1.英语国家概况美国篇 篇一
3、以学生为中心: “学生中心”、“做中学”、 “合作学习”和“任务学习”注重学生英语基础、学科内容掌握、职业能力和可持续发展能力的培养,采用基于网络的任务型合作教学模式。通过基于网络的学生合作学习使学生在提高英语听说读写说技能的同时,提高学生的团队合作意识和合作能力,培养良好的职业素养,为学生从事的英语教学或相关的工作打下坚实的,以完成本专业相关岗位的工作任务。
教材:《英语国家概况》 丁国声,外语教学与研究出版社出版,。 参考资料:《英美概况》(主编:张奎武),吉林科学技术出版社,。
网络学习资源:www.whitehouse.gov/ 美国白宫官方网页;www.number10.gov.uk/ 英国唐宁街10号官方网页。
(1)依托课程内容进行外语教学法。 将语言教学建基于某个学科或某种主题内容的教学之上,把语言学习与学科知识学习结合起来,在提高学生学科知识和认知能力的同时,促进其语言水平的提高。以英美国家的地理、历史、政治、经济、宗教等学科知识为依托,习得语言知识,提高英语语言技能。教师讲解课程内容,学生陈述,形成师生互动,生生互动的学习氛围。按照即主题、课文、话题、线索、任务(task)四个环节设计课堂教学,将内容和语言学习有机地结合起来,使课程设计连贯一体。每个单元的主题成为课程设计的起点,一系列支撑主题的话题被进一步开发以吸引学生的兴趣,各类与主题/话题相关的文章、课文及音像资料使学生饶有兴致地探索和学习学科内容知识。各种具体的学习任务能满足学生学习语言与学科知识的需求,各种线索和过渡
2.英语国家概况美国篇 篇二
3.英语国家概况美国篇 篇三
关键词:《英语国家概况》 教学方法 策略
4.英语国家概况课后题总结和答案 篇四
1.what are the differences between Britain and the British Isles, Great Britain,England,the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth?
The British Isles,Greant Britina and England are geographical names, no the official names of the country,while the official name is the United Kingdom,but the full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.The British Commonwealth is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britian.2.Describe the geographical position of Britian?
Britain is an island country.It lies in the north Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of Europe.It is separated from the rest of Europe by the English channel in the south and the North Sea in the east.3.Whereabouts in Great Britain are mostly highland and lowland?
The north and west of Britain are mainly highland, while the south and south-east are mostly lowlands.4.Does Britain have a favourable climate? why?
Yes,it has a favourable climate, because it has a maritime type of climate---winters are mild,not too cold and summers are cool, not too hot.It has a steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole year.It has a small range of temperature,too.5.what are the factors which influence the climate in Britain? Which part of Britain has the most rainfall and which part is the driest? The factors which influence the climate in Britain are the following three:1)The surrounding waters balance the seasonal differences;2)the prevailing south-west winds bring warm and wet air in winter and keep the temperatures moderate;3)the North Atlantic Drift,a warm current,passes the western coast of the British Isles and warms them.The northwestern part has the most rainfall,while the south-eastern corner is the driest.6.Describe the distribution of Britain’s population.Britain has a population of 57 million.It is densely populated, with an average of 237people per square kilometre.It is also very unevenly distributed , with 90%of the population in urban areas,10% in rural areas.Geographically, most British people live in England.Of the total of 57 million people, 47 million live in England, 14 million live in London and Southeastern England.7.What are the three natural zones in Scotland?
The three natural zones in Scotland are : the Highlands in the north, the central Lowlands ,and the southern Uplands.8.What is the difference between the ancestors of the English and Scots, Welsh and Irish?
The ancestors of the English are Anglo-Saxons,while the Scots,Welsh and rish are Celts.9.What are the differences in character and speech between southern England and northern England? How do the Welsh keep their language and culture alive? The Welsh are emotional and cheerful people.The Scots are hospitable ,generous and friendly.Irish are known for their charm and vivacity as well as for the beauty of their Irish girls.Throughout the year they have festivals of song and dance and poetry called Eisteddfodau.On these occasions competitions are held in Welsh poetry,music,singing and art and in this way they keep the Welsh language and Welsh culture alive.10.What is the main problem in Northern Ireland?
