1.牛津英语1A教学反思 篇一
1、各单元Look and learn 中的词汇: 要求:(1)看图片或实物说单词。
Module 1
morning afternoon / book ruler pencil rubber / eye mouth face nose
Module 2
read sing draw / father mother grandfather grandmother me he she / fat thin tall short Module 3 one two three four five six / apple
orange / hamburger pizza cake pie Module 4
chick duck cow pig / bear tiger monkey panda / red
blue green yellow
(2)能看图说单词。Module 1 pen bag pencil-box ballpen / head hand arm foot
Module 2 write jump run swim / brother sister / big small young old Module 3 seven eight nine ten /banana watermelon lemon/ biscuit hot dog
Module 4 cat dog sheep horse/ lion elephant zebra/ red pink brown
(二)Daily expressions(日常会话)
内容:各单元Look and say中出现的对话。
Module 1
Good morning!
Good afternoon!Goodbye!
2.Give me a ruler,please.Here you are.Thank you.Module 2
How are you? Fine, thank you.Module 3 1.Apples, please.2.Can I help you?
How many apples?
May I have a hamburger, please?
Four apples.Here you are.Here you are.Thank you.Thank you.(三)Sentence pattern(基本句型)
内容:各单元Look and say中出现的句子。
Module 1
Look!This is my face.This is your mouth.Touch your face.Module 2 1.What can you do?
I can sing.2.This is my mother.(father…)
This is me.3.Who’s he? He’s my grandfather.Who’s she? She’s my grandmother.4.This is Danny.He’s my classmate.He’s fat.He can read.This is Kitty.She’s my friend.She’s thin.She can dance.Module 3 How many books?
Two books.Module 4 1.What’s this? It’s a chick.What’s that? It’s a cow.2.Is this a monkey? Yes, it’s a monkey.Is that a bear? No, it’s a panda.3.What colour is it?
It’s yellow.Colour the pencil green.(四)Activities(歌曲和儿歌)
2.牛津英语1A教学反思 篇二
《课程标准》指出:“高中英语课程的总目标是使学生在义务教育阶段英语学习的基础上, 进一步明确英语学习的目的, 发展自主学习和合作学习的能力;形成有效的学习策略;培养学生的综合语言运用能力。”新课程要求我们从以知识为本的教育理念转变为以学生发展为本的教育理念, 重新认识高中英语课程的目标和定位。因此, 我们应改变传统的教学思想、观念和课堂教学行为, 树立新的学生观, 从而迎接新课程的挑战, 适应现代社会发展对英语课程的要求。我们如何在新课改环境下改变观念, 以促进学生的发展为依据设计课堂教学成为当务之急, 课堂教学成效已成关注的重点。
牛津高中英语新教材模块设计科学、合理, 具有整体性和可塑性, 题材广泛, 内容丰富、有趣, 语言真实、自然, 情景生动、逼真。活动和任务灵活、多样、富有情景, 是教材的一大特色。教材的设计以学生为中心, 把学生放在学习主人的位置。要求学生通过“做”学习英语 (do to learn) , 获得英语运用能力, 体现英语教学新理念。教材的设计还重视学习策略, 培养学生的合作学习和自主学习能力, 开发他们的智力。教材中的Task板块设计的活动任务灵活多样、富有情境, 要求学生在完成任务的过程中使用英语, 培养学生听、说、读、写的综合技能, 是《牛津高中英语》的一大亮点。
(一) 任务步骤
Task板块顺着本单元的话题, 以任务的最终产品为目标, 设计了一系列的活动, 学生通过结对或小组活动的方式, 亲历语言实践, 在完成任务的过程中获得语言运用能力。任务分三个步骤。
Step 1: (Receptive) 通过听或读, 获取与任务相关的信息。
Step 2: (Interactive) 通过读 (提供说的内容) 和说, 开展相互对话或小组等交际活动。
Step 3: (Productive) 分析、处理信息, 进行归纳总结, 完成说或写的任务。
另外, 每个Step都有一个技能训练 (Skills building) , 确保学生顺利完成三个步骤。三个步骤在内容和能力训练上既相对独立, 又相互联系, 可操作性强。
(二) Three skills building (三个技能训练)
Skills building 1:对在Step 1中进行听或读活动时所要用的技能进行指导和训练。
Skills building 2:对在Step 2中进行活动时所要用的技能进行指导和训练。
Skills building 3:对完成Step 3中说或写所要用的技能进行指导和训练。
(三) 活动特点
整个活动过程的设计体现了新课改的精神, 具有以下特点。
1. 每个单元的Task板块设计的任务都与单元话题密切相关, 内容丰富, 所设计的任务都有明确的目的。任务内容与学生的兴趣、爱好紧密相连, 提高了学生学习英语的兴趣, 调动了学生的积极性激发了学生的表现欲。
2. Task板块设计的任务由简到繁, 由易到难, 层层深入, 并形成由初级任务向高级任务及高级任务涵盖初级任务的循环。任务犹如阶梯, 相互依存, 级级升高。学生的语言能力通过每一项任务逐步发展, 使教学层层递进, 达到活化教材的效果。
3. 任务型活动优化了英语课堂教学, 发展了学生自主学习、合作学习的意识。学生通过体验、实践、讨论、合作和探究等方式, 充分发挥自己的学习潜能, 形成有效的学习策略, 提高自主学习的能力, 发展了听、说、读、写的综合技能。
4. 任务的设计注重培养学生用英语搜集和处理信息的能力、获取新知识的能力、分析和解决问题的能力, 以及交流与合作的能力。有利于学生学会运用多种媒体和信息资源, 拓宽学习渠道, 形成具有个性的学习方法和风格。
5. 任务的设计使学生在英语学习的过程中, 提高独立思考和判断的能力, 发展与人沟通和合作的能力, 树立正确的人生观、世界观和价值观, 增强社会责任感, 全面提高人文素养, 它充分体现了以学生为中心和以人的发展为本的教育理念。
因此, Task板块的设计有利于学生学习英语知识, 发展语言技能, 提高实际语言运用能力, 更有利于学生培养和发展学习策略。
Task板块的三个技能从不同角度体现了英语教学着重培养学生“听、说、读、写”能力的特点, 可谓是对学生综合能力培养的教学。我以模块一Unit1 Task板块教学为例, 说明如何体现Task板块的设计理念。
(一) 教学目标
1.语言技能目标。 (1) Talk about how to understand a pro-gramme (2) Talk about how to compare information (3) Talk about how to write a notice (4) To develop the abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing
2. 能力目标。 (1) 培养学生获取、处理和综合信息的能力。 (2) 培养学生的语言运用能力。
3. 情感目标。培养学生合作学习的意识。
4. 学习策略目标。培养学生自主学习、探究学习、合作学习的能力。
(二) 任务设计
Skill building 1:reading a programme
(1) Important information of a school programme timetable
(2) How to complete a school programme timetable?
