1.雅思听力之满分经验 篇一
It has been more than 30 years since man first landed on the moon.
Some people think that space research is a waste of money.
Model Answer:
For over fifty years, a number of nations have been involved in the exploration of outer space. This research has been very costly, of course. Has this money been well-spent or wasted?
Some people believe that all or most space research should be eliminated because of its incredible expense, not only in terms of money, but also in terms of scientific and human resources. These people point out the fact that it cost billions of dollars to send astronauts to the moon, but all they brought back were some worthless rocks. These people say that the money and effort now being wasted in outer space could be spent for homeless people, improving the education system, saving the environment, and finding cures for diseases.
However, other people believe that space research has provided many benefits to mankind. They point out that hundreds of useful products, from personal computers to heart pacemakers to freeze-dried foods, are the direct or indirect results of space research. They say that weather and communication satellites, which are also products of space programs, have benefited people all over the globe. In addition to these practical benefits, supporters of the space program point to the scientific knowledge that has been acquired about the sun, the moon, the planets and even our own earth as a result of space research.
I agree with those people who support space research and want it to continue. Space research, as shown, has already brought many benefits to humanity. Perhaps it will bring even more benefits in the future, ones that we can not even imagine now. Moreover, just as individual people need challenges to make their lives more interesting, I believe the human race itself needs a challenge, and I think that the peaceful exploration of outer space provides just such a challenge.
2.雅思口语考官经验之如何现场发挥 篇二
3.雅思听力考试满分秘籍 篇三
Section 1 称之为Survival(生存听力),very basic.要是连这一部分都听不懂,就没法在国外生活。这部分听力涉及的是国外生活的方方面面,如租房、旅行、咨询、看病等。由于原本就已经包罗万象。备考时,只要准备全面,熟悉各场景考查的重点方面,以及一些核心词汇,再在考前辅以机经词汇,就足以应付了。
Section 2 应该称之为Culture(文化听力),a little more depth.这一部分主要是向考生们介绍英国,澳大利亚等国的风土人情,如传统节日、特色旅游、电台节目、社交生活、校园生活等。但随着内容的扩充,难度也在扩大,S2在09出了很多的新题,这还不是最可怕的,因为新题虽多,还入窠臼,新题仍然脱不了一个大范围——英联邦国家的文化特色。最可怕的是在题型上足足比S1上了一个重量级,比如Paraphrasing上的难度会增加,会出现更多的比如Distractive information和keyword pos官方真题Officialsition.所以在熟悉场景主要内容的基础上,考生们要更加注重依靠一些手段,也就是解题必要的Skills.
Section 3 是Off Class(课下听力),the most predictable.S3最可爱的地方在场景易于预测,它的大部分场景都限定在了课前的Course Selection和课后的Tutorial & Off Class Discussion,而且新年也不会有大的突破,多年来如此……这样一来,熟悉场景的同学在短短的30“读题完毕之后,就能预测出录音的大致内容。再加上题型难度上S3比起S2上升的不多,辅以熟练的解题‘手段’,考生们完全可以把S3的“争分”变为“保分”。
Section 4 是Lecture & Presentation(课上听力)。S4是雅思听力闯关的最后关口,题型难度上不但有雅思拿手的Paraphrasing, Indirect & Distractive Information, Keyword pos官方真题Officialsition,还会有更加让人匪夷所思的Paraphrasing of Noun Keywords(名词关键词的同意转换),如facility, construction, industry, business等词都可以进行转换,更加大了听力理解难度。所谓业精于勤荒于嬉,要想克服S4的必杀技,一定要勤练技巧,掌握“手段”。S4在场景上也处于不断扩充的过程中,这是近几年的常态,各种学术话题逐年递增,除了环境科学、生物科学、商科以外、天文学、考古学、历史学等话题范畴下的新题也是层出不穷。由于S4场景扩充的可能范围太广——自然科学+人文科学,预测势必难以为之,大家的策略应该是立足“手段”,挑战“学术”。
