2015秋九年级英语上册 Unit 1《Stay Healthy》教案 (新版)冀教版(9篇)
1.2015秋九年级英语上册 Unit 1《Stay Healthy》教案 (新版)冀教版 篇一
1.下列加点字注音、字形全对的一组是()A.乐业(lè)羡慕(mù)百行业为先(háng)言行相顾(gù).... B.征引(zhèng)禅师(chán)驹偻(gǒu lóu)断章取义(zhāng)..... C.骈进(pián)亵渎(xiè dú)佛门(fó)不二法门(èr)..... D.承蜩(tiáo)层累(lěi)心无旁鹜(wù)强聒不舍(guō)....2.解释下列句中加点的词。
(2)但必先有业,才有可敬、可乐的主体,理至易明。....(3)我自己常常力求这两句话之实现与调和,又常常把这两句话向我的朋友强聒不舍。....(4)但我确信“敬业乐业”四个字,是人类生活的不二法门。.... 3.下列各组关联词填写在句中正确的一项是()(1)我所说的是否与《礼记》《老子》原意相合,不必深求; 我确信“敬业乐业”四个字,是人类生活的不二法门。
(4)第二等苦人,便厌恶自己本业的人,这件事分明不能不做,满肚子里不愿意做。A.但 并且 即使 却 B.故 因而 即使 才 C.但 所以 无论 却 D.故 所以 无论 才 4.选出下列句子中标点符号正确的一项()A.我这题目,是把“礼记”里头“敬业乐群”和“老子”里头“安其居,乐其业”那两句话,断章取义造出来的。
A.利用年轻享受生活 B.遗憾何时能够弥补? C.学生时代恐难重现 D.珍惜青春 留下精彩 7.仔细观察漫画《忙里偷闲》,按要求回答问题。
1.C 2.(1)不顾上下文,孤立截取其中的一段或一句。(2)道理极容易明白。(3)唠唠叨叨说个没完。(4)佛教用语,意为直接入道、不可言传的法门。常用来比喻最好的或独一无二的方法。
3.C 4.B(解析:A项将“礼记”与“老子”的引号改为书名号;C项将感叹号移到引号里;D项将第一个逗号改为冒号。)
5.A(解析:B项用词不当,“果断”应改为“武断”;C项语序不当,“顺利地”应放在“找到了”的前面;D项搭配不当,“增加”应改为“增强”。)6.D 7.(1)工作时间娱乐,不给百姓干实事的态度。(2)示例:同志,作为公务人员,你们首先应该敬业——尊重百姓,真心实意为百姓办事;其次,你们更应该乐业——以为百姓服务为乐,而不是把时间浪费在玩游戏、看电影上。8.“主一无适便是敬。”或“凡做一件事,便忠于一件事,将全副精力集中到这事上头,一点不旁骛,便是敬。”
15.示例一:邓稼先用28年时间坚守戈壁滩,鞠躬尽瘁,艰苦攻关,领导许多学者和技术人员,成功地设计了中国的原子弹和氢弹,把中华民族国防自卫武器引导到了世界先进水平。示例二:年轻的信客终年奔波,任劳任怨,不畏艰辛,长途跋涉,把信物及时送达到目的地 16.【例文】那些有成就的革命家、科学家、艺术家、文学家都有着坚定的必胜的信念,有着艰苦奋斗、顽强拼搏的精神,有着百折不挠、奋发向上的毅力。伟大的革命家马克思身处逆境,自强不息,奋发努力,呕心沥血,花了整整四十年,才有巨著《资本论》的问世。科学家居里夫人,历经十几年的苦心研究,不怕挫折和失败,才从几十吨矿石中提炼出几克镭。我国伟大的文学家鲁迅先生身处白色恐怖的恶劣环境中,仍顽强拼搏,利用别人喝咖啡的时间努力学习和写作,终于成为中国文坛的巨匠„„ 马克思曾经说过:“在科学道路上没有平坦的道路,只有不畏劳苦沿着陡峭山路攀登的人,才有希望达到光辉的顶点。”这形象地告诉我们:要想在事业上取得成功和胜利,就必须努力奋斗,自强不息。
2.2015秋九年级英语上册 Unit 1《Stay Healthy》教案 (新版)冀教版 篇二
本课是七年级第一册第一单元第4课,本文主要让学生学习各种学习用品的词汇,并学会如何对事物提问,借用教室内的各种事物,让学生参与游戏、对话、表演等活动,搞活课堂气氛,促使学生在生活中巩固旧知识,逐步掌握和拓展新内容。1.教学目标 ● 语言知识
(1)复习词汇:blackboard pen pencil pencil box ruler(2)复习句子:What’s this/that? This/That/It is„ ●语言技能
(1)能听、说、读、写与教室有关的词汇:blackboard pen pencil pencil box ruler(2)能理解并使用以下句子:
You go first.It’s your turn.It’s on the wall.● 情感与态度:通过生动直观的多媒体教学手段,激发学生的学习兴趣。
● 学习策略:课堂教学始终坚持自主学习、合作探究、讨论练习等各个有效环节,让每一个学生都积极投入到课堂活动当中,培养学生用英语进行思考和做事情的意识。2.教学重点: What is it? It’s a(an)...3.教学难点:句型的准确理解和灵活运用。
Step I Class Opening(10 minutes)
1.Sing a song “How Are You Today” 2.Say something about the classroom.T: Do you have the pen/pencil/„? Today we will learn something about the classroom.(设计意图:图片导入,激起学生强烈的求知欲望)T: Look, boys and girls.What’s this ?/What’s that? Ss: It’s a blackboard/pen„ T:Do you have one?
S1:Yes./No.T: What’s in your pencil box?
S2:A pen./A ruler.T: Good job.Now make a new dialogue with your partner.SS: A: This is a ruler.B: Oh, it’s new/yellow/nice„
Step II.New Concepts(10 minutes)1.New words Teaching
The teacher and the students learn the new words by explaining the words.Eg.T: It’s long and thin.You can write with it.It’s a_________.Ss :Pen.T: Where(哪里)is the blackboard?
