


1.简单英文诗歌 篇一




商业模式:business model

聚焦:focus on

中小企业:minor enterorises


文件夹:folderfilepaper file

后天:the day afer tomorrowpostnatalacquired平台:platform

企业家:enterpriserbusiness executives


中学生:middle school student

高中生:senior high school student



博士:doctorlearned scholar



朝鲜:north korea





企业识别系统:corporate identity system


2.简单英文诗歌 篇二

俄国语言学家、布拉格学派代表人物Jan Mukatovsky在他的《 标准语言与诗化语言》 中指出, 诗歌语言就是“ 对标准语言常规有意识的违背” ( Jan Mukatovsky, 1964) 。 他这里说的“ 标准语言常规”指的是人们平常所使用的语言, 所谓对常规的“ 违背”, 就是语篇中的“ 变异” ( deviation, 或叫“ 偏离”) , 所谓“ 有意识”, 指的就是诗人创作时的意图和动机 ( motivation) 。 诗歌往往打破常规, 打破表面形式上的连贯, 以获得非常的效果。 这就使得读者不得不打破常规思维, 借助语境因素来发现诗歌深层意义上的连贯。实际上, 偏离是形式上的, 是语篇推陈出新的一种手段, 而连贯是意义上的, 是语篇的目的;偏离的形式只有存在意义上的连贯, 语篇才可以被接受;偏离和连贯在语言上是编码和解码的问题, 体现了作者的创意和读者的解读的关系。 这是诗歌区别于其他文体的显著特点。


1 语音偏离

诗歌是音乐性的, 讲究的是音韵和格律。 诗人有时为了达到格律上的合拍, 会故意改变词汇的发音, 以使整首诗合乎节奏。英语诗歌中存在一些省略和变音的现象, 但读者可以通过上下文识别这些词汇而不会影响对诗歌连贯的解读。 如:

I wander thro’ each charter’d street,

Near where the charter’d Thames does flow,

And mark in every face I meet,

Marks of weakness, marks of woe.

In every cry of every Man,

In every Infant’s cry of fear,

In every voice, in every ban,

The mind-fog’d manackes I hear.

How the chimney-sweeper’s cry,

Every black’ning church appals,

And the hapless soldier’s sigh,

Runs in blood down palace walls.

But most thro’midnight streets I hear,

How the youthful harlot’s curse,

Blasts the new-born infant’s tear,

And blights with plagues the marriage hearse.

(“London”from William Blake)

诗中有五处用到省略形式。 第一行中的thro’和chart’d, 分别为through和chartered;第二行中的charter’d也是chartered;第八行中的mind-fog’d为mind-fogged;第十行中的black’ning为blackening, 还有第十三行中的thro’为through。 这些发音形式的变异完全是为了诗歌的音韵效果。当然, 语音上的偏离还表现在很多词发音上的改变, 如为了押韵, 有时会把名词wind[wind]读作[waind]。 语音变异始终是诗人们诗歌创作的焦点。 但语音的偏离有时恰恰是为了表达一种连贯的意义。

2 词汇偏离

生造词、错误搭配是诗歌中词汇偏离的常见形式。 为了获取非常的效果, 诗人总是能在词汇方面创新。 如:

Love is more thicker than forget

More thinner than recall

More seldom than a wave is wet

More frequent than to fail

It is most mad and moonly

And less it shall unbe

Than all the sea which only

Is deeper than the sea

Love is less always than to win

Less never than alive

Less bigger than the least begin

Less littler than forgive

It is most sane and sunly

And more it cannot die

Than all the sky which only

Is higher than the sky

E. E. Cummings的“ Love is more thicker than forget” 一诗中, 第二小节第一行It is most mad and moonly中的moonly和第四小节第一行It is most sane and sunly中的sunly是作者为了表达的需要通过加词缀而生造的词。 此外, 为了突出, 诗中还用了转化词性的方法, 如Love is less always than to win, Less never than alive诗句中的always和never都已被从副词转化为形容词。所以, 读者在阅读的过程中, 要根据上下文, 揣摩诗人的用意, 从而实现诗人在意义上的连贯。

