1.大学英语四级听力教案 篇一
Listen to This(Book 1)
教研室: 英语听力教研室
Preparatory Lesson One I Teaching Aims: To know something about numbers, days and addresses
To be familiar with the reading of numbers, days and addresses in English
To know about some simple day life dialogues in English
II Teaching Material
Listen to This: 1 Preparatory Lesson One
III Teaching Aids
Language Lab
IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: To let the students to write down phonetic alphabet and read them To let the students learn some new words and expression that will appear in the listening material Chemist: person who prepares medicines(from prescriptions)and sell medical goods, toilet articles, etc.n.药剂师; 药商(常兼营化妆品等)。Piccadilly:(英国伦敦)皮卡迪利大街(以其时髦的商店,俱乐部,旅馆和住宅著称)。
Sutton: 萨顿[英国英格兰东南部城市](在伦敦西南)。Bristol: 布里斯托尔[英国英格兰东南西南部港市](艾冯郡首府,临布里斯托尔海峡)。Saint Thomas: 圣托马斯(here name of a person)Bond: Here Bond Street Archer: Here Mrs.Archer Eton: Here Eton Avenue Eden: Here Eden Square Blake: Here Dr.Blake Oxford: Here Oxford Street Jones: Here Mrs.Jones
To let the students know about some simple skills of listening 2.Listening-centered Activities
To let the students listen to the tape of sections one by one in Preparatory Lesson One and fill in the blanks in the listening book.Section One
Numbers Days Addresses and some sentences
Section Two
Section Three Dictation Word groups To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers
Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time 3.Group Activities Divide the students into several groups, then let every group has one student to say some numbers, days and addresses arbitrarily, the rest of the group to write down what they have heard.With this group activity, we can practice the students’ knowledge of numbers, days and addresses.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Preparatory Lesson Two I Teaching Aims: To know something about numbers, letters and times
To be familiar with the reading of numbers, letters and times in English To know about some simple day life dialogues in English
II Teaching Material
Listen to This: 1 Preparatory Lesson Two
III Teaching Aids Language Lab
IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Ask students how to read numbers and times in English? Let students say some nations they have learned in High School.2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Preparatory Lesson Two Vocabulary explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One numbers, letters, times Section Two Dialogues Section Three Dictation Word groups To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers
Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time 3.Group Activities Divide the students into several groups, then let every group has one student to say some numbers, letters and times arbitrarily, the rest of the group to write down what they have heard.With this group activity, we can practice the students’ knowledge of numbers, letters and times.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Preparatory Lesson Three I Teaching Aims: To know something about numbers and some tips in reading numbers
To be familiar with reading numbers II Teaching Material
Listen to This: 1 Preparatory Lesson Three
III Teaching Aids Language Lab
IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Ask students how to read numbers and times in English? Give them some long numbers to read Long numbers are spoken as separate digits grouped rhythmically in twos or threes.Reading cardinal numbers, a comma is sometimes used instead of a space to separate the thousands in numbers greater than 999.How to read “ 0” in English? “Zero” is the most common US usage and the most technical or precise form.When reading a telephone or bank account number we say the letter “O”.Nought is commonly used when referring to the figure “ 0”as part of a number 2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Preparatory Lesson Three Vocabulary
Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One Numbers Section Two Dialogues Section Three Dictation Word groups To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers
Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time
3.Group Activities Divide the students into several groups, then let every group has one student to say some numbers arbitrarily, the rest of the group to write down what they have heard.With this group activity, we can practice the students’ knowledge of numbers.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Preparatory Lesson Four I Teaching Aims: To know about numbers of mileage and population and how to read the numbers of mileage and population in English
To be familiar with the nations and its adjective in English
II Teaching Material
Listen to This: 1 Preparatory Lesson Four
III Teaching Aids Language Lab
IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Ask students how to read numbers of mileage and population in English? Give students some numbers to read
Know about coin in English 2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Preparatory Lesson Four Vocabulary
Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One Numbers of mileage and population Section Two Dialogues Section Three Dictation Word groups To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers
Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time
3.Group Activities Divide the students into several groups, then let every group has one student to say some numbers arbitrarily, the rest of the group to write down what they have heard.With this group activity, we can practice the students’ knowledge of numbers.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Preparatory Lesson Five I Teaching Aims: To know about money and how to read the numbers of money in English
To be familiar with the expression of money in English
II Teaching Material
