


1.中英文对照部门名 篇一


1、檀香紫檀(Pterocarpus santalinus L.F.)主产于印度南部。商品名red sanders, red sandalwood


1、越柬紫檀(Pterocarpus cambodianus Pierre)主产于越南、柬埔寨、泰国。商品名为Vietnampadauk, thonong

2、安达曼紫檀(Pterocarpus dalbergioides Benth.)主产于印度安达曼群岛。商品名为Andaman padauk,Andaman redwood,vermilion

3、刺猬紫檀(Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir.)主产于热带非洲。商品名为ambila

4、印度紫檀(Pterocarpus indicus Willd.)主产于印度、缅甸、菲律宾、巴布亚新几内亚,马来西亚及印度尼西亚,中国广东、广西、海南及云南引种栽培。商品名为amboyna,Burmacoast padauk, sena, Manilla padauk, narra

5、大果紫檀(Pterocarpus macarocarpus Kurz)主产于缅甸、泰国和老挝。商品名为Burma padauk, pradeo, may dou

6、囊状紫檀(Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb.)主产于印度。商品名为bijasal, narra,padauk

7、鸟足紫檀(Pterocarpus pedatus Pierre.)主产于东南亚中南半岛。商品名为maidu


1、降香黄檀(Dalbergia odorifera T.Chen)主产于中国海南。商品名为scented rosewood


1、刀状黑黄檀(Dalbergia cultrate Grah.)主产于缅甸。商品名为Burma blackwood, Indian cocobolo

2、黑黄檀(Dalbergia fusca Pierre)主产于东南亚及中国云南。商品名为black rosewood, yinzat

3、阔叶黄檀(Dalbergia latifolia Roxb.)主产于印度、印度尼西亚的爪哇。商品名为Indian rosewood, sonkeling, sonobrits, Bombay blackwood, rosewood, java-palisandre, angsana keeling

4、卢氏黑黄檀(Dalbergia louvelii R.Viguier)主产于马达加斯加,商品名为Bois de rose

5、东非黑黄檀(Dalbergia melanoxylon Guill.& Perr.)主产于非洲东部,商品名为African blackwood,Mozambique ebony, African rosewood

6、巴西黑黄檀(Dalbergia nigra Fr.Allem.)主产于巴西。商品名为Brazilian wood, jacaranda

7、亚马孙黄檀(Dalbergia spruceana Benth.)主产于巴西。商品名为jacararda, Brazilian rosewood

8、伯利兹黄檀(Dalbergia stevensonii Tandl.)主产于伯利兹。商品名为Honduras rosewood, hogaed


1、巴里黄檀(Dalbergin bariensis Pierre)主产于热带亚洲。商品名为neans nuon

2、赛州黄檀(Dalbergia cearensis Ducke.)主产于巴西。商品名为kingwood, violetta, violetwood

3、交趾黄檀(Dalbergia cochinchinensis Pierre)主产于泰国、越南和柬埔寨。商品名Siam rosewood, paying, trac, kranghung

4、绒毛黄檀(Dalbergia frulescens var.tomentosa Tndl.)主产于巴西。商品名为Brazillan tulipwood, pinkwood

5、中美洲黄檀(Dalbergia granadillo Pittier)主产于墨西哥等中美洲。商品名为cocobolo

6、奥氏黄檀(Dalbergia oliveri Gamb.)主产于缅甸、泰国和老挝。商品名为Burma tulipwood, chingchan, tamalan

7、微凹黄檀(Dalbergia retusa Hesml.)主产于中美洲。商品名为cocobolo


1、非洲崖豆木(Millettia laurentii De Wild)主产于非洲刚果盆地。商品名为wenge, bokonge, awoung, uson-so


Millettia leucantha Kurz(M.pendula Bak.)主产于缅甸和泰国。商品名为thinwin, theng-weng, sothon

3、铁刀木(Cassia siamea Lam.)主产于东南亚,中国云南、广东普遍引种栽培。商品名为siamese senna


1、苏拉威西乌木(Diospyros celehica Bakh.)主产于印度尼西亚苏拉威西岛。商品名为macassar ebony, ebony, toetandu

2、菲律宾乌木(Diospyros philippensis Gurke)主产于菲律宾。商品名为kamagony

3、台湾乌木(Diospyros discolor Willd.)主产于斯里兰卡、菲律宾、中国台湾等东南亚地区。商品名为Ceylon ebony


1、乌木(Diospyros ebenum Koenig)主产于斯里兰卡及印度南部。商品名为Ceylon ebony, Eastindia ebony, ebony

2、厚瓣乌木(Diospyros crassiflora Hiern)主产于热带西非。商品名为African ebory, black ebory, African persimmon

3、毛药乌木(Diospyros pilosanthera Blanco)主产于菲律宾。商品名为bolong-eta

4、蓬塞乌木(Diospyros poncei Merr.)主产于菲律宾。商品名为ponce’s kamagong

2.中药名俄汉词语对照 篇二

Трава эферы (麻黄)

Ветвь коричника (桂枝)

Трава копытня (细辛)

Лист периллы (紫苏)

Трава схизонепеты (荆芥)

Корень сапожниковии (防风)

Корневище и корень нотоптеригиума (羌活)

Корневище лигустикума китайского (藁本)

Корень уника аурского (白芷)

Пло урнишника (苍耳子)

Бутон магнолии (辛夷)

Луковица лука-атуна (葱白)

Свежее корневище имиря (生姜)

Трава эльсгольции (香薷)

Трава корианра (胡荽)

Лист тамариска (柽柳)

Острые и прохланые лекарства,спосоствующие устранению наружного

синрома (рассеивающие ветер-жар)

Трава мяты (薄菏)

Пло лопуха (牛蒡子)

Оолочка личинки цикаы (蝉衣)

Лист шелковицы (桑叶)

веток хризантемы (菊花)

Пло прутняка (蔓荆子)

Ораотанное семя сои (淡豆豉)

Корень пуерарии (葛根)

Корневище цимицифуги (клопогона) (升麻)

