1.浅谈语言的性别差异 篇一
【论文关键词】社会语言学 性别差异
1 引言
二十世纪六十年代以来,社会语言学视阈下的语言性别差异研究取得了显著了成绩。一方面,对语言性别差异现象的研究有助于更加合理地解释错综复杂的语言现象,提高语言研究的准确性与科学性;另一方面,它在语言分析的基础上建立起一种性别模式,成功地揭示了性别差异与阶层差异之间的关系,丰富了语言变异理论的内涵。具体来讲,社会语言学视阈下的语言性别差异研究,主要探讨的是说话人因性别差异而做出的在语言形式和表达方法上的选择。而它作为新兴的语言学研究变量,已日渐成为一种社会语言学本体和应用社会语言学研究的参数标识[1]。 社会语言学领域对英语语言性别差异现象的研究涉及了语音、词汇、句法、语言行为与模式、认知能力及言语选择等多个方面的问题。通过对英语语言性别差异现象的研究,有助于我们从分析男女语言特征入手,了解不同性别在英语语言习得方面的异同,以及其语言行为与社会分工、价值观念、文化差异和认知模式之间的联系。
2 英语语言性别差异现象阐释
2.1 语言性别差异在英语语音层面的体现
2.2 性别差异在英语词汇层面上的体现
(2)女性偏好使用情感词语:社会语言学的研究表明,女性在言语活动中喜欢使用诸如语气词、感叹词和夸张词作为情感的表现手段,以使自己的言语带有浓厚的情感色彩。布龙菲尔德认为,诸如oh dear, dear me, gracious, goodness之类的感叹词大都见于女性的言语中。
另一方面,女性比男性更多地使用形容词和副词加强语势,强势词语的高频出现,是女性英语的一个显著特征。科伊认为,女性不仅比男性更为经常地使用诸如so, much, quite这样的词语,更喜欢使用very very, so so这样的重叠词来加强语势,而男子却只会在不含感情色彩的情况下使用强势词。
2.3 性别差异在英语话语层面上的体现
(2)男性言语更为简洁直接:美国社会语言学家鲁宾莱考夫曾说过:女性的话语要比男性的听上去客气得多。一方面,这是由男女的言语风格所决定,而另一方面则是因为女性在表达方式上不及男性自信。比如,女性在表达观点时总喜欢以“You know”, “I think”, “I guess”或者 “I’m not sure”等开头,而 “Do you think so?”和 “Would you please…?”等形式更是为女性所常用。研究发现,即使某些女性对自己所说的内容相当有自信,她们仍然会表现出不自信或者犹豫的样子。而与之相反地,男性则喜欢直截了当地表达自己的意愿与想法,他们不喜欢迟疑和犹豫的表达方式。此外,研究表明,男女在祈使句的使用方式上也表现出了一定的不同。女性在表达祈使时,喜欢采用复杂句或者问句的方式,而男性则喜欢简洁、不加修饰的句型。比如,同样是要求对方关小收音机的音量,男性一般喜欢用 “Please turn down your radio.”来表达,而女性则会说“Would you please turn down your radio?”或“Will you please turn down your radio?” [4]
3 英语语言性别差异现象的成因
社会语言学认为, 语言作为一种社会现象,它无时不刻不在反映着社会。因此,从这个角度来说,语言性别差异现象源于一系列生理和心理、社会与文化的因素。长久以来,男女在社会分工上的不同,使男性被看作是家庭的主人和社会的中心,掌握着支配权,在社会体系中处于主导地位。与之相反,女性则处于柔弱、 依赖和从属的地位。而语言性别差异现象则如实地反映了这一社会现实。
4 结语
需要说明的是,我们讨论语言性别差异现象并不是要严格地划分男女语言的界线。事实上,没有哪一种语言特征是完全属于女性所有, 哪一种语言特征是男性所专用的。我们所探讨的是在概率上哪种语言特征男性使用的多, 哪种女性使用的多。我们所讨论的男女的言语差异, 除了反应出男女个性的差异外, 更多地反映了男女的社会角色差异及整个社会对男女的态度与言行标准的不同。随着社会的不断发展,男女在职业、教育程度及社会地位方面的差异会不断地缩小,语言中的性别差异现象也将逐渐地减少。
[1] Fasold,Ralph.The sociolinguistics of language [M]. Cambridge: Blackwell,
[2] Loveday, l.Pitch, politeness and sexual role: an exploratory investigation into the pitch correlates of English and Japanese politeness formulae. Language and Speech, 1981(24):71-87
[3] Fisher, John. Social influences on the choice of a linguistic variant. Word, 1958(14):47-57
[4] Lakoff, Robin To lmach. Language and women’ s place [J] . Language in Society, 1973(4).
