


1.操作主管的英文简历表格 篇一




Name: yjbys Nationality: China (Mainland)
Current Place: Guangzhou Height/Weight: 157 cm 43 kg
Marital Status: Single Age: 30 years
Career Objective
Application type: Jobseeker
Preferred job title: Foreign Trade / Import-Export Manager / Supervisor: Imp & Exp Supervisor 、Foreign Trade Merchandising Manager/Supervisor: Merchandising Supervisor 、Group Purchasing Manager/Supervisor/Sales: Purchasing Supervisor
Working life: 8 Title: Senior title
Job type: Full time Expected Start date: In a month
Expected salary: ¥12,000~¥14,999 Preferred working place: Guangzhou Guangzhou Guangzhou
Work experience
Company”s name: ****CO., LimitedBegin and end date: -03--06
Enterprise nature: Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Trading/Imports & Exports
Job Title: Purchasing Supervisor
Job description: The company’s main markets are America, Saudi Arabia, Dubai & Yemen, Amercia market occupy around 20%. Our department is responsible for the gift & promotion items, household item & food products, I lead the team in the work of finding good suppliers with competitive price, make sure that all the purchase orders are going well. From quotations to samples, from placing orders to shipments, I supervise all the steps to make sure that our team has the orders under the control. I have good sense of cost, strong communications and negotiation skill with suppliers, good capability to handle the specific issues for customers.www.geren-jianli.com/
Reasons for leaving: I want to keep improving myself.
Company“s name: ****CO., LimitedBegin and end date: -06-2010-03
Enterprise nature: Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Trading/Imports & Exports
Job Title: Senior Merchandiser
Job description: I am responsible for the Bangladesh market during I am at the post, familiar with the whole credit process, involved many products includes Luggage, Furniture, Garments, Shoes&Caps, Kitchenware, Tableware, Household electric appliance, Lighting & New Energy items etc. Negotiations on the price, contract, packing and delivery etc with the suppliers, making PO to the suppliers, ensure the suppliers deliver the goods on time according to the quality and quantity as agree, make the container booking and make the whole set of credit documents. Meanwhile I handle the bidding projects between our boss and Bangladesh government, no matter from the sourcing to sample or making the whole bidding documents as required, I arrange all the things.
Reasons for leaving: Looking for more challenge .
Educational Background
Highest Degree: Associate Date of Graduation: 2007-01-01
Name of Major 1: Business English Name of Major 2: International Economics And Trade
Education experience:
Start date End date Education organization Majors Certificate Certificate No
Language Ability
Foreign Language: English Level: perfect
Language ability: Good command of spoken and written English/Chinese (Mandarine and Cantonese).
Chinese level: perfect Cantonese Level: perfect
Relevant skills and abilities
  1. More than 8 years of trading and sourcing work experience, familiar with foreign markets of Euro-America, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabic, Dubai & Yemen, excellent at international business operation and trade procedures.


2. Familiar with many products in different range, such as Household items, Household electric appliance, Luggage, Furniture, Garments, Shoes&Caps, gifts, Promotion items, Food, Lighting & New energy items etc.

3. Be able to maintain the working relationships among buyers, suppliers and colleagues at all levels. Ability to day-to-day operation management between headquarter and customers.

4. Strong sourcing and negotiation skills, excellent communication skills.

5. Hard working, able to work under pressure and independence, strong sense of responsibility.

6. Excellent analytical skills, ability to analyze complex problems and excellent problem solving skills.

7. High level of organization, and integrity, team player and leadership.

8. Good command of English & Chinese.

9. With hands on PC skills.

Self-recommendation letter
  Good sourcing and negotiation skiils, can get along well with peoples, optimistic, hard working, able to work under pressure and independence,strong sense of responsibility, excellent analytical skills, ability to analyze complex problems and excellent problem solving skills, high level of organization, and integrity, team work spiritr and leadership.