Корень волоушки (柴胡)

Трава многокоренника (浮萍)

Трава хвоща (木贼)

Лекарства, охлажающие жар и очищающие от огня

Гипс (石膏)

Корневище анемаррены (知母)

Корневище тростника (芦根)

Корень трихозантеса (天花粉)

Лист листоколосника (амука) (竹叶)

Лист лофатерума (淡竹叶)

Пло гарении (栀子)

Трава коммелины (鸭跖草)


Колос черноголовки (夏枯草)

Семя кассии (决明子)

Бутон улеи (密蒙花)

Семя целозии (青箱子)

Лекарства, охлажающие жар и иссушающие сырость

Корень шлемника (黄芩)

Корневище коптиса (黄连)

Кора архатного ерева (黄柏)

Корень горечавки шероховатой (龙胆草)

Корень софоры (苦参)

Кора корня ясенца (白藓皮)

Кора ясеня (秦皮)

Лекарства, охлажающие жар и остужающие кровь

Корень ремании (生地黄)

Корень норичника (玄参)

Кора корня пиона ревовиного (牡丹皮)

Корень пиона красного (赤芍)

Корень вороейника или арнеии (紫草)

Лекарства, охлажающие жар и изгоняющие токсин

Бутон жимолости (金银花)

Пло форсайтии (连翘)

Трава оуванчика (蒲公英)

Трава фиалки (紫花地丁)

Корневище париса (蚤休)

Корневище горца змеиного (拳参)

Лист вайы (大青叶)

Иниго натуральный (青黛)

Трава хауттюйнии (鱼腥草)

Лоза саржентооксы (红藤)

Трава патринии (败酱草)

Трава портулака (马齿苋)

Корень прострела (白头翁)

Корневище еламканы (射干)

Спорофор головача (马勃)

Корневище смилакса (土茯苓)

Корневище винограовника (白蔹)

Корень рапонтикума или моровника (漏芦)

Трава лоелии (半边莲)

Семя маша (绿豆)


Лекарства, охлажающие жар типа неостатка

Трава полыни онолетней (青蒿)

Корень ластовня черноватого (白薇)

Кора корня ерезы (地骨皮)

Лекарства с сильным слаительным ействием

Корень и корневище ревеня (大黄)

Мираилит (глауерова соль) (芒硝)

Высушенный сок алоэ (芦荟)

Лекарства с мягким слаительным ействием

Семя конопли (火麻仁)

Семя сливы (郁李仁)

Лекарства с сильным слаительным ействием, изгоняющие воу

Корень молочая гань-суй (甘遂)

Корень молочая пекинского (大戟)

веток волчника (芫花)

Семя фаритиса (牵牛子)

Корень лаконоса (商陆)

Семя кротона (巴豆)

Лекарства, изгоняющие ветер-сырость и рассеивающие холо

Корень уника опушенного (独活)

Корень ломоноса (威灵仙)

Корень аконита (川乌)

Пло хеномелеса (木瓜)

Лекарства, изгоняющие ветер-сырость и охлажающие жар

Корень горечавки крупнолистной (秦艽)

Корень стефании (防己)

Стеель трахелоспермума (络石藤)

Корневище циотиума (狗脊)

Лекарства, изгоняющие ветер-сырость и укрепляющие сухожилия и кости

Кора корня акантопанакса (五加皮)

Ветвь ремнецветника (桑寄生)

Ароматные лекарства, растворяющие сырость

Трава многоколосника (藿香)

Трава посконника (佩兰)

Корневище атрактилоеса ланцетного (苍术)

Кора магнолии (厚朴)

Пло амомума (砂仁)

Пло карамона (白豆蔻)

Лекарства, изгоняющие воу и сцеживающие сырость

Лекарства, изгоняющие воу и устраняющие отеки

Пориа кокосовиная (茯苓)

Трутовик зонтичный (猪苓)

Семя усенника (薏苡仁)

Корневище частухи (泽泻)

Лекарства, изгоняющие мочу и восстанавливающие прохоимость при странгурии

Семя поорожника (车前子)

Тальк (滑石)

Стеель кирказона (木通)

Корневище иоскореи сизоватой (萆解)

Спора лигоиума (海金沙)

Трава гвозики (瞿麦)

Пло кохии (地肤子)

Лекарства, изгоняющие сырость и устраняющие желтуху

Трава полыни волосяной (茵陈蒿)

Трава верейника (金钱草)

Корневище горца остроконечного (虎杖)

Лекарства, прогревающие внутренние органы

Ораотанный корень аконита (附子)

Сушеное корневище имиря (干姜)

Кора коричника (肉桂)

Пло эвоии (吴茱萸)

Пло фенхеля (小茴香)

Околоплоник зантоксилума (花椒)

веточная почка сизигиума (гвозика) (丁香)

Корневище альпинии (高良姜)

3.中英文对照句子 篇三

other how to live.5.Edward将不参加明天的讨论,因为他正忙于一本法语小说的翻译。Edward won’t join in/participate in tomorrow’s discussion for he is occupied

with/occupies himself with a translation of a French novel.6.这件可怕的事将使我们的余生充满阴影。This terrible event will darken the rest of our lives.7.政客关心的是竞选成功与否,而政治家关心的是人民的未来。The politician is concerned with successful elections whereas the statesman is

interested in the future of his people.8.我谨代表我们代表团的所有成员,为邀请我们参加这个丰盛的圣诞晚会表示衷心的感谢!On behalf of all the members of our mission, I would

like to express our sincere thanks to you for inviting us to such a marvelous Christmas party.1.电视取代了电影的地位,成了美国最为普遍的娱乐方式。Television have displaced motion picture as America’s most popular form of entertainment.2.用形而上学的观点看待问题是错误的。It’s wrong to approach a problem from a metaphysical point of view.3.他从来不允许自己失败,也不会让周围的人失望。He has never allowed himself to fail, nor has he ever disappointed the people around him.4.中国要在金融方面取得国际地位,首先要靠上海。If China is to acquire international status in finance, we should depend primarily on Shanghai.5.代沟使得儿女们很跟父母和睦相处。The generation gap makes it hard for children to reate to their parents.6.这个协议将为两国之间的持久和平铺平道路。This agreement will pave the path for a lasting peace between the two countries.7.人们开始意识到计算机在我们的生活中起着越来越重要的作用。People have come to understand that computer is playing an increasingly important