Listen to This: 1 Preparatory Lesson Five
III Teaching Aids Language Lab
IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let students know about money in English
A penny = 1 cent
A nickel = 5 cents
A dime = 10 cents
A quarter = 25 cents 2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Preparatory Lesson Five Vocabulary
Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One Coins Section Two Dialogues To choose some students to give their answers after listening Then correct the their answers
Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time
3.Group Activities Divide the students into several groups, then let every group has one student to choose some commodities to ask the price arbitrarily, one student of the rest group to tell her or him in English.With this group activity, we can practice the students’ knowledge of money in English.4.Homework Let students do Section three as homework, write down the answers in their notebook and hand in.Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson One I Teaching Aims: To know about some day life dialogues in English
To learn how to fill in blanks in English listening
II Teaching Material
Listen to This: 1 Lesson One
III Teaching Aids Language Lab
IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let students prepare some mini-talk like day life dialogues in English Let several students to say their mini-talk in front of their classmates 2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Lesson One
Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One
Dialogues Section Two
Discussion and Interview Section Three Dictation of short paragraphs
Let students know about punctuation mark in English in Section Three To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time
3.Activities Let students to recite the simple dialogues we have listened and answer the teacher’s questions about their dialogues in a few words.With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson Two I Teaching Aims: To know about more day life dialogues in English
To learn how to fill in more blanks in English listening
II Teaching Material
Listen to This: 1 Lesson Two
III Teaching Aids Language Lab
IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmates
Correct their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations
2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Lesson Two
Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One
Dialogues Section Two
Conversation and Story Section Three Dictation of short paragraphs
To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers
Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time
3.Activities Let students to recite the simple dialogues we have listened and answer the teacher’s questions about their dialogues in a few words.With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson Three I Teaching Aims: To know about more day life dialogues in English
To learn how to fill in more blanks of conversation in English listening To learn how to answer some questions in their own words after listening
II Teaching Material
Listen to This: 1 Lesson Three
III Teaching Aids Language Lab
IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmates
Correct their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations
2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Lesson Three
Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One
Dialogues Section Two
Conversation and Interview Section Three Dictation of short paragraphs
To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers
Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time
3.Activities Let students to recite the simple dialogues we have listened and answer the teacher’s questions about their dialogues in a few words.With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.Listen to a short song in English and write it down, also can have a volunteer to sing the song.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson Four I Teaching Aims: To know about more day life dialogues in English
To learn how to fill in more blanks of conversation in English listening To learn how to answer some questions in their own words after listening to a long conversation II Teaching Material
Listen to This: 1 Lesson Four
III Teaching Aids Language Lab
IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmates
Correct their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations
2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Lesson Four
Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One
Dialogues Section Two
Conversations Section Three Dictation of short paragraphs
To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers
Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time
3.Activities Let students to recite the simple conversations we have listened and answer the teacher’s questions about their conversations in a few words.With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson Five I Teaching Aims: To know about more day life dialogues in English
To learn how to fill in more blanks of conversation in English listening To know about some kinds of question in English listening test
II Teaching Material
Listen to This: 1 Lesson five
III Teaching Aids Language Lab
IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmates
Correct their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations
2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Lesson Five
Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One
Dialogues Section Two
Word Exercises, Discussion and Interview Section Three Dictation of short paragraphs
To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers
Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time
