


1.三级翻译答案 篇一

common desire 共同愿望

coercion 强迫,高压政治

compassion 同情,怜悯

containment 遏制,遏制政策

dawning 黎明;开端

decency 合宜,得体

defy 挑战;公然挑衅

convergence 集中

beckon 召唤

abundant accomplishment 丰硕的成果

bilateral channels 双边渠道

cast off 丢弃,摆脱

unequalled 无与伦比的

bully 欺侮;以强凌弱

assert 宣称;维护

permeate 浸透

prerequisite 先决条件;首要的,必要的

prescribe 指示;规定

refrain 节制;制止

respectable 可敬的

respective 分别的,各自的

pioneering 开拓性的

legitimate 合法的

malignant 恶性的;致命的

manifold 多方面的

meddle 干涉

memorable 令人难忘的

obstacle 干扰;障碍

obstruct 阻碍

overshadow 弱化;使……黯然失色

mimic 模仿

equitable 公平的;公正的

flaunt 炫耀;标榜

formulation 明确表达;简洁陈述

foil 阻扰;挫败

encroachment 侵犯

build shared optimism 树立共有的乐观精神

(make) concessions 让步

enduring 持久的;不朽的

undertaking; cause 事业

fusion 融合

trilateral 三边的

violate; encroach on; be an encroachment on 侵犯

seek common ground while reserving/shelving/putting aside differences 求同存异

equal consultation平等协商

concerted effort 齐心协力

millennium 千年

power politics 强权政策

yield to 屈服

all-round improvement 全面提高

comprehensive engagement 全面接触

twists and turns 曲折

expand the common ground 扩大共识

hard-won 来之不易

decencies 礼仪;行为准则

good faith 良好诚意

people-to-people diplomacy 民间外交

a favorable climate in areas around China 良好周边环境

2.翻译资格考试口译三级精选词汇 篇二

产学研一体化的办学机制the educational mechanism of combining learning with research and production

成人学历教育,高等教育自学考试 continuing education and self-study examination of higher education

