1.雅思大作文环境保护 篇一
How to deal with old buildings has long been a tough problem facing city planners. It costs too much money to refurbish and maintain, and the city does need more area to construct new buildings. However, the government still has to resist the pressure from people who call for pulling them down and allocate funds to protect them.
In the first place, we cannot afford to lose them, which are important in the flow of our culture through time. An old architecture helps people connect with the past and hence form their culture identity. For example, the old castles and churches in Britain tell local people what kind of lives their ancestors lived; the Forbidden City in Beijing, China, makes all Chinese people proud of their country. If the government fails to preserve those buildings, we will lose them forever. Even if we may rebuild them someday in the future, we cannot reproduce the history. As a result, our children can only learn history and culture through pictures.
In the second place, the historical and traditional buildings will promote development of local tourism and hence local economy. In modern society, travel has become an important part of people’s entertainment activities. The historical sites will attract numerous visitors, which not only ensures tickets revenue, but also means more business opportunities to local people. The coming visitors will take transportations, live in hotels, hire tour guides, buy souvenirs, and have dinner in restaurants. As a result, a series of job opportunities will be generated, so as to cater the needs of tourists. If the investment in the historical and traditional buildings achieves success, it will benefit people in the long term by a prosperous economy.
To sum up, it is highly necessary for governments to preserve old buildings which are important for the protection of history and economic development.
People think that old buildings should be knocked down and give way to the new buildings. Do you agree or disagree? How important are old buildings to us?
2.用极简主义法攻克雅思大作文 篇二
学术类的雅思大作文通常有四个评分标准:写作任务回应情况(task response)、连贯与衔接(coherence and cohesion)、词汇丰富程度(lexical resource)、语法多样性及准确性(grammatical range and accuracy)。为了追求多样性和丰富性,达到内容与语言以及词汇与语法的表里如一(有思想的内容配上高档的语言,正式的词汇配上正式的语法结构),有些考生在考试中一味追求华丽的辞藻,使用复杂的长难句,往往导致词语或句型使用不当,不仅会给考官造成阅读压力,而且会有“假大空”之嫌。下面笔者将极简主义写作风格引入雅思大作文写作,这种方法在使文章符合四项标准的基础上,可以减少考生和考官的压力:考生不必使用复杂的语言,考官也不需要为理解复杂的语言表达而费脑力。笔者以一篇例文为例,从两方面分析例文的写作风格和特点:一是考生与考官的关系,二是考生与话题的关系。概括来说,前者可概括为亲切,后者可概括为醒豁。
题目 Some people think that instead of preventing climate change, we need to find a way to live with it. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
It’s getting hotter. The change of climate is an undeniable fact, and it has a not-quite-pleasant effect on our life. Should we simply accept it and learn to adapt to it? Or, should we reverse the change, turning the tide? I think we should first learn to adapt to buy us more time to make the change.
We should make the change because it is we human beings who incurred the change. The rise of mankind is closely related to the rise of CO2 in the atmosphere. The more industrialized we are, the more fossil fuel we burn. Limiting the burn and lowering the CO2 emission can curb the change, and that has proved to be workable in many highly industrialized cities like London, which were once heavily polluted. Were it not for the century-long effort for a cleaner sky by the British, the most man-made poisonous place would probably be London. The return of the clean sky proves our capability to reclaim the better climate.
However, we need first to adapt to the current climate for it takes a considerable amount of time for us to make the change that we are fully capable of. Rome was not built in a day. Reclaiming the better climate on a global scale takes complex organization and determined execution, and it requires a transnational policy-making body, such as the UN, which is being confronted with enormous political difficulties. Also, the proper technologies to make the change but yet to be developed still ask us to be patient. Although it might seem like being a coward to wait and comply, learning to live with and bear the harsh climate ensures that we outlive the harshness and witness our success.
All in all, it is wise to adapt while set about the reclamation. After all, we the sapient, have survived the last Ice Age.
