


1.内部控制外文翻译 篇一




【摘要】:萨班斯-奥克斯利法案法例中强调,ERP系统的重要作用是运用内部控制反映公司的基本建设,为此 ERP系统软件开发供应商也增加了对内部控制的应用。他们认为,这些内置的控制和其他功能将帮助企业改善其财务报告内部控制就如萨班斯法案要求的那样。这项研究测试,通过检查萨班斯法案第404条在1994年和2003年之间实施ERP系统的公司合规内控数据。其结果表明,应用ERP 的公司相对于未应用ERP的样本公司较少报告内部控制弱点。它还发现,这种差异存在一般控制和特别控制中。

关键词:企业资源规划;ERP;萨班斯-奥克斯利法案;萨班斯法案第404条;内部控制 1简介


这些供应商的声明激发了关于ERP系统对内部控制的影响一项有趣的实证问题研究。具体来说,是不是实现ERP系统的企业或多或少可能比未实现ERP系统的公司较少在其年度报告报告内部控制弱点?已经进行过这特定区域研究的经验/档案相对较少的,因为之前萨班斯法案内部控制的数据并没有被公开报道。这项研究的方法通过在文献资料检查一个已经宣布实施ERP系统和一个还没有类似的公司控制样本公司的抽样调查的内部控制数据来发现差距。内部控制是在公司使用的以解决代理问题的许多机制之一。其他的机制还包括财务报告,编制预算,审计委员会和外部审计(Jensen和佩恩2003)。研究表明,内部控制降低了代理成本(Abdel-khalik 1993;Barefield 等,1993),有些甚至争辩说,即使没有萨班斯法案的要求,企业也有经济诱因报告内部控制(Deumes和Knechel,2008年)。他们的论点假定这些额外提供给有关的代理行为主体的信息可以减少了信息不对称和降低投资者的风险以及权益资本成本。其他的研究发现,内部控制报告与公司盈余质量有关,(Chan 等,2008;Ashbaugh-Skaife等,2008)ERP系统提供了一种机制,运用内部控制,旨在保证控制的准确性和快速,准确的财务报告财务信息的可靠性报告给股东。


这项研究使用了108家在1994年和2003年之间宣布实施ERP系统的样本公司,与行业和规模相匹配的同等数目的控制公司。结果提供的证据表明,实现ERP 应用的企业相对比ERP没有应用的企业较少报告内部控制缺陷。这项研究进一步探讨内部控制弱点的成因,并认为导致应用ERP的公司相对于ERP没有应用的公司较少报告内部控制弱点与一般控制和特别控制相关联。这项研究还发现证据表明,应用ERP的公司优势会随着时间的推移日益增加,并建议企业加强ERP系统提供的内建控制以获得系统控制的经验。



2以前的研究开发和假设 内部控制背景

内部控制在缓和企业多年来的代理问题起到了主要作用。Samson 等其他人(2006)的几个内部控制的程序文件早在1831年被巴尔的摩和俄亥俄铁路使用。在最近时期,内部控制一直是当出现一个世界著名的企业丑闻讨论的主题。例如,在20世纪70年代超过400家制作公司承认有可疑或非法支付给外国政府官员,政治家和政党,这导致了1977年外国腐败行为法案在颁布。除其他事项外,FCPA要求上市公司制定和维护一个内部会计控制制度(USC1998)。

在20世纪80年代,一些高调审计失败导致了反虚假委员会组织重新定义确定的内部控制制度的有效性和内部控制标准的委员会的成立(西蒙斯1997年)。他们研究的偶然因素,可能导致虚假财务报告的建议,上市公司,独立审计师,教育机构,证券交易委员会和其他监管机构(COSO,1985年)。他们的工作模型被定义为COSO内部控制框架(西蒙斯,1997年)。在COSO框架大致定义为“一个过程,内部控制的实体的董事会,管理层和其他人员,内部控制框架设计是为了确保和实现以下目标:提高效益和经营效率,保证财务报告的可靠性和遵从相关法律和法规(COSO 1992年,1)。

它指出,“有这些组件之间的协同和联动,形成一个综合系统,反应动态变化的条件”(COSO 1992年,1)。该框架还指出,控制是最有效的,当他们是实体的基础设施(COSO 1992,1),并进一步指出,“支持内部控制的质量控制措施和能力建设,避免不必要的成本,能够快速响应不断变化的条件”(COSO 1992年,1)。