Ss: On the wall.(设计意图:通过师生问答、图片展示的方式学习本课的重点词汇,同时使学生对老师所提的特殊疑问句初步熟悉)2.Listen and read
Step III Consolidation(20 minutes)1.Guessing game
T:Ok, Class, are you tired? Let’s play the guessing game.Choose one picture and guess what it is.(The students guess)
(设计意图:通过猜谜的方式穿插课文第二部分,让学生在学习中享受学习的乐趣)2.Make new sentences with the pictures.3.Do some exercises.Step IV Class Closing(5 minutes)
1.Summing up 2.Homework(设计意图:目的在于复习本课,为学习下一课做准备。)板书设计:
Lesson 4 What Is It ?
What is this/that/it? It’s„
3.2015秋九年级英语上册 Unit 1《Stay Healthy》教案 (新版)冀教版 篇三
设计人: 审核人:
能够听录音完成选择图片的活动;能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意;能够按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能进行角色表演;能够在情景中运用句型Is he young/…?询问并回答某人的特征;能够在语境中理解生词know的意思,并能正确发音。能够运用句型Is he/she young/…?Yes,he/she is.No,he/she isn’t.并利用参考词汇就教师的特征进行问答。
本课时是通过情景对话,让学生学习如何用英语准确询问并回答人物特征,如:Who is…?He/she is….Is he/she…?Yes,he/she is.No,he/she isn’t.学会认读表示人物外貌与性格特征tall、friendly、kind、quiet、funny、young,old。目标:
1、学生能够表演Main scene 和let’s talk的交际内容,能够根据实际情况用英语讨论人物。(教学重点)
2、学习用英语准确询问并回答人物特征,如:Who is…?He/she is….Is he/she…?Yes,he/she is.No,he/she isn’t,使学生能听、会说此交际用语;(教学难点)评价任务:
1、通过跟读、自读、练习会用Who is…?He/she is….Is he/she…?Yes,he/she is.No,he/she isn’t的句型。(检测目标1的达成情况);
2、通过分角色练习会用tall,friendly, kind, quiet, funny, young, old形容人物外貌与性格特征(检测目标2的达成情况); 教学过程:
Step1.Warming-up 1.Let’s look and say the names.(通过多媒体播放一些卡通图片,分别展示年老,年轻,滑稽,有礼貌,工作努力,聪明,严格等外貌与性格特征,让学生认读,说一说这是谁,怎么样。)2.Let’s listen and sing”Who’s your teacher?” Step2.Presentation 1.学习Main scene(1).出示Main scene中的部分教学挂图,让学生观察Who? What are they talking about?(2).学生看图片想象并回答老师的问题。
Dialogue1: Who: Wu Yifan, Amy, Oliver and a teacher.What are they talking about? The teacher introduces classmates to each other.Dialogue2:Who:a girl,Oliver,Zoom and Zip(3).教师引导学生蒋讨论的结果展示交流。(4).听录音,模仿朗读,理解对话内容。(5).教师领读对话,学生模仿,齐读练习,生生对话,小组表演。2.学习let’s try let’s talk(1)listen and tick.听录音,完成探究学习第一题。
(2)创设情境:这节课让我们和Oliver,WuYifan一起去了解Mr Young好不好?教师播放课件图片,要求学生边听边模仿。
(3)看let’s talk部分的课文插图,听录音,模仿朗读,理解意思。
(4)根据let’s talk内容尝试分角色朗读对话,进行Group work,完成探究学习中第三题。
3.Make a survey.S1: Who’s your…? S2:…
S1:What’s he/she like? Step3 Consolidation Play a game 游戏规则:优点大爆炸,发现小组内每个成员三个优点。S1: Who’s that…? S2:…
S1:What’s he/she like? S2:He/she is… S1:Is he/she…?
S2:Yes,he/she is.No,he/she isn’t.Step4 Class test 汉译英
友好地_______ 体贴的_______ 安静的_________ 滑稽的_________ 年轻的________ 老的_________ Step5 Homework 1.Listen and report the dialogue.2.完成课堂检测中的相关习题。3.Make a new dialogue and act it out。教学反思:
Unit1 What’s he like? 第二课时 Let’s learn & Ask and answer
设计人: 审核人:
能够听、说、读、写五个有关人物特征的单词:old, young, funny, kind, strict。能够在语境中正确 这五个单词询问并回答关于人物特征的问题;能够运用核心词完成关于教师的特征问答活动
old, young, funny, kind, strict是本课时主要学习的5个有关人物外貌、性格特征的词汇。能够正确听,说,认读这些词 汇.。能够听懂,会说,会表演let’s learn的内容并在真实场景中运用所学语言进行真实交流和运用。目标:
1、学生能够表演let’s learn的交际内容,能够根据实际情况用英语讨论人物外貌、特征的单词。(教学重点)
2、学习用英语准确询问并回答人物特征,如:Who is…?He/she is….Is he/she…?Yes,he/she is.No,he/she isn’t,使学生能听、会说此交际用语;(教学难点)评价任务:
2、借助游戏过程中根据卡片上的句型,快速的说出:Who is…?He/she is….Is he/she…?Yes,he/she is.No,he/she isn’t。(检测目标 2的达成情况); 教学过程:
Step1.Warming-up 1.sing a song”Who’s your teacher”
2.show pictures and say 出示一些学科教师图片,让学生快速说出来,如Chinese teacher/math teacher/English teacher/art teacher/music teacher.T: Who’s this man/woman? S: He/she is our…
两组师生示范后,进行生生问答。Step2.Presentation 1.Look and guess.看图片,猜一猜。教师出示刚才展示的教师图片,让学生猜一猜教师是什么性格?
T:guess,what’s he/she like? S: Is he/she strict/funny…? T:Yes,he/she is.No,he/she isn’t.两组示范后,教师将卡片交给学生,进行生生对话。2.展示Let’s learn 图片,快速让学生说出Mr还是Miss。3.look at the pictures and say.看图说句子。如:Mr Young is our music teacher.He is old.4.播放课本插图,两人一组选择图片讨论。Step3 Consolidation Group work:小组讨论任课老师。
