


1.大学英语二自考练习 篇一

1.( C )汪曾祺的代表作有

A.呼兰河传 B.塔上随笔 C.受戒 D.多年父子成兄弟

2.( A )黄的《沧海一声笑》不富含

A.田园气息 B.悲壮苍凉的情调 C.历史感怀 D.古典情韵

3.( A )被誉为“正式的作为正统小品文的美文”的是

A.《苍蝇》 B.《雅舍》 C.《故乡的野草》 D.《济南的冬天》

4.( A )《车站》中最突出的矛盾冲突是

A.等与走 B.大爷和愣小子 C.马主任与普通等车者 D.城市与村镇

5.( B )张岱生活的朝代是

A.元末 B.晚明 C.明初 D.宋代

6.( B )《读孟尝君传》的论点是

A.孟尝君能得士 B.孟尝君不能得士 C.孟尝君是鸡鸣狗盗之徒 D.礼贤下士很重要

7.( C )李白的《春夜宴诸从弟桃李园序》重在

A.叙事 B.写景 C.抒情 D.议论

8.( D )鲁迅《二丑艺术》讽刺的性格类型在现实生活中有一个名字叫

A.狗腿子 B.汉奸 C.衙役 D.帮闲

9.( B )王小波的作品不包括

A.黑铁时代 B.青铜时代 C.白银时代 D.黄金时代

10.( B )史铁生的《我与地坛》是一篇

A.小说 B.散文 C.诗歌 D.戏剧

11.( B )被称为“七绝圣手”的是

A.李白 B.王昌龄 C.杜牧 D.刘禹锡

12.( C )在文学史上被尊为“诗圣”,他的诗被称为“诗史”的诗人是

A.郭沫若 B.李白 C.杜甫 D.白居易

13.( D )不属于散文特性的是

A.选材范围广阔 B.情感表现与结构自由灵活

C.形式洒脱 D.语言高度凝练

14.( A )不能概括《我的四个假想敌》风格的是

A.沉郁 B.幽默 C.风趣 D.浓郁

15.( C )下列不属于“唐宋八大家”的是

A.柳宗元 B.王安石 C.李商隐 D.欧阳修

16.( C )我国现代文学史上第一篇白话小说是

A.《阿Q正传》 B.《**》 C.《狂人日记》 D.《祝福》

17.( C )《论快乐》一文提出精神的炼金术能

A.洗涤灵魂 B.教人学会休息

C.使肉体痛苦都变成快乐的资料 D.比一切宗教信仰更有效力

18.( B )辛弃疾的作品集是

A.《漱玉词》 B.《稼轩词》 C.《南唐二主词》 D.《清真词》

19.( D )诗歌《我不知道风――》的作者是:

A.戴望舒 B.舒婷 C.刘半农 D.徐志摩

20.( B )根据矛盾冲突的性质与运用的表现手法,曹禺的《日出》属于

A.喜剧 B.悲剧 C.正剧 D.悲喜剧











2.揭开名牌大学自考“面纱” 篇二






“人大”是名牌 “人大自考”也是名牌?





















改头换面 “人大自考”还在招生


























3.自考英语二汉译英汇总 篇三

15、请提醒我九点前给她打个电话。Please reminds me that I must 2.I was sitting on the stairs descending into the basement.我坐在通往 call her up before nine.地下室的楼梯上。

16、物以稀为贵。rarer(更稀罕的)it is, the more it is worth.The 3.By the time my senior year arrived, I had saved a considerable 此句类似于: 你越能接受他们,也就越不会动不动发脾气。The amount of money.等念到大四时,我已经存了数目可观的一笔钱。better able you are to accept them, the less angery you’ll be.4.Sometimes it was discouraging because I was rejected again and 17.在现代社会中,受教育不应该被看成是一种特权。Education should again.由于接二连三地遭到拒绝,有时我感到沮丧。not be considered to be a privilege(特权)in a modern society.5.Running anxiously to the mailbox in anticipation of my test scores 18.高失业率并不是技术发展的结果,而是消极公共政策的后果。High became part of my daily routine.每天焦虑不安地冲向邮箱,盼望取得 unemployment is not the result of the pace(速度)of technological 考试成绩,这成了我生活的一部分。change but the consequence 结果)passive 被动的)public policy.(of(6.This experience was also very costly.这次经历的花费也不低。

