新目标 七年级 8单元教案


新目标 七年级 8单元教案(9篇)

1.新目标 七年级 8单元教案 篇一

Unit 10 Can you play the guitar?


1. 教会学生表达做某事的能力。

2. 谈论自己的爱好和意愿。

3. 学会表达自己对于各种协会的选择。

4. 会写简单的招聘广告,会使用简单的求职对话。


1. 会使用can.表示能力。

2. 会谈论喜好和意愿。











5. 测试


Period 1

1. T: We can do lots of things. I can sing. I can dance. What can you do? Can you sing /dance /swim /paint /speak English/play chess…?

S: Yes, I can. /No, I can’t.

Teach the words: sing, dance, swim, paint, speak, chess, guitar.

S1: I can sing. Can you sing?

S2: Yes, I can. Can you dance? (to S3)

S3: No, I can’t. Can you …? (to S4)

2. Teach: club. Yao Xia is in Guo An Football Club. Football players are always in football clubs. They can join a football club they like. We can join a club we like. We have many clubs.

I like singings. So I want to join the music club. What club do you want to join?

S: I want to join the … club.

T: Can you …?

S: Yes, I can. /No, I can’t.

3. Do 1a.

4. Do 1b. Listen and number the conversations

5. Pairwork: Let them pratice the conversations: I want to join … Can you…?

6. Do 2a.

7. Do 2b.

Task 1: I want to know what your favorite clubs are. Groupwork.

Name Clubs want to join can

Eli Music club Play the guitar


Recite the new words.

Write a small composition about what they like and they can.

Period 2

1.Revision. Do you like…? Does she like…? Can you…? Can he…? What club do you want to join?

2. Talk about their homework. Let them read their composition.

3. Review the grammar box. Ask students to say the questions, answers and statements. Let them observe: can’t = cannot.

4. Do 3a. Read the four lines to students. Then put this conversation in order.

5. Do 3b. You will talk to three students. Ask each what he or she can do. Write it on a piece of paper. Later you will tell the class about these three students.

Ask what can you do?

6. Task: Build their clubs and write the ad in the poster.

Period 3.

1.T:What can you do?

S: I can…

T: Can you play chess?

S: Yes…

Teach the new words of music instruments.

2. Section B. Do 1a.

3. Task 1: Talent show. Let them play the different music instruments or do other things.

name act

4. Listen and do 2a and 2b.

5. 2c. Ask two students to read the conversation to the class.

Students pairs do.

6. 3a. Ask a student to read it to the class. Underline the things.

7. 3b. Complete the poster with the words.

8. Task 2: Write your own poster for a sports day. Ask some students to read their ads to the class.

Period 4

1.Task 1: Ask a student to draw an music instrument, then let other students to talk about them and write down the words.

2. Task 2Write five things about yourself on a piece of paper. Another student will read to the class. The other students will guess who you are.

3. Self check. Do 1 and 2.

4.Task 3. You are in charge of a music club. The others want to join it. Please prepare the interviewing questions and act.

5. Task 4. I can do!

Encourage the students to say their hobbies and what they can do. Let them write it down.

Period 5

Do Weekly paper or Nan’an paper

2.新目标 七年级 8单元教案 篇二


对当前的七年级数学进行调查就会发现最大的问题是学生的学习速度跟不上教师的教学速度, 学生的思维跟不上教师的思维。 有的学生在课堂上思想不集中, 有时甚至连教师讲的是哪一页都不知道, 这是导致学生学习效果差的原因之一。 另外, 教师对有些问题并没有过多地细讲, 只是单方面宣布答案, 遇到一些比较棘手的问题, 只会让学生死记教学步骤, 学生在遇到同类问题时不能熟练解答。 这样的教学只会造成学生两极分化, 好的学生越来越好, 差的学生越来越差, 而且有的教师往往只拿成绩衡量学生, 对学生各方面的素质从来不关注, 这就忽略了更多优秀学生, 导致教学质量始终上不去。


七年级学生刚刚从小学步入初中, 对教学环境及教师的教学方式都不适应, 习惯于教师手把手地教, 突然觉得没有了依赖, 学习也没有动力, 学习意识不是那么的强烈, 而且很多学生都是在教师的督促下被动学习。 很多七年级数学教师不引导学生进行新课标的研读, 这就很容易使学生对数学的认知水平产生误判, 严重影响教学进度及教学质量, 这是教师忽略的一个重要问题, 也是最关键的一个问题。


刚步入初中阶段的学生心智往往不成熟, 生活经验缺乏, 而且数学的基础相对比较薄弱, 在小学阶段, 学生的数学学习是比较肤浅的, 学习内容局限于表面的认识和理解, 这就导致学生在七年级数学的学习上只在乎数学表面知识的学习与理解, 不进行深层次理解。 随着学生不断成长, 学习更深入, 如果只是简单地对知识进行表面的学习与理解, 是远远不够的。 而且在小学阶段学生一般都重视问题的结果, 对解决问题的方式从来不过度地研究, 接受的概念主要是通过直观理解, 这是刚步入七年级的学生面临的最重要的问题。


对刚步入七年级的学生来说, 学习方式都是小学形成的, 并不适用于初中学习, 很多时候学习都是通过记忆完成的, 对于自己不理解的知识只是简单地记忆, 不断地进行练习最终才能掌握。 初中阶段的课程比较多, 学生没有对学习时间进行合理安排, 也不会合理地制定学习目标, 不是过于简单就是过难, 这对学生的学习造成很大的影响。


对七年级学生的记忆力是比较强的, 但理解能力却很差, 再加上初中数学知识比小学数学知识更抽象, 这就加大了学生的记忆难度, 而且在问题的思考上, 只会单方面分析问题, 不进行换位思考, 思维比较固定, 显而易见学习难度就加大了。


