


1.英语连词的分类和用法 篇一



1. ―Oh, I failed again

―Don’t lose heart. One more effort, ________ you will succeed.

A. so that B. therefore C. however D. and

2. ________ a difficult situation, so you should send him a message and give him some advice.

A. As he is in B. He is in C. Being in D. He being in

3. She said she would work it out herself, ________ ask me for help.

A. and not to B. but not C. and prefer not D. rather than

4. ________ enough time, but I couldn’t do it better.

A. I was given B. Given C. To be given D. Though I was given

5. ―How can I wake up so early?

―Set the alarm at 5 o’clock, ________ you’ll make it.

A. but B. or C. and D. so

6. For a person with reading habits, a printed page contains not only words ________ ideas, thoughts and feelings.

A. yet B. and C. or D. but

7. Information technology is taught in most schools, ________ we have entered the information society.

A. so B. while C. still D. for

8. English is understood all over the world ________ Turkey is spoken by only a few people outside Turkey itself.

A. while B. when C. if D. as

9. I was on the point of going to bed ________ Mr. Zhang rang.

A. as B. when C. while D. and

10. I asked him whether he had done all the work himself ________ whether he had had any assistance.

A. and B. but C. nor D. or

11. In some countries, ________ are called public schools are not owned by the public.

A. which B. as C. what D. that

12. ________ happens in the world makes us happy and sad by turns.

A. That B. What C. Which D. Whether

13. I read about this story in some book or other, does it matter ________ it was?

A. where B. what C. how D. which

14. One of the men present held the view ________ the book said was right.

A. what that B. what C. that D. that what

15. ________ I had walked for six hours, I was tired out.

A. After B. Before C. When D. As

16. Tom make up his mind to get a seat for the football match ________ it means standing in a queue all night.

A. as if B. as though C. even if D. whatever

17. The roof fell ________ he had time to dash into the house to save his baby.

A. as B. after C. until D. before

18. Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true ________ it comes to classroom tests.

A. as B. since C. when D. after

19. I have been keeping that photo ________ I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my college days.

A. which B. where C. whether D. when

20. You may borrow this book ________ you promise to give it back.

A. in case B. so long as C. as if D. even if

21. ________ the man grew older, he lost interest in everything except gardening.

A. With B. Since C. While D. As

22. ________ you understand this rule, you’ll have no further difficulty.

A. Once B. Unless C. As D. Until

23. I had no sooner got back to the kitchen ________ the door-bell rang loud enough to wake the dead.

A. when B. than C. as D. while

24. I criticized him, you know, not ________ I hate him but ________ I love him.

A. because; because B. because; for C. for; because D. for; for

25. ________ he studies hard, he will never pass the examination.

A. If B. Unless C. Even if D. Even though

26. She worked hard ________ everything would be ready by the time he came back.

A. since B. so that C. as if D. unless

27. He waited ________ the volcano became quiet and he was able to return two days later.

A. when B. before C. as D. until

28. ―May I go and play football with Dick this afternoon, Dad?

―No, you can’t go out ________ your work is being done.

A. before B. until C. as D. after

29. A warning news report from Qatar announces that a group of Islam will continue to kill Americans wherever they are ________ they leave the Arab world forever.

A. even though B. in case C. whenever D. until

30. I was so familiar with her that I recognized her voice ________ I picked up the phone.

A. the moment B. after C. before D. while


2.英语连词的分类和用法 篇二


一、A S连接两个同时发生的动作, 事态都要一致吗?

As作为连词, 连接两个同时发生的动作, 事态必须要一致。

例:He smiled as he passed. (他一边经过, 一边微笑。)

“so long, ”he said as he left her. (他一边离开她, 一边说“再见”。)

He carried a stick that he swung in the air as he walked. (他手拎着一跟手杖边走边在空中挥舞。)

注意:AS的位置放在两个动词之间, 说明同时发生。

AS的位置若放在句首, 说明两个动作先后发生。

例:As I left the offie Iremembered the key. (当我离开办公室之际, 我就想起了那把钥匙。)

As he slept he had a dream. (当他躺下睡觉, 他就做了一个梦。)


