八年级英语Unit 5学案(12篇)
1.八年级英语Unit 5学案 篇一
mr.GreenhasfourEnglishbooks.mrs.GreenhassixEnglishbooks(合并为一句).mr.Greenhas________Englishbooks___________ mrs.Green.1>
>这两名学生都比其他学生聪明一些.Thetwostudentsare__________________thanthe______ 2>我不如我姐姐漂亮.I’m____________thanmysister.I’m________________________mysister.3>越努力工作,获得的成绩越好。
2.八年级英语Unit 5学案 篇二
学生的自主探究学习是高效课堂的起点。重点关注学生预习, 确实改变传统教学模式。将预先精心设计好的导学案, 在课前发给学生, 让学生明确学习目标, 带着问题对课文进行预习提前学习。在课堂上, 则通过小组合作学习、学生展示、教师点拨、当堂训练、反馈矫正等环节, 使学生更好更主动地掌握教学内容。
本节课主要学习用英语来表达内心忧虑及安慰对方的习惯用语, 教师课前先分发导学案, 让学生根据要求先学习本课的单词, 词组及句型, 通过对Part 2a阅读查找表达“内心忧虑”及“调整不良情绪的建议”的句子。并尽力去完成相应的练习题, 达到“先学后教, 以学定教”的目的。本节课承上启下, 一些心理感受的词如sad, worry, unhappy, feel better , 原因状语从句贯穿整个Topic, Part2a中Doctoer Chen的心理疏导建议对学生也是很受用的。
设计意图:这一阶段让学生根据各自的预习所得、预习所惑在小组内交流、探讨。由小组长总结反馈本组成员导学案完成情况, 这样就能起到对预习的检查作用, 同时又是对知识的再认识和再梳理。通过小组交流讨论, 使学生更清楚地近距离地看到自己理解不完善的地方, 以便学生在课堂上及时认真学习更正。
1 . 掌握以下单词及短语。f e e l i n g , f a i l , e x p e r i e n c e , suggestion, normal, soft, nervous, at one’s age, make friendswith, make me laugh, pass the exam, take part in, feel much better
2.学习如何安慰他人。Don’t worry. There, there! It’ll beOK.
3.学习Part 2a中Doctor Chen关于如何调整不良情绪的建议 (要求背诵) 。
It’s normal to feel sad when something bad happens to us .
It’s all right to show we’re sad.
Talk to others or Listen to soft music
Take part in activities
设计意图:本节课学习目标明确具体。全面扫荡本课的语言点, 并按照预设的教学目标, 准确地为学生的学习目标定位并突出重难点。
1.阅读1a中的对话, 完成1b的判断正误.再跟着1a多媒体课件正确朗读记背。2.听Part 1a中的录音, 找出Miss Wang表示提建议的两个句子。3.找出Miss Wang表示安慰的两个句子。
设计意图:通过任务驱动阅读1a, 先自主完成, 有疑惑或不懂得在小组内合作完成, 小组不能解决的由小组长汇集, 但老师并不急于呈现答案, 而是同时让多个学生到黑板, 小黑板展示学习效果, 再让其他同学批改, 老师最终确定答案, 同时解答小组问题。这样真正让每个学生动起来。充分发挥小组内同伴互助, 特别是小组长的引领带读的作用, 做到:“兵教兵, 兵强兵”让每个成员开口大声朗读, 并尽量鼓励学生在课堂上记背。如果学生能当堂背诵则给所在的小组加分。并提练出Miss Wang表示建议和安慰的句子, 达到展现拔高。再接着口头造句复习Part 1a中出现的Why don’tyou…? What/how about…? You’d better…的句型, 给学生温习并有学以致用的表现机会, 活跃课堂气氛。
步骤四:展现拔高:学习Part 2a阅读理解材料
1.阅读Part 2a两遍, 然后完成下列两个问题
1What’s the main topic on the interview (采访) ?
It’s on
2What’s your own suggestion ?
It’s normal to feel sad when something bad happens to us .
It’s all right to show we’re sad.