3.Activities Let students to retell the interviews we have listened and answer the teacher’s questions about interviews in a few words.With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.Divide the students into several groups, then let every group has one student to say some letters of a word and give some help or clue, the rest of the group to guess which word it is.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Let students do the game of guessing words after class.Lesson Six I Teaching Aims:
To learn how to fill in more blanks of conversation in English listening To answer the questions simply in their own words after listening
To know about telephone conversation in English
II Teaching Material
Listen to This: 1 Lesson Six
III Teaching Aids Language Lab
IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmates
Correct their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations
2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Lesson Six
Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One
Dialogues Section Two
Telephone Conversations Section Three Dictation of short paragraphs
To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers
Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time
3.Activities Let students to recite the telephone conversations we have listened and answer the teacher’s questions about their dialogues in a few words.With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson Seven I Teaching Aims: To answer the questions simply in their own words after listening
To know about monologue and telephone conversation in English
II Teaching Material
Listen to This: 1 Lesson Seven
III Teaching Aids Language Lab
IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmates
Correct their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations
2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Lesson Seven
Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One
Dialogues Section Two
Problems, Monologue and Telephone Conversations Section Three Dictation of short paragraphs
To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers
Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time
3.Activities Let students to retell the monologue and recite the telephone conversations we have listened and answer the teacher’s questions in a few words.With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson Eight I Teaching Aims: To answer the questions simply in their own words after listening To know how to express their views about some topics in English
II Teaching Material
Listen to This: 1 Lesson Eight
III Teaching Aids Language Lab
IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmates
Correct their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations
2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Lesson Eight
Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One
Dialogues Section Two
Likes and Dislikes, Window-shopping and Discussion Section Three Dictation of short paragraphs
To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers
Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time
3.Activities Let several students to say something about their likes and dislikes.Find a topic and let students give their views on the topic.With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson Nine I Teaching Aims: To answer the questions simply in their own words after listening To know how to express their views about some topics in English
II Teaching Material
Listen to This: 1 Lesson Nine
III Teaching Aids Language Lab
IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmates
Correct their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations
2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Lesson Nine
Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One
Dialogues(1-15)Section Two
A.An Invitation to a Volleyball Match
B.Telephone Conversation C.Monologues(1-3)Section Three Dictation
To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers
Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time after every section.3.Activities Let students to repeat what they have heard one dialogue by one dialogue.Find a topic and let students give their views on the topic.With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson Ten I Teaching Aims: To answer the questions simply in their own words after listening To know how to order in English in a hotel or a restaurant
II Teaching Material
Listen to This: 1 Lesson Ten
III Teaching Aids Language Lab
IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmates
Correct their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations
2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Lesson Ten
Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One
Hotel English Section Two
B.Forum Section Three Spot Dictations(1-2)
To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers
Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time after every section.3.Activities Let students to repeat what they have heard one dialogue by one dialogue.Find a topic and let students give their views on the topic.With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson Eleven I Teaching Aims: To answer the questions simply in their own words after listening To know how to order in English in a hotel or a restaurant
II Teaching Material
Listen to This: 1 Lesson Eleven
III Teaching Aids Language Lab
IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmates
Correct their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations
2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Lesson Eleven Vocabulary
Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One
Restaurant English Dialogues(1-3)Section Two
A.Telephone Conversation B.Discussion
D.Music or Money Section Three Dictations(1-2)
To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers
Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time after every section.3.Activities Let students to repeat what they have heard one dialogue by one dialogue.Find a topic and let students give their views on the topic.With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson Twelve I Teaching Aims: To answer the questions simply in their own words after listening To know how to order in English in a hotel or a restaurant
II Teaching Material
Listen to This: 1 Lesson Twelve
III Teaching Aids Language Lab
IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmates
Correct their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations
2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Lesson Twelve Vocabulary
Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One
Restaurant English Dialogues(1-3)Section Two
C.A Party Section Three Dictations(1-5)
To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers
Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time after every section.3.Activities Let students to repeat what they have heard one dialogue by one dialogue.Find a topic and let students give their views on the topic.With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson Thirteen I Teaching Aims: To answer the questions simply in their own words after listening To know how to order in English in a hotel or a restaurant
II Teaching Material
Listen to This: 1 Lesson Thirteen
III Teaching Aids Language Lab
IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmates
Correct their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations
2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Lesson Thirteen Vocabulary
Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One
Restaurant English Dialogues(1-3)Section Two
A.Discussing Past Events
B.Telephone Conversation
C.Conversation at Perfect Partners Ltd.Section Three Dictations A Letter
To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers
Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time after every section.3.Activities Let students to repeat what they have heard one dialogue by one dialogue.Find a topic and let students give their views on the topic.With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson Fourteen I Teaching Aims: To answer the questions simply in their own words after listening To be familiar with telephone conversation and conversation in a shop
II Teaching Material
Listen to This: 1 Lesson Fourteen
III Teaching Aids Language Lab
IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmates
Correct their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations
2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Lesson Fourteen Vocabulary
Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One
Section Two
A.Telephone Conversation(1-3)B.Shopping Section Three Dictation
To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers
Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time after every section.3.Activities Let students to repeat what they have heard one dialogue by one dialogue.Find a topic and let students give their views on the topic.With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson Fifteen I Teaching Aims: To answer the questions simply in their own words after listening To know about some conversations in a restaurant
II Teaching Material
Listen to This: 1 Lesson Fifteen
III Teaching Aids Language Lab
IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmates
Correct their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations
2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Lesson Fifteen Vocabulary
Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One
Section Two
A.Quick Lunch
B.Dinner C.Interview D.Why Can’t I
Do What I Like? Section Three Dictation To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers
Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time after every section.3.Activities Let students to repeat what they have heard one dialogue by one dialogue.Find a topic and let students give their views on the topic.With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.18 19
2.大学英语四级听力教案 篇二
大学英语四级考试自1987年第一次实施以来经过多次改革, 最后一次改革方案于2015年12月提出, 2016年6月正式实施。这次四级考试在听力上的改革, 删除了所有同学做惯了的老题型———短对话和听写, 增加了大家相对陌生的新闻听力。新闻听力共计3篇新闻, 每篇提两三个问题, 共七小题, 占总分的7%。改革后, 所有的听力题目都将以选择题的形式出现, 并且篇章听力的分值调整为2分每题, 难度上有了大幅度的提高。改革后的听力题型更注重对学生听力理解和应用能力的考查, 以及对英美国家时事新闻与文化等多方面知识的了解, 这就对大学英语听力教学提出了新的要求。
1.学生英语基础薄弱, 参差不齐。
大部分军队院校的学生招生有两个渠道:一方面可以通过参加高考考取军校, 另一方面可以从基层部队通过部队选拔考试考取军校。一般而言, 通过高考录取的学生英语水平相对较高, 而来自基层部队的学生由于参军后脱离英语学习, 同时参军前的知识文化水平相对欠缺, 因此入学后就造成学生英语水平良莠不一的现状。教员在开展教学时很难面面俱到地照顾到所有的学生。
根据资料统计及笔者几年的教学经验, 目前学生在课堂上使用的听力材料比较单一, 有很大的局限性, 特别是针对英语四级听力改革后的新题型而言, 具体问题主要涵盖以下几个方面: (1) 与课本配套的听力教材内容有些陈旧, 不能跟上时代发展的新形势, 对一些新闻时事和社会热点问题很少涉及;同时这些听力材料在形式安排上比较单一, 基本以选择和填空为主, 但是这种类型的选择题跟四级听力的选择又存在差异, 学生得不到专项训练。 (2) 有些单元的文章篇章太长, 适合做阅读材料, 而非适合听力材料;有些部分的内容趣味性不太强, 内容相对枯燥, 学生缺乏学习兴趣和热情。
大部分军队院校的非英语专业没有开设专门的英语听力课程, 而是把听力课穿插在精读课中, 因此, 学生接触和练习听力的机会有限。不仅如此, 英语任课教员结合学校的教学安排和教学大纲, 无法将精力过多地从精读延伸至听力教学方面。因此, 学员的听力能力缺乏专项训练, 再加上部分学员的英语基础较差, 面对改革后地四级题型更是望而却步。
改革后的四级听力将原先的短对话听力改成新闻听力, 这就要求学员更多地了解西方国家的时事新闻和社会文化背景知识。社会文化背景知识与听力理解有密切的联系, 在听力理解中有很大的作用, 它在一定程度上可以减少听者对声音的依赖, 增强其描述策略能力和推理策略能力, 进而正确地理解听音材料[1]。然而, 在常规教学中教员往往依托课本, 忽略文化背景知识的教学及新闻时事的传播, 同时学员课下缺乏了解时事的渠道, 因此这导致很多学生社会文化背景知识的欠缺, 进而影响其听力水平的提高。
针对改革后的新题型, 新闻听力的增加就是新闻素材的篇章听力的增加。这对学生的听力水平提出新的要求, 学生的教学计划势必跟着新的考试形势安排。笔者根据教学经验, 提出以下改革建议。
听力题型在四级题目中占35%的比例, 是四级考试的重点题型, 因此原先的贯穿在精读课中的听力课课时是远远不能满足学生的听力需求的。所有的班级必须增加至每周至少一次的听力课。辅导材料贴近四级考试的题型和难度, 特别是重点增加改革新题型新闻听力的材料, 加强篇章听力能力的训练。
2.搜集教学素材, 拓展文化背景知识。
新闻听力是这次四级改革后新增的题型, 这种新闻听力有别于以前专四、专八的新闻听力, 以往新闻听力的出现形式是一则新闻对应一道题目, 而此次的新闻听力是一则新闻对应两到三道题目, 也就是新闻素材的篇章听力。从难易程度上讲, 笔者认为新闻听力的难度要大于后面的篇章听力, 因为新闻的信息紧凑密集, 要学会抓住重点, 掌握中心大意, 同时要抓住要点和相关细节。学员以前对相关的题型接触较少。因此, 教员应当搜集新闻听力的素材及相关练习, 让学员熟悉新题型。同时要求学员每天听一些BBC和VOA的实时英语新闻, 了解西方国家的时事动态及文化背景知识。听力理解的成功基于听者的语言知识和背景知识的相互作用语言知识主要包括语音、词汇和句法知识等, 这些在英语课中都有所涉及, 背景知识则包括对讲话人的熟知程度对所讲话题的熟知程度等。了解背景知识有助于我们更好地理解听力材料, 有时候还可以帮助学员根据听力问题直接地判断答案。