19、好像她天生就是为了取得成功,甘心情愿地把自己牺牲在 7.I decline to accept the end of man.我拒绝接受人类末日的说法。成就名声当中。It seemed that she was born to succeed and was 8.I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail.我相信人 more than willing to sacrifice hereself in the name of achievement.类不仅能延续,而且能战胜一切而永存。20.这 增 主 是 于 育 职 重 的 变 致 This rise has been 一 长 要 由 教 和 业 点 转 所。9.From the lands stretch 3,000 miles behind me.在我身后连绵着3000 attributed(归因于)primarily(主要地)to the change in educational 英里的土地。and career 事业)emphases 重点)注:((.emphasis 复数 emphases 10.They were determined to make that new world strong and free.他

4.大学英语二自考练习 篇四


第一部分 选择题(共50分)

I.Vocabulary and Structure(10 point, 1 point for each item)


1.It offers us a fuller sense of being intensely alive from to moment.A.time B.moment C.period D.instant

2.It may be worth remembering that John Major didn’t himself go to Oxford, most of his ministers did.A.after B.since C.while D.if

3.The effects of rapid travel the body are far more disturbing than we realize.A.on B.in C.for D.to

4.Her powers of persuasion were no avail.A.for B.by C.with D.to

5.There is little likelihood that a panel of five wants to go through the of all shaking hands with you.A.process B.prospect C.precedent D.presence

6.It is the right to change employers which employment from slavery.A.distinguishes B.derives C.releases D.relieves

7.It is touching to see how a cat or dog itself to a family and wants to share in all its goings and comings.A.sacrifices B.opposes C.exposes D.attaches

8.A healthy self-esteem is a resource for coping when difficulties.A.rise B.raise C.arise D.arouse

9.The challenge is not one of expansion , the rapid growth in enrollment over the last 40 years has come to an end.A.As a result B.By all means C.In contrast D.On the contrary

10.Management often works hard to set up a situation work is done in series.A.that B.where C.which D.what

II.Cloze Test(10 points, 1 point for each item)


Maybe you know that the letter “V” stands for Victory in western countries.But do you know the 11 of the sign?

During World War II, Europe was occupied by the Germans.A lot of people 12 to Britain.Among them was one Belgian(比利时人)13 Victor Dalveli.He loved his country very much.And every day, he used shortwave radio to broadcast to the Belgian people, calling 14 them to resist the German occupies.On the last day of 1940, he asked his countrymen to write the 15 “V” wherever they could to show their determination to win the final victory.In a few days, it appeared everywhere., it spread to the other occupied countries in Europe.Because it was simple and 17 it soon became very popular.When friends met, they stretched out 18 middle and index fingers to greet each other.At that time, in certain restaurants, knives and forks were placed in such a way 19 form a “V”.And in some clock shops clocks were purposely stopped 20 11:05 to show the sign of “V”.11.A.meaning B.shape C.history D.definition

12.A.had escaped B.escaped C.have escaped D.escape 13.A.naming B.being named C.named D.to name 14.A.up B.out C.on D.off 15.A.letter B.alphabet C.expression D.word 16.A.Latter B.Later C.Late D.Lately

17.A.meaningful B.energetic C.magnificent D.interesting 18.A.his B.their C.one’s D.everybody’s 19.A.in order to B.so as to C.so to D.as to 20.A.on B.in C.by D.at

III.Reading Comprehension(30 points, 2 points for each item)