Listen to soft music Take part in activities
设计意图:通过两个问题的设置, 让学生先自行阅读并理解短文大意。接着小组讨论来完善提高, 然后每组派一个成员上台写出答案, 给小组加分, 升华能力和针对问题2进行free talk锻炼学生口头用英语表达的能力。接着让学生理解掌握以上六个重要句子, 既掌握复习形式主语句型It’s +形容词+to do ...又让学生懂得怎样来调节成长中不可避免的烦恼。
步骤五: 当堂检测, 反馈矫正
1fail the exam 2通过考试3在你这个年龄
4和她交朋友5make me laugh 6使她哭了
设计意图:上习题设计少而精, 紧扣本节课知识点, 通过当堂检测, 教师可发现学生对本课知识掌握得怎样, 能力提高到何种程度是否对知识理解。这是非常最要的环节, 大约用10分钟, 充分利用大小黑板, 让尽可能多的学生有上台展示表现机会, 教师适时点拨矫正。
3.八年级英语Unit 5学案 篇三
⑴be going to多用于表示近期,眼下要发生的事情,will则远些。eg:
He is going to write a letter tonight. 今晚他要写封信。
He’ll write a book one day. 总有一天他会写书。(但现代英语中这一区别已不明显)
⑵be going to表示有迹象要发生某事,will表示主观意愿认为要发生某事。eg:
There are so many black clouds. It’s going to rain. 这么多乌云,要下雨了。
I’ll have a robot in the future. 将来我会有机器人的。
⑶条件状语从句中,主句多用will而不用be going to表将来。eg:
If you come, I’ll come, too. 如果你来,我也会来。
2. bring与take
两者都有“带”、“拿”的意思。bring 指“将某物或某人从别处带(拿)来”。take 则指“将某物或某人从说话者所在的地方带(拿)走”。eg:
Don’t forget to bring me that book next time you come.
I want to take some books to the classroom. 我想带几本书到教室里去。
Take this small box away and bring me a big one. 把这个小盒子拿走,给我拿一个大的来。
3. injure, hurt与wound
He was badly injured in the accident. 他在那次事故中受了重伤。
She was hurt at his words. 听了他的话,她感到很伤心。
The shot wounded his arm. 子弹打伤了他的手臂。
4. sometimes, sometime, some time与some times
sometimes是副词,意为“有时”。sometime是“某个时间”。some time指“一段时间”。some times ①几次;②几倍。eg:
I sometimes take a walk outside. 有时候我会到外面散散步。
I’ll meet you sometime next week. 下周我会抽时间见你。
It’ll take us some time to become famous. 我们要花些时间才能成名。
He read the book some times but forgot all. 那本书他读了几次但什么也没记住。
Their room is some times larger than ours. 他们的房间比我们的大好几倍。
5. real与true
Was it real or a dream? 它是真的还是个梦?
Is the news true? 这消息是真的吗?
6. too many, too much与much too
4.八年级英语Unit 5学案 篇四
今天我要说的是冀教版八年级下册第五单元:Go with Transportation 第37课:Flying Donuts。本单元讲述了一些有关交通发展的历史事件与相关故事,在复习以前所学的有关交通的词汇与短语的基础上又扩展了一些生词、习语与日常用语。第37课的课文通过介绍Danny想象中的一种新的交通工具,引导学生充分发挥想象力、创造力,设想未来的交通工具,并用英语表达出来,从而激发学生的创造力和表现欲,使他们从中得到学习的快乐。2、教学目标:(知识目标、能力目标、德育目标)知识目标:
(1)学习单词fuel, coal, oil …。
(2)学习、掌握短语与句型think of认为,想起;at the front of 在……的前面 with用…; 能力目标:
通过听、说、读、写的综合训练,促进学生将新学知识转化为言语的技能,尽可能地运用语言表达实际的意义。德育目标: 培养学生表达自我的能力,发挥想象力、创造力,张扬个性,展示自我。
根据英语教学大纲规定,通过听、说、读、写的训练,使学生获得英语基础知识与为交际初步运用英语的能力,激发学生的学习兴趣,为进一步学习打好初步的基础。此外,根据我国国情与外语教学大纲的要求,现阶段外语教学的素质教育主要包括思想素质教育、目的语素质教育、潜在外语能力的培养、非智力因素的培养等四方面。3、重点与难点: 确立重点与难点的依据:
根据教学大纲的要求,教材编排的特点及本课在教材中所处的地位与作用,并从学生的实际出发,确定本课的重点与难点: 重点:本课词组与句型think of/about /out ;with的多种用法;What do the donuts do? Will Danny’s invention really work? 难点:设想发明一些交通工具,并用英语表达出来。
课前准备 教师备好课及相关的教学设备,布置学生预习本课内容,向学生提出预习的具体要求:
(2)展示图片,复习学过的部分交通工具的名称: bicycle, train, rocket, car, boat, plane……
3、举例分析,精讲重点 对课文中的关键词句如:What do donuts do? think of/out/over, with, make sb.do sth……等重点讲解,举例加以说明。为了更好地调动学生的积极性,要求学生运用这些词语造句,训练学生写的技能,使学生处于积极思维的状态之中,全方位、多角度培养学生运用英语的能力。
Unit 5 Lesson 37 Language points: 1.think of认为,想起;think over仔细考虑;think out想出
2.at/in the front of在……前面(部)/in front of在……前面
3.on the way to school在上学的路上/on one’s way home在回家路上
5.What do the donuts do? 面包是用来干什么的?
