1.七下牛津英语期末 篇一
1. 你收到这封信的时候,我们将已经起航去一个遥远小岛了。(by the time)
2. Tom中学一毕业立刻就参军了。(upon)
3. 这场意外事故造成两人死亡。(result in)
4. 你写的内容和这个题目没有关系。(have nothing to do with)
5. Carter以及他所有的队员挖走了坟墓里的一切。(as well as)
6. 他是一位很了不起的老师,所有的学生都尊敬他。(look up to)
7. 请确定在你离开教室的时候将所有的门窗都关好,以防有人闯入。(make sure; in case)
8. 尽管这个地区被山环绕,但是山上的树木却正在遭到破坏。(even though)
9. 无论你做出什么样的决定,我们都坚决支持你。(whatever)
10. 政府一直向洪涝地区输送免费的食物和衣服。(provide)
11. 在这个天堂般的世界里,人和动物和睦相处。(live in harmony with)
12. 探险家们正在加紧搜寻一种像人一样的动物。(step up)
13. 由于他的无礼,我不想再和他说一句话。(due to)
14. 当他知道他在这次考试中失败了,他变得很沮丧。(go)
15. 根据最近一份调查报告显示,学生将一半以上的业余时间花在做作业上。(according to)
16. 警察已经阿排除了那个男孩被他继母的谋杀的可能性。(rule out, possibility)
17. 这把刀过去常被用来切肉。(used to)
18. 孔子是如此伟大的一个教育家,以至于他赢得全世界人们的尊敬。(so…that…)
19. 尽管这个工作很具挑战性,但作为一个很有经验的工程师,他还是完成了任务。(though, experience)
20. 老师总是鼓励我们要多尝试一些新的方法,并且要求我们在遇到失败的时候永远不要放弃。(encourage, require)
21. 谁将负责制作甜点?(charge)
22. 不好的行为理应受到惩罚。(suppose)
23. 既然教室一片混乱,我觉得我们应该将它清理干净。(now that, feel like)
24. 刚才我看到一道恐怖的闪电,随之是轰隆隆的雷声。(follow)
25. 我昨晚很晚才睡,因为我迫不及待的想知道比赛的结果。(can’t wait)
26. 他坚持一个人去冒险。(insist)
27. 我们都渴望听到刚才发生了什么。(dying)
28. 他花了一整天的时间解字谜中的十个词。(work out)
29. 我认为肥胖的人不用为他们的身体感到不自在。(embarrass)
30. 给你带来这么多的麻烦,我感到很抱歉。(ashamed)
31. 减肥药里含有一种有毒物质,这种物质通常会引起人的肝脏衰竭。(cause)
1. By the time you receive this letter, we have set sail for a faraway island.
2. Upon graduating from high school, Tom joined the army immediately.
3. The unexpected accident resulted in two deaths of people.
4. What you have written had nothing to do with this title.
5. Cater, as well as all his group members, emptied the tomb of everything it contained.
6. He is a great teacher, who all the students look up to.
7. Please make sure that you have closed all the windows and doors in case someone break in.
8. Even though this area is surrounded by hills, the trees are being destroyed now.
9. Whatever decision you make, we will strongly support you/ give you full support.
10. The government kept the flooded areas provided with food and clothing free of charge.
11. In this heavenly world, people live in harmony with animals.
12. Explorers are stepping up their research for a man-like creature.
13. Due to his rudeness, I said no more word to him. .
14. He went frustrated when he found out he failed in the exam.
15. According to a recent survey, students spend more than half of their spare time doing homework.
16. The police ruled out the possibility that the boy had been murdered by his step-mother.
17. This knife used to be used to cut meat.
18. Confucius was so great an educator that he earned respect from people all over the world.
19. Though the work is a bit challenging, he still achieved his aim as an experienced engineer.
20. Teachers always encourage us to try out new ideas and require that we should never give up when facing failure.
21. who will be in charge of making desserts?
