


1.虚拟语气教案 篇一

Unit 1 Art Grammar and Useful Structures Teaching Aims 1.Knowledge Aim

Help the students to use the subjunctive mood correctly in different situations.2.Ability Aim

To learn the subjunctive mood freely and properly in speaking and writing.3.Emotional Aims 1)Encourage the students learn more about the grammar.1)Help the students to form the good habit in learning.2)Encourage the students to do more exercise consolidate the knowledge.Teaching Important Point

Enable the students to use the correct form o f of the subjunctive mood Teaching Difficult Point

To know the differences between the attributive and the predicative.Teaching Methods: Summarizing, comparative method;practicing activities Teaching Aids

Multi-media classroom and other normal teaching tools Teaching Procedure StepⅠ Greeting Greet the whole class.StepⅡ Dictation StepⅢ Homework checking StepⅣ Grammar 虚拟语气(Subjunctive Mood)这一语法项目是各类英语考试中心测试的重点之一。虚拟语气是一种特殊的动词形式,用来表示说话人所说的话并不是事实,而是一种假设、愿望、怀疑或推测。判断是真实条件句还是非真实条件句。只有在非真实条件句中才使用虚拟语气。通过句子意思,看假设的条件是否能够实现,能够实现是真实条件句,不能使用虚拟语气;假设的条件不能实现则是非真实条件句,要用虚拟语气.判断这个假设是与哪个事实相反。通常有三种情况:①与过去事实相反。②与现在事实相反。③与将来事实可能相反 I:虚拟条件句: 1.虚拟现在时表示与现在事实相反的假设,其if 从句的谓语形式用动词的过去式(be 一般用were),主句用would/ should/ could/ might +动词原形。

If places were a like, there would be little need for geographers.如果各个地方都一样,就不需要地理学家了。

2.虚拟过去时是表示与过去事实相反的假设,if 从句的谓语形式用过去完成时即had+过去

分词,主句用would / should / could / might + have +过去分词。

If he had known your address yesterday, he would have telephoned you.3.虚拟将来时是表示对将来实现的可能性很小的或不确定的假设。If从句的谓语形式用一般过去式或用were to / should +动词原形,主句用would / should/could/ might +动词原形。

If he were to leave today, he would get there by Friday 4.省略if 采用倒装语序的条件句。有时可以把含有助动词、情态动词、be或have的虚拟条件句中的连词if省去,而将had , should, were 等词提到主语之前,即用倒装结构。

Had he worked harder, he would have got through the exams.Were he to leave today, he would get there by Friday.Were I in your place, I wouldn’t do that.5混合虚拟语气


If you _____ that late movie last night, you wouldn’t be so sleepy.A.haven’t watched

B.didn’t watch

C.hadn’t watched

D.wouldn’t have watched 答案选C。

Had Paul received six more votes in the last election, he would be our chairman now.混合虚拟语气还有一种情况就是事实和虚拟假设的混合句,这样的句子不仅仅是时间的不同,而重要是事实和假设的混合。

I would have gone to visit him in the hospital had it been at all possible, but I was fully occupied the whole of last week.该句前半部分是假设虚拟,而后半部分是事实的陈述。

Your math instructor would have been happy to give you a make-up examination had you gone and explained that your parents were ill at the time.该句前半句用的是假设虚拟,后半句主句也用的是假设虚拟(如果你去并且解释的话),但是后半句的从句用的是事实语气,因为“父母病了”是客观事实,故不需要用虚拟形式had been。



(1)介词或介词短语,如but for, but that, without, in case of, under more favorable condition等。

Without the leadership of the party, we could not be living a happy today.=If there hadn’t been the leadership of the party, we could not be living a happy today.A.In spite of

B.But for

C.Because of

D.As for 答案选B。

(2)连词,如:so that, unless, in case, supposing, lest, provided(倘若……),for fear that(唯

恐),in order that, on condition that, if only(要是……就好了)等。

She listened carefully in order that she might discover exactly what he wanted.=if she listened carefully, she might discover exactly what he wanted.If only I had more money, I could buy a car.(注:lest, for fear that 和 in case 引起的从句中谓语动词多用should+动词原形,但可以不用虚拟语气,而用动词的陈述语气形式。)例如:

The foreign teacher spoke slowly in case we misunderstood him.这位外籍教师说得很慢以免我们听不懂。

Care must be taken in using this method lest overflow should occur.在使用此法时要小心谨慎,以免会发生溢流现象。

II: wish 后的 that 从句中: 1.表示现在或将来的愿望,从句中过去式.I wish I knew his address.I wish I were young.2.表示过去没有实现或不可能实现的愿望, 从句用过去完成式或would, could, might + have + 过去分词.I wish you had written to him.I wish I could have slept longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.3.如果将wish改成wished, 其后that 从句中的动词形式不变.4.如果that 从句中用would , 一般表示 对现状不满或希望未来有所改变或请求

I wish he would answer my letter.I wish prices would come down.I wish you would help me.I wish you would stop asking silly questions.StepⅤ Exercises Ex.1----4 in using structures on page 43.Then check the answers.Prepare for the Listening and Talking on page 41.StepⅥ Homework Prepare for the Listening and Talking on page 41 Afterthoughts

2.虚拟语气教案 篇二

一、带有if从句的虚拟语气.关于这类, 又可以分为三种情况

1. 正常主从句

正常的主从句时态一致的情况, 关于这点, 例子我就不再赘说, 学生只要记住这个表格即可。 (见右上表)

2. 错综时间条件句

(混合条件句) 指当条件从句与主句所表达的时间不一致, 即主句和从句的谓语动词并不相互呼应, 如:

If I had spoken to him yesterday, I should know what to do now.

3. 含蓄条件句

虚拟条件句中的条件从句有时不表现出来, 而是暗含在上下文中, 如:

What would I have done without you?