(3) Listening I:complete the timetable
A famous scientist will visit several high school.As a school newspaper reporter, you are asking him about his programme for next week.Listen to his talk and complete the timetable. (p12)
(三) 教学流程设计
导入 (教师展现一个计划) →指导学生如何理解计划→分组讨论如何填写有关计划表→听力训练→指导学生如何整理、比较信息→分组讨论有关信息的比较、整理→以对话的形式展现→指导学生如何书写通知→让学生根据整理的信息来书写通知→交换所写的通知并相互批改→展现在大家面前→教师点评。
整个流程设计以学生掌握通知的书写为最终目标, 层层递进, 体现了“做中学”的教学原则, 把课堂时间更多地交给学生, 充分发挥他们的主动性与创造性, 通过体验、实践、合作和探究等方式全面发展学生的听、说、读、写的语言技能, 同时使学生的情感也得到升华。
要更好地体现Task板块的设计理念, 让学生通过“做”学习英语, 获得英语运用能力, 我认为在Task板块教学过程中要注意以下几点。
(一) 注重语言的输入, 使学生为实施活动做好知识上和语言技能的准备。教师如果忽略了这一点, 课堂上急于让学生完成任务, 学生就不能完成任务以达到预期的效果, 究其原因是没有足够的语言信息输入。任务的设计是为了帮助学生运用英语进行交际, 因此, 每一阶段任务的设计都应有一定的导入性, 如在语言技能方面, 应先输入后输出, 使教学呈阶梯式层层推进。学生在学习语言形式的基础上, 把知识作为铺垫, 层层深入, 通过一系列语言任务训练, 才能在完成任务的语言交际活动中运用自如。
(二) 注意教学形式的多样性和实效性, 一成不变的教学模式只会加大教学难度。可以采用学生个体参与、集体参与、教师讲解相结合的方法, 同时辅以听、说、读、写, 全方位训练学生各方面的能力。
(三) 对学生进行学法指导, “授之以鱼, 不如授之渔”, 从而让学生掌握有效的学习策略。
(四) 帮助学生建立安全感和归属感。在教学中, 注意提问不同层次的学生, 关注每一个学生的点滴进步并给予肯定。降低他们的紧张和焦虑的程度, 减轻心理压力, 满足他们的安全和归属感, 使他们身心愉快地参与学习。
(五) 牛津高中英语教材信息量大、面广, 而且刚刚实施, 大家都没有足够的教学经验, 因此我们要不断提升自身修养, 提高自身素质, 不断扩大知识面, 创新性、创造性地利用教材。只有教师在这些方面有所提升, 教学才能达到预期的效果。
以上是我三年多来对Task板块教学的感悟, 在以后的教学实践中, 我会不断总结得与失, 更好地适应课改的要求, 最大限度地促进学生全面发展。
3.牛津英语1A教学反思 篇三
教学案例一:牛津英语7A main task 片段(P36)
Dear friend
I spend seven hours a day at school. I like some parts of the day and I don’t like others ...
在画线句子中如果学生对others和the others的用法一知半解的话,那么他们肯定不知道这里为什么用others。在讲解这一句子之前,我先举了一个已做过的选择题。
e.g. I like some of the books and I don’t like .
A.others B.the other C.other D.the others
师:还知道others和the others的用法区别吗?
生:others指其余的,(但不包括其余的全部);the others指某一范围内其余的。
生:有,the books.
e.g. Theyanother bridge over the river in a few years.(build)
师:Can you give me the answer?
生:have built.
生:和in the past few years一样用法。
师:(我明白了,和完成时的时间状语混淆了)那in two years用什么时态。
师:把two换成a few用什么时态。
(作者单位 江苏省江阴市华士实验中学)
4.牛津英语1A教学反思 篇四
1. using formulaic expressions to greet people.
2. using simple present sense to indicate habitual actions.
3. learn the song.
simple present tense. i take my bag and book to school.
pre-task preparation
1.do the actions. stand up, please. sit down, please. open your book. close your book. clap your hands. stamp your feet. come here, please. go back to your seat.
2.say a rhyme learned in last class.
while-task procedure
1.greeting each other. good morning, a. good morning b.
2. teach word, teacher. (point myself) t: i’m a teacher. let ss repeat: teacher.
3.say i take a pencil, and do the action.
4.teach word school. show a picture of school. let ss say mysay a rhyme learned in last class.教
5. (teacher act and say). t: i take my bag and book to school.
6. i take my bag and book, my bag and book to school.
7. listen to the tape.
8.sing after the tape.
post-task activity
sing and act the song.
sing a song .
5.牛津英语1A教学反思 篇五
2. using formulaic expressions to greet people e.g. good morning.
教学过程教学重点:to learn how to greet use simple greetings in class
教学难点:to learn and understand the modelled phrases in classes
教学准备:sentences cards animal pictures cassette player
step 1: warming-up
t: hello, boys and girls. 小朋友们大家好!首先,听老师介绍一下自己。(板书:谢)谁来告诉老师,这是什么字啊?
t: 当其他小朋友帮助你的时候,你应该怎么说?
s: 谢谢!
t: 所以,知道怎么称呼我了吗?还可以用英语说吗?miss xie. 现在,谁能用英语跟老师打一下招呼呢?
t: hello! good morning.
s: hello! good morning.
step 2: presentation
t: 现在,大家都知道了老师的名字,可以开始上课了吗?那么上课之前,我们应该怎样做呢?
t: class begins. 你们应该说什么?stand up, please.
s: (read after the teacher)
t: sit down, please.
s: (read these sentences words by words, practise the sentences in pairs or groups)
step 3: consolidation
t: i say and you do.
s: listen to the order and do as the teacher say.
t: let’s do faster, ok?
t: now, practice in pairs, one ask and one answer.
t: who can do in pairs?
t: who can do in groups?