2.浅谈语言的性别差异 篇二
That there are differences between the sexes is hardly a matter of dispute.On account of the differences between their physiological features and the superiority and inferiority in social activities,men and women are differentiated from each other in individuality,value image and status,which give rise to variations in their language styles and language uses.The societal implications of these differences lie in the different roles men and women play as well as the different status they enjoy.
2 Speech Differences between Men and Women
With the impetus of the women's movement in the last two decades and its questioning of male and female roles has come a rapidly growing literature on language and gender.Some investigators have found in both experimental and naturalistic studies that there are substantive phonological,lexical and grammatical differences in the nature of language used by men and women,as well as differences in conversational styles or linguistic modes of interaction.
2.1 Phonological Differences
The most detailed evidence of sex differences in western societies exists at the phonological level,with most data coming from quantitative studies of varieties of urban American English.Research involving a variety of populations in the United States has found,for example,that females are more likely to use certain phonetic forms--such as the–ing of talking as opposed to–in of talking--which more closely approach the standard language or have higher prestige.
2.2 Differences in Intonational and other Supersegmental patterns
2.2.1 Intonation
Researchers have proposed that there are intonation patterns that unique to women(and that connote insecurity),or are differently preferred by men and women;for example,women are more likely to use both the surprise pattern of'Oh that's awful'and the polite cheerful pattern of'Are you coming?'.Another feature which has been associated with women is the use of a high rising tone at the end of an utterance,especially when making statements,which makes it sound as if a question is being asked.This was seen as an indication of women's tentativeness and lack o confidence in putting forward their views.
2.2.2 Pitch
Similarly,there are differences in pitch between groups o men and women.It is suggested that the differences between male and female formant values,though related to vocal-trac size,are probably a linguistic convention.That is to say,these differences must be attributed,at least in part,to differentia modifications of the articulatory apparatus to produce sound patterns corresponding to male and female stereotypes.Men tend to talk as if they were bigger,and women as though they were smaller than they actually may be.There is also evidence from recordings of conversations and oral reading that men may vary voice pitch less,resulting in more monotonic,less expressive speech.Social convention appears to play a role here also,since men are evidently capable of producing intonation patterns with wider pitch range than they usually reveal when conversing with adults.Evidence comes from input studies showing that fathers will use dramatically exaggerated intonation patterns to young children.
2.2.3 Loudness and Speech Fluency
Men speak with a greater average intensity than women in interpersonal communication,although both sexes speak with greater intensity to a member of the opposite sex than to a samesex listener.Women,however,apparently compensate for the occurrence of external noise by raising their vocal intensity more than men do.With regard to verbal fluency,women display greater grammatical competence and sentence complexity,and fewer speech disabilities of all types,from an early age.
2.3 Lexical Differences
Women are more sensitive and give exact name for colour Words like beige,ecru,aquamarine,lavender,and so on are unremarkable in a woman's active vocabulary,but absent from tha of most men.Lakoff(1973)has pointed out that it is much more common,at least in the United States,for a woman to use precise color terms like mauve and lavender than for a man,who most likely will call these shades purple;her(his)claim is that men are unlikely to incorporate such terms into their vocabularies because they consider fine discriminations of this sort trivial,irrelevant to the'real world'as they know it.