1、表示“……才”, 强调从句的动作发生得太慢或太晚。

例:The film had on for ten minutes before we got to the cinema. (我们到电影院之前, 电影上映10分钟了, 我们才到电影院。)

The bus driver almost knocked me down before he saw me. (那位工交车司机差点儿把我撞到了, 才看到我。)

The fire lasted four hours before the firefighters could control it. (大火持续了大约四个小时, 消防队员才控制住火势。)

2、表示“还没来得及……就……”, “未……就……”, 强调主句的行为阻止了before从句行为的发生。如果从句中含有情态动词can或could的话, 则表示从句中的动作根本就没有发生。

例:He announced the ending of the meeting before I could get in a word. (没容得我插上一句话, 他就宣布散会了。)

The students rushed out of the classroom before the bell rang. (铃声还没响, 学生们就冲出了教室。)

注意:before有时本身含有否定意义, 从句不能再用否定词。

例:It became dark before we finished our task. (我们还没有完成任务, 天就黑了。)

表示“刚……就……”, 强调主句从句与从句动作紧密相连或几乎同时发生。这是, 主句中常有scarcely, barely, hardly等副词。

例:I had hardly turned off the light before the telephone rang. (我刚关掉灯, 电话铃就响了。)

We had scarcely left our school before it began to rain. (我们刚离开学校, 天就开始下雨了。)

3、表示“与其……倒不如……”, “宁愿……也不愿意……”, 相当于rather than.

例:He would be poor before he got money in this way. (他宁愿穷, 也不愿意用这种方式赚钱。)

The soldiers would fight to death before they surrendered. (战士们宁愿战斗到死也绝不投降。)

4、表示做某事的程序, 通常被译为“先……然后……”, “先……再……”, 表达此意时, 主句的动作可被理解成从句动作发生的前提或条件。

例:Be a pupil before you become a teacher. (先做学生再做老师。)

One must sow before one can reap. (先播种才能收获。)

5、在before sb.know it的习惯用语中, 常译为“不知不觉……就……”, “不知怎么……就……等。

例:Time passed quickly and three months went by before she knew it. (时间飞快地流逝, 她不知不觉就过了3个月。)

The girl fell off the tree before she knew it. (这姑娘不知道怎么就一下子从树上摔下来。)


It was not long before…… (过去) 没过多久就……。


It was not long before he returned to Beijing. (不久他就回到北京了。)


It was long before……过了很久才……

It will not be long before……要不了多久就……

It will be long before……要过很久才……。

3.连词“及”的用法及历时演变 篇三

摘 要:“及”是中古汉语使用频率最高的连词之一,其语法功能十分完备。“及”具有如下特点:属于非定位连词,可以连接体词和谓词,且连接项具有事理顺序,可以多项连接,连接位置不固定。“及”的演化路径为:及(动词:追及) >及(伴随动词:参与)>及(并列连词)。

关键词:及 连词 语法化






























(15)秋八月丙寅,令武威、张掖、酒泉、敦煌及张掖属国,系囚右趾已下任兵者,皆一切勿治其罪,诣军营。(《后汉书· 显宗孝明帝纪》)



























4.英语动词的分类以及用法 篇四

根据词义特点,行为动词可分为动态动词和静态动词。动态动词表示动作,如give, take, work, run等;静态动词表示感觉、情感、内心世界、相互关系等,如know, live, lie, exist, be, have, mean, seem, appear, sound, prove, concerns, hate, dislike, like, love, prefer, surprise, astonish, satisfy, contain, include, matter depend on, belong to, guess, suppose,imagine, believe, doubt, admire, envy等。


根据后面是否带宾语,行为动词又可分为及物动词和不及物动词,及物动词(vt. ) 后面要跟宾语,不及物动词(vi. ) 不跟宾语。如:

They study hard. 他们勤奋学习。(study后没有宾语,是不及物动词)

I know them well. 我很了解他们。(know后有宾语them,是及物动词)


She sings very well. 她唱得很好。(sing是不及物动词)

She sang an English song just now. 她刚才唱了一首英文歌。(sing是及物动词)


根据动作是否延续,行为动词又分为延续性动词和非延续性动词。如rain, live, work, learn等是延续性动词,go, come, leave, start, arrive, join, finish, end等是非延续性动词。



[误]He has left here for three days.