(encourage them when they says good)
step 4: ending
6.牛津小学英语教学反思 篇六
本节课的内容是牛津小学英语6A Unit7B C部分,在上课的过程中,我对教材进行了一定的研究分析,根据学生的实际生活,设计了一系列的教学活动过程。除了运用本课所学的重点单词以外,还引导学生进行延伸与拓展,同时让学生自主创设情境,操练所学过的语言文化知识。但是我对课堂的整体设计不够严密,整个课堂并未出现我所期待的亮点。现将我对这节课的整体思路阐述如下: 教学反思:
一、自由对话,导入新课。在本节课中,我从Free Talk开始谈起,通过问日期与说唱很自然的引入新课,引出本课标题:Unit 7 At Christmas,关于圣诞节的风俗习惯很多,我出示了三个词组Father Christmas ,give presents,a Christmas tree 让学生说说这是什么节日做的事情。我选择了呈现礼物这个特色做为我本节课的切入点,引入本课新单词的教学,且准备了一定的教学实物,通过展示各种实物的方法,让学生从视觉上认识事物,体验中学会说英语。同时我采用送礼物的方式来呈现新句型和名词性物主代词,学生在这种情境中学习新内容,大脑始终处于兴奋状态,学得认真,记得牢固。
7.牛津版初中英语阅读教学 篇七
在还没有正式开始上课的时候,老师就要调动学生的学习积极性,把英语教材里面的一些内容分别和同学们进行沟通,让同学们发挥想象力,各自提出不同的见解。然后再相互探讨,最大限度的发挥想象力。要是教师设计的问题特别简单,学生很容易回答,往往不利于激发学生思考,不利于促进学生思维的发展。所以课堂问题设计需要结合学生实际逻辑思维能力,善于变换方式与角度,激发学生的学习兴趣,能够有效提升学生的智力水平,进而促进学生英语学习效率的提高。以“The Taiwan Earthquake”(Fun with English 8A Unit 6 Reading)这部分教学为例,笔者具体设计的问题如下:
1. What was Timmy doing when the earthquake started?
2. What was the noise like finally?
3. What happened to Timmy?
4. What did Timmy have in his pocket?
5. When Timmy heard some noise,what was he doing?
8.牛津英语1A教学反思 篇八
牛津英语教材在每个单元之初都安排了Welcome to the unit,所谓设计巧妙。该板块的图片、文字和问题的设置都紧靠单元的话题展开,让学生在正式进入Reading之前对相关信息有充分的掌握,以便减轻对Reading材料的理解。
笔者所执教的一堂展示课是牛津英语必修5Unit3Science and nature的Welcome to the unit部分,其中安排的话题是关于clone的。如何巧妙设问展开讨论,让学生了解clone的相关知识,进而激发学生表达欲望,提高其口语表达能力,是教材的重点。难点在于,第一,学生对clone相关的信息缺乏,无法开展课堂互动;第二,即便是对clone了解一点,与之相关的词汇也不足以支撑其进行正常的英语交流。
首先,如何通过设问引出Welcome to the unit的话题。笔者想到了clone的既然是两个一模一样的,那就不妨让学生猜一猜,教室里面有没有两个看上去一模一样的,进而启发学生想想东西能有一样的,那么我们人能不能也一样、怎么能一样呢?通过以上一系列的设问,最终巧妙地引出clone的话题。
一堂精彩的展示课光有好的开始还不够,课堂还要有一定的深度。为此,笔者以“Is cloning technology good or bad, why or why not?”为题展开小组辩论,最终得出结论“We should make good use of cloning technology to benefit mankind.”
在Lead-in环节,笔者创设了两个情景譬如说“My dog died many years ago; I loved it very much; I only kept a hair of it. How can I get my dog back?”巧妙地情景创设让学生很快进入课堂积极思考。
在Picture-talking环节,笔者让一个学生模仿动物的样子,其他学生猜测是什么动物,学生的积极性很高,课堂气氛再度迎来高潮;让第二个学生跟着第一个学生的表情或者语言,问班级其他学生“Are they looking alike, why do they look alike?”通过一系列的问题,激发学生思考,达到师生共鸣。
在Group-discussion环节,笔者设计了两个问题“1. In your opinion, Can cloned humans lead a normal life as regular ones? 2. Suppose one is a copy of yourself, you two meet in the school campus, what will you two talk about?”通过小组讨论,学生对clone有了更进一步的认识,此时,笔者不失时机地提出了一个话题“Would it be a good idea to clone humans some day?”让学生进行分组辩论。
在Summary和Homework阶段,笔者结合辩论,鼓励学生思考“How should we make use of cloning technology?”进而得出结论“We should use cloning technology to benefit mankind.”鉴于clone信息的新颖,笔者让学生课后上网搜集相关的图片和文字说明,并做好下一节课Reading的准备。
总之,Welcome to the unit板块的设计不同于单元的其他板块教学。该板块为开阔学生视野、增加学生知识面、加强学生间的互动交流,提供了一个很好的平台;同时也为锻炼学生英语思维能力、激发学生英语学习兴趣、促进学生英语口语表达能力,做了一个很好的铺垫。因此,笔者以为,开展好Welcome to the unit 板块的教学,应该得到同仁们的高度重视。
9.牛津英语1A教学反思 篇九
Step 1.Lead?鄄in
T: Hi,everyone.Ss: Hi,Mr.Lu.T: It’s quiet.There is no noise any more.No one is speaking.There is no noise.There is no whisper.(迅速地板书whisper)No one is making a noise or a whisper.A whisper is a very low sound.It means soft noise.As we al?鄄ready know,Jiangxiang school is a most unusual school.It is quite unlike any other school in Sichuan.It is quite un?鄄usual,not the same as usual.(板书unusual)Where do you have English class,in Chengdu or in Yangzhou?
Ss: Chengdu.T: Today’s classroom is quite strange,(板书strange)so it is quite unusual for you.It’s a lovely day,isn’t it?
Ss: Yes.T: Where are you going? Shall we go to the park?
Ss: Good idea.(Show the picture of the park.)
T: What can you see in the picture?
Sb: I can see the bushes.(Present the new word―bush.)
T: Who are they in the park?
Ss: They are Millie and Amy.T: Are they happy?
(Play the scream.)
Ss: No.T: Have a guess.What happened?
Ss:...T: You didn’t reply,didn’t answer me quickly.(板书reply,quickly)What did you hear?
Sc: I can hear something unusual that is unusual sound.(Teach the new word―miaow.)
T: How did you feel?
Sd: I felt afraid.T: Is there anything unusual in the park?The ghost in the park?(Write down the topic on the board.)What’s this?Ghost.(Teach the new word―ghost.)
Step 2.Pre?鄄reading
T: Now Daniel put the story here.Read the first part of the story and answer the following questions:Who were they?Where were they?When did it happen?What did they see/hear?How did they feel?Why did they feel so afraid?
Se: They are Millie and Amy.Sf: They sat under a big tree.Sg: On Sunday morning.Sh: They saw nothing.Si: They heard a whisper from the bushes behind the tree.Sj: They were very afraid.T: Which sentence tells you?
Sk: They left the park quickly.T: What did they do then?
Sl: They told Andy everything.T: Would you read the second part of the story and find out what happened actually?Shall we play a game now? I’d like some students to stand in two circles like this...When I play the music,the students in outer circle walk in a clockwise direction,and the students in the inner circle keep still.When I stop the music,you can ask and answer the questions according to the card.Q1:What was in the park?
Q2:How does the cat make sounds?
Q3:What was the ghost?