5.南京概况导游词精选3篇 篇五
南京是中国重要的综合性工业生产基地。南京的电子、化工生产能力在国内城市中居第二位,车辆制造规模居第三位,机械制造业的技术、规模居国内领先地位,家用电器业、建材工业也都具有较大规模。南京是华东地区重要的交通、通讯枢纽,建立了全方位、立体化、大运量的交通运输网络,铁路、公路、水运、空运、管道五种运输方式齐全,拥有现代化的通讯体系。南京是全国四大科研教育中心城市之一,是全国重要的高教、科研基地,拥有一批国内一流的高校和科研机构。被国家9个部委列为中国投资硬环境 ”四十优“城市之一。先后被评为中国城市综合实力”五十强“第五名、国家园林城市、中国优秀旅游城市、全国科技兴市先进城市、全国双拥模范城市、全国城市环境综合整治10佳城市、全国科技进步先进城市、国家环境保护和国家卫生城市等称号。
6.美国英美概况练习 篇六
I.Term explanation
1.The War of Independence
(1)After British parliament passed the Intolerable Acts, tensions were again created between colonists and British government.(2)On April 19,1775, the first shot was fired at Lexington and the American War of Independence began.(3)In May 1775, the Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia and began to assume the functions of a national government.It founded a Continental Army and Navy under the command of George Washington and declared independence on July4,1776.(4)In 1781, British General Cornwallis surrendered at York Town,Virginia and soon British government asked for peace.(5)The Treaty of Paris, signed in September 1783, recognized the independence of the United States.2.Boston Tea Party
(1)In the years following the French and Indian War, British government enforced several acts which were bitterly opposed by colonists.(2)In order to ease tensions, British government removed all the new taxes except that on tea.(3)In 1773, a group of pariots responded to the tea tax by staging the Boston Tea Party: disguised as Indians, they boarded British merchant ships and tossed 342 crates of tea into Boston harbor.(4)British parliament then passed the “Intolerable Acts”, and in response to this the first Continental Congress was held in September1774.3.the First Continental Congress
(1)In response to the “Intolerable Acts”, passed by British parliament, the first Continental Congress met in Philadelphia in September1774.(2)This was a meeting of colonial leaders.They urged Americans to disobey the Intolerable Acts and to boycott British trade.(3)After this, colonists began to organize militias and to collect and store weapons and ammunition.4.The Declaration of Independence
(1)The Declaration of Independence, the first declaration of human rights, was mainly drafted by Thomas Jefferson and was adopted by the Congress on July 4,1776,when the people of 13 English colonies in North America were fighting for their freedom and independence from the British colonial rule, approached the problem of American independence from the angle of human rights.(2)Its principal point was to provide a legal basis for independence.It justified the forthcoming Revolution by defining the rights of man and the nature of government in relation to such rights.It declared that all men were equaland they were entitled to have some natural rights such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.The powers of the governments came from the consent of the governed and the purpose of governments was to secure the rights mentioned above.(3)The Declaration of Independence was a masterpiece of bourgeois political philosophy.(4)The Declaration of Independence helped the colonists to see that there were times when people had the right to revolt.The new doctrine inspired mass fervor.More and more people came to believe that they were fighting for the just cause.5.American Constitution
(1)The Constitution of the United States, which was adopted in 1787 and came into effect in 1789, is the first comparatively complete written constitution in the world.(2)It is the supreme law in the United States, and is the main expression of the American ideals.(3)It is a short document which embodies laws and principles for the form of the US government.It consists of a preamble, 7 articles and 29 amendments.6.The Bill of Rights(USA)
(1)In 1791, the first ten amendments of American Constitution were made.This is the well-known “Bill of Rights”.(2)It secures a wide variety of freedoms for Americans, including the freedoms of religion, speech, press, peaceful assembly and freedom to bear arms, freedom against unreasonable search and seizure and so on.(3)the amendments limit the powers of the national government in regard to the rights and liberties of individuals.7.The New Deal
(1)To deal with the Depression, President Franklin Roosevelt rushed through Congress a great number of laws within the historic “Hundred Days”.(2)Some of the famous ones in this New Deal were the WPA(The Work Progress Administration), AAA(The Agricultural Adjustment Act), and the Social Security Act.(3)New Deal program did not end the Depression, but the economy improved as a result of this program of government intervention.8.The Great Depression
(1)On October 24, 1929 —“Black Thursday”— a wave of panic selling of stocks swept the New York Stock Exchange.Share and other security prices collapsed.(2)By 1932, thousand of banks and businesses had failed.Industrial production was cut in half.Farm income had fallen b y more than half.Wages had decreased 60 percent.New investment was down 90 percent.As a result, one out of four workers was unemployed.(3)Franklin D.Roosevelt won the 1932 election and carried out the New Deal to improve the economy.(4)Full recovery from the Depression was brought about by the defense buildup prior to America’s entering the WWII.II.Please answer the following questions briefly.1.What are the four crown colonies during America colonization?(Textbook: Page 152.)