在世纪之交,另一组的公司丑闻导致了2002年萨班斯-奥克斯利法案,其中除其他外,需要对内部控制的有效性正式报告的制定。在COSO框架中起着遵守的关键作用,因为该法第404条要求公司在其年度报告(表格10-K),提供公司的财务报告内部控制鉴证报告及由注册会计师事务所出具单独的管理报告。虽然其他框架可能被接受,美国证券交易委员会已明确表示,COSO框架符合美国证券交易委员会的标准是“可作为由美国证券交易所上市的公司评估框架用于管理的年度内部控制的目的评价和披露要求 ”(Gupta and Thomson 2006, 28)。

虽然有内部控制在公司治理中发挥了多年的重大作用,萨班斯法案之前对内部控制的研究的经验/档案是有限的,大多是由于缺乏公共数据。内部控制被认为是“内部问题”,上市公司未要求披露有关的内部控制程序。随着萨班斯法案的制定,与内部控制相关经验/档案研究有明显增长。新增加的第302条和404条的报告要求放置在公共领域的信息研究人员正在使用的审查与内部控制与公司治理的许多问题。萨班斯法案第302条,而在2002年成为有效的,只要是用于测试之间的内部控制薄弱环节和其他企业特征(Ge and McVay 2005;Ashbaugh-Skaife等,2007;Doyle等,2007)。萨班斯法案第 404条,需要对内部控制的更广泛的审查,于2004年成为是否有效的两个时间段。在第一阶段,符合要求的,如2003年截至2004年11月15号美国证券交易委员会的年度报告,加速申报者知名企业。第二个阶段,其中包括符合标准所有其他公司,一直延续几次,现在从2007年12月15日到2010年6月15日结束的有由审计师出具有效的鉴证报告以及管理报告,(SEC 2009)。虽然从一个公司到另一个确切形式和内部控制管理报告的语言可能会有所不同,该报告必须披露,如果在对财务报告内部控制的任何重大缺陷。因此,现在可以测量通过分析这些材料在报告披露弱点判断内部控制的有效性。第404条已被用来研究人员检查(Raghunandan and Rama 2006)作为审计的成本增加,审计延误等问题(Ettredge等人,2006),申报者不足百分之报告(Grant et al.2008),内部控制弱点(ICW)和权益成本的关系(Ogneva等,2007; Ashbaugh-Skaife 等,2009),内部控制弱点和管理成本的关系(Ashbaugh-Skaife 等,2008;Chan 等,2008)。


这些内置的控制是可能的,因为在部分系统都是围绕着设计概念单一,集成的系统,用于捕捉在整个公共数据库中的数据这家公司。相比之下,大多数遗留系统,围绕个人的需要演变,功能区已在几十个甚至上百个单独的计算机信息传播系统(Davenport 1998)。虽然原有系统可能包括一些内置的控件,一个不希望这些控件会像那些成为一个综合的ERP设计有效系统。例如,一个典型的ERP系统将包括配套购买内置控件订单,接收文件和发票的三方配合,采取综合优势所有三个功能区。遗留系统,另一方面,可对购买不同的应用,接收和应付账款有一些内置的控制功能,但不互相沟通。因此,手动控制将被用来补充内建的控制和体制上,而不是电子,匹配的文件之前,授权支付。

审计准则第5号(AS No.5),由上市公司会计监督发行董事会发布(PCAOB),提供了对信息技术与内部控制的关系有所了解。例如,在附录的AS号5 B,它指出,“完全自动化应用控制,一般不受故障由于人为故障。这功能允许审计师使用的“标杆”战略...基准自动化应用控制可用于购买软件使用时,程序更改的可能性微乎其微,例如公司,尤其是有效的,当供应商不允许访问或修改的源代码“(PCAOB 2007, B28, B32)。由于ERP系统是购买的软件,相对于传统系统,这是发展和维持内部,公司员工将最有可能获得的遗留系统的源代码,但不是ERP系统。鉴于所有这些因素,人们所期望的ERP系统有一个对财务报告内部控制的有效性产生积极的影响。