Step4 Class test 汉译英
谁是你们的美术老师?_______________________________________ 琼斯先生。
_______________________________________ 他年轻吗?
_______________________________________ 是的,他是。
_______________________________________ Step5 Homework 1.完成课堂检测中的相关习题。2.Make a new dialogue and act it out.教学反思:
Unit1 What’s he like? 第三课时 Let’s spell
设计人: 审核人:
本课时是对一个单元所学内容较综合的练习,其中包括听力练习和歌谣的学习。歌谣是以Who is…?He/she is….Is he/she…?Yes,he/she is…句型为主,包括所学文具的单词。通过有节奏、有韵律的歌谣,让学生进一步复习和巩固本单元所学的词汇;通过听力练习,边听边圈,检查学生对本单元所学内容的掌握情况。目标:
1、通过检查听力答案,同桌批改检验本课学生掌握情况。(检测目标1的达成情 况);
2、能够按照-y的发音规则拼写出单词,学习在单线上正确书写单词并在单线上完成抄写句子的活动,做到书写规范。(检测目标2的达成情况); 教学过程:
Step 1.Warm up 1、Greeting 2、看单词读单词:old, young, stict, kind, funny.Step2 Presentation
1、出示单词baby , happy , windy, sunny, sorry, 引导、观察尝试发音
7、Listen to the tape.引导学生观察单词的y部分,体会y在单词中的发音规律看图,跟读歌谣,体会y在单词中的发音规律
8、listen number and say 自读单词,感知y在单词中的发音规律,完成听音排序题,集体订正
9、listen ,write and say 听音补全短语、练习书写句子 Step3 Consolidation 看一看,猜一猜从上面的单词中选一个,无声的发音,请其他人猜出这个单词 小结:本节课学习了y在单词中的发音规律,拓展了单词的知识面,注意在生活中灵活运用y的发音规律。
Step4 Class test Read and chant: baby happy windy sunny sorry Step5 Homework: 1.寻找带有y发音规律的单词
4.冀教版二年级上册英语教案 篇四
Lesson 1 A new friend
一、教学内容: Hello!Nice to meet you!What‗s your name ?-? = 2 ? + ? = 13 ?? = 11 Step 10.Song Ask the students to sing a song <
3.复习单词。注:要求听说的单词,让学生看图说单词。要求听、说、认读的单词, 让学生看单词卡读单词,并说出中文含义。
(二)呈现新课(Presentation)1.教学字母 Bb 教师出示单词卡 bag , 让学生读出来并说出中文。
教师问学生 bag 单词的第一个字母是什么:What letter is this? 学生回答:b。教师出示 字母卡,让学生辨别字母 Bb 的大小写。
教师在四线三格中教学字母大小写 Bb。2.教学字母 Dd , Ff , Hh , Kk , Ll , Tt.6.让学生在练习本上把所学字母 Bb--Tt每个写一行。教师在教室中巡视,及时给学 生进行辅导。7.让学生听录音带跟读模仿。让学生看单词卡拼读单词。
教师让学生看单词回答:How many letters in this word?学生回答后,让他们背着拼出单 词。教师让学生在四线三格中默写字母 b,d , f , h , k , l , t.教师教学生在四线三格中书写单词。告诉学生首先要把每个字母书写正确, 然后按照单 词的拼写把字母写在一起, 注意单词的每个字母间要有一点距离。让学生照板书抄字头, 然后每个单词写一行。(三)趣味操练(Practice)游戏:Bingo 让学生把本课所学的字母和部分单词随意写在游戏板中。教师任意说出一个字母或单 词。学生在游戏板中迅速找出教师说的字母或单词并用铅笔在字母或单词上画一个圈。每画 出完整的一行或一列字母或单词, 学生就说 Bingo!直到所有的字母和单词都圈完。让学生擦 去画的圈, 重新再做一次游戏。由于教师念字母或单词的顺序不一样, 每次圈的顺序也不一 样。在游戏结束以后,全班一起复习词汇。(四)扩展性活动(Add-activities)Looking for the letter‘ s family
准备好已学过的字母卡片。把大小写字母卡片发给学生。告诉学生字母和其相应的单词组成 一个家庭,看谁能帮字母找到家庭。教师发出指令,学生开始寻找。Lesson 21 Let‗s write.教学目标:
1、能听、说、读、写单词 school..2、能熟练运用对话中的交际用语并会写句型 May I have„ ?Sure!I‗m sorry.I don‗t have.教学过程:
一、Warm up 1.Sing a song :Hello.2.Greetings: May I come in ? Yes ,come in ,please.3.Free talk.May I have „ ? Yes /Sure.使用学过的交际用语进行对话。
二、Revision.学生用自己的实物表演 Read and say中的对话。1.师引导学生对话 2.学生之间交际练习。
三、Presentation and practice.1.学习单词 a pen ,a pencil ,a marker , a notebook ,a book.(1)利用实物学习单词 : a pencil.T: What‗s this in English ? Oh ,It‗s a pencil.Do you like pencil ? S: Yes.听录音,生跟读。
(2)同法学习单词 a marker,a book ,a notebook.2.Play a game : What‗s missing ?
游戏规则:将 a book ,a marker ,a notebook ,a pencil的图片贴在黑板上,让一学生背对黑板 , 师拿掉任一张图,让学生猜出缺少的那张图片。T:What‗ missing ?