2.What are he four causes for the War of Independence in America?(Textbook: Page 158-160)
3.What are he four causes for American Civil War?(Textbook: Page 167-170)
4.What are the three important acts of Roosevelt’s New Deal?(Textbook: Page 187-188)
5.What are the five fundamental features of American political system?(Textbook: Page 209)
6.What are the five fundamental principles for American government established by American Constitution?(Textbook: Page 210)
7.What are the five constitutional roles of American president?(Textbook: Page 213)
7.英语国家概况美国篇 篇七
1. 引言
《英语国家概况》课程 (以下简称《概况》课) 是高等院校为英语专业本专科学生开设的一门必修课。该课程主要介绍以英美为主的英语语言国家的文化背景知识, 包括历史、地理、政治、经济及文化等。该课程的目的是通过对《概况》知识的学习, 使学生更加了解英语语言国家的文化背景、民族历史、价值取向等, 从而更好地运用英语语言。想要上好这门课具有较大的难度, 因为该课程知识理论性强, 内容涉及面非常广泛, 对教师的要求也比较高。而目前《概况》课的授课方式大都采用传统式的静态板书或是教师用课件代替板书的讲授, 学生往往会感到内容抽象难懂, 枯燥无味, 以致对此课程的学习积极性不高。加之教师在教学过程中要传授的知识含量大又受到课时的限制, 教学往往收不到理想的效果。这种教学现状要求《概况》教师思考较为理想的教学模式及教学手段。网络多媒体辅助教学便是较为理想的选择之一。
2. 网络多媒体辅助英美概况教学的作用
网络多媒体辅助《概况》教学有利于激发学生的学习兴趣。兴趣是最好的老师, 基于《概况》课信息容量大, 理论性强, 学生不易接受的特点, 如果教师仅仅为了完成教学任务, 采用传统静态的板书式教学, 是很难取得较好的教学效果的。目前, 我国各高校使用的《概况》教材内容更新的时效性要差一些, 这一因素也会影响学生的学习兴趣。而配合使用网络多媒体进行教学, 教师可以适当补充一些实时性和与学生生活较为密切的内容进去。例如:在讲授英国教育体系时, 教师可以进行中英对比教学, 通过播放中英教育体系短片, 使学生获得更直接更深刻的认识, 这样极大地提高了学生们的学习兴趣。网络多媒体辅助教学有利于提高学生语言的综合运用能力。《概况》课的设计应该从以学生为中心出发, 让学生积极主动地获取知识, 主动去探索和发现知识。现代网络多媒体技术的发展更有利于学生学习英语概况知识, 主动去探索和发现知识。现代网络多媒体技术的发展更有利于学生学习英语概况知识, 他们获取信息的渠道是多元化的, 除教材和学校图书馆资料外, 他们完全可以利用网络资源去探寻适合自己并使自己感兴趣的信息材料, 然后进行研读、对比、利用、最后成为自己的知识。这一过程不仅使学生的语言运用能力得到提高, 学生的判断力和识别力也会有所增强。