role in our life.8.我们正在努力从总体上增强环境意识,特别是空气污染方面。We are trying to raise awareness about the environment in general and air pollution in

particular.1.通讯卫星使得远距离传送电视图像成为可能。Communication satellites make it possible to send television pictures over long distance.2.他花了很长时间才习惯了这一事实,即他失业了。It has taken him a long time to come to terms with the fact that he was without work.3.他们没有上床睡觉,反而激烈的争论起来。Instead of going to bed, they had a hot argument.4.将研究成果应用到生产中去是很重要的。It is very important to apply the achievements in scientific research to production.5.那出戏首次公演之夜观众非常热情。The audience was/were enthusiastic on the opening night of the play.6.我们应该对美国文化的多样性有一个全面性的了解。We should get a thorough understanding about the cultural diversity of the United States.7.太阳能电池把阳光的能量转化为电能。The solar cell can convert the energy of sunlight into electric energy.8.这件羊毛衫洗后会缩水吗?Will this woolen sweater shrink when washed?

1.一位美国大学校长曾经评论说爱因斯坦创立了一种新的观点,即一种新的宇宙观。An American university president once commented that Einstein

has created a new outlook, a new view of the universe.2.小说的一部分是我祖母写的。The novel is written in part by my grandmother.3.给予投资者的建议是以利率将会继续下降这一点为前提的。Advice to investors was based on the premise that interest rates would continue to fall.4.课程除了一般介绍电脑知识外,还提供实际操作的机会。In addition to giving a general introduction to computer, the course also provides practical

experience.5.你最好坐火车去那儿,国为火车票比飞机票便宜一半。You’d better go there by train because the train ticket is three times as cheap as the plane

ticket.6.我们可以不理会他而直接去找主席,但那样做我们就如履薄冰了。We could ignore him and go direct to the chairman, but we’d be skating on very

thin ice.7.权衡起来,他的功劳要远大于他的过失。On balance, his achievements far outweighs his faults.8.她采用新的方法经营业务,并且从中受益极大。She employed new way of dong business and benefited greatly from it.’t get in touch with her.11.12.Without electronic computers, much of today’13.14.’t like it at all.15.’t see any sign in the area telling people how fast they can drive. Edmund Hillary 埃德蒙。希拉里爵士。

2.Direction.Screenplay.Cinematography.Editing.Acting.Lighting and Sets.Special Effects.Soundtrack.导演。剧本。拍摄艺术。剪辑。动作。灯光和场景。特效。配音。

3.third Outlook.三次展望。

4.仪器中英文对照 篇四



坐标机 Coordinate Measuring Machine CMM 光学测量机械 Optical Measuring Machine OMM 投影仪 Profile projector

高度规 Height gauge

HG 圆柱塞规 Plug gauge



toolmakers Microscope 放大镜

Magnifying glass 扫描仪

Light Spot Scanner 色差机

Color-difference meters


gloss meter平台(大理石平台)

Surface plates 精密比重计

proportion meter 扭力校正仪

torque meter


multi-functional length calibrator 雷射测高仪

Laser altimeter instrument 硬度测试笔

pencil a durometer 熔融指数测试仪

melt flow indexers


Hybrid recorder(multipoint type recorder)


Ampere hour 电热恒温水槽

Electric thermostat sink 导电度仪

Electrolytic conductance meter


Universal tension and compression testing machine


Projectors 手提式盐度计

Salinity of hand-held 深度规

Depth gages


thickness meters 量表

Scale 玻璃光学尺

Glass optical device 标准光泽板

Standard shiny plate Z轴设定器

Z-axis set meter


3D-Determination meters平台.Platform 铅笔硬度计

Pencil hardness testers 百格刀

Hundred grid knife RCA试验机

RCA testing machine R角规

R meters


Rectangular device


luminance meter 电子称

Electronics Weighing 酸度计

Acidity meter 推拉力计

push and pull meter 环境实验设备温度,湿度 Equipment of the environmental testing for temperature and humidity


Gauss meter 微量欧姆计

Micro-ohms of Meters 网络分析仪

Network Analyzer 激光尘埃粒子计数器

laser Airbome Particle counter 炉温追踪记录器

Datapaq easy track


Measuring Instrument for Shock 摆锤式冲击试验机

Pendulum Impact Testing Machine 拉伸试验机

Tensile testing machine 标准光源箱

Standard light box 阶梯规

ladder Machine 多功能转速测试仪




Spring durability testing machine 电镀层膜厚测定仪
































Salt water spray test machine The hardness of rubber

Coating thickness Measurer

Clamshell phones life testing machine Feeler gauge oven

Infrared thermometer Friction Testing Machine Dynamometers Resistance meter


Digital Micrometer


Metal/material elemental analysis

XRF Electronic level meter Screw thread micrometer Bore gauge

Vernier caliper Dial caliper

Calliper with electronic digital display Depth Vernier caliper

Depth caliper with electronic digital display Dial height Calliper Height Vernier Caliper

