牛津高中英语届高考一轮复习教案 (模块8)(译林牛津版高考复习英语选修八学案设计)


牛津高中英语届高考一轮复习教案 (模块8)(译林牛津版高考复习英语选修八学案设计)(共6篇)(共6篇)

1.牛津高中英语届高考一轮复习教案 (模块8)(译林牛津版高考复习英语选修八学案设计) 篇一

模块三 Unit3 Back to the past


I 重点短语

take over接管、占据

take off 脱掉(衣帽等)、切除(物)、动身、(飞机等)起飞、请(几天)假

take… off…从(价格)中减去……

take on 雇用(某人)、承担(工作)、呈现、流行

take out 取出

1. take to喜欢上(某人)、开始(……)、养成……的恶习

take up拿起、占有、开始、继续、(车辆等)搭载(乘客)

take in吸收、包括、了解、理解、欺骗、收留(某人)住宿

take back取回(某物)、收回(承诺等)、归还

take after(长得)像(父母等)

take… for…把……当作……、误认……为……



2. turn to ③变成



①[U]毁灭 the ~ of civilization

②[C]常用pl. 废墟、遗址 the ~s of ancient Rome

3. ruin ③ in ruins 成为废墟的、荒芜的

④ bring … to ruin 使……毁灭

⑤ fall in/into ruin = go to ruin 灭亡;荒芜

⑥vt. Heavy smoking ruined his health. ruin oneself

ruin/ destroy/ damage 都含有“破坏、毁灭”的意思,但有区别:




remains ①pl. 剩余、残留物;② pl. 遗体、尸首

①link v. 保持,仍然处于(某种状态) = still to be = continue to be = stay

4. remain 后接形容词、名词.、分词、不定式或介词短语等

②vi 剩下 ,还有 ≠ stay

remaining adj.剩下的 the remaining time = the time left


比较:remain / stay

①作连系动词,意为“继续保持某一状态”(continue to be)时,常可互换。




be involved in 热衷于、专心于、参与、卷入、牵涉到

5. involve oneself with 和……混在一起、和……有牵连

involve sth. 包含、需要 winning the game involves both skill and fortune.

① = take … away移开

② = take off脱掉

6. remove … from… ③ =get rid of除掉、清除

④ =dismiss… from… 撤职

⑤ =move 搬家


②[U]“状态、状况”,但可与a连用 in good condition ; in a terrible condition

7. condition ③“环境、情况”,其前的介词用under / in

④ on condition that “在……条件下”

in a condition to do sth. 宜于做某事

on no condition 在任何条件下都不

① n. / pron.

8. require + ② sb. to do sth.

③ doing/ to be done

④ 从句 用虚拟语气 (should) + 动词原形

in return (for…) 作为(对……的)回报 / 报答

by return (接信后)立即作复

Many happy returns (of the day)! 祝你长寿!祝你长命百岁!

9. in turn 依次地

by turns 轮流地

take turns to do sth. = take turns at doing sth.轮流做某事

It’s one’s turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事

carry out实施、执行、进行

10. carry on进行、继续。有时可跟动名词

carry on with 继续做(某事)

carry off夺走(奖赏)、带走

①adj. 主要的、重要的、较大的

11. major ②n. 主修科目、主修学生

③vi. 主修 (in +科目)

in memory of

12. = to the memory of为纪念…… (只用于对已故人的怀念)

in honor of

= in one’s honor 为纪念…… (既可用于对已故人的纪念,也可用于对活人的敬意)

goods 货物、商品、财产。(复数形式,无单数形式,不可与数词连用,但可与many,these,those等连用。作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。)

13. possession (pl.)财产;所有物; [U] 持有;具有

wealth [U] 财富

II 重点句型

1. Unfortunately, all the people were buried alive, so was the city.

2. A saying goes that Rome wasn’t built in a day.

(= As the saying goes,)

3. I am very honored and grateful that you have come today.

4. Not only was Rome a city and a republic, but it was also to become the capital of one the largest empires in history.

5. There is another similarity between China and Rome.


【例1】A large number of students in our school ______from the countryside; the number _______ growing these years. (上海育才2月交流卷)

A. is; has been B. are; has been

C. is; have been D. are; have been

【易错点悟】解答该题的关键是要注意a number of 和the number of 后接名词复数作主语时的主谓一致关系。

【要点精析】a number of意思为“许多”,后接复数名词作主语时,应视为复数,谓语动词要用复数形式; the number of后接复数名词,意思为“……的数量”,表示单数意义,谓语动词要用单数形式。


【例2】-O’Neal works hard.

-So he does. He is often seen _____ heavily before his teammates have even arrived at practice. (2007浙江余杭中学2月卷)

A. to be sweated B. sweated

C. be sweated D. sweating


【答案解析】根据句子结构可知,感觉动词see用于被动结构,选项A、C不可以用于这一结构中;选项B为被动意义,不成立;只有选项D(sweating)现在分词与be seen构成复合结构,强调状态。




1. Mr. Wang has been selected ________ chairman of the conference.

A. a B. an

C. the D. /

2. Housework _____ cooking, washing dishes, sweeping and cleaning.

A. involving B. involving in

C. involves D. involves in

3. The emergency ________ that the police should be called at once.

A. insists B. suggests

C. requires D. advises

4. ―Are you very anxious?

―Yes. Ten minutes ________ like an hour when you are waiting for a phone call.

A. seem B. seems

C. do D. does

5. ―What do you think of Peter?