当前四级考试的听力题型非常注重对学生听力基本能力和一些基本听力技巧的考察, 包括学生的速记能力、概括能力、预测技巧、语言转换技巧等。改革后的四级听力新增了新闻听力, 提高了篇章听力的分值。篇章听力是四级旧题型也是听力考试的常规题型, 因此学员对此都不陌生, 相应的听力技巧也比较熟练, 平时课堂上加强练习即可。新增的新闻听力不仅考查学生的速记能力和概括能力, 而且考查学生的文化背景知识。四级新闻相对较短, 包含的专业词汇较多, 学员刚开始接触的时候容易紧张慌乱, 很可能一篇新闻听完了只听到寥寥几个单词, 无从下笔做题。因此, 在平时的听力课上, 要注重新闻听力技巧的训练, 主要包含以下几个技巧:
(1) 根据选项联想新闻主题。新闻听力不外乎以下主题:国际关系、灾难、犯罪、经济、民生调查、恐怖主义、政治、科技、环境、体育等。预读考题的时候, 通过结合题干和选项的关键字眼, 可以看出这篇新闻主题是什么, 听的时候有所侧重。
(2) 根据选项记录重点。根据有些选项的内容, 就可以判断这属于什么命题类型, 然后根据类型做笔记。比如选项中有时间地点信息的, 那么在听的时候就应该注重对该信息的记录。
(3) 新闻导语揭示主旨大意。英语的新闻报道通常第一句是新闻导语, 这一句话是新闻最重要的信息, 它概括了全篇的主旨大意, 是新闻的点睛之笔。因此, 在新闻听力过程中要特别重视新闻的第一句话, 听懂了第一句话, 文章的大概意思就领会了一半, 这对于理解文章和答题都有很好的帮助。
以上为笔者在大学英语四级改革下, 对平时教学方式和技巧的总结, 但是具体的实施一方面要有学校的全力支持, 另一方面要依靠学员的积极配合, 三方的精诚合作才能取得最好的效果。
3.浅谈大学英语四级新闻听力对策 篇三
【关键词】大学英语四级 新闻听力 对策
1.语体特点。新闻报道快速、简洁,所以新闻用语、句式、语音语调、修辞也产生了独特的风格。这几种因素融合在一起,形成了学生进行新闻听力的困难之处。首先,句子高度浓缩的新闻报道属于书面语, 与句子结构松散的日常会话口语体不同, 它不像后者那样可以运用更为广泛多样的表达方式, 如音调、重 音、节奏、语气、停顿以及语速的变化等等来传递信息内容。在英语新闻中,常常伴有插入语、同位语及分词结构,使得学生的理解难度加大。其次,新闻报道涵盖各领域的内容,使用了大量的“小词”,这类词词义广泛、灵活生动,篇幅短小,往往给学生的理解造成困难,如back(支持),bid(努力)等。词汇的运用特点还体现在常常运用缩略词,如UNDP(联合国开发计划署),IAEA(国际原子能机构)。合成词也常常使用于新闻报道,如strife-ridden(战乱的),semi final (半决赛),hydroelectric(水力发电的)。这些词虽然形式多样,内容广泛,但是只要掌握组词规律及应用范围将有助于学生快速理解新闻内容,提取关键信息。
2.文体特点。新闻报道不同于其他形式的听力材料,它在结构上主要采用“倒金字塔法”和“时间顺序法”。“倒金字塔”贴切的形容了新闻的文体特征,主要是将新闻的重要信息置于开头,从而增加吸引力。由此,导语部分成为新闻听力不可忽视的重要听力点。而“时间顺序法”就是按时间顺序报道新闻,这种形式的新闻层次分明,信息点分布全文,需要听者认真听记,理清发展经过。其次,新闻的信息量较大,融入了较多的文化元素,理解起来需要学生具备丰富的文化背景知识。最后,英语新闻中往往出现一些修辞方式以增加新闻的趣味性和新颖性,而这会给学生的听力理解带来干扰。常常使用的方法为借代,如Downing Street代指英国首相府,The Pentagon代指美国国防部等。双关的修辞手法也常见于英语新闻中,如:Down comes to Manhattan: smoke rises from the downtown business area following the destruction of buildings at the World Trade Center. 这里,用黄昏既表示时间又表示被摧毁的世贸大厦的命运。还有夸张、委婉、典故的方法用于新闻报道,既避免语言的呆板,又充分的激发听者的联想和认知。但是这也为听者在短时间内做出判断增加了难度。
2.训练听写,积极提取关键信息。新闻听力不是一蹴而就的,需要日常进行大量的听力积累,从而熟悉新闻特征,增强语言感知。这需要范听和精听相结合。范听能够使听者自然的熟悉语音语调,在听力中力求了解“5个W”的问题,即when, where, who, what, how。而精听要求对一些典型话题的新闻进行反复多次听写练习,使听者能够了解细节,理清新闻关键点。
4.大学英语四级听力试题 篇四
The first decision is your choice of course. It will depend on what you want to get out of university, what you are good at and what you enjoy. The next decision is where to apply. Aim high but within reason. Do you have the right combination of subjects and are your expected grades likely to meet entry requirements? The deadline is January 15th. But it is best to submit your application early because universities begin work as soon as forms start rolling in.
The most important part of the application is the much feared personal statement. This is your chance to convey boundless enthusiasm for the subject. So economy of expression is foremost. Omit dull and ineffective generalities and make sure you give concrete examples.
Admissions officers read every personal statement that arrives. It is not convincing if you say you have chosen the subject because you enjoy it. You have to get across what it is about a particular area that has inspired you. They will look for evidence that you have reflected and thought about the subject.
Applicants should be honest. There is no point saying you run marathons, if you are going to be out of breath arriving at the interview on the second floor.
Q19. What is the first decision you should make in preparing to apply for a place at a university?
Q20. What is the most important part of the application?
5.大学英语四级听力的技巧 篇五
例如,连读是口语中经常出现的音变现象。如Fog is spreading to all areas . 前三个单词连读成了/ fcgizpredin/。
又如,在快速语流中常产生音的同化现象,像Would you mind if I smoke here ? 句中would一词本应读成/wud/,但当后面紧跟you /ju:/ 时,尾辅音 /d/ 与 /j/ 同化为另一个辅音/dv/。next year中的尾辅音/t/ 与/j/ 同化成/tf/。读作/nekstfe/。如不熟悉这种同化现象,便会误认为遇到了生词。
a) 听力材料中有些词,尤其是虚词(如连词、介词等)往往不易一下听出来,必须运用句法知识加以弥补;
6.大学英语四级听力教案 篇六
--- LESSON 19
AIMS: to help students to comprehend a dialogue and a passage, and to learn the new words and expressions in them
AIDS: OHP and some transparencies
TIME: 45 minutes
LEVEL: Grade two, junior high school
LANGUAGE: Students will
learn some words and expressions related to farm work
learn to give good-intentioned warnings
practice use of “ be hard to do ” and “ much + comparatives of adjectives ”
go over present continuous tense
Dialogue (17 minutes)
Comprehension of the dialogue (7 minutes)
1. Look at the picture on page 19 and answer questions (2 minutes)
How many people are there in the picture? Who are they?
Where are they?
What are they doing?
--- Individual feedback
2. Read the dialogue and answer questions (5 minutes)
Where are the good apples?
Is it dangerous to go too high?
What does Jim say to Meimei?
--- Students read for 2 minutes
--- Individual feedback
Practice of language points (5 minutes)
Give good-intentioned warnings
--- Model: In the dialogue, Jim says to Meimei, “BE CAREFUL!DON’T GO TOO HIGH! IT’S DANGEROUS!”
---Present to students four pictures on an OHP transparency, which are as follows. (a) a man climbing a hill, (b) a girl swimming in a river, (c) a driver driving a car, (d) a boy riding a bicycle
--- What is he/she doing? What should you say to him or her? Please fill in the blanks.
“Be ( )!
Don’t ( )( )( )!
It’s ( )! ”
--- Whole class /individual feedback
Can you REACH them?
--- Ask students to respond in whole sentences to my questions in each of the following situations
(a) Put my book on the desk, stand near the desk first, and then step away from the desk. Each time ask the question “Can I reach the book? ”
(b) Reach out my hand to the lower light and ask “Can I reach the light?” Then, reach out my hand to the higher light and ask “Can I reach this light?”
(c) Put my keys on the top of the blackboard. Ask “Can I reach my keys?” and “ can xxx (the shortest student of the class) reach them?”
Read the dialogue aloud (5 minutes)
Read after the tape once
Read in pairs
Pair check in whole class
Passage (28 minutes)
Comprehension of the passage (12 minutes)
Read the first paragraph of the passage and answer questions (7 minutes)
How is the day?
Is everyone busy?
What are they doing?
What is Meimei doing?
What is Jim doing?
Are some apples hard to reach?