Height caliper with electronic digital display Volometer

Digital thermometer

pH Meters

Water Test Kits

Electro Microscopy

Optical Microscopy

Metallurgical Microscopy

X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer


Humidity Sensor 热电偶测温仪



Coating thickness Measurer 水平尺

Level Ruler 块规

Gauge block 环规

Ring gauge 螺纹规

Thread gauge


Radius gauge 表面粗糙测量仪

surface roughness tester 硬度测量仪

Hardness tester 秒表

stopwatch 立体显微镜

stereomicroscope 万能角度尺

universal bevel protractors


1.几何量 geometrical product 2.量值value(of a quantity)3.真值true value(of a quantity)4.约定真值 conventional true value(of a quantity)5.单位unit(of measurement)6.测量measurement 7.测试measurement and test 8.检验inspecte 9.静态测量static measurement 10.动态测量dynamic measurement 11.测量原理principle of measurement 12.测量方法method of measurement 13.测量程序measurement procedure 14.被测量measurand 15.影响量influence quantity 16.变换值transformed value(of a measurand)17.测量信号measurement signal 18.直接测量法direct method of measurement 19.间接测量法indirect method of measurement 20.定义测量法definitive method of measurement 21.直接比较测量法direct-comparison method of measurement 22.替代测量法substitution method of measurement 23.微差测量法differential method of measurement 24.零位测量法nulll method of measurement 25.测量结果result of a measurement 26.测得值measured value 27.实际值actual value 28.未修正结果uncorrected result(of a measurement)29.已修正结果corrected result(of a measurement)30.测量的准确度accuracy of measurement 31.测量的重复性repeatability of measurement 32.测量复现性reproducibility of measurements 33.实验标准偏差experimental standard deviation 34.测量不确定度uncertainty of measurement 35.测量绝对误差 absolute error of measurement 36.相对误差 relative error 37.随机误差random error 38.系统误差 systematic error 39.修正值correction 40.修正系数correction factor 41.人员误差personal error 42.环境误差environmental error 43.方法误差error of method 44.调整误差adjustment error 45.读数误差reading error 46.视差parallax error 47.估读误差 interpolation error 48.粗大误差parasitic error 49.检定verification 50.校准calibration 51.调准gauging 52.调整adjustment 53. 准确度accuracy of a measuring instruments 54.准确度等级accuracy class 55.重复性repeatability of a measuring instrument 56.示值变动性varation of indication 57.稳定度stability 58.可靠性reliability 59.回程hysteresis 60.漂移drift 61.响应时间response time 62.测量力(简称“测力”)measuring force

校准 calibration :规定条件下,为确立测量仪器仪表或测量系统的示值或实物量具所体现的值与被测量相对应的已知值之间关系的操作。

校准曲线 calibration curve:在规定条件下,表示被测量值与仪器仪表实际测得值之间关系的曲线。

校准循环 calibration cycle :仪器仪表校准范围极限间的上行校准曲线和下行校准曲线的组合。

校准表格 calibration table :表示校准曲线的数据表格形式。thermal shock,热冲击

5.中英文对照合同 篇五


日期:2010-08-09合同号码: B-201000215Date: August 9, 2010Contract No.: B-201000215

买 方:北电能源(青岛)有限公司



(The Sellers)Digikey

兹经买卖双方同意按照以下条款由买方购进,卖方售出以下商品,具体附详细清单:This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers;whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter,Detailed list of specific laws。

(7)支付条款: 电汇

Terms of Payment: Telegraphic transfer

(9)装运期限: 2week

Time of Shipment: two week

(11)目 的 港:青岛

Port of Destination: Qingdao



Within 45 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination, should the quality, Specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessel are liable, the Buyers shall, have the right on the strength of the inspection certificate issued by the C.C.I.C and the relative documents to claim for compensation to the Sellers


能交货者,卖方可免除责任,在不可抗力发生后,卖方须立即电告买方及在14天内以空邮方式向买方提供事故发生的证明文件,在上述情况下,卖方仍须负责采取措施尽快发货。Force Majeure :

The sellers shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or non-deli-very of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit.The sellers shall advise the Buyers immediately of the occurrence mentioned above the within fourteen days there after.the Sellers shall send by airmail to the Buyers for their acceptancea certificate of the accident.Under such circumstances the Sellers, however, are still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the deliveryof the goods.(14)仲裁:凡有关执行合同所发生的一切争议应通过友好协商解决,如协商不能解决,则将分歧提交中国国际贸易促进委员会按有关仲裁程序进行仲裁,仲裁将是终局的,双方均受其约束,仲裁费用由败诉方承担。

Arbitration :

All disputes in connection with the execution of this Contract shall be settled friendly through negotiation.in case no settlement can be reached, the case then may be submitted for arbitration to the Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in accordance with the Provisional Rules of Procedure promulgated by the said Arbitration Commission.the Arbitration committee shall be final and binding upon both parties.and the Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing parties.买方:北电能源(青岛)有限公司卖方: Digikey



6.酒店介绍 中英文对照 篇六


Today, I would like some special hotels for you, which are also the industry of my interest.With unique charm and style, these hotels have attracted me and all the other travelers.I hope one day in the future I could live in all these special hotels.To tell the truth, I would feel quite satisfied if I could live in anyone of them.1、the Sala Silvermine Hotel瑞典地下旅馆 The Swedish underground hotel—The Sala Silvermine Hotel

“世界上最深的地下洞穴酒店”位于瑞典,名为Sala Silvermine,它并非是特意挖的洞穴,而是由老矿改建而成。

The cave hotel deepest under the ground is located in Sweden, whose name is The Sala Silvermine Hotel.The cave was not dug specially for the hotels, but was renovated based on the old mine.这酒店在地下155米处,要价600美刀左右。用餐、睡觉都在地下,无人打扰,相当的安静,闲来无事还可以在矿井逛逛,探索这美丽的洞穴。

The hotel is about 155 meters under the ground, charging for about $600 a night.Guests can have meals and sleep under the ground, whose quiet environment ensures you not to be disturbed by anyone.If you feel nothing to do in the cave hotel, you can visit the mine to explore the charm of the cave.2、波塞冬海下度假村。The Poseidon Undersea Resort


It is the first undersea resort in the world up to date.Visitors can spend their holidays elegantly and romantically in the luxurious environment 40 feet under the sea.它被面积5000英亩的礁湖环绕,豪华套房的面积达到51平方米。所有宾客将搭乘潜艇入住这家海下酒店,但这种海下之旅的费用可是相当昂贵,每人的入住费高达1.5万美元。每套公寓都有一张双人床和巨型窗户,游客可以通过一个特殊的遥控器改变公寓的内设以欣赏到壮丽的景色。所有的游客都可以使用潜艇或通过一个特殊的隧道进入度假村的餐厅、酒吧和Spa水疗室。