―He is a helpful person. He is always helping people without expecting anything _____.

A. in turn B. in return

C. on his return D. on the turn

6. The refugees (难民)have been fed, clothed and _____ by welfare organizations around the world.

A. stored B. collected

C. housed D. provided

7. ―Why didn’t you join them? You are ________.

―I had to receive an unexpected visitor.

A. wanted to B. wanted to have

C. supposed to D. supposed to have

8. John is the only son of the couple, so it is certain that he will ______ the big business when his father gets old.

A. hand over B. take over

C. go over D. turn over

9. With more forests _______, huge quantities of good earth are being washed away.

A. being destroyed B. destroyed

C. to be destroyed D. destroying

10. Nothing _________ after the terrible fire which had been cause by someone smoking in bed.

A. remained B. left

C. continued D. kept

11. The meeting being over, I found her _____ at the desk and ____ to music.

A. seating; listened B. seated; listened

C. seating; listening D. seated; listening

12. ________ as one, the people of that country eventually drove the invaders out of their country.

A. Linked B. Combined

C. Joined D. United

13. A monument was set up at the centre of Tian’anmen Square _____ those who devoted their lives to our country.

A. in praise of B. in place of

C. in memory of D. in need of

14. Some young people are holding a birthday party next door, and the noise nearly _____ me crazy.

A. let B. get

C. make D. drive

15.-You didn’t get hurt at all in the traffic accident?

-_______. I was a lucky dog.

A. No problem B. I don’t think so

C. I’m afraid not D. Good heavens no


One fine evening a man walked into a fast - food chicken place and bought a nine - piece bucket of chicken. He 16 his chicken to the park for a romantic picnic under the moonlight with his 17 .

Upon reaching into the 18 , however, he received a 19 . Instead of chicken he discovered nine thousand dollars! The young man 20 the bucket back to the store and asked for his 21 exchange for the money. The manager, 22 by the young man’s honesty, asked for his name and told him he wanted to call the 23 and the local news station to do a morality (道德说教) that would 24 others.

“My date’s waiting, I just want my chicken,” the hungry man refused.

The manager was deeply struck by the young man’s humility (谦虚). He 25 to be allowed to tell the story on the news. At this the honest man became 26 with the manager and demanded his chicken. “You are an honest man in a (an) 27 world! This is a perfect opportunity to show the world that there are honest people 28 willing to take a stand for what is right. Please, give me your 29 and also the woman’s name. Is that your wife?”

“That’s the 30 ,”said the young man. “My wife is at home. The woman in the car is my girlfriend. Now let me have my chicken 31 I can get out of here.”

It’s 32 to look good to people who don’t 33 you. Many of us do a good deed here and there, and everyone 34 we’re something that we are not. But God sees your heart. It really doesn’t matter how much you 35 or what other people think of you. What matters is what’s on the inside.

16. A. took B. ate C. carried D. sent

17. A. sister B. wife C. friend D. lady

18. A. park B. car C. pocket D. bucket

19. A. love B. welcome C. surprise D. pleasure

20. A. returned B. brought C. got D. lifted

21. A. money B. right C. change D. chicken

22. A. moved B. encouraged C. surprised D. delighted

23. A. newspaper B. people C. government D. public

24. A. please B. desire C. inspire D. interest

25. A. asked B. begged C. needed D. required

26. A. glad B. calm C. angry D. silent

27. A. dishonest B. honest C. lovely D. peaceful

28. A. never B. even C. yet D. still

29. A. address B. name C. chicken D. opinion

30. A. problem B. difficulty C. astonishment D. excitement

31 .A. but B. so C. for D. as

32. A. difficult B. good C. easy D. pleasant

33. A. know B. love C. realize D. understand

34. A. finds B. says C. thinks D. insists

35. A. get B. do C. pay D. receive



If you’re the type of traveler who just wants a suitable place to hang your hat and you don’t want to spend a fortune to do it, here are several ways to save on your next hotel room:

*Be Flexible Hotel rates are based on supply and demand, so be aware of peak periods. If your destination’s high season is from December through April and you’re trying to book near the end of April, you might find considerable savings if you change your travel dates by a week or two.

*Check Hotel Web Sites The large travel-booking Web sites often sell rooms from the middlemen who have bought up empty hotel moms. But the major hotel chains also offer last-minute discounts, and because they’re not paying the middleman, they sometimes have better deals than the travel sites.

*Don’t be Afraid to Bargain Most people are so intimidated (畏缩的) by know-it-all hotel desk clerks that they don’t bargain for a better deal. But bargaining for a better deal is often worth the trouble, because most hotel general managers would prefer having a customer paying a lower-than-usual rate to no customer at all. And if you find something unfair on your hotel bill, don’t be afraid to complain. To keep your goodwill, hotels will often reduce or cancel such charges.

*Avoid Hidden Costs Expensive little extras hotels never mention can increase the cost of your stay. Don’t let this happen. Find out about resort fees, fees for parking and Internet use before you agree to stay. And don’t touch the hotel’s phone unless you absolutely have to - the rates can be more than $2 a minute even inside the United States.