3 语法偏离

所谓语法偏离就是指违反英语的结构规律, 打破能指和所指之间的恒定联系, 导致其在句式、时态、语序等方面偏离既定规则, 迫使读者采用特殊的视角和方式来体验诗歌中负载的审美信息。在英语诗歌中, 语法偏离较多地表现为指称的含糊、语序的混乱、句子结构的残缺等, 但带给读者的却往往是意外之喜。 如Dylan Thomas诗歌A grief Ago这一题目就属于语法偏离。 首先, 不定冠词a后面修饰的应该是可数名词, 而grief属于不可数的抽象名词;其次, ago是副词, 它虽然可以作为后置修饰语用来修饰表示时间的名词如a moment ago, a month ago但是grief是表达情感的名词, 是不能用ago来修饰的。因此, 诗人通过使用语法偏离手段, 来吸引读者的注意力, 引导读者猜测诗人的真正意图, 以达到特殊的效果。这种表面上看脱离常规的用法, 正是诗人独具匠心, 表达诗歌主题, 实现诗歌连贯的一种手段;是诗人引导读者正确解读诗歌的一种方式。

以上简单地说明了诗歌形式上的偏离和内容上的连贯的统一。其实, 诗歌形式上的偏离还远远不止这些, 这与诗歌的文体特点是分不开的。诗歌要有意境, 就必须不断创新, 形式上的创新往往是诗人选择的项目。因此, 读者在欣赏诗歌的过程中, 要从诗歌变异的形式中寻找意义上的连贯。

偏离是诗歌区别于其它文体的显著特点。 正是诗歌的这一特殊性, 成就了它的艺术性和欣赏价值, 使诗歌成为人们陶冶情操, 提高自身审美素质的必然选择。 诗歌形式上的偏离和内容上的连贯是统一的。


[1]李冰梅.肯明斯诗歌中的偏离与连贯[J].国外文学, 2006 (2) .

[2]于建华.语言偏离的诱惑[J].外语研究, 2006 (2) .

[3]董桂荣.诗歌中偏离的艺术效果[J].长沙大学学报, 2010 (6) .

[4]张锦峰.英语诗歌中的隐喻与语篇连贯[J].忻州师范学院学报, 2011 (3) .

[5]刘娜.中英文诗歌连贯实现的认知解读[J].赤峰学院学报, 2013 (1) .

3.英文诗歌的视觉语法结构分析 篇三

【关键词】视觉诗 视觉模态 再现意义 互动意义 构图意义





语言是意义的重要载体,但意义的展现并非只靠语言来传递,多种媒体如图像、声音、色彩等符号都可以表达意义。随着新媒介的出现,不同的媒介在意义的展现中发挥着重要作用。这些传递符号的物质手段应用到社会交际中,就形成了一套具有特定语法系统的表意手段 --- 模态。所谓多模态,是指由两种及以上符号编码实现意义的文本 (李战子2003)。


多模态话语是指运用各种感官,通过语言、动作、图像、声音等多种手段和符号资源进行交际的现象。多模态话语分析是建立在Halliday 的社会符号学理论基础上的一个崭新的话语分析形式。它接受了系统功能语言学的语言观,认为语言是社会符号和意义潜势,语言以外的其他符号系统也是意义的源泉;多模态话语具有系统性; 多模态话语具有概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能; 语境因素和多模态话语的意义解读之间有着密不可分的联系。多模态话语分析的意义在于它可以将语言和其他相关的意义资源整合起来,通过分析看到语言系统在意义交换过程中所发挥的作用,以及其他符号系统在这个过程中所产生的效果,从而使话语意义的解读更加全面、更加准确 (朱永生2007)。



Kress & Van Leeuwen (1996) 认为图像不是语言文字的插图或示例,而是独立于语言文字之外的社会符号系统。他们根据系统功能语言学理论,分析组成视觉模态的图像元素,进而凸显图像等符号在构建语篇时的作用;并借用韩礼德的三大元语言功能,分别从再现意义、互动意义、构图意义三个层面来分析视觉符号的语义关系。

1.再现意义。再现意义对应概念功能,包括叙事再现和概念再现。再现意义主要探讨的是不同图像之间或同一图像中不同成分之间存在的概念关系。下面以William Shelly Burford的A Christmas Tree为例,分析印刷体式诗歌所呈现的叙事意义。


If you are

A love compassionate.