然而,相反的观点被提出,只是因为公司实施ERP系统,他们可能没有考虑到所有内置的控制功能。这是可能的,例如,实施期间,控制某些功能可能不被激活。或者,在一个更险恶的观点,高级管理人员可以选择覆盖控制功能,以处理数据来实现“盈余管理”,这说法被Brazel and Dang 认同(2008),谁主张通过对财务数据的高级管理人员,增加控制一致在一个集中的ERP系统将导致盈余管理增加。在他们的论点,他们引用之前的研究,发现在审计和内部控制质量的减少通过以下ERP(Bagranoff and Vendrzk 2000;Wright and Wright 2002; Hunton 等,2004;Janvrin 等;2004; Brazel and Agoglia,2007)。但布雷泽尔和Dang(2008)也指出,这项研究,包括它们的实现,ERP的过程中采用了早年的地方之前如萨班斯-奥克斯利法案,并认为它是可能的,因为这些保障措施改善。事实上,在以下SOX内部控制的日益重视使得它有可能是通过企业ERP系统早在周期以来所利用内置的功能,完善内部控制,这导致了以下的假设中的另一种形式表示。


The Impact of Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP)Systems on the Effectiveness of Internal Controls over Financial Reporting

John J.Morris Kansas State University ABSTRACT: Software vendors that market enterprise resource planning ERP systems have taken advantage of the increased focus on internal controls that grew out of the Sarbanes-Oxley SOX legislation by emphasizing that a key feature of ERP systems is the use of “built-in” controls that mirror a firm‟s infrastructure.They argue that these built-in controls and other features will help firms improve their internal control over financial reporting as required by SOX.This study tests that assertion by examining SOX Section 404 compliance data for a sample of firms that implemented ERP systems between 1994 and 2003.The results suggest that ERP-implementing firms are less likely to report internal control weaknesses(ICW)than a matched control sample of non-ERP-implementing firms.It also finds that this difference exists for both genera(entity-wide), and individual(account-level)controls.Keywords: enterprise resource planning;ERP;Sarbanes-Oxley;SOX;Section 404;internal control.I.INTRODUCTION The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002(SOX)requires companies to report on the effectiveness of their internal controls over financial reporting as part of an overall effort to reduce fraud and restore integrity to the financial reporting process.Software vendors that market enterprise resource planning(ERP)systems have taken advantage of this new focus on internal controls by emphasizing that a key feature of ERP systems is the use of “built-in” controls that mirror a firm‟s infrastructure.They emphasize these features in their marketing literature, asserting that these systems will help firms improve the effectiveness of their internal controls as required by SOX.These vendor statements motivate an interesting empirical research question about the impact of ERP systems on internal control.Specifically, are firms that implement ERP systems more or less likely to report internal control weaknesses in their annual reports than firms that do not? Relatively little empirical/archival research has been conducted in this specific area, because prior to SOX, internal control data did not have to be publicly reported.This study addresses that gap in the literature by examining internal control data that is now available for a sample of firms that have announced implementation of ERP systems and a control sample of similar firms that have not.Internal control is one of many mechanisms used in business to address the agency problem.Others include financial reporting, budgeting, audit committees, and external audits(Jensen and Payne 2003)Studies have shown that internal control reduces agency costs(Abdel-khalik 1993;Barefield et al.1993), with some even arguing that firms have an economic incentive to report on internal control, even without the requirements of SOX(Deumes and Knechel 2008).Their argument assumes that providing this additional information to the principal(shareholder)about the behavior of the agent(management)reduces information asymmetry and lowers investor risk and, therefore, the cost of equity capital.Other research has found that weaknesses in internal controls are associated with increased levels of earnings management(Chan et al.2008;Ashbaugh-Skaife et al.2008).Earnings management is the agency problem that motivated SOX legislation in the first place, specifically earnings manipulation by Enron, WorldCom, etc.ERP systems provide a mechanism to deliver fast, accurate financial reporting with built-in controls that are designed to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the financial information being reported to shareholders.In addition to the increased assurances provided to the external principals(shareholders)about the behavior of the agents(management), ERP systems should also help mitigate the agency problem between various levels of management in large corporations.The added transparency combined with the use of built-in controls should make it more difficult for agents at all levels to benefit from unobservable behavior.It is possible, however, that firms implementing ERP systems may not take advantage of all the built-in control features, either for legitimate business reasons or because management wants to avoid the added transparency in order to manage(manipulate)earnings.By examining the effectiveness of these controls, this study not only extends the agency theory stream of research, it also examines this tension between earnings management and internal control with testable hypotheses related to overall internal controls, general(entity-wide)controls, and specific(account-level)controls.The study uses a sample of 108 firms that announced implementation of ERP systems between 1994 and 2003, and an equal number of control firms, matched by industry and size.The results provide evidence that ERP-implementing firms are less likely to report internal control weaknesses(ICW)than the non-ERP control firms.This study further examines factors contributing to ICW and finds that those related to general(entity-wide)controls and specific(account-level)controls are both less likely to contribute to ICW in ERP firms than in non-ERP control firms.This study also finds evidence that the advantage for ERP firms strengthened over time, which