1.雅思口语Part2太紧张怎么破 篇一
对于雅思口语三个部分哪个部分最难,可能大多数人都会选择part 2,因为相较part 1和 part 3,part 2的考察形式和内容都发生了变化,相较于part 1的简单应对和part 3的摸不着头脑,part 2 对于大多数学生来说更像是一个还是蜃楼,远在天边近在眼前,其实相比其听力阅读和写作,口语可以算是最为简单的一个部分了,因为它既有标准题目,也有不标准答案。但是往往有学生抱怨:“我知道有题目有答案,但我就是没时间去准备。”通常这样的学生都是懒,但是也不缺乏一些真的受制于时间的而无法施展拳脚的学生,今天的这篇文章就是针对这一类学生,希望能够对你们的part 2准备能够有帮助。
到底如何串题,首先我们先来看看题库,每一季度的题库,都会这种类型的“貌似难题”, 描述一次上网查找信息的经历,描述一本书,描述一本杂志,描述一个听到的一个故事,描述一件印象深刻的事件,大家看到这里可以花上几分钟来看看,这些话题有什么共同点。 其实没有,但是他们共享一个东西,就是他们“假大空”, 空到你可以填充任何信息进去,比如说让你们聊聊一个成功的商人,你们十有八九都会爆出杰克马的名字,那我们就把杰克马揪到这些题目里面,看看能不能串起来。
好,看到这里很多学生开始操作一下了,比如说第一题,你们的答案往往是,今天我来和你说说杰克马,他是…, 好一点的学生:今天老师布置了一个作业,我来和你说说杰克马,他是…。
1. 铺垫要足
2. 时不时提一下
The internet has already barged into every single corner of our life, including daily commute, finance and even education. Last week, our Econ teacher threw us an assignment of figuring out some of the most influential guys in fictitious economy realm to us. We were still trying to get some resources in the library until we realized that we could afford that much time. So I went online to see if I could get some help from it.
Actually, after typing in the most influential guys in virtual Econ’s. An journal about 杰克马 almost immediately caught my attention
1. 首先确定当季题库中的载体类题目,这类题目不能有过于specific的限定词,通常是经历类话题和媒体类话题。
3. 从人物类开始,把所有的人物类理出来,寻找共性。
4. 然后开始处理地点类话题,这个时候你就可以使用人物类的小语块丢进去。
5. 最后处理事件类话题,这样你可以基本使用到前面的最后东西。
比如有同学喜欢篮球,篮球相关表达:三分、跳投、罚篮这些概念的英文说法一定要会,篮球就可能成为你雅思口语的主场话题。雅思考试就考过描述一个有用的网站(describe a useful website you often visit),同学就可以说篮球网站;或者描述一个教育性的电视节目,说一个篮球课的节目也可以;再比如明星,我可以在篮球的这个范围内找一个体育明星。
2.雅思口语Part2题库 篇二
You should say:
what the game was
where you played it
who you played it with
and explain why you enjoyed this game.
I think I’d have to go for puzzles. Jigsaw puzzles to be precise. I have a huge collection, although most of them are hidden in a cupboard somewhere in my parents’ house, these days.
I used to have a special table exclusively for doing my puzzles on. Once I got into the groove, I would become immersed in the puzzle and get lost in a world of my own. Occasionally I would try to solve one with my grandmother, but this was more for her benefit as I much prefer doing it by myself. I know it sounds selfish, but it’s just not as much fun sharing the responsibility with someone else and the pay off isn’t as big at the end.
I started when I was just a toddler, putting shapes into pre-cut holes, but slowly I graduated to more complex pictures. These days it’s not unusual to find me tackling a really complex puzzle, like an “Impossipuzzle” which are double-sided and feature a picture of something very small but in large quantities, like a plate of baked beans or loads of Brussels sprouts.
In my opinion as well as being an enjoyable pastime, jigsaw puzzles are good for your mind. The brain is basically just a muscle and so it should be given a work out every now and then. Jigsaw puzzles are challenging and although they are time consuming, they provide great satisfaction once you’ve finished one.
Describe an educational TV program.
You should say:
what the program is
what type of program it is
what contents it has
and explain what you learned from the program.