1.尊重学生的个性差异, 充分利用新教材。

随着课改的不断进行, 在教材的设计上更趋向于合理化, 更适合学生, 更便于教师实现教学目标。 将课改后的七年级数学教材与传统的教材进行对比就会发现, 教材变得更丰富, 而且有内涵的数学题越来越多, 给学生留下了足够思考空间及交流探索的时间。教材这样编写无疑是希望教师在教学过程中能重点培养学生的创新探索精神, 丰富学生的思想, 例如:在新的七年级数学教材上, 每一课时之前都会有“想一想、坐一坐”等习题, 这是需要学生独自学习思考的过程, 这就需要教师给学生留足够的时间让学生进行思考学习, 发挥教材的最大优势。同时在教学过程中教师要尊重学生个性差异, 七年级学生刚刚从小学步入初中, 思想和个性方面有很大的不同, 这就需要教师不断与学生进行思想和心灵的沟通, 对每个学生都采取一套可行的教学方案, 这能有效培养学生的自主学习能力。

2.对学生进行引导, 让每个学生都能融入到课堂活动中。

教材的改革, 主要考虑到小学阶段很多知识与我们的生活有很大的联系, 所以在新教材的设计上最突出的特点是与我们的生活联系紧密, 而且有很多趣味性的知识, 这些东西是激发学生学习兴趣的关键。 虽然这些知识与我们的生活联系比较紧密, 但是如果教师不积极地设计课堂教学活动, 让每个学生都能参与其中, 就不能充分调动学生的积极性, 这就需要教师对学生的心理及思想要有足够的了解, 依据学生的心理与思想作为课堂教学活动设计的基础, 这在很大程度上能有效激起学生的兴趣, 促进教学目标的实现。


在课堂上开展教学活动是重要的, 但在学校开展数学活动也是非常有必要的, 这能为学生提供良好的学习氛围, 树立正确的学风, 更能激发学生的学习欲望及学习的自信心。 在小学阶段学生课余时间基本上都是在娱乐, 如果教师可以充分地将学生的课余时间利用起来, 让学生变相地学习, 这也是提高教学质量的重要手段, 例如:学校可以利用学生的课余时间设计趣味的数学活动, 如数学竞赛, 也可以与其他科目的教师结合设计拼图比赛、小制作比赛、猜谜语比赛等, 这些活动能激发学生的主动参与性, 培养学生浓厚的学习兴趣, 发现学生其他方面的优点、丰富学生的思想, 对培养学生的创新能力及创新意识有很大的帮助, 更重要的是能使学生的思维变得活跃, 这对抽象的数学学习有很大的帮助, 同时教师还要对参与学生进行表扬及奖励, 激发学生的自信心, 同时也是对其他学生的一种教导, 侧面激发学生的意志。 参与活动之后, 学生也会将这种积极活跃的心态带到课堂上, 活跃课堂氛围, 能有效提高课堂效率和教学质量。


七年级是学生初中学习的开始, 具有承上启下的作用。 本文重点研究了新课改背景下的初中数学教学, 并对当前初中数学教学中存在的问题进行研讨, 提出了一些切实可行的解决方案, 希望对广大七年级数学教师有所帮助, 在达到教学目标的同时能有效提高教学质量。


[1]陈晓霞.如何营造良好的课堂氛围[J].甘肃教育, 2014 (14) .

[2]姜元涛, 沈旸, 茶世俊, 袁永惠.析论校长的办学理念与学校的办学理念[J].教学与管理, 2014 (18) .

3.新目标 七年级 8单元教案 篇三

Ⅰ. 听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组,读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

( )1. A. cabbagesB. orangeC. onion

( )2. A. iceB. ice creamC. green tea

( )3. A. kindB. behindC. fruit

( )4. A. onionB. orderC. orange

( )5. A. potatoesB. juiceC. specials

Ⅱ. 听五段小对话,找出问题的正确答语。每段对话读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

( )6. A. Yes, Id like some tomatoes, please.B. Yes, I want you to help me.

C. Yes, you can.

( )7. A. Id like chicken, potato and cabbage noodles.B. Id like a small glass of juice.

C. I like friendly and smart animals.

( )8. A. Id like chicken, fish and cabbage, please.B. Id like a large bowl.

C. Id like mutton and cabbage in it.

( )9. A. Rose Street 123.B. 123 Rose Street.

C. Sorry, I dont know, either. Please ask the policeman over there.

( )10. A. Number 88756409.B. 88756409.C. Its his photo.

Ⅲ. 听下面两段大对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

听第11段对话, 回答第11至12小题。

( )11. What size bowl of noodles would the woman like?

A. A large bowl.B. A medium bowl.C. A small bowl.

( )12. What kind of noodles would the woman like?

A. Chicken noodles.B. Beef and cabbage noodles.C. Beef and broccoli noodles.

听第12段对话, 回答第13至15小题。

( )13. What kind of food does the woman order?

A. Some beef, onions, mutton and potatoes.

B. Some beef, onions, dumlings and soup.

C. Some porridge, oranges and dumplings.

( )14. What kind of dumplings would the woman like?

A. Mutton dumpling.B. Cabbage dumplings.C. Mutton and cabbage dumplings.

( )15. How much is the food?

A. RMB 56.B. RMB 47.C. RMB 65.

Ⅳ. 听短文,选出最佳答案,读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

( )16. How much is special 1?

A. RMB 16.B. RMB 12.C. RMB 13.

( )17. Whats in special 2?

A. Beef and tomatoes.B. Noodle and hotdog.C. Onions and chicken.

( )18. How much is the coca-cola at the House of Noodles?

A. RMB 2.B. RMB 7.C. RMB 8.

( )19. Whats the telephone number?

A. 84657939.B. 87543979.C. 86457939.

( )20. If Lina only has RMB 9, what can she have at the House of Noodles?

A. Onions and chicken and a glass of coca-cola.B. The noodle and hotdog lunch and a glass of coca-cola.

C. Beef and tomatoes.

Part Two笔试部分(80分)

Ⅰ. 根据首字母提示完成单词。(每小题1分,共10分)

21. I want to o________ some food, please.

22. There are many k________ of noodles in this shop.

23. In our House of Dumplings, we have two new s________.

24. My favorite drink is orange j________.

25. —Would you like any drink?