Surrounded by the lagoons of an area of 5,000 acres, the Resort boasts deluxe rooms up to 51 square meters.All the guests can take the submarine to the undersea hotel.However, the undersea trip is very expensive, costing $15,000 a night per person.Every apartment is equipped with a double bed and large windows.Visitors can appreciate the magnificent landscape outside by changing the internal device of the apartment through a special remote control.All the visitors can enter the canteens, bars and SPAs through the submarine or a special tunnel.3、The Igloo Village 完美的北极光体验 The experience of perfect aurora borealis—The Igloo VillageThe Igloo Village使你可以在零下50°的环境下悠然欣赏北极光的美丽。The Igloo Village是一个非常富有创意和灵感的屋子,设计得非常人性化而且外形新鲜。半圆形的屋子由特殊玻璃材质构成,让室内温度即使在室外是-30°时也能保持舒适的水平,并且玻璃表面不会因为室内室外的温度差而结霜或泛起水汽,而影响观赏北极光。另外The Igloo Village配备一个洗漱间和一张超级豪华舒适的大床,在这样的房间里观赏奇幻的北极光,绝对会成为你难忘而美好的记忆

The Igloo Village allows you to appreciate the beauty of aurora borealis leisurely in the environment about 50 ℃ below zero.The Igloo Village is a very creative and inspiring room, whose design is very humane and the outer of which is colorful.The semi-sphere room is built with special glass materials, enabling the indoor temperature to keep at a comfortable condition even ever the outdoor temperature is-30℃ below zero.Moreover, the surface of the glass will not be frozen due to the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor or appear water vapor, which will influence the appreciation of the aurora borealis.Besides, Igloo Village is equipped with a

bathroom and a super large deluxe comfortable bed.To appreciate aurora borealis in such a room will surely become an unforgettable and beautiful memory for you.4、加拿大魁北克,冰川酒店Hotel de GlaceGlace hotel in Quebec, Canada--Hotel de Glace这家酒店的房间全部使用冰雪建造,房子的基架使用雪块堆成,家具则是用大块的冰雕刻而成,好像大理石一样坚硬。每一年的十二月初,这家位于加拿大的冰川酒店就会开始它的重建工作。酒店样子每一年都会有所不同,当气温升高时,酒店就会停业,等待下一个冬天。

All the rooms in this hotel are built with ice and snow, whose frame is piled up with snow blocks, and furniture is carved with large blocks of ice, which are as hard as marbles.On the early December every year, Hotel de Glace starts its construction work.Every year, the Hotel looks differently.Moreover, when the temperature rises, the Hotel will suspend its business and wait for the next winter.5、南非的Lion SandsLion Sands in South Africa

它从严格的意义上很难说是一间酒店,但它却毫无疑问是最具有野性魅力的泊宿之所。它有一个最特别的套房—— Chalkley Treehouse 树屋,双人床被放置在一个极高的露天平台上,当你在床上翻滚赖床时,狮子,豹可能就在树下的草丛中穿梭。

Strictly speaking, it is not a hotel, but, undoubtedly, it is the hotel with the wildest charm.It has a special suite, Chalkley Treehouse, whose double bed is located on a relatively high open terrace.When you roll on the bed and refuse to get up, there may be lions or leopards walking through the high grass under the tree.6、亚马逊阿里亚乌度假酒店Ariau Amazon Towers


It is one of the earliest tree houses.Since the 1980s, it has started to provide accommodation for the visitors on the top of the Amazon Rainforest.All the guesthouses here are connected by the 10-km wooden trestle and zigzag their way on the thick tree crowns of the Amazon Rainforest of about 20 meters high.Visitors can enjoy their dinner in the annular canteens or enjoy the honeymoon suite of about 30 meters high.You will get the opportunity to see the wild monkeys, scarlet macaws, sloths and various birds.亚马逊阿里亚乌度假酒店不论在空中还是地上看都是非常壮观的。所有的树上小屋都位于热带雨林,由楼梯井和轻便梯项链,周围是各种动植物群,有些房间还有按摩浴缸。整个酒店建在高跷上,这样雨季的时候就不用担心被水淹了。

Ariau Amazon Towers looks very magnificent whether in the air or on the ground.Surrounded by various flora and fauna, all the rooms are on the top of the Amazon Rainforest with stairwells and catwalk chains.Some rooms are even equipped with massage bathtub.Since the whole hotel is high above the rainforest, you don’t have to worry about floors in the rain season, which may inundate the hotel.7、Everland酒店Everland



The hotel has only room.However, many people line up to book it.Believe it or not, it is Everland, which is unique in the world.The whole hotel has only one guestroom, but boasts extensive view, because it is currently located on the roof of a building and will be relocated to another place soon.This is the particularity of it.Besides, the operation concept of the hotel is formulated by two artists, so

every detail of the hotel shows unique art idea.No matter how rich you are, you can only spend one night in the guesthouse.The mini-inn boasts almost everything that one expects to find, whose cost is included in the hotel rate.The hotel provides room breakfast.There is even a record cabinet.8、阿布扎比皇宫酒店(Emirates Palace)--Emirates Palace

它 位于阿拉伯联合酋长国首都阿布扎比(Abu Dhab)的西北的海岸边,是迄今为止最为奢华、最贵的酒店。它斥资 30 亿美元,由黄金和大理石堆成,被认为“简直是为国王而建的”。原本是为海湾合作委员会首脑来到阿布扎比参加会议而修建,也是世上唯一的八星级酒店。

Located on the northwest coastline of Abu Dhab, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, it is the most luxurious and expensive hotel in the world.With an investment of $3 billion, it is made up of gold and marbles, which is regarded as “building just for kings.” Originally built for heads of Gulf Cooperation Council taking part in Abu Dhabi, it is the only Eight-Star hotel in the world.它客房的地板是大理石或地毯,房间价格从 600 美元至 13000 美元不等,外加 20% 的服务费。房间最小的客房面积为 55平方米,最大的总统套间面积近千平方米。酒店顶层的 6 个总统套间,只接待来自海湾地区的元首或王室成员,还有专属的入口车道。