《概况》课堂教学与网上教学相结合是一个较为理想的方式。建立在网络基础上的多媒体教学具有多媒体集成、跨平台资源共享, 个别化学习、交互式和远程教学等许多优点。它可以综合调动多种媒体参与, 变静为动, 变抽象为直观。把难以理解, 不易讲清或不宜用语言及板书表达的内容生动直观地表达出来。这种展示手段具有丰富、灵活的特点, 非常适合知识容量大, 信息琐碎的英语国家概况课程。课堂上借助多媒体, 教师把制作好的精美课件展示给学生, 课件内容要做到美观而不繁杂、全面而富有逻辑性, 目的是帮助学生利用有限的课堂时间建立较为完整的知识体系。学生利用课外通过网上教学平台对已建立的知识体系进行细化。该课程的网上教学可根据学生的需要来设置, 比如学生考研率较大的学校可以增设考研交流网络平台。具体可细分为内容导航、在线学习、在线测试及在线监控等板块。内容导航板块可以理解为内容提要, 帮助学生了解各章节课程内容, 重点及难点, 明确学习目标等, 促使学生主动参与到该课程的学习中来。在线学习板块是该模式的重中之重, 同时也对教师提出了更高的要求, 概况教师可以把资料共享包括电子课件、电子教案、音像、图片等文件以及有关课程章节的文本资料分门别类建立若干文件夹供学生学习参考。网上交流或在线交流包括师生交流和生生交流是不可缺少的部分, 教师可以在线辅导答疑, 学生可以把自己平时学习过程中发现的有价值的资料、学习笔记以电子版的形式与大家分享, 这样无形中增进了学生之间的友谊并且会形成一种“竞争”式的学习, 会出现更多的同学把更有价值的东西分享给大家, 使更多的同学在学习中获得成就感, 从而增加了学习该课程的浓厚兴趣。在学期结束后, 教师可以建议学生把自己的学习体会、经验发表在论坛中供学弟学妹们参考, 以使他们更快地进入学习该课程的状态中去。在线学习板块不仅仅是展现该课程教师智慧的平台, 更是展现学生才华的平台, 教师要鼓励学生积极参与进来使这一平台变得更加丰富多彩。关于在线测试板块, 教师可以根据教学大纲的要求和选用教材的特点设计多套测试题库供学生课后练习使用。在线监控板块是对学生在线学习的记录, 可以帮助教师了解学生在线学习的情况, 教师可以通过此板块给学生布置课后作业并要求按规定的时间内完成, 技术条件允许的情况下教师可以利用系统自动批改, 这样学生也可以得到及时反馈, 有利于教与学的顺利进行。
综上所述, 网络多媒体辅助教学不仅可以满足学生获取学习资源的要求, 还可以使教师根据平台的交互功能随时关注与引导学生, 同时也改变了教师的单向灌输者的角色。借助网络多媒体进行辅助教学, 能保证教师在有限的教学时间里为学生提供较多的学习内容。同时缓解不断扩大的学生群体与相对不足的教师数量之间的矛盾, 为教师和学生进行创新性的教学活动提供了更为广阔而灵活的空间。总体来说, 网络多媒体辅助的英语国家概况课程具有可行性, 概况课教师要进一步深化研究, 积累更多更成熟的多媒体辅助教学经验, 以提高英语国家概况课程教学的整体质量。
[1]樊文武.多媒体与英语概况教学[J].太原城市职业技术学院学报, 2005 (4) .[1]樊文武.多媒体与英语概况教学[J].太原城市职业技术学院学报, 2005 (4) .
[2]马岩, 张恒权.论高校英美概况课程的教学模式[J].黑龙江高教研究, 2008 (11) .[2]马岩, 张恒权.论高校英美概况课程的教学模式[J].黑龙江高教研究, 2008 (11) .
[3]戴晓东.《英美概况》网络多媒体辅助教学的设计与实施[J].浙江万里学院学报, 2006 (1) .[3]戴晓东.《英美概况》网络多媒体辅助教学的设计与实施[J].浙江万里学院学报, 2006 (1) .