I’d like to talk about a program from my childhood called “How 2”, I believe it’s originally a British TV show that was televised in my country with subtitles. The presenters certainly spoke with a British accent.
It’s hard to pin down exactly what type of program it was, I guess a mixture of science and history, with some everyday facts thrown in for good measure. The title itself is a play on words, as the series would show you ‘how to’ do certain things.
The show is aimed at kids in middle school or high school. The hosts would routinely do experiments to demonstrate science in action, I remember one in particular where the presenters were trying to pour water out of a bottle in the quickest way possible. The winner had a very good technique whereby she would swirl the water, creating a vortex and causing the liquid to fly out of the bottle far quicker than any of the others’.
3.雅思口语Part2备考指南 篇三
一. 雅思口语Part2简析
在分析如何备考之前,我们先来了解一下雅思口语Part2。雅思口语Part2部分考官会给考生一个题卡,上面写着考生需要回答的问题,还有一些提示。举个例子,比如你遇到的Part2题目是“Describe a time that you looked for information from the Internet”,那么题卡上面还有提示内容,诸如“When it happened”“What you were looking for”“Where you were searching on the Internet ”等内容。所以当你在回答你上网查东西经历的时候也要描述出“这次查阅的时间”“你去找什么东西”“在哪里上网”等等。这些提示信息是你口语答案中必需包含的信息,但是只有这些还是不够的,答案要讲的更丰富一些,论述时间长度大约1到2分钟。
二. 如何提前熟悉雅思口语Part2话题
三. 如何利用好1分钟准备时间
1. What kinds of music are suitable for children? Why?
reason:这样的旋律学起来很容易,也让孩子们开心(cheer them up),他们可以快乐地跟着音乐唱跳(sing/dance to the music)
example:Gangnam Style是韩国流行音乐(K-Pop),歌词也听不懂,可是孩子也喜欢,就因为其旋律很好被孩子接受(well-received among children)
reason:歌词很生动(vivid),有画面感(have pictures/images in mind),更容易吸引孩子们的注意力(draw their attention),并引起他们共鸣(relate to)
sample answer:
Well, I’m no expert on this, but I suppose one of the most important thing is the melody should be upbeat and catchy. Kids are always happy, so naturally they’d love music that cheers them up. On top of that, most children can’t handle complicated melody, what they need is something simple and memorable, so they can sing and dance to it easily and happily. Another thing I guess is the lyrics should be about subjects children can relate to. For example, the little ones normally adore songs about animals.
I’m no expert on this. 我并非这方面的专家
2. Do you think people’s tastes in music will change as they get older?
reason:人的一生有机会接触到(get exposed to)不同的音乐类型(music genres),然后就会喜欢上(fall in love with)一种新的音乐;又或者是跟个性特点(characteristics/personal traits)有关,年轻人精力充沛(energetic/enthusiastic),喜欢追求刺激(look for thrill/excitement),因此更容易跟动感的(dynamic)流行音乐产生共鸣,而随着年纪和经历(life experience)的增长,很多人的个性变得温和沉稳(calm),这样的心态更容易接受古典音乐(classical music)或者交响乐(symphony)这样的类型
example:很多人年轻的时候痴迷于(be crazy about)摇滚乐(rock music),觉得非常热血沸腾(thrilling/energizing),然而等年纪增长以后就失去兴趣,觉得这种类型太嘈杂(noisy),甚至听了身体都会不舒服
reason:因为热爱,人们对于一种事物的热情不会衰减(the passion never fades)
example:我的伯伯是个死忠的爵士粉(a diehard Jazz fan)
sample answer:
Well, I think my answer is yes and no. On the one hand, people have lots of chances to get exposed to different types of music at different stages of life, so it’s very likely that they will find something that fascinates them, and their tastes in music will change. On the other hand, people just love what they liked in their youth, and his/her passion for a certain genre just never fades. Take my uncle for example, he’s been a diehard Jazz fan all his life. He just can’t get enough of it.