—Yes, Id like one large g________ tea and one small coca-cola.

26. In China, people usually have p________ for breakfast.

27. My telephone n________ is 85648394.

28. —Whats your a________?

—Its 558 Bridge Street.

29. What size of dessert would you like? Small, m________ or large?

30. What size b of noodles would you like?

Ⅱ. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分)

( )31. —Would you like to help me with my homework?

—Yes, ________.

A. I wouldB. I doC. Id likeD. Id like to

( )32. We have four ________ salad in our restaurant.

A. sizeB. size ofC. kindD. kinds of

( )33. Mr. Smith as well as his children________ here.

A. comeB. isC. areD. get

( )34. —I dont like mutton ________ beef.

—I dont like mutton, ________ I like beef a lot.

A. and; butB. and; andC. or; butD. or; and

( )35. —________ rice would you like?

—Small, please.

A. What kind ofB. What size bowl ofC. How manyD. How much

( ) 36. —________?

—Yes, Id like a large hamburger, please.

A. What do you doB. Can I help you

C. Would you like some porridgeD. What do you like

( )37. —Would you like some tea?


A. Yes, pleaseB. No, pleaseC. No, I dontD. Yes, I would

( )38. —Would you like some ________?

—Oh, yes, just a little.

A. applesB. carrotsC. cakesD. beef

( )39. —Do you like fruit?

—Yes, I like ________ best.

A. potatoB. chickenC. strawberriesD. bread

( )40. —What would you like?

—I would like a pizza ________ mutton and cabbage on it.

A. hasB. withC. andD. of

Ⅲ. 按要求完成对话或句子。(共10分)

A) 从方框里选择适当的句子完成对话。 (每小题1分,共5分)

B) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(每小题1分,共5分)

46. There ________(be) some beef and eggs in the noodles.

47. Would you like some dumplings ________(eat)?

48. She ________(have) an egg, a small bowl of chicken noodles and two apples every day.

49. Orange juice ________(drink) are only RMB 2.

50. Id like beef and ________(potato) noodles, please.

Ⅳ. 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)

Welcome51House of Dumplings. We have52great specials. One53of dumplings54 beef and onions. Special 2 is only for RMB 7,55has mutton, cabbage and potatoes. The56kind of dumplings has meat and carrots. Many kinds57drinks are waiting58you. Each drink is only RMB 2. We have59size of plates: small, medium and large. Come and60your dumplings today. You can call 334-6394.

( )51. A. atB. to C. of D. for

( )52. A. some B. any C. a little D. a lot

( )53. A. kindB. size C. / D. plate

( )54. A. hasB. have C. is D. are

( )55. A. andB. or C. with D. but

( )56. A. one B. twoC. last D. /

( )57. A. on B. at C. of D. for

( )58. A. on B. inC. for D. of

( )59. A. three B. muchC. many D. any

( )60. A. gets B. drink C. get D. bring

Ⅴ. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共20分)


Green House of Hamburgers is on Long Street. Its behind the post office and its in front of the Childrens Hospital. Its not big but its very clean. You can see all kinds of hamburgers here every day. They have beef, mutton, chicken, banana, strawberry, egg and cabbage hamburgers. They are very delicious. Every day the first three persons are free. On weekends they have some great specials. A large beef hamburger is just 3 yuan for 5 yuan. A medium chicken hamburger is just 3 yuan for 6yuan. A small strawberry hamburger is just 2.5 yuan for 4 yuan. Come and get your hamburger at Green House of Hamburgers! Oh, every Saturday evening Sun Rock Band plays in the house.

( )61. On Monday Linda has ten yuan and she can buy ________ large beef hamburgers.

A. twoB. three C. four D. five

( )62. On Sunday Mr Read buys three small strawberry hamburgers and he pays ________.

A. 12 yuanB. 5 yuanC. 2.5 yuan D. 7.5 yuan

( )63. You can eat ________ hamburgers at Green House of Hamburgers.

A. appleB. mutton C. porkD. potato

( )64. Green House of Hamburgers is ________.

A. very big B. across from the post office

C. in front of the Childrens Hospital D. very dirty

( )65. When does Sun Rock Band play at Green House of Hamburgers?

A. Every week.B. Every evening

C. Every Sunday morning D. Every Saturdayevening


A Frenchman goes to England for his holiday. He wants to order some eggs in a restaurant. But he doesnt know how to say eggs in English. He thinks and thinks. Then he sees a book with a picture of a rooster on the table. He asks the woman in the restaurant, “Whats this in English?”

“A rooster,” the woman answers.

“And whats the English for a roosters wife?” he asks.

“A hen,” says the woman.

“Then whats the English for a hens child?”

The woman says, “ Its a chick(小鸡).”

Then the Frenchman asks, “Whats a chick before it was born?”

“Its an egg,” says the woman.

“Thats right. Give me four eggs, please,” the Frenchman says happily.

( )66. What does “rooster” mean in Chinese?

A. 鸭B. 公鸡C. 母鸡D. 鹅

( )67. The Frenchman _________ English.

A. can speak a littleB. can speak very goodC. cant speakD. doesnt know

( )68. The Frenchman wants to order _________ in the restaurant.

A. a roosterB. a henC. a chickD. some eggs

( )69. According to the passage, we can infer (推断) that _________.

A. the Frenchman buys a hen at last

B. the woman in the restaurant asks the Frenchman to leave at once

C. the Frenchman can eat some eggs in the restaurant

D. the woman brings a rooster, a hen, a chick and four eggs to the Frenchman

( )70. After reading the passage, we can know that _________.

A. the Frenchman lives in EnglandB. the story takes place(发生) in France

C. the Frenchman is very cleverD. a chick is an eggs mother

Ⅵ. 阅读理解填词。(每小题1分,共10分)

In many English homes people eat four meals(饭) a day, breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and d 71 .

People have breakfast at any time from seven to n 72in the morning. They have porridge, eggs or b 73 . English people drink tea, coffee or m 74at breakfast.