[正]He has been away from here for three days.

[正]He left here three days ago.

[正]It’s three days since he left.


限定动词在句中作谓语,有人称和数的变化。非限定动词有动词不定式、动名词和分词三种,在句中不能单独作谓语,没有人称和数的变化(详见非谓语动词一章) 。如:

5.英语连词的分类和用法 篇五


(1)介词是虚词,不能单独作句子成分,必须与名词、代词(或相当于名词的其他词类、短语或从句等)构成介词短语,在句中充当一个成分。介词分为:简单介词,如at、in、for等;合成介词,如within、inside、onto、througout等;短语介词,如according to、out of、because of、by means of、in spite of、instead of等。双重介词,如from behind / above / under、until after等。分词介词,如considering、including、judging(from / by) 等。


①It is going to rain this afternoon according to the weather


②He quarrelled with her yesterday.

③He succeeded in passing the final exam.

④I’m still thinking of how I can fulfil the task ahead of time.

⑤The professor will give us a talk on how to study English well.


①This machine is in good condition.(表语)

②Where is the key to my bike?(定语)

③Nothing in the world could live without air or water.(状语)

④She always thinks herself above others.(宾补)



①rob sb. of sth. / clear the road of snow(“夺去、除去”意

义的动词与of 连用)

②supply us with food / fill the glass with wine(“供给”意义的动词与with连用)

③make a desk of wood / make bread from flour / make the material into a coat(“制作、制造”意义与of、from、into连用)

④介词 + the + 部位与动词的关系(=动词 + sb.’s + 部位,可换用)

strike him on the head(“击,拍,碰,摸”意义与on连用)

catch him by the arm(“抓,拉,拿,扯”意义与by连用)

hit the boy in the face(“肚,胸,眼,脸”等人体前部与in连用)

⑤prevent(stop, keep)sb. from doing sth.(“阻止,禁止”意义与from连用)

⑥persuade(advise, warn)sb. into doing sth.(“说服,建议”意义与into连用)

⑦buy sb. for sth.(leave、get、win、gain、lose等“得失”意义与for连用)

⑧tell sth.to sb.(show、teach、sing、write、read等“告知”意义与to连用)

⑨give sth. to sb.(give、allow、promise、pass、hand等“授予”意义与to连用)

注意:⑦⑧⑨可换成buy sb.sth.双宾结构。

⑩say to sb.(suggest、explain、apologize、murmur、whisper与“对象”连用必须用to)不可说suggest sb.sth.。


for(寻找) to sth. of(听说) on(拜访)

look to (眺望) agree with sb. hear call for(需要)

at(看) on sth. from(收到信) in(请)


reply to the letter回信,sing(dance)to the music和……唱(跳),amount to 达到,加起来有……,devote to把……贡献给,drink to为……干杯,object to反对,look forward to 渴望,come to苏醒,belong to属于,search for搜……,ask … for … 寻找,use … for用作,leave for前往,take … for误以为,call of倡导,wait for等待,care for喜欢,make up for弥补损失,turn to求助(救)于,help oneself to随意,agree to同意,compare … to把……比作,send for派人去请(拿)……,sail for驶向,航向,set out for动身去,go in for爱好……。

(2)常见“形容词 + 介词”搭配。

of担心…… about / at sth.

afraid angry

for 替……而担心 with sb.

for sth.渴望…… different from与……不同


about sth. / sb担心…… different to … 不关心……

of讨厌 with sb.

tired strict

from/ with因……疲倦 in sth.要求严格

at擅长 with sb.受……欢迎

good for对……有益 popular in some place流行在……

of sb. to do so友好 for … 因……而流行

with + 名词或what从句

pleased helpful to对……有帮助

at + 抽象名词(听 / 看到……而高兴)

to sb.为人所知

known for因……而出名 be familiar with熟悉

as作为……出名 be familiar to为……熟知(悉)

sorry for … 替……后悔 disappointed at sth.失望


rich in富有…… absent


worthy of值得的,glad about sth. for sb.为某人某事高兴,far from离……远,grateful for sth. to sb.为某事感激某人,free from没有……(免除……),proud of(take pride in)自豪,satisfied with (by)满意,sure of / about确信,fond of喜欢,fit for适合,busy with sth.(in doing sth.)忙着干某事,full of充满,ready for准备,similar to相似,wrong with不对;有毛病……