就词汇量而言,需要根据读者自身情况进行因材施教,一般而言,该材料的阅读生词量(即指看到后能直接反应其意思的词汇)应控制在5%以内,类似《走遍美国》(Family Album),《空中美语教室》(Studio Classroom)等都比较适合推荐给有一定英语基础的读者,而《色拉英语》(Salad English)则适合基础相对较薄弱的读者循序渐进,因为其词汇量的安排也是由浅入深的一个变化过程。
以上材料的一大共同特色,也是学习听力的教材所必须具备的,是以场景为单位的安排模式。该模式从生活实用性角度而言是最为科学的。当读者具备一定词汇量后可以开始涉足一些电影材料的学习,但就选材而言,以生活片、伦理片、爱情片等为宜,诸如《阿甘正传》(Forrest Gump)、《公主日记》(Princess Diary)等。因为这些片种更接近日常生活的表达,因此其词汇的选择更为实用,尤其值得一提的是Disney的真人片一般都简单易懂贴近生活。应当注意避免使用以动作片为代表的语言含量过少的片种,以及以科幻片为代表的词汇过难的片种,类似《黑衣人》(Man in Black)、《星球大战》(Star Wars)等恰恰两者兼而有之。
因此就英音和美音而言,推荐使用《新概念英语》(New Concept English),该教材本来就有4册按难度排列,另外也有英音和美音版的音像素材可供学习,当然,早期的一些类似《英语900句》之类的教材的配套听力素材对听说能力相对薄弱的同学来说,也不失为一种不错的选择。
而其他的一些发音特色往往比较难以获得,类似《阿甘正传》(Forrest Gump)的阿拉巴马音(Alabama Tone)为美国南部乡村发音特色;一些动画中的发音夸张化特色,尤以Disney为甚;而西班牙音,亦称拉丁音,主要源于拉丁美洲人进入美国后所产生,该发音在美国电影中经常可以接触到,诸如《越狱》中菲尔南多·苏克雷(Sucre)等,但如果要典型的浓重拉丁口音,则需要从雅思考试(IELTS)的一些素材中予以提取,有时间或可以在一些英语版的拉美片中找到其综计;印度音在中国相对最难接触到,但如果身边公司里有印度的工作人员,往往可以进行一些刻意的交谈来熟悉其口音特色;日本音是除了主流发音特色外在中国相对最为容易接触到的一种发音特点,一是因为中国日本公司本来就很多,其次日剧、日本动漫等大量涌入国内,而日语中现在也很盛行直接使用一些英语的外来语,所以多接触些日剧或日本动漫,无疑对提高日式英语的识别能力也有一定帮助。
2.The Great Wall长城;
3.The Imperial Palace故宫;
4.The Shaolin Monastery少林寺;
5. kung fu功夫;
7.农历the lunar calendar;
8.Beijing opera京剧;
10.Chinese medicine中医
4.雅思口语+满分 篇四
T:代表的是Topic Sentence
S: 代表的是Supporting Ideas
E:代表的是 Examples
S:支持观点,在这里要注意,我相信很多同学都会用观点来支持自己,但太过于白话文,大部分用例子来支撑,部分考生喜欢用For example,First, secondly, last but not theleast来讲分论点,但这样给考官的感觉是在背作文,而不是真正的口语。在S这的观点一般是需要比较正式点的语言,每讲的一句话最好不少于5个单词以下,但最好不超过5句话。过渡词用什么好呢?最好用well, also , actually ,as a matter of fact , you know 等等词。
雅思口语范文:a picture or a photograph you like in your room
随着手机拍照的流行,大家应该都已经快忘记可以冲洗的照片的珍贵了吧,偏偏我们的最新雅思口语机经中出现了这样的话题卡,为了防止大家在回答雅思口语的过程中说“跑偏”到手机内存中的照片,我们可以在开头的介绍中就提到相框 frame,胶卷film, 悬挂hang 这类的词。这样给考官的最初印象就是你完全理解了题目的要求。
For the favorite picture I have in my room is the one with my boy friend and I smiling in front of the Disneyland Park. It is put right on the wall facing my bed so every time I lie down I can remember those moments.
The memories still come to me that the photo was taken on a rainy night when everything seemed dim in the distance and noises were replaced by the profound serenity of raindrops.
We had a great time at the Carousel with many other couples taking photos of each other. And minute upon minute, note upon note, the little horses would go up and down.
When the music faded out and the fantastic tour came to its end, the dark night sky was kindled by fireworks rising behind the Disney castle where all fairy tales dwelled in. Those dancing images of mascots were projected on the castle, reviving the happy moments although the fact that the park was closing soon made us a little sad.
But at least we still have the photo. It is always reminiscent of that lovely time at the park and I believe there are more happy moments to be filmed with us together.
1. Dim: (light) not bright
Ie: This light is too dim to read by
2. serenity:the quality of being calm and peaceful
Ie: The hotel offers a haven of peace and serenity away from the bustle of the city
3. Fade out: to become less clear or quieter
Ie: Fade out the music at the end fo the scene
4. Reminiscent: remind you of somebody/something
Ie: The way he laughed was strongly reminiscent of his father.