Lunch comes at one oclock. Afternoon t75is from four to five in the afternoon and dinner is at about half past seven. F 76they have soup, then they have meat or fish with v 77 . Afterthattheyeatsome f 78 , like bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English peopleeatl 79that. Some of them have their dinner in the

m 80of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and supper, and all these meals are very simple(简单的).

71. d_________72. n_________73. b_________74. m_________75. t_________

76. F_________77. v_________78. f_________794. l_________80. m_________

Ⅶ. 书面表达。(10分)





4.新目标 七年级 8单元教案 篇四


Unit 9 How was your weekend? No. 110 Middle School of Chongqing By Cao Yi Teaching Goal: 1. General aims: Talk about recent past events 2. Particular aims: A. Language Focus. Talk about recent past events and think of the past events. B. Language goals How was….? It was … What did …do over the weekend? C. Language structures: (1). How was your weekend? I was great. Pay attention to no form. (2). What did you do over the weekend? I played soccer. We went to the beach. D. Useful words and phrases: Words: was, did, went, beach, over, project, test, wasn’t, false, number, geography, spend, week, most, mixture, their, had, little, cook, read, saw, change, everyone, sit, sat, no, anything Phrases: did one’s homework, played soccer, cleaned my room, went to the beach, played tennis, went to the movies, on Saturday morning, over the weekend, cook … for, what about, do some reading, have a party, talk show, go shopping E. Grammar language: Present simple past tense Regular and irregular verbs F. Learning strategies: Tour and holidays G. Interdiscipinary: H. Emotion and manner: Teaching time: 5 periods Teaching procedures: Period One (pp31-32) 教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体应用 Step 1 Free talk 3’ Ask some questions like: Who’s on duty today? What’s the weather like? Answer and talk about something. 让同学们回答下列问题 1. Do you like weekend? (Let some students answer) It takes them three minutes to talk about the question. 2. Why do you like weekend? (let the students answer) Most of the students like the weekend 此时教师用汉语问: “在周末期间问你干了什么? 这句话用英语这么回答? Let the students guess. At last the teacher give them right answer 3. What did you do over the weekend?(板书、学习) 4. What did you do over the weekend? (Let sb. answer the question) I-played basketball. 5. 出示三张照片(有各种活动) 6. Match the words with the picture 7. Let the students listen and write carefully. First listen, then listen and write the words like “morning afternoon” or “night”等 Find some students to answer. The students talk about it in pairs. Students think of the sentences. Students study and read the sentences First the students read after the teacher, the practice in pairs. 学生看图,互相问答:What did you do? The students look at the picture on page 29 and do it. Listen and write carefully. 媒体展示问题 多媒体放映图一、图二、图三(关于周末的.活动) Step 3 Practice(5’) Pairwork Role play students A ask and student B answer Then let them do it in pairs A: What did you do over the weekend, Lucy? B: I played tennis. Students do it in pairs. Step listen to 2a and 2b (5’) Listen and underline the words you hear, then listen again and write. Listen and underline Listen and write A B S carefully Step 5 Summary (2’) 1. Words and phrases of the class. 2. What did you do over the weekend? I played ―. Look and listen carefully Step 6 Test (5’) Selfcheck 1 and 2c Students do it 放映多媒体 Step 7 Consolidation Make a dialogue use “What did ―?”at least five questions. Divide the students into 7 groups. Step 8 拓展练习(3’) 1. What did you do over the Weekend? 2. What did you do over the weekday? Students answer did things in different times. 多媒体展示、总结 Step 9 Homework (1’). 1. Practise the dialogue. 2. Grasp the grammar Focus. 多媒体放映 Period Two (p33) 教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体应用 Step 1 Free talk (2’) Ask a student “Do you like weekend”? Do you like weekday? The students answer and talk. Step2 Presention (10’) (用班里学生为例作下列练习) 1. What did you do over the weekend? 2. First let the students draw a picture of weekend然后让他们利用实物投影向我们说明 3. 用 “What did you do over the weekend?” 询问几个学生后,这着一个学生问“你的周末怎么样?” 4. Let the students change it into English. 板书 “How was your weekend?” Then let the students practice in pairs. 5. Write number (1-3) in the blanks. 1. Draw a picture of weekend 2. Tell the class about your weekend like” I played basketball in the morning. 3. The student answers. (have a try) Guess: How was your weekend? Read and study Then do it in pairs. Ex: How was your weekend? It’s great. I played basketball. Look at the picture in 3a. and write unmbers. 实物投影 媒体展示 媒体展示答案 Step 3 Game 6’ Let Ss write 3 things they did over the weekend. One is false, the others are true. 然后把学生的描述利用实物投影机投到大屏幕上。 Write 3 sentences ion their paper. Look at the screen. Let the other Ss guess which one is true/false. 实物投影 Step 4 Summary 3’ 1. words 2. Grammar: How was your weekend? I was great. / I did … Read and remember 媒体显示 Step 5 Consolidation 10’ Divide the Ss into several groups. Every group must make up a dialogue. Use “What did you do on the weekend?”/How was your weekend? And so on. Make up a dialogue in groups and act it. Step 6 拓展练习5’ 1. 让学生回忆一般过去时态。 2. 对照一般现在时和一般过去时,找出差异。 3. 总结 “be”动词的变化。 1. 回忆 2. 讨论 3. 总结 媒体显示 Step 7 Homework Practise the dialogue And answer some questions about the lesson. Period Three (pp34-35) 教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体应用 Step 1 Free talk (2’) 1. Ask the Ss some question. 2. check some questions. Put up hands and answer. Step 2 Presention (10’) (问班里的学生) 1. what did you do over the weekend? 2. 昨天你做了什么?↓引出 What did you do yesterday? ---A played….(板书/学习) 3. Let the Ss look at the screen. There are four pictures on the screen. These things that Sally and Jim did yesterday, then match. 4. Give the right answers. 1b, 2b, 3a, 4c 5. look at the 1b, let the Ss draw happy faces or unhappy faces. 6. listen to the taps twice, first listen carefully, then let the Ss to listen carefully and write the right answers. Answer one by one Translate it into English Look at the screen carefully and match the words with the pictures. Listen to the tape carefully. Write the right answers. 媒体显示4幅画 媒体显示 Step 3 Practice(5’) 1. Have a conversation to tell what Sally and Jim do? 2. What did Jim do? Jim went to the movies. 3. Let the Ss ask freely 4. Ask: What did the Ss do over the weekend? ex: practice The students practice in pairs Act out in pairs or groups. Answer the teacher’s questions Ask some pairs to the front to act out. Step 4 Summary 3’ Phrases: played the guitar. Did my homework. Studied geography. Went to the library. What did Jim do yesterday? Read and remember. Step 5 Test 1 见题后组1 D o some exercises. 多媒体展示 Step 6 consolidation Divide the students into several groups And let them make dialogues using these sentences: What did you do yesterday? How was your weekend? What did you do over the weekend? Write the dialogues and practice in groups. Step 7 拓展显示 根据下列句子: 1. What did you do over the weekend? 2. How was your weekend? 考虑“昨天或周末你去了哪里?”用英语怎样表达? 1. look at some sentences and think it over. 2. 讨论/交流 3.总结 媒体展示 Step 8 Homework Grasp the new words and expression sentences.