Passage One

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.In reading the world’s great literature on human excellence and personal success, I’ve found that to launch ourselves into a life of true success we need to satisfy one basic condition: pursue our vision with stubborn(顽强的)consistency.The biggest difference between people who succeed and those who don’t is not usually talent but persistence.On my way to work one morning, I met Rudy Ruettiger, who is now a motivational speaker.He has grown up in Joliet, listening to stories about Notre Dame and dreaming of one day playing football there.Friends told him he wasn’t a good enough student to be admitted.So he gave up his dream and went to work in a power plant.Then a friend was killed in an accident at work.Shocked, Rudy suddenly realized that life is too short not to pursue your dreams.In 1972, at the age of 23, he enrolled at Holy Cross Junior College in South Bend, Ind.He got good enough grades to transfer to Notre Dame, where he finally made the football team as a member of the “scout team”, the players who help the team prepare for games.Rudy was living his dream, almost.But he wasn’t allowed to suit up for the games themselves.The next year, after Rudy requested it, the coach told Rudy he could put on his uniform for the season’s final game.And there he sat, on the Notre Dame bench during the game.A student started shouting, “We want Rudy!” Soon others joined in.Finally, at the age of 27, with 27 seconds left to play, Rudy Ruettiger was sent onto the field-and made the final tackle(阻截).So his team won the game.When I met Rudy 17 year later, it was in the parking lot outside Notre Dame stadium(体育场), where a camera crew was filming scenes for Rudy, a motion picture about his life.His story illustrates that there is no limit to where your dreams can take you.21.The writer believes that the key to achieving success is.A.developing one’s talent B.seizing opportunities C.having wide vision D.sticking to one’s goal

22.According to the passage, Rudy once gave up his dream of playing football for Notre Dame because.A.his friend was killed there B.his foot was injured in an accident C.he lacked confidence in himself D.he failed in the entrance examination

23.Rudy quit his job in the power plant because.A.his friend encouraged him to B.his outlook on life changed C.he was disappointed in his future D.he was shocked by his friend’s death 24.Rudy was transferred to Notre Dame.A.as a good student B.as a good player C.with the help of a coach D.with the help of a friend

25.A camera crew was making a movie about Rudy’s life because.A.Rudy was the oldest player at Notre Dame B.Rudy succeeded in realizing his dream C.Rudy was the best speaker at Notre Dame D.Rudy succeeded in developing his ability

Passage Two

Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.NASA, the U.S.space agency, believes there’s a good chance that we’re not alone in the universe.Last fall, NASA began a new project called the High Resolution Microwave Survey(HRMS).Its aim: to find evidence of life in one of the billions of galaxies in the universe.The search for intelligent life on other planets isn’t new.It began almost 100 years ago.That’s when scientists built a huge transmitter to send radio waves into space.Scientists thought smart beings on other planets might pick up the signals.Scientists also have sent a message about humans and our solar system to a nearby constellation(星座).But because the constellation is 25,000 light years away, a return message wouldn’t reach Earth for 50,000 years!So don’t wait up for an answer.So far, no extraterrestrial(地球外的)beings that we know of have returned our “calls.” But according to Dr.Jill Tarter, an HRMS scientist, we haven’t exactly had our ears wide open.“Now, however,” says Dr.Tarter, “we’ve built the tools we need to listen well.”

Last October, Dr.Tarter switched on the largest radio receiver in the world.It’s an enormous metal bowl stretching 1,000 feet across a valley in Puerto Rico.Meanwhile, another NASA scientist turned on a huge radio receiver in California’s Mojave Desert.NASA hopes these big dishes-and others around the world-will pick up radio signals from new world.Dr.Frank Drake has been searching for life in outer space for years.He explains the HRMS project this way: To listen to your radio, you move the tuner on the dial until the channels come in loud and clear: Now imagine radio receivers that scan our galaxy “listening” to 14 million channels every second.That’s what NASA’s radio receivers in Puerto Rico and California are doing.But that’s not all.Powerful computers hooked to the receivers examine every signal carefully.The computers try to match the signals to ones that scientists already recognize, such as human-made signals.If they can’t, Drake and Tarter check on them.“It could prove there is radio technology elsewhere in the universe,” says Dr.Tarter.“And that would mean we’re not alone.”

26、NASA scientists started a new project in order to _______.A、discover life in other galaxies B、send human beings into space C、find evidence of a new galaxy D、confirm the number of galaxies

27、According to Dr.Jill Tarter ,the reason why we haven’t received any return any return messages from outer space is that_______.A、our ears are not sharp enough to hear them B、our equipment hasn’t been good enough C、it takes millions of yuars for them to reach us D、it takes quite a long time to send them

28、Dr.Jill Tarter compares the large receiver to _______.A、the human ear B、the universe C、a metal bowl D、a huge dish