(3)“名词 + 介词”要注意习惯搭配和意义区分。

the absence of water缺水

the hope of success成功的希望

have a chance of (for) entering college上大学的机会

take pride in them为他们感到骄傲

the key to the question问题的答案

a medicine for cough治咳嗽的药

the ticket for tomorrow明天的票

in Beijing去了北京

his abesence

from Beijing不在北京

to study学习方法

the way

of studying maths学习教学的方法




如:in the 1990s, in the year, in January, in(the) winter / summer / fall / spring, in the first week of May。

还可以用时段名词组成固定短语或词组。如:in a while, in no time, in the daytime, in a short while, in time, in the morning (afternoon, evening)。但要注意:

①at night / at noon, in the day(在白天),in the night(大夜间)。

②in five days(weeks, months, years)中in意思是“在……以后”。

③in和during表一段时间内两词可互用。如:in the night, during the night, in the war, during the war。但略有区别:当接表示“活动”的抽象名词时多用during,接“活动”的动名词及短语时用in。如:

during the discussion in discussing the problem

during her stay in Hubei in playing basketball

during the course of in digging the tunnel


on Sunday(s).on Tuesday morning

on Christmas Day(但at Chrismas),on Christmas Eve, on

Children’s Day

on March 8, on the morning (afternoon, evening)of Oct.1

early on the morning of Oct.1(区别:in the late / early morning of Oct.1)

on a rainy night, on warm winter days


at breakfast(supper, lunch),at six

at noon (sunrise, sunset, midday, night, midnight, dawn)

at the age of 15, at the time of war,但in time of danger/ trouble。


next day、last Sunday、that morning、these years

one、each、any、every、some、all修饰时,一般不用介词,如some day

one day、yesterday / afternoon,the night before



He waited for me till twelve o’clock.

He didn’t get up till(until) 10 a.m.(不可用to).


Not until 9 a.m.did Mr.Smith come back to school.


义。如:from July to September, from six to(till)eight(从……到……为止),但from morning till night(从早到晚),不能用to。from … to常构成习惯搭配,不可换用其他介词。(A)表持久连续、传递、转移的含义。from time to time(不时,有时),from day to day (天天),from hand to hand(不断传下去),from place to place(处处,到处),from side to side(左右摇摆),from door to door(家家户户),from house to house(挨家挨户),from shop to shop(一个商店接一个商店)。(B)表起始终止的全过程或程度加深、状态变化。from beginning to end(从头到尾,自始至终)(from the beginning to the end of…);from hand to mouth(仅能糊口),from bad to worse(越来越糟),from head to foot(从头到脚),

from top to bottom(整个地,彻底地),from top to toe(全身),from start to finish(自始至终,从头到尾)。(C)from one + 名词 + to another表示“依次”。如from one car to another(顺着车厢依次地)。(D)名词 + by + 同一单数名词,表示“一个一个地”,要与from … to短语区别开:one by one 一个一个地;little by little(bit)一点一点地;step by step 一步一步地,逐渐地(但by and by 不久以后);sentence by sentence逐句地;day by day一天一天地;side by side(with…)(和……)并肩,一起;shoulder to shoulder肩并肩地,齐心协力;hand in hand 手拉手,紧紧地;face to face面对面。


①in + 一段时间:表示说话时为起点一段时间之后,与一般将来时连用;但表示“在……之内”时,用于各种时态。

②一段时间 + later(later是副词):表示某一具体时间或某一方面具体时间算起的一段时间后。

③after + 一段时间表示:“在……之后”,用于一般过去时;但时间为点时间时,只能用after,即after + 点时间,用于各种时态。

The doctor will be with us in six minutes.

She graduated in 1981,and eight years later she became the manager of the factory.

He received her letter after four weeks.