Aside from specific lexical items like color names,we can also observe women's use of particles that grammarians often describe as"meaningless"(such as'Oh,dear','Goodness')as opposed to the stronger expletives used by men(Damn!).Women usually use fewer profane and obscene expletives than men do.Women also use politeness markers and greetings in their speech more often than do men,including thank you and good-bye.
Similar sorts of disparities exist elsewhere in the vocabulary。For example,in addition to their specific and literal meanings,some adjectives also show the speaker's appreciation and affection for something.Some of these adjectives are independent of sex,that means both men and women may use them,but another group is,in its metaphorical use,probably confined to women's speech.Here are some representatives of both types:
Similarly,a woman can talk about'my girlfriend'and'my boyfriend'in relation to herself,but men can use only'my girlfriend'in this way.Numerous other examples of this lexical differentiation can be found in English.
2.4 Syntactic Differences
When we leave the lexicon and venture into syntax,we will discover that women's speech is also syntactically peculiar.Certainly there is no syntactic rule in English that only applies to women's speech,but there is at least one rule that is more often used in conversation by women than by men.That is the rule of tag-question formation.
The usage and the syntactic shape of a tag in English is between an outright statement and a yes-no question.Compared with the former one,it is less certain and compared with the latter one,it is more affirmative.One makes a statement when one has confidence in his knowledge and is pretty certain that his statement will be believed;one asks a question when one lacks knowledge on some point and has reason to believe that this gap can and will be remedied by an answer by the addressee.A tag question,being intermediate between these,is used when the speaker is stating a claim,but lacks full confidence in the truth of that claim.By a tag question,A speaker can make an assertion without appearing to be dogmatic leaving open the possibility that others may not agree.It can also be used to check whether one's ideas are accepted,or to put forward a suggestion without making it sound like a command.
Many researches claim tag questions are more often used by women because they were characteristic of the greater hesitancy of women,who are afraid to assert things without qualification.
2.5 Differences in Pattern of Communication and in Style of Speaking
Men tend to challenge one another.Women,on the other hand,do not value aggressiveness and their conversations tend to be more interactional and aim at seeking cooperation.They agree with others and want to be agreed.Women can discuss one topic for more than half an hour,sharing feelings and talking about relationships.Men,however,like shifting from one topic to another and talking about their achievements instead of their feelings and personal affairs.)
The management of conversations are also different between men and women.Women try to avoid confrontation while men prefer to talk and interrupt.Women are careful to respect each other's turns and tend to apologize for talking too much.They dislike anyone dominating the conversation.Men compete for dominance,with some men talking a lot more than others.They don't feel a need to link their own contributions to others.Instead,they are more likely to ignore what has been said before and stress their own point of view.
2.6 Differences in'Content of Talk'
Turning to the content of same-and mixed-sex conversations,many studies have showed that men talk to each other about politics,business,social problems,sports,amusement and another man,while female conversations were about clothes family,children,personal matter,another man or woman.In mixed-sex conversations,both men and women appeared to accommodate to topics of the opposite sex.
3 Differences between Linguistic Representations of Men and Women
Besides speech differences between men and women,there are also differences between linguistic representations of men and women.In many languages,the man is portrayed as the benchmark for all human beings;he is seen as the norm or referencepoint.The woman,on the other hand,is subsumed to be included in any linguistic reference to the man.The generic function for human agent nouns,including pronouns,is mainly expressed through nouns,pronouns and other linguistic practices which coincide with those referring to male human beings.In many languages,such as English and Chinese,terms in reference to women are always gender-specific whereas terms referring to men have two functions:gender-specific and generic.As a result o the above practice,the woman is largely invisible in language However,if she is visible,her visibility is predominantly of an asymmetrical nature.She is made linguistically"invisible"to show her"deviation"or"exception"from the male form.The linguistic portrayal of women is also one of dependence:grammatical and other features of language often contribute towards a view of linguistic dependency or deviation of the female element on the male.(e.g.deviation of feminine forms from masculine forms)
3.1 Lexical Gaps
The existence of lexical gaps in relation to human agen nouns contributes to the invisibility of women.This is especially the case for nouns indicating professions and occupations.Despite considerable changes in women's participation in the paid workforce,this participation is not yet fully reflected in language.