雅思口语part3范文:favorite photo
下面就是针对favorite photo的话题举例的两个part3 的答案参考
1. What’s the advantages and disadvantages of taking photos with smartphones?
思路分析 : 优点更容易总结, 例如方便携带,更容易传输;缺点是失去了拍照的瞬间性,很多摆拍的照片没有更多的纪念意义
Well, the first benefit of taking photos with smartphones would be easy transmission. It’s very handy to share a picture with friends as long as there is internet available. It could be even easier if two mobiles are both iPhones, thanks to the airdrop.
Also, compare to the digital cameras which are usually quite bulky, smartphones on the other hand are very portable. And all the functions work automatically which means even if you don’t know anything about photography, there is still good chances to craft nice phones.
Talking about the disadvantages, the only thing I can think of would be that people may not treasure pictures as memories that much as before.
A snap shot serves to crystallize the important moment in your life and that moment lasts for the length of a breath. People are unprepared to be filmed and their emotions are open to interpretation afterwards.
But using smartphones, people tend to take several at the same time with the same pose, and to filter out the best one. I think it lose the real meaning of recording the true life to some extent.
2. What is the benefit of learning painting for children?
思路分析 : 发展孩子的想象力从而培养他们的创造力是学习绘画带来的最直接的好处,同时也可以让孩子还学去欣赏生活中的美好,进而更加尊重生命。
First of all, painting is the easiest way for children to express their imagination. So learning to do that would definitely strengthen their ability to think outside of the box which is significant for their later lives.
because imagination is the basis for creation and innovation, one can’t achieve more in any aspects without it. Apart from that, learning painting could be the best way to teach kids to appreciate beauty and therefore to treasure life.
雅思口语Part3 被认为是debate的形式,如果答案准备的不够全面充分就很可能会遇到被考官“质疑”追着问的情况,所以如果在最开始的回答时就可以尽量完整,那就不会给考官留下“穷追猛打”的机会啦
雅思口语范文:Reading and children
Reading and children
What kinds of book are most popular with children in your country? Why do you think that is?
I think the most popular kind of books with children in China is comics. Statistics and my person experience with children bring me to this conclusion. First of all, if you bother to check the top sellers in terms of books, you will find comics for children permanent residents in those lists. As a comparison, those books telling fairytales and legends seem a little weak in terms of effect on children. Also, whenever I find some children gazing at their smart phone or tablets or reading a paper back book, they are mostly reading comics. It has become a great challenge to find kids focusing on words instead of pictures. Based on these two evidences, I believe comics are most children’s favorite in China.
Why do you think some children do not read books very often?
Well, for this issue, I think the shift of lifestyle is first and foremost to blame. In the online era, we, no matter adults or children have tens of alternatives to do in our spare time and reading a book is one of the most attention-intense among them. Why not go surf the Internet using your smart phone or tablet for some easy-to-understand stuff with beautiful pictures explaining everything to you, or some other rich media requiring no literacy. We grownups still struggle to escape from such grasp, needless to say the children.
How do you think children can be encouraged to read more?
Before we dive into the question, I think I need to make it clear that the children today have been reading far more than we expect. Read Weibo posts, WeChat messages, endless news feeds and many other kinds of media. They are avid readers that older people cannot match with. What grownups are trying to do in this scenario is to shift their focus of reading from those “light” material back to some old-school, serious and provoking thoughts created by real thinkers. Upon this problem I hold a pessimistic opinion. What we can hope for is nothing but luck which can bring a few on them to what grownups want them to read.
Reading for different purposes
Are there any occasions when reading at speed is a useful skill to have? What are they?
Yes indeed. Based on my own experience as a university student, reading at speed can save me from piles of papers to finish before a near deadline. Suppose a student needs to finish reading three or even more papers of more than one hundred pages and write a report about the issue discussed in them, and even worse, the deadline is two days from now. In this case, reading at speed is quite comforting. Another occasion where reading at speed is extremely helpful is to do a presentation about an unfamiliar topic in a short time. If the presenter can read fast enough and memorize what he or she has read about, the presentation can be fully equipped with knowledge though it may be not logically organized in some ways, but at least the audience can have something to digest. This looks very much like a cheat but turns out to be useful.
Are there any jobs where people need to read a lot? What are they?
Yes, definitely. For instance, journalist, novelist or any other kinds of jobs involving writing requires a great amount of reading. These jobs are basically about output, which means to take in information and process it into different forms for more people’s better understanding of the issue. In this situation, reading as a crucial source of gathering information is indispensable. Without adequate input, the output will be dry in all ways so that the jobs calling for detailed information will be total failures.
Do you think that reading novels is more interesting than reading factual books? Why is that?