通常,人称代词you、I、he/she在雅思大作文中不建议使用,但是we却可以,因为它能瞬间拉近考生与考官的距离。上述例文中出现的we暗示考生和考官命运是相连的,这在一定程度上增加了文章的亲切感。这也是美国大选演讲中常用的伎俩。相反,主语是物、语态为被动的句子往往会显得冰冷无情,比如“The change should be made”。当然,考生若要谈论常识问题,口吻需要非常客观时,最好不要用we,否则就会显得过于自大,有未经允许代表他人之嫌。
简单措辞指能用短词就不用长词,能用change就不用fluctuation,能用burn就不用consume。这些短词大部分是英语中最常用、最基本的单词,对于native speakers就像家乡话一样亲切。对考生来说,短词在高中阶段基本都学过,它们的搭配相对随意,意思内涵广泛,怎么用也不会错到哪里去。短词的缺点就是略显low,观点好的话又有些屈尊将贵,全看考生能不能用稍正式的句法hold住了。
简单句的句子成分简单,主要是主、谓、宾,通常句子较短。复杂句的句子成分除了主、谓、宾,还会有定语(形容词和定语从句)、状语(何时、何地、何原因)等,通常较长。简单句适合跟考官建立关系,留下亲切的印象,例如例文中的第一句“It’s getting hotter”就是用来“拉关系”的。复杂的句型则是用来彰显自己的实力的,例如例文第二句“The change of climate is an undeniable fact, and it has a not-quite-pleasant effect on our life”。如果考生一开始就显山露水,未免显得唐突,不如一步步地将考官带入你的论证,在考官彻底信任你之后(主体段落过半时)再开始尽情表现,这样考官也不会被开篇、开段超长的学术套话吓到。
复杂句不是不推荐使用,而是要在逻辑的推动下使用。要知道,频繁的转述(比如it is known to us all that)和厚重的定语修饰(which、that)可是典型的高规格英语行文。在例文里,这样的高规格句型直到第三段才开始出现。第三段是文章的深处,前两段的推理步步为营,雪球越滚越大,到了第三段有必要来个前情提要。把之前的观点总结出来,再连接上本段的观点,考生就可以运用一些复杂的句型了:比如“we are fully capable of”是为了重复第二段的内容(capability to reclaim),有承接的作用;之后的which引导的非限制性从句是为了精炼地举一个实例,避免段落超字数。Complex organization、determined execution、enormous political difficulties本身就是大词配搭,它们的出现正好呼应了改善气候的复杂程度。总之,大词长句要在“情到深处”时用才妙。
此外,文章主题句还需要包含各主体段的主题词组。主题词组是每一段凝练的结果:make the change概括了第二段,buy the time概括了第三段。诚然,这种凝练的过程比较烧脑,但写作何尝不是一种思维训练呢?也有人在这句只交代了态度(同意或不同意),却没有交代持这种态度的原因,这就是在给考官添麻烦:考官想要迅速知道考生为什么同意,就必须得细读文章。考生是在给考官写文章看,最好不要增加其阅读压力。
段落主题句必须包含三个元素:what、how、why,对应中文写作中的论题、论点、论据。我们常见的错误是why的缺失。如果考生把what和how简化为A=B,那么why则是这个公式的原因,而上段提到的询证又是这个公式的原因的原因:可见我们回答了两个“为什么”,形成了一个因果链,这样可以显示出考生的深度。例如,“We should make the change”是A=B,“because it is we human beings who incurred the change”是公式的原因,“The rise of mankind is closely related to the rise of CO2 in the atmosphere”和“The more industrialized we are, the more fossil fuel we burn”是上述原因的原因。再例如,“we need first to adapt to the current climate”是公式,“for it takes a considerable amount of time for us to make the change that we are fully capable of”是原因,“Rome was not built in a day”是原因的原因。想要写出彰显深度的因果链,考生就必须在主题句写出“为什么”。
段落结尾句是用来给读者加深印象的。它不必像段落主题句那样严格,但也要有语不惊人死不休的气概和余音绕梁的效果。读者在进入下一段、离开前一段的时候都会下意识对这段做一个评判:这段写完没有?有没有跑题?到底表达的是什么?例如,例文第二段的capability与其第一句的should make the change呼应,第三段的live with and bear与其第一句的time呼应。如果段落中考生的论证写得好,那么结尾句可以锦上添花,不好的话也可以亡羊补牢。
最后一段的最后一句需要有“别有洞天”的意味。如果按照“总—分”结构写,考官到了最后一段已经不期望读到任何新信息了,只期望考生不要跑题。平庸的结尾段就是个巴掌大的句号——到此为止。但若是能用一句话打开一扇天窗,指引考官进入更高层次的思考,这将有利于考官给出较高的分数。曾有个笑话:最好的结尾就是把最后一段删去三行,故意留下余音绕梁的效果。考生要做的是暗示考官:我思考了很多,只是时间有限,没写出来。上述例文最后一句提到了最后一次冰河时代,想必读到此处你脑海里会浮现那部同名电影的故事情节,会浮现所有的相关知识,会思考人既然度过了冰河时代,为何不能度过当前的气候变化。例文最后一句中,we的同位语the sapient暗示人之所以是人是因为我们有理性、科学的工具,照应之前第一段的make the change和第二段的capability,将全文再次贯穿起来。然而,考生不能也没必要把引发的思考内容全部写出来,因为引发考官去想要比平白的叙述更具说服力。