另外,in + 一段时间 + ’s + time 与 within + 一段时间的用法如下:

in a week’s time = in a week

They will arrive in three days’ time.(与将来时连用)

My brother’s birthday is in two weeks’ time.(作表语)

I’ll finish the book within two weeks.(within = in less than…用于各种时态,不超出,在……之内)


①at 在较小的场所,in在较大的场所,on在……的平面上。如at the

door、at the airport、at the station、at 55 Park Street、in China、in the north、in Asia、on the desk、on the wall等。


Japan lies to the east of China.(范围之外)

Taiwan lies in the southeast of China.(范围之外)

Hunan province lies on the west of Hubei province.(毗邻)

The island lies off the coast of China.(相隔一定距离)

③地点介词的引申、比喻意义:in the sun在阳光下,in the dark(ness)在黑暗中,in the dark不知道,in freezing weather在严寒天气中,in the mud在泥中,in the earth在地下,in the desert在沙漠中,in a heavy rain 在大雨中,in the snow / wind在雪/风中,in public 当众,in trouble 在困境中,get into trouble陷入困境,out of trouble摆脱困难,beyond hope绝望。


They walked across the playground.

I walked through the forest.

⑤over / under / above / below。


A little boat is now under the bridge.

There is a bridge over the river.

The sun sinks below the horizon(地平线)

The window is well above the tree.


He walked to the station(静态,表示方向和目的地)

He walked towards the station.(动态,只表示方向)

He is kind to (towards)us.(两者通用)

He is at the station.(静态,表示地点)

They arrived at the station.(动态,表示地点)

He swam away from the ship.(动态“离开”)

He stood away from the shop.(静态“远离”)

He fell onto the floor.(动态“到地面”)

The city is on the Changjiang River.(静态“平面”)

Go off the road.偏离了道路(动态“离去”)

Come along the river.沿着河过来(线)

across the fields 跨过田野……,over the desert跨越沙漠

across the river横跨这条河……,over the hill翻过这座山

be in the house(静态,在这里……)stay out of the car(静态,在……外)

go into the house(动态,进入)fly out of the country(动态,离开)


①by the year/hour/day按年/小时/天。如He rent a house by the year(day,hour).(按by+the+单位名称)但to the pound按磅算,to the ton按吨计。


by post/mail邮寄,by telephone(radio),但on the phone/on the radio/on TV(电讯器材),by electricity用电,by machinery用电器,by hard work,learn sth.by heart,through the satellite,through practice,through his own efforts,through experience,through the telescop


by bus/train/car/taxi(road)

by bike/bicycle,on horse back/on foot

by plane/jet/spaceship,by air

by ship/boat/lifeboat,by sea/by water

另外:by means of 用……方法,by way of 经由,取道于,用……方法,with the help (permission)of sb./with sb.’s help (permis-



He beat the dog with a whip.(with+工具机器)

One smells with his nose.(with+人体器官,但by hand“手工,用手”)

He stood up with pride.(with+情绪、情感、态度的名词)

注意:使用语言、材料、文字等用in。如in English(ink,pencil)。另外如:in high (good,low)spirits,in anger,in joy,in comfort,in sorrow,in safety,in danger,in need,in debt,in love,in fun,in pain,in tears,in surprise,in good(poor)health,in good order,in flower,in a way,in a low voice,in silence,in(with)satisfaction,in a hurry,in(with)words,live/feed on food,kneel on one’s knee,take(catch)sb.by surprise(出其不意)


①besides 除……以外,(还有)。作副词时意思是“而且,更何况”。

Well all went to the cinema besides Shaw.除了肖外,我们都去了电影院。

It was too late to see a film, and besides, I was tired.


We all went except John.我们都去了,约翰没有。


He has no other hats except / besides this one.

③except for除了……(对句子主题进行细节校正或附加说明)后接名词、代词或what从句,此时与except that + 句子意思相同。

He was very clever except for carelessness.

④except that … 除了……一点以外。

He has not changed except that he is wearing dark glasses.




All but one are here.

Nobody but I likes making model ships.


He has nothing to do but wait.(前有do,后省to)


have no choice but to do sth.只得做某事,can not but do sth.不得不,can not help but do sth.不得不……,but for … 如不是……



Ann is between Tom and Bill.

Switzer land lies between France, Germany, Australia and Italy.

They soon finished the work between themselves.(共同,合作)

She was busy between cooking, washing, sewing and looking after the baby.(表示接连不断地,一个接一个地忙这忙那)

A horse can be seen between trees now.