--- Students read the first part of the text for 3 minutes
--- Individual feedback
--- Write the answers to each question on the blackboard in phrases
Read the rest of the passage and answer questions (5 minutes)
Who has more apples, Jim or Lilei?
Whose apples are better, Jim’s or Lilei’s?
--- Students read this part for 2 ms
--- Individual feedback
--- Write the answers on the blackboard in phrases
Practice of language points (6 minutes)
--- Model: The light is hard to reach.
--- Prompts: jeans --- wash, box --- carry, work --- do, door --- open,
words --- remember
Mine apples are MUCH BIGGER.
--- Present to students 4 sets of 3 objects on an OHP transparency. They are different in size, length, height, and weight respectively.
---Model: “pear” The first pear is small.
The second one is bigger than the first one.
The third one is much bigger than the first one.
--- Visual prompts: tables, rulers, trees, boxes
Retell the passage (10 minutes)
State the comprehension questions in part A, and the whole class respond with the help of the information on the blackboard and of the teacher
Students work in pairs. One states the comprehension questions, and the other answers.
Students retell the passage individually.
Lesson 19 (taken from Junior English for China, Book 2)
Meimei: Are you holding the ladder, Jim?
Jim: Yes, I am. Please be careful, Meimei. Don’t go too high!
Meimei: Don’t worry. I’m OK.
Jim: There are some good apples over there.
Meimei: Where?
Jim: Behind you! Can you reach them?
Meimei: Oh, yes, I can see them. But I can’t reach them.
Jim: Be careful. It’s dangerous! You’re too high!
Meimei: No, I’m not. Good! I can reach them now. Catch!
Passage --- Working on a farm
It’s a fine day today, and everyone is busy. They are working hard on the farm. The children are picking apples. Look! There’s Meimei! She’s very strong. She’s lifting that ladder. Now she’s holding it for Jim. Jim is climbing up the ladder. He’s picking the apples on that tree. He’s putting them in a basket. Some of the apples are hard to reach. They are too high. Be careful, Jim! It’s dangerous. Oh, good! He’s coming down the ladder, now.
“You don’t have many apples, Jim,” says Li Lei. “I have more than you.”
“Do I have fewer apples than you? Let me see!” says Jim.
Jim looks at Li Lei’s apples. “Oh!” he says. “Yes, you have more than me. But mine are better than yours. Look! Yours are green, and quite small. Mine are red, and they’re much bigger!”
Though the junior high school students are at the elementary level concerning their language proficiency, they still have a strong desire to communicate with others in English in their daily life. Teachers should employ proper teaching methods and techniques to satisfy their needs. Besides, since they are young beginners, they are in great need of instructions on how to be successful language learners. Teachers should train them with some effective learning strategies to optimize the students’ learning results. My lesson plan is designed on the basis of these two principles. Before reading the dialogue, the students are asked to look at the picture beside and to answer several questions. These questions are raised for the purpose of arousing the students’ interests and activating their schema. Besides the pre-reading questions, some comprehension questions are asked before they go on to read the dialogue and the passage as well. These questions are aimed to help the students to concentrate on the meaning conveyed through the reading material rather than on the grammar. On the other hand, these questions are intended to help them form the habit of reading with purpose in mind. As for the language points, they are presented and practiced with certain contexts and are related to students’ life as much as possible. This way of teaching language points is employed in the hope that students will find them easier to understand and retain, and that they can use some of them immediately in their everyday life. Then, the students are asked to read the dialogue and retell the passage respectively. Reading aloud is helpful for both the teacher and the students. The students can practice their pronunciation and intonation, while the teacher can have the opportunity to find their problems and correct them. Retelling is a solution to the problem of lacking chances to practice English outside class. This activity can train the students with this learning method. The teacher’s encouragement and facilitation are necessary to make the students feel the happiness of success, so that they may want to try more either in class or outside class in the future.
Generally speaking, the lesson went on quite smoothly. Since the answers to the comprehension questions were fairly obvious, the students seemed to have no difficulty with them. As for the practice of the language points, the students could respond fairly quickly with the help of pictures and prompts. Retelling the passage seemed difficult to students at elementary level. At first, the students doubted that they would be able to retell it. However, with the information on the blackboard and my help, the whole class managed to do it once. Unfortunately, because time was running out, I failed to let them practice in pairs and individually in class.