Q4:What was there behind the bushes?
Q5:How was the ghost? Was it very strong? Which words or sentences tell you?
Q6:What kind of sound did it make?
Q7:Then what did Andy do?
10.上海版牛津1A全册教案 篇十
My classroom
The First Period Teaching contents: Let‟s act(Page 2)Teaching aims: 1.知识目标:能用祈使句Stand up, please.Sit down, please.Open your book.Close your book.给出简单指令。
3.情感目标:激发学生学习的兴趣,使学生寓教于乐。Difficult and key points:能用所学的命令相互交流。Teaching aids: A cassette player, book, and bag.Teaching procedure: Step1: Warming-up
Introduce: Hello, children.I‟m---.I‟m your teacher.I love you.You can say “hello” to me.This is our classroom.It‟s big and clean.We all love our classroom.Step2: Presentation
1.Learn to say and act: Stand up, please.(1).Look, I‟m sitting now.I can stand up.Teacher does the action and say: Stand up.Students look and listen.Repeat several times and ask the students to stand up.(2).Try to say.(3).Practice between the teacher and the students.T: Stand up, please.Ss: Stand up, one, two.2.Learn to say and act: Sit down, please.(1).I want to sit down.Teacher do the action and say.(2).Try to say.(3).Practice between the girls and the boys.3.Say and act: Open your book.(1).Show a book.Look at the book.It‟s Tom‟s.Tom, I can open your book..Say slowly: Open your book.(2).Learn, and then work in pairs.S1: Open, open, open your book.S2: Open, open, open my book.(3).Say: Close your book.The same with b.Step3: Practice 1.Play the cassette, follow and repeat.2.Practice: one give the command, the others do the action.Step4: Homework
Board-writing design:
Teaching reflections:
The Second Period Teaching contents: Let‟s talk(Page 3)Teaching aims: 1.知识目标:学会问候语How are you?及回答Fine, thank you.学会Good morning.问候早上好。2.能力目标:熟练运用句子交流。3.情感目标:教育学生做到礼貌待人。Difficult and key points:
How are you? Good morning.的问候语。Teaching aids: A cassette player, a puppet.Teaching procedure: Step1: Warming-up 1.Sing a song 2.Make quick response.(Stand up, please.Sit down, please.Open your book.Close your book.)Step2: Presentation
1.Learn to say: Good morning.(1)Take out a puppet, then say:” Good morning.”(教师边说边作挥挥手的动作)。
(2)Practice greeting---Good morning.Good morning.a.Practice between T and Ss.b.Work in pairs.c.With your good friend.2.Learn: Good afternoon.(The same: step1 a, b)3.Learn: How are you? Fine, thank you.(1).Take out the puppets.Elicit: how are you? Fine, thank you.(2).Imitate and practice.(3).Practice.a.Ask more able students to practice with teacher.b.Work in pairs.c.Chain drill around the class.S1: How are you? S2: Fine, thank you.How are you? S3: Fine, thank you.How are you?(to s4)
(4).Play the cassette.The students follow and repeat.Prepare the dialogue in groups of four.Step3: Consolidation
1.Get the students to act out the dialogue in page 3.2.Get the students to go around the classroom and greeting their friends.Step4: Homework Board-writing design: Teaching reflections:
The Third Period Teaching contents: Let‟s learn(Page 4)Teaching aims: 1.知识目标:学会pencil, pen, ruler, rubber, bag等学习用品。2.能力目标:运用各种方法简单描述物品。3.情感目标:教育学生热爱学习。
Difficult and key points: 单词的发音和识记。
Teaching aids: A cassette player, picture cards and word cards.Teaching procedure: Step1: Warming-up
1.Listen and act and say.Stand up, please.Open the book, and so on.2.Greet individuals “Good morning, Good afternoon, how are you?”
Step2: Presentation 1.Learn to say: bag.(1).Show the object, ask: What is it, children?(2).Teacher say bag slowly, students follow.(3).Point to the word card, say it one by one.(4).Try to say sth about the bag.E.g.This is a bag, its red.2.Learn to say: rubber.(1)Guessing game, what‟s in the bag? Oh, look, it‟s a rubber, a big rubber.(2).Learn to say the word.(3).Look at the picture card and word card, read.(4).say phrases: a big rubber, a white rubber.3.Learn to say: ruler.(1)Come here.Close your eyes.Touch it.Guess, what is it?(2).Follow the teacher.(3).Make the sentences about ruler.2.Learn to say: pencil and pen(1)Using the objects to elicit the words.(2)Learn to say short dialogue.3.Practice,(1).Repeat or clap.(2).What is missing.(3).Scatter the picture and the word card on the blackboard.Ask students make matching pairs.Step3: Consolidation
1.Get the class to revise together.2.Consolidation Game: Which group wins? Say the phrases.Step4: Homework Board-writing design: Teaching reflections:
The Fourth Period Teaching contents: Let‟s play(Page 5)Teaching aims: 1.知识目标:学会说说这首儿歌。2.能力目标:正确模仿语音语调说说儿歌。3.情感目标:懂得与同学友好相处。Difficult and key points:说儿歌的完整性。Teaching aids: A cassette player, samples of cards.Teaching procedure: Step1: Warming-up 1.Sing a song 2.Listen and act and say 3.Greet: Good morning.How are you? Step2: Presentation 1.The first verse(1).Learn: paper a.Show a pencil and paper, say: Look, I can draw a dog on the paper.Say slowly, paper.b.The students follow.Point to the word card and say it.c.Say some phrases: a paper bag, a paper plane------(2).Learn to say: I can see.(教师运用肢体语言教学): I can see.Students try to say
(3).Learn to say: for you and me a.Guess: what‟s in my hand? … Oh, yes, they‟re two rubbers.This is for you, and this is for me.You can Also say : for you and me.b.Follow the teacher.Say and act(4).Read the rhyme slowly line by line(5).The students try to say 2.The second verse the same to step 1.3.Play the cassette for the rhyme, student follow and read the rhyme 4.Practice the rhyme Invite pairs of students to act out the rhyme to the class Step3: Consolidation
Say the rhyme again with group 1,2 saying one verse and group 3,4 the next.Step4: Homework
Board-writing design:
Teaching reflections:
The Fifth Period Teaching contents: Let‟s enjoy(Page 6)Teaching aims: 1.知识目标:歌曲中的问候及物体的描述。2.能力目标:能学会表演唱歌。3.情感目标:礼貌待人,热爱学习。
Difficult and key points:歌曲中句子与动作的协调配合。
Teaching aids: A cassette player, pictures, object, book, bag and so on.Teaching procedure: Step1: Warming-up 1.Listen and act and say 2.Read the picture cards in this unit 3.Match the picture cards and the word cards Step2: Presentation
1.Greet the students “Good morning” “Good afternoon” and the response.2.Learn to say: teacher(1)Point to the teacher and say: I‟m a teacher, say slowly.Students point to the teacher ,say it.(2)Rhyme: teacher, teacher, good morning, teacher.3.To learn: school(1)(Show a picture)Look, children, this is our school.We go to school every day.Say: school(2)Follow and repeat 4.To learn: I take my bag and book to school.(1)Ask: What‟s this? Yes, this is a bag and this is a book.You take a bag and a book to school every day
(2)Say slowly: I take my bag and book to school.(动作和学习用品协调配合)Follow the teacher(3)Say and act.(Hold up the bag and book)5.Play the cassette(1)Students listen and follow(2)Boys sing and girls act, then change.6.Play the cassette again Sing with them for a few minutes.Encourage them to sing along with the cassette.Step3: Consolidation
1.Sing: Good morning.(用其它学习用品代替bag, book.)2.Act out the song.Step4: Homework Board-writing design:
Teaching reflections:
The Sixth Period Teaching contents: Let‟s act(Page 2-6)Teaching aims: 1.知识目标:
①能用祈使句Stand up, please.Sit down, please.Open your book.Close your book.给出简单指令。
②学会问候语How are you?及回答Fine, thank you.学会Good morning.问候早上好。
③听、说、认读pencil, pen, ruler, rubber, bag等学习用品。
2.能力目标:熟练运用句子交流,能听懂简单指令并做出反应。3.情感目标:激发学生学习的兴趣,使学生寓教于乐。Difficult and key points:单词和句子的认读。Teaching aids: A cassette player, samples of cards.Teaching procedure: Step1: Warming-up 1.Sing a song 2.Say the chant 3.Greet: Good morning.How are you? Step2: Presentation 1.Good morning , 2.How are you ?