初露端倪reveal its importance for the first time

翻译导游tourist interpreter

复合型,应用型管理人才versatile and practical management talents

结构性调整structural adjustment

民俗风情customs and habits

相伴而生be accompanied by

学术领域academic sector

应势而生come into existence as the situation requires

在职培训part-time training

专业方向professional emphasis

资格考试qualification test

The Economic Commission for Europe欧洲经济委员会

A world-wide reputation誉满全球

Conference center会议中心

The world Health Organization 世界卫生组织

International civil servants 国际事务公务员

International press center国际新闻中心

Works of art 艺术品

International trading center国际贸易中心

Rich cultural blend 丰富多彩的文化交融

Holiday resort 旅游胜地

Natural reserves 自然保护区

Feudal dynasty封建王朝

中国革命历史博物馆the Museum of the Chinese Revolution

一座历史丰碑a historical monument

快节奏的社会 fast-tempo society

专题展览exhibitions on special subject

实地考察on-the-spot investigaion

经历了数千年的风吹雨打being beaten by elements for thousands of years

古典艺术精品classical art treasures

世界文化遗产World Cultural Heritage

紫禁城the Forbidden City

文物宝库a treasure house of cultural relics

私人收藏家personal collector

securities exchanges 证券交易所

stock exchanges股票交易所

systematic market process有组织的买卖过程

major corporation大公司

New York Stock Exchange 纽约证券交易所

Tax harmonization协调税收

Hot topic热门话题

European Union欧盟

Driving force推动力

Contemplate on the harmonization统一的期望

国际货币组织International Monetary Fund

国内需求domestic demand

经济全球化economic globalization

双边渠道bilateral channels

亚太经合组织Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

金融危机financial crisis

广泛关注arouse wide concern

国际社会international community

公正合理的国际经济新秩序a new and reasonable international economic order

从大局出发proceed from the whole situation

财政政策financial policy

共同繁荣common prosperity

贸易投资自由化trade and investment liberalization

日新月异progress with each passing day

知识经济knowledge economy

faulty members 教职工

subscribes to 订阅

journals and periodicals 杂志期刊

recreations and athletic facilities娱乐体育设施

arts department文科系

applied science应用科学

recipients of Nobel Prize诺贝尔奖金获得者

intellectual and personal qualities文化和个人素质

living expenses生活费

sense of community团队意识

成人教育学院continuing education school

仿真实验室simulation laboratory

教育部Ministry of Education

土木工程civil engineering

全国重点大学national key university

信息技术information technology

函授生correspondence student

外国留学生international student

教育展览会Education Exhibition

组委会organizing committee

主要内容main component

热点话题much-talked-about topic

共同关心的信息mutually concerned information

fresh water resource洁水资源

over the last couple of decades 在过去的二十年里

land available for farming适耕地

fresh water available可用清洁水

emerging economies 新兴经济

global warming 全球变暖

ecological crisis生态危机

path to prosperity通向繁荣之路

seize the opportunity抓住机遇

remarkable environmental progress引人注目的环境

垃圾处理garbage disposal

生活必需品the bare necessities of life

消费品consumer goods

消费习惯consuming habit

捕鱼量the volume of fishing

造纸业paper-making industry

木材储量timber reserves

森林覆盖面积forest-covering area

inward investment 对内投资


pay tribute to 表示敬意

subsidies and grants津贴和拨款

problem of terrorism恐怖主义问题

gave their lives to the highest calling将生命献给了最崇高的事业

target of terrorism恐怖主义的目标

intensified our effort 加强力量

bring to justice使归案受审

国际条约international treaties

世界知识产权组织World Intellectual Property Organization

私营部门the private sector

知识产权intellectual property

总干事Director Geneor

在进入新的千年之际at the threshold of the new millennium

成员国member countries

纲领性文件programmatic document

基本人权fundamental human rights

殖民枷锁colonialist shackles

任重道远the burden is heavy and the road is long

internet phone industry网络电话业

vast potential for future development广阔的发展前景

telephone sound quality电话音质

instantaneous transmission即时传输

GPS(Global Positioning System)全球卫星定位系统

Relay station中继站

Intelligent traffic management systems智能交通管理系统

分子生物学Molecular biology

能源综合利用comprehensive utilization of energy

认识科学cognitive science

生产力productive force

推动力量driving force

相对论the theory of relativity

行为科学behavior science

知识科学knowledge economy

新兴产业rising economy

层出不穷emerge one after another

科教兴国战略the strategy of economic development through science-technology and education