5.八年级英语Unit 5学案 篇五
consequence, jeans, let in, organize, bike, you’ll= you will
1. I think I’m going to stay at home. If you do, you’ll be sorry.
2. When is a good time to have the party?
3. I think I’ll ride my bike. If you do, you’ll be late.
4. I’m going to the school party.
1.If 引导的条件状语从句;
3.句型I think I’ll ride my bike. If you do, you’ll be late.
I think I’m going to stay at home. If you do, you’ll be sorry.
I’m going to the dance with Karen and Ann.
If you do, you’ll have a great time.
---Are you going to the party?
---Yes, I am. I’m going to wear my new jeans.
You should wear your cool pants.
1. 学会讨论在某些条件下可能会产生的影响。即If you do, you’ll …等;
2. 注意条件状语从句中主句的从句的时态;
3. 了解参加晚会的一些基本常识;
4. 根据上下文培养理解能力和基本的逻辑思维能力。
I 请本地教师组织教学,学生小组活动
(教师)1. Read the instructions.
(教师)2.Point out the four pictures and ask students to tell what they see..
(教师)3. Ask two students to read the conversation in the speech bubbles in the first picture.
(教师)4. Say, Now read the statements and responses in the box. Match the statements with the responses you think make sense.
(教师)5. Answer any questions students may have about vocabulary.
(学生)6. Students match the statements and responses.
(教师)1.Say, You will hear four conversations. Each conversation will give you the matching responses for one of the four sentences..
(教师)2. Play the recording. Say, Check your answers to activity 1a.
(教师)3.Talk about the answers together.
1. d 2.a 3.b 4.c
A: I think I’m going to wear jeans to the party.
B: If you do, the teachers won’t let you in.
A: I think I’m going to stay at home.
C: If you do, you’ll be sorry.
A: I think I’m going to take the bus to the party.
B: If you do, you’ll be late.
D: I think I’m going to go to the dance with Karen and Ann.
C: If you do, you’ll have a great time.
(教师)1. Read the instructions.
(教师)2. Ask two students to read the example in the sample dialogue in activity 1c. Say, You will work with your partner. Make a conversation using the things that are happening in the picture.
(教师)3.Ask several pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.
II 放完第二段视频后,
① 请本地教师组织教学,学生小组活动
(教师)1.Read the instructions with the students.
(教师)2 Students complete the task.
(教师)3. Check the answers.
(答案)a. 3 b. 1 c.2 d.6 e.4 f.5
Andrea: Hi, Mark. I want to have a class party. Will you help me organize it?
Mark: Sure, Andrea. I can help you. So when shall we have the party?
Andrea: Let’s have it today after class.
Mark: No, today is too early. If we have it today, half the class won’t come.
Andrea: Okay, let’s have it tomorrow.
Mark: Hmm…There’s a test tomorrow. Students will leave early to study for their tests. Let’s have it on the weekend.
Andrea: Okay, let’s have it on Saturday afternoon. We can all meet and watch a video.
Mark: No, I don’t think we should watch a video. Some students will be bored. Let’s play party games.
Andrea: Okay, good idea. Can you organize the party games?
Mark: Sure, I can do that. And can you make some food for us?
Andrea: Yes, that’s no problem.
(教师)1. Read the instructions.
(教师)2. Play the recording again.
(学生)3. Students complete the task.
(教师)4. Check the answers.
Half the class won’t come.
Students will leave early to study for their tests.
Some students will be bored.
Mark is going to organize the party games.
Andrea is going to make some food.
(教师)1.Draw attention to the sample dialogue.
(学生)2. Students complete the task.
(教师)3. Check the answers.
② 全班讨论
Ask students to work in small groups. Ask each group to write down as many sentences like those in the Grammar Focus as they can. See which group can think of the most sentences. Count how many each group has. Have the groups read their sentences to the class. Write original sentences on the board and discuss the sentences with the class.
III 放完第三段视频后,
请本地教师组织教学,学生小组活动(教师)1. Read the instructions. Point out the notice from the principal. Then point to the dialogue. Say, First read the notice from the principal. It is about a school party. Then fill in the blanks in the dialogue.
(教师)2.Ask different students to read one line each of the dialogue to the class..
(教师)3.Read the dialogue to the class saying blank each time you come to a blank line.
(教师)4. Then say, Now read the notice again and fill in the blanks.
(教师)5. As students work, move around the room offering help where needed.
1. the school party
2. I’m going to
3. The teachers won’t let you in.
3b(教师)1. Read the instructions.
(教师)2. Point out the words in the box. Say, You will be using the words in this box and the notice from the principal to make conversations.
(教师)3. Ask two students to read the example in sample dialogue in activity 3b. Say, In your conversations, tell what will happen if the student does what he or she is planning to do. Ask students to give some possible ways to complete the last sentence in the example.
(教师)4. Say, Now have a conversation abut the rules with your partner.
(教师)5. Ask one or two pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.
(教师)1. Read the instructions.