3. Has Chinese music been influenced by western music?
肯定有影响(definitely/absolutely)-全球化(globalization)不断推进,加之网络的推波助澜(with the help of the internet),我国人民可以与世界人民同步(keep up with the global trend),有机会听到来自西方的音乐,影响是难以避免(inevitable)的,尤其是流行音乐-西方国家有很多才华横溢的(talented/gifted)音乐人,他们激励了(inspire)我国的音乐人,同时西方音乐在音乐类型,创意(creativity/innovation),技术(techniques)等各方面都有很多值得我们学习的地方-当前国内的流行音乐深受西方影响(have a big impact on),有很多西方音乐的元素(element),比如像是饶舌(rap)。
sample answer:
Yeah, definitely! It’s almost impossible to not get influenced, thanks to globalization, and I think it’s fair to say that pop music in particular has learned the most from western music. There are so many truly talented musicians in western countries, and they have inspired Chinese musicians tremendously. Nowadays you can see lots of western elements added into our pop songs. For example, rap is all the age these days in my country, and the younger generation just love it. They think it’s cool and fun.
all the rage,大行其道,很受欢迎
4. Shopping malls and shops often play background music. Can you suggest why they do that?
这是重要的营销手段(marketing tool),而且非常有效(effective)-音乐是很有力量的(powerful and magical),可以影响人们的心情(have an effect on/affect people’ mood)-像是快节奏歌曲(fast-tempo songs)能让人振作起精神(lift someone’s spirit),甚至听到以后会开心起来(put someone in a good mood)-音乐营造了(create)很好的一个氛围(an inviting atmosphere),顾客在店里会感到放松(chilled out)快乐-这样的心态下, 人们就更愿意(be willing to do)呆在店里,多试(try out)几套衣服(outfits)然后买走(pay for)
sample answer:
The way I see it, it’s just one of the marketing tools that business people use to boost sales, and I must say it’s pretty effective. We all know that music is powerful and magical. For instance, fast-tempo music has the ability to lift our spirits and put us in a very good mood. I mean, the music creates an inviting atmosphere in the malls or shops, which makes customers feel chilled out and happy. Then people are willing to stay for a little bit longer, try out different outfits and then pay for them eventually.
雅思口语part3话题范文:Decision making
1. What skills are necessary when making decisions?
关于decision-making的话题,以及关于skills的问题在part 3当中并不算少见,因此同学们还是需要多加注意,平时要多多积累语料。
这个题目在回答的过程当中,同学们容易陷进“skills”的陷阱当中去,很多同学对于skills这个单词的理解非常的狭隘,认为只有“技术性”、“技能性”的才能叫做skills,其实,只要是和能力相关,只要是表示“能做什么样的事情”,都可以用skills这个词来表达。比如雅思听力当中就常常出现writing skills和study skills这种表达,这个时候我们就不一定非要僵硬地把这个词组理解成“写作/学习技能”,而是直接说“写作/学习能力”更好一些。
更何况,在一个雅思口语part 3的答案中,流利的应对非常重要,相比较于花时间去纠结skills到底指的是什么,更明智的做法显然是联系decision-making的过程,描述这个当中需要的能力。
具体来说,做决定的时候,我们需要搜集信息,需要跟他人沟通讨论,有时候甚至需要坚持自己的主张(assert my opinions)或者控制情绪,这些都可以作为答案内容。
Making decisions is a complex process, which might involve a great many skills. For starters, the ability of collecting facts and figures is essential, because the first step of making a decision is to get a whole understanding of the relevant information. Sometimes, we need to be computer-literate to look up information on the Internet. Secondly, we shall be able to do some data analysis so that we can make a wise decision. In addition, we need to keep calm inside, even when it is an urgent situation and we are asked to make prompt decisions, otherwise we might decide on something and regret it quite soon. Finally, a good decision-maker should be able to control his own mood and never get emotional, since we are not likely to make a good decision when we are thrilled, furious or anxious. So to sum up, there are plenty of necessary skills when making a decision. Sometimes we are not even aware of them.
2. How can people improve their decision-making skills?
I think people can improve their decision-making skills the way they do to improve all other skills – by learning and practising. If someone feels that he is not good at making decisions, the first thing he might have to do is to observe – to find out how others will react when it comes to a similar circumstance. The second step is to compare and contrast. By doing this, people can have a clear understanding of the strong points and the weakness in their decision-making process, so that they could make a progress. The key point of improving the decision-making skills lies in practice. Just like everything, decision-making skills could get strengthened only when we put them into reality. Provided we keep training ourselves in this way, we can all become wise and responsible decision-makers.