suggests that firms may be implementing more of the built-in controls provided by ERP systems as they gain experience with the system.These findings are important because both SOX and ERP have been the subject of much discussion and research in the academic and professional communities in recent years.Cost is often the common denominator, with the high cost of SOX compliance and the high cost of implementing ERP systems used as the basis for many research questions.These findings provide evidence that ERP systems may contribute to improved internal controls, which is one of many arguments used in justifying the high cost of ERP systems.This study is believed to be the first empirical/archival test of those claims, and provides information about the factors that contribute to internal control weaknesses(ICW)that both the academic and professional communities should find interesting.For instance, the most often cited factor is accounting documentation, policy, and/or procedures.As expected, this factor is found less frequently for ERP firms than for the control firms, perhaps justifying the effort needed to document systems during the implementation process.This study also extends the research stream on the relationship between IT and agency theory, in particular the link between the signaling effect of internal control reporting to the financial markets and the use of ERP systems to facilitate that process.The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section II summarizes prior research and develops the hypotheses, Section III describes the data selection process and the research methodology, Section IV presents empirical results, and Section V concludes.II.PRIOR RESEARCH AND HYPOTHESES DEVELOPMENT Internal Control Background Internal control has played a major role in moderating the agency problem in corporations for many years.Samson et al.(2006)document several internal control procedures used by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad as early as 1831.In more recent times, internal control has been a subject of discussion whenever there is a prominent scandal in the corporate world.For instance, during the 1970s more than 400 corporations admitted making questionable or illegal payments to foreign government officials, politicians, and political parties, which led to enactment of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act(FCPA)of 1977(Staggers 1977).Among other things, the FCPA requires publicly traded companies to devise and maintain a system of internal accounting controls(USC 1998).During the 1980s, several high-profile audit failures led to creation of the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission(COSO), organized for the purpose of redefining internal control and the criteria for determining the effectiveness of an internal control system(Simmons 1997).They studied the causal factors that can lead to fraudulent financial reporting and developed recommendations for public companies, independent auditors, educational institutions, the SEC, and other regulators(COSO 1985).The product of their work is known as the COSO Internal Control—Integrated Framework(Simmons 1997).The COSO framework broadly defines internal control as “a process, effected by an entity‟s board of directors, management and other personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in the following categories: effectiveness and efficiency of operations, reliability of financial reporting, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations”(COSO 1992, 1).It states that “there is synergy and linkage among these components, forming an integrated system that reacts dynamically to changing conditions”(COSO 1992, 1).The framework also points out that controls are most effective when they are “built into” the entity‟s infrastructure(COSO 1992,1)and further states that “built in controls support quality and empowerment initiatives, avoid unnecessary costs and enable quick response to changing conditions”(COSO 1992, 1).At the turn of the century, another group of corporate scandals resulted in enactment of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002(SOX)which, among other things, requires a formal report on the effectiveness of internal controls.The COSO framework plays a key role in compliance because Section 404 of the Act requires companies to include in their annual report(Form 10-K), a separate management report on the company‟s internal control over financial reporting and an attestation report issued by a registered public accounting firm.Although other frameworks may be accepted, the SEC has specifically stated that the COSO Framework satisfies SEC criteria an“may be used as an evaluation framework for purposes of management‟s annual internal control evaluation and disclosure requirement” by companies listed on U.S.stock exchanges(Gupta and Thomson 2006, 28).Although internal controls have played a major role in corporate governance for many years, empirical/archival research on internal controls was limited prior to SOX, mostly due to a lack ofpublic data.Internal control was considered an “internal issue” and public companies were not required to disclose information about their internal control procedures.Following enactment of SOX, internal control-related empirical/archival research has significantly increased.The added reporting requirements of Sections 302 and 404 have placed information in the public domain that researchers are using to examine numerous issues related to internal control and corporate governance.Section 302, which became effective in 2002, provided initial data that were used to test the relationship between internal control weaknesses and other firm characteristics(Ge and McVay2005;Ashbaugh-Skaife et al.2007;Doyle et al.2007).Section 404, which requires a much more extensive review of internal controls, became effective in 2004 under a two-phase