(教师)2.Ask two students to read the sample dialogue..
(教师)3. Ask another one or two students to suggest other charity events. Pick a topic of current interest in the news.
(教师)4. Ask students to complete the work in pairs.
.(教师)5. Ask a few students to share sample conversations.
6.八年级英语Unit 5学案 篇六
Teachers’ Words: To choose time is to save time. ( 合理安排时间就是节约时间 )
Teaching Aims: Talk about how to get to places
1. be different from 2. depend on 3. must be 4. a number of
1. 翻译下列短语,并会读会写
1) 北美洲_____________________2) 视------而定,决定于_______________
3) 乘船 ____________________ 4) 汽车站 __________________________
5) 地铁站 __________________ 6) 全世界 ___________________________
7) 与------不同 _________________ 8) 更有趣_________________
9) 需要做------ __________________________
1. means
There are/ is no means of getting there.
2. more than 超出
There are more than 3,000 students in our school.
not more than 之多;不超出more than one 不止一个less than 少于;不到
more than相当于over;more than one之后
式,意为“不止一个”;more than one直接
3. depend on 由……而定;决定于;以来;依靠;信赖
He was the sort of person you could depend on.
1b Pairwork 2c Groupwork
1)3c Write a newspaper article. Tell how students get to your school.
2) Survey.
( ) 1. -The exam was very easy, wasn’t it?
-Yes, but I don’t think _____ could pass it.
A. somebody B. anybodyC. nobody D. everybody
( ) 2. They are in _____ school, but in _____ classes.
A.same, different B.the different, the same C.the same, different D.same, the different
( ) 3. -Do we _____ now? -No, we don’t.
A. need toB. needn’t go C. need go to D. need to go
( ) 4. -How many students are there in your school?
-_____ the students in our school _____ over 2 thousand.
A. The number of, is B. The number of, are B. A number of, is C. A number of, are
( ) 5. They decided to go to work _____ every day.
A. by bikes B. on feet C. by bus D. in car
( ) 6. If he _____ harder, he will catch up with us soon.
A. study B. studiesC. will study D. studied
( ) 7. American English is different _____ British English.
A. to B. of C. from D. in
( ) 8. -When are you _____ Beijing?-Next week.
A. leave at B. leaving to C. leave forD. leaving for
( ) 9. The light is on in his room. He _____ back.
A. will beB. is C. must beD. can be
( ) 10. Listen! A small number of students _____ in the classroom.
A. talk B. talks C. is talking D. are talking
二、 词汇练习
1. Jack often ________ ( fly ) to Hong Kong for the meeting.
2. I like English very much, so I usually spend three hours ________ ( learn ) it.
3. A large number of students ________ ( be ) interested in soccer.
4. Can you tell the __________ ( 区别 ) between city and town?
5. How far ________ he ________ ( live ) from the train station?
6. It takes me 30 minutes __________ ( surf ) the Internet.
7. The most popular _________ ( mean ) of transportation in China are bikes and buses.
8. It’s about twenty _________ ( 分钟 ) walk to get there.
9. The n________ of the apples is ten.
10. That ________ ( 花费 ) about one hour to walk to the zoo.
11. Only a small number of people _________ ( know ) the news.
12. Beijing is in the n________ of China.
13. There are no trains in some p________ of the country.
14. Forty and sixty is one h________.
7.八年级英语Unit 5学案 篇七
八上 Unit 3 一Phrases:
1.babysit her sister =look after =take care of 照顾她的妹妹 2.spen d time with friend
3.go camping/ hiking /sightseeing/ fishing/shopping 去宿营/徒步旅行/观光/钓鱼/逛 4.go bike riding 骑车观光
5.go away for too long
离开很久 6.sleep a lot 睡大觉
7.go to Tibet for a week
8.visit my friend in Hong Kong 拜访我在香港的朋友
9.how long 多久
10.relax at home 在家放松
11.send me a postcard from Hong Kong
从香港寄给我一张明信片 12.show me your photos =show your photos to me 给我看你的照片 13.get back t o school =return to school 回到学校 14.rent videos 租录像
15.ask you a few questions about your vacation plans 问你几个关于假期计划的问题 16.ask you about pla ces to visit in China 问你有关去中国参观的地方 17.plan to have a very relaxing vacation 计划去度一个很休闲的假期 18.take a long vacation this summer 这个夏 天度过一个长假 19.think about doing sth 考虑做某事
20.decide on sth 决定某事 decide on doing sth /decide to do sth决定做某事 21.want to do something different 想做些不同的事
22.finish doing sth 做完某事eg.finish making my last movie 完成我的上一部电影 23.a good place to go sightseeing 去观光的好地方
24.leave for Hong Kong on Tuesday 在星期六动身去香港
leave Shanghai for Beijing 离开上海去北京 25.take sth with sb 某人随身带去某物
26.can’t wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事
27.be famous for…以…而著名b e famous as作为…而著名That sounds interesti ng 听起来很有趣 二Sentences:
1.Wha t are you doing for vacation ? I’m visiting my grandmother.假期中你打算做什么?我打算拜访我的祖母。
2.What is he doing for vacation ? He is babysitting his brother.假期中他打算做什么?他要照顾他的弟弟。
3.When are they go ing ? They are going next week/on the 12th/Monday.他们什么时候去?他们将在下周/十二日/星期一去。4.How long is he staying? He i s staying for a week.他准备在那呆多久?他准备 在那呆一周。5.What’s it like there ?