The absence of female counterparts of prestigious occupations(lawyers,politicians,doctors,etc.)which women cannot easily take part in is obvious.It is the same with highly male-associated occupations such as pilot,sailor,bricklayer and so on.)or from which women were sometimes legally barred.When we refer to a"doctor",unconsciously we will suppose this person to be a male.For example,most people would feel confused at the following description:
"A father and his son are out driving.They have an automobile accident.The father is killed,and the son is rushed to the hospital and prepared for operation.The doctor comes in,sees the patient,and exclaims,"I can't operate on this patient,it's my son!"
3.2 Morphological Asymmetry
Whereas lexical gaps contribute to the invisibility of women,the process of deriving female referent terms from those referring to men contributes to the view that in language the feminine element is treated as secondary and as having a dependent status.For example,the suffixes–esse,-ette were added onto masculine(gender-neutral)base:
3.3 Semantic Asymmetry
There is also semantic asymmetry in word pairs without mark of sex,such as secretary,professional and tramp.Native speakers usually add different meaning to the following nouns:
He is a professional;i.e.he is a member of a respected profession.
She is a professional;i.e.she is a member of the'oldest'profession(prostitute).
He is a secretary;i.e.he works for an organization.
She is a secretary;i.e.she does typing and general office work for a person.
He is a tramp;i.e.he is a homeless person,drifter.
She is a tramp;i.e.she is a prostitute.
Because of the centrality of the"sexuality"feature in describing females,words related to women pejorate or deteriorate more easily than those associated with men.
Words affected by the process of deterioration and semantic shift,such as"woman","wife","lady","mistress","queen","girl","madam",can be found in a number of languages including English.Researchers have found that the cause of the debasement of such female terms is that these terms bear sexual overtones,thus it is improper to use them in their original meaning.Therefore these terms are abandoned in their original context and new words are wanted to express the original meaning.This is usually achieved by euphemism or semantic shift.Lakoff(1975)takes the use of"lady"in English as an example.Studies show that the asymmetrical use of word pairs such as"girl-boy","gentleman-lady","man-woman"is always the result of connotations of frivolity,sexuality and immaturity which are more obvious in female words than in male words.For instance,in many other languages,the word"girl"and its equivalents can often refer to an adult woman in contexts while the word"boy"cannot mean an adult man.The semantic feature[+young]or[-adult]of the word"girl"is not as important as of the word"boy".Feminists hold that this fact in language gives rise to an phenomenon where women who are"immature"and"childlike"do not have to be taken seriously.
Lately some scholars probe into the sexism existing in writing system,especially the Chinese writing system.It is said that the female racial nǔ[女]appears in many characters associated with behaviours,actions and conditions with negative meanings For example,verbs expressing illicit sexual relations or behavior contain the feminine radical:pín[姘],to cohabit or have illici sexual relations.The feminine radical is also used to refer to other forms of negative or bad behavior:e.g.dù[妒],to be jealous dú[]to slander or humiliate;xián[嫌]to quarrel,hate,suspect xìe[]indecent;wàng[妄]absurd,outrageous,ignorant,stupid and lán[婪]covetous,greedy.
There is no masculine radical in Chinese,only a feminine and human radical.The character for male(man'nán)does no contain a masculine radical.