Yes I do. As an avid reader of novels, I always have a preference for books with an intense plot to those with merely knowledge or information. Generally speaking, I believe all kinds of books are written to communicate certain knowledge to their readers but the knowledge are packed in different covers. Some are embedded in a story, which is what novels do with the knowledge, and some are delivered within a series of experiments and assumptions, which is how factual books are organized. The preference for novels is parallel to the fondness of junk food instead of the tasteless fibers and protein capsulated inside colorful pills. What matters to a person’s taste for books is heavily influenced by the way the information is communicated. That is how I look at the preference for novels to factual books.
5.高考英语听力满分技巧 篇五
6.中考英语听力怎样拿满分3 篇六
7.8分雅思听力达人经验 篇七
上例子剑4 Test3 23题:
In the seminar the work on writing aims to improve
A. confidence
B. speed
C. clarity
听力原文中的句子是techniques to write clearly,所以很明显,clarity就是对clearly的解释。这种将普通常见词汇(clearly)用生僻词(clarity)做同义替换,也是雅思常见的替换方法之一,烤鸭们很容易中招,因此要特别小心~
1) 前期准备,了解出题规律与解题技巧;
2) 带上实用技巧,进行大量训练;
3) 在每一次训练结束后,都要针对自己的错题进行总结,并反复再听,直到自己完全get为止;
4) 每日听写,为自己的高分与信心保驾护航!
例如:Schools should pay more attention to academic subjects rather than other ones, such as music and sports. Do you agree?
很多同学根据模板都这样开头:Nowadays, education is really important to us. Some people think that academic subjects are more important than music and sports. I agree with this opinion.
其实考生们如果加上这样的句子就会好很多:Indisputably, education is the key factor determining national development and guaranteeing civilization level of a country.
方法一 多学习一些出色的范文,看一下他人是如何看待这一问题的,他们是如何表达自己的观点的,他们又是如何来支持自己的观点的,以及他们的写法有河借鉴之处。
方法二 多关心一下时事新闻,特别是要看一些英语新闻和报道,从中可了解世界的动态,最新的时事见解以及对时事的透彻分析,这些内容都有助于我们建立自己的观点和拓展我们的思路。
Many people believe that women make better parents than men and that this is why they have greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just as good as women at parenting.
Write an essay expressing your point of view. Give reasons for your answer.
Main body:
A women’s advantages and disadvantages of raising children
B men’s advantages and disadvantages of raising children
A women’s advantages and disadvantages of raising children
1 women have more understanding of children’s needs.
2 women can be more patient with young children.
3 women can devote more time and energy to children.
4 women tend to indulge their children and spoil them.
B men’s advantages and disadvantages of raising children
1 men can teach young children to be more creative.
2 men often tell young children to be independent.
3 men raise children by making them brave and decisive.
4 men sometimes lose patience with children.
题目:In some countries the average worker is obliged to retire at the age of 50 while in others people can work until they are 65 or 70. Meanwhile, we see some politicians enjoying power well into their eighties. Clearly, there is little agreement on an appropriate retirement age. Until what age do you think people should be encouraged to remain in paid employment? Give reasons for your answer.
在该文的引言段中,作者表明了自己的观点:It is my belief, however, that the longer an able person is allowed to work, the better for both the individual worker and the employer. 因此,主体段谈论的就是年长的员工给企业,本人甚至政府等三方面带来的诸多好处。
Thus, workers who can still demonstrate their capacity to carry out their work should not be asked to retire simply because they have reached a certain age. Societies that insist on early retirement may do well to look again at their policies。
题目:The idea of going overseas for university study is an exciting prospect for many people. But while it may offer some advantages, it is probably better to stay home because of the difficulties a student inevitably encounters living and studying in a different culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement? Give reasons for your answer.
作者在引言段中的观点是:But while overseas study has its drawbacks, the difficulties are far outweighed by the advantages. Indeed, people who go abroad for study open themselves up to experiences that those who stay at home will never have.因此,在主体段中,作者就着重阐述海外留学的种.种益处。
In conclusion, while any anxiety about going overseas for university study is certainly understandable, it is important to remember that the benefits offered by the experience make it well worthwhile.
其中,in conclusion……为暗示结尾的连接词。结尾段中用while进行对比,既指出对于海外留学的担忧是不无道理的,但同时更指出其益处是极有价值的。
题目:The mass media, including television, radio and newspapers, have great influence in shaping people’s ideas. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer.
在引言段中,作者是这样表达自己对大众传媒的观点的:The mass media have a powerful influence in shaping our lives. We have come to depend on them for information and entertainment, and in doing so, we let them affect important aspects of our lives.