6.Where are you going for va cation ? I’m going to Hawaii for vacation.你打算去哪度假?我打算去夏威夷度假。7.I he ard that Canada is beautiful ,and I know there are many people there who speak French.我听说加拿大很美,我知道那有许多人讲法语。
8.I hope I can forget all my problems.我希望能忘掉所有的问题。9.I’m planning my vacation to the south of Italy this weekend.我计划这个周末去意大利南部度假。
10.Who are you going with? I’m going with my parents.你准备和谁一起去?我准备和我的父母亲去。
1.What’s she doing for vacation? She is
her sister.A babysit
B babysits
C babysiting
D babysitting 2.When
these picture?
A draw B drawing
C to draw D drew 3.They are going to the countryside for vacation.are
for vacation? 4.When are you going to Hong Kong?= When are you
Hong Kong? 5 Doing some exercise every day is important.同义句
very imporant
Some exercise every day.6.我刚拍完上一部电影 I just
my last movie.7.泰国是个旅游观光的好地方
Thailand is 去长城时别忘带相机
the camera
you when you go to the Great Wall.四 中考链接:
1.I hear Mr.Smith is coming t o give us a talk ____.A in this afternoon
B.on tomorrow morning C.at this evening
D.next Monday morning
2.The boy with two dogs ___ in the yard when the earthquake rocked the city.A.is playing B.was playing C.are playing D.were playing 3.I hope you will have a good time there.=I hope you will ________ _______ there.4.Her sister is sta ying there from July 15 to August 20._______ ________ _________her sister staying there ? 5.I’m going shopping with my mother.______ ______ _______ goin g shopping _______ ? 6.他想问我有关我英语学习的情况.He wants ________ ________ me _______ my ________ ________
When did you ________ ________ from London? 8当你回家时,把你的照片给我看一下。__¬¬_____ _______ _______ _______ when you _______ _______ _______.初三英语第一轮复习八年级(上)Unit Four 一. 词组
1.take the/a subway/boat to school = get/go to school by subway/boat
2.take the/a bus/train/taxi to work=go to work by bus/train/taxi 乘公交车/火车/出租车上班 3.ride the/a bike to the subway station = go to the subway station by bike 骑车去地铁站
4.walk to school = get/go to school on foot 步行上学 5.drive to work 开车上班
6.go to school in one’s car/by c ar 坐车上学 7.how far/long/soon/often 多远/多长时间/还有多久/多经常 8.from home to school 从家到学校 9.take him to school 带他去上学
10.on the school bus= by school bus 乘学校班车
11.depend on 视….而定,取决于 12.in other parts of the world 在世界的其他地方
13.means of transportation 交通方式
14.be ill in(the)hospital 生病住院.have a quick breakfast=have break fast quickly匆匆吃早饭 16.leave for sch ool 动身去上学
17.a large number of 许多,大量的 a small number of 少数 the number of… …的数目 18.in North America 在北美 19 be different from 与…不同 20 think of 想起,认为 get to= arrived at/ in=reach
到达 二.句型
1.How do you get to school ? I ride my bike(to school).你怎样到校上学?我骑自行车上学
How does he get to school?
He walks to school.他怎样到校上学?
他步行上学 2.How far is it from your home to school ? 你家离学 校多远?
It’s three miles/ten minutes on foot/ten minutes’ walk.三英里/步行十分钟
3.How long does it take you to get from home to school? 从家到学校你通常花多长时间 ?
It ta kes me 25 minutes(to get from home to school).我需要二十五分钟(It takes sb some time to do something)(某人花多长时间做某事)4.be +距离+(away)from
Li Lei’s home is about 10 kilometers(away)from school.李雷家离学校约十公里
5.That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus.那一定比坐公交车更有趣
6.How far do you live from the bus station ? 你住的离车站有多远 ?