36. According to the passage, which of the following will save you some money?

A. Change your visiting places in high season.

B. Book rooms through Web sites.

C. Use the hotel’s phone.

D. Bargain with desk clerks for your room,

37. That travelers can bargain for better deal is often based on the fact that _______.

A. managers often prefer a lower-paid customer to no customer

B. there are many places which should not be charged

C. customers are often afraid to complain the price

D. the desk clerks and managers often cheat the travelers

38. The passage was mainly written to ________.

A. advertise hotels B. complain high costs

C. serve the travelers D. introduce hotel services


Children who spend more time reading with their parents have a greater chance of becoming better readers than those who don’t. With help from their parents, children can learn techniques to improve their reading skills.

“A lot of parents think after their child learns to read, they should stop reading to them,” Donna George said. “They are sadly mistaken.”

George offers her services to parents at the Title I Learning Centers. She said reading aloud to children may be the most valuable thing parents can do. “It is better for children to hear things at a higher level than where they are,” George said. “Parents are their child’s first teacher.” Parents help their children build listening, phonics, comprehension and vocabulary skills when they read aloud to them.

Before parents can identify reading problems, they should escape the enemy-television and limit the time their children spend watching television. George suggested not allowing kids to have a TV in their bedrooms, setting a schedule of when kids can watch or keeping a list of how many programs children watch. Louise Joines said while her 14-year-old daughter and 10-year-old son enjoy reading, the television sometimes becomes a distraction. So she tries to build the situation by suggesting books the entire family will enjoy reading together, like the Harry Potter series.

Parents who do not read themselves should not count on their children being enthusiastic about it. If parents would read to their children at least 15 minutes every day, children would not have so many problems in school. It is the patents’ job to help build that desire in their children, and of course to know what kind of books to read is also important.

39. According to George, reading aloud to children ________.

A. help them correct mistakes

B. is helpful to their reading

C. is parents’ first duty to their children

D. can get children out of television’s attraction

40. The underlined word (in Paragraph 4 ) means something that __________.

A. can improve children’s reading

B. can help children’s right way of reading

C. can make children interested in reading

D. can make children not attentive

41. What does the fourth paragraph mainly want to show is important?

A. reading skills B. reading speed

C. feeding materials D. reading environment

42. If the passage is not completed, which of the following can follow the fifth paragraph?

A. Parents choose reading materials for their children.

B. Advice is given to control their children.

C. What TV programs children can watch during reading.

D. How children improve their reading by themselves.

43. Which one would be the best title for the passage?

A. Children Spend More Time Reading with Parents.

B. Parents Are Their Child’s First Teacher.

C. How Parents Make Their Child a Better Render.

D. How to Improve Children’s Reading Ability.


A= a passer-by B = a native

A: (44) E______ me, could you tell me which bus I can take to the Wang Fu Jing Department Store?

B: Just take the No. 1 bus going in that (45) d______ (pointing) and get off at the Wang Fu Jing Stop. Walk a few (46) s________ to the corner and turn left. Keep on (47) g________ until you come to a tall cream-colored building. That’s the Wang Fu Jing Department Store. There are usually a lot of cars (48) p_______ in front of it.

A: Thank you. And where is the No. 1 bus stop?

B: (pointing) It’s over there.

A: How many (49) s_____ are there from here to Wang Fu Jing?

B: Only one.

A: In that case, I’d rather walk.

B: It’s about a twenty-five (50) m_____ walk. I think you must know the Beijing Hotel when you see it.

A: Yes, I do. It’s on the (51) l____________ side of the street.

B: That’s right. You walk (52) p_______ the Hotel and turn left at the (53) c________. Keep on walking and you’ll get to the Department Store.

A: Thank you.

B: You’re welcome.


(45) _________

(46) _________

(47) _________

(48) _________

(49) _________

(50) _________

(51) _________

(52) _________

(53) _________



考试非常重要 可以通过考试了解自己的学习效果,把成绩作为努力的动力。

考试并不能说明什么 1. 有人得高分就兴高采烈,考试不及格就情绪低落。2. 有的为了取得好成绩,甚至不参加任何课外活动。3. 如果没有考试,大家就不必为此担心,还可以选 择自己喜欢的科目,多参加课外活动,在社会实践中学习更多的东西。

你对考试的看法 1.考试是必要的,但应该进行适当的改革。


1. 短文必须包括所有要点。

2. 词数:120左右。

3. 参考词汇:改革reform ; 课外活动 extra-curricular activities

4. 文章的第一句已为你写好,不计入总词数:Some students think that it is very important to have an exam.








5.B。B。in turn意为“依次”。in return意为“作为回报”。on his return意为“他一回来”。D无此用法。


7.D。此题考查be supposed to的用法。因为此事是已过去的事情,故用不定式的完成式。应选D。

8.B。hand over意为“移交、交出”。take over意为“接管”。go over意为“复习、仔细检查”。turn over意为“移交给、翻身”。

9.A。根据后面暗示动作正在进行,more forests 与destroy之间构成逻辑上的被动关系且动作正在进行。故选A项。


11.D。seat是动词,意为“使……坐下”,常用被动形式,或后接反身代词构成seat oneself。


13.C。in praise of“赞美、赞扬”。in place of“代替”。in memory of“纪念”。in need of“需要”。

14.D。drive sb. crazy意为“使某人发疯”,是习惯搭配。

15. D。Good heavens意为“天哪”。常用于表示“惊讶,谴责或宽慰”,no相当于I don’t get hurt。“No problem”。意为“没关系,没问题”,用于安慰对方。I don’t think so 意为“我不这么认为”。当我们不同意对方观点或看法时,则使用本句。另一常听到的语句 I’m afraid not。也具有相近的表达意味,但语气比I don’t think so。更为委婉。