29、According to Dr.Frank Drake ,NASA’s radio receivers in Puerto Rico and California are _______.A、trying to check on every channel carefully B、moving the tuner on the dial for clear channels C、scanning the universe for possible signals D、picking up radio signals from new world 30、The best title of this passage is ________.A、Signals from the Space

B、The Invention of New Radio Receivers C、The Intelligent Life in Outer Space D、NASA Listens for Space Neighbors

Passage Three

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.Even a careful motorist(开汽车的人)may commit a motoring offence(违法).In this case, he will appear in a police court.This is a court ruled by a judge without a jury(陪审团).A judge has powers to pass sentence for relatively minor offences only;serious charges are dealt with by a judge and a jury.In certain cases, a motoring offender may choose to go before a judge and a jury ,instead of appearing before just a judge.A court is also used for the conduct of preliminary investigations to dedermine whether or not a motoring offender shall appear for trial in a higher court.When his case comes up in court ,the motorist hears his name called by the clerk of the court, and comes forward to identify himself.The judge then calls for the policeman who charged the offender and asks him to give evidence.He is expected to ive an account of what happened when the offence was committed and to mention any special circumstances.For example the offence may have been partly due to the foolishness of another motorist.It would be unwise for the motoring offender to exaggerate this.It will not help his case to try to blame someone else for his own mistake.If you are guilty ,it is of course wise to admit it and say you’re sorry for committing the offence and taking up the court’s time.Judges are not heartless and a motorist may be lucky enough to hear one say:“You’ve got good reasons ,but you have broken the law and I’ll have to impose a fine.Pay five pounds.Next case.” Some short-tempered people forget that both policemen and judges have a public duty to perform,and aren rude to them.This does not pay!A judge will not let off an offender merely because he is respectful,but a polite law-breaker may certainly hope that the judge will extend him what tolerance the law permits.31、Even a careful motorist may be asked to go to a police court for______.A、an injury

B、a motoring offence C、refusing to pay a fine D、being rude to the policeman

32、The underlined word “one ”(paragraph 5)refers to _____.A、a jury member B、a police officer C、a motorist D、a judge

33、A motoring offender is usually charged by ______.A、a judge B、a jury C、a policeman D、another motorist

34、It is foolish for a motoring offender to _______.A、overstate another motorist’s mistake B、mention someone else’s foolishness C、argue that he is not guilty D、choose to go before a jury

35、If a man knows that he is guilty, he should ______.A、be polite to the policeman and the judge B、try his best to appear before just a judge C、save the court’s time and pay the fine D、admit the wrong and say sorry to the court

第二部分 非选择题(共50分)

Ⅳ.Word Spelling(10 points,1point for two items)36.乐意地,容易地ad.r_______ 37.日常工作,常规 n.r______ 38.多数,大半n.m_______ 39.永恒的,不断的a.c______ 40.偏袒的,部分的a.p_______ 41.漆工,画家n.p______ 42.跳跃,飞跃v.l______ 43.易管理的a.m_______ 44.缩短,减少 vi.S______ 45.软毛,毛皮n.f_______ 46.意图,打算 n.I_______ 47.情形,身份n.s________ 48.软管,地铁n.t________ 49.口头的,口的a.o_______ 50.牺牲品,受害者n.v_______ 51.鉴赏,感谢vt.a_______ 52.目标,球门n.g______ 53.装置,方法 n.d_______ 54.分配,委派vt.a______ 55.娱乐,消遣n.a______

Ⅴ.Word Form

56.Should doctors be allowed_________(take)the lives of others?

57.Two of _________(big)earthquakes that were ever recorded tood place in China and Alaska.58.Electronic amplifiers also made possible a fantastic in volume ,the music ______(become)as loud and penetrating as the human ear could stand.59.Every decision has constraints _______(base)on policies, procedures ,laws, precedents ,and the like.60.The more seriously this is sought ,________(likely)positive attitudes towards leisure as well academic work will be encouraged.61.Attempts to break up this old system _______(make)in every presidential election in the past one hundred years.62.These mine planets ,together with the sun ,make up what _______(call)our solar system.63.Nations are classified as “aged ” when they have 7% or more of their people aged 65 or above ,and by about 1970 every one of the advanced countries______(become)like this.64.-----------(watch)over by guards with guns, the convicts raised their legs in unison and made their way to the edge of the highway.65.Either of these factors could account for some individuals------------(be)able to do well using inefficient methods.Ⅵ将下列各句译成英语