可持续发展sustainable development

试点工程pilot program

严峻挑战serious challenges

运行机制operational mechanism

中国科学院Chinese Academy of Sciences

综合国力the overall national strength

磁悬浮铁路magnetic suspended railway

root causes根本原因

juvenile crime bill青少年犯罪

idle talk闲聊

easy access to 轻易接近

zero tolerance绝不容忍

balanced budget 预算平衡

step up to its responsibilities 担负起责任

law enforcement professionals执法者

debit card提款卡

magnetic stripe磁条

parking meter停车计费表

personal identification number 密码

pull double duty具备双重功能

electronic versions电子交易

chip-enhanced versions加强性芯片

be hot for the idea热衷于这个主意

遥控器remote controller

无孔不入all pervasive

增强性能strengthen the property

减少故障to reduce the breakdown

原动力motive power

高架铁路aerial train

汽车废气的排放discharge of automobile exhaust fumes

毗邻而居be adjacent to

state-of-the art 最新型的,最优良的


ground-breaking 开拓性的,独创的

organizing committee组委会

innovative approach创新方法

marketing partner市场合作伙伴

a giant leap into the future走向未来的一次飞跃

cash for votes用钱拉选票

bribery scandal贿赂丑闻

草地网球lawn tennis

发球区service court

处于执牛耳的地位occupy a leading position


以全体运动员的名义in the name of all the athletes

3.大学体验英语三级答案 篇三

see.You forgot to write your date of birth.A: It’s March 14, 1986.B: And, where do you go to school? A: I go to Hillview High School/ Real World Listening 1 Predict Answer Do you have your card? What’s your name? How do you spell that? And what’s your address? What is your telephone number? Where do you work? 2 Get the main ideas Answers Ted Mendrou 27 Red Tree Drive 818-777-0768 NA(He doesn’t work, he’s a student.)NA(HE doesn’t have a credit card.)Script Clerk: Next.Ted: Yes, I’d like this video.Clerk: Do you have your card? Ted: No, I don’t have a card.Clerk: Okay.I’ll make a card.What’s your name? Ted: Ted Mendrou.Clerk: How do you spell that? Ted: M-E-N-D-R-O-U.Clerk: And what’s you’re address? Ted: 27 Red Tree Drive.Clerk: Red Tree? Is that one word or two? Ted: It’s two words: Red.Tree.Clerk: What is your telephone number? Ted: 777-0768 Clerk: Is that the 818 area code? Ted: Yep.Clerk: Where do you work? Ted: I don’t work.I’m a student.Clerk: Okay, now I just need a credit card number.Ted: A credit card? Clerk: Yes, you know, VISA MasterCard… Ted: Uh-oh.), a kitchen sink(K), a table & chairs(K), a coffee table(LR)Script In my living room there is an old couch, a soft chair, a table, and a lamp.In my kitchen there is a stove, a sink, and a refrigerator.There’s also a big

table and two chairs.My bathroom has a large bathtub, a small sink, a shower, and, of course, a toilet.And my bedroom has a bed, a dresser, a small table, and a lamp.There’s also a big bookcase.Listening Task 1 First Listening Answers 5.1.bedroom 3.bathroom 6.2.kitchen 4.living room 2 Second Listening Answers 5.1.This is a pretty big room.6.2.It’s nice and sunny.7.3.This room is very small.8.4.This room is great.Script 1.1.This is a pretty big room, I think.The bed is in the corner, and there’s a small table next to the bed.There’s a lamp on the table.There’s a dresser, too, and two big bookcases.2.2.Now, I like this room.It’s nice and sunny.There’s a stove and a

small refrigerator.The sink is next to the stove.There is one chair and a small table where you can eat.There’s a small TV on the table.3.3.Now, there’s this room.I know, this room is very small, but it’s

okay.It has a shower and a toilet.There’s a sink, too, next to the toilet, but, as you can see, no bathtub.4.4.Isn’t this a nice room? It’s big.There’s a big old couch and two soft chairs.There’s a table next to the couch.And there’s a lamp on the table.But

the best thing is there is a really big TV.This room is great!Real World Listening 1 Predict Answer Size of room, furniture, how much it costs, swimming pool.2 Get the main ideas Answers Business hotel: two beds, a bathtub, a couch, a table Ritz Hotel: two beds, a bathtub, a shower, a couch, a table, chairs, refrigerator, TV, pool Script Alan: I looked on the Internet today and I think I found a hotel for us.Bob: Oh, yeah? Me, too.What does yours have? Alan: Well, it’s a business hotel.The room has two beds.And, of course, a bathroom.The bathroom has a bathtub, but no shower.Bob: That’s it?

Alan: Well, in the picture it looks like there’s also a couch and table.Bob: Two beds, a couch, a table and no shower.Okay.Want to hear about my hotel? Alan: All right, but I –