16.A。“把…带到…去” 用take sth. to …来表示。carry无方向性;send意为“寄去”,都不符合题意

17.D。从第二段可知,不是他妻子;从romantic picnic可知,只能是他的lady











28.D。still 表示仍然,进一步说明前面的honest people

29.B。name 和后面的name 一致

30.A。年轻人去约会的是他的(girlfriend),而不是他的(wife),现在经理让他留下他及他妻子的名字,不是等于把他和他girlfriend的事公布于众吗?对这年轻人来说,当然是一个 problem。


32.C。easy 表示向不认识的人展示好的一面是很容易的












42.A。文章的最后一段的最后一句“of course to know what kind of books to read is also important”暗示了后面应该涉及到孩子应该读什么样的书。因此,A项正确。



44. Excuse 45. direction 46. steps 47. going 48. parked

49. stops 50. minutes’ 51. left / left-hand 52. part 53. corner


One possible version:

Some students think that it is very important to have an exam. If so, we know the results of our studies, and the exams also make us study hard.

However, other students don’t think so. They say if they get high marks in the exams, they are very excited. But when they fail, they will be in very low spirits. What’s worse, they don’t usually take part in other extra-curricular activities. If the exams are prohibited, we don’t have to worry about the marks. In that case, we can choose the subjects we like, take part in more activities and learn more through social practice, which will greatly benefit us in the future.

In my opinion, it is. But our exams should be reformed. It should test not only our knowledge, but also our practical abilities.

2.牛津高中英语届高考一轮复习教案 (模块8)(译林牛津版高考复习英语选修八学案设计) 篇二

编写人:王秀芹 杨丽娟 审核人:张广军


1.astonish vt. 使吃惊

astonish sb be astonished at/to do sth

to one’s astonishment / satisfaction / confusion / fright / delight / comfort

1) What he said at the meeting _astonished everyone present.

2) We were astonished when we heard the astonishing news.

3) To the astonishment of everyone, the top student failed the exam this time.

4) He looked at me in astonishment . (吃惊地)

2.clothing / cloth / clothes / dress.

a piece of clothing 一件衣服 articles of clothing 几件衣服

children’s clothing 童装 冬装 winter clothing

food, clothing, and shelter 衣食住 男装店men’s clothing shop

a suit of clothes many/some/ a few clothes

put on one’s ~ / take off one’s ~

How much cloth does it take to make a blouse for a girl ?

a table cloth 一块桌布

My sister is wearing a red dress .

3.whatever pron. 无论什么,无论何事

名词性从句 = anything that

让步状语从句 = no matter what

孩子想要什么就给他什么是不妥当的。 It’s improper to gove a child whatever he wants.

Don’t change your plans, whatever happens. / no matter what happens.

whatever weather it is, we will go.

4.envy v. / n. 嫉妒,嫉妒或羡慕的对象

嫉妒某人的 envy sb. sth 成了……的羡慕对象 be the envy of

出于嫉妒 out of envy 嫉妒地,羡慕地 with envy

feel envy at 对…… 感到嫉妒

The boy’s new toy is the envy of his friends.

我们嫉妒他的好运气。 We envy jim his good fortune.

He said these words out of envy .

他对我的成功感到嫉妒。 He feels envy at my scuccess

5.view. n. 景色,视野,观点,见解 v.考虑,看待,观看

Standing on the top of the hill, you can enjoy a fine view of the West Lake.


After two hours’ driving, the Summer Palace came into our view .


From their point of view (按照他们的观点),the suspect should be sentenced to death.

短语: 在某人看来 fromone’s point of view

鉴于,考虑到 in view of

把…视作 view … as

初看 at first view

用view / scene /scenery /sight 填空

1) The police quickly reached the scene of the murder.

2) If you stand here, you’ll get a better view of the river.

3) The sunrise at Huangshan is a remarkable sight .

4) The West Lake is famous for its scenery .

6.look forward to + n / ving

We’re so much looking forward to receiving your letter .


1)The day we looked forward to came at last.(come)

2)The day we look forward to is coming (come).

3) He looked forward to see what was happening (看看发生了什么事).

短语: pay attention to / get down to / be / get used to / object to / turn to

stick to / devote … to / take to / be addicted to / appeal to / adjust to

7.total adj. / n. / v.

1)The club has a total membership of about 300.

2)The room was in total darkness (一片漆黑).

3)The repairs came to over $500 in total (总共).

4)Imports totalled $1.5 billion last year(总计为).