schedule.In the first phase, compliance is required for companies known as accelerated filers in annual reports for fiscal years ending on or after November 15, 2004 SEC 2003.The second phase, which includes compliances for all other companies, has been extended several times and is now effective for fiscal years ending on or after December 15, 2007, for the management report and June 15, 2010, for the auditor attestation report(SEC 2009).Although the exact form and language of the management report on internal controls may vary from one firm to another, the report must disclose if there are any material weaknesses in the internal controls over financial reporting.Therefore, it is now possible to measure the effectiveness of internal controls by analyzing the material weaknesses disclosed in these reports.Section 404 has been used by researchers to examine such issues as the increased cost of audits(Raghunandan and Rama 2006), delays in audits(Ettredge et al.2006), percent of filers reporting deficiencies(Grant et al.2008), the relationship between internal control weaknesses(ICW)and the cost of equity(Ogneva et al.2007;Ashbaugh-Skaife et al.2009), and the relationship between ICW and earnings management(Ashbaugh-Skaife et al.2008;Chan et al.2008).Although internal control-related empirical/archival research is relatively new, there is a considerable body of prior literature related to corporate governance, most of it using an agency theory foundation(Brennan and Soloman 2008).Eisenhardt(1989)provides the theoretical basis for the use of monitoring mechanisms such as financial reporting and audits to provide information to the principal about the behavior of the agent.ERP systems facilitate this monitoring process into ways.First, they enable fast, accurate reporting of financial information to the principal, but more importantly, they include features that facilitate implementation and enforcement of internal controls that are used to ensure the accuracy of financial information being reported.One would expect firms that implement ERP systems to maximize use of these built-in control features to not only reduce agency costs, but to minimize the number of internal control weaknesses reported under SOX Section 404.These built-in controls are made possible in part because the systems are designed around the concept of a single, integrated system that captures data in a common database for use throughout the company.By contrast, most legacy systems, which evolved around the needs of individual functional areas, have information spread across dozens or even hundreds of separate computer systems(Davenport 1998).Although legacy systems may include some built-in controls, one would not expect these controls to be as effective as those that are designed into an integrated ERP system.For instance, a typical ERP system will include built-in controls for matching purchase orders, receiving documents, and invoices(three-way match), taking advantage of the integrated nature of all three functional areas.Legacy systems, on the other hand, may have different applications for purchasing, receiving, and accounts payable that have some built-in control features, but do not communicate with each other.Consequently, manual controls would have to be used to supplement the built-in controls and physically, rather than electronically, match the documents prior to authorizing payment.Auditing Standard No.5(AS No.5), issued by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board(PCAOB), provides some insight into the perceived relationship between information technology and internal controls.For instance, in Appendix B of AS No.5, it states that “entirely automated application controls are generally not subject to breakdowns due to human failure.This feature allows the auditor to use a „benchmarking‟ strategy … benchmarking automated application controls can be especially effective for companies using purchased software when the possibility of program changes is remote—e.g., when the vendor does not allow access or modification to the source code”(PCAOB 2007, B28, B32).Since ERP systems are purchased software, in contrast to legacy systems, which are developed and maintained internally, company employees would most likely have access to the source code for legacy systems, but not for ERP systems.Given all of these factors, one would expect ERP systems to have a positive impact on the effectiveness of internal controls over financial reporting.However, a counter argument could be made that just because companies implement ERP systems, they may not take advantage of all the built-in control features.It is possible, for instance, that during implementation, some of the control features might not be activated.Or, in a more sinister view, senior management may opt to override control features in order to manipulate data to “manage earnings.” This argument would be more consistent with Brazel and Dang(2008), who argue that increased control by senior management over financial data in a centralized ERP system will lead to an increase in earnings management.In support of their argument, they cite prior research that finds reductions in audit and internal control quality following ERP adoption(Bagranoff and Vendrzk 2000;Wright and Wright 2002;Hunton et al.2004;Janvrin et al.2004;Brazel and Agoglia 2007).But Brazel and Dang(2008)also point out that most of this research, including theirs, relates to implementations that took place during the early years of ERP adoption, prior to Sarbanes-Oxley, and argue that it is possible that these safeguards have since improved.Indeed, the increased emphasis on internal controls following SOX makes it likely that firms that adopted ERP systems early in the cycle have since taken advantage of the built-in features to improve their internal controls, which leads to the following hypothesis stated in the alternate form.