Bob: It’s the Ritz Hotel.It looks great!The room is really two rooms: a bedroom with two really big beds and a living room with a couch, a table and chairs.There is a bath room with a shower and a big bathtub.And listen to this.You also get a refrigerator and a big-screen TV!Alan: Sounds expensive.Bob: Wait.There’s even a health club with a pool!Alan: How much?Unit 5 Where are you from? Vocabulary Task Answers Colombian, Korean, French, Brazilian, Japanese, American, English, Thai Script Here is our music club.There are members from all over the world!First is Carlos.He’s Colombian.He’s from Bogota, Colombia.Second is Sang-kai.He’s Korean.He’s from Seoul, Korea.Third is Michael.He’s French.He’s from Nice, France.Fourth is Maria.She’s from Sao Paulo, Brazil.Next is Michiko.She is Japanese.She’s from Osaka, Japan.Then Jackie.She’s American.She’s from Miami, Florida.And Jonathan.He’s British.He’s from Cornwall, England.And last is Sunt.He’s Thai.He’s from Bangkok, in Thailand.Listening Task 1 First Listening Answers 11.1.Australia 2.Spain 3.China 4.India 2 Second Listening Answers 9.1.Liz(Walker)3.Yu-an(Lee)10.2.Carlos(Fernandez)4.Purni Script A: Is everyone ready? Please come up when I call your number…Number 1.1: My name is Liz Walker.L-I-Z.A: Are you British? 1: No.No, I’m Australian.I’m from Sydney, Australia, but I live in the United Stated.A: Number 2.2: My name is Carlos Fernandez.A: Carlos? 2: Yes.Carlos.C-A-R-L-O-S.I’m Spanish.I’m from Barcelona, Spain.A: Number 3.3: My name is Yu-an Lee.That’s Y-U-A-N.A: Okay.And, Yuan, where are you from? 3: I’m Chinese.I’m from Shanghai, China.A: Number 4.4: my name is Purni.A: Perdi? 4: No.Purni.P-U-R-N-I.I’m Indian.I’m from New Delhi, India.Real World Listening 1 Predict Answer They met at a youth hostel.2 Get the main ideas Answers They are at a youth hostel in London.Robert is from San Francisco, California.Miguel is from Bogota, Colombia.Keiko is from Japan, but she lives in Paris.She works there.She wants to do something fun.Silvia is from a small town near Venice, Italy.Script Robert: Hi, I’m Robert.How’s it going?

Miguel: Hi.My name’s Miguel.Sorry, I didn’t catch your name.Robert: It’s Robert.I’m from San Francisco, in the U.S.Nice to meet you – Miguel.Miguel: Nice to meet you, too.Robert: Is this your first day here? Miguel: Yes.I just got to London today.Robert: Where are you from? Miguel: I’m Colombian.From Bogota, Colombia.Keiko: Hi.Can I sit here? Robert: Hello.Sure.There’s plenty of room.I’m Robert.Keiko: Hi.My name’s Keiko.Where are you from, Robert? Robert: Hi.Keiko.I’m from California.And you…? Are you from Japan?

Keiko: Yes, I’m from Osaka, originally.Now I live in Paris.Robert: Really? What do you do there? Keiko: I work for a high-tech company.I’m so glad to be away from work.Robert: Right.Keiko: Do you have any ideas on fun things to do here in London? Robert: Yeah.Let me get my guidebook.And my map.I’ll be right back.Silvia: Hello.I’m Silvia.Do any of you know what time it is? Miguel: It’s 6:15.I think dinner is at 7:00.have a seat.Silvia: Thank you.Miguel: I’m Miguel.I’m from Colombia.And this is Keiko, from Japan.Where’re you from, Silvia? Silvia: I’m from Italy.From a small town near Venice.Have you been to Italy? Miguel: No, but I’d love to go.I like Italian food.And, Italian cars.Unit 8 where are we going? Vocabulary Task Answers/Script The post office is next to the First National Bank.The bank is between Broadway Bookstore and First Aid drugstore.Antonio’s Restaurant is across from the library.Sherwood hospital is on the corner.It is next to Apple Tree Flower Shop.Listening Task 1 First Listening Answers 1.1.post office 3.bank 2.2.hospital 4.library 2 First Listening Answers 1.1.It’s on the corner, next to the bank.2.2.It’s between the drugstore and the police station.3.3.It’s down the street.4.4.It’s on the corner, next to Adam’s shoe store.Script 1.1.A: Excuse me, where’s the post office? B: The post office? It’s on the corner, next to the bank.A: Thanks.2.2.A: How can I get to a hospital? B: A hospital? A: Yes, I need to find a hospital fast.B: Well, there’s a hospital on Main Street between the drug store and the police station.A: On Main Street? Thanks.3.3.A: Whoops!I need to get some money.B: Well, there’s a bank down this street, or an ATM machine in the hotel.A: Let’s go to the bank.It’s closer, right? 4.4.A: Can you tell me how to get to the library? B: Sure, the library is easy to get to from here.Go down the street and turn left.It’s on the corner, next to Adam’s shoe store.Real World Listening 1 predict 2 Get the main ideas Answers Go down this street.You will see the International Hotel of Kyoto.Across from the hotel is Nijo Castle.Also, NHK radio station is next to Nijo Castle.Nijo Castle is between the radio station and the International Hotel.Script Michael: Well, what do you want to do first? Colette: I know.Let’s go to Nijo Castle.Michael: Nijo Castle? Okay.Can you ask someone for directions? Colette: Okay.Here goes.Excuse me…we’re trying to find…