I live 10 miles from the bus station.十英里 He rides his bike to the bus station.= He goes to the bus station on his bike /by bike 他骑自行车去公共汽车站 Some students drive, other students / others take the bus.一些学生开车,另一些学生乘公共汽车.9 In Japan, the most three ways of getting to school are bus, train and bike.在日本,最受欢迎的三种上学方式是公共汽车,火车和自行车 10 Let me have a look.让我看看 If you have a problem, you can ask a policeman.如果你有麻烦,可以找警察
(以if一道的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时态或情态动词,从句用一般现在时态)If the car comes, you can get into it.If I have time , I will help you.三.基础练习
1.He usually takes the subw ay to school.(划线提问)______ ______ he _______ to school ? 2.她每天花费30分钟锻炼身体。
It_______ ______30 minutes _______ _______ exercise.3.I took the taxi to the airport to meet my au nt.(同义句)I ______ _____ the airport to meet my aunt ______ _____.4.Sydney is thousands of kilometers away from Beijing.______ _______ is Sydney ________ Beijing ? 5 It took
m e half an hour to go to the post office.(划线提问)
you to go to the post offic e? 6 Her lifestyle is different from yours.(同义句)Her lifestyle is not
yours.7 My mother spent 100 dollars on the coat.(同义句)My mother spent 100 dollars
coat.My mother
the coat.My mother
the coat
dollars.The coat
my mother 100 dollars.8 并非所有的学生都乘公共汽车上学
students go to school
.9那肯定比乘公共汽车有趣得多 That
more fun than
a bus.That
more fun than
a bus.10About 10 minutes.A How far B How much C How many D How long
is it from the park to your house?-About 10 minutes’ walk.A How far B How much C How many D How long
1.It took several years to build Qinghai-----Tibet Railway._____ ____ ____ it ____ to build Qinghai----Tibet Railway? 2.Nobody else in her class lives farther from school than her.She _________ _________ from school in her class.3.你通 常花多长时间到校?
8.八年级英语Unit 5学案 篇八
Hello, everyone!I am glad to be able to give a talk about the future life and study here._______________________________________________________
That’s all.Thank you!
Thanks to the great development in science and technology, we are sure to live a happier and more wonderful life in the future.或The great development in science and technology will have a great effect on the future of our lives, work and study.等。
2)仔细分析未来生活及其巨大变化时,可以从人们的衣食住行以及学习、工作等方面加以分析与描述,可以运用not only...but also...等来连接这些变化,例如:Not only will we be provided with enough food and clothing, we can also spend more time traveling around the world and enjoying other amusements.以及We will have less stress in the future, either from our study or from the work.等。
should work harder today, making preparations to make more contributions to the development of the future society and the world.等。
4.巧妙过渡,自然衔接。将表达的信息用一些过渡词或短语连接成文,注意逻辑思维和行文的连贯。可以借鉴的表达有:further more, however, therefore, only in this way等。
Hello, everyone!I am glad to be able to give a talk about the future life and study here.As we all know, science and technology has greatly developed, so we are sure to live a happier and more wonderful life in the future.We will be1
provided not only with enough food and clothing, but also more convenient ways of traveling and living.Besides, we will have less stress both from our study and from work, because we can work and study more efficiently.However, our future is full of challenge as well.So we should work harder today.We should try to become more knowledgeable.Only in this way can we develop more skills and earn more money for the future use.We can also enjoy a more interesting and colorful life even when we are old.That’s all.Thank you!
1.初稿的文章结构完整,谋篇布局合理,内容表达比较全面,语句间使用了一些过渡和衔接词语,如besides、how-ever等,表达句式有几处还算精彩,如长句As we all know,..., so...以及由连词not only...but also...连接的并列句等的使用,表明作者有一定的英语表达能力。
①部分表达词句过于随意,没有经过认真的思考和组织,甚至是按照汉语的表达习惯来安排句子结构的,例如:We will be provided not only with enough food and clothing, but also more convenience of traveling and living.第二个分句中缺少介词with,句子显得就不对称,也不完整。再如,在...we will have less stress both from our study and from work, because we can work and study in a more efficient way.一句中,both...and...就不如用either...or...表达得更准确。
②文章的思想性不强,或者说思想格调比较低。特别是文章的结尾,谈到未来生活的打算和建议时,仅仅满足于个人的利益,如:develop more skills and earn more money以及enjoy a more interesting and colorful life even when we are old.等显得作者思想很狭隘,没有达到一定的思想境界。
Hello, everyone!I am glad to be able to give a talk about the future life and study here.Thanks to the great development in science and technology, we are sure to live a happier and more wonderful life in the future.Not only will we be provided with enough food and clothing, we can also spend more time traveling around the world and enjoying other amusements.It will make our spare time more interesting and colorful.Furthermore, we will have less stress either from our study or from the work since we can work more efficiently.However, our future life is not just full of amusement and joy, but also of challenge.Therefore, we should work harder today, making preparations to make more contributions to the development of the future society and the world.Only in this way can we adapt to the future life and enjoy ourselves when it comes.That’s all.Thank you!