S: The pencil.(指学生将图片放回原位)(这个游戏的目的是为了让学生在听、说、读方面巩固这些单词。)3.拼写单词。
T:(出示一支钢笔):What ‘ s this in English? S:It‗s a pen.T :(出示单词卡片 a pen)Now Let‘ s read and spell the word ― pen ‖ : Pen , p-e-n, pen.让 学生练,拼读,并进行单词背诵。Ss: Pen ,P-E-N, pen.(让学生拼读,书写单词 a pen).4.同法拼写单词 a ruler ,a pen ,a book ,a pencil , a marker, a notebook.师指导单词的拼写方式,例如利用新旧单词的迁移(a book— a notebook)教会学生有效地 记忆单词。
四、Work in pairs.1.出示 C 部分 Ask and answer的图画。(以图 1为例,引导学生问答)T :May I have the pencil? S: Yes /Sure.Here you are.2.师板书句型 May I have „ ? Yes /Sure.Here you are.3.创设语言训练情景:将学生带来的物品分类,通过开设文具店的形式进行对话操 练。(此处练习时将学生分成组进行)如:a pen , a ruler.Lesson 22 My body.Language focus: Using nouns to identify parts of body e.g.eye,mouth,nose,ear,hand,arm,toe.Using pronouns to refer to particular things.e.g.This is my hand.Using imperatives to catch people‗s attention.e.g.Look!Using possessive adjectives to express possession e.g.This is my arm.Using imperatives to give simple instructions.e.g.Wave your hand.Touch your nose.Language skills: Listening: Locate specific information in response to simple instructions.Indentify key words in an utterance by recognizing stress.Speaking: Prounce words properly.Use modelled phrases to communicate with other learners.Materials: Student‗s Book A Pages 44-45 Cassette A Cassette player Workbook 44 Some pictures Teathing method: 交际法,全身动作反应法,演示法.Teathing Procedure: Pre-task preparation 1.Revise the classroom instruction language students have learnt,e.g: Stand up, please.Give me...Raise your hand.Put it down, etc.Ask the students to listen and act.2.Greetings with boys ang girls,e.g.:What do you like? Do you have a...? How old are you?Then sing a song:Read,read,I can read...Ask the weather of today,get the ss to draw on the board.Teather draws an eye on the sun‗s face,invite one student to finish drawing(the other eye),teach the word — eye.3.Draw a boy and a girl(not finshed),ask: What‘ s missing? Teach the words— mouth, nose,ear in the same way.Get the ss to do the actions like these: Open /Close your mouth /eye.(朗读时声音 起伏变化,由低到高,或听掌声的次数朗读单词.)4.Have a match between boys and girls----Listen and touch the word.Put the boy and girl‗s pictures on the Bb,get the ss to listen to the commands and touch the pictures.If any of them wins, he/she can get a red star,e.g.: T: Eye!/Mouth!/Ear!/Nose!While-task procedure 1.Ss do the actions after the tescher: Touch your ear/nosr/mouth/hand!Teach the word— hand,ask: How many hands are there? One hand, two hands.Review – Raise your hand, Teach – Wave your hand,explain the meaning of the expression in English(Good-bye).2.Teach the words – arm/toe in the same way.Ask :How many arms/toes are there? Get the ss tocount them.Ss look at the Bb,listen and repeat the seven new words.3.Play the tape for the ss to listen and do the actions for twice.(注:教材中富有节奏的 chant 和欢 快地歌曲激发了学生很强的表演欲,使学生在欢乐中体验英语的趣味与巩固新知识)5.Work in pairs.Ask the ss to do the actions in pairs.One student give a command, the other student does the action, then change the roles.Finally, get some individual ss to order in the front.Play the tape for the ss to listen and repeat.Post-task activities 1.Teacher points to her nose and says---Look!This is my nose./ Look!This is my eye /toe/hand!Ask the ss read togdther when they do the actions.Pay attention to pointing their body first when they say.2.Work in pairs for some minutes.Then ask individual ss to show in the front.Consolidation: Workbook page 13: Listen and draw the part of the body.Draw the missing parts on the face, then ask them to talk about it< I draw...> Homework: Listen and repeat Lesson 22 on pages 44-45 Lesson 23 Letters 教学重点: 学习在四线三格中正确书写英文字母 Vv , Ww , Xx , Zz 的大小写。教学难点: 大写 X, 和小写 x 的书写格式。教具准备: 1.写有大小写字母卡 2.教材相配套的教学录音带 教学过程:(一)热身、复习(Warm-up/Revision)1.听写。教师发给学生每人一张四线三格纸,教师随意读出字母 Aa-Tt , 学生要在 纸上书写所听到的字母。听写完毕后学生要把写好字母的纸交给教师。2.教师出示字母卡让学生认读字母。
3.复习单词。注:要求听说的单词,让学生看图说单词。要求听、说、认读的单词, 让学生看单词卡读单词,并说出中文含义。
(二)呈现新课(Presentation)1.教学字母 Vv 教师出示字母卡 Vv , 让学生想象它像什么。
教师带着学生一起书写 Vv.教师在四线三格中教学字母大小写 Vv。2.教学字母 Ww , Xx , Zz.6.让学生在练习本上把所学字母 Vv---Zz 每个写一行。教师在教室中巡视,及时给学 生进行辅导。7.让学生听录音带跟读模仿。让学生看卡片读字母。玩炸弹游戏
教师让学生在四线三格中默写字母 Vv , Ww , Xx , Zz.注意每个字母间要有一点距离。(三)趣味操练(Practice)游戏:Bingo 由于教师念字母的顺序不一样, 每次圈的顺序也不一样。在游戏结束以后, 全班一起复习字母。(四)扩展性活动(Add-activities)Looking for the letter‘ s family
准备好已学过的字母卡片。把大小写字母卡片发给学生。告诉学生字母和其相应的单词组成 一个家庭,看谁能帮字母找到家庭。教师发出指令,学生开始寻找。Lesson 24 Again , please!教学目的: 1.通过复习,学生能熟练掌握本单元所学的单词和字母。2.通过复习与活动,学生能综合运用本单元所学的日常用语。教学过程: Step 1 Free talk 1.本单元教师可采用比较活泼的问候方式, 例如:教师唱:― Hello!hello!How are you? Hello!Hello!How are you?‖学生用歌声回答:― I ‘ m fine, thank you.I‘ m fine, thank you.‖教师 唱― Good morning!Good morning!Good morning to you.‖学生也以歌声作答.2.师生进行接歌比赛。(此举旨在活跃气氛, 调动学生的情绪。为下面的复习活动做好准备。)Step 2 Guessing game 1.师生各自在手里拿一样东西,背在身后。用― Is this„? Is that„?‖提问,用 ― Yes , it is./No, it isn‘ t.‖ 回答.如果猜对了 , 一方可再问 ― Can I have a look?‖ , 并用 ― Sure, here you are.‖ 来回答。教师要引导学生用这样的方式互相要对方的东西看 , 并会用 ― What a nice„!‖ 来表达赞叹.2.使用课件。1)看图猜物。
出示一幅被覆盖的图, 每点击一次鼠标就会露出一小部分, 逐渐显露出被覆盖的全图。学生 在此过程中用 ― What ‘ s this? It‘ s „.‖来猜。(尽量使用后半学期的单词图片。)2)辩音猜物。
屏幕出现若干窗户,鼠标点击不同窗口发出不同声音,学生根据各种声音猜测,如果猜对, 则开窗出现所猜物品;猜错则怪叫不开窗。(此项活动适用于乐器、动物及交通工具等单词。)教师同时与学生讨论― What do you play? Do you like„? Do you play„?‖ Step 3 Role play 1.在上一个情景的基础上,引导学生邀请 Danny 去打排球,引入 ― Where is he? Is he in the „?(复习六个房间的名称), Where is he? He is in the shop.‖转入 Look and say的第一 部分,让学生根据图画遍对话并进行表演配音。
2.由― Where is Li Ming ?‖转入 Look and say的第二部分,引导学生看图并自编对话进行 表演,以此复习第 21课的教学内容。Step 4 Listen and circle 1.由教师藏起铅笔提问― Where is the pencil ?‖引导学生猜想并回答,之后学生间互 相问答铅笔,彩笔等学习用品在哪, 2.教师自制录音带,学生通过听对话完成 Listen and circle。同时复习17课的内容。3.通过歌谣复习数字,并通过数学算式复习加减法。4.通过 What ‘ s missing ?的游戏复习所学的字母。Step 5 Homework 1.经过以上几个环节, 本单元复习内容基本都以涉及到, 但并未全部按书上的原有形式出 现。2.将所学的字母作为家庭字母复习。Lesson 25: Tall and short
一、教学内容 tall shortWho is tall?