2.外贸主管简历表格 篇二

简历编号:   更新日期:  



姓 名: 大学生个人简历 国籍: 中国
目前所在地: 广州 民族: 汉族
户口所在地: 广州 身材: 160 cm?45 kg
婚姻状况: 未婚 年龄: 24 岁
培训认证:   诚信徽章:  
人才类型: 普通求职?
应聘职位: 贸易类:外贸跟单/外贸主管、贸易类:单证员/船务、贸易类:报关员
工作年限: 2 职称: 中级
求职类型: 全职 可到职日期: 随时
月薪要求: 3500--5000 希望工作地区: 广州
公司名称: 广州市兆进运输有限公司起止年月:-10 ~ -06
公司性质: 私营企业所属行业:
担任职务: 报关员/进口业务主管
工作描述: 由于本人在广州潮进国际货运代理有限公司担任报关员期间,工作态度认真负责,处理事情能力较强及得到上司的赏识,于10月份被转到广州市兆进运输有限公司并提升为进口部业务主管,主要负责货物的进口业务。从向国外询盘——报价——订立合同——租船订舱——发货——报关——安排货物运输到客户指定地点,尤其对木材和冻鱼进口流程较为熟悉。与船公司及海关联系紧密,能很好地处理相关问题,并与同事相处融洽,与客户保持友好关系。



公司名称: 广州潮进国际货运代理有限公司起止年月:2007-03 ~ 2007-09
公司性质: 私营企业所属行业:
担任职务: 报关员/跟单员
工作描述: 主要负责海运的询价、报价,租船、订舱及相关的报关业务。对船务有一定的认识与了解,并熟悉海运的报关流程。
公司名称: 广州市兆进运输有限公司起止年月:-10 ~ -06
公司性质: 私营企业所属行业:
担任职务: 报关员/进口业务主管
工作描述: 由于本人在广州潮进国际货运代理有限公司担任报关员期间,工作态度认真负责,处理事情能力较强及得到上司的赏识,于10月份被转到广州市兆进运输有限公司并提升为进口部业务主管,主要负责货物的进口业务。从向国外询盘——报价——订立合同——租船订舱——发货——报关——安排货物运输到客户指定地点,尤其对木材和冻鱼进口流程较为熟悉。与船公司及海关联系紧密,能很好地处理相关问题,并与同事相处融洽,与客户保持友好关系。



公司名称: 广州潮进国际货运代理有限公司起止年月:2007-03 ~ 2007-09
公司性质: 私营企业所属行业:
担任职务: 报关员/跟单员
工作描述: 主要负责海运的询价、报价,租船、订舱及相关的报关业务。对船务有一定的认识与了解,并熟悉海运的报关流程。
毕业院校: 广东海洋大学
最高学历: 本科获得学位: 经济学士 毕业日期: 2007-06-26
所学专业一: 国际经济与贸易 所学专业二:  
起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 专 业 获得证书 证书编号
-09 2007-06 广东海洋大学经济管理学院 国际经济与贸易 毕业证 105661200705002246
起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 专 业 获得证书 证书编号
-09 2007-06 广东海洋大学经济管理学院 国际经济与贸易 毕业证 105661200705002246
外语: 英语 优秀    
国语水平: 优秀 粤语水平: 精通






3.品质主管求职简历表格 篇三

户口所在: 湖北 国 籍: 中国

婚姻状况: 未婚 民 族: 土家族

诚信徽章: 未申请 身 高: 168 cm

人才测评: 未测评 体 重: 60 kg

◆ 求职意向

人才类型: 普通求职

应聘职位: 高分子化工/化纤/新材料,塑料工程师,项目工程师

工作年限: 3 职 称:

求职类型: 全职 可到职日期: 一个月

月薪要求: 5500~7999元 希望工作地区: 广州,江苏,山东

◆ 工作经历

4.行政主管个人简历表格 篇四












毕业院校: 中山大学
最高学历: 本科 毕业时间: 2009-07-01
所学专业: 行政管理 学位: 学士学位
受教育培训经历: .11广州****培训中心ISO9001:内审员培训(考取资格证)




2013、 获得**集团表扬,当优秀员工



5.人力资源主管应聘简历表格 篇五



姓名: yjbys 性别:    
出生年月: *** 联系电话:    
学历: 本科 专业:    
工作经验: 8年 民族:  
毕业学校: ***大学  
住址: ***





目标职位: 人力资源经理·人力资源主管 | 人事主管·人事专员
目标行业: 房地产开发·建筑与工程
期望薪资: 税前月薪RMB6000
期望地区: ***
到岗时间: 1周以内