2.内部控制外文翻译 篇二


1 引言

2010年, 阳江职业技术学院利用教育贷款从西班牙进口了一批数控设备, 这批高科技设备因为报关要把外文的说明书及其他技术资料翻译成中文, 外文有英语和西班牙语, 学院领导安排这个任务给了外语系的老师, 而外语老师不懂专业英语, 后面这个任务就安排给了我们, 因为这批设备单位要快点运进来安装调试, 免得3000万元放在海关生锈, 这样的话就是极大的浪费。30多页的设备说明书要在半个月左右的时间翻译出来, 时间短, 难度大, 而我们本身也有繁重的为教学任务要完成, 这样, 如何在短时间内又快又好的完成这个任务, 方案的设计尤其重要了。图1和图2为西班牙进口数控设备。图3为待翻译的资料。

2 传统的翻译方案

很多外语老师在翻译时, 往往按照原稿一字一字对照翻译, 一字一字的敲进电脑, 对于专业词汇她们去查字典, 但是字典对于专业词汇的解释又是有限的, 要么找不到, 要么解释不精准, 效率较低, 而她们对专业的东西不了解, 以致于甚至会闹出一些笑话。很多专业老师在翻译时, 由于词汇量的不够, 查字典的次数较多, 直接影响到了翻译的效率。

3 新方案

综合上述的缺点, 我们首先组织了一支合理的翻译团队, 吸收了多语种外语专业人才及数控专业人才加入我们, 然后我们对工作任务的步骤进行了优化设计, 第1步PDF档转化为WORD档, 第2步外文翻译成中文, 第3步改错校对, 第4步重新排版, 第5步WORD转化为PDF档。同时, 我们对工作进度设定了合理的时间节点。

4 翻译方案实施

第1步: PDF档转化为电脑的WORD档, 开始我们尝试用软件将PDF档转化为电脑的WORD档, 我们试了尚书软件, 也试了PDF转WORD软件, 但效果都不好, 后面我们只能考虑用人工来完成这个任务, 这个任务对于1人来说较繁重, 而且单调乏味, 我们找了阳江职业技术学院英文较好的李志敏等6位同学, 每个同学安排了4 ~ 6页的录入工作, 要求他们在3天完成任务, 3天后他们将文档交了上来, 文档交上来后将他们合在一个WORD文档里。

第2步: 外文翻译成中文, 我们在华南农业大学工程学院下载了一个叫雅信的翻译, 但是用它来翻译, 很多词和句没有翻译, 效果不好, 这时我又想到了金山快译软件, 安装了一个金山快译软件在电脑里, 用他翻译试了一下, 效果也不是很好, 但是他基本上还是把每一句话译出来了, 尽管很多词不达意, 这个软件起码可以减少一些我们的翻译打字的工作量, 这样想想我们就凑合先用这个软件将所有技术资料翻译了出来。

第3步: 改错校对, 因为之前是用软件翻译的, 我们的修改校对工作量也还是比较大的, 我们删除了很多错误的内容, 又根据专业实际修改了很多表达语句, 我们斟酌反复修改几遍, 最后达成了第一稿, 对于技术资料中的表格, 我们选择了不译, 因为数字和字母现在中国人都认识理解。以下为翻译好的部分内容:

5 通过直接测量机床检查定位精度

5. 1 评估定位精度的要素


位置公差; 位置的不可靠度; 位置的偏差; 反向误差; 位置的发散。

这些要素在机器每个轴在无负载的情况下分别地被决定。在加工和测试设备的平面和空间的定位精度, 一定条件下依赖于正交性和直线度。

5. 2 位置公差 Tp


5. 3 位置的不可靠度 P

位置的不可靠度是在那精选的考虑到特征值决定的个体位置的测试轴上总偏差: 定位误差、反向误差, 并且重复定位误差。它既包括体系误差, 又包括随机误差。

5. 4 位置的 Pa


5. 5 反向误差 U


第4步: 重新排版, 因为资料是双排的, 只要有调整, 前后都会有变化, 改一次要重新排版一次, 翻译后页码也会发生变化, 一句汉语可能要很多英文才能表达, 一个英语单词可能只要两个字来表达, 而有的英语单词的字母可能很长, 目录也要重新编排, 因为页码也变了。第5步WORD转化为PDF档, 为了让海关及其他人员能较容易的看我们的翻译以及知识产权的保护的考虑, 我们又将WORD转化为PDF档, 我们找了一个WORD转化为PDF档的软件将WORD打印转化为PDF档。图4是翻译后的目录, 图5是此次商务往来信件的翻译。