Man: Sorry, sorry, I don’t speak English.Colette: Oh…Excuse me…where is Nijo Castle? Woman#1: Nijo Castle? Michael: Thank you.Colette: Did you understand that? Michael: No, I didn’t understand that.Let’s see if we can find another tourist.Colette: There’s someone.With a map.On the corner.See? Michael: Let’s go.Excuse me, can you help us? We want to go to Nijo Castle.Woman#2: Oh, I’ve been there.Okay, go down this street.There is the international Hotel of Kyoto.Across from the hotel is Nijo Castle.Also, NHK radio station is next to Nijo Castle.Nijo Castle is between the NHK radio station and the International Hotel.Both: Great.Thanks for you help.Real World Speaking Answers/Script: 5.5.A: Excuse me.Where is the post office? B: It’s on Green Street, across from McDonalds.A: Did you say across from McDonalds? B: Yes, that’s right.6.6.A: Where is the Grand Hotel? B: The Grand hotel? I think it’s on River Drive next to the Marriott.A: Could you repeat that, please? 7.7.A: Can you tell me where a bank is? B: There’s a bank on Lakeshore Drive between a big bookstore and a jewelry store.You can’t miss it.A: Sorry.Please say that again more slowlyUnit 10 My week Vocabulary Task Answers Play tennis Tuesday evenings Clean my room Saturday mornings Go to the park Saturday afternoons Go to work Monday, Wednesday and Friday Go to school Tuesday and Thursday Watch TV Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings Go to the movies Sunday Eat dinner with friends Friday evenings Script On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I work at SnoCo Web Design.On Tuesday and Thursday I have classes.I go to school at Simmons College.Tuesday evening, I play tennis at Golden Racket Club.Most evenings, I stay at home and watch TV.On Friday, I usually eat dinner with friends.I always clean my apartment on Saturday morning.On Saturday afternoon, I sometimes go to the park.On Sunday afternoon, I often go to the movies.Listening Task 1 First Listening Answers 16.1.She teaches on Tuesday and Thursday.17.2.She doesn’t have class on Wednesday morning.18.3.He sleeps late on Saturday morning.19.4.He goes to the park with his friends on Sunday.2 Second Listening Answers 5.1.It’s a fun job.6.2.We usually drink coffee and just talk.7.3.I rarely get up before 10 or 11 o’clock.8.4.It’s a good place to relax.Script 5.1.A: Are you free in the afternoon? ? B: Hmm.Not on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.I go to work.I teach swimming.I like to swim, so it’s a fun job.? 6.2.A: Do you have class every day? B: No.On Wednesday morning, I don’t have any classes.I often meet my friends then.We usually drink coffee and just talk.7.3.A: Are you busy Saturday morning? B: Well, on Saturday morning I always sleep late.Very late.I usually wake up at 6 o’clock for work, so on Saturday morning I rarely get up before 10 or 11 o’clock.8.4.A: What do you do on Sunday? B: Well, on Sunday I usually go to the park with my friends.Sometimes we eat lunch there.We often bring a soccer ball.It’s a good place to relax.Real World Listening 1 Predict Answer Friday evening 2 Get the main ideas Answers Celia is busy: every morning(she’s at school), three nights a week(working at Cesar’s), Friday evening(she goes to Silver Gym)Laura is busy: Tuesday and Thursday(she works at the mall), Monday, Wednesday, Friday(she works at KPFA, a radio station), Monday and Wednesday nights(she has dance class), Saturday(she usually goes to Silver Gym)Script Celia: Hey, Laura!How’s it going? Laura: Oh, Celia, hi!I’m doing fine.What are you up to? Celia: School and work, mostly.I go to school in the morning.And I work three nights a week at Cesar’s…you know, the new Italian restaurant downtown.How about you? Laura: Right now, I have two jobs.On Tuesday and Thursday I work at the mall.Celia: Uh-huh.Laura: And on Monday, Wednesday and Friday I work for DPFA, the radio station.Celia: Oh, interesting.Celia: It’s so good to see you.Let’s get together some night.Laura: Sure.Celia: How about Monday night? Laura: Oh, I can’t on Monday night.I have dance class.How about Tuesday? Celia: Oh, Tuesday I work in the evening.But how about Wednesday or Thursday? Laura: Mmm…Wednesday I have my dance class again, and Thursday evening I work at the mall.Friday? Celia: Actually, every Friday evening I go to my health club.Usually, I swim or lift weights or…