.12-至今 ***集团***园林工程有限公司

6.求职的英文简历表格 篇六


My Resume





Native place




Educational History




Postal Code


Self intro


Skills and Demonstrate


7.大学生的英文简历表格 篇七

P.O. Box 100 Beijing Foreign Studies University, 100089 Beijing, China

TEL: +86(10)88810000 MOBILE: EMAIL:EDUCATIONSept. 2003- presentBEIJING FOREIGN STUDIES UNIVERSITY BEIJING, CHINASCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESSCandidate for Bachelor of Arts in Economics (International Economics and Trade), June 2007 Overall GPA 3.6/4.0; Coursework: Calculus 93/100, Corporate Finance 98/100, Management 90/100, Business Communication 94/100WORK EXPERIENCEAug. 2006- Sept. 2006 Shanghai Jun. - Aug. 2005 Beijing Sept. BeijingMIZUHO CORPORATE BANK SHANGHAI BRANCH Summer Intern●Acquired knowledge about general business of the bank from the rotation at the back office (Four operations containing Money Back Office Op., RMB Op., Collection & Remittance Op., Import & Export Op.); ●Utilized G-Base system to check the bill of exchange and letter of credit at the Import & Export Operation; ●Learned the fixed deposit products and foreign currency administration by attending internal trainings; ●Reviewed and trimmed bills and documents with team members as the preparation for carrying out RMB businessEDELMAN PR CORPORATION Summer Intern, Corporate Team●Served the clients of Goldman Sachs Co. and Warburg Pincus LLC, responsible for the daily media monitoring and weekly & monthly report. Accomplished over 500 pages of English media report focused on financial market; ●Tracked and wrote some special report on hot issues like Baidu’s IPO, CNOOC’s bid to buy Unocal etc.; ●Conducted over 100 pages of news clippings for the clients of Pepsi Co., Starbucks, Jones Lang LaSalle etc.; ●Particitpated in several researches including the Media Crisis Handling and the Development of Blog in ChinaWORLD INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION SUMMIT Volunteer●Selected out of over 200 applicants to be one of the 6 members of Political VIP Group; ●Assisted Mr. Rudolf Scharpin, the Ex-Minister of Defense of Germany to attend meetings and the banquet at the Great Hall of People, received a letter of praise from Mr. Scharpin for after the one week activityEXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIESMay. 2005 Beijing Sept. 2003- Jul. 2005 Beijing May. Melbourne Australia2005 FORTUNE GLOBAL FORUM Speaker, Representative of Chinese Youth●Delivered a well-received English speech during the session called Youthful Voices: Meet the New Chinese; ●Impressed the audience with the statements on my aspirations, pressures and the thing I want to change the most; ●Invited to the interviews of key media including Beijing Daily, China Youth Daily, 21st Century etc., talked about the current situation and mentality of young people in ChinaCOMPUTER ASSOCIATION (E TRIBE) Co-founder, President●Founded the association with 3 students as a freshman, recruited more than 150 members in the campus promotion with a 10-day preparation, which was the largest number among all the associations in the university;●Elected president as a sophomore, responsible for general management and out-campus communications, led a staff of 20 people to hold campus activities for BenQ, Levis, Canon, Tecent etc., raise sponsorship worth over 30000RMB, let the Computer Association become the most influential organization in campusSTUDENT CULTURAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM Chinese Student Representative●Stayed in a local family and participated in their family gathering, kept in touch with them until now; ●Performed well in the culture exchange activities with students from Australia, New Zealand and Japan, played hero in the drama and gave the speech on behalf of Chinese students during the farewell partyAWARDS AND HONORS2003 -2004 2004 -2005 2005 -2006 Runner-up College Scholarship (Top 5 in overall performance ) and Outstanding student leader of University; Outstanding student leader of University and Second place in the university dubbing competition; Runner-up College Scholarship (Top 5 in overall performance) and Champion of college soccer competitionOTHER INFORMATIONChinese: native;English: fluent (TOEFL: 650/677);Cantonese: basic; Often User ofMS OutlookandOffice;Hobbies:soccer (member of college soccer team and professional referee), chess, reading and traveling

8.英文简历表格 篇八







































9.英文相关简历表格 篇九

Full name: Piece *****

Sexual distinction: Male

The age: 31

Marriage deny: Maiden

Citizenship: China

Mobile telephone: 86-1391*********** (Shanghai)

Email: *************@163.com.cn

Career Goal: Development of sale management, business affairs, investment, seek advice

Ego evaluation

10 years above work experience is in industry of the fast consumable market, industrial product that pack and; of industry of sterilization of medical treatment things

Creativity thinking and decision-making, flexibility gets used to ability to bear enormous actuating pressure;

Outstanding communication and the business chance consciousness that manage ability and acumen, the survey of new product, new market / extend capacity;

The market of foreign capital of familiar and relevant industry and indigenous industry runs means and competitive strategy;

Knowledge of professional market sale strategy is mixed in theory practice respect, accumulate ecstasy view and group collaboration spirit;

Devote oneself to to become the leader of sale management and innovation, retain the susceptibility to vicissitude of the market and fast report ability.