1、知识方面:能听懂、会说并口头运用下列词汇:tall ,short
2、能力方面:① 促进学生思维能力的发展,提高学生的语言运用能力。② 培养学生熟练用单词、流利说英语的能力。
三、教学重难点 Tall and short
四、教具准备课件 , 录音机
五、教学步骤 Step 1: Greeting The student know the subject of this lesson from a game that they played in Unit 3.Step2: New Concepts
1、·Tell the students to think about what do the studentsthink Danny is doing in the top panel ? What has happened in the lower panel? Disscuss as a class possibilities of what is happening in these pictures?
2、Listen.Ask the student to listen the first time,then follow the audiotape the second time.Give each student a page for printing.3、Sing a song.Before you play the audiotape ,go over the words of the song and translate them Paly the song again,and ask the students to sing along this time as they do the actions.Step 3: Game: Am I Tall or short? 1.Divide the class into groups with five or six students per group.2.Tell the students to make himself appear to be taller or shorter.Step4:Read after the tape.Stp5:Use the activity book· Page 51 Listen and write.Tall or short?students write a t for tal or an s for short beside each picture.Stop the audiotape.Tell the students that the next question will be a challenge.This question is about someone from a long time age:the class learned about this person in Grade 1!Step 6: Ending Lesson 26: Clothes for boys and girls
一、教学内容 Skirt, pants ,shirt and blouse.Learn to sing
1、知识方面:能听懂、会说并口头运用下列词汇:Skirt pants shirt and blouse.2、能力方面:① 促进学生思维能力的发展,提高学生的语言运用能力。② 培养学生熟练用单词、流利说英语的能力。
三、教学重难点 Skirt, pants ,shirt and blouse.四、教具准备图片、录音机
五、教学步骤 Step 1:Free Talk T:How do you feel? Step2: New Concepts ·1 Hode up your copy of the student book and name each of these four items of clothing as you point to them.2 Who can find the same word on the page 53? Tell them that the column of words on the left is the days of the week.What words listed beside Sunday? What word is listed beside Monday? 3 Listen to the tape 4 Have every one point to the matching picture as you say the words:skirt,pants,blouse,shirt.5 Girls can wear pants and shirts ,too,but boys never wear blouse ,skirts or dresses.Step 3:Use the activity book Page 53.Write the words.Students write the appropriate word beside each picture,using the words at the bottom of the page as a guide.Step4: Sing a song.1 Go over the words to the song.Listen and read.Step 5: Ending Lesson 27:Favourite colour
一、教 学 内 容 :white, black, pink and brown.二、教学目标
1、知识方面:能听懂、会说并口头运用下列词汇:white, black, pink and brown.2、能力方面:① 促进学生思维能力的发展,提高学生的语言运用能力。② 培养学生熟练用单词、流利说英语的能力。
三、教学重难点 What ‘ s your favourite colour?
五、教学步骤 Step 1: Greeting Step 2: Review Create a chart display of the colours that students already know(blue,green,yellow,red,orange,purple)Step3: New Concepts 1.Using the chart introduce them to the new colours 2.Hode up the book so that everyone can see page 54,and have the students point to on the two characters.3.Point to each words and have the class say its name together with you.Step 4: Text 1.Open your books.2.Listen to the tape.3、Read after the tape.Step 5:Game 1 Ask the students to form two circles around the perimeter of the classyoom,an inner circle and an outer circle.2 The sudent say a dialogue to each other ,outlind below.3 Tell the inner circle of students to shift to the left,ask the students in the outer circle to begin the dialogue this time.4 Ask the outer circle to the shift to the right.Step 6: Ending Lesson 28:Socks and shoes
一、教学内容 Socks, shoes, T-shirt and shorts
1、知识方面:能听懂、会说并口头运用下列词汇:Socks, shoes, T-shirt and shorts
2、能力方面:① 能运用所学单词进行熟练的对话。② 培养学生熟练用单词、流利说英语的能力。
三、教学重难点 _ is wearing _
Step 1:Free Talk Step 2: Review ·Continue to display your chart of the colours.Step3: New Concepts ·1 Have one of the volunteers hode up his foot so that everyone can see.Point to the sock and the shoe,naming each item in English,and have the class repeat these words.2 Listen 3 Students learned a similar word in the first lesson :short.What‗s the opposite of short? 4 Explain that long is also the opposite of short.The article of clothing called shorts is similar to pants but shorter in length.5 Divide the class into pairs of students.The students ar to respond in English using the vocabulary from this unit about clothing and colour.Step 4: Game.Hold up four vocabulary cards so that everyone in the class can see.Tell the class to look at the cards for one minute, then close eyes.remove cards.Ask them to open eyes and fingure out which card you have removed Show the class the missing card to verify the answer.Step 5:Use the activity book Page 56.Listen and point.PAGE 57.Find the card.Word search.Step 6: Ending Lesson 29:Old and new.一、教学内容 Old and new
1、知识方面:能听懂、会说并口头运用下列词汇:old ,new.2、能力方面:① 促进学生思维能力的发展,提高学生的语言运用能力。② 培养学生熟练用单词、流利说英语的能力。
三、教学重难点 New and old
五、教学步骤 Step 1: Greeting Step 2: Review Review the number from one to twenty.Step3: New Concepts Who remembers what is the opposite of old? Explain the young and old describe living things:people or animals.·When we are talking about things we still use the word old,but instead of young ,we say new.Step 4: Text 1.Open your books.2.Listen to the tape.3.Read after the tape.Step5: Sing a song.Listen to the tape.Read after it.Ask for two volunteers.One of them chooses a colour and the other chooses an item of clothing.Step 6:Use the activity book Page 58Listen and colour.Page 59.Make the new clothes old.Step 7: Ending Lesson 30: Let‗s learn the letters.一、教学内容 g ,j,p,q,y