NAME: Zhao Rong (赵蓉)
(English): Postgraduate 98
English Division
Foreign Languages Department
Beijing Normal University
Beijing 100875, China
(Chinese): 北京师范大学外语系英语专业98研 P.C.: 100875
7.大学英语四级听力教案 篇七
很多考生平时进行有效听力训练的时间远远不够, 有的考生临考前搜集一些听力技巧, 期盼在考试中通过技巧得到高分, 只能说收效甚微, 因为听力能力不可能在短时间内就迅速提高。
考生在平时的听力训练中, 大多只停留在听单词的层次上, 没有按照四级考试的题型, 寻找配套的听力材料, 认真地进行练习。在完成一次听力训练后, 没有对此次的听力成果, 有一个批改、评价的过程, 也没有对此次听力材料原文进行详细分析, 查阅生词、习语, 并做好相关总结与记录的习惯。而是听完材料后做题, 接着核对答案, 然后就草草了事, 又去听新的内容。
在考场中, 考生们难免产生焦虑情绪, 然而部分考生并不能积极、有效地调整自己的心态, 严重的可能感觉什么都听不懂, 以至影响考试成绩。另外, 考生们习惯了平时进行训练的听力材料的发音、语速等等, 在实际考场中, 由于考场设备, 一些硬件设施等客观因素, 对听力内容的发音和清晰度有一定的轻微干扰。再加上紧张, 致使很多考生感觉听不懂, 越听不懂, 越紧张, 形成恶性循环, 最终无法正常进行听力答题。这也就是心理学研究所称的“语音屏蔽”现象。
语言是文化的寄托与表达, 语言与文化相互依存、相互作用, 要提高听力能力, 就必须了解语言中的文化。熟悉文化背景知识的考生有时看一眼题目便知道考点, 就可以直接进行答题;如果不了解相关文化, 即使能够大概听清听力内容, 也会一头雾水, 无法作出正确判断。
由于各省高考对英语听力的要求不一样, 致使部分中学淡化英语听说能力的训练。再加上外语教师水平的参差不齐, 一些考生对发音无法正确把握, 影响听力的有效提高。另外, 在听力中, 部分单词虽然拼写相同, 但因为发音读法的细微差别, 词性、词意却不同。例如, graduate一词, 读音略微不同, 词性就不同, 作不及物动词时读为/'grædʒueɪt/, 译为“逐渐”;作名词时读/'grædʒuət/, 译为“毕业生”。再如, desert一词, 读/'dezət/表示“沙漠”, 作名词使用;读/dɪ'zɜːt/表示“抛弃”, 做动词使用。
四级听力要求考生在短时间内, 在听听力材料的同时, 要对材料进行分析, 提取出相关信息, 并准确记忆。这十分考验学生的英语水平, 同时也是四级听力中需要努力练习, 不断提高的关键所在。今年四级听力考试将原来的复合式听写即短文填空替换为短篇新闻, 这在一定程度上增加了听力难度。四级的听力改革进一步强调考生的语言能力, 这就要求考生平时需要加强对英语新闻、英文讲座素材听力的练习和积累, 进一步强化英语听说能力, 才能应对新题型。
四级听力技巧是建立在平时训练之上的, 正所谓熟能生巧, 就是要在实践中不断巩固, 才能稳步提高四级听力能力。平时可以多收听英语类广播, 欣赏英文原声电影, 培养英语语言能力, 学习一些习惯性表达。也可以通过英语自主学习平台进行听力训练, 自主学习的习惯需要逐渐培养, 很多同学初期阶段充满热情, 后期无法继续坚持。因此学校和教师也应适当给予鼓励和制定相关要求, 培养学生自主学习习惯。考生在平时的训练中, 不仅要将学习方法与技巧应用于训练, 更重要的是每天要给自己制定一个可行的听力训练计划, 每天量不用太多, 关键在于长期的坚持。当达到一定的量时, 就会产生质的飞跃。
听前预测就是在拿到听力题目的时候, 根据题目或是选项寻找相关背景信息, 提前设置好对话场景。有必要的话, 对题目进行勾画, 对主题关键词可做出显著的标注。这些信息的价值很高, 不仅能帮助考生提前了解所听内容的类型、结构和主题, 还能够大大降低答题错误率。考生在听的时候应尽量避免过分注重某个单词从而忽视了对材料全篇主旨大意的完整性理解。听前预测在一定程度上划定了对话所涉及范围, 预测越到位, 具体范围就越窄, 就更容易作答, 取得较好的成绩。
听的过程中要注意加强对材料整体以及细节的瞬间记忆, 并适当地进行联想与加工。既不能只重视细节, 也不能只重视全篇。要尽量兼顾细节与整体, 不可偏颇, 才能提高听力判断的准确性。另外, 在听力过程中, 要集中注意力。否则, 短暂的出神, 重要的内容可能就错失了。
听力材料结束后, 要趁着记忆清晰时, 对刚听完的内容进行综合分析、判断。这里需要特别指出的是, 很多考生在做出选择后, 由于紧张、不自信的因素, 常常会把自己最初的答案修改掉。而在很多时候是把正确的答案修改为了错误的选项, 这是十分可惜的。答案不是不可以改, 而是要在有把握的情况下再进行修改。
3.增加词汇量, 多听多模仿
与英语口语、阅读、写作能力训练一样, 单词是基础。词汇量不够是大部分考生听不懂材料的主要原因。学生可以通过平时广泛阅读杂志、报纸、小说以及背诵记忆单词的方式来扩充词汇量。词汇量的积累, 不仅要注意单词的拼写, 还要关注单词的发音及用法, 以及一些英语习语的积累和记忆, 如look on with folded arm“s袖手旁观”, take to one's heel“s逃之夭夭”等等。当考生第一次接触这些习语时, 虽然每一个单词都是自己知道的, 可是难以推断出整体的含义。这就在于考生平时的积累, 对西方文化的了解, 以及英语表达特点与方式的熟悉程度了。另外, 哑巴英语、聋子英语是考生们在学习英语时最常见的毛病, 很多同学不肯开口, 也就导致了背单词无数, 可就是不会使用、听不出来的尴尬状况。平时不仅要听, 每次听完后, 还要尽量模仿发音, 大声跟读听力材料, 仔细体会发音、语调、还有停顿, 找寻语感。也可以下载一些英语视频配音练习的软件, 先听一遍原文, 有整体印象, 然后逐句复述听到的句子。这样可以熟悉英语口语表达习惯, 也能从整体理解听力内容。
文化的作用不可小觑, 不同的民族在跨文化交际中, 即使语言的表述相对准确, 也会因文化蕴涵的不同而产生一些误解。语言是人们进行交际的重要方式, 各种各样的信息汇集到语言中, 语言也就成了文化的载体。因此了解一些欧美国家的文化, 对听力材料自然会有一种熟悉感和更加深刻的理解。在日常听力训练中, 尽量避免把听力内容逐字逐句地翻译成汉语, 这样既浪费时间, 又影响对原文的正确理解。最好的办法是培养跨文化意识, 用英语思维来思考, 才能提高理解的准确性。
四级听力能力的提高是多种因素的结合, 除了基本的听力技能之外, 还需要平时的持之以恒, 在听音、辨音、理解文意, 以及语感的培养和英语思维习惯等方面都要努力下一番功夫。坚持再坚持, 才能在四级听力考试中轻松应对。
[1]陈绍敏.大学英语四级考试听力训练的障碍及教学策略[J].山东社会科学, 2015.12.