The story is said to have happened in a village among the hills.

He was happy to be among friends again.

We must agree among ourselves.(一起,共同)我们必须达成共识。

London is among the largest cities.( = one of与最高级连用)

(10)表原因的介词for、because of、due to。

He didn’t come to the meeting because of his illness.

The reason for his coming late is that he was ill.

He was praised for his bravery and courage.

The accident is due to your careless driving.


这里所说的不定式复合结构形式指的是for 或of加上人或事,作动词不定式逻辑主语的结构。

①It is clever of you to answer it like that.

②It is quite hard for me to explain why.



①after、since、till / still、before这些词既是介词,又是连词。

The children went home at once after school.

They went to bed after they had finished the job.


He ran down the hill.(介词)

Can you lift that box down from the shelf for me ?(副词)


All the students got to school before me.(before为介词)

We do want to buy something now before prices go up.(连词)

Haven’t I seen you before?(before为副词)


①表示时间的介词on、at 、in的省略。在next、last、yesterday、tomorrow、each、one、any、every、all等词之前,可以省略,也可以不省略。如(at)last weekend、(on)that day等。

②介词for表示时间的省略要求。(A)以all开头的名词短语,for要省略。如:I stayed with her all he morning.(B)表示一段时间的短语之前,for可以省略,也可以不省略。如:I have been waiting hereI (for) more than three hours.(C)否定句中,表示时间的短语前的for不能省略。如:I haven’t seen you for thirty years.(D)时间状语在主句之前,for不能省略。如:For the whole morning,the old man kept reading.


Nothing can prevent me(from)doing the job.

She spent nearly two hours(in)translating it.



②要求接in 的名词有:interest、satisfaction、expert等。

He is expert in teaching small children.


①both … and, either … or, neither … nor

both … and“双方都”,连接句子的两个主语时,其后谓语动词通常用使用复数形式。either … or与neither … nor注意采取“就近原则”。

②not only … but also, as well as

注意:两者强调对象不同,not only … but also强调的是but also之后部分,而as well as则强调其前面的部分。not only … but also采取“就近原则”,而as well as只是一个插入语,采取“就远原则”。如:

Mr.Smith, as well as his wife and children, has come to Nanjing for a visit.

not only … but also结构中的not only可用于句首,连接两个分句时,第一个从句主谓要倒装。

Not only is he clever ,but also he is hard working.



When I go to the station, the train had already left.

He sang merrily as he was working.

②till、until均表示“到……时候止”,肯定句中的谓语必须是延续性动作。如:I worked till late at night.若主句谓语是终止性动词,则主句要用否定形式,意为动作“到……才……”开始发生。如:

She didn’t get up until her mother came in.



Thouth (Although)he was tired,he kept on working.

注意:though、although引导的从句不能与but、however连用,但可以与yet、still连用。though还可以与别的词结合使用,如even though、

as though,而although则不能这样搭配。

④no sooner … than、hardly … when、as soon as三者都表示“一……就”,“刚刚……就”的意思。(A)as soon as 置于主句前后都可以,而且有备各种时态。如:As soon as she gets here I’ll tell her about

it. Mary left as soon as the finished the work.(B)hardly … when、no sooner … than不能表示将来的事,其主句的谓语动词一般用过去完成时,从句用过去时。若将hardly或no sooner放在句首,句子要倒装。如:No sooner had he arrived than he went away again.

⑤某些表示时间的名词(词组)也可用作从属连词。它们是:the moment, the minute,the instant, the day, the time, the first(second, third …)time, the spring (summer, autumn,winter),every(each,next,

any) time(day),by the time,都可引导时间状语从句。如:

His mother died the spring he returned.

Call me up the minute he arrives.