You will walk with us this year.

We face a glacial distance,who are here


At your feet.


2.互动意义。互动意义对应人际功能,涉及距离、接触、视角和情态四要素。互动意义探讨图像中参与者之间的社会关系、图像设计者的交际目的,以及读者对图像内容的解读程度等。下面以E.E Cummings的Me up at does为例,分析印刷体式诗歌所呈现的互动意义。

Me up at does

out of the floor

quietly Stare

a poisoned mouse

still who alive

is asking What

have i done that

You wouldn't have

这首诗描述的是一只中毒的老鼠,在行将死亡前与诗歌叙述者的对峙。根据 Kress & Van Leeuwen 的研究,诗歌的叙述者俯视趴在地上奄奄一息的老鼠,与其目光接触,构成了索取类图像。索取类图像是指利用图像中人物的表情、姿势或其他特点向观众索取更多的注意,当图像中人物的目光直指观众时,目光矢量在空间上形成接触,表达向观众“索取”的意义。诗歌的叙述者从高处往下俯瞰,表示人类在索取顺从;而从下往上仰视的老鼠,则在索取人类的怜悯。人与鼠之间的心理互动被淋漓尽致地展现出来,使读者融入其中,获得真切的感受。此外,老鼠做出的两个动作“stare”和 “ask” 被作者巧妙地分别安排在从两个诗节分界处算起的第二行里,这也构成了视觉上的篇章对称。


3.构图意义。构图意义是语篇单位的组成设计和突显(张旭红 2010)。印刷体式是通过突显字母的形状、大小写、标点符号等构成前景化来实现构图意义的。下面以E.E Cummings的代表作L(a为例,分析印刷体式诗歌所呈现的构图意义。

这首诗以生动的视觉形象再现了一片落叶缓缓飘落的画面。全诗仅由四个单词构成(a leaf falls loneliness),诗人刻意将单词拆分成五个诗节,并垂直排列来模拟树叶时快时慢地飘摇下落的情形,将一个静态的秋日景色以动态的形式呈现在读者的眼前。

诗歌第一行的两个字母 “l”和“a”由半个括号连接,形象地预示树叶即将飘落。第三和第四行的相同字母的不同组合“af”、“fa”,犹如叶子落下时飘摇的状态。第五行的“ll”再次重复主题“一个”和“孤独”。第六行只有一个字母“s”和另外半个括号,表示树叶落地并发出轻微的摩擦声,造成视听双重效果。在诗节的最后一行,诗人把“ness”(构成抽象名词的后缀)与“i”放在一起,并且从排版上加以突显,以抒发内心的强烈感情,这是全诗的主旨所在。诗人巧妙地使用括号,把“loneliness”和“a leaf falls”连接起来,从而构成了一个形式上连贯的语篇。在意义层面上,括号里信息是相对次要、起陪衬作用的,而“loneliness”则是被突出的主题。通过标点符号的特殊处理,从侧面进一步再现了文本所传递的意义。




[1]Kress,G.& Van Leeuven,T.Reading Images:The Grammar of Visual Design[M].London:Routledge,1996.

[2]胡丹.Emmett Williams诗“She loves me not”多模式话语分析[J].外语与外语教学,2007(11):16-19.

[3]李战子.多模式话语的社会符号学分析[J].外语研究,2003 (5):1-8.

[4]王红阳.卡明斯诗歌的多模态功能解读[J].外语教学,2007 (9):22-26.



[7]朱永生.多模态话语分析的理论基础与研究[J].外语学刊, 2007(5):82-86.