1、知识方面:会拼,读,写下列字母:g ,j,p,q,y
2、能力方面:① 促进学生思维能力的发展,提高学生的语言运用能力。② 教给字母表
三、教学重难点 g ,j,p,q,y的拼,读,写
五、教学步骤 Step 1: Greeting Step 2:Review Sing the alphabet song.Step3: New Concepts 1.Tell the class that the words beside the girl describe something that she is wearing.2.Tell the class that they will find out by listening to the audiotape.3.Listen 4.Discuss: Did anyone understand what Danny said? 5.Simply translate the line.6.Listen and discuss,what ‗s the same about the letter y in yellow and the letter p in pants? 7.Tell them tio say each letter as you point to it on your chart.Step 4: Text 1.Open your books.2.Listen to the tape again.3.Read after the tape.Step 5: Use the activity book ·Page 60.Write the letters with tails.Students practice writing the new letters they learned today.Step 6 :Game Everyone should have one letter.You will have a complete set.Is this letter tall or short? This letter is a _.Who has a _? The students may do the actions along with the words they speak out.Step 7: Ending Lesson 31: Shapes and clothes
1.知识目标 : 复习本单元学过的单词,与颜色。
2.情感态度 : 对所进行的英语活动感兴趣,进一步提高学习英语的积极性。
五、教学步骤 Step 1: Review Review the letters that students learned in the previous lesson(g,j,p,q,y).Review the entire alphabet in the correct order.Step 2: New Concepts 1.Students pointing first to the picture of the appropriate item,then to the words ,and repeat the words with you.2.Who remembers Danny said? Which items of clothing has green circle?How many triangles are in the dress? How many triangles are there all together on page 62? Disscuss briefly,or simply translate ,then move on.3.Hve the class notice how these shapes are used to form articles of clothing.Each time ask the class:Who can tell me what this word says.Craft :encourage your students to make whatever they like using different kinds of shapes.Step 4: Use the activity book Page 62-63.Ask them to guess how many circle there are.Count circles.Tell the correct answer.Ask the m how many triangles there are.Repeat with the shapes.Step 5: Ending Lesson 32: Again, Please!
一、教学内容 复习字母:g,j,p,q,y 复习形容词:tall and short new and old 复习名词:blouse ,shirt,pants,shoes and clothes
5.2015秋九年级英语上册 Unit 1《Stay Healthy》教案 (新版)冀教版 篇五
Unit1 Happy birthday!
1、基本能听懂、会说词汇happy, birthday, cake
2、基本能听懂、会读并灵活运用Here’s your „.Thank you.的语言结构。初步感知词汇present和I’m nine.的句式。
3、能够熟练运用What’s this? It’s a„.的语言结构。
1、词汇happy,birthday,cake以及Here’s your „.Thank you.的语言结构。
(1)、Greetings(2)、复习韵句“Pen and pencil”及自编歌曲“What’s this? It’s a pen/pencil/book„.”
把歌曲“What’s this?”再以韵句的形式朗读出来,这时,教师手持学过单词卡片(如:pen,book,pencil,dog,cat„等越多越好)让学生通过传递玩具进行传话游戏。全班问:“What’s this? What’s this?”,持玩具的学生按节奏说出教师手中的卡片,如:“It’s a pen„.”,回答对的同学可以成为这张卡片的拥有者,教师奖励卡片时说“Here’s your „.”并引导学生说“Thank you.”
教师可将本单元较难记住的新单词加入到游戏当中,让学生回答,表扬会说的学生,给大家进行简单的教读,教师“猜一猜今天的礼物是干什么用的呢?”(学生的回答可多样),这时教师放歌曲“Happy birthday”,再说“今天是Sam的生日,让我们去看看他是怎么过生日的”。
(1)第一遍看挂图听音讨论自己听到的信息,如:他们吃什么,干了什么?西方人庆祝生日和中国的生日聚会有什么不同?教师再对西方人的生日聚会特点进行简单介绍。(注:此处可将Happy birthday,cake 进行简单的教读)
(2)再次打开书听录音,请学生们核实刚才讨论的内容是否正确,并由学生猜测文中“I’m nine.”是什么意思,让学生初步感知如何用英语描述自己的年龄。
5、完成运用任务1 问一问学生,最近有谁过生日,并且请他们到讲台前来,大家一起为他们唱生日歌,由于仓促没能给他们准备礼物,建议大家用手中的获奖卡片当作礼物送给他们,在进行此活动时,教师鼓励学生多运用今天新学的语言结构---“Happy birthday„,here’your present.Thank you”.6、复习巩固
6.2015秋九年级英语上册 Unit 1《Stay Healthy》教案 (新版)冀教版 篇六
1. mastery words: wait, drink, fruit, grape, thirsty, bottle
2. a dialogue about having lunch on the train
3. What would you like?
I would like …..
4. Plural Forms of Nouns
Teaching goals: At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Understand the meaning of the text
2. Remember the mastery words in this lesson
3. find and use the list mastery vocabulary in lesson 16
Key points: 1. express your favourite
2. Some useful expressions
3. Plural Forms of Nouns
Difficult points: how to express your favourite
How to express some liquid things
Teaching aids: word cards of different food, flash cards, audiotape, and slide projector
Type: text
Teaching procedure
1. Warming up
1) Greetings in everyday English.
2) Duty report (about weather, your classmates, your teacher and so on)
3) Mainly revision of last lesson
2. New lesson
Step1 Lead in
Discuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”
Do you like to eat lunch on the train or bus?
What do you like to eat when you travel?
Let the students learn to express themselves freely.
We are going to learn a text today. Let’s look at what Li Ming and his friends want to eat on the train?
Step2 Listen to the tape with the following questions.
What do Danny, Jenny and Li Ming want to eat?
What did Wu Li buy on the train?
What is a snack?
Answer the questions with the students and discuss the whole text to make sure they understand the meaning of the text. Deal with the language points at the same time. The teacher can use blackboard or the slid projector to help the teaching.
Step 3. Listen to the audiotape again and let the students read after it and pay attention to the pronunciation.
Step 4. Have them read the text for a few minutes and then ask them to act out the dialogue in roles.
Step 5. Practice: LET’S DO IT
In a small group, make a menu for the train. What foods can you buy on the train? How much do they cost? Write the menu on a piece of paper. Practice using the menu with your classmates.