5.新目标 七年级 8单元教案 篇五


新目标英语七年级下册第十二单元第三课时教案 教学目标 1.学习谈论学校,某个家庭以及其他一些熟悉的地方的规则。 2.学习用“I have to …”和“I can / can’t …”描述每个地方的规则。 3.学习在任何地方都能成为一名懂礼貌的学生。 教学重难点 1.掌握句型“I have to…”,“I can /can’t…”. 2.祈使句肯定形式与否定形式的运用。 3.准确流利地描述一些地方的规则。 教学过程 一、热身和复习(Warming-up and revision) 1.课前播放一些简单的英文歌曲使学生快速地进入英语课堂,例如:yesterday once more, my heart will go on。 2.教师说: Good morning/afternoon!How are you?What’s the date today?What day is it today?What’s the weather like today?Are you happy? Today I bring some exciting and interesting videos to you! Before enjoying them, I will give you some questions:(1).What are the people in the videos doing?(2).Are they good students?(3).What rules do they break? Try to find the answers to these questions when you watch the videos. Today I bring some exciting and interesting videos to you! Before enjoying them, I will give you some questions:(1).What are the people in the videos doing?(2).Are they good students?(3).What rules do they break? Try to find the answers to these questions when you watch the videos. 说明:通过观看学生平时比较感兴趣的电影片段来复习上几节课学过的内容,使学生对已学过的知识加深印象。 二、教学SectionB-1a,1b 1.教师说:Just now we talk about the rules of the school. Do you know the rules of other places?. In which places we have to obey the rules? (libraries, dining rooms, dormitaries, our houses, etc.) 说明:从谈论学校的规则中引入到其他地方的规则,激发学生了解这些地方规则的兴趣,从而使他们在各个地方都是一个遵守纪律的好学生。 T: Yes. In our houses , we also have rules. So everyone in your house have to obey the rules of your house. Now, open your books! There are some house rules. First, look at the pictures, tell me what you see in each picture, using whatever words you can.如果有需要,给学生提供可能用到的词汇和句子,并带领学生一起朗读。 说明:在做练习之前先让学生发挥想象,用自己已经学过的知识去描绘一下几幅图片,不仅复习了先前学过的知识,锻炼了口头表达能力,还对课文的内容加深了印象与理解。 2.用一两句话谈论每幅图片。例:Whats he doing? Hes doing homework.让学生们重复Hes doing homework. 3.T: Now look at the rules under the pictures. Read after me! (Point out the list of rules. Read each rule and ask students to repeat. ) 说明:跟读是考虑到一些基础差的学生,帮助他们加深对题目的理解。 T: OK! Now match each rule with one of the pictures. Write the letter of each picture on the blank line in front of one of the rules. For example, Picture a matches with the second rule.(Point out the sample answer.) Do as the sample do. (Give the Ss 1 minute to prepare)教师核对答案。 三、教学SectionB-2a T: Great! I have two friends. Their names are Emily and Dave. First, let’s know them. Look at the two photos. The girl is called Emily and the boy is called Dave. They are talking about the rules of the house. Listen to a conversation between them. I will play the tape for two times. For the first time, only listen carefully to their questions and answers. For the second time, number the rules in the order Dave and Emily talk about them. The first rule Emily talks about is Dont go out on school nights. The number 1 has already been in the blank in front of that rule. Write in the numbers 1-4 as Dave and Emily talk about each rule while you are listening. (Play the tape two times for the Ss. Then check the answer.) 说明:在做听力之前先帮学生理解好题目要求。让学生在听第一遍的时候先了解一下全文的.意思,培养学生良好的做题习惯。 四、教学SectionB-2b T: This time, please put a checkmark under Emily or Dave after each rule that Dave has at his house and each rule that Emily has at her house. (Point out the sample answer). Play the tape again and have students make checkmarks(√). You may wish to play the tape more than once at this point. Correct the answers. 说明:有些学生在做这题时可能有一些困难,根据具体情况可增加放录音的遍数。 五、教学SectionB-2c 1.T: Good job! Just now we have known the rules of my two friends Emily and Dave. Now who would like to talk about the rules of their houses? ( Give the Ss some sentence structures to help them. Like “ In Emily/Dave’s house, we have to…/ we can’t…) Give them 1 minute to prepare. Then ask some Ss to talk. 说明:在完成听力题目之后,再利用课本中的内容来进行口头练习,同时也对前面学过的句型进行了复习。 2. Pair work T: Excellent! We have talked about the rules of Emily’s and Dave’s houses. Now I want to know about the rules in your house. What can and cant you do in your house? What do you have to do? Work with your partner. Using A: Do you have family rules? B: Yes , I do. A: What do you have to do ? B: I have to… (Give them 3 minutes to prepare) As the students talk, move around the room, monitoring conversations and offering language support as needed. Have some pairs of students present their conversations to the class. 说明:由课本内容直接引入到学生自己身上,提供一些句子框架,要求学生通过对话的形式来完成对自己家中规则的描述。(这里如果用单人描述可能有一点难度,因而通过提供一些框架通过一问一答的方式来完成。) 六、作业(Homework) 写一篇短文,谈谈在学校或在家里的规则。

6.新目标 七年级 8单元教案 篇六

Lesson 56, Learning English Student Book 1


Teaching contents: Lesson 56 What do you know?