The floor of the guesthouse is made up of marbles or rugs with the hotel rate ranging from $600 to $13,000 with 20% extra service fee.The smallest guesthouse is 55 square meters and the largest presidential suite about a thousand square meters.There are six presidential suites in the top story of the hotel, which only receives the heads of Gulf Cooperation Council or royal members.The presidential suites also have exclusive entrance lane.太多的不可思议,让宫殿酒店成为了阿拉伯半岛最令人向往的旅游胜地之一。


7.阀门种类中英文对照 篇七

安全阀 Safety valve

暗杆闸阀 Inside screw nonrising stem type gate valve

百叶窗;闸板 shutter 百叶窗式挡板 louver damper

摆阀式活塞泵 swing gate piston pump 保温式 Steam jacket type 报警阀 alarm valve

报警阀;信号阀;脉冲阀 sentinel valve 背压调节阀 back pressure regulating valve 背压率 Rate of back pressure 本体阀杆密封 body stem seal 波纹管阀 Bellows valves

波纹管密封阀 bellow sealed valve 波纹管密封式 Bellows seal type

波纹管平衡式安全阀 Bellows seal balance safety valve

波纹管式减压阀 Bellows reducing valve 波纹管式减压阀 Bellows weal reducing valve 薄膜 thin film

薄膜;隔膜 diaphragm

薄膜式减压阀 Diaphragm reducing valve 薄型闸阀 Thin Gate Valves 不封闭式 Unseal type

槽车球阀 Tank Lorry Ball Valves 颤振 Flutter

常闭式 Normally closed type 常开式 Normally open type 超低温阀门 Cryogenic valve

超高压阀门 Super high pressure valve 超过压力 Overpressure of a safety valve 衬胶隔膜阀 rubber lined diaphragm 衬胶截止阀 rubber lined globe valve

垂直板式蝶阀 Vertical disc type butterfly valve 磁耦合截止阀 Magnetic Co-operate Globe Valves

带补充载荷的安全阀 Supplementary loaded safety valve

带辅助装置的安全阀 Assisted safety valve 单阀碟双面平行密封闸阀 parallel single disk gate valve

单口排气阀 Single Opening Exhaust Valves 单向阀 Non-return Valve 单闸板 Single gate disc

单闸板平板闸阀 Single Disc Flat Gate Valves 弹簧薄膜式减压阀 Spring diaphragm reducing valve

弹簧式安全阀 Direct spring loaded safety valve 弹簧座 Spring plate 弹性闸板 Flexible gate disc

当量计算排量 Equivalent calculated capacity 挡板 damper 导阀 Pilot valve

导向套 Valve guide disc guide 低温阀门 Sub-zero valve 低压阀门 Low pressure valve 底阀 bottom valve 底阀 Foot valve

电磁动装置 Eletro magnetic actuator 电磁阀 magnetic valve 电磁阀 solenoid valve

电磁-液动装置 Eletro magnetichydraulic actuator

电动阀 mortor operated valve 电动阀 motorized valve

电动截止阀 Electric Actuated Stop Valves 电动平行式双闸板闸板 Electric Double Disk Parallel Gate Valves

电动楔式闸阀 Electric Actuated Wedge Gate Valves

电动装置 Electric actuator

电-液动装置 Eletro hydraulic actuator 电液伺服阀 electro-hydraulic servovalve 调节弹簧 Regulation spring 调节阀 adjusting valve 调节阀 control valve 调节阀 regulating valve

调节螺套 Adjusting bolt Adjusting screw 调节圈 Adjusting ring

蝶板 Disc

蝶阀;瓣阀 butterfly valve

蝶阀;瓣阀;拍门;铰链阀 flap valve 蝶式缓冲止回阀 Butterfly Type Non-slam Check

蝶式止回阀 Butterfly swing check valve 定比减压阀 Proprutioning pressure reducing valve

定差减压阀 Fixed differential reducing valve 定值减压阀 Fixed pressure reducing valve 动态特性 Dynamic characteristics 对焊连接阀 Buttwelding valves 对夹蝶板阀 Wafer plate valves

对夹式衬胶蝶阀 Wafer Type Butterfly Valves with Rubber Itning 对夹式阀门 Clamp valves

对夹式止回阀 Wafer Check Valves 额定排量 Certified capacity

额定排量系数 Derated coefficient of discharge 二通阀 Two-way valves 阀 valve

阀板 valve deck plate 阀板 valve plate

阀板式活塞泵 valve deck plate type piston pump

阀板式活塞泵 valve plate type piston pump 阀瓣 Disc

阀操纵杆 valve operating rod 阀痤槽valve seat recess 阀挡 valve grid 阀挡 valve positioner 阀挡 valve stop 阀导杆 valve tail rod 阀导向器 valve guide 阀盖 bonnet

阀盖衬套 bonnet bush 阀盖垫片 bonnet gasket 阀杆 stem 阀杆 valve rod 阀杆 valve spindle

阀杆端部尺寸 Dimmension of valve stem end

阀杆环 stem ring

阀杆螺母 Yoke bushing Yoke nut 阀杆填料 stem packing

阀杆头部尺寸 Dimension of valve stem head 阀簧 valve spring

阀簧压板 valve spring plate

阀控水锤泵 valve-controlled hydraulic ram 阀框架 valve yoke 阀门Valve

阀门传动装置 valve bandle set 阀门和管件 Valves and Fittings 阀门盘根 valve packing 阀门手柄 valve handle 阀盘 disc 阀盘 valve disc 阀片 Disc 阀球 valve ball

阀驱动臂 valve driving arm 阀驱动臂 valve motion arm 阀式活塞 valve type piston 阀式活塞valve type bucket

阀室式活塞泵 valve box type piston pump 阀室式活塞泵(美)valve pot type piston pump 阀抬起装置 valve lifting device 阀体 body阀体 valve body 阀箱 valve box 阀箱 valve cage 阀箱 valve chest