1. 表示建议、要求、命令、坚持的所有名词性从句中

主要包含:insist, order, c ommand, suggest, advise, prop ose, demand, require, ask, desi re等, 如:

The teacher suggested that we (should) study English hard.

Our teacher’s suggestion is that we (should) study English hard.

It is suggested that we (should) study English hard.

2. It is natural (necessary, important, strange, surprising, funny, proper, urgent, essential, vital…) that sb. (should) do…

如:It is strange that he (should) go himself.

3. It is a pity (a shame, a wonder…) that sb. (should) do…

如:It is a pity that you (should) miss a good chance.

4. It is time that sb.should do

如:It is time that you should get up.

5. 由in case, lest, for fear that引导的目的状语从句, 动词用“should+动词原形”结构, 表示忧虑或目的

如:Please remind me of it again tomorrow in case I (should) forget.


1. Wish+从句

如:I whih I were a bird. (与现在事实相反)

2. would rather+从句

如:I would rather you had told me the news. (与过去事实相反)

3. as if/though+从句

如:He speak English as if he were a Englishman. (与现在事实相反)

4. if only+从句

如:If only I could speak English fluently. (与现在事实相反)

5. it is (high) time that...

如:It is high time you had a class. (与现在事实相反)

四、谓语动词由“情态动词+have done”构成的虚拟语气

1. Should (not) havedone...本来 (不) 应该做……但事实上没做 (做了)

2. Ought (not) to havedone...本来 (不) 应该做……但事实上没做 (做了)

3. need (not) have done...本来 (不) 需要做……但事实上没做 (做了)

4. could (not) have done...本来能 (不能) 做, 事实上做到了 (没做到)

如:Given more time, we could have done better.

通过以上四种虚拟语气用法的巧妙归纳, 可以帮助学生从各种繁芜的从句结构中解脱出来, 只要记住上述四大类虚拟语气中各包含哪几点, 然后把它套到相应的种类中就可以了, 从而让学生清晰, 快速地掌握英语学习中的一大难点——虚拟语气。

摘要:虚拟语气在日常英语文章阅读, 会话表达, 交际理解和各种考试中常常被运用。与此同时, 它又以抽象, 复杂, 广博, 难学著称。对此, 我另辟蹊径, 化繁为简, 跳出从句的框框, 巧妙地把虚拟语气归纳为四大类, 从而使之简单易学, 便于掌握。

3.虚拟语气用法透视 篇三

1. 与事实相反的假设;

2. 不能实现或实现的可能性极小的主观愿望;

3. 非事实的建议或猜测。


1. 含虚拟条件句的复合句中;

2. 名词性从句中;

3. 一些固定的句型中。


一、 理解虚拟语气的实质,分清虚拟句和真实句。

例1—We could have walked to the station; it was so near.

—Yes. A taxi_________ at all necessary.

A. wasn'tB. hadn't been

C. wouldn't beD. won't be

解析: 第一句前半句为虚拟语气句,后半句是陈述句;第二句是表事实的陈述语气句子,根据上文考虑时间,应是对过去的陈述,故答案为A。此题把虚拟现象和客观事实错综交织在一起。

例2We would go to the park, but we _______busy with our lessons.

A.wereB. had been

C. areD. had

解析: 前面部分是虚拟语气的主句,省略了条件状语从句if we had time, but后面部分是真实句,由前面虚拟语气动词would go结构可推断出后文是对现在事实的陈述,用一般现在时,答案为C。

二、 熟记虚拟主从句中不同时间的动词形式。见下表:

虚拟语气的谓语动词有它自己的表现形式,而且规范。 解题时,可应用此表,根据上下文所提供的信息,对号入座。

例3—Lucy lost her way in the street.

—If she__________a map with her, that wouldn't have happened.

A. tookB. had taken

C. would takeD. have taken

解析: 从上文的陈述句中可知下文是表示与过去事实相反的假设。A项took是过去式,用在条件句中表示与现在或将来事实相反的虚拟,排除A项;C项可用在主句中表示现在或将来的虚拟,但C、D项都不能用在条件句中表虚拟。答案为B。如果熟记上表,便可直接选B。

注意: 虚拟语气中,如果条件状语从句包含有一个助动词、情态动词、be或have,可把 if 省略,再用部分倒装。

例4_________for the free tickets, I would not have gone to the films so often.

A. If it is not

B. Were it not

C. Had it not been

D. If they have not

解析: 从句意可知这是it is (not ) for 句式,D项不符合题意,排除D项。由主句中的would not have gone 可推断,这是与过去事实相反的假设,选C。条件从句可还原成If it had not been for ...。


句型1: 动词 一“坚持”insist,二“命令”order、command,三“建议”suggest、propose、advise,四“要求”desire、demand、ask、request及其派生的同根名词在名词性从句中的应用。见下表:

例5 My suggestion is that the meeting __________till tomorrow.

A. to put offB. be put off

C. should put offD. be putting off

解析:that 引导的是表语从句,因前面是名词suggestion,故答案选B。

注意: 1.这几个句型都表示说话者主观的意见“该 (不该 )如此”,而不是陈述事实。共同特点是:主句谓语动词不管是什么时态、人称和数,都用should+动词原形。should 可省略, 但不能用其他助动词(如would、could等 )。

2. 当suggest 作“表明,暗示”和insist作“坚持说,坚持认为”,且后接宾语从句表示既成事实时,宾语从句中谓语动词都不用虚拟语气,而用陈述语气。

例6The teacher insisted that Tom _________a mistake and that he __________criticized.

A. had made; be 

B. makes; must be

C. made; should

D. should make; be

解析:此句中insisted 后接两个宾语从句,前一个宾语从句表示的是既成事实,用陈述语气,后一个宾语从句表示说话人主观的意见“应当受批评”,是虚拟语气,答案为A。

句型2: It is (was) + important/necessary/strange/natural/possible/a pity + that主语从句,其中的主语从句用(should)+动词原形。

例7—What do you think of it?