I am fine, thank you.3.One , two ,Stand up.Three , four , Sit down.Five ,six , open your book.Seven ,eight , close your book.4.Good morning , Good morning!How are you ? I am fine , I am fine , thank you.Step3: Consolidation Open the books Turn to P2 Listen to the tape Read follow the tape Step4: Homework Board-writing design:
Teaching reflections:
Unit 2
Numbers The First Period Teaching contents: Let‟s act(Page 7)Teaching aims: 1.知识目标:
(1)Learn to say the sentence: Give me …, please.(2)Learn to use the sentence to ask for something in the classroom.2.能力目标:
(1)Using imperatives to give simple instructions.E.g.give me…, please.(2)Using nouns to identify classroom objects.E.g.rubber 3.情感目标:同学之间要互相帮助,互借学习用品。Difficult and key points: 注意please的读音及用法。Teaching aids: Common classroom objects, e.g.book, rubber Teaching procedure: Step1: Warming-up
Sing a song(歌声能活跃气氛,营造英语氛围。)Step2: Revision
1.Revise the classroom objects vocabulary.(1)T: What do you have in your bag? S: book pen pencil ruler rubber bag(2)Let them put their personal items on the desks.(3)Say the rhyme:------Paper, a pencil.I can see.Paper, a pencil.For you and me!
(通过师生问答,既复习了学习用品为新课做下铺垫,又培养学生用英语交流的能力)Step3: Presentation Learn to say: Give me a rubber.1.Say a story like this: We‟re drawing.But I haven‟t a rubber.So I say to a pupil: Give me a rubber, please.Then let the pupil give me a rubber.2.Turn to other pupils and say: “Give me a rubber,(ruler, pen, pencil, book, bag)please.”
3.Listen and say after the tape.(通过真实场景更能让学生融入其中,掌握更牢固。听录音能帮助学生正音。)Step4: Consolidation
1.Game: T: Children, I‟m hurry.I want to eat a cake.Give me a cake, please.S: OK.Here you are.(T-S)(1)(出示各种文具、水果、食品等图片)T: Do you want them? Please ask me.S: Give me a banana(apple, mooncake, pen…), please.(S-T)(2)(S-S)Ask and answer.Step5: Homework
Board-writing design:
Teaching reflections:
The Second Period Teaching contents: Let‟s talk.(Page 8)Teaching aims: 1.知识目标:Using formulaic expressions to greet people, introduce oneself and your friends.2.能力目标:能正确介绍自己和别人: e.g.: I’m „ This is „ 3.情感目标:同学之间要团结、有礼貌。
Difficult and key points:区别I‟m„与 This is„的用法。Teaching aids: Wallchart 1A.Teaching procedure: Step1: Warming-up 1.Sing a song <
1.Learn to say: Hello, May.(1)Greeting :(T-S)T: Hello.S: Hello, Miss …(2)(S-S)S1: Hello, May.S2: Hello, Tim.(可以采用开火车,同桌之间,好朋友之间互相问好。)2.Learn to say: Hi, May.3.Introducing yourself.(1)Hold up a moppet.Say „Hello, I‟m …‟ then point to yourself and say „Hello, I‟m Miss...‟
(2)(T-S)T: Hello, I‟m Miss Zhang.(Repeat)
S: Hello, I‟m …(student‟s name)
(3)(S-S)Encourage the students to greet each other and introduce themselves to each other.4.Introducing your friends.(1)Ask one student to come to the front.Point he(she)and say: T: This is …(student‟s name).Point other student: T: This is …
(2)Ask who‟s your friend? Let the students introduce their friend(通过面对面介绍自己和朋友既可以加深印象又可以区别I‟m„与This is „的用法.)Step3: Consolidation Say and act.1.Put up the Wallchart on the board.2.Students listen and follow in their books.3.Divide the students in several groups.4.Act.Step4: Homework
Board-writing design:
Teaching reflections:
The Third Period Teaching contents: Let‟s learn.(Page 9)Teaching aims: 1.知识目标:Using numbers to count from one to six.2.能力目标:会用6个数字数所学的物品,适当学习其他数字。3.情感目标:培养学生节俭的好习惯。Difficult and key points: 会用数字数物品。Teaching aids: Word and picture Cards 1A.Teaching procedure: Step1: Warming-up
1.Sing a song <
S1: Hello, This is May.S2: Hello, May.2.Act in pairs.Step3: Presentation 1.Ask and answer.T: Now let‟s draw a picture.Give me a pencil, please.S: Here you are.(1)(2)(3)The teacher point to the pencil and say: one, one pencil The teacher let the students give him a pencil, again.Show one pencil: one pencil.Show another pencil: one pencil Put 2 pencils in all: two pencils(4)Teach other numbers: three, four, five, and six 2.Practice 6 numbers.(1)(2)(3)(4)Take out six rulers.Introduce the new numbers by adding the rulers one by one.Count slowly „one, two, three, four, five, six‟.Game: Call the numbers from 1-6.3.Count the objects with 6 numbers.(1)Hold up a jar of sweets.Let the students count the sweets.E.g.: one sweet, two sweets…(2)Game: Listening activity:
Every student is given 6 sweets.Read out a number within the rang of 1 to 6.When the students hear the number, they count out the correct number of sweets.Step4: Consolidation: Workbook page 6: 1.Listen and circle the number you hear.2.Listen and write the numbers.Step5: Homework
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The Fourth Period Teaching contents: Let‟s play(Page 10)Teaching aims: 1.知识目标:Using imperatives to give simple instructions and using numerals to count numbers.2.能力目标:Say and act.3.情感目标:培养学生的集体精神。Difficult and key points: How many„? Teaching aids: A cassette player, pictures Teaching procedure: Step1: Warming-up 1.Sing a song 2.Daily talk Step2: Revision 1.Say a rhyme.(儿歌既可以增加气氛,又便于学生回忆数字。)2.Game: Call the numbers.(通过报数的游戏,复习巩固了数字又培养学生集体主义精神。)Step3: Presentation