阀箱;阀限位器 valve guard 阀箱盖 cover for valve box 阀箱盖 valve box cover

阀箱式活塞泵(美)turret type piston pump 阀形活塞泵 valve type piston pump 阀座 Seat ring 阀座 valve carrier

阀座 valve seat(body seat)阀座;阀盘 valve seat 阀座环 seat ring

阀座密封嵌条 sealing strip for valve seat 法兰 flange

法兰堵头 blind flange 法兰端 flange end 法兰接头 flange joint

法兰连接紧固件(双头螺栓和螺帽)flange bolting

法兰密封面,法兰面 flange facing 法兰面加工 flange facing finish 法兰球阀 Flange Ball Valves 翻板阀 Flap 反冲盘 Disc holder

反向作用式减压阀 Reverse acting reducing valve

反向作用式减压阀 Reverse acting reducing valve

放空阀 emptying valve

放气阀 air vent valve;vent valve 放气阀;排气阀 air evacuation valve 放泄阀 escape valve

分置阀室式活塞泵 separate valve box type piston pump

分置阀室式活塞泵(美)side pot type piston pump

封闭式 Seal type

浮动式球阀 Float ball valve 浮球 Ball float 浮球阀 Float Valve

浮球式疏水阀 Ball float steam trap 浮球式疏水阀 Free Float Type Steam Trap 浮桶 Bucket float

浮桶式疏水阀 Open bucket steam trap 辅助(副)阀 Auxiliary valves 负荷率 Rate of load condensate

附加背压力 Superimposed back pressure 复位弹簧 Returnning spring 杠杆式 Lever type

杠杆式安全阀 Lever and weight loaded safety valve

杠杆式减压阀 Lever reducing valve 高温阀门 High temperature valve 高压阀门 High pressure valve 格兰密封 gland

隔离阀 isolating valve 隔膜Diaphragm 隔膜阀 diaphragm valve

隔膜式控制阀 diaphragm operated comtrol valve

工作背压 Operating back pressure 工作温度 Operating temperature 工作温度 Working temperature 工作压差 Operting differential pressure 工作压力 Operating pressure 工作压力 Working pressure 公称通径 Nominal diameter 公称压力 Nominal pressure 固定式球阀 Fixed ball valve 关闭压力 Lockup pressure

关阀过冷度 Subcooled temperature of close valve

关阀温度 Closing valve temperature 管道安全阀 Piping Safety Valves 过冷度 Subcoold temperature 过流阀(或节流阀)Restrictor Valves 喉径 Throat diameter 滑阀 slide valve

滑阀式回转活塞泵 rotary piston pump with slide gate

滑阀型转子泵 eccentric rotary pump with sliding sleeve

环形阀 annular valve 环形阀 double beat valve 换向阀 selector valve 换向阀 shuttle valve

回转滑阀活塞泵 piston pump with rotary gate 回座压力 Re-seating pressure of a safety valve 活塞昵减压阀 Piston reducing valve 活塞式阀 piston valve

活塞式阀;柱塞式阀 plunger valve 活塞式减压阀 Piston reducing valve 减速阀 Deceleration valves 减压比 Pressure reducing ratio 减压阀 pressure reducing valve 浆液阀 Parallel Slide Valves

角阀 Angle Valve

角阀 isolation valve angle configuration 角式 Angie type

角式节流阀 Angle Throttle Valves 角式截止阀 Angle Stop valves 铰链阀;片状阀 flapper valve 节流阀 throttle valve 节流阀choke valve 节流阀;节流 throttle

结构长度 Face-to-face dimension;End-to-end dimension;Face-to-centre dimension 结构形式 Type of construction 截止阀 Globe valve 截止阀 Shut-off Valve 截止阀;关断阀 shut-off valve 截止式隔膜阀Globe diaphragm valve 紧急切断阀 Emergeny Cut-off Valves 进气阀 air intake valve 进水阀;进口阀门 inlet valve 静态特性 Static characteristics

静态特性偏差 Static characteristics derivation 开阀过冷度 Subcooled temperature of open valve

开阀温度 Opening valve temperature 开启高度 Lift 壳体试验 Shell test

壳体试验压力 Seal test pressure 空气阀门 Air valves

快速排污阀 Quick Draining Valves 类型 Type

冷凝结水排量 Cold condensate capacity 冷态试验差压力 Cold differential test pressure 理论排量 Theoretical flowing capacity 连接槽尺寸 Dimension of connecting channel 连接尺寸 Conncetion cimension 连接形式 Type of connection 帘面积 Curtain area 流道面积 Flow area 流道直径 Flow diameter 流量孔板 flow orifice plate 流量控制阀 flow control valve

流量特性 Flow characteristics

流量特性偏差 Flow characteristics derivation 漏汽量 Steam loss

脉冲式疏水阀 Impulse steam trap 密封面 Sealing face 密封试验 Seal test

密封试验压力 Seal test pressure

明杆平行式双闸板闸板 Double Disk Parallel Gate Valves

明杆闸阀 Outside screw stem rising through handwheel type gate valve 膜片 Diaphragm 内压自封 Pressure seat 逆止阀;止回阀 check valve 逆止阀;止回阀 non-return valve 逆止阀;止回阀;单向阀 check valve 排放背压力 Brilt-up back pressure 排放压力 Relieving pressure 排灰阀 Ash valves

排量系数 Coefficient of discharge 排气阀 air release valve 排气阀 Exhaust valves 排气阀 Vent Valve 排水阀 Drainage valves

排水温度 Temperature at discharging condensate

排污阀 blowdown valve 排污箱(阀)Waste Valves 排渣闸阀 Scum Gate Valves 盘阀 moushroom valve 盘状阀 plate valve 旁路阀 by pass valve

配汽活塞阀缸套 piston valve line 喷射阀 injection valve 喷射阀 sprayer valve 喷水阀 spray water valve 频跳 Chatter