When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be extremely difficult to let go of your anger.But forgiveness is possible---and it can be surprisingly helpful to your physical and mental health.Indeed, research has shown that people who forgive report more energy, better appetite and better sleep patterns.So when someone has hurt you, calm yourself.Talk a couple of deep breaths and think of something that gives you pleasure: a beautiful scene in nature, someone you love.Don’t wait for an apology(道歉)。Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean accepting the action of the person who upset you.Try to see thing from the other person’s perspective.You may realize that he or she was acting out of ignorance, fear—even love.You may want to write a letter to yourself from that person’s point of view.2004年10月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语


?、vocabulary and structure(10 points for each item)










10、B ?、cloze test(10 points, 1 points for each item)









19、D 20、D ?、reading comprehension(30 points,2 points for each item)









29、C 30、D





35、D ?、word spelling(10 point, 1 point for two items)多写、少写或错写一个或一个以上的字母均为错。




39、constant 40、partial









49、oral 50、victim






?、word form(10 points, 1 point for each item)语法错误或拼写错误均不给分。

56、to take

57、the biggest


59、based 60、the more likely 61、have been made 62、is called 63、had become 64、watched 65、being

?、translation from Chinese into English(15 points, 3 points for each item)本大题共5小题,每题3分,共15分。评分原则为:






66、I wonder if he can provide positive proof.67、What he said was totally opposed to the facts.68、If he is compelled to do what he does not enjoy doing, he cannot be happy.69、The government department that deals with this does not keep statistics.70、The shortage do not exist to the extent that you report.?、Translation from English into Chinese(15 points)本大题共15分。评分原则为:










答案要点: 你受到极大伤害后很难克制住怒火,不过宽恕对方还是有可能做到的,而且这样做对你的身心健康会带来意想不到的好处。的确,研究表明:怀有宽恕之心的人们往往体力更充沛、胃口及睡眠更好。