— We think it is a thing of importance that it___________done soon.

A. isB. is to be

C. beD. must be

句中be ofimportance=be important,故 that 引导的主语从句用虚拟语气(should)be ,答案选C。

注意: 句型2中也可使用陈述语气,但是不像例句7那样带有感情色彩。

句型3: wish/as if/as though/if only/would rather 的虚拟形式。见下表:

例8 If only he ________quietly as the doctor instructed, he would not suffer so much now. 

A. liesB. lay

C. had lainD. should lie

例9 When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it___________.

A. breaksB. has broken

C. were brokenD. had been broken

答案: 8. C 9. C

例10—She wouldn't drink her medicine last night, would she?


A. No,but I wish she wouldn't 

B. No, but I wish she had

C. No, but I wish she did

D.No, but I wish she drank

解析:上文是陈述语气,句中wouldn't 表示“不情愿”。答案为 B 。意思是“我希望她昨晚把药服了才好”。

注意: as if/as though 表示“有可能实现的愿望”或事实时,不用虚拟语气。例如: He looks as if he is from England.

句型4: It is/was (high) time that +定语从句中,谓语动词常用过去式或过去完成式。

例11 It's time I_________ and_________ my little girl from school.

A. had gone; picked up

B. went; picked up

C. will go; pick up

D. go; pick up

答案: B。

四、 注意虚拟语气在日常交际(语境)中的灵活应用。

1. 含蓄条件句:即通过某些特定的短语或上下文含蓄地表达虚拟条件的句子。

例12 I didn't know the size you wore, or else I________ you some shoes.

A. would have boughtB. would buy

C. have boughtD. should have bought

解析:短语or else 隐含条件if I had known the size you wore之意,故选A。

2. 时间错综句:从句与上、下文所表示的时间不一致,那么主、从句的谓语动词要分别根据各自表示的时间来确定它的虚拟语气形式。

例13 Ifhe had followed the doctor's advice, he would be quite all right now.

解析:根据句中前部分谓语动词had followed 可知句中前部分是表示对过去的假设,而后面部分是表示与现在事实相反的结果。


1.—He has just come out of the hospital.

—No wonder he looked as if he _______ill for a long time.

A. wasB. were

C. has beenD. had been

2. But for his friends, he________ of hunger 30 years ago.

A. diedB. would die

C. must have diedD. would have died

3. I can't stand him. He always talks as though he_________ everything.

A. knewB. knows

C. has knownD. had known

4. He______ the job well, but he so careless.

A. hadn't done; had been

B. could have done; was

C. could do; was

D. had done; had been

5. Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I ________your advice. 

A. followB. would follow

C. had followedD. have followed 

6. It is time that the government________measures to protect the rare birds and animals. 

A. takesB. took

C. has takenD. taking 

7. The teacher agreed to the suggestion that the students________three more days to prepare for the exam.A. give

B. should give

C. be givenD. would be given

8. Under more favorable conditions, we________ better.

A. need have done

B. should do

C. could have done

D. might be doing 

4.高考虚拟语气 很全 篇四


If I have time, I will go with them.假若我有时间,我就同他们去。(陈述语气)If I were you, I would go with them.假若我是你,我就同他们去。(虚拟语气)▲ 与现在事实相反

若与现在事实相反,条件从句的谓语用过去式(be通常用were),主句谓语用“should(would, could, might)+动词原形”:

If I knew her number,I could ring her up.要是我知道她的电话号码,我就可以给她打电话了。(可惜我不知道)▲与过去事实相反

若与过去事实相反,条件从句的谓语用过去完成时(had+过去分词),主句谓语用“should(would, could, might)+have+过去分词”:

If I’d left sooner,I’d have been on time.要是我早点动身,我就准时到了。(但我动身太迟了)


若与将来事实相反,条件从句的谓语用过去式(be通常用were),主句谓语用“should(would, could, might)+动词原形”:

If I asked him,I’m sure he’d help us.如果我向他提出要求,肯定他会帮助我们。(不过我不打算这样做)注:几点特别说明

① 主句谓语中的should主要用于第一人称后。would, might, could的大致区别是:would表示结果,might表示可能性,could表示能力、允许或可能性。比较:

If you tried again,you would succeed.要是你再试一试,你就会成功的。(would表结果)

If you tried again,you might succeed.要是你再试一试,你可能会成功的。(might表可能)If you tried again,you could succeed.要是你再试一试,你就能成功了。(could表能力)

④ 对于与将来事实相反的情形,请注意以下几点: 一是这里说的与将来事实相反,实为对将来情况的推测;

二是此用法中的条件从句谓语除用过去式外,有时也用“should+动词原形”(表示可能性极小,常译为“万一”)或“were to+动词原形”(表示与将来事实相反的假设);

三是当条件从句使用“should+动词原形”这样的谓语时,主句谓语除可用“should(would, could, might)+动词原形”这样的虚拟语气外,也可用直陈语气或祈使语气:

If it should rain tomorrow, don’t expect me.万一明天下雨,就不要等我了。(祈使语气)

If I should see him, I’ll tell him.万一我见到他,我就告诉他。(直陈语气)



If it had rained last night, the ground would be wet now.要是昨晚下过雨的话,现在地面就会是湿的。

You would be much better now if you had taken my advice.假若你当时听我的话,你现在就会好多了。


▲ 句型介绍

这两个句型是If it weren’t for…和If it hadn’t been for…,这是两个很常用的虚拟语气句型,也经常受到命题人的青睐,其意为“若不是(有)”“要不是有”。如:

If it weren’t for water, no plant could grow.要是没有水植物就无法生长。

If it hadn’t been for your assistance,we wouldn’t have succeeded.=But for your assistance,we wouldn’t have succeeded.=Without your assistance,we wouldn’t have succeeded.5、wish后宾语从句用虚拟语气