Laura: Where do you go? Celia: I go to Silver Gym on East Main Street…

Laura: You’re kidding!I go to Silver Gym, too.I seldom go to Friday, though.I usually go on Saturday.Celia: Well, do you want to go this Friday night? About 6 o’clock? We can

4.翻译资格考试笔译三级模拟题 篇四

We have traveled a journey from the discovery of fire to the use of electricity, and from the excavation of fossil fuels to the rapid development of renewable energies. And every time, the discovery of a new source of energy and the replacement of the old always played a crucial role in human progress. The reasons are simple.


Large scale exploitation and application of energy helps increase productivity in a dramatic way. This stimulates scientific and technological progress. This reduces the distance between countries and regions. And this drives economic globalization.


However, the development and use of energy also create environmental and security problems, which have posed challenges for us all.


The growth of population and economy leads to immense increase of energy consumption. The global ecological and environmental system is now under huge pressure. Global challenges such as climate change and energy security are increasingly acute.


For all seven billion people on this planet, the earth is our only home. We have only one choice, and that is to cherish and care for our home.


We must not exhaust all the resources passed on to us by previous generations and leave nothing to our children, or pursue development in a destructive way.


Clear waters and green mountains are as good as mountains of gold and silver. We must maintain harmony between man and nature and pursue sustainable development.


And there is only one way to do this, and that is to go green and go low-carbon. This is how we can grow the world economy in a sustainable way.


At present, China has greater installed capacity in hydropower, wind power and solar power than any other country in the world.


Of the total energy consumption in (4.36 billion tons of standard coal), non-fossil fuel accounted for 13.3%, which was 1.3 percentage points higher than the previous year.


In the first three quarters of last year, GDP per unit of energy use downed by 5.2% year on year. Such progress is largely attributed to green development.


As urbanization and agricultural modernization remains an ongoing process in China, energy conservation and emission reduction becomes a daunting task. One example is the autumn and winter haze resulting from air pollution.


China is taking on this task. We will strive to make the growth in energy supply mainly green and low-carbon. To this end, we have set a number of targets to be met by 2020.

These include:Increasing the share of non-fossil fuel in primary energy consumption to 15%,

Increasing the proportion of natural gas to at least 10%,

And keeping the percentage of coal consumption below 58%.

This will enable us to reach the emissions peak before 2030.


Energy cooperation features prominently in the win-win cooperation between our two countries. China and the UK have had cooperation in the field of fossil fuels, such as oil and gas. Meanwhile, our cooperation on clean and renewable energy is showing a strong momentum.


Chinese companies are actively involved in Britain’s new energy projects, from nuclear power plants to offshore wind farms, from solar energy projects to biomass electricity generation.


Their growing cooperation with the UK also includes next-generation green transport. The most familiar examples are the zero-emission electric bus and the ultra-low-emission London Black Cabs.