行句即用长短合适的句子不紧不慢地向读者交代信息。合适长度的句子通常包含旧信息(什么)、新信息(怎么样),有时再搭配一个修饰语(定语、状语),可新可旧。要做到娓娓道来,考生不能每一句都是新信息,这样会令考官应接不暇。好的句子需要前一半旧、后一半新。这样“旧—新—旧—新”地延续下去,可以将考官的阅读压力降到最低。例如,例文第一段第二句的change of climate连接第一句hotter,第三句的it连接第二句的fact,第四、五句的change连接第二句的change。看似是简单句间的来回重复,实际上已完成了首段的使命。
修饰语指定语(类似形容词)和状语(类似副词),这些用得太多会让文章的次要信息过多,会让考官看得眼花缭乱。大部分情况下,考生用名词和动词表达主要信息,形容词和副词表达次要信息。例如“We have succeeded in reclaiming the clean sky”的重点在succeeded,而“We have successfully reclaimed the clean sky”重点就在reclaimed,successfully只是一个可有可无的信息。再如“that has proved to be widely workable in many highly industrialized cities like London”中的widely虽然炫但还是多余,因为之后有many。追求极简,考生只留下不得不交代的信息。例文第一段里的undeniable和not-quite-pleasant无法省略,否则原句意思就发生了变化。
适当的关键词重复可以给考官留下深刻印象。英文书面语讲究同义反复,为了追求词藻华丽,一篇文章中可能用几个同义词或近义词相互替换,雅思阅读的许多考点就落在这个同义反复的理解能力上。例如,用societies替换countries,neighborhood替换communities,例文中的reverse、reclaim可以算是近义替换。然而,也有些词笔者不建议考生频繁替换,比如文章的关键词。Change是上述例文的关键词,它既表示努力(make the change),也表示气候变化(the change of climate)。由于change是英语中的基本词汇,搭配灵活,文章里多次出现并不会单调,同时还能保证行文切题。
3.雅思大作文环境保护 篇三
In my country, a century ago, it was not easy for a child to grow up due to malnutrition and diseases. But today, parents are able to not only guarantee children’s material abundance, but also provide them with qualified education. All these allow children to have more freedom enabling them to have better development.
Admittedly, it seems plausible to assert that children, given the young age, are not mature enough to enjoy much freedom. Obviously, children sometimes lack necessary experience and knowledge for them to make right decision or regulate their behaviors. Without any restriction, they may fail to resist the temptation and indulge themselves with freedom. For example, they are likely to spend all their pocket money on snacks, such as candies and puffed food, which is bad for health, or they waste too much time on watching TV and playing computer games, which squeeze up their time for other more meaningful activities.
However, with parents’ appropriate and effective supervision and guidance, children can benefit a lot from the freedom. It is parents’ responsibility to help children cultivate self-discipline and self-control and teach them how to judge right and wrong. All these are indispensable for children to enjoy freedom. Hence, they are free to explore the outside world and govern their life. The free access to Internet enables them to gain knowledge and make friends; the free choices of study and entertainment help them become independent and responsible. In a word, with the freedom, children are able to nurture many valuable traits and habits.