8.美国加拿大概况要点 篇八
1the first settlement in North America
The first English permanent settlement was organized in 1607 by the London Company with a charter from the English King.The colonists settled in Virginia and survived by imposing strict discipline on them and by transplanting tobacco in the colony of Virginia.In 1619, the settlers elected their delegates and set up the House of Burgesses, and the same time they bought and enslaved black servants.These two greatly influenced the political and social development of the United States later.2the religion reform and leaders
In the Religious Reformation, Martin Luther, a German professor of theology, believed that sinful men could win salvation neither by good works nor through the church or the pope.And the only true guide to the will of god was the Bible.John Calvin, a Frenchman, who had fled to Switzerland, started his reform movement.In England, King Henry VIII,(8th)because of the political disputes with the Roman Catholic Church and his marital problems broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and set up the Church of England, and he became the head of the Church.3the founding father of Unite State Benjamin Franklindrafted Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson
George Washington the commander of Continental Army and Navy
4the cause of American Revolution
By the early 1760s, the 13 colonies in North America had developed a similar American pattern in politics, economy and cultural life and enjoyed the same frontier environment.As a result, they were ready to separate themselves from the old world.The American Revolution officially proclaimed the birth of a new nation of Americans.3 civilizations
Aztecs, 阿兹台克Incas, Mayas
6Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights consists of the first 10 amendments which were added to the Constitution in1791.The Bill of Rights was passed to guarantee freedom and individual rights such as freedom of speech, the right to assemble public places, the right to own weapons and so on.7check and balance p58
Three-part national government, they often refer to what they call its system of “check and balances”.The system works in many ways to keep serious mistakes from being made by one branch or another.declaration of independence
The declaration of independence proclaimed that 13 united colonies are and of right ought to be free and independent states.But they were not clear about the future political system of the United States and the relationship between the states and the government of the new nation.united states constitution
The plan for the government was written in very simple language in a document called the constitution of the United States.1The constitution set up a federal 联邦的system with a strong central government.A federal system is one in which power is shared between a central authority and its constituent parts, with some rights reserved to each.2The constitution also called for the election of national leader.3It provided that federal laws would be made only by a congress made up of representatives elected by the people.It also provided for a national court system headed by a supreme court.10wasp =a white Anglo-Saxon Protestant
American mainstream culture was developed from what is known as “WASP” culture and that people who settled
in the 13 North American colonies that would become the United States were mostly Protestant believers.11relationship between government and religion
The United States would have no state-supported religion.In this way, those men who formulated the principle tenets of the newly established political system hoped to insure that the diversity of religious belief would never become the source of social or political injustice or disaffection.religions between USA and European
First of all, American with different religions lives together under the same law.The bill of rights in the US constitution insists that there should be no state religion.Secondly, the religious beliefs of American continue to be strong with social progress.Thirdly, in the United States every church is completely independent organization, and concerned with its own finance and its own building.three faiths
By the 1095s, the 3 faiths model of American religion had developed.American was considered to come in 3 basic varieties: Protestant, Catholic and Jewish.In term of numbers, the Protestant are the strongest, the Catholic is next to the Protestant and Jewish are the smallest among the 3.Mark Twain
Mark Twain is the pen name of Samuel Clemens.He was one of the greatest American writers.He captured a peculiarly American sense of humor.He represented a new American voice.His major work was The Adventures of Huckberry Finn which has been called the great novel in American literature.15The lost generation
In the aftermath of World War I, many novelists produced a literature of disillusionment.Some lived in Europe.They were known as the lost generation, two of the most representative of it were Hemingway and Fitzgerald.16Hemingway
His main characters were usually tough, silent men, good at sports or war but awkward in their dealing with women.Among his best books were The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms, and for whom the Bell Tolls.17nobel prize
Sinclair Lewis first one in USA /O’Neil /Saul Bellow/Isaac Bashevis Singer/