5.大学英语二自考练习 篇五





(二)试卷 PART ONE(50 POINTS)I.Vocabulary and Structure(10 points, 1point each)1.It would be better to make a decision now, ______ leave it until next week.A.other than B.rather than C.less than D.more than 2.We’ll inform you as soon as tickets become ______.A.valuable B.capable C.acceptable D.available 3.The foreign company has been______ running this factory for decades.A.enormously B.effectively C.infinitely D.extremely 4.If you ______ my advice, you wouldn’t be in such trouble now.A.took B.takes C.has taken D.had taken 5.The meeting ______, we left the room quickly for dinner.A.over B.was over C.is over D.been over 6.All the money ______, Frederick started looking for work.A.having spent B.has been spent C.having been spent D.had been spent 7.______ his talk when Mary ran out of the lecture hall.A.Hardly had be begun B.Hardly he had begun C.Hardly he has begun D.He hardly had begun 8.The two sisters are _____ in many ways, not only in appearance but also in temperament.A.like B.likely C.alike D.lively 9.The purpose of the program is to provide training for employees so that they can work ______.A.late B.later C.lately D.latest 10.I hope my boy friend will be handsome, strong and ______ kind.A.above all B.in all C.at all D.after all II.Cloze Test(10 points, 1 point each)However careful one may be, he cannot possibly listen carefully to everything that he hears.There are 11 of reasons for this.One of them is the overload of messages most of us 12 each day.In addition to the numerous hours we 13 hearing other people speak, we may spend several hours listening to the radio or sitting in front of a television set.14, it is impossible to focus our attention completely on what is said;our mind might be 15 elsewhere.Preoccupation with our personal concerns is 16 reason we don’t always listen carefully.A romance 17 sour or a good grade on a test may take prominence in our mind even as 18 is speaking to us.Furthermore, we are surrounded by all kinds of noises which interfere 19 listening.For example, voices at a party or 20 of traffic may simply make it difficult for us to catch everything that is being said.11.A.the number B.a number C.number D.numbers 12.A.accept B.obtain C.receive D.possess 13.A.put B.consume C.spend D.spare 14.A.Besides B.Whereas C.Otherwise D.Nevertheless 15.A.wondering B.swinging C.recycling D.wandering 16.A.other B.some C.the other D.another 17.A.gone B.going C.goes D.went 18.A.anyone B.everyone C.someone D.few 19.A.to B.with C.of D.about 20.A.sound B.noise C.voice D.scream III.Reading Comprehension(30 points, 2 points each)Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.Many of today’s most trusted sales techniques were invented over a century ago by a young merchant named Eaton in Toronto.When he was young, Eaton worked briefly with his brothers in small-town stores.In 1869, he sep up his own shop in downtown Toronto.He had many competitors, but he was also ambitious and had a plan for success.He offered a unique style of trade, but as was expected, all the other shopkeepers laughed at him, believing he would eventually fail.However, Eaton was not a man to be easily defeated;he came up with a brand new notion of business – ―Goods satisfactory, or money refunded.‖ He sold all his goods at fixed prices and only for cash.With a sharp sense of what the public wanted, he went out of the way to meet their needs.His business grew rapidly.He set up new branches and started mail order service that allowed people to buy from a list of his goods.Eaton’s list—advertisements of his day—was the first of its kind.It was distributed and read all over the country.It was the only way to access good-quality goods at reasonable prices for people living far away from big cites.It became part of their life.They even called it The Wishing Book.The secret of the list’s success was that Eaton gained the respect of this customers;they trusted him for good prices and quality goods.Probably because he remembered his miserable early days in Ireland, Eaton thought much of the welfare of his employees: better working conditions, shorter weekday hours than his competitors and Saturday afternoons off in the summer.In all this, he was a leader.21.The best description of Eaton is that ______.A.he was the richest merchant in Toronto B.he was a successful technical inventor C.he introduced new sales practices D.he changed people’s ideas about businessmen 22.Eaton’s success lay primarily in that ____.A.he sold only good quality goods B.he was the first person to provide good service C.he treated his employees better than any of his competitors D.he won respect from his customers 23.From the passage we can infer that ______.A.Eaton invented the idea of the internet shopping B.Eaton drove other businessmen to failure C.Eaton never sold his goods on credit D.Eaton was defeated by his rivals 24.The best title for this passage is _____.A.Good Goods, of Money Refunded B.Eaton, a Sales Inventor C.Customers’ Respect, a Secret of Success D.Eaton’s list, a Welcome Event in Sales History