Educational state

British ******* business school is industrial and commercial administrative Master MBA

Ranked Among The World S Top 100 Business Schools (Economist ); Ranked In The UK S Top 15 Business Schools (Financial Times )

Undergraduate course of major of standard of economy of ********* law courtyard / the whole nation

Lawyer qualification

Working experience

(2004 of ********** limited company - up to now) China

Commerce director

The disinfection of sterilization of medical treatment things with the greatest whole world serves a company

Basically serve a client: (B2B) is strong unripe, green jade enlighten, 100 special, Kaidina

Report a line: Market of GM / Europe markets vice president

Subordinate: The client serves / business affairs support


Study Chinese market situation and investment climate, analytic competition circumstance, evaluate commerce to invest an opportunity, offer feasibility to study a report to board of directors and European headquarters;

Be in charge of the investment analysis of whole China market and business affairs running; Participate in electron beam project (invest 12 million euro) construction / finish, the project approving that promotes project of annulus oxygen ethane directly (invest 15 million euro)

Formulate market sale strategy, include market fixed position, promotion, client to develop plan, year the sale is forecasted and cost cost budget;

Build, maintain the strategic partner relationship with key client, the sterilization solution that offers a complete set of, microbial

The test serves with the appreciation such as content shedding;

****** (China) limited company ( - )

District selling manager

One of beer beverage companies with the biggest Australia

Report a line: Sell chief inspector

Subordinate: The sale is in charge of / delegate, promotion is in charge of / delegate, sales promotion personnel


Those who be in charge of Su Na area is high-grade the market sale with mainstream brand beer;

Analyse the market and competitor situation, make year sell plan and cost budget;

Invite applications for a job, groom the sale popularizes personnel, build solidarity and the sale team that are full of fighting capacity;

Ad of design, executive mart and sales promotion activity;

Agency of development, government and key client, build perfect and maintain access sale channel.


In high-grade beer market, good brand is built in the competition with international brand famous spend He Zhongcheng. For instance, the weakness of the product line of world-famous brand and channel sentences successful attack market leader, popularize a brand quickly through sale channel of evening show of race to control famous degree, enter the channel such as meal supermarket smoothly next;

Take the lead in developing country and market of 2 class city, built cobweb type cent to sell channel, achieve higher investment return rate;

In mainstream beer market, endure the homebred brand of brutal market competition and countless. Accepted advanced market sale concept, for instance deepness cent is sold and area turns management, raising the market to enclothe lead and have rate while prevent the sale that cross a region and low to sell behavior;

Before regional industry 3 competitor are become below finite budgetary condition, leading the innovation of market sale and sales promotion the activity. For instance, carried out successfully turn over seasonal sales promotion, bind type sale and chain store lock to plan to wait surely.

******* food limited company

The food group with the biggest Taiwan

Main product: ** series is convenient face, beverage

Report a line: General manager

Subordinate: The sale is in charge of / sales promotion of delegate, promotion is in charge of / delegate, financial personnel, storage transports staff


The government of the market sale of responsible Suzhou area and Suzhou branch works, include sale, promotion, finance affairs and storage to carry.


Build unique dual system to sell a network, include to sell channel and dealer representative channel continuously. Coordinate structure of two kinds of channel, deepness covers target market;

Develop key client and special access channel, for instance, took the lead in developing monopolistic to close sale room, wait to know a place especially like jail, detention house, obtain favorable result and be popularized in countrywide market by headquarters;

Appear on the market successfully unified 100 with glacial black tea, the leader that replaces health master to make local market is in ;

Turnover from the RMB 700 thousand / the month promotes 3.5 million / month, the branch that makes profit of the first implementation is in .

Professional skill / groom state

Software of office of perfectness Microsoft XP Office (Word, excel And PowerPoint)

Professional sale skill grooms (PSS) / major manages skill to groom (PMS)

10.SEO主管求职简历表格 篇十




基本信息  个人相片
姓 名: yjbys 性 别:  
民 族: 汉族 出生年月: 1990年9月6日
证件号码: /jianli 婚姻状况: 保密
身 高: 166cm 体 重: 65kg
户 籍: 福建莆田 现所在地: 福建莆田荔城区
毕业学校: 泉州信息职业技术学院 学 历: 专科
专业名称: 财经类 会计电算化 毕业年份:
工作经验: 四年以上 最高职称:  
职位性质: 全 职
职位类别: 贸易/外贸贸易类