Divide the class into pairs. Each pair makes up a dialogue about being thirsty and wanting something to drink. The students can use their flashcards to represent drinks.
Step 6 A test
1)一杯茶 _______ 2) 一杯水______ 3) 一箱子鸡蛋________
4) 一瓶汽水________ 5) 五瓶热水 _______ 6) 十位女教师 _______
7) 九位男医生_______ 8) 三张票 _________ 9) 两个儿童 ________
Step 7 Exercise
If time permits, do Number 2 in activity book.
3. Homework
1) understand the meaning of the text of lesson 12
2) finish the activity book in lesson 12
7.2015秋九年级英语上册 Unit 1《Stay Healthy》教案 (新版)冀教版 篇七
认知目标:1.使学生争取掌握(包括正确地说、读、写、用)单词:hundred, thousand, about.2.使学生能口头练习回答句型:How far is ____? 能力目标:1.使学生能复习所学过的数词并练习写说、新授的数词单词。
二、教学重难点:1.使学生争取掌握(包括正确地说、读、写、用)单词:hundred, thousand, about.2.使学生能口头练习回答句型:How far is ____?
Ⅰ.Class Opening.1.Greetings.2.Old Saying: 每节一句谚语小故事。3.Duty Report: 让学生上讲台做值日报告。
Ⅱ.Main Activities for Teaching and Learning.1.Numbers.1.1 Revision: 与学生一起复习所学过的一百内的数字单词并提醒学生注意数字单词的规律。1.2 Demonstrate: 向学生介绍本课的新单词,并板书黑板。
1.3 Drills: 让全班学生一起看黑板朗读、拼读本课新单词,然后随便写出一些数字让学生练习说。1.4 Practice in Pairs: 让学生同桌之间相互练习说100到1000的数字。1.5 Play a Game:Say numbers.让上到讲台来的学生抽取卡片带其他学生读。2.How far is Beijing? 2.1 Induction: 用提问学生:How tall are you? How tall is ___?来引出新的句型: How far is ___? It’s about ___.板书黑板并让学生明白其中意思。
2.2 Drills: 让学生大声朗读数遍,在黑板上写下几个城市的名称,结合句型练习。2.3 More Drills: 用地点单词卡片来练习本课的新句型。
2.4 Listen to the Tape: 让学生打开课本,听录音跟读,然后解释一些重要的句子意思。2.5 Do the Excises: 让学生做活动手册练习。
Ⅲ.Class Closing.板书设计:
8.2015秋九年级英语上册 Unit 1《Stay Healthy》教案 (新版)冀教版 篇八
1. 复习上节课学过的内容:How are you today? Are you okay?(1)根据实际情况进行问答练习: T: How are you today? Sa: I’m fine, thanks.T: Are you okay Sb? Sb: No, I feel sick.T: How are you today Sc? Sc: No, I have a headache.(2)学生之间进行对话练习: S1: How are you today? S2: I’m fine.S3: How are you today? S4: No, I feel sick.……
学习生词:family, daughter, son, mother, father.(1)出示家庭关系,演示生词。(2)认读新单词。板书设计:
Lesson 19: Family
father mother
family, brother sister 课后反思:
Lesson 20: Li Ming’s Family 教学目标: 知识目标:掌握词汇tall short 能力目标:能够用以前学过的词汇和新学的词汇描述自己家成员情感态度:通过对家庭成员的介绍以及对职业的细致描述,增进学生与家庭中其他成员的了解与熟悉,培养他们互敬互爱的家庭观念。教学重点难点:掌握词汇tall short 教具学具:Cards, radio 教学过程:
T: Good morning, Class!Ss: Good morning, Teacher!
二、Warm-up: Free talk.让学生结成三人一组,练习对话。Sa:(Do an action.)Sb:(To Sc.)What is he doing? Sc: Jumping.三、Learn three new words: 3.Ask the students to look at the picture in the student book and describe what they know in English.(Li Ming , family , China , son , school , father, mother……)4.Ask the students introduce their own family.5.通过比较图片、实物,在黑板上画图并说明short/tall Is Li Ming’s father tall or short?
Is Li Ming’s mother tall or short?
四、Song: I love you, you love me.1. 先听录音
2. 把这首关于李明家庭的个歌曲一句一句的放给学生,让学生跟唱。
六、Class opening.Lesson 20: Li Ming’s Family I am a tall man.I am a short woman.We are a happy family.课后反思:
Lesson 21: Jenny’s Family.教学目标: 1 知识目标:掌握词汇 student family 练习并认识的词汇 police officer, bus driver, carpenter 2 能力目标:运用所学的单词描述自己家人的职业。3 情感态度:通过对家庭成员的介绍以及对职业的细致描述,增进学生与家庭中其他成员的了解与熟悉,培养他们互敬互爱的家庭观念。教学重点:Police officer, bus driver, carpenter 教学难点:Dialogue: Where is Lynn? She’s still at school.教具学具:Cards, radio 教学过程:
二、Review: 让自告奋勇的学生仿照上一课介绍自己的家庭成员。
三、New concepts: 1.让学生想他们的家庭成员:父亲、母亲、兄弟、姐妹。
Mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter ……领读
3.学生先结组介绍Jenny的家人。然后再找个别的同学说。3.Where is Lynn? 引导学生讨论书中图片所讲述的故事,问这件事是在哪儿发生的?发生了什么事?让学生看着每个情景中人们所说的句子并说出他们认识的词语。
Where is Lynn? Is Lynn okay? 播放录音,让学生看书跟读,然后解释生词。如:relax
四、Class closing.唱:“I love you, you love me!” 板书设计: 课后反思:
Lesson22 How Old Are You?