4 Possible Explanations on Language Differences Related to Gender
4.1 Analysis from Physiological Features
Men and women's pronunciation organs are physiologically different.For instance,women's vocal cords are shorter and thinner than that of men,and its springiness is lower that men.This leads to the differences in value,range and other aspects between men and women.Loveday's investigation(1987)shows that the highest audio frequency of an American man is generally698hertz,whereas women's is 1108-139 hertz.The audio range frequency of British gives additional remarks.Gimson(1972)claims that the range of women is more expansive.Studies show that range and intonation are relevant.Thus women's physiological traits make it easier for them to use intonation patterns of ups and downs than for men.)
Women are sensitive,subtle,rich in emotions,and emotional.Therefore they are inclined to use emotional words and changeable intonation patterns to express strong emotions.
It is generally accepted that women are more sensitive than men.In conversations,women are good at reading people's faces caring for others,being considerate and showing understanding and sympathy for others.Therefore they often use expressions of hesitation,tag questions and general questions.e.g:
(1)"I guess…"
(2)"That is much cheaper,isn't it?"
(3)"Yes?So much?"
To use"I guess"can gain more time to observe the response of the other side,which may avoid offending others.In pattern(2),it is obvious that the woman feel it is much cheaper.To express this,it is enough to say"This is much cheaper,but women will always take other's idea into account.The tag question"isn't it?"not only show respect for the other side,but offers an opportunity for him/her to voice his/her opinion.This way of expressing is really great.Women usually use general questions to show their lack of steadiness and determination.With lessconfidence,fearing that they may make mistakes,they use rising tone to make room for redemption.
With the development of sexism,women pay more and more attention to self-development and social status.They want to gain dignity and attention through elegant and standard English.Because in such societies,respect can only be achieved through those superficial things.Conversation is an apparent matter,so women hope to improve their social status through it consciously or unconsciously.As time ticking away,their language indeed becomes more and more standard and elegant.)
In the long run of history,men are often respected while women are ignored.In families as well as in the society,men are considered to be superior to women,thus women are tame and powerless.In late 19th century,women gain the right to education in western countries,and in the 20th century,a great number of women enter the work force and get higher social status but compared to men,women's role and power are limited,and their social status are out of proportion to the rapidly growing productivity.Their rights in social activities are less than men and their subordination and dependence do not change much.As the result of this,women are less courageous and confident than men,and their language is more ambiguous and indecisive While in conversation,they do not control the topic and interrup others talk,showing their virtue of a fair lady.
4.2 Analysis from the Ways in which Children Grow up
According to Ronald Wardhaugh,"men's and women's speech differ because boys and girls are brought up differently"As children,women are encouraged to be"little ladies"."High spirits"are expected and therefore tolerated in little boys;docility and resignation are the corresponding traits expected of little girls.Also,there are competing pressures on children from their peers.Boys,in particular,feel they have to talk rough with other boys in order not to be ridiculed.While girls are under the same pressure to fit in with a group,they have to be careful not to go too far or people will judge them negatively.Looking at adults we can see that speech differences between men and women are actually continuity of children's ways of speaking and the management of conversation.
5 Conclusion
There is a close relationship between language and socia reality.On the one hand,language reflects reality.Language structures,patterns and use are influenced and inspired by nonlinguistic reality including social structures and organizations physical features and phenomenon.The way in which language are used and structured has been influenced by the institutions social constructs and ideologies of the communities and societies with which they have become associated.On the other hand,language also helps to construct reality.Language influences how an individual constructs and views reality.Language and society are in a state of constant interaction.
Since the social reality in most societies is one of gender inequality,the language and linguistic practices will in part reflec this inequality.Meanwhile,the'feminine'language women use might also influence their self confidence in the society.The language itself is not discriminating against females.It is the people who use the language that have gender related discrimination.
[1]Andersen,Elaine Slosberg.Speaking with Style:The Sociolin-guistic Skills of Children[M].Routledge,1990.