4.简单英文辞职报告 篇四

erminating Engagement

To: Robert Bush, Sales Manager

From: Bob Wang, Sales Development

Date: May 6, 2002

Subject: Terminating Engagment

Mr. Bush, I have worked in the Sales Development as a salesman for six years, and I have been satisfied with this position.

★ 辞职报告英文

★ 辞职报告英文篇

★ 简单的英文辞职报告常用语

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★ 辞职报告如何写

5.简单求职英文自我介绍 篇五

About my character, I can’t describe it well, but generally speaking ,I am a hard_working student especially when I do the things I am interested in. And I am optimistic and confident. Sometimes I prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but I am not lonely, In my spare time,I often go shopping with my friends,surf on the Internet and do some sports,such as running,table tennis and roller_skating. I even got the 4th place in the 1500-meter race in my school sports meeting,which was a very glorious memory.But now since I’m faced with National College Entrance Examination,I can’t spend too much time doing sports.But this busy life has also taught me how to balance between study and entertainment.Also I love English very much.I often write compositions to improve my witten ability, but I know my english is not good enough,I still need to make an effort.

This is a brief introduction of myself.At last I really look forward to being admitted and becoming part of the NUS team. Thank you very much.

6.简单干净的英文网名 篇六



4、Next fugitive dust(一任浮沉)










14、Special care(特别关心)






20、absurd (荒诞、


22、False [虚伪]

23、Te amo、(我爱你)

24、unwanted (伪恋、









33、heat snow(热雪)




















7.简单英文诗歌 篇七

Intertextuality refers to the connection among different texts, which was firstly mentioned by French symbolist Julia Christiva (Allen 1994) .She put forward the theory of intertextuality in her published book Semiotics in 1969 in which she explained intertextuality as“every text is constructed as a mosaic of citations, every text is an absorption and transformation of other texts.”Therefore, a piece of work does not absolutely belong to its author;it is an outcome of interaction and connections between the texts.Now it is gradually accepted by a host of scholars and plays an important role in shaping people’s interpretation in literature reading and literature research.

When it comes to the analysis of Rossetti’s poems, there is a phenomenon of intertextuality between her own works.Christina Rossetti (1830-1894) was an English poet who wrote a variety of romantic and devotional poems, among which her famous collection Goblin Market and Other Poems received widespread praise, establishing her name as the main female poet of the time (Frances1995) .From Rossetti’s lyric poems, it is not difficult to find there are quite a lot of poems concerned with love and death which give a full expression of her viewpoints on these themes directly and indirectly.Two of her famous poems are Remember and Song that are considered to be related to each other in several aspects but not attract extensive attention within the field of literature analysis.This paper aims to discuss the intertextuality between Rossetti’s works of these two poems from the perspective of writing technique, contradiction and theme choice.

2 Intertextuality in Writing Technique

According to Jorg Helbig, there are four categories of intertextuality, namely unmarked intertextuality, implicitly marked intertextuality, explicitly marked and thematized intertextuality (Allen1994) .In this section, focus will be put on the explicitly marked intertextuality to analyze these two poems’connection.Both Remember and Song start with the theme of death directly without avoiding this intimidating subject, which shows the poet’s open-minded attitude towards death.Besides that, the intertextuality also lies in the purpose of poet in writing this work.In Remember, it changes the point of perspective by the adoption of second personal pronoun, indicating the relationship between the author and“you”is intimate lovers through the line“When you can no more hold me by the hand”.Similarly in Song, the first line“When I am dead, my dearest”suggests that it is also a love poem written to the beloved one of the author.Then it is followed by Rossetti’s requirement that she asks of her lovers after the death like the line“Only remember me;you understand it will be late to counsel then or pray”in Remember, and“sing no sad songs for me”in Song.Based on what stated above, the whole atmosphere of the two poems is like a peaceful narration of the author’s thoughts indicating her worrying about her beloved one’s response to her death.