序号:007 课题:Module 2 Unit 2

编写:王秀芹 审核:张广军


1. We found the weather was s urpringly good.

2. The trip that he had last week was tiring and u ncomfortable .

3. Most students get tired of e ndless homework.

4. The beauty of the grassland makes many viewers s peechless .

5. Making an appointment with the doctor is a c ommon practice in some countries.

6. There are 56 students in our class in t otal .

7. In that area , people live in perfect h armony with nature.

8. The Olympic Games is a ctually a great success.

9. Police have stepped up their search for w itnesses of the accident who knew about it.

10. Police are looking into other possibilities.


1. Mr. Smith bought a new house , which was the of his neighbours .

A. envy B. admire C. respect D. pride

2. Those flowers are so special that I would do I can to save them .

A. whatever B. no matter what C. whichever D. that

3. The good news we had looked forward to at last .

A. coming B. having come C. came D. comes

4. He sat against the wall and listened to the teacher .

A. close ; close B. closely ;closely C. closely ; close D. close ;closely

5. John may phone tonight . I don’t want to go out he phones .

A. as long as B. in order that C. in case D. so that



Module2 Unit 2

编写人:杨丽娟 审核人:张广军


1. 值得做某事 _____________

2. 在山脚下

3. 在黎明

4. 当心








1. 我和我哥哥一直忙于筹划假日。




5. 登山可能会让人觉得非常疲惫,随着高度增加,空气越发变得稀薄,很多人感到恶心。


Module2 Unit 2

编写人:王秀芹 审核人:张广军



2. 和….有共同点

3. 以……形式

4. 够不着

5. 扩大视野

6. 处于完全寂静中

7. 固定航班

8. 轮流做某事

9. 用完



1. 三条河流交汇在一起。

2. 在这个完美世界里居住着的人们发现了永葆青春的秘密。

3. 周围的森林是众多鸟儿和动物们的家园。

4. 在这个天堂一般的世界里,人们和大自然和谐相处。

3.牛津高中英语届高考一轮复习教案 (模块8)(译林牛津版高考复习英语选修八学案设计) 篇三


1. in/over the last few decades 2. contribute to

He has contributed some articles to the magazine.

3. for the time being 4. have access to

5. come onto the market 6.in color / in black and white

7. deliver services 8. combine….with…..

9. play with 10. respond to

11. be superior to /be ahead of 12. wind up

13. by hand 14. come onto the market

15. electric current 16. apply sth. to sth apply for

17. add …to 18. make…..available

19. launch a product onto the market

launch a campaign against racial prejudice

launch a rocket into space

20. to a certain degree

21. take over

When the head teacher is absent, the monitor is to take over.

When the old type of the product was out of date, a new one took over.

22. spring up


1. Many people contributed to the development of TV, but three of them could mainly be responsible.

2. It took more than two decades , though, until 1951, for color broadcasts to begin in the USA.

3. It took 50 years before 66 percent of American households had it

4. Some consider digital TV to be superior to satellite TV because it allows the same services to be delivered with clearer pictures than before.

5. Consumers in the USA had access to 200 channels.

6. With interactive TV programming , you can play along with game shows , respond to questionnaires and chat to other viewers. (连动句)

7. At that time , the record player had to be wound up by hand.

8. 1931 was the year when a German company began to make the first tape recorders, which could record and play sounds on a tape wound around a round object.

9. They bought the patent and applied the technology to create the transistor radio.

10. In 1982, the first CDs produced by using digital technology were made available.

11. The popularity of MP3 has increased to such a degree that major corporations are taking over the portable music player market.

12. Music website has sprung up all over the Internet offering MP3 music for people to purchase.

Section II (word power, grammar and usage, task)


1. accompany sb. to do

2. look into

3. head for

4. in time for/ in time to do

5. by means of

6. by accident/mistake

7. for/on sale

8. keep ….in mind

9. in order of

The company brought in $40000 in the first quarter of the year.

Don’t bring in unnecessary information when composing an article.

The hospital has brought in many experts in cancer and new pieces of equipment.


1. Could you accompany me to get a new one while the sale is on?

2. They have an ample selection and seem to introduce new models all the time

3. The price is likely to go down.

4. It is up to you to decide whether it is in your budget or not.

5. It doesn’t matter so much whether/if he is coming or not.

6. It is shaped like a pen

Section IIII (Project)


1. provide sb. with sth/provide sth. for sb.

2. be based on/ base sth. on

3. concentrate (one’s attention) on

focus….on/fix….on(upon)/ center…..on(upon)

4. not necessarily

5. be equal to

6. conduct a study

7. be exposed to


1. Using a mobile phone doubles the risk of developing brain cancer, a disease which is terminal.

2. The report is based on the findings of research carried out in Sweden , comparing 1617 patients found to have brain tumours with the same number of healthy people.

3. People who used mobile phones were two and a half times more likely to have a brain tumour on the side of the head where they held their phones than people did not use them.

4. Half of the mice were exposed to radiation while the other half did not receive any radiation.

5. The first half had more than twice the cancer rate of the second half.

6. Previous to this, scientific experiments did not show a definite link between mobile phone use and cancer.

7. The amount of profit involved is enormous.

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M3 U1 课文内容

一.Integrating skills

Passage A: Reading:

When Polly left home that morning, the city was already ___________ __________ a grey mist. After work, she stepped __________ __________ the fog and wanted to take her usual bus. But the fog is too thick for the bus to run ___________ far. So she ___________ an underground train. While on the train, she sensed that she was followed by a tall man. How she wished _________ someone _________ __________ ____________ to help her, but fear __________ ___________ _____________. To her surprise, the man turned out to a kind blind man who wanted to help people in the fog. He thought it gave him a chance to _________ _________ other people’s help. So he is a grateful helper.

Passage B: Project:

There are many types of sharks, but only about 30 types of sharks have ever been reported ____________ ___________ human beings. The chances of being attacked by a shark is small ____________ ___________ other dangers. Many more people drown in the ocean every year than ___________ ___________ by sharks. There are three types of shark attacks. Two of them are more likely ____________ ____________ ____________ for humans. However, if you __________ the advice, you will be safer: for example, hit the shark _________ _________ nose; ___________ your finger __________ the shark’s eye.


1. deserted (adj.) →(v.)

2. observe (v.) → (n.) (adj.)

3. stressed (adj.) → (n./vt.)