平衡阀 Balance valves平衡式 Balance type

平行式闸阀 Parallel gate valve Parallel slide valve

启闭件 Disc

启闭压差 Blowdown of a safety valve 起始升程 Commencement of lift 气动装置 Pneumatic actuator 气阀摇臂 valve arm

气-液动装置 Pneumatic-hydraulic actuator 潜水电泵(排污泵)Submerged Motor Pumps 切断阀;截止阀 block valve;shut-off valve;stop valve

切断式止回阀 stop check valve 切换阀;多向阀 changeover valve 球、球芯 Ball 球阀 Ball valve 球阀 globe valve 球体 Ball

全启式安全阀 Fall lift safety valve 热凝结水排量 Hot condensate capacity 入口隔离门 suction isolating valve 塞子 Plug

三通阀 three-way isolating valve 三通阀 three-way valve 三通式 Three way type 上密封 Back seat 上密封试验 Back seal test 渗漏量 Leckage

升降立式止回阀 Vertical lift check valve 升降式止回阀 Lift check valve 适用介质 Suitable medium 适用温度 Suitable temperature 手摇油泵(阀)Manual Oil Pumps Valves 疏水阀 drain valve

双金属片式疏水阀 Bimetal elements steam trap

双口排气球 Double Opening Exhaust Valves 双联弹簧式安全阀 Duplex safety valve 双闸板 Double gate disc

双闸板平板闸阀 Double Disc Flat Gate Valves 水封闸阀 Water Seal Gate Valves 水力喷射器(真空泵)Vacuum Pumps 伺服阀 servovalve 填料 Packing

填料垫 Packing seat 填料函 Stuffing

填料式旋塞阀 Gland packing plug valve 填料箱 Stuffing box 填料压盖 Gland 通气阀 breather valve 通气阀;呼吸器 breather 通用阀门 General valve 吐出阀;排出阀 discharge valve 吐出阀限位器 delivery valve guard 微启式安全阀 Low lift safety valve

微阻缓闭止回阀 Tiny Drag Slow Shut Check Valves

吻合度 Percent of contact area

蜗轮传动蝶阀 Butterfly Valves with Gear Actuator

蜗轮传动装置 Wormgear actuator 屋脊式隔膜阀 Weir diaphragm valve 无阀泵 valveless pump

无阀隔膜泵 valveless diaphragm pump 无阀振动泵 valveless vibration pump 无负荷漏汽量 No-load steam loss 无负荷漏汽率 Rate of no-load steam loss 吸(抽)气阀 Aspirating valves 吸入阀 suction valve

吸入阀限位器 suction valve guard 先导式安全阀 Pilot operated safety valve 先导式液压阀 Pilot-operated reducing valve 相对静偏差 Relative static characteristics derivation

相对流量特性偏差 Relative flow characteristics derivation

相对压力特性偏差 Relative pressure characteristics derivation 销轴 Hinge pin

楔式闸阀 Wedge gate valve

斜板式蝶阀 Indined disc butterfly valve 泄料(放空,排污)阀 Blowdown valves 泄压阀 Decompression valves 泄压阀 pressure release valve 泄压阀;安全阀 relief valve

卸荷式减压阀 Balanced reducing valve 型号 Type Model

旋启多瓣式止回阀 Multi-disc swing foot valve 旋启式止回阀 Swing check valve

旋启双瓣式底阀 Double disc swing foot valve 旋塞阀 Cock 旋塞阀 plug valve

压力(増压)阀 Pressure valve

压力调节阀;压力控制阀 pressure controlled valve

压力特性 Pressure characteristics 压力特性偏差 Pressure characteristics derivation

压力增长系数 Pressure increasing ratio 摇杆 Arm

液动装置 Hydraulic actuator 液化气管件 LPG Pipe Fitting 液下泵 Under Water Pumps

液压执行器 hydraulic actuator

仪表针形截止阀 Meter Needle Type Globe Valves

溢流阀 overflow valve 翼形阀;锥形阀 wing valve 油封式旋塞阀 Lubricated plug valve 有阀翼板 double acting wing 有阀翼板 wing with valve 有负荷漏汽量 Load steam loss 有负荷漏汽率 Rate of load steam loss 圆板阀;圆盘阀 disc valve

圆盘式疏水阀 Shemostatic team trap 圆柱齿轮传动装置 Cylindrical gear actuator 圆锥齿轮传动装置 Conical gear actuator 闸板 Wedge disc

闸板式隔膜阀 Wedge diaphragm valve 闸阀 gate valve 闸阀 sluice valve

针形阀 Pintle valve;Needle valve 真空破坏阀 vacuum breaker valve 蒸汽疏水阀 Automatic steam trap Trap 整定压力 Set pressure

正向作用式减压阀 Direct acting reducing valve

支架 Yoke

直接载荷式安全阀 Direct loaded safety valve 直接作用式减压阀 Direct-acting reducing valve 直流式 Y-globe type

直流式截止阀 Oblique Stop Valve 直通单向阀 inline check valve 直通单向阀 straightway check valve 直通阀 Throughway Valve 止回阀 Check Valve 止回阀;回流阀 reflux valve 制动阀 Brake valves

中压阀门 Middle pressure valve

钟形浮子式疏水阀 Inverted bucket steam trap 钟形罩 Inverted bucket 轴套 Axis Guide 主阀 Main valve

主要外形尺寸 Prime out-form dimensions 主要性能参数 Specifeca tion speeification 注液漏斗阀 Priming Tundish Valve 柱塞阀 Plunger valve

柱塞截止阀 Plunger Globe Valve 柱塞型摆动阀 rocking plunger valve 撞击手轮 Impact handwheel 锥形阀;翼形阀 conical valve

自动循环阀 Automatic Recirculation Valve 组合阀 Combination valves

最大过冷度 Maximum subcoold temperature 最大流量 Maximum flow rate

最大压差 Maximum differential pressure 最低工作压力 Minimum operating pressure 最高背压率 Maximum rate of back pressure 最高工作背压 Maximum operating back pressure

最高工作温度 Maximum operating temperature 最高工作压力 Maximum operating pressure 最高排水温度 Maximum temperature at discharging