3. Do parents in China allow their children to make important decisions about the future?
比如这个题目,可以说yes,当然也可以说no,当然更可以说两者兼而有之,具体怎么操作,可以看考生擅长往哪个方面发挥。并且,建议考生根据这种“in your country / in China”如何如何的题目,准备好一个框架,可以是it depends on…,或者it varies…,接着说因为各地的情况、各个阶层的情况都不一样,最后再详细讲自己看到的、自己了解到的情况是怎样的,这样的答案层次感也比较好。
Well, it’s unlikely to simply say yes or no to this question, since things differ enormously in different families. Some parents allow their children to make almost every decision about the future, from what major to choose, to what kind of person to marry. These are so-called “open-minded” or “enlightened” parents. They are also the popular ones. Children all dream of having this kind of parents and those who do have, are often very proud, confident and independent. However, there are some other parents, who act in a totally opposite way. They feel that they could not trust their children to make any decision, let alone important ones. They are overprotective parents, and without knowing it, they might even ruin their children’s life in the name of “love”. It’s actually very terrible. To me, one of the greatest jobs of a parent is to teach the children how to make decisions on their own, so that children can grow up as mature, responsible adults.
4. How do you think computers will change the way people make decisions?
其实这个问题放在这里合适,放在跟电脑相关的part 3的问题当中也合适,考生可以考虑从“电脑”或者是“做决定”两个方面来入手回答这个问题,电脑給人们带来的所有的影响,都可以在做决定上面体现出来,比如,电脑可以大大加快人们的工作效率,电脑可以让人们了解很多的信息,这些当然都会从某种程度上影响、改变人们做决定的方式,甚至做的决定本身;如果我们从另一个方面入手,做决定这个过程包含很多,比如搜集信息等步骤,这些步骤会如何受到电脑的影响?这些都是可以表达的内容。
Computer can change how people make decisions thoroughly, as they do in every other aspect of people’s life. For example, they may accelerate the decision-making process because with a computer, people can deal with information much faster. Also, people who are used to working on a computer might have changed fundamentally so that they could make totally different decisions from those made by previous generations, even when they are under similar circumstances. However, it’s not always a good thing to have a computer beside us when making decisions, for the information online is sometimes excessive and highly debatable. Computers, can mess up the decision-making process by offering too much unreliable, confusing information.
complex: 复杂的
keep calm:保持冷静
compare and contrast:比较对比
key point:关键点
lie in:存在于
in the name of:以某人/某事的名义
4.雅思口语part2话题:名人 篇四
You should say:
Who is s/ he?
What is so appealing about him?
What type of leader is he/ she
and explain why do you admire him /her.
I’d like to talk about Steve Jobs. I think he is a very important leader for this time in history. Like many famous leaders in the past he changed the way we see things and do things through his innovation and creativity.
Some people may think he just invented the Apple Mac computer and a phone, but the inventon or device which really changed everything was the iPhone. It made people rethink what a phone could be and should be and as we can now see it has been the catalyst behind much of the smartphone technology and developments since it was first launched. Current smartphone technology now makes online
shopping even easier and accessing any kind of information online which has fundamentally transformed our daily bahavior.
Maybe if he hadn’t launched the iPhone, someone lese would have done something similar evetually, but he had the vision and the creativiuty to do it first and that always makes a difference. I don’t think he planned to become a world influencer or business leader, he simply had a company which innovated something that impacted on the daily lives of many people in a big way.
What qualities do (all or most or many) famous people have in common?
5.雅思口语Part2话题答案 篇五
I still remembered that freezing afternoon, all the audience gathered at Nanjing International Expo Center. To my friend and me, this was a once-in-a-life chance so we excitedly discussed that we should take a lot of photos from the second we enter the studio hall.
Well perhaps plan never runs smoothly cause when we sat down in the fabulous studio hall we were informed that no one was allowed to take photos or videos during the whole recording process. The staff told us that some audience used to take photographs secretly and post them on the Internet ahead of the telecast just in order to steal the spotlight. They were proud to give away the spoiler but it was no doubt a nuisance to the television station.