4. confidently (adv.) → (n.) →(adj.)

5. reduce (v.) → (n.) →(adj.)

6. accept (v.) → (n.) → (adj.)

7. truth (n.) → (adj.) → (adv.)

8. related (adj.) → (v.) →(n.) → (n.)

9. deeply (adv.) → (adj.) →(n.) → (vt.)

10. deadly (adj.) → (adj.) → (n.) → (v.)

三.Important sentences

1、Polly found herself ___________ ___________ ___________ a man standing with his hand ___________ on her arm.(波莉发现自己身边站着一个男人,他的手搭在她的胳膊上。她盯着他看。)

2、“Ah, twenty! A nice age __________ __________.(啊,二十岁!多好的年龄啊!)

3、___________ ____________(一旦出来) in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop.

4、___________ ___________ ____________ the steps here.(当心)

5、She could feel her heart ____________ ____________ _____________(因……害怕而跳动).

6、When __________(攻击) in this way, the shark ___________ __________ (等)you to swim by and attacks you suddenly.

7、The face that she saw was ___________ of an old man.

8、There was no one ___________ ____________.(在视线范围之内)

9、The shark bumps you to find out if you are ___________ ___________ ____________ ______________.(适合于吃)

10、The tall man was ____________ _____________ _____________.(到处都看不见)

四.Multiple choices

1、Their demand is the good use we_________ our spare time for our study of science and technology.

A. make from B. make of C. make out D. make into

2、In hilly, dry or mountainous areas where it is impossible to grow crops, it makes very good _____________ to keep sheep or goats.

A. sense B. senses C. reason D. reasons

3、The bus didn’t arrive on time. Timmy waited anxiously and _______ his watch from time to time.

A. stared at B. glared at C. glanced at D. peered at

4、To solve the problem of feeding the world, scientists are developing new types of plants which are less likely to be _________ by pests and diseases.

A. attracted B. attacked C. accepted D. accessed

5、---How are you managing to do your work without an assistant?

---Well, I ___________ somehow.

A. get along B. come onC. watch out D. set off

6、They built a wall to avoid soil __________.

A. to wash away B. washing away

C. to be washed away D. being washed away

7、The theory he’s stuck __________ us that earthquakes can be forecast.

A. to proves B. to proves to C. to prove D. which proves to

8、___________ Bill’s flat with our small one, I found his seemed like a palace.

A. Compared B. compared to C. Comparing to D. Comparing

9、She is a kind and beautiful girl and I think she is really fit ________ you to get married ________.

A. of; with B. for; to C. for; with D. of; to

10、Please go and get the dictionary by yourself. It’s ________ you put it last time.

A. there B. where C. there where D. on there



Covered in; out into; that; took; for; to come along; held her still; pay back


As attacking; compared to; are bitten; to be deadly; follow; on the; Stick in


1.desert 2.observation observational 3.stress 4.confidence confident

5. reduction reductive6. acceptation acceptable 7.true truly

8. relate relation relationship 9. deep depth deepen 10.dead death die dying


1. staring up at; resting 2. to be 3. once out 4. watch out for 5. beating with fear 6. attacking; waits for 7. that 8.in sight 9. fit to be eaten 10. nowhere to be seen

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Part One: Important Words and Phrases

1. be (well ) worth sth / doing (只用主动); be worthy of sth / being done;

be worthy to be done

2. get along / on (well) with sb: 与sb 相处(好)

get along/on with sth: 在….进展

How are getting along with your English study?

3. betray sb, feel betrayed by sb; betray secret to sb

4. feel like doing sth I was so upset that I felt like crying.

feel like+ 从句 I didn’t feel like I was overlooking my studies.

5. overlook a fact; overlook the city from air

6. admit doing sth / 从句:承认I admitted how badly I had done.

He admitted having broken the window

admit sb into/to sp: 允许…进入… be admitted into a college:被一所大学录取

7. keep one’s word / promise / secret ; make a promise

8. stare at sb:盯着 glance at sb: 盯一眼 glare at sb: 怒视…

9. forgive sb for …. be forgiven for…

10. I have a dilemma. I am in a dilemma.

11. focus one’s mind/attention on…

12. as a result = so as a result of…= because of…

13. be mean with money; be mean to sb, say mean things to hurt me

14. be guilty of murder: 有罪的 be guilty about telling a lie: 内疚的

15. be cruel to sb

16. bitter taste, bitter memory, bitter enemy

17. apologize (to sb) for … make an apology (to sb) for….

18. have the/no right to do sth

19. embarrass sb, be embarrassed about…

20. be to blame (for…): 应该对…负责

注: 无被动语态 You are to blame for the accident.

比较: blame sb for sth, be blamed for sth

The boy was blamed for breaking the window.

21. avoid/escape/miss doing sth

He is lucky to avoid being hurt. 注: 常用被动形式

22. be gifted at football

23. ruin our friendship

24. delay the sports meet, delay doing sth; without delay

25. persuade sb to do sth / into doing sth 注: 强调 “ 说服了”这种结果.

比较: advise sb to do sth, try to persuade sb to do sth

26. take care (of…), look out / watch out (for…)

27. in everyday/daily life

28. stay up (late) at night

29. discourage sb from doing sth, encourage sb to do sth

30. for sure/certain:肯定 One thing is for sure-It is easy.