1.Learn: show me, clap, say(1)Learn to say and act: Show me….Put up one finger and say „Show me one‟.Students copy.(2)(3)Continue with „two, three, four, five, six‟.Clap and count „one, two, three, four, five, and six‟ Students say and do „Clap-one, two, three, four, five, six‟(4)(5)Play the cassette tape.Game: Say and act quickly.(All the students stand up.)S1: Clap – two.(Show me…, Say…)Ss clap two.(If you are wrong, please sit down.)2.Guess.(1)(2)Show two fingers to the students.Ask „How many?‟ Let individual students make their guesses.Take out objects and count together with the students.(3)Students can take turns to hold objects and let others guess.Step4: Consolidation
Step5: Homework
Board-writing design:
Teaching reflections:
The Fifth Period Teaching contents: Rhyme.(Page 11)Teaching aims: 1.知识目标:Learn to say the rhyme.2.能力目标:会融会贯通,用不同的词替换儿歌中的内容。3..情感目标:培养学生从小讲卫生的好习惯。Difficult and key points: Pick up sticks.Teaching aids: A cassette player, picture.Teaching procedure: Step1: Warming-up 1.Sing a song 2.Daily talk Step2:Revision(复习数字为学习儿歌做准备)1.Review the numbers: Show me one … Clap-two…
Say three… 2.Guess: How many„? Step3: Presentation
1.Learn to say: It‟s a tree.(1)Put the Wallchart on the board.T: What‟s this?(It‟s a tree.)
Ss: tree
T: It‟s a tree.Ss repeat.(2)Point to the ruler say: It‟s a ruler.(Rubber, pencil, pen, book…)
2.Learn to say: Pick up sticks.(1)Point to the stick and ask: Is this a tree? Ss: No.T: It‟s a stick.Stick-stick-stick.Ss repeat.(2)Take out sticks and put them on the floor.T: 老师这样作对吗?应该怎么样? Ss: 不能乱扔垃圾,要捡起来。
T: Good.Pick up sticks.(边说边做。)Students say and act.3.Learn the whole rhyme.(1)(2)Listen to the tape and repeat it.Say and act.Step4: Consolidation
1.Divide them into several groups.Say and act the rhyme.Which group will be the winner? 2.用所学的物品代替tree, sticks.自己编儿歌。Step5: Homework
Board-writing design:
Teaching reflections:
Unit 3
My abilities The First Period Teaching contents: Let‟s act(Page 12)Teaching aims: 1.知识目标:Locate specific information in response to simple instructions.2.能力目标:Use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners.3.情感目标:To be discipline in the classroom.Difficult and key points: Using imperatives to give simple instructions.Teaching aids: A cassette player Teaching procedure: Step1: Warming-up 1.Sing a song 2.Daily talk Step2: Revision 1.Listen and act: Listen to the commands and do some actions in a quick response.e.g.: Stand up, please.Give me … Show me … Step3: Presentation
1.Give students a hint;ask “Open your book.Who can act? Raise your hand.”
Elicit: Raise your hand.Say: Raise your hand.2.Do the action and give the instructions: Put it down.Repeat and act: Put it down.3.Give the hint and say: “Show me your book.” Repeat and act: Show me your book.(通过用动作暗示,使学生理解)(伴随动作出现新课内容,再鼓励学生边说边做,连接“音”与“义”。)Step4: Consolidation 1.Listen and act 2.Ask individuals to listen and act 3.Play the cassette tape 4.Let some students to act according to the commands.5.Divide the class into groups of four, act the commands.One student gives commands, the others do the actions.6.Play a match: Who is the quickest to respond?
Act according to the teacher‟s commands.The quickest student to act will be the winner.Step5: Homework
Board-writing design:
Teaching reflections:
The Second Period Teaching contents: Let‟s talk(Page 13)Teaching aims: 1.知识目标:Using formulate expressions to ask for one’s age, and respond 2.能力目标:Use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners 3.情感目标:Communicate with each other politely Difficult and key points: Using formulate expressions to ask and answer Teaching aids: Wallchart, a Muppet, a cassette player Teaching procedure: Step1: Warming-up Sing a song
Step2: Revision
1.Count from “one” to “eight”
2.Show the objects to review the words e.g.: three books, six rubbers 3.Say the rhyme
(通过数数、数物体、讲儿歌,复习数字,为新课做准备)Step3: Presentation 1.Hold the pictures of a boy and a girl in both hands, ask: How old are you? Elicit: I am four years old.I am five years old.Try to repeat.2.Ask individuals: How old are you? 3.Say “How old are you?” 4.Ask and answer in pairs 5.Play the cassette tape for page 13.Listen and follow Step4: Consolidation 1.Ask and answer in pairs 2.Select pairs to act out the role-play to the class.3.Act out the role-play in pairs, using their own ages.4.Select pairs to act out the modified dialogues.5.Work book page 9(1)Listen and tick the correct age.(2)How old are you? Draw the correct number of candles.Then color them.(3)Listen and respond quickly.(使学生在理解的基础上尝试用句型进行初步的交际
培养学生活用知识的能力,从知识的学习转为技能的训练)Step5: Homework
Board-writing design:
Teaching reflections:
The Third Period Teaching contents: Let‟s learn(Page 14)Teaching aims: 1.知识目标:Pronounce words properly 2.能力目标:Using verbs to indicate momentary actions 3.情感目标:To be active in school lives Difficult and key points: Using verbs to indicate momentary action correctly Teaching aids: Word cards, picture cards, a cassette player Teaching procedure: Step1: Warming-up 1.Sing a song Step2: Revision 1.Act and say Listen to the commands and do some actions in a quick response.2.Say the chant: “Show me---Clap---”
(复习旧知,培养学生的听力和说话能力,复习学过的动词,为新课做准备)Step3: Presentation
1.Point to the picture card for the word “draw” and say “draw”.Repeat the word 2.Act and say