Teaching time: November 18

Teaching place: Classroom

Type of the lesson: Revision

Teaching objectives:

1. Revise and have a good grasp of some words and expressions: cloudy, rainy… day, today… January, February… first, second…

2. Revise and try to use the drills freely: What day is today? What’s the date today? When is your birthday? How is the weather today? When is …? It is… What do you like to do? I like to …

3. Learn to talk about their favourite months

4. Language notes: People in the western countries like to talk about the weather to begin their talking

Teaching focus: Point 3 & Point 4

Teaching methods: Teaching this lesson using the showing method, the talking

method, the method of elicitation and the task-based approach.

Teaching resources: pictures, tape record.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Class opening (4 mins)

1. Greeting

2. Sing “ If You Are Happy”

Step 2 Ordinal numbers Months of the year (5 mins)

1. Show some numbers and let the Ss tell their ordinal numbers quickly.

2. Guess what the months are. Ask the questions like these “Which is the … month of the year?” Teachers’ Day is in this month . … Let the Ss guess the months.

Step3: How is the weather? (5 mins)

1.Show some weather icons and let the Ss tell what they are

2.Show some pictures and let the Ss tell how the weather is

Step 4: A task. Learn to talk about the weather, their birthdays, the day and the date (15 mins)

1) The teacher tells the students that they are going to work in pairs and make dialogues. Then the teacher asks Student A in each pair to face the front of the classroom and Student B the back of the classroom.

2) The teacher asks all the Students As to read the information on the screen: Now you meet your friend on your way home. You greet each other and you talk about the day, the date and the weather today. You ask when your friend’s birthday is. And then your friend invites(邀请) you to come to his/her birthday party. Then you say goodbye to each other. Then ask Student B to face the front of the classroom and Student A the back of the classroom and to read the information on the screen: Tomorrow is your birthday. Now You meet you friend on your way home. You greet each other and talk about the day, the date and the weather. Then you tell your friend tomorrow is your birthday and you will have a birthday party. You invite(邀请) your friend to come to your birthday party. Then you say goodbye to each other.

3) When students on both sides are ready, the teacher removes the information from the screen and asks students to face each.

4) The teacher asks each pair to start their dialogue. Student B have to start first.

5) When the students have finished the pair work, the teacher asks them to present their dialogues.

6) Language focus: Drills: How is the weather today? What day is today? What’s the date today? When is your birthday? My birthday is (on)… Language notes: People in the western countries like to talk about the weather to begin their talking

Step 5: A Task Learn to talk about their favourite months (15 mins)

1. Ask some questions and fill a form


1) Which is the … month of the year?

2) What colour is it?

3) How do you feel in …?

4) What can you see in …?

5) What do you like to do?

Orders Months Colours Feelings Things you can see

first January white cold the white snow

third March green warm the green trees

seventh July red hot the hot sun

tenth October yellow cool the yellow leaves

2. Let the Ss choose their favourite months and talk about them. First write and then learn to speak.

My favourite month is …

It is the … month of the year.

It’s …

I feel …in this month.

I can see the …

I like to …in this month.

3. Pair work. Report their partners’ favourtie months.

His/Her favourite month is …

It is the … month of the year.

It’s …

He/She feels …in this month.

He/ She can see the …

He/She likes to …in this month.


A. Correct the mistakes:

1. In Sunday morning, I read books.

2. He like to play with his friend.

3. We like work on the computer.

4.Do you like to go to the zoo watch the animals?

5. January is first month of the year.

6. On 5:30 in the afternoon, I go home.

7. --When is it? – It’s 7:00.

8. He likes to goes to the zoo to watch the animal

B. 对划线部分提问

1.It’s sunny today.

________ is the _________ today?

2. January 1 is New Year’s Day.

________ is New Year’s Day?

3. It’s December 17 today._______ the _______ today?

4. It’s Friday today. ______ ______ is today?

5. It’s 7:30. ______ ______ is it?

6. The supper is at 6:30 in the evening.

_______ is supper?

Step6: Class closing (1 mins)

Homework: A paper. Finish Lesson 52.

7.新目标七年级(上)7单元练习 篇七

A) 根据句意和首字母提示,用适当的单词填空。

1. It’s that t____ of year again.

2. My mother and father are my p____.

3. An apple is f____.

4. ——How ____ are these shorts?

——They are $30.

5. Her l____ name is Smith.

B) 按要求完成下列各题。

1. black(反义词)____ 2. 华兴特卖(译成英语)____

3. tomato(复数)____4. 28(译成英语)____

5. sale(动词)____


1. ——____ are those oranges?

——They are $4.

A. WhereB. WhatC. How D. How much

2. Here’s a cat, but I don’t know ____ name.

A. itB. itsC. it’sD. it is

3. Those are four ____.

A. pencil-boxB. pencil-boxsC. pencil-boxesD. pencils-boxes

4. ——What are these? ——____.

A. Yes, they’re computersB. They’re computer

C. They are computersD. Yes, these are computers

5. ——What’s on the dresser?

——It’s ____.

A. green sweaterB. green a sweater

C. a green sweaterD. green an sweater

6. Jim, ____ my teacher, Miss Li.

A. it isB. this isC. she is D. she

7. ____ blue pants are nine dollars.

A. ThisB. ThatC. TheD. He

8. ——____ your parents like hamburgers?

——No, ____.

A. Do; I don’tB. Does; he doesn’t

C. Are; they aren’tD. Do; they don’t

9. ——Is this table red? ——____.