25.Eaton’s List was important to people on farms because it was a convenient way of getting _____.A.good-quality goods at reasonable prices B.goods at unreasonable prices C.good-quality goods at unreasonable prices D.poor-quality goods at reasonable prices Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.The threat of a global outbreak(疾病大爆发)of bird flu makes it urgent for the international community to cooperate effectively.Wealthy countries will have to provide hundreds of millions of dollars for the testing and production of medicines necessary for treating patients suffering from bird flu.Developing countries, particularly in Southeast Asia, where the bird flu virus(病毒)has spread since 1997, must work out special programs so that farmers will not hide sighs of possible outbreaks.In addition, the way such farm birds as chickens and ducks are traditionally raised and marketed in the developing world should be changed;there should be more distance between the birds and their keepers.Countries should deal with the disease with joint effort.If one country is inadequately prepared, it will be a threat to every other country.The potential effects of a national outbreak of bird flu are enormous.Firstly, an outbreak may kill large numbers of people.World Health Organization(WHO)estimates that an outbreak similar to the mild Hong Kong flu of 1968 could kill as many as 7.4 millions people.If it were as dangerous as the 1918 Spanish flu, which killed 50 million, the number would be much higher.Secondly, such an outbreak may cause great financial damage.The latest outbreak of bird flu, which began in December 2003, has cost Southeast Asia more than $10 billion and depressed its GDP by 1.5 percent.If a new outbreak of bird flu were to last for a whole year, $800 billion would be lost.Despite the 124 human cases and 63 deaths from bird flu since December 2003, the virus remains mainly a disease animals.However, the more animals that die of the disease, the more chances it has of spreading to people.Large numbers of dead or dying birds mean that more people will be exposed to the virus and change into a virus with new characteristics.If the international community works together efficiently, man can surely prevent such a virus and possibly save millions of lives.26.Faced with the threat of a global outbreak of bird flu, the international community should ________.A.establish new markets B.work together effectively C.stop birds from flying to other countries D.raise fewer chickens and ducks 27.The second paragraph focuses on ______.A.World Health Organization B.flus in Hong Kong and Spain C.the economy of Southeast Asia D.possible effects of a bird flu outbreak 28.The number of people who have died of bird flu since 2003 is _______.A.63 B.124 C.7.4 million D.50 million 29.In the third paragraph, the author is mainly interested in _____.A.stimulating financial growth B.reducing economic damages C.saving human lives D.protecting bird species 30.The passage deals with all the following aspects bird flu EXCEPT _______.A.the origin and history of bird flu B.the importance of international cooperation C.the possible dangers of a national outbreak D.the significance of preventing it from spreading Passage Three Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.The long summer holidays are finally over and some parents are pleased.―We worry more about their safety in the holidays,‖ explains one mother from North London.If teenagers are not wandering around on public transport in a big and potentially dangerous city, they are chatting to strangers in an internet chat room!Well, that’s an extreme picture of the UK today, but many parents are worried about how much freedom they can give their children during the holidays and at weekends.Weekends are not the only time to worry!Newspaper are full of stories about too many school kids going to school by car because their parents do not want them to travel alone on a bus or train.This summer there were more frightening stories of teenagers disappearing with questionable friends that they met on the net.All the Media stories help increase parents fears, but is the UK really so dangerous? Many young people feel that life for their parents was easier.In the 1960s young people played in the streets more and traveled around town without their parents.―At least our parents can keep tabs on us,‖ says 16-year-old Julia.―So many people have mobile phones now and their parents ring to find out where they are.I use my mobile to get Dad to come to the station when I arrive late.‖ Mobiles are not just expensive toys;they help keep young people safe.Most significantly, they help keep young people safe.Most significantly, they make parents feel better.Only one problem is, though, that some young people have been attacked by thieves who want to steal their mobile phones.Young people like going out with friends, but they now need to learn how to get home safely.Five million young people in the UK between the ages of 9 to 16 use chat rooms to make friends, but they, too, need to be careful and never give their personal details to a stranger.Young people today have more opportunities to meet new people and go out at night more than their parents ever did.Now school, television programs and newspapers must help teenagers to enjoy their freedom and to be responsible for their own safety.31.Some parents are upset about the summer holidays mainly because their children ______.A.wander around on bus in the city B.chat to strangers in Internet chat rooms C.make questionable friends on the net D.are taken little care of by teachers 32.For the sake of the safety, many parents send their kids to school ________.A.by car B.by bus C.by train D.by public transport 33.Most significantly, mobile phones _______.A.enable parents keep a close watch on their kids B.help keep teenagers safe C.make parents feel less worried D.protect teenagers from being attacked 34.Teenagers should never give any strangers ______.A.their mobile phone numbers B.their family address C.their personal information D.their parents’ names 35.This passage is mainly about ________.A.freedom for teenagers in summer holidays B.safety for teenagers in summer holidays C.activities for teenagers in summer holidays D.troubles for teenagers in summer holidays PART TWO(50 POINTS)IV.Word Spelling(10 points, 1 point for two items)将下列汉语单词译成英语。每个单词的词类、首字母及字母数目均已给出。请将完整的单词写在答题纸上。36.获胜者,优胜者 n.w_ _ _ _ _ 37.(使)枯萎,凋谢 v.w_ _ _ _ _ 38.垂直的,竖的 a.v_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 39.易变的,变量的 a.v_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40.唯一的,独特的 a.u_ _ _ _ _ 41.地下的,隐蔽的 a.u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42.真实的,如实地 ad.t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 43.星期二 n.T_ _ _ _ _ _ 44.传统,惯例 n.t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 45.同情,同情心 n.s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 46.投降,让步 vi.s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 47.足够的,充分的 a.s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 48.亲属,亲戚 n.r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 49.抵抗,反抗 n.r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50.有目的的,蓄意的 a.p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 51.财产;性质 n.p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 52.俯望,漏看 vt.o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 53.发源,源自 vi.o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 54.音乐的,悦耳的 a.m_ _ _ _ _ _ 55.意图,打算 n.i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