No one knows for sure what happened

31. Moving to a new town or area can be a trying time.

32. be anxious about her safety., be anxious to study abroad

33. suffer heavy loss / hunger and cold / pain, suffer from a headache

34. for free = free of charge

35. get through ( to sb): I tried calling you, but I couldn’t get through.

get through the exam: 通过考试 get through with the task= finish/complete sth

36. hesitate to do sth, without hesitation

37. be consistent with…与…一致

The results are totally consistent with our earlier research.

be consistent in…:在 … 一致

She is not consistent in the way she treats her children.

38. respond to…, in response to

Part Two: Sentence Patterns

1. Other children say we are no fun, but we like it that way.

It is great fun. 注: fun为不可数名词

2. I must have sounded proud of myself, saying loudly how easy the test was.

Hannah must have deliberately told everyone about my mark.

注: 情态动词+ have done: 可表示对过去或已发生的事的猜测

3. I was determined to be cheerful.

I was determined to win. “坚定/决地要做某事”

比较: I determined to go there on my own (= I decided to go….)

4. I don’t think I can ever forgive her. 注: 否定前移

I don’t think your plan will work.

5. Football is very important to me, but so is our friendship.

注:so表示 “也…”要倒装; 表示 “的确如此”不倒装

– You made a mistake. – So I did.

6. I can’t stand seeing our team lose. ( 不能忍受做某事)

7. I can’t help wondering if he wants Peter to be his best friend instead of me.


比较: I am busy with my work, so I can’t help clean the house. (不能帮助做…)

8. He seemed absent-minded and as a result of his careless playing, we lost the game.

(= because of…)

9. You have every right to feel betrayed by your friend if she did tell (的确告诉过)your secret to others, but it seemed unlikely that she did.( It is unlikely that从句= sb/sth is unlikely to do sth)

10. Did you feel jealous of your friend’s mark? If so, the problem lies with you, not her.

注: 是 “if it is so”的省略形式; 又如: “ if not, if possible/necessary”

11. I have no doubt(=don’t doubt) he will succeed.

注: “ I don’t doubt +陈述性的从句”; “I doubt+疑问性的从句”

比较: I doubt whether he can succeed.

There’s no doubt + (that )从句, There is no doubt about sth

12. Maybe one day he will make it to the Olympics. (成功做到/及时赶到)

13. Speaking of friends(“说到/起朋友”, 现在分词短语作状语),

I’ve met some nice people here in London and I think we might become close friends.

14. I decide to write rather than email you. (而不是,常接动词原形)

prefer to do sth rather than do sth

15. We have been friends ever since. (= since then, 与现在完成时连用)

16. They are still sitting on the sofa, absorbed in conversation. (“沉浸/专注于…中”, 分词短语表伴随)

17. What in the world do they have to talk about? (= on earth “到底/究竟”)

18. Boys and girls have / hold different attitudes towards friendship.

19. It has also been shown that many boys can’t name a single best friend.

20. When asked, they usually hesitate before responding.

注: when (they are) asked的省略, 当从句主语与主句主语一致时,从句中的 “主语+ be” 可省略 Unless invited, I won’t go to the party.

When spoken to, he kept silent.

21. Friendship between girls are based on / upon (以…为基础)

shared feelings and support.

22. When a boy is said to have( sb/sth + be said to do ) a best friend, it’s likely that they two share little about their feelings with one another.

23. Boys share activities, while girls share feelings. (表对比, “然而”)

While (尽管)cloning human is illegal in some countries, some scientists are pushing ahead with research.

24. Regardless of (无论/不管)what friendship are based upon, the important is both of them are friendship.

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Down fell the rain.



Never have I heard such a thing.




What an interesting talk they had!

The more you listen to English, the easier it becomes.


1. There be 句型(be可换成 live, stand, lie, come, exist, seem, appear 等).

There are so many cars coming and going on the road.

There still exist some problems.

句型 There is no need to do…

There is no doubt that…

There is no knowing telling …

2. 在here, there, now, then, thus引导的句子里, 要全部倒装

Here comes your head teacher.

Here he comes.主语是人称代词不用倒装

3.当in, out, down, up, over, away, off, back等副词作状语置于句首时,谓语常用动词有come, go, rush, be, lie, run,等不及物动词。

Up flew the bird.

Out rushed the students.


Under the tree __ sits a beautiful girl, reading. ___

South of the city ___ lies a paper-making plant. ____

Eventually they arrived at a cave, in front of which __ stood a tree. __



Among the goods are Christmas trees, flowers, candles and toys.


Present at the meeting were Professor White and many other guests.


Seated on the ground are a group of young people.


Lying on the floor was a boy.

Standing beside the desk was a teacher.

Growing along the road are some wild flowers.

6. Such 置于句首时,such和be连用作表语,也常用倒装语序,如:

Such are the facts.

Such a great scientist is Yuan Longping.

此句型中的such 多被认为是表语,所以such后的be动词应与其后的“真正的主语”保持一致。如:

Such are the facts; no one can deny them.


把be/助动词/情态动词 提前到主语的前面

Is am are was were

do does did

can could would may will might 等

1.only所修饰的副词、介词短语或状语从句放在句首时, 要进行部分倒装,如:

Only then did I realize the importance of learning English.

Only in this way can you hope to improve the situation there.

Only after he came back was I able to see him.


Only socialism can save China.



(F) Only after the war learned he the sad news.

(T) Only after the war did he learn the sad news.

(2) only修饰状语从句时,从句不可倒装。如:

(F) Only when did he return did we find our the truth.