To sum up, it is beneficial for children today to have much freedom in life.
In many parts of the world, children have more freedom than they used to. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?
4.雅思大作文写法 篇四
5.雅思大作文真题 篇五
If the government persuades its citizens to take care of their environment at the local level, some environmental problems will then be solved. Only if every individual in different areas choose to lead a low carbon lifestyle , for example driving less but taking public transport more and using less disposable products but reusing and recycling more, the air will be cleaner and resources on which we thrive consumed less.But if all individuals just continue to damage the environment and take no action to change, the environment in which they reside and live will become a uninhabitable place. Without cooperation with different groups at the local level, the environment will hardly be improved.
But only pushing people to conserve the environment locally cannot address all environmental problems fundamentally. For example, the energy crisis has recently been a tricky problem for most countries, a problem that is so complex that it is beyond an individual’s ability to deal with. This is mainly because developing clean and renewable energy costs money and resources and because a growing number of environmental problems are no longer confined to a certain region or country.
Even worse, a majority of people are reluctant to adopt the solutions the government has proposed. The major reason is that many people consider the environment problem as a future concern. Some environment problems, such as climate change,may need to be tackled even after a century. Time and money is better invested in coping with immediate problems such as house shortage and traffic jam than in preventing a disaster that is only expected to happen in the future.
In conclusion, workable as it seems , inducing people to defend their own local environment not only fails to be an effective solution but is difficult to make this goal a reality in real life and in addition to individual efforts, other measures are also necessary especially when the environment problems is caused by a combination of factors, many of which are too big for an individual to resolve.字数 336words
6.雅思写作大作文 篇六
With the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our attention.Quite a few people hold the opinion that… On the other hand, there are also a majority of people who firmly take the view that… In this essay, I will attempt to present both sides of this argument in order to establish my position on this issue of / that…
Those people who strongly believe that… have cogent reasons for it.First of all, … Secondly, … Finally, …
People rarely reach an absolute consensus on such a controversial issue.The other side of the coin has voiced strong opposition, saying that… To begin with, … Next, … , Furthermore, … From what has been mentioned above, we may see that there is some truth in both arguments.Personally, I side with the latter opinion that…
With the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our attention.Quite a few people hold the opinion that… On the other hand, there are also a majority of people who firmly take the view that… There is probably a little bit of truth in both arguments.For my mart, I totally agree with the latter ones.There are numerous reasons why I hold this opinion, and I would explore a few of the most important ones here.In term of substantive level, the reason mentioned below seems to be advisable and deserve more consideration…
What is also worth noticing is that …
Finally, the incomparable advantage of this view is that …
Taking into account all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that …
In recent years, much more attention than ever before has been paid to… It is crucial that we analyze the causes of this disturbing issue and explore the effective solutions.From my own perspective, the causes are multiple.Some of the most common factors will be discussed below, followed by some responsible solutions.In terms of substantive level, the reason mentioned below seems to be advisable and deserve more consideration.…
There is a further more subtle point we must consider.…
What is more, …
7.雅思真题大作文高分 篇七
To commence with, it is conceivable that telecommuting saves time for employees. Without spending time on the way to and from work, office workers have more disposable time and the flexible schedule, in which case, they could work the hours they wished and have a better rest. In addition, online communication enlarges the circle of friends. More specifically, social networking websites is deemed as an effective way to make connections with people with similar interests and goals. What’s more, long distance communication relieves couples or families from lovesickness and homesickness. Even though living thousands of miles away from hometown, they can stare at the faces of their beloved and listen to their voice.
In terms of online shopping, it has been thought as the indispensable part of modern life due to its convenience. Instead of going to malls, the only thing consumers have to do is viewing the high-definition pictures and click the button of payment, the commodities they choose would be delivered at home in several days or appointed time. This is especially useful for people working on a tight schedule or in times of inclement weather. Undeniably, customers can purchase goods all over the world; in consequence, there is no need for them to travel to foreign countries for some fancy dresses or handbags.