22. Bad behavior is supposed to be punished.
23. Now that the classroom is a mess, I feel like that we should clean it up.
24. I saw a frightening lightening , followed by thunder.
25. I stayed up late last night, as I can’t wait to see the result of the match.
26. He insisted on going adventure by himself/alone.
27. We are dying to hear what happened just now.
28. He spent the whole day working out the ten words in the work puzzle.
29. I don’t think fat people should feel embarrassed with their body.
30. I am ashamed to have brought you so much trouble.
31. The weight-loss pills contain a harmful chemical that often cause people’s liver to fail.
2.七下牛津英语期末 篇二
随着上课铃声的响起,我穿了身运动服,戴上了旅游帽,拿起了一面小彩旗,,斜挎个包,活脱脱一个导游,站在了大家的面前,我没开口,同学们目光齐刷刷洒向了我, 个个惊诧地瞪大了眼睛,好像不相信自己的眼睛似的。于是,我神秘地说,Today,I will show you around the Palace Museum in Sunshine Town....毋庸置疑,学生们被教师的特殊的穿戴和简短的导入,带进了“神秘”的英语课堂,学生的注意力被牢牢吸引,为高效课堂的创建打下了基础。
在学生们透漏出怀疑之色时,多媒体被打开,中和殿、太和殿、保和殿、奉先殿、皇极殿等精美的图片一一展现在学生们面前,我仍然以导游的身份和口气用英语娓娓道来, 故宫也叫紫禁城,位于北京的市中心,是目前世界上规模最大、建筑最宏伟、保存最完整的古代宫殿和古代建筑群, 房屋9000多间,占地72万平方米。故宫分为两部分,南为处理朝政的地方,北为生活场所,故宫博物院,是世界上古代文化艺术博物馆,被联合国教科文组织列为“世界文化遗产”。接下来,介绍故宫的几大宫殿。
用一张故宫的平面图,介绍最重要的宫殿,以问题There are a lot of palaces. Do you know them?引导学生回答Baohe Palace、Taihe Palace、Zhonghe Palace、Fengxian Palace、Huangji Palace...以问题What we can see there?引导学生跟着“导游”的踪迹参观浏览故宫博物院。
在教师通过多媒体画面介绍故宫后,展示一张关于故宫的海报,教师巧妙地话题一转,Some exchange students from UK is going to visit the Palace Museum. Can you be a guide to introduce the Palace Museum to them? So they can know a lot about it.在学生们跃跃欲试、情绪高涨之时,给学生一段文字材料,告诉他们要想当好导游,自己先熟悉故宫的概况。于是,学生们迫不及待地阅读了起来,多数学生还做了笔记, 将The name of the palace和What to see /do there一一对应。
5分钟之后,学生们显然做好了充分的准备,个个信心百倍,摩拳擦掌,几位学生先后煞有介事地当起了“导游”: Welcome to Sunshine town. Today I will show you around the Palace Museum. It is a wonderful place to visit. First,let’s go the Baohe Palace…
在学生们各尽其能,引领众多“游客”参观游览故宫博物院之后,我又设计一个任务:这些英国交换生,还想“参观电影博物院”(the Film Museum),这儿有一张电影博物院的海报,从中,我们可以了解到电影博物院有两个馆,A和B,分别可以看到什么、做些什么,四人一组,口头交流, 再次当个“导游”,带领“游客们”到电影博物院参观参观吧!话音未落,大部分学生为了介绍得有井有条,迅速拿起笔,发挥想象,奋笔疾书,形成文字稿。有的同学之间开始讨论、交流。之后,一双双手举满了教室,有的干脆不经老师同意,就站了起来,争先恐后,当起了“小导游”。
亮点一、实现了“教教材”到“用教材教”的转变。本课时,本应教学Grammar,可是,考虑到教材的知识之间的连贯性,Welcome to the unit中,提到英国交换生来中国访问,并了解了几位交换生的兴趣爱好,Reading围绕着交换生的爱好, 以Would you like to...?为主线,介绍了到阳光镇吃中餐、商场购物、听京剧等具体细节,在综合技能部分,在此基础上,引领交换生参观旅游......因此,几个部分浑然一体。如果学习语法,就找不到教材的连贯性、衔接性。因此,本节课,笔者进行了教材的整改,实现了“教教材”到“用教材教”的转变。
3.七下牛津英语期末 篇三
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
1. 2.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
3. 4.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
1、A.I can sing . B.I can read.