3 Intertextuality in Contradiction

In the previous section, the interconnection between texts is analyzed in terms of explicitly marked intertextuality.These are obvious and explicit within inter texts which can be directly found.As mentioned above, there is also implicitly marked intertextuality.It is the reader’s part that take the responsibility of finding out the implicit marked one through deeply interpretation of the works coupled with, if necessary, the knowledge of author’s background information.According to Roland Barthes who puts forward“the death of author” (Irwin 2002) , the reader’s critical part played while reading works is also very important.Another scholar Michael Riffterre suggests that the readers may come up with some intertextuality connection that even unknown to the authors.It may sound rather subjective, but readers’part cannot be eliminated during the reading comprehension, together with the explicitly marked intertextuality, the interpretation of one piece of work can be fully achieved.

Rossetti starts her work in her youth when she was in bad physical condition.Because of her religious belief, she failed her two romantic episodes (Sarah 2005) .What’s more, the society circumstances back then put strict restrictions on women.On the one hand, Rossetti could not get rid of the constraint of society, on the other hand, her physical condition would not allow her strive against the oppression.All these factors together lead lots of expression of contradiction in her works.

In Remember, Rossetti started with the title“remember”to ask her lover to commemorate her when she was gone away, but at last, she melancholy said“better by far you should forget and smile than that you should remember and be sad”.In Song, she expressed her feeling about her whole life“haply I may remember, and happily may forget”.Without mention of the word“love”, the repetitive occurrence of“remember and forget”indicates writer’s complicated sadness of parting from lover and the inevitable death of human.The American critic Allen Tyler once said that the significance of poem lies in the strain of beauty.One feature of strain beauty reflects in the contradictory elements in the poem, with the contradiction among the elements achieving a state of balance which functions as a basis for sublimation of emotion, the strain beauty within the text can add to the significance of poem as well as its charming quality as a whole (Taft 2013) .Consequently, it is through the unity of remember and forget that Rossetti’s complicated inner world can be presented.

4 Intertextuality in Theme of Love and Death

Life experience of happiness and bitterness shaped Rossetti’s ideology of love and death.As a woman who once stand on the edge of death and suffered enormous pain from departing lovers obviously have much more deeper and accurate feelings towards life (Robinson 2001) .These two poems prove that how the theme of love goes hand in hand with theme of death in Rossetti’s perspective.As what discussed above, these two poems are both written to the author’s beloved one talking about what she asks of them afterlife.In Remember, the third stanza“Yet if you should forget me for a while, afterwards remember, do not grieve”together with the last stanza“Better by far you should forget and smile than that you should remember and be sad”reflect that actually the poet hold the belief that her loved one should move on with new life without her, because to her, death is not that scary, she just goes to the silent land without worldly trifles, and the darkness and corruption might leave“a vestige of the thoughts”once she had, which shows that the poet is content with the fact that her mind will remain even though her body must go away.The calmness attitude also lies in the lines of Song where she expresses no need for roses and cypress on the head of her tomb.As for her whole life, she chooses“Haply I may remember, and haply may forget.”indicating her aloofness facing life and death.When she faces her loved one, not only does she mention no need for commemoration formalities, but also leaves the right to them to choose“and if thou wilt, remember;and if thou wilt, forget”.These two poems well reflect Rossetti’s hopelessness about worldly love facing inevitable death as well as her detachment about these two eternal themes.

5 Conclusion

This paper has discussed the intertextuality between Rossetti’s two poems from the perspective of text itself, readers’interpretation and author’s background information.These two poems are related to each other in writing technique, adoption of contradiction and theme choice.The phenomenon of intertextuality within the same author’s works reflect the correlation between them and the analysis of it helps us better understanding one specific connotation within the text, thus can fully appreciating the author’s writing style as a whole.Rossetti’s poem is melancholy but not pessimistic, the distinctive feature and her unique writing style remains power over our heart even today with the charm of the everlasting theme.

摘要:互文性是文学作品中一种特殊的现象。该文挑选英国著名诗人克里斯蒂娜·罗塞蒂的诗歌《思忆》和《歌》探讨其中的互文性, 并结合读者的理解和作者的背景信息, 完全解读和赏析罗塞蒂诗歌的写作风格和其独特的表达方法。



[1]Allen G.Intertextuality[J].The Year’s Work in Critical and Cul-ture Theory, 1994, 4 (1) :28.