Powerful sentences:
9.八年级英语Unit 5学案 篇九
1. 通过读和听获取有用的信息。
2. 识别用来描述有代表性的假日活动的关键表达法。
3. 能够询问和回答有关旅游地点的信息。
1. 了解本节的学习目标和重点内容,在课本P34-35中找出重点内容并自学,明确课堂任务,为自己和小组成员的展示献计献策。
2. 准备与旅游有关的地点和活动,为本单元话题服务
词汇:sail abroad check
词组:all year round travel abroad
句型:Spring is the best time for visiting Chinese gardens
Do you have any ideas about what to do for May Day holiday?
A:------Which tourist attraction have you ever been to? And what did you do there?
Task 1 展示图片,学习与活动相关的词。
Task2 Students’ books P34 PartA1 What do the students like? Where can they go? What can they do there?
Task 3 Students say sth. about travelling.
I like …
I plan to …
I can do …
Task 4 Listen to a radio programme about travelling in China, check the answers with the following partners:
e.g. You can visit Chinese gardens in _______________./
___________ is the best time for sailing.
Help Amy complete the advice on travelling in China.
Task5 Listen to Simon and Amy’s conversation and try to get some information about the holiday plan.
Task 6 Make up new dialogues about your holiday plans.
四. 课堂小结:
五. 反思:
六. 作业和预习指导:
七. 当堂检测:
1. I like to travel a_______ because I can learn something about foreign counties.
2. Sometimes you may not see the animals all year r________.
3. The boy enjoys water sports, so he often goes s________.
4. Most of us don’t like hot w________, we usually go to Qindao.
5. S________ is the best time for v________ Chinese gardens.
1. They ________(move) house. They don’t live here now.
2. ---- ________ she ________(find) her lost keys?
---- No, not yet.
3. Peter and I ________ (be) good friends for many years.
4. ---- ________ you ________(see) the film yet?
---- Yes. But it’s not interesting at all.
5. Maria ________(know) everything. She must be very angry.
6. ---- ______ your brother ______(go) to Beijing with you tomorrow?
---- No. He’s not at home. He’s ________(go) to Shanghai.
7. The train ________ just________(arrive). Hurry up!
10.八年级英语Unit 5学案 篇十
课题:Unit10 Section B 1a-1e课型 :新授课 年级:八年级 教者:zlp教学目标:
3.能够熟练运用since, for 谈论谈论家乡的不同地点。
情感态度价值观:珍惜自己周围事物的变化,感恩社会,汇报社会,关爱他人 教学重难点:
1、自学完成Section B 1a&1d,学科组长检查。
三、自主探究,展示汇报(核心板:教师明确目标——学生自学——小组交流讨论——分组展示和汇报——强化训练)自主、合作、探究: Task1.1、通过自主学习完成1a Task 2.1、听录音,并完成1b&1c。
2、根据1b、1c的内容,小组内轮流讲述关于熊猫的事。Task 2.探究知识点
1.辨析:how long, how soon, how often, how far
How long 多久,多长。对时间段提问,如:for+时间段;since+过去的时间点。e.g.--How long have you worked in Beijing?-For five years.How soon 多久以后。对“in+时间段提问,常用于一般将来时”。e.g.–How soon will Mr.Li be back?--In a week.How often 多久一次,对频率提问,其答语为:once(twice/„)+时间段。
e.g.--How often do you exercise?--Once a day.How far 多远,对距离提问,其答语是表距离的内容。
e.g.--How far is it from here to your school?--Three kilometers.2.辨析:for 与since
e.g.I have lived in this city for five years.我在这座城市居住了5年了。He usually sleeps for twelve hours every day.他通常每天睡12个小时。since 其后接表示“时间点”的短语或从句(过去时),也可以接“一段时间+ago”,常用于完成时态;还用于句型:“It is +时间段+since+一般过去时的句子”。表示过去某个时间发生并持续到说话时的动作或状态。
e.g.It is two years since I came to China.自从我到中国以来已经两年了。She has worked here for five years.=She has worked here since fiveyears ago.她在这儿工作5年了。
1.I don’t believe that this ___boy can paint such a nice picture.A.five years oldB.five-years-oldC.five-year-old 2.According ____ Mr.Wang, we’ll go on a trip this weekend.A.inB.thatC.whoD.what3.Look!She’s standing ___ the ten children.A.amongB.betweenC.ofD.from
4.--Can you give me some information about vacation trips?--Why not _________ going to Hainan Island?