▲ 用法说明



若表示与过去相反的愿望,从句谓语用过去完成时或would / could+have +过去分词; 若表示将来没有把握或不太可能实现的愿望,用would(could)+动词原形。如:



I wish I were rich.要是我现在有钱就好了。

I wish I had been rich.要是那时我有钱就好了。

I wished I were rich.当时我后悔自己没有钱。

I wished I had been rich.当时我后悔自己曾经没有钱。

6、if only后的句子用虚拟语气

if only 与 I wish一样,也用于表示与事实相反的愿望,其后所虚拟语气的时态与 wish后所接时态的情况相同:

If only she had had more courage!她再勇敢一些就好了。

If only I had listened to my parents!我要是当时听了父母的话就好了。

If only she would go with me!她要是愿意和我一道去就好了!注:if only 通常独立使用,没有主句。

7、as if(though)从句用虚拟语气

▲ 基本用法

以as if(as though)引导的方式状语从句或表语从句,有时用虚拟语气,若表示与现在事实相反,谓语动词用一般过去时; 若表示与过去事实相反,用过去完成时;

表示将来的可能性不大,用would(might, could)+动词原形:

He acts as if he knew me.他显得认识我似的。

They treat me as though I were a stranger.他们待我如陌生人。

He talks as if he had been abroad.他说起话来好像曾经出过国。


It looks as if we’ll be late.我们似乎要迟到了。

(2)注意 It isn’t as if…的翻译:

It isn’t as if he were poor.他不像穷的样子(或他又不穷)。

8、It’s time后的从句用虚拟语气

▲ 基本用法


It’s time we went [were going, should go].我们该走了。

It’s time I was in bed.我该上床睡了。(不用were)

9、would rather后句子用虚拟语气

在would rather, would sooner, would just as soon 后的that从句中, 句子谓语习惯上要用虚拟语气,表示”宁愿做什么”,具体用法为:

▲ 一般过去时表示现在或将来的愿望

I’d rather you went tomorrow(now).我宁愿你明天(现在)去。

▲ 用过去完成时表过去的愿望

I’d rather you hadn’t said it.我真希望你没有这样说过。


▲ I wish后的宾语从句

动词wish后接宾语从句时,从句谓语要用虚拟语气。若要表示与现在事实相反的愿望,从句谓语用一般过去时或过去进行时;若表示与过去相反的愿望,从句谓语用过去完成时或would / could+have +过去分词;若表示将来没有把握或不太可能实现的愿望,用would(could)+动词原形。如:

I wish I could be of some use.我希望我能有什么用处。

We wish he didn’t smoke.我们希望他不吸烟。

I wish prices would come down.我希望物价能降下来。

▲ 表示“坚持”后的宾语从句


I insisted that he(should)stay.我坚持要他留下。


He insisted that I had read his letter.他坚持说我看过他的信。

He insisted that I should read his letter.他坚持要我看他的信。

▲ 表示“命令”后的宾语从句

主要是指order, command的宾语从句,从句谓语由“should+动词原形”构成,其中的should在美国英语中通常可以省略。如: He ordered that it(should)be sent back.他命令把它送回去。

▲ 表示“建议”后的宾语从句

主要是指advise, suggest, propose, recommend等的宾语从句,从句谓语由“should+动词原形”构成,其中的should在美国英语中通常可以省略。如:

He suggested that we should leave early.他建议我们早点动身。


He suggested that we(should)stay for dinner.他建议我们留下吃饭。

I suggested that you had a secret understanding with him.我觉得你与他心照不宣。

▲ 表示“要求”后的宾语从句

主要是指ask, demand, require, request等后的宾语从句,从句谓语由“should+动词原形”构成,其中的should在美国英语中通常可以省略。如:

I ask that he leave.我要求他走开。

He requires that I(should)appear.他要求我出场。

▲ 表示“提议”“投票”后的宾语从句

主要是指move, vote等后的宾语从句,从句谓语由“should+动词原形”构成,其中的should在美国英语中通常可以省略。如:

I move that we accept the proposal.我提议通过这项提案。

▲ 表示“敦促”后的宾语从句


He urged that they go to Europe.他敦促他们到欧洲去。

▲ 表示“安排”后的宾语从句


He arranged that I should go abroad.他安排我去国外。

▲ 表示“希望”“打算”后的宾语从句

主要是指动词desire, intend后的宾语从句,从句谓语由“should+动词原形”构成,其中的should在美国英语中通常可以省略。如:

She desires that he do it.她希望他做此事。

▲ 表示“指示”后的宾语从句


The general directed that the prisoners should be set free.将军指示释放那些俘虏。


在It is necessary,important,strange,natural,advisable, anxious, compulsory, crucial, desirable, eager, essential, fitting, imperative(绝对必要), impossible, improper, obligatory, possible, preferable, probable, recommended, urgent, vital etc.;

it is a pity;It is requested/suggested/desired/proposed等结构后的主语从句中要用虚拟语气,即Should+动词原形或只用动词原形。如:

▲ It’s important…类

这一类型主要包括It is(was)important(necessary, desirable, imperative, advisable)that...句型。如:

It is impossible that he should go home.他不可能会回家去。

▲ It’s a pity…类

It is a pity that she should fare so badly.她竟吃得这么差,真可怜。

▲ It’s desired…类

这种主语从句还常用在It is(was)desired(suggested, settled, proposed, requested, decided, etc.)that...句型。如:

It is requested that a vote be taken.建议付诸表决。


在advice, agreement, command, decision, decree, demand, determination, indication, insistence, order, preference, proposal, request, requirement, stipulation,suggestion,idea,plan,order等名词后的表语从句、同位语从句中要用虚拟语气,即should+动词原形或只用动词原形。如:

Our suggestion is that you(should)be the first to go. 我们的建议是你应该第一个去。

13、在 lest,for fear that(以免), in case(以防)引导的目的状语从句中的虚拟语气 在 lest,for fear that(以免), in case(以防)从句中用should+动词原形, should 可以省略.She walked quietly lest she(should)wake up her roommates.她走得很轻以免吵醒她的室友。


使用虚拟语气的主要句型 谓语动词的虚拟形式 例句

表现在的虚拟条件句 从句:用动词过去(be 多用were)

1.If I were you, I should study English.2.I would certainly go if I had time.主句:would/should/could/might+动词原形

表过去的虚拟条件句 从句:had + PP

1.If you had taken my advice, you would not have failed in the test.2.If I had left a little earlier, I would have caught the train.主句:would/should/could/might +have + PP

表将来的虚拟条件句 从句:①用动词过去②should +V原③(were +to do)1.If it were to rain tomorrow, the meeting would be put off.2.If you came tomorrow, we would have the meeting.主句:would/should/could/might +have + PP

省略 if 的条件句 从句:用倒装形式,即把were,had等置于句首。(并只限were/ had)主句:根据虚拟的情况采取与从句相应的形式。

1.Were I in school again(= If I were in school again, I would work harder.)

2.Were it not for the rain,(不能说Weren’t it for the rain,)I would go swimming.错综时间条件句(从句与主句所表示时间不一致)根据从句与主句表示的不同时进行调整。

1.If you had worked hard yesterday, you would be tired now

2.If we hadn’t been working hard in the past few years, things woud be going so smoothly.含蓄条件句(虚拟条件暗含在短语或上下文之中,从句不表现出来)

(常见有but for“要不是” without等)根据句子表达的实际情况选用相应的虚拟条件句中的主句的动词形式

1.Without air, there would be no living things.2.I would have given you more help, but I was busy now.名词性从句中的虚拟语气

wish, “可惜……”“……就好了”,“悔不该……”“但愿……” wish后从句:与表各种时间的虚拟条件句中的从句动词形式基本相同。


1,表与现在不能实现的愿望,从句用“过去时,be 用were”

2.表与过去不能实现的愿望,从句用“had+PP 或 could/would +have +PP“ 3..表与将来不能实现的愿望,从句用“could/would +动词原形” 1.I wish I were a bird.2.I wish I had known the answer..would rather 后的宾语从句 would rather后从句:动词常用过去式

1.I would rather they came tomorrow

demand, insist,suggest, command, order, require, request, desire等一类动词后的宾语从句(suggest表“暗示、隐含等”insist表“强调,力言等”不用虚拟语气。)从句谓语用“should+动词原形”,should可省。

1.I suggest you(should)go at once.2.He suggested that he patient’s leg should be cut and this suggested that he was not good at the case.(注意两个suggest的准确翻译)

“It is(was)+上述demand/suggest等动词过去分词important,natural,strange ,necessary等形容词)”后的主语从句 从句谓语用“should+动词原形”,should可省。

1.It ordered that the army(should)get there by 4 a.m.2.It is necessary that she(should)be sent there at once.order,suggestion,idea,plan, proposal, advice, demand等名词后的表语从句或同位语从句 从句谓语用“should+动词原形”,should可省。

His demand is that we(should)finish the work in 3 hours.特殊形式的虚拟语气

as if 引导的从句(表示非真实时)但表真实时,不用虚拟语气。与虚拟语气条件中从句动词形式基本相同。

1.Tom speaks as if he were a girl.2.He looks as if he had been to Beijing.so that, in order that引导的目的状语从句 May/might/should +V原 I live so that others may live better.It is(the very/high)time that后的定语从句 从句谓语动词常用过去式,有时也可用should+动词原形

It is(high)time that we went(should go)to bed.It is time that I were leaving.省去主句的If only(要是……就好了)虚拟条件句 与wish后的宾语从句谓语形式相同。

If only I hadn’t lost the chance!(= I wish I hadn’t lost the chance)

某些表祝愿的句子 常用原形或“May+动词原形” Long live world peace!May you be happy1

5.虚拟语气倒装的用法 篇五

Were I Tom,I would refuse.


Should it be necessary,I would go.


Had it not been for the bad weather we would have arrived on time.


Should he agree to go there,we would send him there.


Were she here,she would agree with us.

6.虚拟语气的特殊用法 篇六

1.与现在事实相反, if引导的条件状语从句中动词时态用一般过去时 (be为were) , 主句中的would/could/should/might+动词原形。

2.与过去事实相反, if从句中用动词的过去完成时。主句中用would/could/should/might+have+过去分词。

3.与将来事实相反, if从句中用 (1) 动词的一般过去时; (2) were to+动词原形; (3) should+动词原形。主句中用would/could/should/might+动词原形。如:If I hadmoney, I would buy a car. (与现在事实相反。) If you had come earlier, you could have met him, (与过去事实相反) 。If it were to snow tomorrow, the crops would be saved. (与将来事实相反) 。


⒈if it be not for...如果不是……主句中用虚拟语气。

If it were not for the guidance of the party committee, we should/would fail.

If it had not been for the help of our teacher, we should not have made so muchprogress.

If it were not for the collective strength (集体的力量) , it would not have been possible for us to live so well.

If it had not been for me, you would not be free.

2.虚拟语气中条件句可以省略if, 而把were, had或should移至主句之前, 但如果从句中没有were, had或should, 则不能。如:

Should it happen, what would you do?

Were I you, I would go.

Had he recognized me, he would havecome over.

3.在insist, order, command, suggest, advise propose, recommend, ask, demand, require request引导的宾语从句中, 要用虚拟语气。

She insisted that she (should) go alone.

The chairman proposed that we (should) put the match off.

The order came that it (should) be started at once.

It is ordered that we (should) arrive there before ten o’clock.


(1) It is time that clause, 主语从句中表示一种建议, 从句的谓语动词用过去时, 或should+动词原形, 意思是“该干某事的时候了”, 但“should”不可省略。

It’s time we went/should go to bed.

