European union.So ,we should be carefully when we read,right?
3、Post-reading(10ms)Ok.That is all the new knowledge we earn today.Now it is you show time.I’ll divide the whole class into 4 groups.Each group can choose any group as your rival to answer 3 questions.The questions you set must come from the text.At last, the group who give most correct answers in the shortest time will be the winner.The winner will receive praise from all the class.All the other groups should give the thumbs-up to the winner group and speak together” Group XX, you are the winner, congratulations!you all behave perfect.” Got it? Any questions?