5.--Did you go to Kenli during the Peach Blossom Festival(桃花节)?--Yes.The flowers were beautiful.Bees were flyingthem.A.inB.amongC.betweenD.through
6.Nowadays millions of Chinese leave the countryside to_______ for the work in cities.A.lookedB.searchC.findD.see7.Mr.Jack ______ China for several years.A.has been toB.has come toC.has been inD.came to
11.八年级英语Unit 5学案 篇十一
课题: Unit9 Section A 1a-2c课型 : 新授课年级 :八年级教者:zlp教学目标:
2、多数学生能正确的使用本节课的生词、短语及--Have you ever been to a museum?—Yes, I’ve been to a museum./No, I haven’t./ Neither have I.—No, I’ve never been to a museum./I’ve never been to a water park.这个句型初步交谈有关现在完成时的事情。3.通过采访录音预测答案,培养学生的听力技巧。
过程与方法:课前检查—自主学习—听力检测 —语言运用与展示—合作探究 情感态度价值观:了解各类博物馆、主题公园和名胜古迹。教学重点:熟练掌握have(has)been to… 的用法。教学难点:have been to与have gone to的区别。自我预习
2、自学完成Section A 1a,学科组长检查。
翻译:1.太空博物馆 ______ 2.娱乐公园 ________3.水族馆 _______
4.动物园______ 5.水上公园 ________6.乘坐地铁 _____自主、合作、探究: Task1.1、通过自主学习1a-1c,并完成1a.2、听听力,完成1b练习,老师核对答案;听2a、2b录音,完成听力练习。Task 2.合作学习1c, 2c 小组训练,课堂展示, 老师点拨知识点.Task 3.探究知识点:
区分 have/has been to与have/has gone to
用have been to或have gone to填空
1.A: I saw you in Annable’s Restaurant last night.B: No, it wasn’t me.I _____ never _______ there.2.A: Sally and Tim are on holiday, aren’t they?
Where _______they _____ ?B: To Florida, again.A: How many times ____ they ______ there ? B: This is their third time.3.A: Can I speak to Bill, please ?
B: He’s out, I’m afraid.He ___ ___ ____ the cinema this evening.A: Again? She ____ already ______ to the cinema three times this week.四、实践创新,知识反馈(升华板—拓展延伸训练)
2、The old man _________ last year.He
3、Miss Gao left an hour ago.(同义句转换)
Miss Gao _______________________________an hour ago.4、Her mother has been a Party member for three years.(同义句)
Her mother _______ the Party three years ________.(二)补全下列对话:
A: ______ you ever______ to an amusement park?
B: Yes, I _____.I _______to Fun Times Amusement Park last year.Have you ever been to a water park?
A: No, I _________.B: Me _______.Let’s go to Water City tomorrow.(三)翻译下列句子:
12.八年级英语Unit 5学案 篇十二
Lesson 45:Wang Mei’s First E-mail
共8课时,第5课时 学习目标:
1.掌握的词汇:till yet problem advantage disadvantage 2.识别的词汇:chat
⑵固定句型:①ask/tell sb.to do sth.ask/tell sb.to do sth.②怎样使用right now
① May I sto Li Ming, please.② Can I take a mfor you?
③ Li Ming won’t be at home teight o’clock.④ Who athe phone? ⑤ Don’t worry;he’ll be back soon.⑥ What are the aof chatting on the Internet.二、预习自测
1.收到你朋友的电子邮件__________ 2.给你的笔友发信息_________3接电话_________ 4.等一会儿_________ 5别担心_________6.在网上交谈 _________7她最喜欢的节目_________8.一个好主意_________9.几秒钟_________
10.一个电子邮件地址 _________
三、重、难点点拨(知识拓展)1.I’mHe is not here.=He is not in.=He is not at home.=He is out.right now: at this moment / now
right now: at once / immediately立刻;马上
eg:我们马上出发.We set off______________________________.2.He ht o’clock.not…until….=not…till….直到…..才….from…till…./from….until…(时间上)从…时候到…时候
eg:The mother waited_____ morning_____ night for her son to comeback那位母亲从早上到晚上一直在等她的儿子回来.wait a moment : wait a minute wait for sb./ wait for sth.等待… ①他正在等公共汽车。
He is _______ _________ the bus.②比得正在等他的朋友.Peter was______ _______ his friend.③他正在公共汽车站等.He is________ __________the bus station.● 生成问题(解决学生预习中出现或新出现的问题)
四、当堂检测 ⑴巩固基础 完成句子:
1.Wait a moment.I have to______(接)the phone.2.Brian often____________(收信)e-mails from his friends in China.3.There are no________(问题)for the workers to finish the building intime.4.Could you take a ________(消息)for me, Jim?(2)选择填空
1.The teacher asked me ____ talk with others in class.A.not toB.don’tC.to notD.not 2.My mother made me ____ for her here.A.waitedB.waitC.to waitD.waiting 3.My cousin told me to ___ English.A.taught himselfB.teach myselfC.taught myselfD.teach himself 4.I am sure you will succeed _____.A.in the endB.by the endC.on the endD.to the end 5.Can I take a message Kate?A.withB.fromC.giveD.for
6.-----I called you again and again last night but there was no.----I went shopping with my mother.A.answerB.askC.requestD.information 7.He won’t be backtwelve o’clock.A.atB.tillC.toD.from
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