V.Word Form(10 points, 1 point each)将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白。答案写在答题纸上。56.He _________(write)her 10 letters since he met her last years.57.I think it necessary for him ________(finish)the work in time.58.The house is ______(complete)before his brother’s wedding ceremony.59.You had better ________(bring)enough money with you.60.The _______(good)he feels, the more work he will do.61.If I hadn’t listened to you, I would _______(make)such a silly mistake.62.The three players repeatedly denied ________(take)any drug.63.People who are entitled to ________(vote)should be over eighteen.64.The government has taken measures to reduce the total energy ______(consume).65.If she ______(catch)the 10 O’clock train, she can get there by lunch time.VI.Translation from Chinese into English(15 points, 3 points each)将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题纸上。66.男人的平均身高比女人高几英寸。67.你所说的与我们正在讨论的豪不相干。68. 教育应该使每个学生德、智、体全面发展。69.这本书对读者产生了很大影响。70.这次考试比我们预想的要难得多。

VII.Translation from English into Chinese(15 points)将下列短文译成汉语并将答案写在答题纸上。

There is a clear distinction between one who is supposed to know and another, usually a younger person who is supposed not to know.However, teaching is not necessarily the area of a special group of people, nor should it be looked upon as a technical skill.Teaching can be more like guiding and assisting than forcing information into a blank mind.If you have a certain skill, you should be able to share it with others.You do not have to get a certificate to convey what you know to them or to help them in their attempt to teach themselves.All of us, from the very youngest children to the oldest members of our society, should come to realize our own talent and abilities as teachers.We can share what we know, however little it might be, with others who have need of that knowledge or skill.2006年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语


I.Vocabulary and Structure(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1.B 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.A II.Cloze Test(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)11.B 12.C 13.C 14.A 15.D 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.B III.Reading Comprehension(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)21.C 22.D 23.C 24.B 25.A 26.B 27.D 28.A 29.C 30.A 31.D 32.A 33.C 34.C 35.B

IV.Word Spelling(本大题共20小题,每两小题1分,共10分)36.winner 37.wither 38.vertical 39.variable 40.unique 41.underground 42.truthfully 43.Tuesday 44.tradition 45.sympathy 46.surrender 47.sufficient 48.relative 49.resistance 50.purposeful 51.property 52.overlook 53.originate 54.musical 55.intention [评分参考] 多写、少写或错写一个或一个以上的字母均为错

V.Word From(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)56.has written 57.to finish 58.to be completed 59.bring 60.better 61.have made 62.taking 63.vote 64.consumption 65.catches [评分参考] 语法错误或拼写错误均不给分。

VI.Translation from Chinese into English(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)66.On the average, men are higher than women by several inches/several inches higher than women.67.What you said has nothing to do/has no relevance with what we are discussing.68.Education should enable every student to develop morally, intellectually and physically.69.The book has made a great impact/had a great effect/influence on its readers.70.The test was much more difficult than we had expected.[评分参考](1)主要语法错误(如动词时态、语态、虚拟语气、主谓一致、否定、疑问以及其他句型错误)或影响基本句意的重要用词错误扣1分。



VII.Translation from English into Chinese(本大题共15分)一般认为,有知识的人与没有知识的人――他们通常是较年轻的人――之间的区别非常明显。然而,教学不一定是某个特殊群体的领域,也不应该被看作是一项专业技能。教学不止是将信息硬塞进空白的头脑,而更应是指导和帮助。只要你有某种特定的技能,你就应当能与他人分享。你没必要持有证书才能把你的知识传授给他人,或为他们的自学提供帮助。我们社会中每一个成员,从蹒跚学步的孩童到耄耋之年的老者,都应当意识到自己作为教师的才能。尽管我们可能知之甚少,但仍应能与那些需要我们的人来分享我们的知识和技能。〔评分参考〕





6.成人自考英语教学策略研究 篇六

【关键词】成人自考 英语教学 策略

我国社会经济的快速发展以及对外出口贸易的逐渐增多,使得越来越多的成年人又开始展开了对英语的学习热潮,也因此带动了各类成人教育的快速发展, 尽管我国针对英语教学策略的研究,已经不再是初级阶段,但是针对成人英语教学策略的研究还是比较少见的,如何让成人顺利通过自考英语的考试,还需要相关工作人员加强对成人自考英语教学策略研究的力度,只有这样才能有效提升成人的英语水平。