In summary, I would agree that the mass media’s influence is certainly great. Indeed, with technological advancements such as the Internet bringing even more forms of electronic media to our homes and workplaces, it is likely that the media’s influence will grow even stronger.
8.雅思高手谈雅思考试经验 篇八
9.雅思听力之满分经验 篇九
在查看原文的时候,你会发现有些地方native speaker 的说法和你的说法发音,或是语调完全不同,又或是快的你跟不上,又或是他们说话时吞了很多音节。这时,你就要注意了--我说过,听力是口语的孪生兄弟―你可以在这里拿东西。在最开始,你完全说不下来,但是还是要一遍一遍的跟着它说,please make sure that:你的音调,发音方式等要完全模仿磁带上的音,有条件的可以用复读机先放慢速度跟着说(好像可以吧),我是,手动的,人工操作walkman让它慢下来,呵呵。到最后你可以尝试自己把那句话说出来,你会发现,呵呵标准版!
然后来说说口语。每一本教材都有很多的好东东,看你拿不拿得到。我在反复听中级听力的时候发现里面有许多话是不断重复的,例如:I must say that , that sort of things等等,你再剑桥123里也可以听到这一类没有实际意义的话,这些要学,而且要发音准确,音调地道。因为这些都是一些native speaker最喜欢用的连结性短语和句子。如果你在口语的时候可以脱口二出这些漂亮的句子,鬼佬一定会对你印象加分,成绩加分。有时候,中国人的表达方法和native speaker是完全不同的。例如,如果问道平时做些什么,要说和朋友出街吃pizza的话,我们常常说:I usually go out with my friends and have some pizza.但是参详一下中级听力,你可以发现,那个女孩是说:well, hang out friends ,go for pizza ,that sort of things.差别出来了。
假设你可以在靠口语的时候说出这样的话来,哈哈,想象一下考官惊讶的样子吧。要怎样做到呢?一点也不难。当你翻阅中级听力的时候你会发现里面的听力内容很贴近生活和雅思,有谈课余生活,老人,科级,运动,婚姻,甚至医学等等。对!直接从里面拿!仔细听出漂亮的句子,让他的表达变成你的表达。有时候甚至观点也可以引用。当然要有针对性的记忆。其实只要听力按上面的方法做到家,怎样说这些话题的思路在你的脑海里已经有很所了。然后重点记忆漂亮的,特殊的句子,不是简单的背诵下来,而是真真正正的从口中说出来,要说的像说中文一样顺利,不用想的程度。例如,在一篇谈婚姻的文章里说到父母介绍的那种婚姻(range marriage)作者说日本也有range marriage但是和印度那种the young couples met in the night of wedding 的不同。他说Range marriage is very common in Japan too, but things are organized in a different way. (What a beautiful sentence it is !)so,找到这些句子,把他们说得像磁带一样好,顺。到时就可以信手拈来。爽!
10.雅思口语满分技巧须知 篇十
雅思口语满分技巧6. 提前准备适合自己的口语高分词汇
在备考的时候,准备一些常用的7分词汇和技巧,在适当的时候脱口而出,会给你的考试增光添色,同时要在考前的练习过程中,掌握好 paraphrase的方法,因为在考试的过程中,由于紧张或者是本身词汇的匮乏,在自己不会的单词上面会卡壳,而口语是相对比较灵活的,在这种情况下,需要我们用其他的话去替代那个卡壳的点,这样你的口语就会顺畅、自然。
雅思口语满分技巧7. 调节心理状态,不畏惧,不胆怯
1. I love taking pictures.
They remind me of many life events, happy or sad, exciting or boring.
My family has a habit of taking a family picture every 2 or 3 years.
2. The most special photo I have is a family picture we’ve taken last year right before I
went to Beijng to start my college.
As usual, it shows mom, dad and me, with me, as always, in the middle.
3. My dad suggested to go to a photo studio to do it instead of the usual routine of going to a park and snapping a casual picture.
So a professional photographer/ cameraman took it.
4. My dad said it should be special since my college signifies (象征着,标志着) the beginning of my adulthood. And the picture was taken a little bit after my 18th birthday, which means a person becomes a grown up in China.
5. This picture is quite special to me because I put it right near my pillow in my dorm. So when I feel homesick, I often look at it, look at mom and dad’s loving and encouraging smiles. When I’m weak and lonely, it gives me strength, and reassures me that I have a happy family at my back and I should feel grateful for life. 感恩生活
Why do you think taking pictures are important in life? 为什么照相重要?
对美的追求, 对生活的热爱
对于家人,孩子 让他们有机会了解你的更多的侧面.