(T) Only when he returned did we find our the truth.

(3)Only 修饰主语时,句子不可倒装。如:

(F) Only can he answer the question.

(T) Only he can answer the question.

2. 否定副词 never ,nor, not, seldom, hardly, little, scarcely, rarely nowhere及表否定意义的介词短语 by no means, at no time, under/in no circumstances, in no case, on no condition等置于句首时 。


I have never seen such a beautiful place.

Never have I seen such a beautiful place.

Not a single mistake did he make= He didn’t make a single mistake

Hardly do I think it possible to finish the job before dark

=I hardly think it possible to finish the job before dark.


(1)… so+be/助动词/情态动词+主语 “……也是如此”

They love having lots of friends; so do I


A. 此句型也可写成“it is the same with….”, 或“so it is with….”.如:

They love having lots of friends; it is the same with those with disabilities/so it is with those with disabilities.

B.如果句意不是 “……也是如此 ”,而仅是对前面内容的肯定或附和(此时的so=indeed),那么,句子不可使用倒装。试比较:

a. I was afraid (句中的I指的是a)

b. So was I(I 指的是b, 此句意为:I was afraid, too)

a. I was afraid (I指的是a)

b. So you were (you 指的也是a。此句意为: Indeed you were afraid.)

(2) …neither (或nor)+ be/助动词/情态动词+主语,“…….也不这样”

Lily can’t ride a bicycle; neither (或nor)can Lucy.


A.此句型也可写成“it is the same with…”,或“so it is with…”

Lily can’t ride; it is the same with Lucy/ so it is with Lucy.

B.此句型中的neither (或nor)不可用so….not 替代,但可用not…either改写。如:

(F) I have never been abroad. So hasn’t he

(T) I have never been abroad. Neither/ Nor has he.

(T) I have never been abroad. He has never/not been abroad, either.


So +adj./adv. ….that….“ 如此…..以至于…..”。

So clearly does he speak English that he can always make himself understood.


在这个句型中,so 后面的句子要倒装,而that引导的句子不倒装。

(4)Neither…., nor….. “…..不…., …..也不…..”。

Neither do I know it, nor do I care about it.

由于neither 和nor 都是否定词,所以它们后面分句均需倒装。


前句是肯定句用SO 某人/某事也是

前句是否定句用neither ,nor 某人/某事也不是


(5)Not only…., but also “不仅…..而且….”。

Not only will help be given to people to find jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for people who need it .

此句型也可写成Not only…but ….或Not only….but….as well的形式,但but (also)引导的句子必须用正常语序。

(6)Not until…. “直到…..才……”。

Not until he returned did we have supper.


A.这句话可以改写成:We didn’t have supper until he returned. 再如:

Not until 4:00 in the morning can he fall asleep.

=He can’t fall asleep until 4:00 in the morning.

B.如果not until 引导的是句子,until从句的主谓不可倒装,只是主句需要倒装。

4、If 虚拟条件从句中. if省略时,had/ were/should等要与主语倒装。从句有(were/should/had)

(1)If I were you, I would work hard.

Were I you, I would work hard.

(2) If it should rain tomorrow, we would put off our meeting.

Should it rain tomorrow, we would put off our meeting.

(3)If he had followed my advice, he would have succeeded.

Had he followed my advice, he would have succeeded.

If it were not for his teacher’s help, he would never graduate from this high school.

Were it not for his teacher’s help, he would never graduate from this high school.

注意:我们可以说Were it not...或者Had it not been..., 但不可以说Weren’ t it... 或者hadn’t it been...

5.在 hardly/scarcely/…when; no sooner…than; not only … but also;so...that; such…that 的倒装句中,前倒后不倒.

hardly/scarcely/ no sooner后句子的谓语用had done, when/than后句子的谓语用一般过去时

(1) Hardly / Scarcely had he fallen asleep when a loud knock at the door awaked him.

(2) No sooner had I reached the station than train moved.

(3) Not only is he interested in football but also he plays it well.

So hard does he work that he has made great progress in English.

6.在以often, always, once, many a time, now and then,等作状语的频度副词位于句首时。

Often did I speak of him before.

Many a time has he helped me with my experiment.




What an interesting talk they had!

How interesting their talk is !



2、the more…..the more….句型

The more you listen to English, the easier it becomes.



The harder you work, the greater progress you will make.

(2)此句型中的第一个the more 引导的部分相当于一个条件状语从句;第二个the more引导的部分相当于一个主句。所以,上面例句的意思实质上就是: If you work harder, you will make greater progress.


However difficult the problem may be, we must work it out this evening.


Whatever 后面常接名词;用however时常构成以下形式:


Whatever reasons you have, you should carry out your promise.

4、as, though引导让步状语从句时采用倒装形式的情况

名词形容词副词分词+as hough+主语+其他



Tired as/though he was, he still went on with his work.

Strange as/ though it seems, it is true

Exhausted as/ though she was, she wasn’t able to sleep.

Child as he is, he has to make a living



Try as he might, he didn’t pass the exam.

Search as they would here and there, they could find nothing in the room.

(3) 状语的倒装

Much as he likes the bike, he doesn’t want to buy it .

Hard as I studied, I could not catch up with them.


Surrounded though he was by the enemy, he was not afraid.


Youngest as he is in our class, he speaks English the best.


May you succeed!

May you be happy!

May peace return to the troubled land!

Long live the People’s Republic of China!



“Very well,” said the French student.