[2]Bodine A.Sex Differences in Language[M].Rowley,Mass,1975.
[3]Labov W.The Social Stratification of English in New York City[M].Center for Applied Linguistics,Washington,DC1966.
[4]Lakoff R.Language and Woman's Place[M].Harper&Row,New York,1975.
[5]Pauwels,Anne.Women Changing Language[M].Addison Wesley Longman limited,1948
[6]Romaine,Suzanne.An Introduction to Sociolinguistics[M].Ox-ford University Press,1944.
[7]Scherer,Klaus R,Giles,Howard.Social Markers in Speech[M].Cambridge University Press,1979.
[8]Trudgil P.Sociolingistics[M].Rowley,Mass,1974.
[9]Wardhaugh,Ronald.An Introduction to Socolinguistics[M].Blackwell Publishers Ltd,1998.
3.语言性别差异的认识与超越 篇三
4.身势语的性别差异与性别原型 篇四
作 者:李玉兰 张振丽 作者单位:李玉兰(河南科技学院外语系)
5.大学生认知风格的性别差异 篇五
作 者:彭贤 马素红 李秀明 Peng Xian Ma Suhong Li Xiuming 作者单位:彭贤,Peng Xian(中国.山东曲阜师范大学教科院心理系,273165)
马素红,Ma Suhong(吉林大学,社会心理学系,长春)
李秀明,Li Xiuming(山东肥城市第六高级中学)
6.浅谈语言的性别差异 篇六
7.浅谈语言的性别差异 篇七
The relationship between gender and language is a problem which is studied by many experts in different studying fields.And it is concluded that men and women speak in different languages.The task that faces men and women is to learn to know and accept their differences,to avoid taking their differences as personal attempts to frustrate each other.And the first thing they should do is to learn the language of the other sex in order to get along well with each other.It is very necessary to know this gender difference which can help us master language more proficiently and to treat sexism which caused by gender difference objectively.
1 The Representation of Gender Difference in Language
1.1 Gender difference in vocabulary
It is proved that female often like using some exaggerative adjective words in their speech,such as,"cute","divine",etc.Female also like to express with exaggeration,and degree adverbs are their favourite words to strengthen mood in the process of communication,such as"pretty","nice","quite","so","such",etc.
1.2 Gender difference in syntax structure
Generally speaking,male like to show their ideas on something directly,so they often use indicative sentences and imperative sentences to express their requests.Differently,female intended to use yes/no question or tag question.It proved that male and female are dominated in language choosing by a kind of invisible power which makes them be different category.And as members in society,they have no other choices but just obey.
1.3 Gender difference in linguistic communication
First,topic is the focus and content of communication.After investigations to many different people,linguists find that female's topic in conversation is often about personal life,such as family,health,children,self-feeling,foods,housework,and just experiences and problems.1 Men on the other hand,rarely talk about their personal relationships and feelings but"things".This means they tend to talk about politics,economy,religion,sports,etc.
Second,people believe commonly that female is more talkative than male,which is considered as a kind of usual stereotype.But do women talk more than men?It depends on the context.In private interactions women tend to speak quite a lot,especially to other women.While in public settings,especially in the conversation between male and female men are more talkative than women.
1.4 Causes of gender difference
There are two main attempts to explain the gender differences in communication:heredity and environment.Firstly,parts of the language differences are due to genetic makeup.Men rely easily and more heavily on their left brain to solve one problem one step at a time.Women,on the other hand,have more efficient access to both sides of their brain and therefore greater use of their right brain.
Secondly,Language differences are also due in part to social experiences.Generally speaking,in our society boys and men are seen as aggressive,independent and objective.Girls and women are seen as submissive,dependent and subjective.Gender difference of this kind makes men play a dominant and powerful role in society.