Although I wanted to take just one picture as a memento and my friend also looked sad, we decided to comply with the rules and packed up our electronic devices. To be honest that night was still amazing and I enjoyed the show even though no photo was taken.
最新雅思口语Part2话题答案: a piece of good news that you received
You should say:
what this news was
when and where you heard it
how you heard it
6.雅思口语题库Part2话题 篇六
Where do you move to
When do you move
Why do you move
And how do you feel about it
I am going to talk about the first time I went to my college.
It was 12 years ago that I graduated from high school and entered college. Because I did not do well in the college entrance exam, I could only apply for a university up north in China. And I could still remember what that day was like. It went like this.
I arrived at my dormitory quite early in the morning with all my luggage. Surprisingly, all of my roommates have arrived before me and they were all busy making beds or cleaning the dorm, so we just briefly introduced each other.
At noon, I suggested that we have lunch together and my suggestion was supported by them. Since we were just college boys, we did not have that much money to go to any fancy restaurant. Instead, we went to the dinning hall in our school where the food was awful and the decoration was rather thrifty, but I would say it was the most unforgettable meal I had during my college years.
During the meal, we got to introduce each other in details. The six of us found that we came from 4 different provinces ranging from the northernmost to the southernmost where the cultures and lifestyles are strikingly different. The conversation just went on and on.
Before we even noticed it, it was dinner time. So we ordered another round of food and continued.
That night, lying on our bed, we envisaged our college years and our future. We all had our dreams and ambitions. Those were the days of ideals. But unfortunately, through the years, some of us failed to stick to their faith and went astray.
To be 100% honest, I miss those days.
雅思口语话题库part2话题范文之:Describe someone who is knowledgeable(博学的人)
Describe someone who is knowledgeable(博学的人)
You should say:
Who the person is
What field the person is expert at
What interesting thing has happend to this person
雅思口语par t2参考范文
I know many people who are very knowledgeable, but here I would like to talk about my paternal grandfather, who is the most knowledgeable person in my eyes. His name is Mohammedan Singh. He is in his early seventies, and retired from Punjab education services. He is not very tall, but looks very handsome. He generally wears white kurta pajama, but on formal occasions he wears pant shirt. He has a great sense of humor and can turn any tense situation into a happy one. No one can ever get bored in his company. One can have a discussion with him for hours on any topic on Earth. He is an ardent reader and reads 6 newspapers daily. He reads the editorial section in depth. He says that reading the editorials makes him look at things from different perspectives and then he can make opinions of his own. You can talk to him about politics, sports, business, Bollywood and many other things and you will be surprised at his knowledge. Although he is retired, he leads a very disciplined life. He gets ready in the morning and goes to a nearby park where many senior citizens like him come and chit chat with each other. I think very high of my grandfather. I am very proud of him. Many of my relatives and neighbors come to him for advice. He loves company and is very happy when he is surrounded with people. He loves meeting new people and making friends. So, my grandfather is the most knowledgeable person in my eyes.
雅思口语题库Part2话题参考范文汇总之:有趣的书(Describe an exciting book)
You should say:
What is the name of the book
what type of book it is
how you knew this book
and explain why you like to recommend this book to your friend
高分语段:As to how I first heard of the book, I can’t really say! It is actually a children’s book, and I think it must have been chosen for me by my parents as I don’t remember actually buying it with anyone, and I don’t think it was a birthday gift or it would have had an inscription in its front cover. The copy I had was a rather tatty paperback with an orange cover and published by a then famous book company called Puffin Books.
故事线:我最近读到的一本书是在家里写的:一个名叫Bill Bryson的作者的私人生活的短暂历史。这是一本厚厚的,真实的书,讲述了许多不同的主题。它实际上是一组与我们的私人生活有关的信息和轶事,过去和现在。
高分语段:The book is mainly about things that have been included in our homes over the centuries. The author started out by wondering about the history of everything in his own home. As it is a factual book rather than a novel, it does not have a plot as such. Each chapter in the book covers the history of a particular room. For example, the chapter on the kitchen talks about the history of running water, electricity, gas cooking and so on. The chapter aboutthe bathroom looks at the history of plumbing, sanitation and privacy. The bookcontains so much interesting information that I think I will have to read it again in order to take it all in.