3.Show the word card and say the word 4.Repeat step 1-3 with „read‟, „write‟, „jump‟, „sing‟ and “dance” 5.Play the cassette.Point to the words as it is being read out.6.Say the words(利用图片,让学生在单词的发音与意义之间建立联系,训练学生的听力,和单词的识别能力)Step4: Consolidation 1.Say the word;one student does the action and others to judge right or wrong 2.Repeat or clap 3.Match the words and the pictures 4.Say and act in pairs 5.Play the game: What is missing? 6.Work book page11: Can you find the word in the puzzle? Step5: Homework
Board-writing design:
Teaching reflections:
The Fourth Period Teaching contents: Let‟s play(Page 15)Teaching aims: 1.知识目标:
(1)Using modal verb „can‟ to express abilities(2)Using formulaic expression to express thanks 2.能力目标:
(1)Open an interaction by expressing one’s ability(2)Open an interaction by expressing thanks 3.情感目标:Express their thankful feelings to their teacher Difficult and key points: Pronounce „thank‟ correctly Teaching aids: Word cards, picture cards, a cassette player Teaching procedure: Step1: Warming-up Sing a song
Step2: Revision
1.Say and act: Hold up the cards, read and do the actions 2.Match the picture and the words
Individual students choose a picture card, put up a word card next to it and read Step3: Presentation 1.Say “Can you draw? I can draw”.Do the action to elicit the new sentences 2.Learn to say the sentences---I can draw.---I can sing.3.Open the books to page 15: Tell the story 4.Play the cassette tape: Listen and repeat 5.Ask “what can May do?” “What does she say?” 6.Read the story Step4: Consolidation
1.Ask “What can you do?” Students answer individually 2.Students tell their stories to their partners.I can---3.Students tell their stories to the class 4.Work book page12(1)Draw a line from the speech bubble to the correct child(2)How about you? What can you do? Step5: Homework
Board-writing design:
Teaching reflections:
The Fifth Period Teaching contents: Let‟s enjoy(Page 16)Teaching aims: 1.知识目标:Using modal verb ‘can’ to express abilities 2.能力目标:Open an interaction by expressing one‟s abilities 3.情感目标:Learn to work hard to be advantage Difficult and key points: Pronounce the phrases clearly
Teaching aids: A cassette player, tape, a book, a pencil and some paper Teaching procedure: Step1:Warming-up 1.Sing a song 2.Daily talk Step2: Revision 1.Find out the words 2.Read the words 3.Find out the objects: Say “I can draw(read…)” Students find out the object which is necessary 4.Guessing game Do the action and give the hints, students say the sentences “I can…” Step3: Presentation
1.Say “I can sing.Can you sing? Yes? Let‟s learn a new story.” 2.Point to the pictures and say the sentences 3.Read the verses of the song 4.Play the cassette tape(1)Listen to the song(2)Sing with the tape Step4: Consolidation
1.Play the game: Ask three students to hold „a pencil‟, „paper‟, „a cassette tape‟
Others point to them and sing each verse.2.Sing the song in groups 3.Act and sing
(运用多变的形式,提高歌曲的表现力,增加学生的兴趣)Step5: Homework
Board-writing design:
Teaching reflections:
My body The First Period Teaching contents: Let‟s learn(Page 19)Teaching aims: 1.知识目标: 学会用单词eye, ear, nose, mouth, face来表述人体部位。2.能力目标:开动脑筋,猜一些简单的和课文内容相关的谜语。3.情感目标:让学生在听听、说说、玩玩的动态学习过程中体验英语的无处不在和学习英语的快乐。
Difficult and key points: 单词的发音和识记。
Teaching aids: A cassette player, picture cards and word cards.Teaching procedure: Step1: Warming-up
Sing a song(歌声能活跃气氛,营造英语氛围。)Step2: Pre-task preparation Play a game:‘What is missing?’
Draw a face on the board with the features missing.Ask students to find out the missing parts.Step3:While-task procedure 1.New word: eye(1)Play the game to elicit the new word: eye
(2)Show the pictures of different people and the rabbit.Discuss the colours of their eyes to elicit the phrases:
e.g.: black eyes/ blue eyes/ red eyes „(观察不同国种人物和动物眼睛颜色的差别,了解异国文化,扩大知识面)(3)Say a rhyme:
Open your eyes.Don‟t be shy.Close your eyes.Tell me why.(通过琅琅上口的儿歌,在操练eye的同时使open,close的用法得以灵活运用,寓教于乐,边做边说边记忆)2.New word: ear(1)Compare two words: eye,ear(比较字形,引出新词,帮助理解记忆)(2)Point and say the new word: ear(3)Help animals find their own ears and introduce different kinds of ears.e.g.: long ears/ big ears/ small ears „
(为动物找他们正确的合适的耳朵,在游戏中联系实际,拓宽思路)3.Enjoy a song
(1)Listen to the song to elicit the new words:‘nose,mouth,face’(从歌曲中引出新词)(2)Compare the pronunciation of the words.Say the words correctly.(3)Encourage students to sing the song together while pointing to the different features.(在歌曲中巩固单词)Step4:Post-task activity Play a game: Guess the riddles.e.g.: It has two long ears and two red eyes.Its body is white and clean.Oh,it has a small mouth.It likes carrots.It runs quickly.Do you know what I like?
(运用猜谜游戏,激发学生求知欲,巧妙达到巩固新知的目的Step5: Consolidation Game: Listen and draw.Step6: Homework
Board-writing design:)
Teaching reflections:
The Second Period Teaching contents: Let‟s act(Page 17)Teaching aims: 1.知识目标
(1)能听懂指令‘Touch your toes.Touch your arms.Wave your hand.’并能做出反应。
(2)学会用祈使句‘Touch your...Wave your …’结合相关内容发出指令。
2.能力目标:根据指令做出反应,并试着学会发指令。3.情感目标:在听命令做动作的游戏竞赛中体验学习的乐趣。Difficult and key points: 根据指令做出正确动作,并会用指令指挥他人.Teaching aids: A cassette player Teaching procedure: Step1: Pre-task preparation Play a match.‘ Who is the quickest to respond?’