2、A. He has got a bicycle .
B. She has got a balloon.
3、A. Give me a rubber .
B. Give me a ruler.
4、A. This is my brother .
B. This is my sister.
5、A. I like to eat mooncakes.
B. I like to eat apples.
r t a r o y
l t m e o y
p t f a c e
o s w i n g
h j u m p y
s l i d e y
1. mother father write
2. pear dance peach
3. leaf taro autumn
4. pen ball doll
5. mooncake one two
6. pencil dance bag
7. nose ear swing
8. bean swing slide
9. one jump sing
10. melon lemon write
1.peach 2.sing 3.book 4. six
5.jump 6.melon 7.five 8. bag
1. ( )I can read.
( ) I can sing.
2. ( ) I can write
( ) I can dance.
3. ( ) I can jump.
( ) I can draw.
4. ( ) I can draw.
( ) I can write.
5. ( ) I can dance.
4.七下牛津英语期末 篇四
Unit Three (Module III)
I. 重点单词
1. 文明 2. 讲座 3. 爆发 4.不幸地
5. 埋葬 6. 主管,负责人 7. 毁坏,摧毁 8. 富有的
9. 商业的 10. 渐渐地 11. 文化的 12. 机构,研究所
13.材料,物质 14. 文献,文件 15. 木制的 16.解决办法
17.担心的,关心的 18. 市民的 19.爆炸
20. 总统 21.共和国 22. 混乱 23.影响
24.推翻 25.形成 26. 重新统一 27.下沉
II. 重点词组
1. 赢得这次旅行的一个名额感到很幸运
2. 作为……很出名 3. 被活埋
4 被任命为总指挥 5. 每逢雨天
6. 想像做某事 7. 埋在沙子下面的建筑物遗址
8. 阻止某人做某事 9. 被选为加拿大代表
10. 第一个做某事的人 11. 参与做某事
12. 经过保护的一个妇女尸体
13. 使某事取得极大的成功 14. 使某人发狂
15. 本(不)该做某事 16. 影响…….发展
17. 成立时以长安作为其首都
18. 在使用中 19. 设法做成某事
20. 作为……的回报 21. 在接下来的一年中
22. 经过困难的时期/光 23. 接管
24. 处于良好的状况 25. 在(上)船上(机、车上)
26. 纪念 27. 对……关心/担心
III. 重点原句(注意划线部分)
1. I feel lucky to have won a place on this trip.
2. Next week we are flying to China, and going to Loulan, which is known as China’s Pompeii.
3. Unfortunately, all the people were buried alive, and so was the city.
4. The city was forgotten for many years until the 18th century.
5. Fiorelli was made director of the Pompeii dig.
6. So you didn’t have to step in the mud in the streets on rainy days!
7. It is believed by many people to have been gradually covered over by sandstorms from AD200…
8. Sven found the remains of buildings buried under the sand.
9. Even that didn’t prevent the city from being buried by sand---What a pity!
10. I was so excited to be picked to represent Canada.
11. In 1980 I was involved in discovering the preserved body of a woman.
12. His work has made the discovery of Loulan a huge success.
13. Not only was Rome a city and a republic, but it was also to become the capital of one of the largest empires in history.