It’s (high) time we did/should do our homework.

(2) would rather that sb did sth

I would rather you went to that party instead of me.

I would rather he did shopping for me.


Without water, there would be no living things.

I could not have lived through Christmas without giving you a present.

6.用在so that, in order that引导的目的状语从句中。

She spoke in a loud voice so tha everyone could/might hear her clearly.

He got up early in order that he could/might catch the early bus.

7.用在as if, as though引导的非真实情况的句子中。

She felt as if she were going to die.

They were talking as if they were friends.

She speaks to me as if I were a kid.


I wish that I had lots of money.

I wish that I would fly to the moon in a spaceship one day.

I wish that I would had passed the English exam.

9.It is important/necessary/natural...that sb should do sth.

It is a pity/a shame/no wonder...that sb should do sth.

It is suggested that we should finish the project by next month.

It is a great pity that he should be so careless.

10.otherwise之后的从句中, 可用虚拟语气。

Give me ten million dollars, otherwise Iwould burn your house down.

7.虚拟语气实在讲 篇七

If you were more friendly to people, you would have more friends.


If I were you, I would accept his gift.




If I were you, I'd take an umbrella.


If there were no air or water, there would be no living things on the earth.



1.If I you, I'd wear a shirt and tie.

A. am B. wasC. were

2.If I were rich, Ianything you wanted.

A. will buyB. would buy C. buy D. would to buy

解析:这是两个假设的非真实句子,习惯上动词要用过去时。If I were you(假如是我)已成为一个固定用语,故答案为C和B。


If I had got there earlier, I should(could) have met her.


If I had been old enough at that time, I would have gone to school.



3.If I had had enough time, I my work.

A. would finishB. must have finished

C. would have finishedD. had finished

4.If I had seen the movie, I you all about it now.

A. would tell B. will tell

C. have toldD. would have told


C. 对将来情况的主观推测(表示可能相反或可能性很小)

If he would come here tomorrow, I should(would) take to him.


If there were a heavy snow next Sunday, we would not go skating.


If he were to do it, he would do it better.

如果他去做这事,会做得更好。(事实上,他去做这事的可能性很小 / 他根本不会去做这事。)


5.If I won the lottery, Ithe money to medical research.

A. will giveB. would giveC. gave





I wish I had your brains.


2.表示与过去事实相反的愿望,谓语动词用“had + 过去分词”的形式。例如:

I wish I had known the truth of the matter.


3.表示将来难以实现的愿望,谓语动词用“should(would) + 动词原形”的形式。例如:

I wish I should have a chance again.



He suggested that we (should) take the teacher's advice.



May you succeed!



1. I would have gone to the concert, if I time.

A. had hadB. have had C. had D. would have had

2. If you ___ that late movie last night, you would not be so sleepy now.

A. haven't watched B. didn't watch

C. wouldn't have watchedD. hadn't watched

3. If you had come half an hour earlier, you ______ the writer.

A. had met B. would have met

C. would meet D. could meet

4.If you listened to the questions carefully, you _____ answer them easily.

A. were to B. willC. canD. would

5. If it ______ rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the Yangpu Village.

A. were B. should C. would D. will

6. If I ______ it, I would do it in a different way.

A. am to doB. could doC. were to do D. will do



8.感叹句虚拟语气练习 篇八

姓名:____________分数:__________ 签字:____________ 感叹句练习

1.What a pretty girl she is!

2.How difficult the questions are!____ ____ the girl is!

_________ ________ ________ they are!3.How big the factory is!

4.What a clever boy!_______ _______ big factory _____ ____!

_______ _______ the boy _______!5.How tall the trees are!

6.What interesting books they are!_______ tall trees ______ ______!

________ _______ the books ________!7.How funny the girl is!

8.How old the man is!________ _______ funny girl ____ _____!

______ _______ old man ______ _____!虚拟语气练习

Choose the best answer: 1.It is strange that the little boy _____ speak two foreign languages.A.could b.can C.should D.would 2.He gave orders that the experiment ____ before 5:30pm.A.be finished

B.will finish C.must be finished 3.He _____ you more help, even though he was very busy.A, might have given

9.虚拟语气练习题及答案 篇九

用所给动词的适当形式填空: Part A.1.If people ______(drive)more slowly, there wouldn’t be so many accidents.2.If you had worked carefully, you _____(not make)so many mistakes.3.The boat wouldn’t have drifted away, if we _____(tie)it up.4.If I had known you already _____(have)a typewriter, I _____(not, buy)one for your birthday.5.If he _____(be)here this afternoon I would go with him.6.If it were to rain tomorrow, the match _____(postpone).7.But for your help, we ______(not be)able to finish the work in time.8.If it _____(not, be)for the leadership of the Party, we would not have achieved so much.9.I wish I _____(study)hard while I was young.10.It is about time that fence ______(mend).11.My request is that we ______(hold)another session to discuss the problem.12.It is strange that the car _____(break)down at exactly the same place where it _____(break)down yesterday.13.The baby smiled as if he _____(understand)what his mother _____(say).14.He talked as if he _____(do)all the work himself, but in fact Tom and I _____(do)most of it.15.If only we _____(have)a phone!I’m tired of queuing outside the public phone box.16.-----“Can we come in late tomorrow?”-----“I’d rather you _____(come)in on time.” 17.He looks as if he _____(be)ill for a long time.18.He always talks as though he ______(address)a public meeting.19.If a metal ______(heat), it will expand.20.I _____(stay)home if it rains this evening.Part B.1.She would call you immediately if she _____(need)help.2.If I had seen the movie, I _____(tell)you all about it now.3.If he _____(decide)earlier, he could have left on the afternoon flight.4._______ I _____(take)my umbrella with me when I _____(come)out this morning, I _____(not be)so wet now.5.If you had listened to me, you _____(not be)in such trouble now.6.I wish they _____(stop)making so much noise so that I could concentrate on my work.7.It is inconceivable that he _____(not see)me that day for I ______(wave)to her.8.What a pity that he gave orders that all those lovely trees _____(cut)down.9.Mr.Jones would rather _____(stay)home last night.10.Henry would rather that his brother _____(work)in the same department as he does.11.Electric current flows through a conductor as though it _____(be)a fluid.12.We _____(invite)her to the party but we didn’t know that she ______(already, come)back from abroad.13.Today’s industrial production ______(be)impossible without the contribution made by the science of physics.14.I hate driving.I’d much rather you _____(drive).15.The guests ______(arrive)last night, but there is still no news about them.16.Mother_____(feel)anxious if I came home late.17.Even if I ______(be)with you then, I ______(can, not, do)much for you.1 18.A less conscientious man ______(not, try)so hard to get this job done.19.Do you wish that you ______(have)a sister like her? 20.Isn’t it surprising that he ______(have)two car accidents during the past week?