China has a complete nuclear industrial chain, mature nuclear power technology, world-class equipment building and rich construction experience.

China is also a world leader in the field of solar power technology, both R&D and application.



is a year for consolidating the “Golden Era” of China-UK relations. 2017 also marks the 45th anniversary of the Ambassadorial-level diplomatic ties between China and Britain.


5.三级安全教育试卷及答案 篇五









7、发生工伤事故后应采取的措施 :单位立即向告,职工或职工家属应直接向举报;保护现场,以便有关人员调查确认;抢救伤员,尽可能减少人员伤害程度。






















A.防毒口罩 B、有相应滤毒的防毒口罩 C.供应空气的呼吸保护器D.防尘口罩






















































3、2002年11月1日 4、2001年10月27日







5、D A D B B6-

10、C C A B A 11-15 B B C A C 16-20 B D C C D






6.三级翻译答案 篇六

1.In the early fifties, only eight or nine out of a hundred young men changed their jobs within the first three years with a company.在五十年代初期,有百分之八九的年轻人在一家公司工作三年后往往会跳槽。

2.Since most jobs take only a year and a half to master, in order to continue learning, they have to make a job change.由于大多数工作只需花一年多就可以掌握,为了继续学习,他们就会调换工作。

3.They have worked for a few years as technical specialists and quickly moved into higher management positions.作为技术专家,他们在工作了几年之后会更快地跳到更高的管理岗位。4.Sociologists are interested in how a society began and how it grew.社会学家们对于一个社会是怎样形成与怎样发展起来的很感趣。

5.A Frenchman named Auguste Comte made sociology a separate science in the 1830s.1830年,一个叫Auguste Comte的法人使社会学成为一门独立的学科。6.The method of capital punishment varies from nation to nation.执行死刑的方法因国家而各不相同。

7.The new device was named after the man who spoke out in favor of it.有个人大胆提议用这种新装置,后来这种刑具就以那个人的名字命名。

8.Many people felt that beheading a person in the guillotine was merciful because of the quickness of death.许多人认为使用断头台来处决一个人,这是很仁慈的,因为这样会让人死得更快一些。9.A little child cannot understand advertisement for what they are and so believes totally in what he or she hears.小孩儿不知广告为何物,因此便完全听信广告上所说的。

10.And I am upset myself at how the advertisers can control a child’s outlook on the world.广告商是如何掌管孩子的世界观,对此我非常焦虑。

11.I think I should join Jolie in her efforts to change advertising tactics(策略)when it comes to advertisements for children.涉及到针对儿童的广告,我想我应当与Jolie一起努力去改变广告策略。

12.However, policymakers were not yet acting on many important environmental problems.然而,政策制定者们当时并未对许多重要的环境保护问题付诸行动。

13.College students were a major force in the campaign, although participants of all ages were involved.尽管参加这次运动的人涉及到各个年龄段的人,但是大学生是这场运动的主导力量。14.thirty years later, the focus has changed but the urgency remains the same.三十年之后,关注的焦点发生了变化,但其紧迫性依然。

15.X-rays were first discovered by a German scientist, Wilhelm Conrad roentgen, in 1895, almost by accident.X射线最初是在1895年被一个德国科学家偶然地发现的,他的名字叫Wilhelm Conrad roentgen。

16.In fact, the rays could pass as easily through the fleshy part of his hand as through the black paper, but hardly at all through the bone.事实上,就像穿过一张黑纸一样,射线很容易穿过手部的肌肉,但却根本不能穿过骨骼.17.The answer would seem to lie in nuclear power stations.看来问题在于核电站。

18.If the world population goes on increasing at its present rate, we may, in fifty years’ time, be burning up so much energy that we would damage the earth’s atmosphere.如果世界人口继续以当前这种速度增长的话,也许,五十年后,这样燃烧如此多的能源将会致使我们破坏地球的大气层。