2 Sexism in language
2.1 sexism in word forms
The contempt of language to female can easily be found according to the order of words.Generally speaking,the culturally dominant part will be put in the front,for example,father and son,great and small,here and there,etc.But when male and female appear at the same time we usually obey the rule that makes male first,for example,father and mother,men and women,boys and girls.There is just one exception that is"ladies and gentlemen"which is influenced by the custom of western to show the politeness to female.
2.2 How to eliminate the sexism in language
It is the author's position that men and women should be equal but different.Female is just a kind of spicy which is very different from male.It is hoped that the results of sex differences are the diversity and plenty of categories but not the superiority or inferiority,and male and female should be treated equally.With the development of history,language is changing and reflecting people's views of value and society continuously.Feminists in 1970s play an important role in improving the female's status both in language and society.The differences between male and female are reducing continuously.And the real elimination of sexism in language depends on the real equality of male and female in social reality.The reform of language depends on the reform of society.
[1]Destefano,J.Women's Language[J].Views on Language,1975.
[2]Lakeoff,R.Language and women'place[J].Language in Society,1973.
8.浅谈语言的性别差异 篇八
【关键词】性别差异 社会语言学 英语
语调方面主要表现为女性说话一般使用征询的语气,句尾用声调,而男性说话比较果断直接,句尾用降调。例如,女性会说:Today is a good day, is not it? 而男性会说:Today is a good day.相比较而言,由于长期的社会地位低下,对女性造成了一定的影响,所以说话用声调并且是请求或劝阻的语气,这是典型的不自信的表现,而男性则认为自己是社会的主题,因而说话比较果断直接,并且通常是用禁止、命令的语气来表达自己的主导与中心性地位。
2.词汇的差异。两性在词汇的使用上也有差异。例如在使用色彩的词语中,女性会使用pink(粉红)、peach(桃红)、rose red(玫红)、scarlet(猩红)等,而男性仅使用red(红色)一词;在表达情感时,女性会使用splendid(壮丽的)、divine(神圣的)、tremendous(巨大的)、goodness gracious(天哪),而男性则使用简单的good(好的)、big(大的);在使用称谓语时,女性会对男朋友使用darling、sweetheart、baby、honey(亲爱的),而男性一般会使用dear;对粗俗语的使用也是男性居多,男性一般会用damn it、shit等,而女性则很少用。这些例句表明女性说话比较温文尔雅,并且善于表达自己的感情,而男性则言简意赅,感情粗犷。
3.语法的差异。语法上的差异主要表现在句式上,女性更可能使用疑问句或请求句。例如,女性会说:I think the flower is beautiful, is not it?或者Please close the door.而男性会说:The flower is beautiful.或者Close the door.女性在表述问题时会以请求、询问的语气,而男性一般会以陈述、命令或禁止的语气。现代社会虽然女性的社会地位在不断提升,但是受到以前男女地位不同的影响,男性认为自己是这个社会的主宰,所以说话时主要以传达主要信息为主,并且更直接、不含蓄。女性说话主要以表达感情为主,委婉含蓄。
4.运用语言的习惯。在运用语言的习惯方面,女性比男性更常使用夸张的语气。例如,当表达一个箱子很轻时,女性会说:This suitcase is surprisingly light.而男性会说:The suitcase is light.女性相比男性而言,更常使用修辞手法。在表述开心时,女性会说:My heart likes a singing bird.男性则会说:I am happy.女性在表达情绪时,更倾向于使用夸张和表达感情色彩的词,这是因为女性相比男性而言感情更加细腻,富有感性。
[1]Ralph,Fasold.The Sociolinguistics of language[M].London: Blackwell Publishers Ltd,2000.
[2]Jennifer,Coates.Women,Men and Language:A Sociolinguistic Account of Sex Differences in Language.New York:Longman,1986.
[3]胡壮麟.Linguistics.A Course Book[M].Bering:Bering University Press,2001.
[4]吕婧,胡志清.语言中的性别差异研究[J].华中科技大学学报. 2001(4).
论性别差异对秘书工作的影响 原稿01-29