1.If I _______ you, I’d join the army.A.am



D.would be 2.“If the sun ______ tomorrow, what would we do?”

A.will not rise

B.would not rise

C.did not rise

D.does not rise 3.If you ______ to see Mary, what would you tell her?


B.will be going


D.were 4.I would have said “Hello” to him if I ______ your brother.A.could see

B.had seen

C.will see

D.will have seen 5.If you had wanted to buy a record, what ________? A.would you buy

B.had you bought C.would you have bought

D.would you be buying 6.If the tablets had dissolved, John ______.A.would probably die

B.had probably died C.probably would be died

D.would probably have died 7.________ if you had lost your watch? A.Hadn’t you been upset

B.Wouldn’t you be upset C.Weren’t you upset

D.Wouldn’t you have upset 8.-----“I was so sorry to hear about Jack.”

-----“If he had made more friends here, he might ________.”

A.have stayed

B.have stay


D.stay 9.If I had a bike, I ______ it to you yesterday.A.would have lent

B.would lend C.would have lend

D.could lend 10.____________, John would not have failed.A.If he has listened to me

B.Had he listened to me

C.If he listened to me

D.As he listened to me 11.Had Alice been more hardworking, she ________.A.had not failed

B.would not have failed

C.would not fail

D.could not be failed 12.-----“Steve made a reservation already.”

-----“______ he change his mind, he can cancel it.”




D.So 13.I wished it _______ but it did.A.occurred not

B.did not accur C.had not occurred

D.would not occur 14.I _______ Professor Jones had taught me this equation.A.believe

B.deeply think


D.suppose 15.The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, so it seems as if the sun _____ around the earth.2


B.is circling

C.be circling

D.were circling 16.The computer “teacher” was talking with his students as though it ______ a human teacher.A.was


C.had been

D.be 17.Jane appears as though she _______ the secret.A.knows


C.has known

D.had known 18.If only she _______ of Aunt Ruth!

A.was not terribly so frightened

B.were not terribly so frightened

C.be not so terribly frightened

D.were not so terribly frightened 19.-----“I think that the Smiths were embarrassed by Jane’s generosity.”

-----“She insisted ______ it as a gift.”

A.no them to accept

B.their accepting

C.that they accept

D.that they accepted 20.The chairman requested that __________.A.the members studied the problem more carefully

B.the problem were more carefully studied

C.the problem could be studied with more care

D.the members study the problem more carefully 21.-----“Did Kathy have any ideas for Jim?”

-----“She suggested that he ______ a card with all of our names on it.”



C.to send

D.sending 22.The idea is that we _______ an unmanned spacecraft to explore the planet first.A.will send

B.had sent


D.be sent 23.It is necessary that this machine-tool _______ every day.A.be oiled


C.is to be oiled

D.oiled 24.-----“That’s a beautiful coat in the window.”

-----“It certainly is.If I had the money ______ buy it.”



C.I may

D.I shall 25.-----“Why didn’t you help him?”

-----“I would have ______ I didn’t have the money.”




D.otherwise 26.Jill would rather we _______ now, but we must go to work.A.not leave

B.had not left

C.didn’t leave

D.not to be left 27.I’d just as soon ________ those important papers with you.A.that you won’t take

B.your not taking

C.please don’t you take

D.you didn’t take 28.The housemaster was very strict.He asked that we ______ television on week nights.A.not watch

B.not be watching

C.must not watch

D.should not have watched 29.I hadn’t expected James to apologize but I had hoped ________.A.him calling me

B.that he would call me

C.him to call me

D.that he call me 3 30.__________ at the price list, he’d have known what to expect.A.Had Mr.Robinson looked

B.If Mr.Robinson looked

C.If Mr.Robinson would have looked

D.Had Mr.Robinson been looking 31.-----“Shall I open the window?”

-----“I’d rather _________.”

A.you had better not

B.you don’t

C.you shouldn’t

D.you didn’t 32.-----“Did you have to go to court?”

-----“No, I didn’t, but I would ______ if my lawyer hadn’t been so good.”





33.If Peter had enough money, he _______ on the trip to Los Angeles.A.would have gone


C.had gone

D.would go

34.If you had been in Shanghai last month, you ________ the game.A.had seen

B.have seen

C.had been seen

D.would have seen 35.If you hadn’t taken such a long time to get dressed, we’d ______ there by now.A.be


C.have got at

D.have been

36.If the Watergate Incident _______ Nixon would not have resigned from the presidency.A.had not occurred

B.did not occur

C.was not occurring

D.would not occur 37.Alan _______ the party if he’d gone to London.A.would have missed

B.had missed

C.could miss

D.missed 38.-----“Your pictures are beautiful!”

-----“We _______ more if we hadn’t run out of film.”

A.would take

B.had taken

C.will have taken

C.would have taken 39.Peter wishes that he ________ law instead of literature when he was in college.A.had studied


C.could study

D.would study 40.-----“I couldn’t talk to Mrs.Khandary very well, because my Arabic isn’t very good yet.”