1. The home improvements have taken what little there is _________my spare time.(NMET 2001)

A.from B.in C.of D.at

解析:答案为C。本题考查句子结构中介词of的有法。what引导的从句作谓语have taken的宾语,而从句中的基本句型为“there is little of …”,表示“……有很少”,what 修饰little提到了从句句首。注意正确把握句子结构和介词用法,要明白of my spare time和in my spare time的区别。

2. ____________ production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.(NMET 2000)

A.As B.For C.With D.Through

解析:答案为C。本题考查with的复合结构作状语的用法。“with + 名词 + 不定式/分词/名词/形容词/介词短语等”可在句中作伴随、时间、原因、条件等状语。本题中with的复合结构作伴随状语。

3. The changes in the city will cost quite a lot, ___________they will save us money in the long run.(2000春季高考题)

A.or B.since C.for D.but


4. After she considered the problem, she got a tall box to stand ________.

A.on B.up C.above D.by

解析:答案为A。不定式“to stand + 介词”作定语修饰a tall box,其中被修饰词在逻辑意义上是不及物动词,只有加上吊尾介词,句子意思才完整。吊尾介词往往由于受到汉语的影响而缺少,吊尾介词使用的场合有:

(1)定语从句中,先行词被一个不及物动词所修饰,不及物动词后要接介词,先行词被“动词 + 介词”组成的短语动词所修饰,介词常在句尾。

He is the man I just spoke to.


I can’t imagine what it is like.

(3) 强调句型,特殊疑问句中由于被强调部分和疑问词位置变更,常出现吊尾介词。

It was the poor boy that we gave the books to.

What for? Where to? Who with?


a room to live in, a bench to sit on

There is nothing to worry about.

She is a good girl to work with.

(5)某些形容词后接不定式或“动词 + 介词”型短语,动词的不定式形式表“反射”,常用吊尾介词。


②The river is good to swim in.

The box is too heavy to carry.

③be worth doing sth.,be worthy of being done / to be done, want/

require / need doing


1.We offered him our congratulations his passing the college entrance exams.

A.at B.0n C.for D.of

2.Let’s walk over--the sun.

A.in B.to C.under D.by

3.We’re all going to the games.Why don’t you come ?

A.up B.across C.along D.to

4.If you are worried about the problem,you should do something it.

A.about B.for C.against D.with

5.I wanted two seats Madame Curie for Friday night,so I rang the cinema to see if I could book two tickets.

A.of B.about C.to D.for

6.He thought the jar made of earth little value and 1et me have it only one dollar.

A.with;for B.of;for C.of;by D.with;by

7.We can’t feel that we are going forward as everythjng us is moving the same speed.

A.around;at B.around;with C.before;at D.with;in

8.The two rings are so alike that it is difficult to tell one the other.

A.very;to B.much;to C.much;from D.very;from

9.It’s so nice to go out for a walk a cool nice summer evening.

A.in B.on C.for D.a

10.He decided to the matter himself.

A.look through B.look into C.look after D.look up

11.I ran an old friend of mine yesterday,whom I hadn’t seen for ages.

A.across B.cross C.after D.for

12.The scientist is well known us his great achievement.

A.to;for B.by;for C.by;as D.to;in

13.This article is quite me.There are too many new words

A.above B.against C.upon D.beyond

14.Does John know any other foreign languages French?

A.except B.but C.besides D.beside

15.She thought I was talking about her daughter, ,in fact,I was talking about my daughter.

A.whom B.where C.which D.while

16.They were surprised that a child should work out the problem they themselves couldn’t.

A.once B.then C.while D.if

17.My name is Robert, most of my friends call me Bob for short.

A.then B.instead C.however D.but

18.-I don’t like reading watching TV.What about you?

-I don’t like reading all day, I 1ike watching TV plays.

A.and;but B.and;and C.or;and D.or;but

19.It was raining hard, ,the peasants went on with their work.

A.but B.and C.however D.although

20.-What do you want those old boxes?

-To put things in when I move to the new flat.

A.by B.for C.of D.with


6.英语连词的分类和用法 篇六

(一)红色1.汉语-英语红茶black tea

红白事weddings and funerals红榜honor roll红薯sweet potato

开门红make a good start红心loyal heart

红得发紫extremely popular走红运to have a good luck

大红人a favorite with sb.in power红绿灯traffic light看破红尘see through the vanity of the world2.英语-汉语