(听令快速反应,复习旧知的同时顺理成章的引出下文)Step2: While-task procedure 1.‘Touch your …‟
(1)T:(Say the commands and do the actions to elicit the new sentence.)Have the class listen and follow the teacher.(2)Teach a rhyme about body parts: Touch your eyes, and touch you toes, touch your ears, and touch your nose.(边做动作,边说儿歌,理解含义,熟练句式)2.Wave your...(1)Compare the commands: Raise your hand.Wave your hand.(利用动作的演示区分两者的含义)(2)Ask students to listen to the teacher‟s commands and do the actions.(3)Quick response.(听令快速反应,在实践中进一步区别raise 和wave 的不同含义)3.“Who is the best little teacher?”Ask some more able students to order the commands.The others try to follow and act.Step3:Post-task activity Play a game:‘Simon Says’ Step4: Homework
Board-writing design:
Teaching reflections:
The Third Period Teaching contents: Let‟s talk(Page 18)Teaching aims: 1.知识目标:
(1)学会用单词hand、arm等表述人体部位。(2)能用句型‘This is my „’进行介绍。
2.能力目标:学会用This is my „„介绍自己身体各部位以及身边的事物。
3.情感目标:通过介绍,激发学生大胆表现自我的情感,并树立信心。Difficult and key points: 用This is my „„介绍自己身体各部位以及身边的事物。
Teaching aids: A cassette player, some cards.Teaching procedure: Step1: Pre-task preparation
1.Song:Encourage students to sing the song together.(优美的旋律、动听的歌曲,为学生创设一个轻松愉快的英语学习氛围)
2.Quick response.(1)Listen,say and point.(听音指向、听音判断,在复习的同时为进一步学习做准备)(2)Listen and judge.Step2: While-task procedure
1.Play a match: Who is the better painter? Draw a face on the board with all the features missing.Ask two students to close their eyes and draw the missing parts according to the commands.E.g.: Draw two eyes.(蒙眼画像,在竞赛中巩固旧知,导入新课)2.Introduction: hand,arm,leg,foot,toe…
(1)Teacher shows a doll to introduce its body parts,imitating a doll‟ s voice.(利用对娃娃的介绍引出其他人体部位)(2)Introduce the body parts.E.g.: This is my hand ……
3.Imitation: This is my hand …
(1)Prompt the students to follow the teacher.Point and say the sentences as following: E.g.: Hand,hand,this is my hand.Arm,arm,this is my arm „
(2)In pairs,students take turns to introduce their body parts and do the actions.(3)Select pairs to act out the role play to the class.Step3:Post-task activity
Group work: Encourage students to introduce their personal items to the class.E.g.: Look!This is my ruler.This is my book…
(从生活中,从自己身边寻找素材,提高实际运用英语的能力)Step4: Homework
Board-writing design:
Teaching reflections:
The Fourth Period Teaching contents: Let‟s play(Page 20)Teaching aims: 1.知识目标:能根据指令做出反应,例如:Draw a nose.2.能力目标:体验为自己画像的感觉并尝试着介绍。3.情感目标:全方面培养学生。
Difficult and key points:能听懂指令做出反映。Teaching aids: A cassette player, workbook Teaching procedure: Step1: Pre-task preparation Quick response.1.Listen,say and point.(听音指向、听音判断,在复习的同时为进一步学习做准备)2.Listen and judge.Step2: While-task procedure 1.Play a match.Who is the better painter? Draw a face on the board with all the features missing.Ask two students to close their eyes and draw the missing parts according to the commands.E.g.: Draw two eyes.2.Draw a face.In groups,students draw their faces on page 20 and practice saying „This is my eye‟, etc.Step3: Consolidation Workbook page14: Underline the correct word in each box.Step4: Homework
Board-writing design:
Teaching reflections:
The Fifth Period Teaching contents: Let‟s enjoy(Page 21)Teaching aims: 1.知识目标: 会用名词描述身体部位 2.能力目标: 能学会表演唱歌。
3.情感目标: 保护身体,做个健康的宝贝。
Difficult and key points: 歌曲中句子与动作的协调配合。Teaching aids: A cassette player, pictures Teaching procedure: Step1: Pre-task preparation 1.Point and say from the head to the toe 2.Game: Listen and point to the correct part
Step2: While-task procedure
1.Play the cassette tape for the song and point to the features on your face at the same time.2.Sing to Ss and encourage them to follow.3.Boys sing and girls act, then change.4.Sing together while pointing to the different features on the clown‟s face.Step3:Post-task activity
Divide the class into an „eye‟ group, an „ear‟ group and so on.The „eye‟ group should not sing „ear‟, „mouth‟ or „nose‟, if they sing at the wrong time, they are out.See which group lasts the longest.Step4: Homework
Board-writing design:
Teaching reflections:
Unit 5 Fruit The First Period Teaching contents: Let‟s learn(Page 24)Teaching aims: 1.知识目标:Using nouns to identity objects.2.能力目标:Learn new words:grape,banana.正确区别melon与lemon。3.情感目标:培养学生团结协作精神。
Difficult and key points: 正确区别melon与lemon。Teaching aids: 水果单词和图片,水果篮,a picture of shop Teaching procedure: Step1:Warming-up
Sing a song and daily talk Step2:Revision 1.Say and act.(Smell,feel,taste the ….)
2.This is, this is, this is an apple.That‟s,that‟s,that‟s a pear.(利用水果图片,激发学生的学习兴趣)Step3:Presentation
1.Learn to say: apple, orange(1)Look, this is an apple.(Apple,apple,apple,this is an apple.)(2)Look, that‟s a pear.(Paer,pear,pear,that‟s a pear.)
(3)Practice two words: Say some sentences.(I like apple.I can see apple…)
2.Learn to say: pear, peach(1)Guess: What is it? Is it aan…..?It is a pear.(2)Is this a pear? It is a peach.(Peach,peach,peach,that‟s a peach.)(3)Practice two words: Say some sentences.3.Learn to say: melon, lemon(1)Do you like lemons?(Lemon,lemon,lemon,I like lemons.)(2)Do you like melons?(Melon,melon,melon,I like melons.)(3)Practice two words: Say some sentences.4.Learn to say : grape, banana.Step4:Consolidation 1.Read after the tape.2.What‟s the missing? 3.Play a game: Shopping(一个同学说单词,另外同学找图片和单词,贴在相应的位置,并标上价格,放进篮子,准备开店。)Step5: Homework
Board-writing design:
Teaching reflections:
The Second Period Teaching contents:Let´s act(Page 22)Teaching aims: 1.知识目标:Say and act three sentences:e.g.Smell(Feel, Taste)the lemon.2.能力目标:Practice new sentences with orange,melon,pear,pear,and grape.3.情感目标:It is good to eat more fruit.Difficult and key points: Three new words: smell, feel, taste Teaching aids: Tape, a cassette player, a picture of a shop ,some real fruit.Teaching procedure: Step1: Warming-up
1.Say a rhyme:1,2,3, I see an apple.4,5,6 pick up the apple.2.Sing a song:
1.Daily talk: Do you like apples? 2.Look at the picture, what can you see?(I can see…)
牛津英语1A Unit 2 Numbers(第4课时)01-06