-----“_________ there, he would have been able to interpret for you.”

A.If John were

B.John had been

C.Had John been

D.Were John 41.___________, Gerald would have been a rich man.A.Was he to enter business

B.Were he entered business

C.Had he entered business

D.If he was to enter business 42._________, we shall go on a picnic.A.Should the weather be fine

B.If the weather were fine

C.Had the weather been fine

D.Were the weather to be fine 4 43.-----“I wish I ________ the orientation program yesterday.”

-----“It’s too bad that you _________.We met a lot of people.”

A.had attended …didn’t

B.had attended …hadn’t

C.attended … didn’t

D.could attend … haven’t 44.-----“Do you want me to lend you some money?”

-----“I wish you __________, I can pay you back next week.”




D.would 45.The picture exhibition bored me to death.I wish I _______ to it.A.had not gone

B.have not gone

C.did not go

D.could not have gone 46.If their passport _______ all right, they _______ arrested.A.were … wouldn’t be

B.had been … wouldn’t have been

C.are… mustn’t be

D.should be … wouldn’t be 47.If only I _________ how to operate an electronic computer as you do.A.had known

B.would know

C.should know

D.knew 48.The thick smog covered the whole city.It was as if a great black blanket ______ over it.A.had been thrown

B.were thrown

C.be thrown

D.had thrown 49.He spoke in a quiet, distinct voice, as though his thought _________.A.was far away

B.had been far away

C.were far away

D.went far away 50.If I had only read all the books before I ________ the lecture!

A.would have attended


C.had attended

D.have attended 51.I would have been able to help him, but I _______ so busy.A.were

B.had been


D.would be 52.-----“Where have you been?”

-----“I got caught in the traffic;_______ I would have been here sooner.”




D.otherwise 53.It is desirable that the airplane _______ as light as possible.A.was



D.were 54.I _______ do that if I were given the choice.A.would rather not

B.would not rather

C.rather not

D.had rather not 55.Everybody has arrived.It’s time we _________.A.would start

B.shall start


D.had start 56.-----“Mrs.Williams can speak Japanese.”

-----“But she would rather _______ English with us.”



C.to speak

D.had spoken 57.John would rather that Jane _______ to the party yesterday evening.A.did not go

B.not go

C.had not gone

D.wouldn’t gone 58.-----“What’s the matter with Harry?”

-----“I don’t know, but he certainly looks ______ he had lost his best friend.”


B.so that


D.as if 59.His advice has made the design better than it ________.A.would otherwise have been

B.would be otherwise

C.has otherwise be

D.had otherwise been 60.-----“I’m surprised to learn that you’re going back.”

-----“Yes, I had hoped that I _______ have to go back again, but I must.”






1.I should be most happy to go down with you but I was very busy right then.(have been)2.If her great grandfather would have lived three more days he would have been 100 years old.(had lived)3.If George Washington were president today, I would have wondered what he would do about the United States’ foreign affairs in the Middle East.(wonder)4.It was suggested that Pedro studies the material more thoroughly before attempting to pass the examination.(study)5.He gave orders that the horses were made ready at once as he was pressed for time.(should be)6.The scientist thinks it necessary that all the inventions of mankind must be used for good, not for evil.(should)7.We felt like we had lost a friend when the foreman along with his four assistants was unfairly discharged.(felt as if)8.If you went to last night’s game, I am sure that you would have enjoyed seeing our team win.(had been to)9.If you have been living here since 1956, isn’t it about time you start to look for somewhere nicer to live?(started)10.The law I am referring to requires that everyone who owns a car has accident insurance.(have)11.I would rather that they did not travel during the bad weather, but they insist that they must return home today.(should)12.The political candidate talked as though she has already been elected to the presidency.(had)13.If a crisis was to occur, those unfamiliar with the procedures would not know how to handle the situation.(were)14.Many dead people would now be alive if they did not attempt to return for something.(had not attempted)15.Only if Albert had told me before last Friday, I would have given him some help, but now it’s too late.(If only)16.If Monique had not attended the conference, she would never meet her old friend Dan whom she had not seen for years.(have met)17.If I brought with me a camera when the accident happened yesterday I might have taken a picture of it myself.(had brought)18.How I wish John knew how to apply grammatical rules properly and recognize the fact that he is nearly always in the wrong!(recognized)19.If John were to resign and if Henry were elected to take his place we should have had more vigorous leadership.(删除)20.You may prefer to travel by plane, but if the weather is bad, you might have to use the train instead.(may)


1. 我要是有你这样一个姐姐多好!

2. 我们万一不能及时完成这个任务怎么办?

3. 要不是明天有测验我今天晚上就去听音乐会了。

4. 有人建议我们举行一次讲演比赛。

5. 你其实可以让我帮助你的。

6. 现在是认真研究这个问题的时候了。

7. 真遗憾他竟然忘记通知你们这件事了。

8. 如果她不是一直刻苦练习,她的钢琴就不可能弹得这么好。





Key: 用所给动词的适当形式填空: Part A:


2.wouldn’t have made

3.had tied

4.have / would not have bought 5.should be / were / were to be

6.would be postponed

7.wouldn’t have been 8.were not

9.had studied

10.were mended

11.(should)hold 12.should have broken / broke

13.had understood / said 14.had done / did



17.had been 18.were addressing

19.is heated

20.will stay Part B: 1.should need / needed

2.would tell

3.had decided

4.had / taken / came / would not be

5.would not be

6.would stop 7.should not have seen / waved

8.be cut

9.have stayed 10.worked


12.would have invited / had already come 13.would be


15.should have arrived

16.would feel 17.had been / could not have done

18.would not have tried 19.had

20.should have had





















20.D 21.A









30.A 31.D









40.C 41.C









50.B 51.C