A. Yes, it’sB. Yes, it’s whiteC. No, it’s redD. No, it’s blue

10. Here are the twins(双胞胎). ____ are Lucy and Lily.

A. Her nameB. Their namesC. Their nameD. They name

11. Amy, Jim and I ____ at school.

A. am allB. are all C. is allD. all are

12. She is ____ a red sweater today.

A. inB. onC. /D. at

13. My brother’s shoes ____ black.

A. amB. isC. areD. be

14. The price of the socks is very ____.

A. dearB. cheapC. bigD. high

15. The shorts ____ ¥20.

A. is on saleB. are on sale forC. is on sale forD. are on sale

Ⅲ. 阅读理解(20分)


When I was a boy, I liked swimming very much. One year my two brothers and I spent the summer holidays with my uncle and aunt in their house by the sea. It was only twenty metres from the water. Every day we put on our swimming shorts before breakfast, ran down towards(朝……)the sea and jumped into the sea, then, until late in the afternoon. We were in the sea most of the time. When our aunt rang a bell, we went back to the house for food, but we ate it in our swimming shorts and were soon back in the sea again.

The water was warm. The sunshine was bright every day, and on most days there were no waves(波浪). In the middle of the days a wind always began to blow, but it was not strong. It made big waves in the sea. But we were all good swimmers, and didn’t stop swimming until we were tired and hungry.

1. The boy ____.

A. and his family lived by the sea

B. went to his uncle’s house every day

C. had two brothers

D. learned to swim a year ago

2. One year the boy ____.

A. learned to swim from his brother

B. went to spend the summer holidays in his aunt’s house

C. went out to look for food

D. ran down to the sea every morning

3. The boy’s uncle and aunt ____.

A. liked swimming very much

B. rang a bell when it was time for breakfast

C. worked until late at night

D. lived by the sea

4. In the middle of the days ____.

A. a wind began to blow

B. the water was warm

C. the sun came out from the cloud

D. the wind began to grow stronger

5. The boy and his brothers ____.

A. didn’t take a rest until their aunt rang the bell

B. swam three times a day

C. did not go swimming when the wind was strong

D. had winds three times during(在……期间)their stay at their

uncle’s house



1. The writer’s(作者的) father has straight hair.

2. The writer’s brother looks like his father.

3. The writer’s sister is very lovely. She has curly hair.

4. There are five people in the writer’s family.

5. The writer’s mother is beautiful. She is fat.

Ⅳ. 阅读填词(10分)

One afternoon, Mrs Smith and her daughter Nancy a____ in a big shop near t____ house. Mrs Smith l____ Nancy and wants to b____ a new sweater for her. Nancy d____ like the new sweater. She likes something to eat. So h____ mother buys two kilos(公斤) of apples for her, too. Nancy a _____ wants to buy some picture books and color pencils. There are many things and many people in the shop. T____ men and women, old and young. They a_____ want to buy some t____. The people in the shop are very friendly.





Ⅴ. 用所给词的适当形式填空(5分)

1. Ma Yan is medium ____(high).

2. They’re the ____(win) of this football match.

3. I think Mao Ning is a good ____(sing).

4. It’s Sunday today. I can go ____(skate).

5. Emma wears a pair of ____(glass).

Ⅵ. 补全对话(10分)


John: Hello, Jim. May I come in?

Jim: Oh, hello, John. Yes, Come in, please.

John: You don’t look well. What’s the matter?

Jim: __1__

John: Oh, dear! Why don’t you stay at home to have a rest?


John: Shall I call Kate to tell you are ill?


John: OK, I will do that. I’m going to the shop now. Can I get you some medicine?


John: Yes, of course. Is there anything else I can do?


A. Oh, yes, please. Her number is in the phone book.

B. No, I’ll be all right. Thanks for your help.

C. My head hurts and I feel really hot.

D. Could you buy me a bottle of aspirin, please?

E. It doesn’t hurt very much.

F. I can’t. I’ll play ping-pong with our teacher this afternoon.

Ⅶ. 根据汉语完成句子。(10分)

1. 你认识汤姆吗?他长什么样?

Do you ____ Tom? What is he ____?

2. 她不经常戴眼镜。

She ____ often ____ glasses.

3. 你有兄弟姐妹吗?

____ you ____ any brothers or sisters?

4. 我认为他今天不会来。

I ____ ____ he will come today.

5. 他的个子不高,但有点儿重。

He isn’t tall but a ____ ____ heavy.

Ⅷ. 句型转换。(10分)

1. My weekend wasn’t very good.(就划线部分提问)

____ ____ your weekend?

2. My mother has a medium build.(改为一般疑问句)

____ your mother ____ a medium build?

3. She wants to be a reporter.(改为否定句)

She ____ ____ to be a reporter.

4. Gloria Green sings pop songs best.(改为同义句)

Gloria Green is ____ ____ pop singer.

5. He is tall.(用short改成选择问句)

____ he tall ____ short?



8.新目标 七年级 8单元教案 篇八

大家好!今天我要说课的内容是新目标七年级英语上册第二单元Section A 的前部分,题目是Is this your pencil ?其主要的内容是学会辨认物品的所有者这一话题。由于本单元具有两部分Section A 和Section B。从本单元来说,本节课既是本单元的基本语言内容,又为本单元知识扩展和综合语言运用奠定坚实的基础。因此,上好Section A的前部分,既可让知识学习具有一定的延续性,又可为下面的教学做好铺垫,对完成本单元和今后的英语教学具有重要的意义。

重点、难点及处理 对于Secttion A前部分的教学,我准备把对词汇的掌握和听力的理解作为重点,把结队活动的核心对话作为难点。这是因为我校地处农村,学生在英语学习方面没有一个好的语言氛围,也没有听力训练的条件,因此解决这一重点,能让学生进一步感受英语语言的美,体验知识间的相互应用、相互依存的联系,让学生充满自信,体验成就感和合作精神。

教学方法 为达到以上的教育教学目标,根据英语“课标”中强调课程要从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参入、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力,是语言学习的过程成为学生主动参与、勤于动脑,提高跨文化意识的过程。根据学校和学生的实际,我将在教学中利用实物,采用任务型教学模式,运用情景教学法,结合听说法、竞赛法,以循序渐进的方式来进行教学。


9.新目标 七年级 8单元教案 篇九


1.It’s seven o’clock.________American boy is reading in the classroom.A.AB.AnC.TheD./

2.Mr.Black likes _________newspapers.A.look atB.looking atC.readD.reading

3.Today is like ________day for me.A.anyB.any otherC.otherD.some others

4.Look!Class 5 are having PE.Some are running, ________are playing soccer.A.otherB.othersC.the otherD.the others

5.Mr.Black has two children.One is son, ________is a daughter.A.anotherB.the otherC.otherD.an other

6.--__________________?--It’s a quarter to five.A.What time is itB.What day is todayC.When is nowD.What’s the date

7.I am playing tennis.Do you want ________me?