19.Psychologists deal with the minds and behavior of people.心理学家研究人们的心理与行为。

20.Several people have been instrumental in the field of psychology.一些人在心理学领域起了很大作用。 21.It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we realize how important our eyes are.只有当我们看东西不清楚时,我们才意识到我们的眼晴是多么地重要。

22.They can see things that are far away, but they have difficulty in reading a book unless they hold it at arm’s length.这些远视的人们能看清远处的东西,但是他们读书却很困难,除非他们把书举到一臂远的距离处去看。

23.The same comment is made from generation to generation and it is always true.同样的理论代代相传,而且总是正确。

24.Events that the older generation remembers vividly are nothing more than past history.老一代记忆犹新的重大历史事件对年轻人来说不过是过眼烟云而已。25.What they reject more than anything is conformity.他们所厌恶的莫过于循规蹈矩。

26.These are not questions the old generations can shrug off lightly.对于这些问题,老一代人确实不予附合。

27.Most customers who go to a supermarket buy from a shopping list.大多数去超市的顾客都要按程序购物。

28.The comfort and convenience of shopping centers is another factor which makes them popular with customers.购物中心舒适而且方便,这是超市受人欢迎的另外一个原因。

29.Most of the ill health we suffer could be prevented if people made more effort to change their life styles.如果人们努力去改变生活方式,就能远离大多数的疾病。

30.Similarly all advertising of alcohol should be banned and compensation paid to families of alcoholics who die of the liver disease.同样所有的酒类广告都应当被禁止,对于那些因喝酒导致生病,最终死亡的人应当赔偿。31.Although mother’s day is a relatively new holiday in America, more and more other countries are also setting aside a day to honor their mothers.在美国,尽管母亲节时间夏天对来讲并不长,但世界上越来越多的国家都开始规定某一天为母亲节,来表达对他们母亲的敬意。

32.No longer was she so gentle, so relaxed and easy-going.她再也不像以前那样温柔,随和,好说话了。 33.Some people think that man might be able to solve both problems at the same time.一些人们认为他应该也能在同一时间把问题处理好。34.Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning.有时候人们说的话言不由衷。

35.The minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you may save another mistake.(当你)仔细斟酌别人对你所说的话的时候,可以使你避免再犯错误。

36.Contrary to popular belief, colds are not caused by exposure to severe weather.和人们的普遍想法相反,感冒并非恶劣的气候造成。37.The custom can be traced back to the roman era.付小费这种习俗这种风俗可以追溯到古罗马时代。

38.A more common belief is tips were first given in the 18th century England.付小费这种习俗源于18世纪的英国。 39.In America and Europe it is customary to tip anywhere from 10% to 20%.在美国和欧洲,人们普遍的做法是以消费金额的百分之十到百分之二十来付小费的。40.Today most people decide the size of tip according to the quality of the service.现在,人们付小费的数量取决于享受的服务质量。

41.People who usually cannot afford it are the biggest tippers in front of their friends.往往是那些付不起大额小费的人在朋友面前付小费最大方。

42.Many analysts suggest that this added pressure disproportionately touches the women, who already carry major responsibility for their own children.许多分析家认为,对于那些已经承担了繁重的养儿育女责任的妇女们来说,这无疑是雪上加霜。

43.Perhaps the most important issue that emerges from the social trends just described is the impact of family instability and single parenting on children.也许上述社会倾向所产生的最重要的问题是家庭的不稳定性及单亲家庭对儿童的影响。44.When this happens, the government should decrease the salaries of the workers by raising taxes.当这种情况发生时,政府应该通过增税来减少工人的工资。

45.While this might appear to be a positive step, it is actually regressive.尽管这样做表面上看是一种积极的措施,可实际上却是消极的。

46.While this law is not without humor by today’s standards, it clearly shows an awareness of the problem in times gone by.尽管这个法律按当今的标准来看是很滑稽的,但它却表明很久以前人们就已经估计到这一点了。

47.the motives for suicide can be categorized into areas such as failure, wrath(暴怒), the need for attention, stress, and so on.人们自杀的原因分类很多,例如失败,暴怒,需要关注,压力等。