On the flip side, a lack of face-to-face contact does generate harmful effects, among which the most obvious is that the loss of interpersonal skills in reality. In fact, body language such as eye contact and gestures, and social psychology laid emphasis on in real way are invalid and ignored in virtual world, making people incompetent and unskilled in face-to-face situations.
8.雅思大作文环境保护 篇八
Urban design is a popular major in many universities, and students graduating from this major work with governments, institutions or companies to help improve people’s life in cities by locating buildings of different functions in the right place. In my mind, it is more advantageous to locate buildings of same functions together and separate from those of different functions.
Admittedly, the design of mixing residential buildings, office buildings, schools and shops together saves people time of traffic. It is convenient for students to go to school which is within walking distance. Also, adults can spare more time in the morning to enjoy healthy breakfast and in the evening to prepare delicious food for the whole family. Even better, there should be shops offering various commodities supporting people’s daily life and a cinema or a theater that local residents can visit after work or in weekends to watch the latest movie.
However, the above mentioned ideal design of building location can only be seen in a few tiny cities with small population. In metropolitan cities, such layout can only bring troubles. The reason is simple that residents opt for a school or company not just because of the distance that is away from home, but mainly because of what they desire to achieve from the the education or career. It is impossible for a community to have schools and companies that can satisfy all parents and children living here. Consequently, people still have to drive during rush hours.
On the contrary, if buildings of same function gather together, city life can be more convenient and comfortable. Usually, as the shopping mall attracts numerous consumers and generates much traffic, it is not supposed to be located near neighborhood where ought to be quiet. Moreover, the set up of a business district facilitates the communication between companies. It is convenient for companies to meet business partners, banks and even consultants. All these just require appropriate management of transportation, like shuttle bus.
To sum up, city planners ought to design the layout of buildings according to different roles and functions. The advantages of gathering offices, schools, homes and shops together and separating from each other far outweigh the disadvantages.
In many cities, planners have located schools, homes, shops and offices in specific areas, which are widely separated from each other. Do the advantages of this policy outweigh the disadvantages to the city residents.
9.雅思大作文结尾怎么写 篇九
比如:In conclusion, physical punishment can be a useful method of discipline.However, it should be the last choice for parents.If we want to build a world with less violence we must begin at home, and we must teach our children to be responsible.在这个结尾段中,用了表示结尾的信号词,即In conclusion。首句委婉地回顾全文,之后用转折阐述自己的看法和观点。最后再用一个对于未来的期望来支撑自己的观点。这种顺序安排的优点在于对于文章的主体有很好的总结,同时观点又是非常鲜明有力的,加上对于未来的润色,使得表达更流畅。
10.雅思大作文开头怎么写? 篇十
例1:The number of plants and animals is declining. Describe some reasons for this problem and suggest some solutions.
开头段:It is undeniable that wildlife habitats are being destroyed and whole species of plants and animals are disappearing. There are several causes of this alarming trend, but measures could certainly be taken to tackle the problem.
解析:第一句改写题目,用whole species of plants and animals对应/替换plants and animals,用are disappearing 对应is declining,提到了题中所有内容并用“栖息地被破坏”进行了背景拓展。第二句直接回应题目要求,有原因,有办法。
例2:In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing. What problems will this cause for individuals and society? Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of ageing populations.
开头段:It is true that people inindustrialised nations can expect to live longer than ever before. Although there will undoubtedly be some negative consequences of this trend, societies can take steps to mitigate these potential problems.
解析:第一句改写题目,用It is句型引出事实,用industrialised nations对应in teh developed world,用expect to live longer thant before对应average life expectancy is increasing,回应题中所有内容。第二句用Although使句子更紧凑,回应了任务要求,negative consequences对应problems,measures对应steps,mitigate these potential problems对应reduce the impact of .
例1:Some people think that museums should be enjoyable places to entertain people, while others believe that the purpose of museums is to educate.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
开头段:People have different views about the role and function of museums. In my opinion, museums can and should be both entertaining and educational.
解析:第一句用套句开头,但对原题内容进行了改写和概括,本文用the role and function替换了原文的the purpose。第二句概括给出自己的观点,两者可以共存.