6 结论

安排学生打字, 减少了简单繁琐工作, 利用翻译软件翻译简单英文, 成功地完成了数控设备外文技术资料翻译。这种方案利用现代工具软件, 又结合了高校丰富的人力资源的优点, 可以大大提高翻译效率及数据的准确性。翻译结果由校方交给海关及出口方后, 获得了好评。


[1]王波.解析数控机床定位精度和重复精度.东方电机, 2007, (03) .

[2]钟柱平.数控机床定位精度的计算.设备管理与维修, 1992, (10) .

[3]迟关心.数控机床定位精度的检测及补偿.航天制造技术, 2010, (03) .

[4]袁宇峰.数控机床的检测精度及其补偿方法浅析[J].东方电机, 2007, (02) :54-57.

[5]张立新, 黄玉美, 杨新刚.混联复合机床转台定位精度的激光测量与补偿[J].传感器与微系统, 2006, 25 (12) :70-72.

[6]邝连杰.加工中心机床几种定位精度标准的比较[J].组合机床与自动化加工技术, 2003, (10) :75-76.

[7]所睿, 范志军, 李岩.双频激光干涉仪技术现状与发展[J].激光与红外, 2004, 34 (04) :251-253.

3.不懂外文的翻译家 篇三





4.外文翻译 篇四






5.机械臂外文翻译 篇五

机械手是近几十年发展起来的一种高科技自动化生产设备。工业机械手是工业机器人的一个重要分支。它的特点是可通过编程来完成各种预期的作业任务,在构造和性能上兼有人和机器各自的优点,尤其体现了人的智能和适应性。机械手作业的准确性和各种环境中完成作业的能力,在国民经济各领域有着广阔的发展前景。随着工业自动化的发展, 出现了数控加工中心,它在减轻工人的劳动强度的同时, 大大提高了劳动生产率。但数控加工中常见的上下料工序, 通常仍采用人工操作或传统继电器控制的半自动化装置。前者费时费工、效率低;后者因设计复杂, 需较多继电器,接线繁杂, 易受车体振动干扰,而存在可靠性差、故障多、维修困难等问题。可编程序控制器PLC控制的上下料机械手控制系统动作简便、线路设计合理、具有较强的抗干扰能力, 保证了系统运行的可靠性,降低了维修率, 提高了工作效率。机械手技术涉及到力学、机械学、电气液压技术、自动控制技术、传感器技术和计算机技术等科学领域,是一门跨学科综合技术。1.工业机械手的概述









机械手一般分为三类:第一类是不需要人工操作的通用机械手。它是一种独立的不附属于某一主机的装置。它可以根据任务的需要编制程序,以完成各项规定的操作。它的特点是具备普通机械的性能之外,还具备通用机械、记忆智能的三元机械。第二类是需要人工才做的,称为操作机。它起源于原子、军事工业,先是通过操作机来完成特定的作业,后来发展到用无线电讯号操作机来进行探测月球等。工业中采用的锻造操作机也属于这一范畴。第三类是用专用机械手,主要附属于自动机床或自动线上,用以解决机床上下料和工件送。这种机械手在国外称为“Mechanical Hand”,它是为主机服务的,由主机驱动;除少数以外,工作程序一般是固定的,因此是专用的。主要特点:










6.外文翻译 篇六











DAS(数据采集系统)是用于收集疏水槽的压力、温度数据信号,实时监控和显示的运行状态系统。疏水箱的水位信号(4 ~ 20 ma)被送到模拟输入卡。系统预设值比较运算符在水位信号的人机界面,通过调整PID回路,控制信号从模拟输出卡输出阀(4 ~ 20 ma),来调整阀门开度,从而达到控制的目的疏水槽水位,水位调节循环1 #、2 # MSR储油槽,分别由6组12每个正常排水监管和应急排水阀门,从各自的分段处理液位控制器控制信号来调整阀门开度,液位保持在控制范围内,控制储油 1