雅思口语题库Part2话题参考范文汇总之:近海活动(an activity near the sea)
you should say:
What it is
What you should prepare
And explain how you feel about it
高分语段:Lucky for me I grew up near the sea. When I was little, I could go there everyday with my playmates, doing all kinds of fun things. It was more like a large playground for us.Digging into sand is my favorite seaside activity,and it is a very relaxing activity andminimal thinking is required. All you need to do is keep digging slowly and gently. If you dig them with great strength, you would probably end up with lots of smashed shells. Each time I can bring home a little bucket of clams.
高分语料:I belong to Haryana.,It is not a coastal area. If I ever get a chance to visit a sea, I would like to do many activities,I would like to sit near the sea shore and hear the splashing waves.I would enjoy the cool breeze of the sea side,I would also love to stand at the sea shore and feel the waves touch my feet,I would also like to go in the water till it is safe.I don’t know swimming, so I would like to hold hands of my family members or I don’t know swimming, so I would like to hold hands of my family members or my friends, who so ever are with me.
雅思口语题库Part2参考范文之:免费之物(you received sth but not pay it)
You should say:
When did you have this gift
Where did you have it
What was the gift
How did you feel about it
It’s pretty common for us to receive something free when we go shopping or eating out, especially if there is a sales promotion.
Last month, I decided to have my hair cut since my hair was a little bit long for me. There was a newly opened barbershop across the campus according to my best friend. He had his haircut done there. In the afternoon on a weekend, I walked to the shop from my dormitory with him. However, since I hadn’t made a barbering appointment in advance, I had to wait for a while – there were a couple of customers before me. When it was my turn, the barber washed my hair with shampoo. I could feel the lather on my hair. Then the barber covered my head with a hot towel, and gave me a haircut, using the straight razor shave. He cut my hair to fit my head shape, and listened to my special request that I would like it to be shorter. After that, he also trimmed my beard.
It was a great service. When I was about to pay and leave the shop, I was told that the service was free! The reason was that it was my friend who had recommended the shop to me, and my friend held its membership. So I could get a free haircut at the first time. This was something really out of expectation. I decided to get a membership in the shop as well. It wasn’t too pricey, 500 yuan for a year and a half. When I got my membership card, the barber also handed me a box. It was a free gift for the new membership. The gift was a little lamp, which would be very useful to me when I did my homework in the evening.
Anyway, both the free service and the free gift made me really satisfied with the visit.
地道用词:sales promotion
in advance
高分句型:There was a newly opened barbershop across the campus according to my best friend.
He cut my hair to fit my head shape, and listened to my special request that I would like it to be shorter.
7.雅思口语话题part2参考 篇七
It was early summer last year and visiting a place near a river which is surrounded by natural beauty and recommended by one of our favourite teachers was an excellent idea, at least at that time. I am sure the teacher who suggested this place had no idea about the severity of the pollution there and how things have become worse.
The water pollution was quite severe there and the black and greasy elements that were floating on the water created a shocking scene. Uncontrolled waste management, toxic elements from factories and industries, motorised vehicles running on the water and the lack of proper maintenance of the riverside are the main reasons the water has got polluted. More shockingly, the air pollution was also noticeable. I saw many industries and factories that were exhausting black fumes and that has made the air polluted more than any other part I know about.