例2:Some people think that strict punishments for driving offences are the key to reducing traffic accidents. Others, however, believe that other measures would be more effective in improving road safety. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
开头段:People have differing views with regard to the question of how to make our roads safer. In my view, both punishments and a range of other measures can be used together to promote better driving habits.
组长解析:第一句用套句开头,并对有争议的问题进行了概括,用how to make our roads safer替换原文的reducing traffic accidents和improving road safety。第二句概括给出自己的观点,两种观点都能发挥作用。
例1:Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified, while others think it is unfair.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
开头段:It is true that sports stars often earn huge salaries. While there are some good reasons why this is the case, I personally believe that it is wrong for these people to be paid more than other professionals.
解析:第一句用It is句型改写题目,用often earn huge salaries对应原文earn a great deal more money。第二句用While句型,表达对一方的认同和自己的倾向,用other professionals 对应原文people in other imortant proffesions.
例2:Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school.Discuss both views and give your opinion.
开头段:When they finish school, teenagers face the dilemma of whether to get a job or continue their education. While there are some benefits to getting a job straight after school, I would argue that it is better to go to college or university.
解析:第一句改写题目,呈现一个事实背景,用finish school对应after school,用whether to把两方观点串起来,用continue their education对应studying at university or college 。第二句给出自己观点。
例题:It is inevitable that traditional cultures will be lost as technology develops. Technology and traditional cultures are incompatible. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?
开头段1-agree:It is true that technology is developing at an incredible rate, and that traditional societies and cultural practices are disappearing as a result. I therefore agree with the view that technology and traditional cultures cannot coexist.
解析:第一句用it is 句型改写背景,用traditional societies and cultural practices替换原文traditional cultures,用 are disappearing对应will be lost,用as a result对应原文的因果关系。第二句给出自己立场,同意题中观点,用cannot coexist对应原文are incompatible.
开头段2-disagree:Some people would argue that technological developments lead to the disappearance of traditional societies and cultural practices. I completely disagree with this view because I see no reason why technology cannot coexist with traditional cultures and even enhance them.
解析:第一句用Some people would argue替换原文It is evitable that,用lead to对应原文因果关系。第二句给出自己立场,完全不同意题中观点,并简单说明原因。
开头段3-partly agree:Some people believe that technological developments lead to the disappearance of traditional cultures.While this may be true in the case of some societies or customs, others seem to be unaffected by technology and the modern world.
解析:第一句用Some people believe that替换原文It is evitable that。第二句用While句型,部分认可题中观点,并提出不都是这样。
例题:Some universities now offer their courses on the Internet so that people can study online. Is this a positive or negative development?
开头段:It is true that online courses are becoming a common feature of university education. Although there are some drawbacks of Internet-based learning, I would argue that there are far more benefits.
解析:第一句用It is true that改写题目,用university education替换some universities, 用online courses替换courses on the Internet,用are becoming替换now。第二句用Although回应题目并给出自己观点,用drawbacks替换negative, 用benefits替换positive。
11.雅思大作文 篇十一
It is no doubt that environmental protection needs the global efforts. In order to find an effective solution to pollution, governments from all over the world have to make stricter laws and regulations on the emission of polluted substances. Furthermore, international cooperation makes it possible for scientists to launch research seminars to exchange their diverse and innovative ideas, from which they may gain the inspiration to design more clean energy like wind and solar energy and address environmental problems.
International integration plays an indispensable role in developing prosperous business, which support the other side’s opinion. On the one hand, with the help of advanced technology and professional skills offered by developed nations, developing countries become capable of harnessing adequate resources and achieving the goal of maximizing business profits as soon as possible. On the other hand, more employment opportunities are created on the products-supply sides and a better quality of life is shared by skill-receiving ends. Admittedly, without economic collaboration on such a massive scale, a huge number of countries would be likely to be embroiled in starvation except for the few blessed with fertile lands and wise governmental leadership.
Judging from the detailed analysis on both sides, I think both aspects are extremely significant during the process of propelling global progress. However, it is high time that multinational collaboration paid more attention to environmental issues to catch up with the pace of global business development.