湖北理工学院 毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译





A硬件需求除了满足核级仪表设备需求(1 e)安全(RCC-E(2002)标准)[2],核功率计的计算机控制系统应该是结构化,模块化,灵活,操作方便,控制网络。系统通道或保护和控制系统必须实现电气隔离和功能隔离用于光纤通信,系统必须有一个持续的在线自测诊断能力。作为一个整体,硬件系统具有较强的抗电磁干扰、高功率瞬变能力和满足电磁兼容性要求。水气分离器再热器之外的这种技术的控制系统可以被认为是通过识别的智能传感器和现场总线技术,实现信息采集和现场控制。这种技术大大简化了仪器控制布局的结构和分布的过程。B.可靠性设计

(a)冗余设计:由于核电站的特殊性质,为了确保DCS的高可靠性要求,I / O模块,和具体的现场控制站控制器、电源、网络和服务器,将冗余配置。

(b)隔离设计:特殊要求或信号,如信号安全non-security-level DCS和DCS是一个共安全级别DCS将孤立从non-security-level DCS,避免非安全性系统导致损失的安全特性。






湖北理工学院 毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译

配置软件需求: 首先,软件具有较强的可移植性,连接和互操作性;其次、安全、高效的数据通信中,友好和视觉界面;DCS系统应用程序配置软件作为软件平台,控制工程师,从如何编写软件程序来实现控制和显示功能,并花更多的时间和精力在控制电路的设计和实际控制和显示在打印相关信息,如使用这种模块化的配置方法,可以完成各种项目的配置。

这个设计使用一个控制配置央行图。央行是包括所有仪器控制系统的控制图。# 1 MSR正常/紧急疏水槽排水阀控制,例如,给央行的配置图和描述。液位的分段控制,即正常排水阀调节正常水平间隔,紧急排水阀高度间隔。液位控制一直很稳定,在扰动发生时,液位控制响应快,如果液面达到极限,正常和紧急陷阱都打开,关闭完全正确(高液位报警有强制性全面紧急控制水阀,低水平报警而强制关闭正常排水阀)。控制系统的失败后,设备正确响应,以确保机组的安全。

# 1 msr二级央行的正常储油槽陷阱配置图


使用HART协议DVC6010PD智能定位器(精度±1%)取代了现有的3582克气动阀门定位器。阀门管理安装AMS ValveLink软件和相关硬件支持# 1,# 2 msr在线和离线诊断,管理的控制阀门。

PID控制模块、模拟输入模块(AIN)和模拟输出模块(差异)连接有机地形成一个参数控制电路,。首先,是模块主要修改测量信号,FBM缩放、警报和其他操作,然后输出处理过的数据测量值输入参数PID控制模块的量。其次,PID模块考虑偏差的测量值和设置和设置p,我,d处理和调优参数,最终,传输数据量的差异模块。最后,对模块的输出数据,作为修改,然后路由到FBM的输出点。为了提高控制质量,单回路控制方案的基础上,还可以使用串级控制的程序员。串级控制回路由2模拟输入模块(AIN),2 PID控制模块和一个模拟输出模块(差异)。当循环工作状态,二级调节器的设置状态,参数的设置值是一个数据连接和通信和输出参数的主要监管机构。无扰转移到闭环控制,您通常需要将初始化二级调节器的输出信号初始化主调节器的输入信号。同时二级调节器的输出信号反演计算的输入信号传输逆计算的主要监管机构。对模块的初始化输出信号需要被转移到初始化二级调节器的输入信

湖北理工学院 毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译



DCS是公认的双向交流220 v±10%,50赫兹±2.5赫兹单相电源,由两个不间断电源(UPS),隔离变压器抑制高频干扰传输到网格中的力量。冗余电源配置合适的开关装置和循环保护电路。这两个主要力量提要内阁。适当的地面点的选择,完美的接地系统,接地设计,系统接地,保护接地,屏蔽地面分离。抑制噪声,确保系统的安全运行,各种抗噪声技术用于设计。这些技术包括opto-isolated、高共,必要的接地和电磁屏蔽。加强DCS系统抗干扰能力的ˈ当其他设备工作在470 mhz的频率,功率5 w,和从系统中超过1.2米,电磁干扰和射频干扰不会影响系统的稳定性。振动强度要求:5855。