8.雅思口语Part2太紧张怎么破 篇八
Describe an important plant in your country
You should say:
What it is
How you know it
What uses does it have
Why do you like it
对于这个话题来说,不同于很多口语Part II中的其他话题,我们很难用话题套用的方式来将其他话题的内容进行简单的变化来作为此题目的回答,因为在雅思口语中关于Plant的问题并不是很多,而且回答并不太容易通用。
那么首先看一下这个问题的细节。题目主要是要求描述在你国家里的一个重要的植物。很多考生在看到“重要植物”这个关键字的时候可能就会感到无从下手了。其是只要考生能够说出自己认为的重要植物为什么重要的原因就可以,不一定必须是在社会上绝对重要的植物。接下来就先说一下我有点了解的植物吧。我所想到的重要的植物就是竹子(bamboo)和麦子(wheat)。当然,还有其他我觉得比较重要的,比如银杏(Ginkgo)。那我们在回答是开头就可以以分总的形式来开始:Well, there are few plants just come to my mind right now, such as bamboo, wheat, and ginkgo.And I’m sure there are more important plants than what I know.Anyway, I would like to talk about the bamboo, which is one of the major food sources for panda bears in China.那么这里说的植物就是竹子,重要的原因就是因为竹子是熊猫的主要食物。至此,问题的第一个小问题基本上就概括了。如果还要多说几句的话,就可以介绍一下我国的国宝熊猫(panda bear)了:China is the only original habitat of panda bears which relies on only bamboos in their natural environment,就是说中国是熊猫的故乡,而在野生环境下熊猫是靠竹子生存。接下来我们用简短的连接短语来过渡到第二个小问题。如何回答How you know it呢?我们就可以说我们在很小的时候,可以说幼儿园,就听到了关于熊猫的很多故事。而故事里总会有关于熊猫吃竹子的内容。于是我们就知道了有竹子这个植物,是可爱的熊猫的主要食物。基本上我们就可以说As far as how I learned about bamboo, I would say it needs to be traced back to my childhood when I was a little kid.接下来就可以说是妈妈讲故事或者是幼儿园里的故事中知道的。再此用上3、4句话来“编”一下关于当时的回忆。比如,妈妈给我讲过一些关于those cute panda bears的故事,我总能记得those cute creatures are always hugs a whole bunch of bamboo sticks and munching on them(那些可爱东东总是抱着一大堆竹子并且啃个没完)。说完后还可以玩笑似的的感慨一下对当年的怀念:Oh well, good times!接下来就谈论竹子的用途或者importance:Anyway, being a food source for panda bears is only one of the many importance.接下来可以说在中国的某些地方可以用来做船(building little boats),很多地方用竹子来做房屋(materials for constructions)或者手工(hand crafts)。同时,在中国艺术方面也是很有影响的(Bamboos are also pretty influential in Chinese culture, specifically Chinese paintings),因为在国画(Chinese painting)中很多大师都以竹子为题材。当谈到why you like it的时候,就可以说一下竹子代表的意义或者竹子带给你的回忆,这样,这个问题就完成了。
9.雅思口语part2话题库参考 篇九
You should say:
Who he/she is
what he/she did
When you first knew him or her
and why you are interested in him/her
The United States of America is a land of historical events. Besides, the country is also famous for some of its heroic sons. Abraham Lincoln is one of them. I am really glad that I got the opportunity to talk about him for the next few minutes.
I knew about Lincoln from the history class when I was in high school . Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the USA. During his reign, the situations were unusual. The country went under some serious critical moments and the Civil War was one of them. Besides, there were some political and constitutional crises as well. But Lincoln controlled the situations in an efficient manner. It is Abraham Lincoln who abolished the slavery. Before the abolition of this system, racism was at its peak. Lincoln also did some other notable activities. He is the man who also made the federal government system stronger. The modern economy actually started its journey with the association of this President. In fact, many of the facilities we are enjoying today are the gift of this smart man.
Yes, I like him much. He is a historical figure in the history of the USA. He served the country as a great guardian and wanted to improve the existing norms and rules. Accordingly, a good number of changes took place in the country and we are bearing the legacy in the present days. It is really a matter of courage indeed to rule a nation during a bloody war and provide the right directives, working amid internal crisis and more. He also supervised and set strategies during the war so that the losses are minimal. All of his attempts were humane and he dreamt of a modern America. He emancipated the slavery in the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution for the USA. In fact, this the greatest tasks he has ever done and for this reason, a majority of the US citizens like me hail him.
雅思口语题库话题范文之:想认识的人(a person that you want to know more about)
Describe a person that you want to know more about
Who is he or she?
When did you meet this person?
Where have you met?
What did you do?
Why do you want to know more about him or her?
返回查看:口语话题之想认识的人(person that you want to know more about)更多版本范文
I love to meet new people. Today, I would like to talk about a charismatic person I met a year ago.