red alert(台风,空袭)紧急警报the red carpet隆重的欢迎red battle一场血战red ruin火灾

red herring天关紧要的题外话red-eye廉价的威士忌酒red ball特快列车

red box英国大臣用的文件匣

(二)白色1.汉语一英语白班day shift

白开水plain boiled water白眼supercilious look

白手起家to start from scratch2.英语一汉语

white alert解除警报

white collar workers白领工作者a white night不眠之夜

to see the white见世面,长世故a white day吉祥之日

to show the white feather显示懦弱white books政府公文(白皮书)to stand in a white sheet公开忏悔the white terror白色恐怖to bleed white被榨尽血汗the white army白军

to leech sb.white吸干某人的血


墨镜sun glasses

黑货smuggled goods黑心肠evil mind黑体字boldface type黑咕隆咚pitch-dark

黑更半夜in the dead of night2.英语一汉语

black tie正式社交场合to be in black mood情绪低落in the black赢利

a black letter day倒霉的日子black market非法市场Black Maria囚车,巡警车black and blue遍体鳞伤black diamonds煤

black coffee咖啡,纯咖啡black ingratitude忘恩负义black tea红茶black draught泻药


黄土高原loess plateau黄道吉日lucky day2.英语一汉语

yellow dog卑鄙的人

You are yellow!你是胆小鬼!yellow belly可鄙的胆小鬼yellow looks尖酸多疑的神情yellow alert预备警备yellow steak胆怯,懦怯

a yellow-dog contract以受雇工人不加入工会为条件的雇用契约


绿化山区afforest the mountain district 2.英语一汉语

in the green在青春期to look green脸色苍白in the green tree处于佳境

to give sb.the green light纵容某人green house温室

green hand没有经验的人生手green apple未熟的苹果green corn嫩玉米

a green old age老当益壮


灰墙plastered wall灰心丧气to lose heart灰色人生观a pessimistic outlook on life

2.英语一汉语a gray day阴天gray record古书

the gray market半黑市gray code反射码

gray prospects暗淡的前景gray cloth本布色

gray collar服务性的行业gray mare比丈夫强的妻子

(八)棕色1.汉语一英语棕毛palm fiber棕绳coir rope

棕竹a variety of black bamboo2.英语一汉语

brown bread黑面包

brown polish黑白混血儿brown rice糙米brown sugar红糖brown paper牛皮纸

7.英语连词的分类和用法 篇七


1.He likes fish and vegetables.他喜欢鱼和蔬菜。

2.Eating less and taking Rloraexercise are good for your health.少吃多锻炼对你的健康有好处。

3.I help you and you help him.我帮助你,你帮助他。


1.I’d like a cup of milk.two piecesof bread and two eggs.我想要一杯牛奶,两块面包和两个鸡蛋。

2.He and I want to go.我和他都想去。

3.You,he,and I are like ReadingClub.我、你、他都喜欢阅读俱乐部。


1.Both his father and his brotherare doctors.他的爸爸和哥哥都是医生。

2.He is both strong and healthy.他既强壮又健康。


1.The kid doesn’t read or write.那个小孩不会读和写。

2.He doesn’t have a brother or asister.他没有兄弟姐妹。


1.Eight and five is thirteen.8加5等于13。

2.There isa pencil andtwo pens in thepencil-box.铅笔盒里一支铅笔和两支钢笔。

试比较:There are twopens and a pencil in the pencil-box.


1.I think so.but my brotherdoesn’t.我是这样认为的,但是我的兄弟不是。

2.It has no mouth.but it can talk.它没有嘴巴,但是会说话。


1.It is not made of steel,but of plastics.这不是钢做成的,而是塑料做成的。

2.They saw not locusts this time,but seagulls.他们这一次看到的不是蝗虫,而是海鸥。


1.Is it sweet or sour?是甜的还是酸的?

2.—Whose English is better,Jackor Mike?谁的英语比较好,杰克还是迈克?

—I think they are neck,and neck.我认为他们不相上下。


Hurry up,or you’ll be late.快一点。否则你就会迟到。


1.You may either stay here or gowith me.你要么呆在这儿,要么和我一起去。

2.Either come in or go out.要么就进来,要么就出去。


Either you or I am wrong.不是你错。就是我错。


1.again and again再三地


3.up and down前前后后、来来回回

4.neck and neck肩并肩、齐头并进


6.a little now and then时而

7.nothing but只是、只有


9.not only…but also…不但……而且……

10.or so左右

11.more or less或多或少