Hemingway /William Faulkner
18famous universities
California Institute of Technology 加州理工学院 Harvard University(MA)哈佛大学Massachusetts Inst.of Technology 麻省理工学院 Princeton University(NJ)普林斯顿大学Yale University(CT)耶鲁大学 Stanford University(CA)斯坦福大学 19Social separation
White and black couldn’t be together in a public place to enjoy the same right
It was a secret organization which set up after the 1865 civil war of United States in the southern.It objected the liberation of black slavers in northern.Many years later, they came to alive to flight against the Jewish and Catholic people to keep the highest station of white.21luther King
P155 A civil right leader during the movement in 1960s gave a lot of speech, like “I have a dream”.He won the Nobel peace prize in 1964s for his achievement of raising the image of black.22Conterculture
It rejected capitalism and other American principles.They had morals different from those taught by their parents.Some groups of youth tried to construct different ways of life.23hippies
They sought experience through dropping out and drug taking.But it was music, rock music in particular.They had a great impact on social moral.24imagery of crime
Male, young, a member of a racial minority, and a city resident
25Cold war
By the end of WWII, the United States became the strongest country in the world.As the possessor of atomic bombs and much of the world’s gold reserve, the policy-maker of the US wanted world order, and the US encountered determined resistance from the Soviet Union.Finally the two wartime allies fell apart.26NATO北大西洋公约组织
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization members are United States, Canada, Portugal, Italy, Norway, Denmark and Iceland.Organization constitutes a system of collective defence whereby its member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party
27Warsaw The Warsaw Treaty was the Soviet Bloc’s military response to NATO Pact.28先发制人 Preemption
Preemption is formalized in the National Security Strategy issued in September 2002.When it determines that a country which is repressive and hostile to the US has acquired or produced weapons of mass destruction or has the potential to possess such weapons.29杜鲁门主义Truman Doctrine
The Truman Doctrine was a policy set forth by U.S.President Harry S.Truman on March 12, 1947 stating that the U.S.would support Greece and Turkey with economic and military aid to prevent their falling into the Soviet sphere.30古巴导弹危机Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban Missile Crisis was a confrontation between the Soviet Union, Cuba and the United States in October 1962, during the Cold War.In September 1962, the Cuban and Soviet governments began to surreptitiously build bases in Cuba for a number of medium-and intermediate-range ballistic nuclear missiles with the ability to strike most of the continental United States.This issue was the turning point of the cold war.Can basic info(from sea to sea)
1the biggest city and the capital TorontoOttawa
210provinces and 3 territories
Canada is a federation composed of ten provinces and three territories.In turn, these may be grouped into regions: Western Canada, Central Canada, Atlantic Canada, and Northern Canada(the latter made up of the three territories: Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut).3economy
Canadian economy is influenced by Canada’s physical geography: huge size and small population has made extracting and transporting goods to markets difficult.The second is United States, which shares the long and open border with it.The third is the government’s intervention介入in the economy, rather than the market plays a full role.4central Canada
Central Canada, consisting of Ontario安大略and Quebec, are the parts of the country that were first settled.They are the industrial heartland of the country and are also the most densely populated provinces.They have the largest cities like Toronto and Montreal蒙特利尔.5Quebec
Quebec is a mainly French-speaking province in Canada.Here French speakers comprise 83% of the population.They feel that their linguistic and cultural heritage is threatened by the mainly English-speaking environment and that they are economically dominated by English Canada.They are keen to preserve the historic language and French-speaking culture.Canada-US relations
They are the 2 of the most open and interconnected societies in the world.They share a long and undefended border and they are in many military alliance.They also share long term interests in their economy.But sometime s there is the point where differences of opinion occur.The relations often have been rocky.Canada is governed as a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state.7political system
1Canada’s system of government is based on the British system of parliamentary democracy.Canada is monarchy and its official head of state is the Queen, who is represented by an official called a Governor General.2The federal government distinguishes from the lower level government.3The parliament is divided into the house of common and the house of senate.The MP is elected.The head of the party which wins the most seats becomes the Prime minister.The cabinet is chosen by Prime Minister, is made up of senior Mps from the governing Party.8party
加拿大自由党Liberal Party of Canada
加拿大保守党Conservative Party of Canada
加拿大新民主党New Democratic Party