A.playB.to playC.joinD.to join

8.The children _________now.A.danceB.dancingC.is dancingD.are dancing

9.–What is Kate doing?--She________ her homework.A.doB.doesC.doingD.is doing

10.Look!Bill ________to a CD.A.is listeningB.listeningC.listensD.listen

11.–Are you at home?--Yes, I ________ TV.A.watchB.watchingC.am watchingD.to watch

12.It’s eight o’clock.Class Nine ________English.A.haveB.hasC.are havingD.is having

13.–Kate, can you help me?--Sorry, I _______my homework.A.doB.doesC.am doingD.doing

14.Listen!There’s a girl _______the song.A.singB.singsC.is singingD.singing

15.Mum, must I _______my homework now?

A.doB.doingC.am doingD.to do

16.What _______Laura ________on weekends?

A.is , doingB.do, doC.does, doesD.does, do

17.--Where’s Jenny?--She with her sister _________.A.shopB.shopsC.is shoppingD.are shopping

18.Jenny _______her clothes now.A.don’t washB.doesn’t washC.isn’t washD.isn’t washing

19.Jenny ________on Mondays.Look!She ________.A.exercises, is exercisingB.exercises, exercisesC.is exercising, exercisesD.is exercising, is exercising

20.Let’s _________the soccer game ________TV now.A.watch, onB.to watch, inC.watching, onD.are watching, in


Thanks for ’s Around the World show.Today we It’s a beautiful day.度假__6__on the beach(沙滩).__7__those people, they are__8___beach volleyball.They look cool.This is ___9__

interesting place.The people here are __10__.1.A.lookingB.looking atC.watchD.joining


3.A.It hasB.It haveC.There haveD.There’re

4.A.a photoB.photosC.photoesD.an photo

5.A.swimB.swimmingC.are swimingD.are swimming

6.A.runB.are runningC.runningD.runs

7.A.LookB.Look atC.SeeD.Watch






In England people usually don’t talk very much.On a bus or a train, you can see everyone sits looking out of the window(看着窗外).And they often read books and newspapers.But they don’t talk much.When you meet

English people, they often talk about one thing – the weather.So when you meet someone in England, you can say,―It’s fine today, isn’t it?‖

―But it was a little cold yesterday.‖ He may answer.―Oh, it will be warmer later!‖ you can say.Talk like this, and the English will think, ―How friendly you are!‖

1.In England people often on a bus or train.A.read booksB.read newspapersC.talk muchD.A and B

A.the newspaperB.the familyC.the weatherD.the books

3.When you meet a young woman on a train, you can say,A.―You are beautiful.‖B.―It’s fine day today, isn’t it?‖

C.―How old are you?‖D.―It’s very kind of you.‖

4.The woman may answer,.A.―Thank you.‖B.―I’m twenty—five.‖

C.―You are beautiful, too.‖D.―But it was a little cold yesterday‖

5.If you talk about the weather with English people, they may think you are.A.friendlyB.friendC.beautifulD.Good


It is a Sunday morning.There are many children in the beautiful park.They are having a good time.Some are playing games under a big tree.Some are singing and dancing.Some boys and girls are running up the small hill.Others are boating on the lake.Where is Dick ? He is sitting by the lake.What’s he doing? He is drawing.Look!What is Jane doing? She is on the grass.She is running after a nice butterfly.She wants to get it.1.It istoday.A.MondayB FridayC.SundayD.Saturday

2.The childrenunder the big tree.A.are dancingB.are singingC.are running up the treeD.are playing games

3.The children are boating.A.on the lakeB.in the riverC.on the hillD.under the tree

4.What is Dick doing ?.A.He is running after a birdB.He is singingC.He’s drawingD.He’s boating

A.She’s in the boatB.She’s on the grassC.She’s by the lakeD.She’s on the hill


1.Does he like ________newspapers?

2.I have a lot of homework ________school nights.3.--________Jack’s parents doing?--They are shopping.4.It _________me two hours to do my homework every day.5.They are studying ________a test?

6.Jenny is now ________her bed.7.He usually ________the computer to study.8.Chinese like the Dragon Boat __________a lot.用所给词的正确形式填空

1.Do you want _________(go)to the movies with me?

2.I wish ________(play)soccer well.3.It’s fun ________(watch)games.4.What are you good at _______(do)?

5.Lucy _________(practice)________(swim)in summer afternoons.6.She ________(have)to _________(take)the books to Mary now.7.--_______Jenny ________(wash)her clothes?--No, she isn’t.8.What ________Laura _________(do)on Sunday?

9.What ________Laura _________(do)now?

10.Cathy, _________(not clean)the room now.句子改写

1.I’m watching TV.(一般疑问句)__________you __________TV?________are her friends _________? 3.Her friends are cleaning the room.________are her fiends __________?

4.My mother makes soup every Sunday.(用now改写)My mother _________ _________soup now.5.Let’s go boating._________ ________go boating?

6.He’_________he __________?


A: Hi, Laura.___________________________?

B: Fine, thanks.And you?

A: I’m fine, too.Laura, ______________________________?

B: I’m reading a book.A: ___________________________________?

B: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the sea(海底两万里).A: ____________________________________?

B: It’s very interesting.I like it very much.Joan, __________________________________?

A: Yes, I’m listening to a pop song.书面表达