14. The Han Dynasty was founded with Chang’an as its capital city.
15. What is interesting is that the other largest city was Rome.
16. Chinese people managed to travel further, introducing silk, china, etc.
17. In return for silk, China received wine, spices, wool and other goods.
18. In the following hundred years both Rome and China had a difficult time.
1. We didn’t expect that Sara was made _____ of the Students’ Union.
A. chairman B. a chairman C. the chairman D. chairmen
2. The noise of the planes taking off and landing time and time again nearly_____ the people around the airport mad.
A. left B. kept C. drove D. caused
3. The visiting guests sent us some of the pictures drawn by the students of theirs schools, and we sent them some of our calligraphy_____.
A. in return B. in turn C. by turn D. for return
4. The general manager has to retire due to his illness. Who do you think will_____ the business?
A. take in B. take up C. take on D. take over
5. Mike woke up to find himself _____ by flowers, which he later found out came from the ______ villages.
A. surrounding; surrounded B. surrounded; surrounding
C. surrounded; surrounded D. surrounding; surrounding
6. We should never forget the days_____ China was invaded and many people were buried_____.
A. when; live B. which; alive
C. when; alive D. which; living
7. The government has taken some measures to prevent more trees from_____.
A. cutting down B. cut down.
C. being cut down D. been cut down
8.Yesterday evening I tried to call you, but I couldn’t get through as the telephone was always in _____.
A. need B. use C. case D. addition
9. Now ______ as a hero for the journey into outer space, Yang Liwei has earned much respect from people all over the world.
A. knowing B. being known
C. known D. having known
10.The government is considering the environment-friendly plan which some scientists would like to see______ soon.
A. to be carried out B. be carried out
C. carrying out D. carried out
11.A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _____ in the kitchen.
A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked
12.The murder was brought in, with his hands _____ behind his back.
A. being tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied
13.Either you or the headmaster_____ the prize to these gifted students at the meeting.
A. is handing out B. are to hand out
C. are handing out D. is to hand out
14.One-third of the area _____ covered with green trees. About seventy percent of the trees ______ been planted.
A. are; have B. is; has C. is; have D. are; has
15.Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains_____ whether they will enjoy it.
A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen
II. 单词拼写
1. Many famous buildings such as the Great Wall and the Summer Place can represent the ancient c___________ of China.
2. The garden that was once so beautiful was d___________ in the flood.
3. Since the law of wildlife protection came into effect, the number of the milu deer has grown g_____________ year by year.
4. Manhattan is well known as the c____________ centre of America.
5. He grew up in a w___________ family, so he knows nothing about the life of the poor.
6. Many American p____________ served in Congress before they have the highest political position.
7. The __________(残留物) of lunch were still on the table.
8. He committed the crime under the __________(影响) of a strong passion.
9. The party is in complete ____________(混乱) after its election defeat.
10. There are some _____________(相似处) between the two poets.
11. America ___________( 宣布) war on Japan in 1941.
12._______________(不幸地), Karen got seriously injured in a car accident on her way home.
III. 翻译句子
1.I consider myself______________________________________(很幸运有机会参观印度)
2. __________________________________________(他烟酒不沾), but is still in bad health.
3. 我从公共汽车上下来时,发现钱包被偷了。
When I got off the bus I _________________________.
What can we do _______________________?
The library was built _____________________ the scientist
6. Peter 很友好, 作为回报我们给他送了一份漂亮的礼物。
We gave Peter a nice present__________________ his kindness.
Key: I. 1~5 ACADB 6~10 CCBCD 11~15 BDDCB
II. 1 civilization 2 destroyed 3gradually 4 commercial 5 wealthy
6 presidents 7 remains 8 influence 9 confusion 10 similarities
11 declared 12 Unfortunately/Unluckily
5.人教七下语文期末测试答案 篇五
② 表达了诗人宁静、淡泊和愉悦的心情。
8、(1)墙报的标题:马的趣谈(五彩缤纷的马)(2)墙报的3个版面的内容:①趣味知识② 马与文学③名马故事
9、(1)余 闻 之 也 ∕久。(2)非 复∕ 吴 下 阿 蒙!