Last year I was going to Mumbai by train for an official meeting. On the way, a young lady boarded the train from a small railway station. She occupied the seat in front of me. Very soon we started talking about our hobbies, studies and work etc. Her name was Sukriti Singh. She was a second-year student of the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai.
One particular thing which made her quite special was her high confidence level. Normally, girls don’t travel alone in my country. In most cases, they are accompanied by their parents or some other family member. But, since she was on her own, that clearly reflected her boldness.
I found this girl very interesting. Her in-depth knowledge of latest technology and space science made me re-think about my opinion about females. I used to think that Indian women are only interested in fashion. Science is not their cup of tea. But, this meeting was a real mind-changer. She helped open my eyes towards the common attitude of ignorance males have towards females regarding their intelligence. Now, I fully understand that women have the potential to succeed in any field.
An introvert.
An extrovert.
An ambivert.
A misanthrope.
A misogynist.
A misogamist.
An introvert:
A person who always worried about what people might think about him. They follow leave me alone attitude. They always worried about people around them. Do they like it?, did I made any mistakes? and How do I look like?. In reality, people won’t care much. They have enough problems. But still, some people worried about people around them. They turn thoughts inwards and not outwards.
An extrovert:
Its an opposite character of introverts. They sincerely interspersed in others problems. They have habits of ” Let’s solve it together” or “Let’s do it”. In this case, your whole thoughts and your interest are not turned inwards but they all are turned outwards.
An ambivert:
A normal people. Neither introvert nor extrovert. A person with both character. Your character depends on time and situation and opportunities. Most of the people belong to this characters. They follow the characteristic of the society they live. So you could say it is equally inwards and outwards.
A misanthrope:
This kind of people doesn’t like other people. they always say people are good for nothing. They hate everyone. They are not very common, but still, you could see this kind of people around you.
A misogynist:
They are very similar to a misanthrope. They hate people but only women. They say “women are no damn good”. This also not a common character, but still, in your life, you might have an experience with this character. They always complainant about women. They might say they don’t know how to drive or how to manage.
A misogamist:
They don’t like marriage. They always try to avoid marriage. But I don’t think you will find many such people. There are few people who hate marriage and we could say they are misogamist. That’s it.
So if you are planning to attend any English test like IELTS or Toefl and if you want to improve your vocabularies systematically and the more natural way I would recommend one book, that is “Word Power Made Easy”. I have this book. I always read it. It is very helpful. So now you must know the most common vocabularies for describing personality.
雅思口语题库Part2范文之:a favorite sport which you watched(观看体育节目)
Describe a favorite sport which you watched
You should say:
What it is
When you watch it
Who you watch it with
And explain why you like watching it
Cricket is a globally popular sport and is played usually between two teams. I also like the watching very much.
Cricket once was considered as the sport for the rich. But with the change of time, it has become common for all and even the poorest country of the world may have a cricket team of their own. In cricket, usually 11 players are in each of the sides. After tossing, the winning team usually decides to bat first or allows the opposition to bat and continues the sport. The batsmen try to hit the ball and run between the bowling lines to make runs. When the ball reaches the boundary line be getting in touch with the field, it is considered as four runs and if the ball crosses the boundary line from above the head, then it is considered as six runs. The game ends either when the bowling is finished or when the batsmen are made out by the fielding team. When one team is made all out or the bowling times are over, then the other team comes to the batting and tries to make upper score than the previous team. The team who makes highest score turns the winner.
Usually, I prefer to watch the sport on a television but when I get free moments in my college I play cricket with my college friends. I prefer to watch the sports on television as it is easier to watch by sitting on a sofa or chair or sometimes by lying in bed.
I love cricket much. Firstly, this is an international sport and allows several players to participate in it. When cricket is played, all the players including the batsmen and fielders are to run to catch the ball. Their purposes are different but the running makes them fit. It is a kind of great exercise. Besides, when I go to play cricket, we are to participate in various exercises to keep us fit and there is no physical trouble during the matches. Besides, cricket players are globally famous in some cases and more influential comparing the television stars which is another positive impact.
雅思口语题库Part2话题参考范文之:Describe an activity near the sea
Describe an activity near the sea
you should say:
What it is
What you should prepare
And explain how you feel about it