[2]Frances T.Christina Rossetti:Biography[J].The Art Book, 1995, 2 (1) :26-27.

[3]Irwin W.The Death and Resurrection of the Author[M].Green-wood Press, Westport, 2002.

[4]Sarah W.Christina Rossetti:poetic vocation[J].Women’s Writ-ing, 2005, 12 (2) :291-310.

[5]Robinson B J.Essays on Christina Rossetti[J].English Litera-ture in Transition, 2001, 44 (1) :86-89.

8.关于英文面试如何简单过关 篇八







9.简单的英文简历表格空白 篇九






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10.短小简单的英文励志名言 篇十


Learn young, learn fair


What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave


Learn from the mistakes of others and prevent your own


Learn to creep before you leap


there is no royal road to learning


Without learning, without eyes


He who will not learn when he is young will regret it when he is old


Learning is a bitter root, but it bears sweet fruit


Learning is like rowing upstream; not to advance is to dropback


Knowledge comes from experience alone


Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud

11.大学生英文简单自我介绍 篇十一

each examiner:

i call/**, come from shandong province.this year is 21 years old, , is a student who will soon graduate.

passes the foundation knowledge that the teachers guidance controled a calculator with personal effort firmly in the school.mainly studied c language at the software aspect. c#. java etc. plait the distance language, the data structure, vf. access etc. database is applied, calculator operate system.studied the dreamweaver web page manufacture and the asp network to weave a distance also.studied the calculator network at the hardware aspect, the calculator construction with maintain.combine many times to attend to pack machine, set the fulfillment of the net operation lesson, make me control the work principle of the calculator and the set of the calculator network net process.

in addition, i attend various activities of the school organization to come to the oneself of 锻炼 actively and do various part-time to increase social experience.the teacher is divided into the group to us in the experiment and practice of the lesson remaining to complete mission, make we the deep comprehension arrive the importance of the team.the and the rise time acquires the school scholarship during the period of school, three staffs.

however necessarily limited at the knowledge that the school learn, therefore i would ready to take advice study in the later work, the backlog working experience, the exaltation work ability.hope your company to give me a displays an own opportunity!

this with the result that



hello.everyone.it is really good to see you here.i am.....,come from china.this is my first time to this beautiful country ,,i am so delighted to have the opportunity to be here with you guys .i just finished my study in high school ,and i would like to further my study here.but my english is not that good ,i need your help .anyway ,i hope we can enjoy ourselves being together .thank you

General Introduction

I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China. With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph.D. graduate program.

Education background

In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science & Technology (NUST) -- widely considered one of the China’s best engineering schools. During the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. I was granted First Class Prize every semester,In , I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test.

At the period of my graduate study, my overall GPA(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department. In the second semester, I became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only. This year, I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university. Presently, I am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of Excellent Graduation Thesis.

Research experience and academic activity

When a sophomore, I joined the Association of AI Enthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for my future research. With the tool of OpenGL and Matlab, I designed a simulation program for transportation scheduling system. It is now widely used by different research groups in NUST. I assumed and fulfilled a sewage analysis & dispose project for Nanjing sewage treatment plant. This was my first practice to convert a laboratory idea to a commercial product.

12.外企应聘简单的英文自我介绍 篇十二

I have high vocational quality.

Finally, if I can be hired in your company , I will certainly play my strength and go ahead with your company together.




13.英文简历写作方式简单介绍 篇十三




英文简历与中文简历所要的信息差不多,同样也需要填写基本资料。如,name(姓名)、address(通讯地址)、postal code(邮政编码)、phone number(电话号码)、birthdate(出生日期)、birthplace(出生地点)、Gender(性别)、height(身高)、weight(体重)、health(健康状况)等。英文简历(resume)并无固定不变的单一形式,应聘者完全可以根据个人的具体情况来确定采用何种形式,灵活设计。