能口头运用How old are you ? I am ___ years old.2、能力目标:学生能够理解并能用以下词句进行交际: old , young.能口头运用How old are you ? I am ___ years old.3、情感态度目标:营造英语学习氛围,培养学生学习英语的兴趣。学生能够准确地发音,喜欢英语并愉快上课。
五、教学过程: Step1: Class opening 1.Greeting : T: Hello, boys and girls!S: Hello teacher!T: How are you ? S: I’m fine, thanks.S: How are you ? T: I’m fine, thanks.2. Listen to a song: I love you.Step2: New concepts 1.Sister , brother.Ask the students to look at the picture of Jenny’s family and describe what they know in English.Lead a discussion , in as much English as possible , about the pictures and sentences from Jenny’s photograph album.2.Talk about Jenny’s sister and brother, then listen to the audiotape and read.(规范学生的表达)3.The students talk about the pictures of their families with sister, brother or some other words.(表达时可应用本单元学过的知识)
4.Show a picture of an old man and say: “He is an old man.He is old.” Then show a young girl.Tell them she is young.Say it,please.He/She is old/young.5.The students say sentences themselves with young and old.6.Point to the old man: “He is old.But how old is he? He is sixty years old.Put on the Jenny puppet and ask it How old are you? As Jenny , answer my own question : I am ___ years old.Write How old are you ? I am ___ years old on the blackboard.Show some other puppies and ask the age.7.The students ask the age each other.8.Read after the tape Step 3: Homework Ask your mother How old are you? Say something next class.六、Blackboard Hand-writing Lesson 22How old are you? old young How old are you? I’m __ years old.Exercise: Fill in the blanks.1.br_ther, s_st_ _, _ ld, y_ _ _ s 2.How _____ are you? I’m ______ years old.(十岁)
Lesson 23: Happy Birthday 一教学目标:
1.知识目标:理解并认识birthday cake and candles ,birthday presents ,birthday party 能够熟练运用Happy birthday!能够试唱“Happy birthday to you!”
2.能力目标:学生学过本课后能够运用到实际生活中,过生日时能运用Happy birthday!祝福,能唱Happy birthday to you!3. 情感目标:鼓励学生乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教。培养学生与老师和他人合作意识。二教学重难点:
重点:birthday cake
candles, birthday presents, birthday party 难点:理解第一部分的对话内容。熟练运用Happy birthday!唱Happy birthday to you!三教具使用:图片、录音机 多媒体 教学过程
Step 1 Class opening A song Happy birthday to you!(创设情境激发学生的学习兴趣,营造良好的儿童学英语的氛围,引出本课的新知识)Step 2 New concepts 一 Demonstrate T: Today is Jenny’s birthday.She will have a birthday party.(教师解释并引读birthday birthday party)Do you want to come Jenny’s birthday party? Ss: Yes!T: Let’s go.Let’s look what is on Jenny’s birthday party?(允许学生用汉语回答。)
Ss: 生日蛋糕,蜡烛,生日礼物…….(教师领读birthday cake
candles, birthday presents)
T: On the birthday party, there are birthday cake and candles, birthday presents.What do you say to Jenny? Ss: 生日快乐
T: Good ,we say “Happy birthday!”(学生练习读)OK Let’s go to Jenny’s birthday party.(播放多媒体,学生跟读,教师做适当的解释,针对课文内容向学生提出一些简单的问题,检查学生的理解情况)Is Jenny happy? Does Li Ming come to her party?(教师渗透西方国家过生日时比较重视家人朋友的团聚以聚会为主,而中国人过生日以家人吃饭为主,但是现在中国人过生日也有生日蛋糕和蜡烛等)
二 Practice 假设学生过生日,试说birthday cake
candles, birthday presents, birthday party Happy birthday!播放生日快乐歌,学生跟唱,最后学生自己试唱。三 Homework 1 画birthday cake
candles, birthday presents birthday party 并注上英文如果有家人或朋友过生日要唱Happy birthday to you!Lesson 23: Happy Birthday birthday party birthday cake and candles birthday presents
Happy birthday!七课后反思:
Again , please
三、教具、学具:Some pictures
Class opening and review Greeting Sing “ I love you.” Drill and practice Review family members,occupations and characteristics such as eye and hair colour.Call on as many individual students as possible.Free talk Ask every student to bring the pictures of their family, then show it to the class, and describe it.For example: This is my ________.He/She is ________.Practice教师准备一些动作图片,以次来让学生来描述,巩固本单元动词。
Class closing
五、板书设计:Lesson 32 Again , please What’s he/she doing? He/She’s____ing.What are they doing? They are ____ing.六、课后习题:
ailmfy_______ taerhf________ sno________ rhorbte_________ tomehr___________ isetsr________ guadther________
9.冀教版四年级上册英语教案 篇九
Key words and phrases :country project also call speak right city cousin there
Sentences: San Francisco is in the west.
Task aim: Learn about the cities of America .And grasp the position words .Use the simple sentences to describe the position of something.
过程与方法: 单词、课文、对比新 课 标 第 一 网
重点:Key words and phrases :country project also call speak right city cousin there
Sentences: San Francisco is in the west.
难点:Learn about the cities of America .And grasp the position words .
Use the simple sentences to describe the position of something.
(一) 导入:
Sing the song together.”I am the music man.”(construct funny atmosphere)
Show some pictures or maps about London.
Free talk ( Have students describe the picture)(review and present the new lesson)
(二)探究新知Teacher’s Q: Which countries speak English/
S: England, American…
Q: What do you know about America?
S: In Chinese they may say something about it.
OK, today let’s do it in English.
Show a map of America.(Teacher draw it before the class)
And introduce “This is my project .It about America” (show “project…) read it and understand it.
b. Use questions to show new words
Q: what language do the people speak in America?
S: people speak English in America.
Q: what’s the capital of America?
S: Washington D.C is the capital of the USA.
Q: where is it?
S: It’s in the east.
New words :speak , east新|课 | 标|第 |一| 网
c. Use the map to show the position of New York and San Francisco. And present the text contest on the blackboard. (teach new words “ city , west , cousin )
d. Make sure that all the contest on the blackboard and use a color chalk underline the new words.
Listen and repeat. And read it in pairs.
Repeat some key sentences with a teacher .Understand the meaning of it.
Competition between two students. Read it “Who can read it more quickly?”
(Improve the students ability of oral English)
Do you have a friend? If you have, please draw her / his house .And tell us where is his / her house?
(Practice “I live in Beijing. My friend lives in …)Give them 2’ to remember the new words and the meaning of it .Then finish the part 1 on Activity book. Check the answer in groups
Point ,ask and answer
Show some pictures on TV.( on the blackboard)
A: Where is New York? B: It’s in the east.
( Look at pictures and describe the position of it )
3. Show a map of China and deal with the part 3 on activity book
(五)小结Practice to read and remember the new words .( look at the phonetic symbol and say them out)
Important sentences ( make a simple translation)
Unit 1 Did he live in New York?
It’s about America.
It’s called USA.
【2015秋九年级英语上册 Unit 1《Stay Healthy》教案 (新版)冀教版】推荐阅读:
英语教学设计九年级上册unit4 stayhealthy11-25