[2]孙羽佳, 王莹, 张宏伟.词块教学对非英语专业学生四级听力成绩影响的实证研究[J].林区教学, 2015 (5) .
[3]周小莉.英语课堂听力焦虑的成因及其与四级听力成绩的关系[J].重庆交通大学学报 (社科版) , 2009.2, 9 (1) .
[4]李成珍.浅析大学英语四级听力技巧[J].现代企业教育, 2010.08.
8.大学英语四级听力教案 篇八
关键词:四级听力 听力训练
教育部颁布的最新《大学英语课程教学要求》明确规定:“大学英语的教学目标是培养学生的英语综合应用能力, 特别是听说能力, 使他们在今后工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流, 同时增强自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,以适应我国经济和国际交流的需要。”根据这一指导思想大学英语四级考试将听力分数权重提高了近一倍, 由原来占总分的20%提高到现在的35%。那么我们老师如何在教学中帮助学生提高他们的听力呢?我们贵州的学生一提到四级考试就会说听力太吃亏啦, 他们大多数都听不懂,只能猜,不知道该怎么去练习和提高英语听力。那我们大学英语课堂一星期也就只有一节听力课的时间,课堂上的训练是远远不够的,那学生如何在课后训练提高其听力能力呢?
1 找出自身听力缺陷
2 熟悉考试题型
2.1 短对话,共有8个题目,该部分一般是日常生活的对话,即衣,食,住,行,工作,学习,生活等话题。按题型分类主要有地点题,判断推理题,人物关系或身份职业题,数字计算题,请求和建议题,因果关系题,词汇和习惯用语理解题,观点态度题等。
2.2 长对话,虽然也采用两人日常对话的形式,但是与短对话有很大区别。短对话涉及的只是一个点,而长对话涉及的则是一个面,它有一个中心议题,双方围绕中心而展开话题。按题型分类,主要有细节题和推理判断题。
2.3 短文听力,按题材分类,有社会生活类,人物故事及历史类,科普知识类和文化教育类。
2.4 复合式听写,听三遍后,填上所缺的单词或是短语,填完后要养成检查的习惯,根据自己所掌握的语法知识看看单词形式有没有正确,有没有漏写字母,数是否一致,时态语态是否正确等等。在复合式听写中,学生们一定要注意同音和近音的辨析,比如vary和very 的发音都是一样的,那么学生一定要根据文章需要的是动词还是副词。
3 如何训练
3.1 是要让学生通过辨别音素第一关,在教学中加强学生语音训练,帮助学生分析和辨别国际音标中48个因素的细微差别,熟练掌握语音中的变化,比如连读、失去爆破、省音、重音等,让学生能够熟悉一些语调规律。
3.2 是严格要求学生进行词汇量的积累,在高校英语教学中,对学生词汇量的要求不要仅仅局限于四六级考试所要求的标准,还要引导学生通过阅读和听力教学积累一定量的常用词汇,让学生掌握一些基本的构词规律,熟悉一些常用词缀。
3.3 听力训练不仅仅是训练耳朵捕捉信息的灵敏度,而是手脑并用的训练,所以需要学生精力高度集中,所以训练时必须不能开小差。当然也有学生反映在听力训练过程中,听的时间好像理解了材料的内容,可等做题时,已经记不起刚刚听过的内容了,针对这种现象,要告诉学生听的过程中要养成记笔记的习惯,因为我们常说好记性不如烂笔头。那么听力过程中记笔记时要注意:①有选择的做笔记, 笔记要记重要信息,容易忘记的内容,要记下与题干有紧密联系的信息。像四级考试短对话中提到的动作行为,或者数字。短文听力过程中,每一段的第一句和最后一句一定要听清和记住。②有效的运用缩写和符号等形式来加快记录速度,比如省掉元音等等,对于人名和地名可以记下首字母或汉字,数字一律用阿拉伯数字。③有系统地做笔记,并尽量使笔记主次清楚。
3.4 预览选项,预测主题。我们知道每道题后都有四个选项,我们应当充分利用录音播放之前的空当时间把每个选项读完,因为,在读完各个选项后,我们基本上能够推测出文章的主题和谈论的内容,并在浏览选项时把每个选项的关键词划出来,以便在听完录音开始选题时节省反应时间,快速选出正确答案。
3.5 学生还要了解一定的文化背景,一般西方人说话比较直接,开门见山,所以往往一篇文章的开头就是全文的主题,即便不是,也会有许多的信息,理解了这些信息有利于学生自己听时能够很好的把握整篇文章,而结尾部分通常又是概括和对文章的总结归纳所以学生一定要抓住文章的开头和结尾。